â- BDNBSDAY. MABCH S. 1M7 THS PLB8HBRT0N ADVANCl THE flLEMERTOII mAHGE I VablialMd on ColUnswood itrMt, i PlMlMrton, Wednesday of eaeb ( «wk. Circulation orer 1100, I hrriea in Canada. 120)0 par year, \ whan paid in adTanaa $1.60. la : jD.8^ |2J0 par year, when paid ia adraaee 9S.0O. W> H. THURSTON, . Editor • BASS SEASON SHORTENED. » Bon. Chas. McRae. Minister of Gane and Fisheries, announced last ivaak that the recommendation of the yiah and Game Committee of the Banse, made last year, that the bass open this year on July 1, in- of June 16, will be put into Irffact by order-in-council. It is un- 4mtood that the change is in the imtan of an experiment, and that any flstare change will depend on the re- •aits noticed this year. It ia claimed that from June 16 to 9aly 16 is the time when baa are the laaat wicked and more susceptible to kainc caught by anglers, as they are ^ntaeting tlte spawn. When bait m dropped near them during that per- iad they become enraged, rush out •ad strike the enemy and are thus •Mwe easily caught. Then the spawn ia left unprotected and ready for ma- nodera to consume, and in a very few years this fine game ffsh would be extinct. The number being caught hMM been decreasing each year. It fa expected that the new regulations )Mn assist in checking the decrease. JffiALIZING JOHN A'S DREAM. ' The Canadian Gszette of London, fintr., makes the following editorial declaration: "By the declaration of the imperial conference in 1926 his taajesty becomes in a new and direct •enae king of Canada and each of the other dominiom of the crown. On •Mtters primarily of Canadian con- cam his advisers are Canadian minis- ten, nther than, as heretofore, the ministers of Great Britain. Thus Ca n ada becomes in cll but in name a Ungdon, pretty much as Sir John Maedonald and hi^s colleagues of 1866 «riahed it to bacome." We wonJer what the Old Man would think if he could but witness the at- tempt of some professed ultra-British patriota in Canada, who have been raising the outcry that the decrsion of the imperial conference was a step fraught with prospective disaster to the solidarity of the British empire! Mr. Mi Mrs. R. Best Celebrated Their GiUei Wediini on Monliy ABOUT 80 GUESTS CONGRATUL- ATED THE HAPPY COUPLE WHO RECEIVED MANY LOVELY GIFTS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Best of the Toronto Line entertained sixty or seventy of their friends on Monday eveening ofthis week, the occasion being the golden wedding of this ea- timable couple. A number of Flesh- ertno friends were included in the gathering and many were present from Toronto, Owen Sound and Depot Harbor. Rev. Harrower gave the toast to bride and groom, and ITisa MacPhail, M. P., responded. Miss MacPhail, who had come up from Ottawa especially to be present on this occasion, paid high tribute to the qualitiea, social and otherwise, of theae old neighbors. The table was adorned with a wonderfal four- storey wedding cake, which was cut by ii.« bride. The house was beauti- fully dcorated in white and gold, and the wedding cake was capped with a handsome golden be^. The tables were very handsomely decorated with cut flowers, and flowers were present- ed by the U.F.O. Club and the WJ. The former gave magnificent cream roses and the latter golden daffodils. Mrs. H. Down read verses accompany- ing gifts from the villagers. The gifts were very numerous, including three chairs, table linen, pyrex, cut glass, and china, the gifts also in- cluding numerous gold pieces. Dur- ing the evening a christening took place of a great-granddaughter, a grandchild of Mrs. Elijah Simmons of Midland. The evening will go down asa red letter in the lives of these good people. Games, dancing, sing- ing, music and short speeches round- ed out a perfect evening, and all present wished the happy couple con- tinued prosperity