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Flesherton Advance, 2 Feb 1927, p. 1

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-/^•. ^^...^Jl tMm al ». >»a<i't« III I [ rf t 111' ji ^M fJfWPWP ® J)je /kslj^ttirtt ^trtumt^. Vol 46 No. 42 Flesherton. Ontario February, 2 1927 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors CEYLON "ONWARD" NEWS Mrs. Wifred Snyder and babe of Toronto visited with her father, Mr. D. D. IffcLachlan, last week. Mrs. R, W. Haye'3 of Amory, Miss- issippi visited with her sister, Mrs. Allie Muir, the past week. Miss Agnes Macphail, M.P., has re- turned home from her trip to Ed- monton and Winnipeg, where she gave some interesting addresses. Mrs. Baxter of CoUingwood is visit- ing with her sister. Miss Kate Muir. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Coolc of Ebor- dale visited at R. Coolce's last weelc. Mr. Luther Torrey of Lauriston visited at Mr. H. Piper's last weelc. Mr. Goldwyn McMullen of Toronto visited his parents and brother here one day last week. Mig3 Vera Marshall is spending a fortnight with her sister at Bala. BORN â€" At Delia, Alia., on Sun- day, January 23rd, 1927, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott (nee Ruby Stone) the gift of a daughter. Congratula- tions. Mr. Hamilton of Toronto occupied the pulpit here on Sunday morning very acceptably in the absence of Rev. Mr. McRoberts, who was ill. The Ladies' Aid held their monthly meeting at the home of Mjrs. A. Sin- clair on Wednesday, January 26th, when fifteen members were enrolled, the regular business transacted and a pleasant hour in social chat, after which the hostess served a dainty lunch. The next meeting is to be held February 23rd at 2.30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Thos. Gilchrist when a good attendance is requested. Mr. N. Archibald spent a few days the past week in Toronto. A successful euchre party was held at the home of Mr. Jas. Oliver on Fri- day evening last. A large number were present and eight tables were in use during the contest. Fun and excitement were enjoyed for a few hours as the tables changed hands, until the winners were ascertained. The men's first prizes went to Mr. Milton Teeter and the second prize to Mr. Jas. Turner. The ladies' prizes were won by Mrs. John Oliver as 1st and Miss Mary Turner second. The consolation prizes were easily secured by Mrs. Robt. Vause and Mr. I. Tur- ner. Lunch was served at the close of this, after which the card playing was resumed 'till the small hours. The funeral of the late Mr. A, Bur- nett was largely attended on Monday. His sad passing was a shock to the community. At the time of writing we hear that Mr. Brady Irwin was hurt with a falling limji) while working in the bush. We hope that his injuries are not serious. A dance was held at Mr. Wm. Dingwall's on Friday evening last. Onward U.P.Y.P.O. debates at Dromore on Wednesday, February 2, against Holstein club. Weather per- mitting and roads decent a sleighload from this club will be present. Mr. F. R. Oliver, M.P.P., left for Toronto on Monday, where he will make his debut in the Legislature. Wednesday last was the coldest day this winter, when the temperature dropped to 30 below zero. ROCK MILLS Sam Bellamy Jr., Dundalk, was tak^ en to Orangevillo hospital, suffering with pneumonia. Herman Gruetzner, a well known merchant and manufacturer in Hano- ver, died last week. He had been ill from paralysi'3 for years, yet was of so strong will power that he contin- ued to operate his auto until a short time since. COME TO Havj's Store Clean Up Sale January 25 to February 5 Slashing prices before stock taking Everything priced for a clean up While they last A. E. HAW, Ceylon Big Stock Reducing SALE Columbia Records 4for$l THIS WEEK ONLY W. A. Armstrong & Son Established 1889 The thaw has taken the snow down considerably and has left the roads very icy. But at time of writing we are getting more snow, so hope it will improve the roads for sleighing, as there is much teaming going on, hauling logs, lumber, wood, etc. Mrs. W. Stoddart, of the east back line, is spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Herb. Betts. Quite a number around here have been suffering with bad colds, but we hope they will all be well soon. There was no service Sunday ev- ening, owing to the very disagreeable weather, but there will be a meeting next Sabbath at the home of Mr. C. Newell. Bomâ€" On Sunday, Jan. 30, to Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Betts, a son, both do- ing nicely. Mrs. Wm. T. Pedlar and Mrs. Lewis Pedlar visited recently with friends in Plesherton. Miss Mabel Betts returned home Thursday after â- spending' a few days with Proton friends. Messrs. Charles and W. J. New- ell have men cutting wood for them in the valley bush, and have a good deal over a hundred cords cut now, so will be able to sunply the general de- mand for wood. Art. Burnett Dies When Struck by Tree in Bush PRICEVILLE EUGENIA TORONTO LINE. NORTH VICTORIA CORNERS Charles Abbot and mother, of Wil- lowbunch, Sask., visited at MiBton Bannon's, Mr-^. Abbott remaining for a week. Our school has been closed for a couple of weeks owing to the illness of our teacher and pupils. As Miss Richardson was not improving she resigned and Miss Greenwood of Dur- ham is to take' her place. Milton Bannon has purchased a span of Welsh ponies. We guess the Gray-Dort will take a back seat now. A sleigh load of young people went to Flesherton to skate last Saturday night and all report a good time. On account of the illness of Mr. McRoberts. Mr. Hamilton of Victoria College ably filled the pulpit. A fatal accident occurred Thurs- day of last week at the home of Mr. John Burnett, South Line, Artemesia, while Arthur and Archie Burnett were engaged in cutting log« in the bush, which resulted in injuries to the former that caused his death. They were cutting a tree into which another tree had lodged and in some manner the tree split and came back, striking Arthur and crushing his legs badly. Archie and a nephew, Nor- man Barker, hurried him to the house and medical aid was summoned at once. All was done that â- was poss- ible, but having lost so much blood, he was overcome with weakness and passed away at midnight Thursday. Arthur had been in Alberta for some years and returned to his home here about five weeks ago. He Intended to -start farming in the sri-in^" vit''. his brother, but his young li'e was taken to a better land. Those left to mourn are his father, Mr. John Burnett and his brother. Archie, at home, another brother Willie on tho next farm. The sisters are:Evelyn (Mrs. Cameron Smellie) Priceville; Mossie (Mrs. Barker) and Jean of Toronto, Mabel (Mrs. Ernest Lane) of Bassano, Alta., and Lillian (Mrs. Donald McMillan) of Portagre la Pra- irie, Man. All were present at the funeral with the exception of Mabel and Lillian. Bis mother pr.-.sed away one year ago. The deceased was 36 years and 3 months of age and was widey known and a large circle of friends and relatives attend- ed the funeral on Monday, January 31st, interment taking place in Mc- Neil Cemetery, Priceville. The sympathy of the commmiity goes out to the bereaved ones. Sunday was a very windy day in our | A few of the young people on this vicinity. We have had a very good ''"e attended the social evening held winter so far and hope that it con- , by the Springhill Club at the liorne of tinues fine. I^I*"- C. Best on Monday evening. Mr. Clarence Alcox returned home Congratulations are offered to MV. and Mrs. Alex. Cameron, who are proud posessors of a fine pair of baby boys, who arrived at their home on | Saturday, after spending the couple of weeks with Toronto friei; 'i, Mrs. Fred Brown and daughter, I a» Monday morning, January 31st. 1927. i ^'s*^'' "^'^^ ^er mother, Mrs. \.-. Later-One of the infants 1ms since i ^^''^'â- ' '" ^^''^" S"""'^' ^"^ ^ ^^''â- ' '*''>'^' Mrs. Wm. Burnett, who ha3 for some time been in poor health, is not yet able to be out. Mr. Charles Stewart has disposed .. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McMillan and Lf ^is span of pony colts to Mr. M. babe of Markdale spent Sunday with Bannon. passed away. Ml'. Geo. Orvis of Shelburne spent a few days with friends here. Mrs. Wilson. Mr. Ray Genoe spent the week end at Vandeleiu". Mr. Robert Irwin of Toronto visited in the village the first of the week. Miss Bessie Stewart has returned home after spending the past month in Markdale. Mr. Wm. Burnett and daughter, Mrs. Irwin, attended the funeral of Some people are getting their sup- j the late Arthur Burnett, near Price* ply of ice cut and stored away. jville, on Monday. We were very sorry to hear of the | death of Mrs. Oliver Irwin of Kim- PROTON STATION brley. Mrs. Irwin was a vey hos- pitable woman v.'hom wo were always pleased to meet. We extend our sympathy to the sorrowing friends and relatives. Mr. Carl Humberstone of East Mountain, who is agent for the Raw- leigh Comnany, canvassed Eugenia on Saturday. Success, Carl! Mrs. McCarthy of Tottenham vis- ited at Mr. P. Still's. Messrs. Wes. Dever and Earl Brado ley were in Toronto on business. Mrs. Scott visited her grandmother, Mrs. McAuley. Mrs. C. Storey and daught?r, Rutbi^ of Toronto, spent the week end with Miss Gertrude Greenaway has beenljjj. ^„^ jfrs. James Vause. visiting OrangeviUe friends the past | jjj, q^^.^ Bradley spent the week couple of weeks. ,g„^ ^^ij,, ^is father in Berkeley. I Mrs. R. G. Acheson is spending a FREE TREES FOR F.4RMERS j couple of weeks with her daughter; Mrs. Oscar Patterson, at Maple Grove. Th^ Grey Co. branch of the De- partrent of Agriculture, have just We are glad to report that Mrs, John Roome, who underwent an ope« COW NEEDED TAIL LIGHT Mr. M. A. McCallum, Progressive M.P.P. for South Bruce, has settled for the cow he killed near Black Horse, Kinloss Twp., on the evening of November 18, while hurrying in his car to attend a public meeting he was holding in Walkerton that night in connection with his election campaign. The bovine was so completely knock- ed out by the impact from the Pro- gressive's big McLaughlan that the owner had its dead carcass removed on a stone boat shortly after the crash. .â- ^s it appears that the ani- mal, along with several cattle, was being driven home at the time, and tho motorist didn't see it in time to avoid a collision, the owner of the beast put in a claim for $90 in the hands of Mr. David Robertson, K.C., for the collection and the local mem- ber settled the matter the other day by coming across with the necessary currency. The bowling over of the cow wa? the first big hit Mi". Mc- Calluni made in his late campaign. â€" Ex. ROCK MILLS SCHOOL FOR JAN. We are sorry to report that Miss Edna Ferguson fell and broke a bone in her leg Monday morning. Mr. Goforth, son of the Rev, Go- foii;h, missionary in China, ably fill- ed the pulpit of the Presbyterian church here Sunday. Close attention v-a.-3 given to this worthy student, who â- - in his first year of theology at Toronto University. Mt. and Mrs. Jack McLean visited recently at Mr. Donald and Malcolm McLean's, South Line. LADY BANK â- Ith Classâ€" Winona Patton 87, Ruby White 67, * Margaret Fisher 34, James Pedlar 32. Sr. 3â€" i*Ita Pedlar 6!), Mervyn Johnston 66, Robert Dargavel 57, *Alice Sewell 56, Nathalie Patton -16 *Lawrenee Shiers 23, Joe Hav/kins 16 Jr. 3â€" Murray Fisher 89, Delia Eiiglish 86. Jack English 84, Mer- vyn Best 67, ;'.il)a Croft 45. Sr. 2â€" Ddbert Smith 94, Leo Fat- ten 93, George .\kitt 87, Laurie Rus- sell 80. Leila Clark 72, "Jimmy A;- kinson 70, *Hazcl Shiers 56. ' Jr. iâ€" Ruby Akitt 88, Leslie Sec- ley 86, *Velma Fisher 71, *Llo^d Partridge 70, "Marguerite Croft 54. Jr. 1â€" Mabel Shiers 83. Sr. Pr.â€" Iva English 97, Llfiu Rus- sell 91, EL^more Shiers 56, *Bobbic Clark 52. Jr. Pr.â€" Roy Fisher 97, "Ethel Dargavel 95, "Lawrence Phillips 70, *Jarkie Monaghan 60, "Cecil Shiers 15. The numbers are percentages. Those marked (*) missed one or 28 days until the first of March and who will say that we have not been blessed with one grand winter so far? Just enough snow to make an ideal winter. Mr. James M'cKenzie is busy draw- ing logs to Rock Mills with three tea "is for Mr. Ed. Harbottle. Ii^essrs. Mort Sayers and John Wel- Qiick are teaming out of Mr. Sayers' 50 acre farm on the 12th Concession. Tl-.ey hit across the wild cat swamp to Rock Mlills. .