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Flesherton Advance, 2 Mar 1927, p. 1

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L 0. L No. 1085 Fefcrskam, will liold a Bn Social aid Concert on Tues.^ Mardi IS, '27, Admission: 25 coris Bthje /les^jetton %Hmtc. Vol 46 No. 45 Flesherton. Ontario, March 2, 1927 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprictem FEVERSHAlf The heaviest fall of mow for the winter fell on Saturday and Sanday when oner a foot covertd the ground. Mx. J6tm Speer TJsHed with friends in Stayner laet week. Hr. aad Uta. Chester Lons spent Sunday with the former's mother in MazwdL Miss Easel Alexander visited with friends in Owen Sooad last week. The yonac people are givioc a play in the school entitled "Ut ns sU set Married." Miss Mary Speer visited with Mr. end lbs. Jos. Henderson in Maxwell last week. Mr. Wm. Osborne had the misfor^ tone to slip on a wet floor iriiile tail sawing in Andrew Tawcett's mill and fell on a post, hrsaldns two of his ribs. Mr. Samuel Roberts hsd s close call last Friday while driving to Mr. Homberstone's sale. A team of horses behind him became onmanage- sble and ran away, smashing into Mr. Roberts' cutter and hitting him on the back of the head with the tongue, inflicing a nssty cut Mr. John Hodson has rented a farm from Mr. John Black and is moving onto it. TORONTO LME. NORTH Ifrs. Geo. Littlejohns is spending a few days with her sister in Toronto Miss Amdia Davis and Master Geo. Swanton of Cbeeseville visited o^cr the weA end with their grandmother, Mrs. Swanton. Mr. Lonard AIcox visited with Mr. Jas. Harrison, Springhill. Mrs. E. Donpe «i Proton visited with her friend, Mrs. E. Wlckens. Mr. D. Mnrdock has retomed to his home at Caledon East after spendiiig awhile at W. Bomcttts. THB TALLST CORNEHS Miss Opal Weber of Kimberley spent s day or two with friends in this vicinity. Miss Bella Woodhoase of this vidn* ity is visiting friends in Heathcote. A nomber of people from this vicin- itv attOMled a dance at Mr. Thomas SooTs, Kimberiey. and report a j«Ay tisse. Mr. William Hortop of this vicin- ity has been ill for a few days, bat ws are irfad to see that he ia able to be oat and around again. A number of people from here at- tended lAr. Abercrombie's sale. BUGEMIA PUBUC SCHOOL Sr. 4 â€" • Beta Genoe, Hilda Gordon, Enid Gordon, Irene Martin, Glen Ped- lar, Patty Morgan. Jr. 4 â€" Kathleen Pedlar, Glsdya Faweett, Melrose Csmpbell, Victor Csmpibell, Gladys Williams. Srd â€" Beivs Genoe, Annie Laogh- Un, Lacy MacDonald, Evelyn Row- botham, Lloyd Genoe, Bill Laughlin, FHmk Large and Phylis Graham not ranked. 2nd â€" Teddie Campbell, Argyle Martin, Bemice Camp^U, Vemice Vawcett, Teddie Dixon, Isab^ Sow- botham. Jr. Sec â€" Elma Dixon. Freddie Partridge, Percy Graham, L. Grahsm. Pr. Jr. â€" Lillian Plsntt. Jean Tudor. Number on roll SS. â€" M. Johnston. Teacher. SPRINGHOJ. PUBUC SCHOOL Sr. 4 â€" Lola Blackburn*, Audrey Brown. Jr. 4 ~ aifford Alien. Eari Johns- tan*. George Allen, Annie AUns. BUen Parker, Jean Beard. Jr. 8 â€" Witfrsd Bsdt, Ceen Thistle- thwaite, WflUe Psiker. Deris WaUer. Sr. S â€" Selna Sooth*, Merle Al- ien*. Marjorte Wyatt. Harold Johns- ton*. Orren South. Sr. 4 â€" BIsie White*, Doris South*. Patsy Beard*. Jr. Pr. â€" Nellie Thistiethwaite, Ivan Waller, Russdl Johnston*. * pcaseat every day. â€"G. B. UtUejohns, Teacher. Orangaville town council has decid- ed to change the date of their mu- nieipal Section fh>m the first Monday la hatmrf to the firsi Monday fai D*- MAXWELL Thes upplementary coarse m first aid and home nursing commenced on Monday of this wek, with Miss H. Graydon of StreetsviDe as instme* tress. The Ladies' Aid of the United Church will meet at the home of lbs. Boy Feawidc Thursday, March Srd at 8 pm. The W. L held their regnlar meet- ing at the home of lbs. (Dr.) Guy on February 18th. In spite