x ♦ TffiNDRSBIGMOTHER';^„ •^- » VVann, sunny house, I need jtour • " â- * prayers to-day, Mwtefti Lullaby^ _ 1 Often Finds Herself Weak and That wh«,i i go among confusing Rock-a-bye baby, upon the bougn, , ^ _ ^ sounds You get your milk from a certified cow, Feeling Worn-Out. Or elghta as«ail me that deny you> Before your eugenic young parents • _ | peace ' were wed. J^" """'»8 '»°^^«'^ «»»^« ^'**" °"^ I «tm may know that deep wltMn your ! They had decided how yoii should be otber woman needs rich blood and j,^^ fed. P>*"'y °' '*• "^^ demands UDon her ^^5^,^^ unshaJien Love Inviolate, irush-a.byc, baby, on the treo-top, fefJH' are many and severe â„¢8- Enthroned within ^<. kingdom atosodute. 1 If grandmother trots you. you tell her "oW duties and the care of her ch Id- ^Ue kingdom of my home. Or call it ! to stop, "^^ ^''^^^^ '»««^ ^''. "â- "»« *'"['â- «•' heaven. j Shun the trot-horse that your grand- meals broken rest snd Indoor living p^^ ^^^g,, ^^^ ^^.^ wherein reigns mother rides, ^"l'« weaken her. No wonder she harmony. j It will work harm to your itttle inaldes. 8 often indisposed through weakness, untouched forever by the twisting lies tend to weaken her. No wonder she Is often indisposed through weakness, -she know all the headaches, backaches and nervous- , ness. In this condition the blood will P ATENTS A Ult of "Wanted liivMtlut" u< rul Inloraatlon %tni FrM *ii ll M »iit; Th. R.m«y Co. •••^.gJ^HjliS CARAt/ML t.NO 7MCMTt;it,AL SeNU FOR FKCE CATALOGUE â- *Se SPflOfN/t * 3f* CUMBULUNO EASTER NOVELTY for Confeetlonert. The very latuC tn Confeetlonert. The very Chocotats Mould. One confectioner bought tlx on tight. Oog, Bunny. Chlokene. all on one ehoeoUte bar, til made In one operation. Act now. Don't delay. Sent by mail prepaid for tZ-OO. H. O. MERS. 34S WAVERLEY. TOROMTO $2.00 Mamma's scientiflc 1&W8 She kisses' Her darling through cai^i^J'^ays be foun^ weak and watery, bolized gauze. , ^""^ 'â- »"®' '''» come only through en- Rock-a-bye, baby; dont wriggle and [Iching the blood. For this purpose g 'j^^. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills 1» the best near you that looks like a ' blood-making tonic known. Through their use many weak, ailing wives and Nothing is germ There i« a Differenea. Teacher â€" "How many there in a minute?" Pupilâ€" "What kind do you mean, a real minute or one of those walt-ar minutes?" " An Average Man. "Pop, what do ^ye mean when we speak of an average man?" "An average man, my eon. Is one who isn't half a» good as his wife mothers have found new health and strength. As .an example of this Mrs. second* are ; ^•""'^ Cortex, Ellenstown, N.B., says: j â€" "While nursing my baby I became mn-down, very weak and nervous. My head ached all the time and I was not able to do my work. I ha4 often read of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and began using them, and what a blesatng.they proved. Before I had used a half dozen boxes I felt like a new person, and by their continued use for a while ^^ ^^ I wae entirely restored to my former t;inV:hyis""i;;.oTe>e>rri;;^him:|f„«^^^^^^ ^ take Pleasure nor half so bad as she thinks he is afterward." The truth hurts, and so would you if you were stretched aa much. "Brederen, we must do something to r&medy the Status Quo," said a negi'O preacher to his congregation. "Brudder Jones, what am de Status Quo?" asked a member. "Dat, my brudder," said the preach- er, "am Latin for de mess we's In." A Handful of ''Royal Qiullty" BABY CHICKS Born to Live and Lay IS WORTH A YARDFUL OF THE CHEAP VARIETY ' THEY are bred mostly from flocks mated with Kscord-of Performance Males, whose ancestry proved to be heavy layers. TREY are strong, hardy, vigorous Canadian chicks, from Canadian flocks, bred to produce profitably in this climate. THEY are