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Flesherton Advance, 9 Mar 1927, p. 7

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LJ > ' J-%,J,|J».J »'!W] BABrsOVNTABUTS M OF GREAT VALDE 'eF1dCNriiifsPh>v» Children in the Home. ' NoiHiflro do«a tk« fact that It U really mora •ooaomleal to buy tt* _____ best of materials wh«n buUding your j m- < â- â€¢ .. >. n _9 V home Impoee lU warning than In re- i To AU Mothers Havinsr Young lation to tb« problem of selecting flu- 1 l^hed floors for tbe new borne. The ' labor involved in tbe inataJlation of j No otbor medicine !• of such aid to Sood materials and In finishing (as la { t&others of young children as is Baby's the case of wood floor») is not much j Orn TaMets. The Tablets are the greater than where cheaper Inatalla- , tery be^ medicine a mother can give ttons are made. There Is no question i her Uttle ones during the dreaded that aside from aesthetic values, the I teething time because they regulate most important factor in selecting ' the stomach and bowels and thus drive flooring is to make certain that in its out constipation and indigestion; pre- flni»bed condition It will last for a Tent colic and diarrhoea and break up long period of time without deprecia- «oId« and simple fevers. i^'oo 'n appearance and without the Coscemlcg Baby's Own Tablets, constant necessity of reflnlshlng at an Krs. lohn A. Patterson, Scotch Vil- expense which soon mounts far be? k«e, I1I.S,, says:â€" "Ihave six chttdren. yond the Investment lor an original and all the medicine they ever get is good Installation. ! Baby's Own Tablets. I would use Practically all types of wood floor- nothing else for them and can strongly ings are available In several grad«iâ€" j reeommead the Tablets to aU other a point which tbe architect or dealer nothers." can explain. Of course, these grades Baby's Own Tablets are sold by vary in price and the owner will be medicine dealers or by mall at 25 wise to select the best In each case eents a box from Tbe Dr. Willianis' because the difference is only a few OWL-LAFFS O. W. L. (Oi Tintb Loidbter) I Educate yourself to be something â€" ' not only to get something. Medicine Co., Brockvllle, Ont. Fair Compromise. The clerV had sought out the coun- try merchant in whoee employ he had been for some time and preferred a re- quest for -a small Increase In pay. "1 d<>n't see my way clear to doing that," said the old man. "but I can do tbs same thing for you In another way. Ton kt^w that time is money?" "Yes, sir." "Well, hereafter you can work until â- Ix, Instead erf leaving at flve." « Man is the only animal that can be tkinned more than once. dollars per thousand feet, and the major costs of laying and finishing are the same. Pimples come from blocd that's not just right. If you want to get rid of facial blemishes try ~ igcl'sSKrop. Any drug store. 30 Days FreeTrial We wm shift 'REIGHT PREPAID No obligation to buy, but if you do, easiest terms are arranged. Guaranteed for ten years. Write now for particiilars. AfntswoHitdtilurtut The Long and Short of It. "Frederick," observed the wife, "you were Ulklng in your sleep last night, and yoa frequently spoke in terms of endearment of a certain Euphemla. Who is Euphemia?" "Why. my dear, that is my sister's cami}." "Frederick: Your sister's name is Mary!" "Yes, dear, but we always called her Euphemla for short." O- Ten per cent, of the people . who bought motor cars in the U.S. on the hire-purchase system during 19'26 have had to return their cars because they could not keep up the instal- ments. Swedish Giv the children SHILOE ^•FOR COUGHS ^^^coa^^.M BUNIONS" 36a Notre Dam* St. Moatraal 1 It's a changing world, til right. Only a few siort years ago the doctor would, tell fond parents that he'd vaccinated the chUd where It wouldn't show. Tommy's Sisterâ€" 'Tommy, what la a synonym ?" Tommy â€" "A synonym is a word you use when you can't spell the other one." â-  â-  w* »â€"â€" M I M^ - » m *â-  III _ '*An Of^flbM'LtkfniBr Meunge. All that I tell you now. All that my white hairs Icnow, j I Isarned on a tall hlU's brow,, j I found out from tke snow. Aif that the years have triads ^Ut I am siure is true, I heard at a river's side Or followed the river to. ! And all that I hold by cams In a time of solitwie. On a day without a name, At the heatr of an ancient wood; j For unsuspected friends Are met by a man alone. The wind from the world's end% j The sky no wind has known ; ; And they taught me, long ago, To i)onder earth and all. From a hill, on days of snow. In a wood when the soft rains tall. â€" T. Morris Longstreth. iuiEDMATirncnMS Its fine qualities j)reserved in the modem Aluminum package. REDBOSE TE Aris good tea** REID ROSE ORANGE PEKOE U «»tr« good. mm stdI ~ " Classified Adrertisementa. HAS FRIENDS Custo" Tanning Joseph W-edgewood in the London A Dismal Outlook. Of legs they say the human race Soon will not hare a single trace; If we do not our cars abandon We shan't have left a leg to stand on. Can Find Relief Through Bail- ing Up the Blood. Pain Is the symptom of rheumatism that every victim recognizes, and he generally attributes the trouble to cold, damp or changeable weather. But doctors know that thin blood is a marked characteristic of the trouble. Trying to care rheumatism, white the blood remains thin and poor, is an im- I possible task because there is notlilng I statesmen t»ll me that they prefer Bri- tish to Italian proteclloa. This may of course be merely the natural polite- ness of the Orient; or It may be that the security given, by the British fleet 13 felt to be of better quality; or there may be other reasons. One Pasha told me that the protection of Great Britain was pledged to them by Mr. Uoyd George; that, whether we lilted It or not, we were bound In honor to continue to protect them from Euro- pean nations. 1 think he exagg^erated. Another told me that, rather than ac- cept Italian protection, they would dght. Ha probably e.\ass-erated also. ... I could net have imagined from my slig-ht knowledgo of Esypt how much â€" comparative â€" popularity we en- Joy in that country. 1 understand that we pv:> becoming popular also at .\n- gora. I supT'^ae that, if Ireland had been part of the Roman Empire, we be popular in lrela.2d too. ^^ Minard's Liniment for rheumatism. « Overtaken. Private Crubbs had been the most basbtal and retiring little man in the- , army. When women risited the camp But we wonder, after all these years ; was so bad that my right arm was al-. jj^ ^^^ alw-ays fled (or shelter aud of discussion, just what is going to be most useless. "^ Of course I suffered ' gjgy^ there until after ihev had left. done about the weather? A.SK b'OR FRSK PiUI'E U8T. YOD WILB b* ninirtaot 4t >j-ur iinr f}riL«i. 0«r vorknuui- : iSilu :s bulged by .li i .-Ms of rxiw.eao*. AU wort , cusTiLxxtevd. Our ouUic<lj uf t*aioi« bidM far robe Contemporary Review: Elgyptian ^imows, »!». uc< K'h-r*. «t?.. tuiisot cm tTin^smt, ' Uu^er ua '*w^ for Lcim«2i«ta nv&ira or » ulea ; nb« ts U)d<.ȣM:xuutbl«. ae:e^arT. Tti« F-jdor rwuuof Co., CoUiai'.rood. Ont. FOR SALE. Â¥'-'> It-THOLi STTlJi. «l;ii liBINEt. PLAIS «U racortXl, ii stlei:tlaCLs. tc'.omAl]& V4lij« l&5.«a for $25.00 fUA£^iU««L I'oiuwa. J14 Uooss BULBS. PUMTS *NO fLOWEHS. -A. good time to go after business is ' to build on. .\ tonic like Dr. Williams' when competitors are fast asleep. ' Pink Pills that enriches the blood and I frees it from poisoners impurities soon In the line of definitions, there's | banishes rheumatism from the system, nothing much better than this: "A! So long as tbe blood Is maintained in pessimist is a fellow who has had too ; * healthy condition the trouble will many transactions with an optimist." 