of the dis- agreeable weather a good crowd vnu present. The L.OJB.A, beld a box socisl and euchre party in ttie Orange Hall on Thursday evening last. Miss Annie Priestly has returned home after spending the past two weeks at Robt. Priestly^a in Dundalk. Miss Shiriey Buckingham of Dun- dalk spent the week end at her par- ental home here. Miss Mary Ross has returned home after spending the past two weeks with her sister, Mrs. M. Nicholla, of Dondalk. Mr. Geo. Long has returned home after spending the past week in To- ronto. Dont forget United Sunday school at 2.30 pjtt. and churcb semce at 7.00 pjn. Mrs. H. Linley is on the sick list at present, but we hope to hear of her r e co v er y soon. Mr. snd Mrs. Robt. Priestly of Dun- dalk spent Sunday with relatives here. BORN â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Morrison on Monday, Febmary 21st, 1927, the gift of a PROTON STATION Mr. Charlie Davey has gone to Wal- demar to fill the position of section foranaa. Mrs. Chester, who has been spend- ing some weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jss. Keilson, has re- tomed to her home at Scarboro. Mr. Thos. Wyvin, who wkb down to a hospital in Toront for an X-ray examination, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Acheson visited a few days irith friends in Owen Soond. Mr. and Mn. Wm. Blackburn of the Junction oitertained the choir of the United Church last Friday night and all report a merry time. NOT A '•BOB" CAT. Wildcats are not often seen in this section of Ontario. However, one bobbed up the ether day on the 18th Con., Proton, vrhich gave a biinch of sports a real interesting "encounter." It appears that G. McCannel, while walking along the 18th eariy Wed- nesday mormmr of last week noticed lying on the road ahead of him what he thought at first was a fox or coon. As he approached within some rods of it the animal leisurely got up and walked into the swamp at the side of the road. He htvried to Jack Raw's honse where there is always plenty of guns and ammunition ready for any sporting game. There was no time lost in phoning over to Wilfred Black and he soon came with gun and hound. Together with Jack and Ed. Haw, the party got ontop the track and hadn't to follow in the swamp lonjc till they came up with their game sitting quietly on the iManch of a tree about Un feet up. They weren't lonir in finding out that the animal waa a wildcat, for when it got a mova on farther ap the tree its action was said to be quick as "greased lightn- ing." To add to the excitement, Ed. Haw drew a bead on the game and brought it to the ground with a charge of shot. Then there was a dog and cat fight in which the dog was out- dasaed by the wounded cat. The eat got the charge of shot in the eyes and waa blinded, otherwise it waa very much alive and put up a great fight for its life. Every fellow had a crack at it with butt of gun or club, at the same time keeping out of range dC the sharp daws. The cat had to fin- ally give np the unequal struggle, under handicap of blindness. It was a long-tailed wildcat and mMaured three and a half feet, fat and in good condition. It is supposed to have been young, probably last sesson*s kitUn.â€" Dundalk Herald. See "The Juggsville Convention" in the high school. Flesherton. on Fri- day. March 4th. under auspices of St Johns Ladles' Aid. Come prepared to enjoy • good laugh. EUGENIA Yes, George Tonag is the world's champion swimmer to-day. Have we no youth in Eugenia who will com- pete against him aad win |60,000 this summer? Mrs. Smith, who has been assist- ing at the Mnnshaw House for some time, haa gone to Toronto. Messrs Bsail and Burton Carnith- era left Tuesday to take a position st the Sault. We wish yoa success, boys. Mrs. H. Foester is visiting with friends in Toronto. Mrs. Jos. Williams, who has been visiting her hosband here, also