sold under a TWO- FOLD-GUARANTEE, aa to quality, and a square deal, plus an additional GUARANTEE OF 100 f. LIVE ARRIVAL. WRITE FOR FREE CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST. THE CANADIAN CHICK HATCHERY, LIMITED 147 King Street East HAMILTOM, ONTARIO Canadian Farmer Tells His Experience **\jes** "Roo^ti, widely knount Ontario farmer^ and a sick man for 20 years, suffered daily, only half alive. Now strong, robust, vigorous, credits new found health to Tardac Though popularly known a.s "Lcs," Mr. Booth'.s correct first uanio in George. His home is at 271 Pertii Ht., Brockville. For the past three years he has enjoyed vigorous health l)ut what he endured before then is best told in his own words. "I'"or twenty years my arms, shoulders, b.ick and nips, ached with rlieumatism," said Mr. Booth. "Often 1 had to quit work entirely and I remember one Dad spell that kept me in betl for six months. "My case got to be so chronic that the help ran the farm. I was prac- tically nol|!li'ss. Even my wrists and handis would. swell up so f hilt I couldn't write my name. I drciuled bedtime, for I got uo rest, but lay tlicre in agony, waiting for morning. Nervou.s spells would seize me and I would tremble all over like a leaf. I couldn't get any benefit from ray food and had to force myself to cat. My weigh t was far below normal. "Three years ago I decided to give 'anlae a good trial, for nothing else had helped me. I could scarcely l)e- lieve such re-iults were possible a.t ' The aching Tanlae a good trial, for nothing else ely l)e- ible aa aching stopped, my appetite came Ijacic and I could cat hcitilily. My nights be- ««me more restful, too, anU I slept soundly. I gained 16 pounds which I still retain, and 1 now woik hard out- doors from 8 to 1 hours a day. / never have an ache. Il'a hardly belieitnblef It folks want to know what Tanlao can do, tcU them to write to Lea Booth, or to come and sec mc. I'll tell 'em." If your health is broken from over» work 6r neglect, profit from Mr. Booth's experience. Try Tanlai;, na- ture's own body builder, made from roots, herbs and barks. Your druggist has it. Over S2 million botUcs sold. Suffered For Years liattle l^reek, Mich.: "Affillctod with kidney and llvei- complaint for over twenty years, I was Induced to try Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Keniedy, and after using it tor » time was completely cured. Am now well and strong. 1 can unqualifiedly state this niedlclue without any doubt saved my life and I can conaclentioiwly recommend it to others similarly afflicted. This testimonial Is given without any solicitation and by my own free will." Name on re- quest. Get Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy to-day. Improvement begins Rij so«n as you begin its use. Sold by all druggists. Price $L25 p«r bottle. Warner's Safe Remedies Co., Toronto, Ont. recommending Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to everyone suffering as I did." You can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mall at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. « A Matter of Choice. Which do you choose? To adhere to , the disinclination of the average man . and woman to discuss cancer, refuse to le.irn the facts about it and not he in a position to help yourself and your friends should the need arise? Or to ascertain the few proven items about cancer and thus help prevent your- self and your friends l>elng listed as one of the victims? We know very little about cancer, but one point we do know â€" it is cur- able if treated promptly. To ensure early treatment, we must know the s.'gnals which nature uses to warn us of danger. A lump on the lip of a man, any unusual discharge, a sore on the skin which will not heal, a lump on the female breast.ajtacks of