and leng;th of life in the midst of their family. KILLING ONE'S FRIENDS. Farvdnr OKwr Spiaki in Mattey Hall, Tanrto ON BENEFITS OF THE O.T.A An eloquent tribute to the efficien- cy of the Ontario Temparance Act was given in Massey Hall, Toronto, on Sunday afternoon by Fhrquhar Oliver, M.P.P. for South Grey, the youngest member of the Legislature, at a crowded meeting under the aus- pices of the Royal Templars of Tem- perance. While be was not fomiliar with the difficultiefi of enforeament in To- FREE NITRO CULTURE. EDITORIAL NOTES It Is proposed to construct a tunnel between Detroit and Windsor to cost twelve million dollars. There appears to have been an "underground" route there ever since the O.T.A. came into force. ( •" • • • Babe Ruth, homerun king, is dcman- fling a salary of $100,000 per year for • two-year contract to play ball for the New York Americans. We notice that Babe's nerve is still in good con dition, judging by this demand. His iBOvie contracts, where money comes Nisasy, seem to be encouraging him to igrab for more. • • • 'Advertising is being more carefully %ui widely read every day. People mi3 realizing more and more how ad- irwiising facilitates shopping and the ^vlde-awake merchant gives just as •raeh thought to his advertising as 1m does to any other feature of his boainaas. Intelligent advertising the businees. '' 'At the annual banquet of the On tarlo Good Roads Association, held fn Toronto last week. Premier Fergu- •OB stated that the Government is go- hm to push the highway program as tmpldly aa the provincial finances will pmnlt, and in the first instance will do it in the places that require It â- Mat The Premier announced his fntantion of seeing that those in the feaek townships would have a chance «t« t«t out into the world." Again in 1927 Grey County farm- ers are ensibled to secure one bottle of Nitro Culture free of charge. By writing to T. Stewart Cooper, Depart- ment of Agriculture, Markdale, the culture will be ordered. Kindly remember the following points: 1. â€" Only one bottle given free. 2 â€" Name the kind of legume the Culture is for, that is if it is alfalfal, sweet, mammoth, red, alsike clover, peas or beans. .3 â€" Additional bottles secured at 50c 4 â€" Sufficient is sent in a bottle to treat a bushel, or it may be applied to a smaller quantity of seed. 5 â€" As at least ten days will elapse from the time an order is mailed, every farmer should apply as soon as they decide on the amount of seed they will sow. All orders should be mailed not later than April 26th. From tha Alliaton Herald. A Violet Hill man has captured a white owl which the neighbors say haa been lord of all he surveyed for fourteen or fifteen years. It may b« that in tha fifteen years this owl haa bean known to have been in the neicblwrhood numerous young chick- en* liava bean mysteriously lost and very likely some cockerels and pul- leta. No doubt the owl got the blame for taking the lot and at the same time it is doubtful if one of the own- ers of the poultry which haa disap- peared aaw thia bird pick up one of his chickens. It is probably another , . . , , .u * .•. i„ «* ca«, of a«inming that becauae the owl , ™«tf • ^ J^dued a»t the benefit, has a bad repuUtion it is responsible | •' *»>• Act were written in indelilrfe for the loss of all the chicken, andjink on the h«art. and mind, of the probably a lamb or two in the neigh- P«>Ple«>« fo^ ^'"y- "Sine. 1016 borbood all these years. How many !*'•»« South Gre- have seen the Act thousand field mice this owl has stow-l«'»'o««d with an iron and aqnal hand ed into ita crop in the fifteen yeai« it 1««» ^ believe thi-t In Toronto poa- haa lived around Violet Hill probab- "»>ly your erforcoment w«. mora lax ly nrrer occur, to anyone. But It i- *^» ""ff- l^^'^l' ^^,^.Vt a f«rt that the owl U a deadly «,emy j t^-Me with the 0. T A.