THE FLESHERTON ABVANCB WEDNESDAY;. FEBRUAET 16, 192r A .^oiAt Savings Account b a ReaFtonvenience- PARTICULARLY as a matter of family convenience does tlie joint ac- count demonstrate its value. All funds deposited are subject to with- drawal at any time by either of the persons in whose names the joint ac- count is opened. In case of the de- cease of one of the parties holding a joint account, all money may be with- drawn ty the other. A joint savings account in the Standard Bank is a real convenience where two peoplj desire access to the same fund.?. THE STANDARD BANK FLESHERTOri BRANCHâ€" C. T. Batty, Manager I I I ! I i ! I i I CJ*Jt. TIME TABLE Markdale Won Debate Five Children Burned Father Dies in Huspltal VALIANT ATTEMPT AT RESCUE FAILS WHEN STAIRWAY COLLAPSES A terrible tragedy occurred a few mlies west of the American Sault last week which touches Flesherton, from the fact that the father of the family, which was all but annihilated when their house burned, was a nephew of Postmaster W. W. Trimble of Flesherton. Following is the de- spatch announcing the disaster: Five children were burned to death while their father received bums from which he may not recover, in a fire which totally destroyed the homes of Harry Trimble and L. G. Coleman at Rudyard, Mich., at 3.30 o'clock Thurs- day morning of last week. Only one of the six children in the Trimble family, Bernice, aged 18 months, v/as saved. The others, all under 10 years of age, perished â€" three of them going to their deaths when the burn- ing stairs collapsed as the father, aged 32 years, tried to bring them to Mrs. David Harraw I Dieil in Owen Seaml Trains leave Flesherton Station as â- 4 t follows- i" -^ debate was held in the United '""y- Going South Going North Church here Wednesday evening of T^e dead children «e: Margaret g.00 «.m 11^2 las* week between Markdale and In-j ^"«"«' *««^ ^° y"'"' Marjory, aged 41Q p„_ ««o __â- iatioee Youni? Peonle's Societies, in ^ years; Harry, aged 5 years; Mar 8^1 4.33 p.m 11^2 A.m, ana . -, iatioge Young People's Societies, in *^ .the elimination series of this group"®"' "««*^ ^ years and Dorothy, aged I of Grey Presbytery. Markdale was 6 months. His wife lies badly burned , ! at the home of her mother-in-law, The mails close at Flesherton as declared the winner on the subject, TrijnWe, who is assistant station- foUows: For the north at UM a.m, "Resolved, that indifference is a master at Rudyard, is given little •onth at 3.30 For morning train ' greater hindrance to moral rc^fomr '=^*"'=® °* recovery by the doctors at •outh mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the than active opposition." The affirm-, '^^ Michigan Soo Hospital, where he previous evening. i stive was taken by Jfr. Riissel Pat- ! "f*^^'®^ â€" â- ', terson and Mr. Gordon Acheson of • _-._.,, - â- „ , jlnistioge, while Miss Jean Stewart 1 ^"^ «• G. Trimble, of Rudyard. land Mr. Crosby Bov,es of Markdale' ^« ^*'°'« **">'y ^' sleeping on upheld the negative side of the ar-l *« f'^""'^ «««' °* the house when Buy in Flesherton: Igument. It was an exceptionally ***""* 'i"***^' ^PP"*"*"^ '"" *" Read The Advance advertisementa. ' Kood debate and was very much en- °J!I^'***A!*.T:-'" . ^-^''i"! u!°* Mr. John Nuhn was in Toronto last J**y*** ^^ *« audience, which over- .^eek. ' flo'^ed the large schoolroom of St. 'j<dui'8 United Church. The judges '.gave their decision in favor of the 'negative. Mr. H. H. Graham of Local and Personal Mr. J. O. Patton is visiting with friends in Durham. them. Awakening to find the house aflame, Trimble rouaed his wife and the little girl, Bernice, and safely ushered them out of the house. He then re-ente^-ed the home and, grop' Mr. A. Shackleford spent the week Vandeleur presided^ and the judges '"8^''''' ^"^ J^'*""^'* ^^ ^^'''^^ ""^ «nd m Owen Sound. j,^^ jjiss Stewart. Mrs. (Dr.) Mur- " Mrs. M. Jamieson is spending a ray and Mr. Lawrence, few days with friends in Owen Sound. 1 The next round will be at Vande- Mr. Clarence White of the HJ! J>.C. leur on Fridiay, March 4th, when «pent Sunday with friends in town. 1 M a rkd a le meets Kimberiey in the , .. ,^.,- , Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grey of Laurel '!»