1 "ot return. This Is not theory. It has [been proved in hundreds of cases; Mr. J. W. Rose, R.R. V, should Most Sappers do their "setting-up exercises" on some sheik's lap. here is one: Albany, P.E.l, says: â€" "For some years I was a great sntterer from rhenma- "My wife gave me a two-tube set for j tism and although I tried a great many my birthday." I remedies, I did not get any permanent "Regeneraciv» ?" â- "Naw. Shaving and tooth. ' relief until after I took Dr. Willuims' Pink Pills. The trouble was located mostly in my shoulders, and at times ; 1 T-«lv» d..X~T.: '.r.iJiolL CO*.'. P?jtj>»HL Farit:Uff« y^JT^^rr. H*.-ri.-. Brltisii Cot-.i3ib;». GROW QLORIQUS fiUDS IsTRODCi-roav oETEn oja.Y. se>.t) 3oc ;so stamps ploA>^: ^atl rs.xelr» >:^ fn« a p«ckAC* of W bloominx «lz« GUUiblUi Buiba la a^Mcrtad ?otozv. Vlfcr-» Bulb ana Fieri! CwmfMr. R. M. D. t. Viion*. ac. HEALTH GLASS^ i:.\K.v;i»: ijl.vss sibstit'te for tu.Uj«9. Uot b**!*: si.^«Rii iruwtii, Lt^>n^a : bum pi&nU'. ndlTfrxL tSc aiiUAfs r&rrl i'*criau IVultrr. Klmlr*. Otit. St'.oori.Y I'-nst: i-lj-VT. ;n m «lAyj from xwl. . Ues Will Dot aZAj '.a room ifiifn crvioL i'».'l;et »c«J 25l*. AiNlts vmntdd. X Jubosoo. Boj 1S5. Vfraon. ac. tTNBKilAK . rnu:'..-T GVl.NL.V IMGS WA Torcnco. LiPILti'SYâ€" KITS ••iUtMA^•K^^LY STOfl'tUJ JIa by Tn«i^"ii'4 llwutr^lj. S.nx;.'le ba.-ja tr<»taaem. '5 r^&n «^-tr«^i. itaiisantli i-i •.»::m->iinU. Wrtt» •' oac« for free book. Trearb's Beln^llel. LimlXad. D«t>t. W . '•} AdtiUtd* IrTASt, rorjau. CoxuOa. (C*J| tills out). Not Wor^h Fighting About. "The rigtu of way is mine," Said Jlasoo. driving fast. He saved I miuuts, so he did. But 'twas UI3 last! iunr Luommmis. j(«iit. * <»o Large hopes from small foundations grow. The woman with a case of nerves is not so much to be pitied as those who have to associate with her. ; Read Good Mag^azines We will mall you, Prtpald, the folIowlnB POPULAR MAGAZINES At the prices indicated. Maclean's 1 year $2.00 Maclean's 3 years $5.00 Qoblln 2 years $5.00 , The Canadian Maaazina 3 years $3.00 Saturday Evening Post 1 year $2.00 Ladies' Home Journal 1 year $1.00 Country Gentleman • 3 years $1.00 Qeod Housekeeping 1 year $3.50 Qosmopolitan t year $3.50 Harper's Bazaar 1 year $5."00 «.. Smart 8«t 1 year $3.50 Trus Story 1 year $3.50 most useless. "^ Of course I suffered much pain, and great inconvenience. My attention was directed to Dr. W'il-j liams' Pink Pills through an adver-; tisement in our newspaper, aud I de^i elded to try them. I took the pilte ac- ' cording to directions with the result , that the rheumr.tism has left me. and' I have never had a twinge of it since.' If tills meets the eye of any rheumatic j sufferer my advice is try Dr. Williams' i Pink Pills at once." ' You can get these pills from any ' medicine dealer or by mail at oO eents ' j a;box from The Dr. Williams' MiKlicine^ I Co., Brockvffle, Ont. j satls;ltr«i i-tis'.uuurt S^inl ra!.;;f.ttnr: '.l wiU wre vou !tM*llef. 10 Ncdson Str*«t. Toronco. w A TEA a TO r r o;:r UarnAsi So it came as a surprise- when one of his former compauioas came across him in civilian garb 4Jid was Intro- duced to a large. l>nsk^ g!rl^&s Mrs. Scrubbs. " : ; ." . When he was ablo.ta- get Scrubbs aside, he asked him kow' he had met his wife. "Well." returned the little man meekly, "it was this way. I never did exactly meet her. She just kinder overtook me." ri t;iv)Mj. tl'lli' IVits STninT ciuoKS uh;:m;"B. L.-shi'T-Ti. Uockjs. Mlnvr-.M. W\-au- :ftl>. t-- .^:n! '.;:'. Frje ^.r-iiixr. \V.i:.jun 3:r»c ru ll.l 0:it. EASTER NOVELTY for Confertioncru Th» w Chocolate Mouhl. Utsit ia On? confwCttoncr bou^t ttx on li^ht. Do«. Gunny, ChickanL a!I «i 000 chcccfst* tur. ati mad* in one o[ient)<»n. Act naw. Dan't delay. Sftit by mail rrtiiatt! lor HOO. ». D. M£RS. m WAVERLEY. TOHONTO $2.09 Man's chief aim in life is to make a ' hit. ! The Braillo Bible tills thirty-eight volumes and weiarhs l*i c-jrt. Just cheek the Magailnes wanted. Fill in your name and addresa, enclosing cheque or money order. Nam* Address Send to "MAGAZINES" Room 425, 73 Adelaide Street West Toronto 2 =a» ' University of Toronto Will j Few nails are driven home with on*; Erect a CariUon of Bells. , I blow of the hamm-er. Likewise, few [ T§e .