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Flesherton Advance, 2 Feb 1927, p. 7

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â- "^Piw FAUFDL YEARS TheEUrdMan. Man's first dreanis offlylBf ••- VAn III niAlfVII mamtfA wlnsa of som* kind atuehed VwX ALL If Uullal to his 8liMiU«n like tb««* of a bird. " The unfSrtunate Icania devtaed wln«s Iik« th»(, and Leonardo dft Vinci. Mach Suffering Can be Avoided J«eni««d engmeer as b« wa«, suii , Usought of wings faatened to a man's Throagb the Use of Dr. WU- liams' Pink Pab. Tho moat fate'ul years in a woman's life are those between forty-fiTO aad flfty. Maay women enter this term under depressinc conditions; throngh How to TdH a Classic. In literature tho wor.i classic was origlnaUy limited to Greek and Latin! pros« and poetry. U has now come to mean any piece of Hterature whose ' quality ia such that it has surrived I for fifty or a hundred ypars and Is by | comicon csnaent regarded aa so gojd j as to be pemxau'ent. A literary classic | shouid P0&&0S3 one or ail of th« foUow- lasr quaHtles: | 1. it sUoukl reject the mode of thousht and the cnstoms and manners of its time. i The travels of Herodotn*. the dla- iocues of Socraiea, and the noveis of : Jano Ansten aro exampies. j I 2. It riioold te written in a beautl- ; I body aa the only means of keeping him ^noyed np in th« air. Ths air- ' plans la a different kind of invention. It has wiii«8 Indeed, but the wings are part of an ensln»Klr1ven machine In wMch th« flyer sits. Xo7erth«!es6., In- ventors are still trying to find a way orerwork, worry, or a watery condJtJoa to make man hintself the flying crea- ot the blood, and th«y •afler heavily. ture and not a mere pase«nger. An Among tho comsnonest symptom* AnstratUan ensia«er, Anton Lutsch by mre headacbe«, palpk*tk)ns, dlsstoeas," name, has contrived a machine to be ^^^ ""^ striking style. j backache*, depression and other well fa»tened to a man's shouWers, fitted Lincoln's Gettysburg Speech I0 an rooognlzed disturbances of the h«alth wHh bat-Hke wings to sustain his , example. j whleh abow that the blood requires weight and driven by a gasoline engine i '• '^ should spring from and appeal j aueution. Women stand to need of which rests against the man's back, i '<* * cultivated imagination. rich red blood all their Mve», bnt never Two helicopter screws pe«i» up ov*r } "^^ poems of Keats are an eiampie. more ao than at middle age, when the the flyer's shoulders, and they are In- ! *• ^' should he a coatrlbution to the nerves ai« also weak and overwToaght tondei to enabie him to rte© quietly ^ ^**'**'^' °' '^^ ^^'^•^ **^ *°'*' s*^"*"- In this ooodltfcm there Is no other and almost verticaUy into the air. The medicine can do so much for women apparatus weighs only eighty-eight pounds, and Herr I/itsch hopes to re- duce that weight by twenty pounds by substituting aluminum for iron where- ever poe^ible. He says the machine can be built for atxwt $100. -♦ as Dr. WiUlanui' PlnX Pffis, for these pills make ridi, red blood, which gives tone to the whole bodr. thus restoring robust heatth. Tbousanda of Cana- dian women have proved the value <^ Dr. WHllama^ Pink PUia in cases of this kind. Among them is Mrs. J. H. Jctmston, Uoo's Head, Ont., who says: â€" "I aon writing to let you know Uie wonderful good your pille have done Die. I WBB a complete wreck, and would fialnt If I crossed the rooi" I waa go- ing through the change of llfev and w€8 M> weak I could not do my work. I went to Toronto, whe«i my folks said nothing but an operation would h«ip me. But I said: 'No, Dr. WUUann' Pink PUi's heliped me in girlhood, and I am going to give them a, trial.' 