Laugh and the World Laughs With You BY MORGAN JOHNSON. SYNOPSIS. Richard Severance, popular drama- tist, author and bachelor, occupies « flat with his man, Grayson. Sever- ance has iHH'n given but three months to live ly ft Hpcrialint. Wijhinjf to keep his mind off his approachinsr death, he advertises in tho "agony" columns t^r adventure. Miss Valerie Fenwick has been left H fortune l)v her uncle, orovidcd she tnairic.-i within two months, otherwise she K,m:"» the fortune. She tnkes her trculiles to her lawyer?, WiiitCT & SnarvcU, who see Severance's adwr- tisemeiit. PART 11. "No, sir," gulped Grayson. "That'd bo worse. I'd sooner stay and stick it out, sir." Severance turned swiftly to the window. He found it difficult, how- ever, to see if there was a taxi upon the stand or not; for, although it was a warm day and the June sun shone brightly, the glass seemed stransrely n; is ted. Mr. Winter had conducted the in- terview with tactful kindness. He had steered clear of snAgs and shal- lows in n way which had earned him Sever-ance's amused admiration. Suave and businesslike, he brought his prop- osition to a conclusion. "I realize, my dear sir," he adckd, putting the last finishing touches to a really magnificent arabesque, "that it hardly fulfills your conditions of risk Use. ^ MAGIC BAKING POWDER ill ollyoqr bokin^^ to ossure success. BAKIN(i Po'wnfH ^aefe in Canada e.W OILLCTT CO. LT9;. TONONTO, CAM. "Graypon," remarked Kichard Rev- erancy, oolerrnlv. "until this rarticu- lar moment I have never re-^1ized how: and danger- many embryo criminals this world , "Upon the contrary, Mr. Winter," harVwirs!" assured Severance gravely, "the bare "No. sir'" Raid the resigned Grav- thought of a marriage ceremony turns pon politely. He had just cntercil the me cold. I was best man at my late hittinf-room hearing the re.sults of tho', colonel's wedding, and the vision of a spff.Tid moniintr post upon a salver. 1 gallant man petrified with fear still "Here's two iii.-i-.> iust nrrivcd. sir," haunts me in my dreams!" Per- hc n'"ir.iirced in a fenulchral voic. " 'Th'fk as tho I'^Rvei in Va'lom- brosn.' " murmured Sc'-ernnce. "Bm-.z *e;n tlown. And Gnvsvin, half a min- ute: don't ro. Here's a eren that carven mujr of yours. J..- () H''.s h( â- il""' Up rinoed nnother envelop? and frowned over the inclosure. "H'rn â€" listen. What do you make of this?" Winter & Sonrvell. ?^Mi<-it()rf. Elv Place. W.C. S'r. â€" -Your ofivertifeniont has trcftt- Iv i'^t'-TPted o"» of our cliont"!. Should you he. as we susnect. of a chivalrous n'>tu''» rerhnrs you will cntl and see o;ir client at 11 o'clock, Wednesday, IfitV in!(t. Mr. Winter laughed. He felt his heart warm toward this irresistible younp man with the whimsical eyes who snt .so coolly and unconcernedly remilar' '" his chair. He could not help won- nrU to d?rinK what his own conduct would be were he placed in a similar position. The legend of Damocles â€" modernized â€" sprang into his imagination. "My client," said Mr. Winter, wist- fully, "is a charming young ladyâ€" 1 have known her since childhood. It ' seems cruel that sihe should suffer for 'an old man's petulant freak!" I As he spoke the door opened. "Miss Fenwick, sir," announced the ink-Etaincd office boy, red as a gob- bling: turkey in his effort to effectively dispos? of a large toffee lump. Both men rose from their seat.s to j pay homage to tha delightful vision We are, sir. voiir<! vrrv tnilv. JOHN WINTER. !?e"prnnr» l^nn^d ha-k in his chair, eyr^ alieht vith v/himsicr.l mockery. "Sh'ft. pnnnr.v and t- tho roint.