«1 *"• the group. The subject wUl ^^:^^'"'J^^_^^^! f^^^^^^' were visitors over the week end with ^' "Resohed that modem youth is Mr. and Mrs. A. Watson. I deteriorating," and Khnberlhr !wil This year there has been more ^^* *•»• •ffirmative. illness from severe colds than there flames, gained the second floor, where he took Marion and Dorothy under his arms and bade Harry crawl on hands and knees beside him. Thus loaded, he sought to return I1U been for some time, Mr. Frank Thibaudeau has bought THB DIRECTOBIS MEET burning staircase, and the three children crashed into a veritable fur- nace below. Trimble grasped the woodwork and managed to get out- side, but he was badly burned. Cry- ing deliriously that he had not even seen Margaret or Miarjory when he had been in the house, he attempted The directors of Ae East Grey Ag- the Herb Purvis farm one mfle east ricultnral Society met at the home of «f Markdale. jjr. T. W. Flndlay, Vice President, on) to go in a second time, but friends, Mrs. W. A. Axmstrong spent a Friday evening last, when meat of 1 who realized that hie was crazed by few days last week with her daugh- the directors, including five ladies, !Na injuries and the nerve strain, ter, Mrs. H. M. Hyland, at Weston, jwere present. Mr. H. Down, who j Prevented him from returning to cer- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Perkins and son, attended the Fairs' Association Con- tain death. BUlie, of Markdale spent Sunday mention in Toronto, gave an extended! Later, Tnmble was rushed to the with Mr. and Mrs. H. Freeman. «P°ft- i ^*"' hospital in a special train where he passed away the same evening. The regular meetmg of L.O.L. 2855 1 »n*««™»ted, will be held on Friday evening of this week, Feb. 18th, A membership contest, similar to the one staged last year, was organ- Mr. Allan Watson has been laid up | "^^^ '**'<* •='•>? competition was with a severe attack of rheumatic discussed and it was decided to see ..t,„„.„y cnriwrv Mirwrivr fever and is confined to his bed. I?* * '<>«* ?roP competition could be| LITERARY SOCIET Y MEETING The high school literary society held a very interesting meeting on Wednesday afternoon of last week. A "mock business" was part of the program and was conducted with a grreat deal of dignity and severity. Many resolutions for the betterment of the society were passed, one of .these being "That we have meetings MEET. o„ the second and fourth Wednesday of each month." The different H. Down & Sons and D. McTavish '"''* ^* "T" ^^^ *"** ^^ & Son have received shipments olf cars for spring delivery. man as captains. The gathering was entertained to luncheon by Mrs. Findlay, which Mr. Ed. SeweU afad daughter, ir""":"" "' "V 'â- .•"""J" '•""^" brought a pleasant evening to a close, Korma, from Lintlaw, Sask., are vis iting with the former's niece, Mrs. Sam Semple. While unloading cars at the station ARTEMESIA TRUSTEES The Artemesia Trustees' and Rate- - 1. ^ 1. _,. • ^v on Thursday last Mr. Steve Sutton payers' Association held its annual f°"»» «««=»» took part in the program, suffered a wrenched back that laid, meeting in the toWn hall on Wednes-'r°"r 1 was represented by 1 read- him up for a few days. day afternoon of last week. The ^^^^^^ -^^ ^T *?f %f"^* ^^ ?"*^' « » V ,â„¢^ , ^ â„¢r „ . V n. J ^ , , , ' Waiters and Donalda Sloane. Form Mrs. John Thaler of Walkerton and attendance was not as large as could „ x-u^j- »._ i. 4.1. *•_ f ... ^ ,..,»..,. . uj.j i.„ it ». 2 contributed a chorus by the entire Mr and Mrs Harold Dobbms of near be desired, stiU there was a goodly j^^^ ^^ ^ ^^j^^^^ ^^^^ "Ivanhoe" Butfalo visited with their uncle, Mr. number present. ^^ ^^^^ ^^.^ ^^^ ^^^^^ F. G. Karstedt, this week. | The following offi^iers were ap- from Form 3, sang a solo and Edna The Superintendent of Rock Mills pointed for the ensuing year: Pres- jjcCallum read a poem. Form 4 Sabbath School would like the chU- Went, Jos. MoJCee; Vice President, contributed a reading by .Florence dren and teachers to be out as usual H. Corbett; Secretary, R. Allen. McFadden and a male quartette viras •on Sunday next. | It was decided to hold another much enjoyed. The high school pa- The Kimberiey Ladies' Aid will meeting prior to the convention, this per "The Astonisher," was read and hold an old-fashioned tea-meeting on to be held at the Park hotel, Fleaher- enjoyed by all. February 25. Hot supper served and ton, on Wednesday, March 16th, at . ' concert. Admission ,60c and 25c. ; 8 o'clock p.m., when it is hoped for a Collingwood elevator will be en- Keep Friday evening, March 4th. '"^* attendance. larged. open and attend the annual concert f of the United Church Ladies' Aid. A play will be given entitled, "The Juggsville Convention." The hockey team was defeated at Chatsworth Thursday evening of last week 7-5. The return game will be held this Friday night here when a good game is expected. There were no penalties in the agme. Nominationa will be held in the town hall on Saturday afternoon next to nominate a person or persons for the vacant seat on the Township of Artemesia Council board. If an el- ection is required it will be held the following Saturday. Mr. Bert Jamieson, son of Mrs. M. Jamieson of town, has sold a block of claims at TImmins for which he real- ised $260,000 and holds a ten per cent, interest in the property. The Jamieson boys have struck thingis rich in the mining game of the marth. Mr. Richard Hoy of Rock Mills has purchased the residence owned by Mr. Neil McKechtiie and will shortly move into town. Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Kechnie and family are leaving in March for their farm in the Peace KiTer District, Alberta. FRESH GROCERIES Real Specials like these are Quaker Corn Flake 3 for Choice Pink Salmon â€" large Macaroni 2 pks. for Good Black Tea per. lb. 3 Boxes Matches for 25 cts. 23 cts. 23 cts. 53 cts. 25 cts. I Cream Shippiniir Station Store closed every eve. but Wed. & Sat. A. E. HAW, Ceylon Mrs. David Harrow died at her home in Owen Sound on Thursday , of last week after an illness cover- ing about two years at the age of 72 years. Deceased, while she had been in failing iiealth, was not taken seriously ill until just a few days be- fore iier death, which was due to pneumonia. She was the daughter â- of the late Wm. Hawke of Waterloo County, where she was born. In 1881 she married David Harrow, who died in October last. They lived in this township near Priceville until about i five years ago, when they moved to Owen Sound. The late Mrs. Harrow was very highly esteemed and beloved by all who knew tier. During her residence in Owen Sound she attended West- side United Church. i She is survived by seven children: Mrs. W. A. Beaton, Ceylon; Misses ' Ethel and Minnie, Richmond, Va.; Hunter, of Essex; Frank, Hodgeville, Sask.; and Misses Agrnes and Annie, , at home. She also leaves one sister, ' Mrs. P. Fetch, Calder, Sask.; and: one brother, Edward Hawke, Melfort, | Sask. I If you want to get well booted or rubbered CALL AT THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON VALENTINE SOCIAL The Ladies' Aid of the United Church held a very successful Val- entine Social on Monday evening in the church. A short but extremely interesting program was given, after which games were indulged in and a dainty lunch, served at small tables, was partaken of. About $23 was taken at the door. Farmer â€" ^"Have all the cows been milked?" Dairymaid â€" "Yes, all but the Am- erican one." Parmer â€" "Which do you call the American one?" Dairymaid â€" 'The one that's gone dry." BOBN " ADAMS â€" In Artemesia, Thurs-^ day, February 10th, 1927, to Mr. and | Mrs. D. W. Adams, the gift of aj daughter, Ena Bernice. UNHEARD OF PRICES Boy's Fleece-lined Underwear 50c. a garment. Boys' Shoesâ€" regular $4.00 for $2.00. Laides' Shoes â€" reg. $5.00 up to $7.50 for $1.49. Infants' Cashmere Stockings, 19c. a pair. Children's Warm School Caps 25 cents. Serges â€" 75 cents per yard. Porii & Beans, 2 for 25c " , Fresh Pure Lard 22 cents per pound. Fancy Biscuits 18c pter lb. Dates, Figs and Prunes 2 lbs. for 25c New Cheese 28 cents a pound. We have a full supply of fresh Groceries ^ - at reasonable prices. .. __ A. WATSON Wright's old stand, - Flesherton DIED f HARROW â€" Passed away early Friday morning of last week, Feb. 11, at her residence in Owen Sound, Rachel Hawke, wife of the late David Harrow, af the age of 72 years', 4 months. WANTED CEDAR Telephone Poles 30 X 6 40 X 7 30 X 7 45 X 7 35 X 6 50 X 7 35x7 55x7 40x6 60x7 DELIVERED AT EITHER PROTON STATION OR FLESHERTON STATION W. A. Armstrong &Son FLESHERTON WE SELL HOBBERLIN Made to Order Suits Price 23.75 up GROCERY SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK 2 pounds pure Lard 39c 2 packages Muffets 29c New Jill Jelly Powders 4 packages 2Sc Sugar Crisp Corn Flakes 10c Tomatoes, large tins 15c. W. G. KENNEDY Phone 37 Spring Sewing Many people find the present time a very suitable one in which to plan their spring sewing. A lot of necessary work in this line can he accomplished on stormy days that would otherwise be post- poned. For the convenience of customers who like to get their sewing under way in time, we place on sale this week Pyjama Cloth Quilt Chintz VoUet Unbleached Cotttms Sheetings fievt Ginghanu New Prints Sattens Fancy and Plain Tiddngs Lingerie Cottons Long Cloths Shirtings Galateas Crepes Pillow Cottons. All cotton piece goods will be found very reasonable priced. F. H. W. HICKLING Flesherton, Ont.