1 took the plll« steadily for a month, when I returned homo a well woman, able to do all my work with case. Friends here say It's a wonder I am aKve after what I went through, and I am thankful to say I believe Dr. WtlMams' Pink Pais saved my life." Try Dr. Williams' Pink PUIs for anaieimia, riieumatisim, neuralgia, ner- vousness. Take th«m as a tonic if you are not In the best physical con- dition ani cultivate a resistance that will keep you well and strong. You can get these plHs through any medl- elne dealer or by mall at 50 cents a box from The Dr. WUliama' Medlclas Co., Brockvllle, Ont. OU Roads. Here where the rotting corduroy Wandtts idong the swampy places. Wanders aa well a kmely boy Lookteg his last OS phiantoDi faces. Berries are bright along the swale; Bright on th« bills the Autumn bums. Silence i« heavy on the trail That leads to nowhere and returns. The trail returns; and the hid, retom- ing. Softly smiles as over the hlil Nightfall carries the ancient, yearn- ing, Rapid cry of the whlppoorwi!!. He comes to the lighted homes of men "With quiet in his heart at last. Never, neT«- to walk again The ruined roadway* of the past. â€" X. K. Laing. Speech. For speech I d«Ive in a treasury wide as air. AH found la it got everywhere. Every delver puts more in. And takes, but leaves all. I begin To gee the speech-hoard of all time And m?asme its demesne subUmo When I recall. "Li©t thfrs be light," Thereafter, ou, as opals in my sight, I may survey all sipeech to know. And speculate which glint slKme for "\\"hich sage ; v.hich flame a seer would bloT,-. For speech I delve in a treasury free as air. All of It usable everywhere. â€" Martba Webster Merriehew. ISTHEREABABY IN YOUR HOME? late the thought of the world. The essays of Ralpfa Waldo Emerson are an example. { S. It should poetess a universal j human Interest and exprers all phases of human experience. The Old Testament and Shake- speare's plays are examples. Ne one generation can determine what clasBica k la prodocixig. The final Judgm^uit must and wUl be pcYV nounced by suoceeding generations. Walt Whitman and T4ii<»iq were look- ed on with conteimpt by many of their moet highly educated ocntemporaries. And yet Whitman's "O Captain! My Captain! " and Lincoln's Gettysbargi Speech will lave as long as the ICng- lis^h language Uvea. Nor does a classic have to be "hlghp brow stuff." If It le a geoutne Intelli- gent and witty picture of a certain aspect of society, even a beat-seller may become a classic; although I am bound to say that most of our modem beot-Eellers have very little chance of achievinj? this immortality. Artificial and pretentious writing n^er makes a cltissic. Sincerity, simpitdty, and sipontaneity are qualities that overy true classic â€" whether In. music, paint- ing, prcse or poetry â€" po0s«eses; all others pretending to the titles are counterfeits. Net nobody hoodwink you into supposing, tliat the clas&ica are pompous, stilted, and boreeome. If they were, nobody wouW read them â€" not even your teachers and professors. â€" Lawrence F. Abbott in The Outlook. « Is there a baby or young children in yc-iir home? If there is you should not . bo without a box of Baby's Own Tab- j i lets. Childhood ailments come quick- j ily and means should always be at j poctg and stockings before they axe [hand to promptly fight them. Baby's 1 „^jie<i. This applies also to all stock- ! Own Tablets A Practical Hint for Qxildren's Socks and Stockings. Always try to mend the chii^lTen's The FirstBose Relieves the Cough And thero are 40 dosea ia • 75-eent bottle 1 Fleassat to talw and instant in set ion in every kind of Cold. Relieves Bronchitis. Croup and Whooring Coiwh. Prevents ••Flu'* and Pneomonia. Kaaes irrU t£lt«d throats. Buy "BuekleT's". Sold by aU drusgiata and suaranteed. W. K. Bncklcy. Lhaitcd. 