-hr eh' Th" rcforonc" to chivalry is dis- arming, my <iear Grayson â€" a touch of ernius, in fnft! It conjuren un nil kinds of dfli'fhtftil ros'ibilit'?? â€" malT<i one fe^l a modern Don Quix- fte!" He si'rhed. "I'm afraiil I'll have to go and n'"^' what it'? all abriut. taled, obviously Well, r.ld tbiindrrbrow. shall I hie me (.jround. forth to tilt lit windmills? What do Severance grinni'd pleasantly. you think?" I " 'Whom the gods love . . ., OWL-LAFFS O.O O. W. L. (Ob WUli L«M«htcr) Most Inveetments you try to borrow thecD. look rood uotU aome money on He bent forward into the shade of the cab, and brushed her fingers with his lips. "'Ave atque vale!" he murmured softly. "Good-bye, my dear; your life is just beginning!"' Then he shut the door abruptly, â- waved to tho impatient driver, and swung away as the gears whirred home. He walked through from Piccadilly into Jermyn stroet resurrecting in his mind the kaleidoscopic events of that extraordinary day. (To be concluded.) The CaU of the Bells. Wo hear them ringing .so often, but do we think of them as more than a summons to church? Our forefathers had many more uses for bells. In their superstitious way they believed that thunder and lightning ccu!<l bo driven from the parish by tho ringing of the church bells. The "Pashiug DeM" is still heard in Eonie country parishes of Kngland to bespeak the prayers of the faithful for iorao soul in extremis. Tho bell Is rung or tolled nine strokes for a man, si.x strokes for a woman, and three Htrokee for a child. So do the villagers know fcr whom to pray. It u.=!Cd to be quite usual in some parts of En.'-l Lancashire to ring tho bells as nclsily as possible afler a funeral, W.i ilea being that the loud nnlse _ , , wcuid frighten nway the evil .spirits .My affairs must .^eom very j f,.^,„ ,5,^ ,,.„, ^j ,,j<, ,ip,xutc.d. petty ai.d banal to youâ€"" .Shs hcsi- j ^.,^„ "Dinner" or "Ihuidlng Boil- is slill rung in s-oinc country parishes. It is rung linnieiliatcly tlio morning Kcrvlco is concluded, and tho story in ths doorway. Mr. Winter beamed over his glasses, "fiood morning, my dear. Let me introduce Mr. Severance." The blue eyes; opened wide in | athloss surprise. "Net Mr. Richard Severance, the' author!" she exclaiiii2d, and then with I shocked sympathy as she read her j answ< r. "Oh, it's too dreadful. I'm! so sorry. .Sh3 hcsi- fenrin.? dangerous The average politician's id«el of re- liievlng the farmer Is to have more ptckpockecs at County Fslra. "Two halves make a hole," said tb« ram, as ho Joined a lif»«aTer mint to- gether. "Do you take lodgers T" "Yes. What lodge do you belong to?" A little nonsiemeo now and then will undo the beat of men. True Love Needs No Valentin*. His wlfo loves hUn, yet she don't care tf he goes around wiith other wo- men. You see, he owns a merry-go- round. Thio only upward trend that brings no protest Is in women's skirts. A Mere Legend. "Willi you walk Ijito my parlor?" Said the siplder to tho fly; That sophls'tlcatod ineect Then replied, "Indeed, not II I might walk Into your drawing-room Or living-room, but say! Are you so dumb you do not know That parlors arc passe?" It Is the girls of to-day and not the wrongs agaln-st them that should be dressed ! hi! igoe.s that it is to let the people at home Gravson stared wornlvnlv at the quoted lightly. "And pcr.sonally, Miss I jjnp^^ jl;at , he gooa folks have finished wallrap'.r; hut for nil his self-control, Fenwick, I .shouldn't call th.' loss of the corners of his mouth were twitch- , Cv.MO pounds petty!" in?. i Valeri-;'s troubk-d piazc sought Mr "I think it's 'cartiirp.