her daughter, Mrs. Partridge, and her brother, Mr. Thomas Fenwick, return- ed on Mondsy to Toronto. Miss Marguerite Pedlar and brother Glenn visited over the week end at H. Shaw's, near Markdale. The Ladies' Aid are getting up a play which they intend giving the last of March. Mrs. Doupe, who has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. Sherwood, and her niece. Miss Selina McDonald, has returned to her home at Sangeen Junction. Mrs. Wibon and Mrs. McWatters risited with the former's daughter, Mrs. Fred Jamieson, last week. Mrs. Garnet Msgee and Mrs. Lau- rence LycMis visited with their sister, Mrs. A. Hoy, recently. Congratulations to ICss Kathleen Sells of Toronto, who has been awar- ded the Mina Barrett scholaniup for the further edocstion of a talented blind muaicisn. The scholarship is the first of iU kind to be established in Canada. Miss Sells wss one of a trio of blind girls wiio gave an excel- lent program in the church here some time ago. Miss Doris Magee of Vandelenr is visiting at the Mtmshaw House at present. Mrs. Will .Gordon has returned home from a visit with friends at the Cataract Mr. Calvin Boyce entertained his friends to a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Partridge on Wednesday night of last week. We are pleased to see Mr. Boyce and Mr. Russel Park able to trip the light fantastic sgain after beins laid up recently with nasty gaslies in their feet We are pleased to learn that Miss Patricia Morgan is recove ri ng £rom her illness. Mr. Will Hawken has purchased a work bone from a farmer in Melanc- thon. Miss Gertrude Greenaway visited her friend. Miss Ila Magee, 8th line, re- cently. The meeting of the UJ'.W.O. is being held at the home of Mrs. A. P. Pedlar this Wednesday afternoon. CEYLON VICTORIA CORNERS About 25 of the neighbors and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stin- son gathered at their home one even- ing last week to wish them a happy journey through life, and presented them with a clock. BIrs. Bert Rowden of Clinton is vis- iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lcckhart. Marguerite Stinson is visiting for a few days with her sister, Mrs. B«t Badgerow, of Saugeen. Mrs. George Moore is confined to her bed. Mrs. James Best, who has been un- der the doctor's care, is Improving nicely. Rev. Mr. McRoberts is holding choral services next Sunday at Inis- tioge. Mr. George Brackenbnry of Flesher- ton, who haa bought Mr. James Stin- soo's lower farm, is removing the bush, and has a number of teams drawing logs to Rock Mills. EUwood Porvis has gone to Dundalk where he had taken a position. The Ford Motor Co. has tried many types of advertiaing â€" newspaper, Imagatine, trade journal, direct mail poster and motion picture â€" and on Thursday before the Toronto Board of Trade. C. L. Dyer, advertising manager of the Ford Motor Co., in discussing the various aspects of sd- vertising, described newspaper adver- tising ad the backbone ot all adver- tising campaigns. So now if you wish to reach the greatest number of people at the least expense, use the, oewspapars. â€" Ex. Mr. John MeWilliams, who has been w<»fcing up north for the past two montha, has returned home. Ur. Percy McLeod (rf Regina, Mrs. Beatty of near Dnndxs, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jackson and babe of Toronto, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLeod. the past wedL Mr. and Mrs. Jackson sre remaining on an extended visit. Mr. Alex. Stewart of Owen Sound visited his friend, Mr. A. Sinclair, on Friday. Mr. Edward Sargent of Shelbume was a visitor in town last week. Mr. Will Stewart, who has been in the bank at Brampton aad is beins transferred to Chesterfield, spent Fri- day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart Mr. J. J. Patterson spent the week end with friends at Proton. Mrs. John Thibadean