-that it w«i of field mice, and during tha hour. • «^ «»'«*«» •^'''ly •»•><>»« tl** >'»•' of the night when the little rodenUj^ut I toow that it was enforf;ed in were buay around the stook. in the So««> Grey with beneficent rwiultoJ- field., the owl was holding high car- i I" *»»' rid^K home tie. had been knit nival a. it swooped time and again, ««>" ««»»«y togrther and wive, and and clutched in ita cUws a mouse that cWldren no longer greeted drunken it espied disporting itself under the >u.band. and father, at the eloae of sUrs. When the hunting is good owl. , the day, aaid Mr. Oliver, get careless about picking the eareaae. , »« compUined that .ince the pass- of their prey and only take the tid »«• <>' t»»e O.T.A. temperance people bita, which is nature's way of keep- h«<> «â- »«» «» ^l^'f «>«"• '*•''"» .~"- ing down the number of destructive *«»»* t»»at the battle was over. "The mice. Farmers are complaining more '»«* «»•«'" »»«* "^^ J-'" f"* *« and. more every year of the depreda- start it all over again and to lay the tions of mice in their grain fields. At foundation for a new temperance the same time they will shoot every «tructuie. Let us see to it that we owl, kill every fox and tramp on every »^^ «» «"» »«>'»<* ^"'«' *«"* "»* »""»«* snake that happens to cross their *" ""' temperance path. Owls and foxes have to live in "««»« "M , winter aa well as in summer, and Just "•'" « ew>T««e8 enter into it. as a farmer will feed his collie dog "Any government is anxious to in- all winter for the sake of having the ="•" "• '«^««»'«'. ^ "•» out deficit, dog to go for the cattle in the sum- ""d ^ P*^^^ » balanced Budget, mer months, it is necessary to allow When a government sel s liquor, they the fox and the owl to take an odd '«»"« *at if they j«ll two bottle, chicken to susUin life against the «'»*«*<I "* «»• ** ^^ ^""^ *^«« *• time when the mice will be very plen- ""ck "^«"« *« *»»• province. I defy tiful in the fields in the summer. If y<»» *« «"«> • government that will some little inrtmction were given in «t»nf »P """^^Z*^^ ^^^^JT natural history in the public schools "»«•«»«' curUaing «de. it will add to many people would learn to appreciate **"••" ^^ . ... , _, the value of the fox. the owl and the „ Styling the »>^w«. and distfllers snake. Such imitruetion need not be "the silent hand,' and "tj« Poj«' ^e- a part of the course of study, but h.nd the throne" he ptetj«dthem could be in the form of a little talk by *'f "^'''"J' J'"A * f*'".!!-*^?.^^.!!: the teacher for the hour of relaxation, Friday afternoon. Owen Sound fair will be held thia yaar October 6, 7 and 8. Meaford Council ha. approTed oi • tourists' camp to be MtabUahad that*. iiaa "Tha JaMariOa OomrMttoB" ia tlia high .ehool, Flaahartoa, as Vri- uay, March 4th, ander anmleas of St ^ Johaa Ladica' Aid. Conw inr«p«i«d to enjoy a good laugh. OUR MOTTO COME IN AND GET IT. IF WE HAVENT GOT IT WE'LL GET IT: IF WE CANT IT IT CANT BE GOT^ I. W. A. ARMSTRONG & SON Est. 1889 FLESHERTON. ONT. structure !on Let us see tliat no FRESH GROCERIES Specials like these are FARMERS BUY CLEAN SEED. OSPREY U.F.Y.P.O. It has just been brought to the no- tice of the Department of Agriculture at Markdale that considerable feed oata arebeing sold in the county. All farmers are advised to be sure that the grade is clean. Unfortunately, some samples that have been uaed are not as clean aa they should be. The samples seen had wild oat. in them. These are easily identified by the ^>- pearance of the grain. They have twisted and crooked awns and always are hairy around the base of the Med. In the event of the haira being bro- ken off. the grain, are diatingQiahed by a Backer .haped mouth on the end of ttie aaed, witeraa. tame oat. are sharp' pointed. Wild oat. may be both blaekand white. All oat. purchased for feed .hould be finely