-ikinrr. sir!" he Winter. ! cxdaiined, in his distress flijipinij ;;s-' "I don't think W;-> can .t.'o on," she | pirates to the four wind.'', " 'eart- ' said feebly. "It's too awful and cold- j breaking!" ,blroflcd! We'll just have to find nonic ', Severance threw un his b^'nd to othf-r way out." I Iau?h. caught na\\\. of hia man's face,; Mr. Winter cleared his throat nois- I and, heaping up, laid a hand upon the jly. To bo perfectly candid, ho wa;; stiff arm. _ 1 beginning to fe?! that way himself. ".My poor Grayson," he said with! Sover.ince. v/ith a Iau;<h, took tho imusual gentleness. "It's not (luite bull by the horns, fair on yon. Perhaps I'd better payj "I should simply hat" the idea of their worship and iiru on their home- ward way to •Dinner" or "I^udding." you off anil let you go!" making "He's chairman of the antinolse committee, you know." ♦- - Athletes use Minard's Liniment. this 'Winter daily trains Including The Chief You really enter sunny Cali- fornia the moment you step •board oacof the five famous Santa Fe cross'continent trains. The new ChiV/â€" extra fareâ€" is the finest and fa-stest of the Santa Fe California trains. Only TWO business days on the way. No extra fare on the four other daily trains. Fred Harvey dining service sets the standard in the transportation world. Enjoy the out>of'doors this winter â€" take your family. California hotel rates are reasonable. m. Ma> I Mm) yow Mir^VlHn/oUmf K, T ll»>nlrj, il.ii" A«nt 8«r/j« Kc Ballw«y 494 Tranapjrtalinn Bullilinf i>«irull. Mich. rbon*: KUBiloltilt 1741 i all that money goin.c: toward civilizing j unhappy cannibals!" \\v decinrcd, the j imp of whimsicality now fairly danc- ^^ *''* City Hall, ing in his eyes. "But there's just one ' "Why is that cotincilmau condition I muKt make and insist upon. ' such a row?" You know I've always fancied a wed- ding breakfast at Prince'.^. .So while Mr. Winter i;i fixing up otlier ncccs- isary littlo items, I'll just dash round and- have a bottle or two put in the ice bucket!" Valerias was not a hundred uiiles off crying; she blinked desporatcly in an effort not to make a fonl of borself. ".Mr. Severance," she said softly, "your generosity makes me incapsblo of saying much, but I â€" I think you must be a very brave man!" "Hear, hear!" applauded Mr. Win- ter, polishing his glasses with totally unnecessary vigor. Severance, feeling suddenly like a elown in a circus who has boon prais- ed fur his admirable portrayal of York Minister's New Century. The l>eginnlnB of 1!)27 meant some- Ihing more to York Min.ster than just Iho start of another year, yior this "mcsf august of teniploK," bh Sir Wal- ter Scott once called it, the occasion marked tho «)mmenc©meivt of n new century. Alrea'iy there thirteen hundred crowded rears of history beJilnd York .Minster, which da:t<« hack to Iho year 627, when u small wooden cliurch was put up. The Hiuiivorsary was kept with lit- llamkt, flu.shed to his ears. Somehow ,i„p. ,.|t„„i j.i„if g,, hour before mld- Ihe maiden with the blue eyes and , „.gi,t „„ ,ii,, j,,,,, ,i.,y ^f 1928 tho Dean flowerlikc face bad an unhappy knack | |,u,i c'hapter met for a sok-mn act of of getting under his guard! | nenitence at a temporary altar in the Three hours later, outside Prince'.s i „;ivc. Jus4 before midnight a pi-oees- Restaurant, Richard Severance help- I f\a\\ arrived at llio west door of the ed his wife into a taxi. Mr. Winter, a i ]\||nstor, and tho Archbishop of York A good way to keep from weering out frlendfthiiifi to not to U60 them. The Aroma Captivates "SAUDA" GREEN TEA „ P«are» uncolored, dallclotts. Askforit* Condoning Turpitude. TlKnigh we complain 'tis au outrageous thing When Winter lingers In the lap of Spring. We Inconsistently carp not at all When Summer lingers in the lap of Pall. yattoma as ypu want Enelosa 20e iii' stamps «r eoin (coin prsferrtdi vrap^ it carefully) for Mch nnnbw aadl address your order to Pattern