141 Mvtnal SU Tvnnta 2 a Acu likt a fUu)t^ Am • ilogte lip pcDva U *yi jSff are the ideal home I remedy. They regulate the bowels; I sweeten the stomach; banish cocsti- ; patlcn and Indigestion: break up colds i and simple fevers â€" in fact they relieTrs' ' all the minor Ills of little oires. Con- cerning them Mrs. Moise Cadotte, Makamsk, Que., writer: "Baby's O-wa Tablets are the bes-t rsmedy la the world for little one-s. Jly baby suffer- I ed terribly from indigestion and vomit- I Ing. but the T;;b;&ts socn sot her right aad now sh-e is lu perfect health." i The Tablets are soM \rs medicine I dealers or by mail at 25c a box from I The Dr. WilHams' Jledtcino Co., Brockvllle, Ont. Ings, but it ia speclaily n-eeeesary , j where there la a large weekly basket j I of mending. | Where there Is a family of boys the ; iaevltabi-3 football stockings will re- i quire much atte!:t!on. It is a good : l^au to ravel the leg of an old stock- , ing in order to meed the otJiers with I that vara. Sometimes a patch cut I from tt^» foot will effectually trans- â-  form a hopelessly large hole in tlio . hetr-1 to a neat aud successiul mend. I Lay tho piece under the h«!>) to be ; mended, daru it down all round on th» rig'jt side and cut away supertiuous niat«i'ial. Do not cut too closely, how- ever, and if possible press with a cool Iron after washing. Grea-t care should be observed Ini washing children's littia white woolen j sci'iiS'. lor they should not be aKowed to set smaller and smaller as will cer-| with careless wash lag. ' time. In' Women of Canada Pay Striking Tribute to Aluminum -the Modem Metal FROM Windsor, Ontario, to Hudson's Bay, from Halifax to the Rockies, RED ROSE TEA within the last few weeks has scored an extraordinary increase in sales. It is because we have stopped using paper pack- ages, and are again packing this finest of teas in the old, familiar Aluminum package of years go. The reception it has been given demonstrates beyond aU doubt that housewives of Canada recog- nize Alimiinum as the perfect container. For more than thirty years we have been experi- menting with packages â€" trying lead, paper and Aluminum â€" seeking alwav^s a material that would protect and be worthy of Red Rose quality. But it was only after Red Rose has been offered to the public in all these packages â€" first lead, then Aluminum, then paper â€" that the great advantages of Aluminum were proven. Aluminimi keeps out moisture, preserves the flavor and protects the quality. Paper packages, on the contrarj', absorb moisture which occasionally impairs the quaKty. So now and in the future RED ROSE TEA wiH be packed in the Aluminum package, as it was in years gone by. Saint John T. H. Estabrooks Co., Limited Toronto Winnipeg Calgary Edmsnton Angus Knew.' The London newspapers like to tell funny stories about tht* countrymen from the i;ortli of Scotland, who come A- /-.ij e ..-L- , ,. . , w w J . ; d'owu to enjoy the sights of the great An Old Superst,t.on. Great care should be ob.^rved In,^,,,. ^^ ^^ g^^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^.^^/^^ ^ When th(> mouth of January Ix^glns | washmg chUdren s littia white »;oo.ei. : _^j.^ themselves to mind it Here is ou Saturday, says an old strjet-stition, ! ?