so-called indigestion â€" these are all signs which We should not take the responsibility of disregarding. The only person who can say whether they may safely be overlooked is your doctor. Just count the number of people you know who have suffered from cancer and you will realize how urgent is the need to learn all you can about it. Jlen who have given years to Its study state that, whereas it is in their power to cure the large majority ^1 cancers, they are only able to apply the neces- sary treatment In atwut ten per cent. Why? The snme reason Is given wherever you go â€" "1 did not see the patient early enough." Nobody knows how many .cases of cancer are in Ontario at present, but everybody Is aroused by the fact that this Province lost three thousand of-her people from this cause in 1925. Yet the cancer situation Is not hope- less. Prevention of constipation is one means iu our hands to aid the pre- vention of cancer. The danger signals listed above are not difhcult to ob- serve and each means "See the doctor" immediately it is found; this is the one lK)werful weapon in our hand against cancer â€" early diagnosis and early treatment. That cloud men's thoughts and dirlve them into deeds Of fearfulnesfi and hate and miaery. humble dwelling, 'built on pure de- sires, 1 take you with nne now, go where I may, My home, my safe abiding-place, my heaven! â€"Elizabeth 0. Adams in The Monitor. Pure tea of finest quality, free of dust and packed in A/ttininmn, REDRpSE TEA*'' Stood t^- REI> ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra gosd. Uptet stomach, slusgiah liver, and acid condi- tion cause bad breath. Seigel's Syrup gets at tho cause. Try it and have a wholesume breath. Any drus store. Country of Centenarians. Spain Is the land of centenarians. The latest official oeusiis states that ,354 pel-sons (ninety-six men and 258 women t have reached the age of 100; seventy-flvB men and 204 women are more than 100 years old, and a num- ber have reached 110 years. There are 22.1.'i0 men anil 36,294 wo- men more than oighty years old. It will be seen that women are long- er lived than men. iCven Madrid, which has the reputation of being unhealthy, has twenty-four wninen and eleven men who are more than 100 years old. â- * MInard's Liniment for rheumatlsn^. MARCH WEATHER DANGEROUS TO BABY On Account of the Very Sudden Changes in Temperature. Our Canadian March weather â€" one day bright, but sloppy, the next blus- tery and coldâ€" is extremely hard on children. Conditions make it neces- sary for the mother to keep the little ones indoors. They are often confined to overheated, badly ventilated rooms and catch colds which rack their whole system. To guard against these colds and to keep die baby well till ! the better, brigliter days come along, a box of Baby's Own Tablets should be kept in the house and an occasional dose given the baby to keep his stom- ach sweet and his bowels worhing re- gularly. Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which never fall to regulate the stomach and bowels and thus relieve colds and simple fevers and keep baby fit. The Tablets are Sbld by nietTicine dealers or by mall at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont. ♦-, Go<f s Work and Fellow WiHJianen. When St. Paul tells us in one breath that we are "God'.s husbandry. God's building, God's fellow ' work- ers," his liiixed figure of speech shows that he i.s making a transition from one train uf tliought to another, and seeking :i mode of e.xpression ! that will enable him to describe God's j processes in human life in terms at ^ once active and passive on our own part. Metaphors drawn from agri- cultui;e and from nature were not the ones he cared for. He journeyed through the most in.spiring scenery, and if it ever made any