\lunmi Federation of the Uni- ' sales are made with only one piece of ' versity of Toronto, in accordance with iii advertising. » ^'Should be in every home Says Mme* Villemaire Three years of stomach and kidney disorders urecked her health, 'Noiv fully recovered and feeling splendid, she thanks TanZtic Mme. Elii.a Villem.iirp lives at 43J St. I'atrick Street, Ott.isv». She is ruddy aud robus! , sliowiug no si^n.i of the distresSiiigo.'dpalshe went thnuijtU for lUrfo yeara. "No wortls can e^- pn-^stt what I sufferetl,'' sli? -said rc- «x»ntly. ".\t timoa I tbouKhc my back must bre.Ak, anil I roiiUl uut. eveu stoop over to tk't tlio table. "RSy slomaoh wss iiist as bail, for food would lie there like ,a lump oC leau. I UKd to bloat terribly, and at times could hardly catoh my broalh. Nervousness kept n»o awake half tho night. I tried many remedies and treatments but though I sfH^tt a Miiall fortune ou them, nothing secincU to help me. 'I only wish I had taken Tanlao I hadir.y way I'dputTanlseinevery when my trouble first «t»rte<l for it homo u\ Canada. That's how much certainly would have saved mc a lot of I think aWit it." suffering:. Tho w»y my troublo.i dus- I)ou"t noj?kvt p,-turc's warnaigs. appeared after talliog'it w;v9 almost At the tir^t .ei^^ of trouble, tiiko Tan- magiral. U built mo up axid made mo lao, nnturc'M own tonic, ni.Hdo fnxii A new woman. Now my kiduoyH roots, herbs and barks. Vour drug- ncvrr bother roe, I am free from alt gist ha* it; get a bottk todaj-. Over |Mun and my digeatioa ia splcadid. U $3 million Mttlea ntkk How It All Began. 'Your skirt, my dear madam,' Adam, "Is far too disgracefully short;' the original plans prepared at the 1 I close of the War, whereby a Carillon ^ I of beU& would be erected in the Sol-' said ; riiors' Memorial Tower, will complete | I their installation this year. It had originally been intended to ipistal! "I do not care, -Adam," said madam, j these bolls in the Tower wh«n it was â- . "This model is what they call sport." j built, but fund^ have not \-et been ' Mistress (to new maid) don't seem to know about finger bowls. provided for this purpose. The .-Mumni; "Nora, .v.ou I Federation have now undertaken toj the money for the installation! CASCARETS" FOR COSmE BOWELS, HEADACHE, COLDS To-night! Clean your bowels and stop headache, colds, sour stomach Clear Ifonr Skin -'^ With â-  Cuticura Soap i.o Cleanse Otntmexit to Heal AAvciutelv Nothing Better raise Didn't they have them where you . of these bells in time for the Centenr worked last?" Nora â€" '"No. mam; they mostly wash- ed themselves afore they cum to the table." Education Brought Us From crooked stk'k to machine plow. Prom sickle to reaper. From oxen cart to automobile. From poay messeager to air mail. From rowboat driven b.v slaves to .iteamship. From runner to toJegraph. From smokt^ signal to v>ireless. From ciay tables to libraries. From candte-stiek to electric light. Friiiu log cabin to skyscraper. Get a lO-cent box now. Turn the rascals out- the headache'. , , „ . . . i biliousness, iadlgestion. tlie sick, sour ary celebrations of tbe University m} gt„„,^^^.ii .^^ b^d colds- turu them out October next. .„ . . to-nigUt and koi-p them out with Cas- The CaMilon will consist of twenty-' QjifBtg three bells ranging in we%ht from! xmitons-of men and women take a 140 lbs. for bell No. 1, to 7,7-28 lbs. for' cascaret now and then aad never bell No. 23, making a total for the j-^q^^. ^j^g n,igery caused bv a lazv liver, .twenty-three bolls of nearly 19 toms,| clogged bowels, or an upset stcmaeh. I and will cost complete, with the clock, p^,,.^ ^^^ 4^ another dav of distress. , which It IS also proposed to insUl, m^-^^ rascarets cleanse your stomach; : the neighborhood of $40,000. The eon- 1 ^.p„,„,.