---ii>\ for they shouid not be aKo-*-ed :^,j^^ ^^^^^ Sui:bea'.'s- the winter will be very open, 'with ' to set smaUer and smaller as will cer-j .p,.^ HigUiande^ were on a vi-U to I some frcst; the summer will be hot I t'aiul.v hapiK^n vrirh careless ^-fs^'^^-l i^nion when a wateriug cart passed land pleasant: the harvest modeo-ate. , Nash thera quickly, one at a time, la ,^3^,^, .^ ^^^ ^,^_,j ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ [Garden herhs will be damagexl; liemp, warm (not hot) water witu soap lath- j j^^^^.j^ ^j,,,.^,^, ^^^ shouted at th« top I flax and honey win be plenUf-jl. j er. Only when nocessary to remove ^,j ^^^ .j.^,,,^_ „jj^^._ ^^, ^.^^ ^^. ^^ I some s-taln from a browa shoe or from , ^t. ..gj. ^.j^jgr •> ' ' Our National Anthem has been ini"i^i<l splashes should the soap be' use for nearly two centuries. j rubbed on them. Rini»si them in water I about the same temperature, softened I with a shake of soap. Then squeeze out the water, never wring it out with ! a twisting motion of both hands, aad j finally squeeze it in a towel. A\Tien all are rea«ly to dry. hang I them up by the tee?, each one sepa- rately. In a draft or in a warm place, but never before a hot Are. See that the sock hangs in the shape of the -AngTt-s tnrneil to Donald and said, "Hoots, men! Dinna show yer ignor- ance. That's j'jst tae keep the balms frae hingin" on behi-ad." -»- VTmn you set that tired, ray-nie-downand-die fcehcs take !5 to 3U drops ol S»igcl's S'Tup m 3 • Soldier Settlers Prcsper in West Further evidence of the proaperity of Western Canada is to be found in tho coUe<:t;cu statement of the Sol- dier's Settlement Beard. reo?atiy ts- i stwd. ' BVom Octoher to Jan. 7 !a?t collec- tions amounted to S2.394.S53.07. Col- lections In tho corresponding period of 1925-26 toia::*J $2.20C.S51.S0. This sho'ws an improvement of $1SS,00C>, ; which is considered remar'nabiy good by the depajtmenc otficials. .\bout 5-t,O00,000 falSs due annually. '' It is pointed out that these pay- i ments been made on the exis-tiug j capitalization. The legislation of 1926 I never received Koyal assent- Ci&ssified Advertisements. GRA.MOPHO.Nc:. A-^ ICXKOLA 3TYLE. KUhL CAB- * INST, plays all rccoriif, .IS se'.ec- tions. autonratic. Valuj l^.'^.OO for ?35%00 S'.iaranteed. Poissjn, 540 Mount Royal East, Moti'real. A DIES WANTED TO DO PLAIN â- * and liithr sevrinjr •'it home, whole or spare time. Good vay. Wos-k sent a-iy distance. di«rg«s paid. Send stamp for particulars. National Manufacturing Co .. Montreal, TO glass t.'-I hi.s new „ - gel's 55:11:1! 1 t water. Docs the tritk a.~.a safely. YvnU -*- SPIRIN Dissolve two "BAYER TABLETS OF ASPIRIN" in four tablespoonfuls of water and gargle thoroughly. Swallow some of the solution. Don't rinse the mouth. Repeat gargle every two hours if necessary. This is an ttttcHut sargf* pmud saM bymimonKmdpn»crib€dbiiphiiildms. Sofi^ Accept only "Bavcr" package. Look for 'ayer Cross." Far tONSIUTIS SORE THROAT Hudr "B«y«T" bom ol 12 tebht.. ilio IwMm of M wd 100-Druggl.U. Biiitir < I s-ock as worn, not as folded when new. i Endeavor to stretcJi each one, while | drying, from heel to toe; it possible, i do It several times. Full hari. This i will keep its original shape and one ' will be surprised at the Increased length of tis^fulness obtained thereby. ♦ Song. There are no warblers en the boughs, No robins in the grass; But there are songs within our hearts- That wiU not pase. | There «re no leaves on bush or tree, | The rosea prostrate He; I But thore are hopes within our bre«»tsl That wlU not die. So let the tempest wreak its will On forest. Held and bower: My house of dreame will hoM me