^. number in this community are su-'i'ering from bad colds. Mr. Wm. Semple is at present laid up with neuritis. We are pleased to know that Mrs. Dave Roberts is some improved in health at time of writing. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Sewell and babe visited on Sunday with friends in Flesherton. We are pleased to learn of the safe return of Mrs. James Douglas to her home here, after a year's visit with her daughter, Mrs. Jeffrey, of Mon- tanna. She is feeling much improved in health. The L.idies' Aid will hold their Feb- ruary meeting at the home of Mrs. Jos. .Sewoll on, as usual, the second Wednesday in each month, on Feb- ruary 9th. Will the members please attend; visfitors v,'eIcomc. been lobif led that farmers in Ontario ration in the Toronto General boa- can s-cure free trees again this year, pital, is improving. The death is announced of Peter M. Sime ex-postmaster of Corbetton at tho ripe old age of 82. He was for many years a wood dealer on the C.P.R. TENDERS FOR TILE MOULDS. Tenders for the ))urchase of Tile Moulds now ov\mcd by the Township of Osprey, will be received by the un- dersigned ujT to and including Febru- ary nth, 1!)27. There are four m(>ulds of the following sizes: 10, '. more exams. Number on the roll 38, '. 15, 18 and 20 inch. The purchaser ;â-  average attendance 33.21. • mvT-st be a resident of the above â€" Mrs. F. J. Seeley, Teacher, j na-r?d Township, and will be Ri-('en ' the privilege of supplying the Town- Dr.rham is really to have a new , ship with cement tilo, provided they post office â€" some time! So will arc made at a i-easonable price. Weston. I -H. G. BURKE, Clerk. These .nay be usd for (1) Planting in the waste places ("2) Planting in breaks (3) Shelter Belts. The following trees are listed: Forer:t Planting â€" Conifers, White, Red and Jack Pine, European Larch. Hardwoods â€" Elm, White Ash, Hard Maple, Soft Maple, Manitoba Maple, Basswood, Birch, Sweet Chest- nut, Honey Locust, Walnut, Butter- nut. Red Oak. Windbreaks â€" White Spruce, Nor- way Spruce and White Cedar. A large number of orders are now Our hockey boys went to Flesher- ton last Tuesday night to play the local team there. They returned home a delighted crew with the large end of the 7-1 score. PORTLAW Intended For Last Week. Mrs. R. D. Meldrum's friends arei glad to see her so much improved after her recent illness. Word has been received that Mrs. going forward so that it is advisable j Robert Hannah, who recently re- to send in all orders at once. a I "loved to Berkeley, has been painfull7 letter to T. Stewart Cooper, Mark- dale, will bring an order form. Be sure to order your wants now or you may be disappointed. injured by falling down their cellar stairway. We hope that no serious consequences will result. ' All are pleased to see Mr. W. A!, Morton able to be out again after hi^ Aiter all the outcry of two years 'ong illness of three or four months. ago that church union would result friends at Berkeley last week, in a burdensome plethora of Breach- j Mr. Robert Hill has leased hi* ers, it turns out that there is a prob- farm to Mr. W. E. Rich of Melanc- ability that there will very soon be,thon Township. Mr. and Mrs. HiU a dearth of ministers, unless the crop purpose moving to Toronto to live. of ycung theological students is -.peedily increased. We will be pleased to welcome ou4 Rich neighbors. BATES BURIAL CO. FUNERAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNERAL PARLORS 122-124 Avenue Road, TORONTO Telephone J. W. Bates. Klngsdale 4344 R. Maddocks. MOUSE OF QUALITY GROCERIES We carry a full line of FRESH Groceries CONFECTIONERY Neilson's Fancy & Bulk Chocolates Patterson's Bars â€" Try their WILD FIRE ICE CREAM BRICKS always or^ hanq FLOUR &EED Purity, Royal Household & Five Roses, Bran, Shorts, Screenings, Rolled Oats,. Oat Chop, Barley Chop, Cracked Corn, Wheat, Corn, SALT Barrel and Sacks Store closed Tues. and Thur. W. J. STEWART Si SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Crocerie* and Confectionery Flesherton â- i V .i :J. '« *

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