^ „ie. ,„ur. fonneating i'o<h1; tract for the clock and bells has been (ahe the excess bile from vour liver Cold ReUeTe«t ttr Money BaeR EvfTywrhore men. WLimen and ehCdrnx art* •tludiQsr msuznt relief t*ixiin Coushj* and Colds of all kinds by taking Buck- ley's MUture. Everywhere drtufsista u« •elltnj "Buckley's" unier positive ju*r^ antee. The first do» provei how dif* f»r«it it is-^nd thew fcre 40 dos«i in » 75-ccat bottle! ^ever be without this pcvveQ cooqueror ot coids. W. K. Bndclej. I.lalt«C U3 Matoal St* T^nmto t BUCKLEYS.. \ Acu Uk€ a /toj^' 1^ aaln^alpvcomll So Honesty is the best policy twenty payment lite. Keep Minard's Liniment in the stabls. Frosh-water eels travel a distance equal to a quarter of the earth's cir- cumferenceâ€"about G,0OO miles â€" in thoir lives. The original inventor of the reap- ing machine was th-' Rev. Patrick Bell, a former minister of Carmyllle, in Forfarshire. INDIGESTION, GAS, UPSET STOMACH Instantly! "Pape'sDiapepsin" Corrects Stomach .-^o Meals Digest awarded to .Alessrs. Gillett and Johii- I ston of Croydon. England, who have promised delivery and installation in 'time for dedicatory services during ' the Centenary Celebration. Messrs. j Gillett and Johnston have manufac- I tured and installed many of the fore- most carillons in tho world, including those in the Metrop^^litan Church, : Toronto: the Simcoe. Ontario, Tower. ; and those in the Park Avenue Baptist ' Church, Ntew Yorli. .\t the pres<?nt : time this firm is casting the Carillon for the Dominion Parliament Build- I ings. Ottawft, which, when completed, I will bo the larpest in the world. ' It is dt-sirjiblo that the fund for| Iheso bells, boinjj: the gift of thei .graduates at large, be .ubsoribfd for' by every graduate a:iil ex-student of 'the University. .\ niitiimum sub-! 'seription has accordingly been sot at! five dollars, and it is hoped that the' graduate und ex-student body at large will coiitributo the whole amount so| that the gift nuiy be as representative, as po.«sib!e. .\ coiiiinittee, under the| leadership of Mr. IFugh Scully of thc^ Class of ISOtJ in University College, j has been formed, .nnd through their; , agency individual appeals will go out! to all ex-student.s and graduates in a short time. uiid carry out all the constipated wast» matter and poison in the bowels. Thtu >x>u will Ifee! rrcat. A Cascaret lo-uisht str-aighten.s you cut by luorning. They work while you sleep. A lO-cent box from any drug: store means a dear heatl. sweet stom- ach and dean, healthy liver and bowel iiction tor months. Children lov«j Cas- oai-els because they uever gripe or sicken. THROBBING PAIN disiippears when you use Mina.-d's. The household Lial- nient for geueraiicas. efUii^ mm Proved sate by millions and prescribed by physicians foe Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache RheunKitism I Tenth Century Chess Figures. i Chess lisures. carved from bones as big as a man's fist aud said to datsj , back to (he tenth ceutury, are now ou I ' show in the British Museum. * The moment you eat a tablet ot "Ha pes Di-vc'psin" >our indigestion is gone. No inoi-x^ .l^trcss from u sour, acM, npsiTt stomach. No flatulence, heartburn, palpitation, or inisery-niak- ing gases. Coritxt your digestion fori a few ceuls. Kach package* guaranteed ' Twins alike in every detail, even by druggist to overcome stomach trou- DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART D ble. ISSUE No. 1»-'27. to blootl pressui-e and Ibvcer-prints, Mr. G. Kllis .">nd Mr. I.. Ellis, wrt>re born in India twenty-six years ago. They ar* both students of patent law. S^ Accept only "Bayer" packaga â- which contains proven directions. . H«ndy "Payer" boxei o* 12 tablHa Also bottle* of 24 and 100â€" Druggist*. Aanlrta la tb« trade nark (•teltteni la Ctii»(l«> «« B»rtw MtnvtMtni* ot Mono«M«J»- â- Lcldonr of S«Hc.TUc«ild ( Anljl Sillcjllc AcM, "A. 8. A."). 'WlilU It •» "'l 'â- **•• tbal Anitrti OMaa* K*)*t â- nimifactun?, to â- a.Mit tb« public anlut Imllatlont. tb« T>!>ws WC Bv<r CMiittnT «U1 Ix 9UBi>e<l wUk tMr rMMnt u«<l( sack, Ui* "Over Oo«.*'

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