safe, Wttli love's bright flow**-. â€"Thomas Curtis Clark. «â€" Warm for Barly Rla«rt. With tho coM weather, Btitdents in the dormitories at the Maee«cJx\t«etts Institute of Technology hare d«»lgned several automatio derlcee tor cloelng windows and turutne on tha steam be«t about a half hour before rising time. One of the inoet Ingenious plans to a awitch, operated by clockwork, otoatng the house current circuit through two stoves, one of which has a pan of cereol upon it, the other a cof- fee pot. ♦ Minard'a Liniment f«r animal illmonta A Tip for the Sleepless. j Yv'heu Lord Grey of Failodon was tlireate^ned with total blinduess. he learned to read Braiv'Je. and even now. with hia eyes.ight much improved, he, stfll finds BralKo books us«fu!. "One can turn out the light,' he says, "draw , up tho sheets, and literally read one-' seit to s-leci)." ' In answer to tae you give a sentence question: "Can with the word 'not\rithstanding:'?" a sniaii boy re- plied; "Daddy's britches are all glazy r-t the hack ope. LITTLE FRIE.VD' cither 5e.\; mailed in plain envel- Paris Specialty Co., Montreal. r^ RATIS pARM Boa ENGINESâ€" USED. GOOI> 15 h.p. engines. 3 to 35 h.p. Get lists. Ei-.g-ine rcpairins done. Guaranteii Motor Co., Han-.!!toi;, Camica. notwithstanding:." I ani ^"ure we can iiewr be wiie but by our own wisdom. â€" Montaign, 1533- l.?9'-'. Doctors vouch for Mlnard's Liniment. --^ Covering 17,3iX> square miles, Can-' ada's ivew national game preserve has boen named Wood Buffalo Park, Al- ready it contains nearly 6,000 buf- faloes. This park is hair the size of i Scotland. T tan J for Tiomew Last wortl in buil-lors' tni. Pncticsl, up-to-d».'c su^j{estioii5 on planning, buiklinj;. fiirnishing, dccv<rating ami ^rdrning. I'rolasciy iUustraicJ. kiid scorn of dctual dollv-aving Mig- •gestions. Send Zi ccntj for (unvnt issue. MscLcan BuOiUcs.* Onids loreii:o. 0,it bad cold? take "cm;arets" for boweis tonight No headache, coostipaticn, bad cold or sour stomach by momiag^ PUT STOMACH IN ORDER AT ONCE : "Pape's Diapepsin" Gas, Indigestion or Sour Stomach for , You can rely on SHllOE r FOR C6UGHS Instantly! Stomach corrected! You; never feel the sllghteet distreed from! Indtgefatlcn or a scur, acid, piuey stom- . ach, after you eat a tabl«t of "Pipes' Diapepsin," The moment It reoch«e| the stomach aU soum-csp. flatulence. \ heartburn, gases, pnlpltatkin and paiaj disappear. Druggists jfuarantc© e»chi package to oci-rect dl««»tk>a at oooswl End your stonwich trouhls Joe fS'Wj veuts. I EARACHE. Don't let the children suffer. Mlnard's wiih sweot oU wHi quickly relieve U» pain. G«t a 10-cent bo.x. Sick headache, biliousness, coated tongue, he.^d and uos« c'.cgg.ed up with. a cold â€" aiways trace this to lorpJd liver; delayed, teruieiHing food in th« bowels or sour, gassy stonKtch. Poisonous matt'.n- dogged lu the In- te^iues. ln.«tead o£ being c-tst out of ih«» system is re-absorbed into the blood. When this poison reaches tho ' delicate brain tissue it causes coug«e- ' tion and that du!!. liiro'jbiug. siekett- I lug headache. Cascare«ts imiKod lately cleans* tii« , I stomach, remove the sou-r, undSgevtvil I ' food and foul «ases. take tho exosss ; â-  bite fvota the liver and carry out sB I i tho constipivted w.iste matter tmA \ foisons in the bowois. | I A Casouret tv>-night will swrelr ; ! SI raighten you oirt by ntoruiag. "Hisy | \ work whUe you sleei> â€" a 10-vent ho* i ! from your druggist meaais yowr bead | j clear, sti'miach sweet and your Urg^ • and bowels refwlar for noonths. \ L ISSUE No. 5-t'27.

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