I>spt> Wilson PubHshing Co., 78 West Ads> laid* St, Toronto. Pattaras ssat by return niail. . TheEwtfa. On her At night the ful'torbed nwon' beeitowe Iced pools where barberries find bliured neifleotlon, Gwint shadowed symmetry of leaf and: wewtv Frost antbeequea of lace. Bh« weers the vaat encbanitnMat of- tbe snows. Rayed wheel* and silver stars of brief perfection. Bleached silken gmseee, patterns of wind-strewn seed With frfl unconscious era4:o. â€" Marte E5mllle Gilchrist, In "Wldie Pa&turesi." « â- For Colds â€" Minard's Liniment. « To Protect the Bear. State laws to protect th© beas dur- ing the breeding season and make it a game aulmal are urged by tho Ameri- can Game Protective Association. « New Use for Seaweed. Agar, used in making cap«ulie«, candy, points and media for bacterlo- lio«;lcal res-earch, Is now obtained from seaw&ed along the coast of lovirer Cali- fornda. _ 41 Reward. One colliery in Ireland has awarded ten weeks' bonus to aa of its workers who rem«.:ned loyal during the strike in Great Britain. More good time is wasted by people tryiiiK to have one than any other way. Trying to keep a good man down ie abotit as hard as trying to keep a good for nothing one up. ISOO: Knee swells, knees. 1926: Swell IS9US No. ftâ€" '27. few minutes earlier, had bcUiken him- self olT to Ely place, chewing tho cud of ipfliction and marveling mightily at the strange and wonderful denoue- ments which life occasionally inflicts upon its puppets. "I feel like the ogre in the fairy lalo who for a few short hours ha.s usurped the part of the Prince," de- clared Severance gayly. "Now, I'm ! lunatic, going to come down to gross earth again with a bumpl" "Vou leave the Princess very lone- ly," murmured Valerie in n low voice. She hesitated and then ahyly, "Won't you come and see me before you sail for Egypt? Iâ€" I haven't thanked you properly yet." Severance shook his head Badly. "I dare not, my dear!" "Why?" The word conic in a soft whisper; she leaned toward him, eye« very bright. "Because - - because â€" " floiindered Severance. He made a sudden {feature. "You tee, I might fall in love with my wife," he smiled, "and that would [never dol" kiiocke<l thirt!>in tlineeâ€" onco for each centuiy with IiIh pas-loral staff. As the sound of tho lust knock died away, tho door was (i|>enod, and he entered to celebnito tho long ages of Christian York. Within the loK hundred yeortt the MIrsitcr has been the scene of two fires, one of which was caused by a Superfluous Quettlon. "Harold, let's have «u>«p for lunch.' "Sure, what kind, dear?" "Canned, of course." NURSES Thi Tsrtnlt llsiillal tar Incuribin, (i •miilltn Willi SMInua %n* Alllte HndlM*, N<« Ytrk City, •â- tn â- MrM rcari' Ccufm •t Tr«li<l>i (• r«ni «•â- •», hadni flu rMulri4 «ly<>tl«n, mil dxlraui al kMiialiii ngriM. Tkli HwpHal k*i tin\tt Ut MfM. r.d., â- »»i'. Tli« mill nnlva ynltarat >l (M (iliMl. • nontlilt allswinw aX UaraliM «ii(cnHi ta and tron Na«i Vart.^Far lartnir IntornatM* wrila Ui* SoVarlntxidaat. The Tooth of the Matter. It is a plcMisaiit sight to see Th;- ir''ard» nKuiociivring with skill; Hut, ah, the diffei-enco to mo Wlien my good dentist starts to dTlll! Jack â€" "I caWed on Mabel last night ami 1 wasn't any moi-e than Inside the door before her mother aske*! mo my intentions." Johnâ€" "That mu»t have been em. harrassiug." Jack â€" "Yes, but that wasn't the, worst of It. Mabel c^Mod from up- B.talr8 and eald, "That isn't tho one, Mother." j The key to a man Is his thought; I to a woman her tongue. Truths. Many a bad husband beats a good wife. Don't bo impatientâ€" even the flap- Jack has to ^\•«lt its turn. Opi>ortunitles sitlll lie on every hand - so do a lot of i>eople. To get