and Sirs. Pe- ter Thibadeaa of Bfarkdale visited with their sister, Mrs. D. McLeod, and brother, Mr. John Stewart, the past week. Mr. James Hales, now of Owen Sound, spent the week end with his wife here. Mrs. Evens and Miss Annie Moir, of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. AUie Muir Saturday and attended the funeral of their ancle, the late Mr. W. Paton, at Flesherton. Mrs. Sara Archibald left Saturday to visit her son at Chatham. Mr. J. C. McMuDen is visiting with friends in Toronto. Mr. Harold Spofford, UJ'.O. buyer, had a car of salt unloaded here on Monday. Mr. Tracey of Detroit spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Gibson. Mrs. F. Mso^haU spent a day in the city the past week. Mr. N. AxchibaU left Monday for Toronto, where he has a situation. Mr. and Mrs. D. McLeod enter- tained their neighbors and friends to a dance on Friday evening, when a very pleasant time was spent by those present Miss Agnes MacPhail, M. P.. spent the week end st her home here. 8TH LINE. ARTEMESIA Mrs. John Campbell of Eugenia spent a day with her sister, Ifos. WQ- frcd Magee recently. Mrs. Joe. Williams of Toronto spent the wek end with her brother, Mr. T. Fenwick. Mrs. John Seeley and babe of Max- well visited with Mr. and Mt«. John Parsons recently. Mrs. Wilson of Eugenia spent a dsy with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Jamieson. RAN PENCIL INTO CHEEK While Miss Ethel Daley was re- turning home on Tuesday c^ last week from her lessons in stenography St Miss Sinclair's residence, she slip- ped on the icy pavement and a sharp- pointed pencil carried in her hand entered her upper lip and penetrated the interior of the cheek in such a manner that it almost protruded near the right eye. As the lead on the pencil broke and was left embedded in the flesh, the wound later began to swell in such a manner as to necessi- tate a trip to the doctor's the follow- ing day, when much probing was re- quired to successfully remove the substance. Although now fully re- covered from the mishap, she had for a time a rather painful and serious time. â€" Walkerton Hearld-Times. A number of officers and N.C.O's of the GreyRegiment are taking courses at Stanley Barracks, Toronto. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the es- Ute of Alex. Ferguson, late of the Township of Osprey in the County of Grey, Farmer, deceased, who died on or before the 10th day of March, 1927. And notice is further given that after the said date the executors will proceed to distribute the estate, hav- ing regard only to such claims as they will then have had notice of. Dated at CoUingwood this Srd day of Febmary, A.D. 1926. â€"MALCOLM McLBAN. Solicitor for the Executors, Wm. Wells Ferguson and Daisy Isabelle BUck. BATES BURIAL CO. FUNERAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNERAL PARLORS 122-124 Menw Road, TORONTO Tdepheae: KlagadaU 4S44 J. W. Bates. R. ROCK MILLS i THE LATE SAMUEL CORNFIELD The Baptist prayer meeting will ht held thb Thursday night, March 3idL (Ashland DaUy Press) l,t the home of Mrs. Ned Croft. Ev> Sam Cornfield of Gaemey, Wis., eryfoody welcome, passed away at Ashland last Wednes- Bobbie and Leila Clark spent th* day, February 16th, after a short ill- week end with their grandparents ia "*â- â- â€¢ Flesherton. The deceased was bom in Kimber- a goodly number was out to tW ley, Ont, Canada, in 1856 and came Sunday evening service at Mr. C. to Wisconsin in 1896 and has nuuie his Newell's. Mr. Joseph 3£. Jackasa home in this vicinity ever avaee. He preached. The service next Sunday owned a farm at Gnemey, Wisconsin, evening will be at Mr. T. Betts' at 7J» He is survived by four brothers: when everybody will be welcome. WiIlian,John and Joe of Kimberley, A dance was held at the homw of Robert of Edmonton and one sister, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Russel on Fii» Mrs. Wm, Fawcett, of Kimberley. 