deep inipres- bIou on hlSs miiul his lettRPs' do not show it. He has two brief references to gardening or farming-, but ino«tly he talks in terms of constructive i power and of qualities of human life, i When we consider human life and I the world of which it is a part, we ] are confronted with the fact of in- j completciieiis. We live in an unfinish- i ed world. The;e are deserts to he reclaimed, mountain torrents to be [ hanieirsed, directed and ioptrdled, j canals to be digged acro?.'i moVe than j one isthmus, and new jogjons of power to be oi-cupied and directed. Nor has it all been a failuie. Wher- ever there is a rose with more than five petals, God has hud help. Wher- ever iron fioats and dirifrihles heavier than .<tir ride the storm. God's law has not been overridden but interpreted | and made available. But higlicr and finer are the effects: of God'.s co-operation with man in the â- building of character. God can make' innocence, but stiong manly or wo- manly character is a joint product. The human licart there l>ecoines more than a building rai.sed by a divine architect, or a field passively receiv- ing what is wrought upon or sowed within it. It has had its own share in the happy result. This is a view of life which thrills with a noble sulf- respect. Men and women arc- builder?;. What i? bert in human characters is there l>ecause God and man have wrought togfether to have it so. .\ut\ the completed product if a temple for the indwellin}; of God. "Kor tho temple of God is w Oauified Ad vertisement*. FOR SALE. -^riCTBOI.* STTIJ;. FCI.L â- .4UINET. PiaTB y all rtcordi. tl kIk-Uuu. aulosKtl:. Valus itJ.O0 lor ttt.OO cuuuiunl. I'oIiko. 3t9 Mcuwt Boy&l But MAntrMl. " E SELL IMOO noHSKS A TEaH f<5 ulliftMt caitonxn. 8end lor oiu HHnsM 0»UloHi»; It win M« ruu mour). The ItnxalUirr. 10 Kelson Street. Tcronto. HtALTH 0LA8S. ITN'BRKAKABIJi UIJISS SCBSTITCTK FOR J poulur howM. Iioi btCt: ^vrt^i growth. Aotta't burn plantf. Dpllwml *5o tquire jti^i. I'eerlwM Poullrr. Elmlr*. Out. UI.NKA riOB WANTED. K«!l rAHTIlT'I^RS APPlr C«ci&4U(bt lAborKlonei, Uniirrslty of Toroato. PANVABl) FIBTO.S KINOS KIT WOUN CYL- IXUEBS and »aic t^sricUInK. <}uanuiteMl for IB. 000 jnilet. rnujird i'iklui Hlni Co . :;a-34 Frcttt St. W.. Toronto. REPAIR YOUR OWN TIRES AND TUBES. ITH OfB Ol-TFIT VOl! CA.N MAKB A w Vice-Admiral Sir Michael H. Hodges Who is now second in command of the British fleet in the Mediterranean. Punished With Rest For stealing to buy a dance dress, an EngUsib gjrl was sentenced to go to bed at 10 o'clock every night for three years. By the aid of plates sensitive to the invisible infra-red light, stars may be photographed in tlie davtime. ONLY $35.00 The IdMt Htncty Farm Mixer, m;xe$ .on^rrtp. mt»rii,r. fertllliiT. or wa&hu rooK It- cia - b» uiert on the farm the ifir iDuml. It nv^s iG i>-r rent. In reni?ni ux%i 76 per c«i;. !n lih(»r. , A PIae« Fw On# On Every Farm. Send for Builitin No. 126. LONDON CONCRETE MACHINERY CO.. LTD. 100 Kltcficuir Avf. London. CauatJ* BUNIONS IM tf permiLncnt repair friibouT anv ti«A( or toola. 7tubber hooti, hot water b(>n lea. (]>»«• and otct- skoea can be ftitxl. HtanUrtl lyt Oni* Dollar, Household 8lze Fifty «'i:nt»'. Tosltwid. Psed Iry ]ars«st Oiraces and Ht^pair .Shops. Mnnfr b«ci( i:u«rtiit*e. Send numry o.-ilcr. VIIL 1 Ol.l) SIZE. 4 Jl»»i>ital ST.. Mr>miTaL Acts Uke a Vlmmu fat ItoUcTliig^Colds That*! wbT lo Tzimny people bll^ "Bucklcr'i" to end Coughs. Bron- cbiUs and all Ttiroat, Chnt and LunK trouble*. It's instant, pleasant, suarantvcd. Tou'll note ita uniqtia powers in the very first do««~and there are 40 dosea in â- 7fi-cent bottlat Aik your drusci't for "BueUey'a". W. K. Buckley. Limited. 