ground. cial Government and entreating them to remove the restrictions, with the sole object of enriching themselves. It was impossible to imagine, said the South Grey member, how much pres The Osprey U.P.Y.P.O. met at the sure such an organization could bring home of Mr. Robert Mclntyre Sr. on to bear on the Government, and furth Thursday, February 17th. A large crmore, if sound entreaty on their crowd was In attendance. In the ab- part did not have the desired effect sence of the president, Miss Tollle they took the other course of contrib- Spofford took his place for the even- uting to political campaifrn funds. ing and Mrss Lillian Thompson acted as secretary for the meeting, which opened by singing ''Keep the Young Club Booming." John McLean, Roy Thompson, Lizzie Murphy and Mabel Ross were appointed program com- mittee for the next meeting. The secretary, Miss Bemrose, handed in her resignation, after which T. Spof- ford was appointed secretary for the balance of the year. Then a good program was given on St. Valentine. The meeting closed with the National Anthem, lunch was served and the next meeting was set for March 4th at Mr. Walter Poole's. Quaker Corn Flake 3 for Choice Pink Salmon â€" large Macaroni 2 pks. for Good Black Tea per. lb. 3 Boxes Matches for Real 25 cts. 23 cts. 25 cts. 53 cts. 25 cts. Cream Shipping Station Store closed every eve. but Wed. & Sat. A. E. HAW. Ceylon The Beaverton toy factory was sold to Mr. L.J. Cameron a couple of weeks ago for 9126. It was an expensive toy for Beaverton. Simcoe County will have an exhibit at Toronto exhibition thia year. The County Council has made a grant of 9100 for this purpose. Tbere'a noth- ing like advertiaing. Duncan's Hardware Toik eounty nays its warden a sal- tey of 91,000; Bruce warden receives fl40. Hatcklng Eggs SiVTER MARCH IS NI$XT I WILL HAVE A LIMITED NUMBER OF INETTINOS OF THE FOLLOWING BREEDS TO SPARE: BABSBD ROCKSâ€" From pen of 286 fgy female, headed by choice vigor- one male. Par Setting 9SJ10. fJOHT SUSSEXâ€" The coming breed for Of g. and meat. Setting 13.00. <9rHrrB leghorns â€" Heavy Uying atrain. Setting IS.OO. BAVI ALSO SILVER GRKY DORK- INGS AND LI GHT B RAHMA8 BABT CHICKS AFTER APRIL 15. IMan filled aa received. Setting eomiat. of 15 egg.. r - â€" S. E DaCadmore rBONB IS. PLB8BBBT0N. Soon Lee, Owen Sound Chinese resident, has returned after spending the past two yean in China. The Circle Bar Knitting Co. of Owen Sound is to be enlarged with I a 926.000 addition. Wi^kertonian. .have aubaeribed more than half the amount required for a 910,000 covered rink. Rev. J. MaeKeniie Naughton, D. D., rector of St. George*, church. Owen Sound, hM announced hi. intention of accepting a call from St. John*. Stone Chorch. at St John. N. B. Rav. Dr. Naughton has been in Owen Sound for five year, and ia a member of the Owen Sound School Board. MI TTS & GLO VES Corona and Taco Ranges Empire Quebec Cooks & Heaters stove Pipes, Elbows Etc Crosscut Saws, Axes, Handles, Wedges, Etc. ENAMEL & TINWARE FRANK W. DUNCAN GENERAL HARDIWAR.E PboMtt Hwwmi S4j The election expenae. of J. H. Mit- chell, snceeasful eandklato ia 8o«thi> west Simcoe in the recent provincial election were 9600.70, and thoM of J. E. Jamioaon. hi. opponant, ww« 91176.40. As the icebreaker, Strathbogie, was ploughing her way from Port McNteoll to Midland the skipper oh- Mrved a toad of wood being taken across the ice to Midland. In order not to force the man with the team to make a detour of severs! miles, Capt. E. F. Burke alowed down his tug until the man was safely past, then came on up to Midland. The load crossed the ice only a short dis- Unce in rfont of the boat which wa. > crashing through twenty inche. of lee. oeem the Car alf the Story tha k Qiimlit BMaqr k at NEW. LOWm prin^ <ai lOc wBKa wvivm asa efw MMk D. McT A VISH & SON FLESHERTON, ONT. .1^