'day night list The funeral took place this after-, Miss Winneta McMuUen of East noon at 2.30 from Maytor Hoppenyans Mountain visited with Mr. and Iba. Funeral Home, Rev. Jamieson offic- Les. Chard recently, iating. Interment at Mt. Hope cem- ^^ ^ McKenzie visited with Mn^ etery vault q Newell and was present for th» Mr. Wesley Cornfield went to Ash- ' Sunday evening service, land and brought the body home to I Some of the men from around hef* Thombury cemetery for final inter- 1 are at present engaged drawing loga ment which took place on the arrival i for Mr. George Brackenbury. of the noon train. The United! Jfrs. S. Doupe visited the Ch:-Tch minister officiated. week with her brother. Mr. Wm. Haw> TH sympathy of the community is ! kins, and family extFn<fad to the bereaved brothers and sister. Mr. and Mrs. E. Bincington of Max* well visited on Thursday with theit niece, Jlrs. C. NewelL Uri. W. T. Pedlar and Mrs. Wal. Hawkins each had qoiltings last week, and entertained a few of theiv neig'hbors. PRICEVIIXE Th'' Misses Chariotte and Myrtle Stuart of Burks Falls are visiting their cousin, Miss Justina Ellis. The Ladies' Aid hekl a very suc- cessful tea meeting on Friday night. Rev. Mr. Cullis of Heathcote gave a. splendid address. Mr. Geo. Soath j â-  i gave some splendid vioUn selections. ! Misi Doris McLean of Toronta ii while the choir rendered some ex- ' spending a few days at her b&me ia ceptionally fine vocal selections. i town. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Robert i Miss Anabelle McArthur visits! Chard and family to oar neighbor- i over the week end with Mr. and Mrs hood. i W. Watson. The Messrs. Wiley have been deli- ' Miss Jean McLean was the guest o^ veriag wood in the village, while quite Miss Jessie Nichol the first of tht a number of the farmers are Kj»nling week, logs to the saw milL I Miss Esther McLean, teacher tf Mr. Ed. Baker of Vandeleur vras a ' Corbetton, spent the week end at her caller in the village one day last week. ''°°»* •**"• Professor Kyle of Mt Forest hai started a music class in town. Mr. Reid of Toronto university so^ __ _ , _ plied at the Presbyterian service oa The Women s Institute meeting was gonday. Professor Kyle being pre*. heWat the home of Mrs. F. J. Weber ^nt gave a oiano instrumentaL on Thursday last , ,j„ j^^^^^ Graham visited bktoM Mr. Wm. Lawson of Owen Sound is in Durham last week. visiting Mr. H. Ward. Mr. Cooper. Agricultural Repreaeo* ~~ tative, is giving a lantern slide l«e» The editor of a country newspaper ture in St. Columba church on March received from a subscriber the query: gth, for the Y.P.S. "Can you tdl me what the weather is likdy to be next week?" In reply he wrote: 1 believe that the weather next week is likely to be very much ,. ... o . like your subscription." The enquir- <^'«° "" ***« Saugeen reserve near er puzzled his head for an hour over Sonthampton, who died on Decemheg what the editor was drivinj; at when 2nd last. His death occurred tfiraa ^''-,,1* ^^-P^J"^^!^ "f *^* days after a quarrel with anoths* word "unsettled." He sent a cheque , " .- . the next day.â€" Ex. Indian. *» Mrs. Goodfellow of Duncan spent a few days recently with her daughter. Mrs. Rusael Ellis. .\.n investigation is to be made otf the death of David Thompson, an la* 1 MOUSE OF Q.UAL1TY GROCERIES We carry a full line of FRESH Groceries CONFECTIONERY Neilson's Fancy & Bulk Chocolates Patterson's Bars â€" Try their WILD FIRE ICE CREAM BRICKS always on hanq FLOUR & FEED Purity, Royal Household & Five Roses, Bran. Shorts, Screenings. Rolled Oats, Oat Chop, Barley Chop, Cracked Corn, Wheat, Corn, SALT Barrel and Sacks Store closed Tues. and Thur. W. J. STEWART 81 SONS F1o«w. Peed, S aedi. Cr«!«ttM amd Confectiamety Flesherton I •\

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