rid of a crowd â€" take up a collection. Even' the tea kettle In hot water up to its neck contiinnee to sltig. Honesty, lllto hom&ly women In Btree-t cars, standa up longest. Yesteirday's preparaitlon accounts for 1 0-day â- « luck. Few peopl'S are roclly lmi)ortantâ€" many act that way. A humbtig "hlte" Is silow to heal. HankciB knovt- a lot of "birds" by their noLes^ Ileve>nge promises nnicSi but gels lit- tle. Many have a "kick' c-omin« who neiver gkt it. Many a fellow wluini you think is square Is a rounder. A lie is legleiaH feut It travele fast. Olrls will be girls- so will a lot of old women. Pearls worn by otliere are always imitations. Pace powder never taaiee as good as It smells. A smile has mwa than Ms face value. No beaten i»ths lead to succ".-'*. Many a girl marrle? for a support, and accordingly slta down cu her hus- band. A SMART DAYTIME DRESS. Decidedly smart is the daytime dress shewn here. The skirt has an inverted plait in each side seam and is Joined to a bodice of unusual de- sigrn, while tho back is in one piece. A belt fastening at tho sides achieves the two-piece effect. The long dftrt-fittcd sleeves are finished with shaped cufl's to correspond with the bodice in cut, and the collar is of the becoming convert ible type. No. 1504 is for misses and small women and is in sizes IG, 18 and 20 years. Size 18 (lifl bust) re<]uircs .3% yards 39-inch material, or 2% yards 54-inch. Price I 20 cent.s tho pattern. The secret of distinctive dress lies in good taste rather than a lavish ex- 1 penditure of money. Every woman \ should want to maka her own clothes, and tho homo dressmaker will find the dosi^s illustrated in our new Pa-| shion Bock to be practical and simple, yet mnintaininfr the spirit of the mode of the moment. Price of the book 10 cents the copy. . HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address plain- ly, giving number and size of such FOR SOMETHING DIFFERENT Send ten cents for Vanishing Coin Trick, with new sixteen-page cata- logue- of Jokers' Novelties and Tricks. Address BELL'S NOVELTY^ SHOP 295 James 8t. North, Hamilton, Ont. - CARNIVAL AND THt/STfflCAL i-OR MI] S£NO rOR FREE CATALOGUE MALUBAR - Co^tumer 1 TORONTO fl'JO WINNIPEG ^t^SeSPftOINA â- " S*4CCt/<}B£»ifiN0 In Winter Weaiher- Besi" for Vou ar Baby TOO Ml S*a|> Lim>i»d.MlTi.,Monltt«l It is the selection of rich, western wheats â€" the finest grown on the prairies â€" that gives extra flavour to bread and buns, and extra richness to cakes and pies, made from PURITy Fi:OUR Sen J 30c tn stamps for our 700- recipe Purity Flour Cook Book. 26* Wcalera Caaada Flour Milla Co. Limilad. Toronlo, Mualreal, Ottawa, Saw! Jsha. â- \ FLORIDA The Southland Lv. Cincinnati 7:10 am Ar. Jacksonville Miami 9:50 am 9:30 pm Ar. Tampa St. Petersburg S:05 pm 9:30 pm A delightful place for a winter sojourn, where weather conditions are Ideal. An abundance cf hotels, apartments and cottages offers any desired type of accommodations at reasonable cost. Take one of these fiuo trains down. The Flamingo I.v. Detroit (M.C.) 12:05 Noou " Cincinnati (L ft N) 7:00 pm Ar. JacksouvlUe 9:00 pm "_Mlaml_ SjOO^m ArTSt. Petersburg 8:15 am " Tamp* 7:00 am " Sarasota 9:60 am Through sleeping cars, observa- Sleeping cars and coechee. Ob- tlcn and dining cars, coaches. servation and dining cars. THE GULF COAST Uind of history, romance and charm, from New Origins to Pensacota and Uast. DeHgbtful climate. Excellent hotels. Reaaonable costs. Th'cueh train e^'-rvlce from Chtcavo, Cluctnnatl and LoulavlU*. Ask the iii\derft!?i;e;l for particulars and Llteralure. H. E. PORTER. Trav. Pass'r Agt. IM TrtMNrtttlan BM».â€" Pkaaaa Cktrry 3tM-llâ€" Dttrait. MM. LOUISVILLE A NASHVILLE R. R. MN'