143 Mntiial St.. Toronto 2 (t MIXTUMK 9 J Ck^ Acu Ilk* a nathâ€" JjU wSjSu. * *'''â- '' *'P prove* ll oitjSI COSTIVE mm, HEADACHE, COLDS TAKE mARETS" No Headache, Sotir Stomach, Bad Cold or Constipation by morning I «od bimtofia f ontfr intA ni7 mw Pcdodrn* SotVMt trwtiMat. Vtin awpaaliBoallaitaaU \t. Actual redoctioa of tfa« •alartva vrowtta k>Jm" "â- ' ........ -.TUBawP* ittraatmaat. nla awpaalaoall .. . -.ctnal redoctioa of tfa« •alartva . Marta so ftat that your naxt ;»alr of aho** raa ba a aiM â- asailacâ€" ortaa tW9 •!*•• aauUw. PIIOVS IT niKEâ€" Juat Had raw nam* Ktid >d4r«M. no moaar, ftD4 tfa«/ail traatm«4 atSMt^to brlu coiaptota ramlta tsaf b« U trr< Mo obllgrtioa^Ao if â- â- â- â- RAY LABOIIAT0IUS9. Qf#t. aaso STOP FALLING HAIR with Mihard's. it stiiuulutes tlie growth of the hair. Stops dandruff. '' Get a Ill-cent box now. F^irreii Tongue. Bad C'olils, ludiges- lion. Sallow Skin and Miserable Head- aches come from a loipid liver and cloggetl bowels, which cause y.our stoni;. aih to bei'oiiie lilliMl with tindigested food, which sours and ferments Hlio garbage in a swill l)arrel. Thai's the first step to untold misery â€" indiges- tion. . fotil gases. ))i«i breath. yello\v slvlii. mental fears, pverylhing: tlint is liorrible and nauseating. A Cascaret to-nlglit will give your i-onsllpatetl bowels a ihorougli cleansing and straighten y^oii oia by morning. They work, while yon sleep â€" <a 10-eent box from your druggist will keep you feel- ing good for months. Millions of noen and women talic ;i Ca^cnret now and then to k©«p their stoniacli, liver and bowels r««-nlated.- and never know a miserable moment. Don't forget tho children- their itttle Inetdes need * good, gentle cleansing, too. I And He Was. The English actor, Mr. Ijnwson Butt who had recently returned home from | holy, which temple ye are." America, tells a good .story of an ex- ^ ~ perience that befell him while a guest I Keep MInard's LInimsnt in the stable. at the Los .\ngelss Athletic Club. I â€" •> - â€" A good-looking, bright-eyed young' .^- clock made entirely of straw, man came up to hint and claimed to ' even to the whwl.s, weight,-!, and pen- have met hini before. | dnlum, ha.s been constructed by a "Don't you remember me, .Mr. Hutt ?"! skilled clockniakev he said. "We both up]>eared in the same inelodsama on the other side." Butt, who hadn't the fainteet ideii i who the fellow was, asked him wh«t , he was doing in Hollywood. "Yon hope to become a s«cond Charlie Chaplin, I suppose?" Butt r*- 1 marketl. The other smiled. | "I am Charlie Chaplin," ln> replied \ quietly. .\nd he was! IF STOMACH IS TROUBLING YOU You can rely gn HILOHcom$ Instantly! End Indigestion or Stomach Misery with "Rape's Diapepsin" iiaama*«t««>>*>*n«« i ii n 1 1 1 rua aa>i« SPIRIN Dissolve two "B.WER T.\BLETS OF ASPIRIN" in four tablespoonfuls of water and gargle thoroughly. Swallow some of the solution. Don't rinse the mouth. Repeat gargle every necessary. two hours if This is an effective gargle proved saf« by millions and prescribed by physicians. ISSUE. No. 11â€" '27 I As soon as you eat a tablet or two ; of "Pane's niapepsin" your indlges- 1 Hon Is gone.' Heavy pain, heartburn, | I tiatulence. gtises, pnlpltation, or any' misery from ii sour, acid stomach ends, i Correct your stomach and digefillon j for a few cents. Knch pa'Ckax^ guar^ antoed by druafiit. I 5«K Accept only "Bayer" package. Look the ^aver for Cross." /or TONSILITIS and SORE THROAT Handy "Hnycr" hoxcs of 12 (ablets. .\leo bottles of 24 and IOCâ€" Draggist*. Aiplrln la Iho tm.Io mark (rriii.i.T"il :i CunrwUl of Ilnycr Mkuutftctura of Hono*c«lla- â- cldctler of SBliirliisciJ iAcbI.u J.-.U.^yli'.' A.'hI, "A. 3. A."t. Whil« it la wall kt. jr9 that AnplrlnDieiina l)nyi>t iii.-uiufm.iurr.io nm\n (l)e viiblu' iMtaintt ImltKtlona.ttia XaxJtU ol Bv'Br Coiupauy will b« tioinptU uitli tl!t:r nci.cr&l trade mark, Uif "Barer Oroaa.*