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Flesherton Advance, 9 Mar 1927, p. 1

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L 0. L Ho. IMS FeTM^kiHi, will bold a Box Social aid Cooccrt on Toes., March 15, '27, Admiirion: 25 torts Sljje /lesljartini %imMfU Â¥^' Vol 46 No. 46 Flesherten. Ontario. March 9. 1927 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprictois PROTON STATION VANDEL£UR BcT. J. H. Oke and ion. Soy. of Toronto, yiaitcd with Mr. and Mn. Loady Joknstoa last week. IGss Ndlie Bolaiod spent a few days with friends ia Dnrfaam. Mn. Martin and babe of Swinton Park visited recently with her ancle, Mr. Lance Hntehinson. Mr. Robert Blair and daagbter, Re- becca, left last week for their home in Saskatdiewan after spendinfir a couple of months with friends here- abonts. Hiss May Graham spent a few days with friends in Markdale. A debate will be held in the church here on Friday of this week between the Fleaherton hockey team in a score the Toong People's Societies of Mark- of S-3 on the Flesherton rink last Th econirns*tion of the Umtad Church learned with lecret on Son- day last of the intended resicnation of their pastor, Rer. R. McRoberts, who is leavins in the early spring for a mission field in Alberta. The beat wishes of his Proton fiiends will fel- low him. The United Chnreh choir is prepar- ing a play entitled, "That Girl Annie." to be given in the near fntore. Watch the Advance for the notice. The choir is bein? invited to the different homes in the village and community to prac- tice and is royally entertained. Onr teen age hockey boys defeated dale and Kimberley, The Women's Institute held their regrdar meeting at the home of Mrs. J. J. McGee one day recently. A goodly number were present and a fine program was provided. It was decided to hold a concert on March 15th. rORCmrO LINE. NORTH Tuesday night. The Proton team certainly do well, considering that the only practise they get is vrhen they play a match against a team who have the advantage of a skating rink right at home. Mrs. James Lockhart of Victoria Comers, with her daaghter, Mrs. Row- den, of Clinton, and Mrs. John Mc- Connel and children, of Dmidalk, were visitors at Mr. and Mrs. James Cor- bett's one day last week. Mr. Frank Meddangh has gone to London to attend the funeral of ac uncle. of INMEMQRIAM MacDONALD â€" In loving memory Mrs. Donald McDonald, who de- Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Richardson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. IVitchard, Vandeleur. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woodo and child- ren of Wodehouse visited at T. Lever's Miss Elizabeth Moore has returned to her home at Brampton, after spoid- ing the past week with her sister, M«. Geo ^wart. ,p^^^ ^^.^ ^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^g *• ^f^T^^"^ '"J^,."?' ^'- ?»^!as we.loved her. so we miss her. fL^i^'J^^ and Ixttfc daughter,; i„ ^^ memory she is near; . w * ^^'^^^1 ^â„¢*'^ '^'*°*"^ . Lo'e<>. remembered, longed for always at Wm. Burnett s, the former remain- Bringing many a sUent tear, ing for a visit. j -Hosband and Family. The officers of L.O.L. 509, Orange ' VaUey, gave a dance to the members The death of Mr. David McNichol, and friends on Friday evening last- former MJ>J». for South Grey, took Miss Bessie Stewart spent a few place on Tuesday of last week in days with friends near Markdale. Hanover in his 96tii year. MARCH SPECIAL Kitchen Kabinet $40.00 FOR MARCH OUR LEADER IS A KITCHEN KAB- INET AS SHOWN IN CUT AT THE SPECIAL FRICE OF $40.00. Just compare that price with the catalog^iie prices and see how they stand* and remember, you have to send cash with order to them, while we will be satisfied with cash in 30 days at that price. You are always assured of courteous treatment in our store. We will welcome you ^v5th a smile, and no matter whether you buy or not we will send you away with one, for we know that as soon as you get time to have a look at the new catalog^te you will be back again to buy from your home dealer. By Ordering on Am last day of F^nnry we proc u re d a limited nmnber of the Bed OutBts we had on sale and tliet* will be aold at tbe â- ame price of $20.00. Don't forget our baby special of the best high chairin our store to the first baby born in the community in April the only restriction is that the winner must be a customer of some busin- ess place in town, not necessarily ours. THOS. W. FINDLAY FURNITURE DEALER FUNERAL DIRECTOR FLESHERTON. ONT. EUGENIA A heavy laQ of snow Monday. It looif3 as if we woold have winter for a while yet. Miss Nellie McLoofhry of Cheese- ville visited with her friend, Mrs. W. E. Walker. Mrs. George Beecroft and son, from near Flesherton, visited at Mr. Thos. Fenwick'3 and^r. Oliver Tomer's. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Croft and chO- dren, from near Flesherton, spent Sonday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Martin. Tmant Officer, Bfr. H. D. McLoogh- roy, made a business trip to oar vil- lage on Monday of last week. He has some hard cases to contend with; some matters which should be settled by trustees. He is a good man for the position, and we are sure all mat- ters placed in his lumds will be prop- erly dealt with. While here Mr. and Mrs. McLoagfarey visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Pedlar. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Campbell and family are moving from the farm to their residence in the village. Mr. Campbell has purchased the house which was recently occupied by Mr. George Benson. Mr. Thos. Skinner has purchased the Karstedt farm on the fourth line Ar- temesia. He has moved hii family thereto. He still works at "Pheasant Island." As soon as the roads are fit he will travel with his car to and from the work. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Genoe are vis- iting in Toronto. Mr. Will Latimer of Toronto spent the week end with his brother, Leon- ard, and family. Mr. and Mrs. A. luohy of Meaford visited a few days with the latter's sister, B(rs. A. Hoy. Mrs. H. Johnson is visiting in To- ronto for a few days. Mr. Cardwell Graham has been laid up with a cold for the past week. Mrs. Ernest Proctor and children spent a few days with Mrs. George Proctor, in Kimberiey. Miss Mabel Hoy has gone to Toron- to to take a position. Success, MabeL Mrs. Robert Goriey and Irene Mar- tin visited ov^er the week end with friends in Owen Sound. Nurse Jean Graham of Toronto is visiting relatives in this conmjunity. Little Miss Elma Dixon visited a week with friends in Flesherton. We extend our sympathy to the sor- rowing relatives of the late CKfford Camack of Kimberiey in their sad bereavement. Mrs. Roy McMillan and babe, of Markdale, visited the past week with her sister, Mrs. Fred Jsmieson, 8th line. She also visited her mother, Mrs. Wilson, here. A dance was held at Mr. Stanley Campbell's on Friday aveninc laat. Master Cecil Tnohy of Meaford is viaitSng wth his uncle and munt, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hoy. CEYLON •^NWARir NEWS The Onward yoang people met in a regular mcetins last Thursday even- ing and the president, W. Hincks, oc- cupied the chair. Motion pictures were then conducted by Messrs Cooper and Nelson, agricultural representa- tives of Markdale, and were much en- joyed. After a number of contribu- tions by the members, Mr. Cooper described his work with the people of this county. Lunch was served at the close of the meeting. Onward young- people are giving a play at Swinton Park this week en- titled "My Irish Rose." under the auspices of the Swinton Park Lodge. Mr. F. R. Oliver, M.PJ>., spent the week end at his home here accomp- anied by Mr. Thoa. Farquhar, M J» J*., for Manitoulin. Mr. Thos. Currie ac- companied them back to Toronto on Tuesday moming^. MrJohn Meada unloaded « car oi fertiliser last week. Mr. Mart Teeter took a couple of sleigh loads of young people over to Mr. Alex. McMuUen's last Friday evening, where they spent a joly time, -arriving home before daylight. Mrs. Jas. L. McMoOen left Thizrs- day for a fortnight's viait with friends in Toronto and otintr pointa. Mr. A. Sinclair and son, Jinimie, attended the hockey match in the arena at Toronto on Thissday nisfat. Mrs. Will Calnhan and litk son, who have been visiting with her fath- er, Mr. A. Whittaker Sr., left Friday to visit friends in Toronto. We are pleased to see Mr. John Mc- Kinnon able to be avoand again, hav- ing been laid up the past week with a touch of pleurisy. We are very sorry to report Mrs. A. McLean very ill with Nurse Burritt of Kimberiey in attendance. We hope for a speedy recovery. We are pleased to see Mr. John Mc- Whinney of the Irish Lake able to be around again after his re):eat illness Mr. George Banks left Tuesday for Guelph where he will anend the an- nual Grand Lodge of the L.01. for Ontario Wejt. Rev. McRoberts of Toronto Univer- sity, who has had charge of this field for the past four months, has decid«l to go west for the summer months, resigned hi.3 work here, to take place the first of April. Mr. Stanley Griffin of Toronto vis- ited his sister, Mrs. Wm. Whitj, the past week. Mr. J&z. Hales of Owen Sound spent the week end with his wife here. Mr. Martin of Owen Sound visited his aunt, Mrs. J. J. Patterson, here last week. Mr. M. C -Beckett, license inspec- tor of Owen Sound, was in this burg the past week. BATES BURIAL CO. FUNERAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNERAL P-\RLORS 122-124 Avenue Road, TORONTO TeicvJMMe: Klsgadala 4344 J. W. Bates. R. MttUocks. EAST MOUNTAIN FEVERSHAM .4CCIDKNT WITH TRACTOR Joa. Robbins and son of Hockly, had an exciting expenence one day recently while attempting to take a Waterloo tractor op a hill on one of the Adjala eonceaaion lines north of the Hockley Rond. Near the top of the hill the tractor stuck in some snow. While hacking down to take a run at the drift aoBMthing happened the brakes, which failed to hold. Seeinfr I that the machine was getting oat of I control Mr. Robbina shouted to his son 'to jump. After backing down the I road a short distance with rapidly in- I creasing speed, the tractor veered off and crashed throuirh a fence and down a steep hill for a distance of one hun- dred and twenty-five feet, rolling over repeatedly before it reached the bot- tom The tractor was badly wrecked and Mr. Robbins will lose quite heav- ily.â€" Grand Valley Star. ROCK MILLS Misses Lottie and Myrtle Stuart of Burks Falls visited a few days last week with their coosin, Mrs. C. New- ell, and other relatives in the vicinity. Mr. Laurie Betts spent a few days in Toronto. Several teams are engaged hauling slab wood from the mill here to the station, now that the lumber drawing is completed. The Rock Mills Ladies' .Aid wmi meet at the home of Mrs. A. Badger- ow for the monthy meeting on Wed- nesday, March 16th. S^vice will be held at the home of ?'-sJohn Porteons next Sunday even- ins «t 7-30 pjn. Everybody welcome. Mrs John Hargrave entertained five of her nieces to dinner la^t Thursday, among them being the Misses Lottie and Myrtle Stuart of Burks Falls. A happy time was spent together. yr. Cecil Bett.<! visitd in Kimberiey recently. Mr. Sandy Hoy has ben assisting his father her*. Mr. Richard Hoy. I^Irs. Thos. Betts and daotrhter. Mabel, visited recently with the for- mer's son. Edgar Betts. and family of Osprey, PRICEVTLLE Dr. Milne has been at his home in Elmwood the past week attending his mother, who has been ill from pleur- isy. Mr. Jim Milne also went to his horne on Friday and attended the fun- eral of hii mother's sister, Mrs. Mc- Do-tgald, of Bentinck. Miss M.irtha Watson is visiting her sister. Mrs. Drummie, of Dromore. Elmer Watson's entertained the fnjw Shoe Chib last Thursday cven- inir. .AH enjoyed the srood time and went home in the wee sma' hours. The Presbyterian Guild is having .â- \ St. Patrick's masquerade in Mc- Kinnon's hall Wed,, 16th. All are invited. The United Church Y.P.S. are hav- ing a St. Patrick's social on Thurs- day the 17th, Mr. A. D, McLeod and Mrs. J. K. *'cLean have been ill the pa.-t few- days, but we hope to see them around again soon. Mrjuid Mrs, .Angus MrLauchlan the beginning of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Sutherland entertain- ed the members of Session of the and Marie were guests at .Aldcom's Presbyterian congregation on Thurs- day evening. Miss Aleda Feighea of Kalapore is visiting for a week with her friend. Miss Winetta McMollen. ilr. Carl Humberstone had a very siicecssfol sale of his stock and im- plements on Friday afternoon. -A number of the young people of this neighborhood attended the party at Mr. John Burill's in Kimberiey on Tuesday evening, also the one in Dun- can on Thursday evening. Prayer meeting was held at the hode of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McMcllen en Thursday evening of la3t week. Mrs. Wm. Orr of Orangeville is spending a few days with her friends Mr Carl and Misj .-Uma Humberstone. Some of the young folks of this vic- initv attended the tea meeting in Kim- beriey and the dance at the Power House on Friday evening. Mr. Ernest Smart of Cherry Grove spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. S. Smart and family and Mr. and Mrs. T. Hall and fimily last week. Mr. and M>s. Gordon Witson and Miss Gladys Hall visited last week vvith friends at Cherry Grove. Don't forget the play to be given in the school house here by the young people on Friday, March 11th, entitled "Lets All Get Married." Everyone welcome. Mrs. Henderson is visiting with friends in Toronto at present. Mrs. Donaldson has returned fr:>m Owen Soiind, where she spent the lajt few weeks with her granddaughter, Mrs. Forsyth. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley spent the week end with their sor. at Notiawa. Miss Mary Speer is visiting her cousins in Flesherton this week. Mr. Thos. Thombury was on a boa- iness trip to Shelbume on Friday. Mr. Wes Clinton of Toronto and daaghter, Jean, of Portlaw were call- ers in our village on Saturday last. Mr. John Speer and sbier. Mary, sT>ent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. McMuiien. Mr. Dave McMullen is in poor health at present. LADY BANK MAXWELL Ide.Ti spring weather at time of writir • and just ten more days until March the 21, the first day of spring.: Mrs. John Ottewell Jr. visited with, her sis;:r, Mrs. Sam Phillips one day Jast week. Mrs. 'Walter Wilson and Miss Janie' Semple visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. â-  Sayers and family, town line, Osprey. ' Thursday of the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Shaw and baby of Ravenna spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilson here. ' Miss Irene Sayers and friend was the guest of Miss Janie and Edith Semple on Sunday last. j Sorry to say that Mr. David Mc-' Mullen is in poor health at present, but we hope for a speedy recovery. A pie social will be held in Pro'vid-' ence church on Thursday, March ITth.' at 8 p. m., when a good program will' be given. Ladies bring pie in box.' .Admission 25 and 15 cents. UMTT UJF.W.O. .MEETING The March meeting of L'nity U.F. W.O. was heW on Wednesday March 2nd. at the home of Mrs, A. F. Pedlar with a good attendance. .After the usual opening exercises were over the roll call was answered by "current events.'* The main feature of the meeting was a spelling match between sides chosen by Mti. A. F. Pedlar and Mrs. John Hargrave. the former side winning. The meeting closed with singing and games were played for a time. The hostess then served a dainty lunch. The meeting adjourn- ed to meet at the home of Mrs. Lewis Genoe on .April 6th. The supplementary course in first aid and home nursing is progressing splendidly under the leadership of Miss H. Graydon of Streetsville. Next Sunday morning at 10.30 com- munion service will be held in the L'nited Church: also service at 7 p.m. Sunday school commences at 2.30 p.m. The Ladies' .Aid held a very success- ful meeting at the home of Mrs. Roy Fenwick Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Morrison enter- tained a number of friends last Wed- nesday evening. .A good time was spent in progressive euchre and danc- ing. .A sleighload of young people from east of Maxwell attended the L'J.Y.P. O. meeting at Mr. Walter Poole's on the tenth line Fr:day evening. Mr. and Mrs. M. Nicholls of Dun- daik visited a: Geo. Ross's Sunday. Mrs. Buckingham and daughter. Merle, spent the week end in Dundalk. Miss Sadie and Garfield McLeod spent the week end at Meaford. Mrs. H. Linley is improving nicely. CATHARINE WEBER Wiarton Cocacil offered their municipal skating rink for sale, but no offers were received for the build- ing, which can be purchased for about $1,000. There passed away on February I4th. 1927. at her home in Markdale suburbs, Catharine Weber. The de- ceased had been iU about two months, first with a severe cold, whirh lat^ developed into dropsy. The late Mis3 Weber was bom on November 24th, 1850. in Huron County, near Sea- forth. She came with her paemts te .Artemesia when about 11 years of age and had spent practically all her life in this locality. She is survived by two brothers, John near Kimber- iey and Joseph near Markdale. .A! number of nephew,; and nieces also survive. Her end was peace. - Stan- dard. THOSE BIG NICKELS In view of the unpopularity of the big five cent coin with so tnany peo- ple, the foUowinr Ottawa despatch is of interest: â€" **The request of the Re- tail Merchants 'Association of Canada for the withdrawal of one or other of the Canadian five cent coins from cir- culation will, it is mid, result in a ">uch more liberal interoretation be- ing pot on Vom and defaced coinage' in order that the small five-cent pieces may all be withdrawn from circxila- ti'on and melted down for other coin. The government is likelv to retain the larre nickel coin. This latter was I authorized for issue in 1921. but the ' issue has not been rapid owine to the I large number of the small five-cent i pieces in circulation since the war and the coT"<e<iuent lack of demand for new roin,<»ge. Efforts will be wade to call iji the smaller coinage." HOUSE OFQlUALITV GROCERIES We carry a full line of FRESH Grcceries CONFECTIONERY Neilson's Fancy & Bulk Chocolates Patterson's Bars â€" Try their WILD FIRE ICE CREAM BRICKS always on hanq FLOUR & FEED Purity, Royal Household & Five Roses, Bran, Shorts, Screenings. Rolled Oats, Cat CK.cp, Barley Chop, Cracked Corn. Wheat, Corn. SALT Barreland Sacks Store closed Tues. and Thur. W. J. STEWART 81 SONS Flour. Feed, Sewls. CroceriM and Confectienery Flesherton

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