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Flesherton Advance, 26 Jan 1927, p. 7

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i^ REDROSE XEAisgfoodteaT Imported direct from the Orient in metal lined chests. Blended and packed toto lib., */2lb., '4 lb. bright Aluminum packages. A Strange Foster-Father For Rabbits Snnuunes and Their OrigiD DUFFY. Variation*â€" Duffe, Duff, Dove. Racial Orlatnâ€" Irish. Source â€" A given name. TliAre are Scottish aa w«ll as Irish •xamp:«« ot this tamllj nanra and its TarlatioiMi, derlTed from th« glTcn name "Dubh," toanied on tlie Gaelic word, fop "blajck" or "T«ry dork." or Ita TarbUtona and compoanda. This article, hnw«ver, 1» confined to th« Irisih origin of the family name, liiirough the old' clan of "O'Duibhe," which, strange as it may seem to the person unacqualBted with Gaelic, 1» not pronounced aa though it were "0*Dube" or "ODubb," but "O'Dufty." The form of Daffy, therefore, Is a quite Acceptable AngUdzed Teo-aion of Cropper. Racial Origin â€" English. Source â€" An occupalon. Here Is another family name belong- ing to ti»t rather targe division which have deTetoped from occupations, but onlese you remember a little twist of the English languaee, which Is not Dearly so marked to-day (tliou^ still qui'be regular) as It waa to thieMlddto Ages, you are Ukely to mi«s the exact meaning of the word'. A "cropped" you are tempted to say, le one who crops or outa thlnge. He might crop the graaei, but since It Is the Middle Ages' we are dealing with, It la more logical to suppoee that he cropped the crope, that he was a ftoxm- C«nw«fa to Say It With Flowers. Montreal. â€" When Canada celebiratee ' the sixtieth aniiiv€r8ary of Confedei*- tlon on July X, 1927, the Dominion iOr I tends to "Say U with Floweu's" in Eng- I land. Arrangement)) uje txHng made to send there 100. OCX) peony blcome to arrive on July 1, Theee blooiaa, which will be grown in the vicinity of Mont- real, where peonicd' flourieii ezcepcion- aliy well, are to i>e used for decorat- ing the Canadian Government build- ings In London, and Cor general distri- bution. Special bouquets are to be mode up to be sent to Buckingham Palace for pressotallca to Their Mar Jesties King George and Queen Mary. Cats will frequently adopt mother- less infants of other animal apedes, and this trait has led to their uie by the fox farmers of Prince Edward Island for the raising of motberleas fox cubs, but it is unusual for a dog to become foster-father to a family of tiny bunnies. Here is Shep, partly St. Bernard, guardinz his adopted family in the farmyard of IbCrs. J. A^ lines, at Dauphin, Manitoba, where a Canadian National photographer found him during a tour of the westu The baby rabbits were turned out into the cruel world l»y their mother, and the children of the Lines faniily fed them by using a baby's feeding bottle. Then Shep toolc charge of them and each night cuddled them into his warm fur to let them sleep in comfort. Dur- ing the day ho lies in the sun and lets them play around his feet â€" and if one shows signs of straying, reaches out a paw to scoop it bade to safety. â€"Canadian National Railways Photo- graph. the name, and Duff etarves as weM as a er or a farm hand. This conclusion as shortened form. to the occupation is correct, but if you There was a natural tendency, how- arrived at it in this way It would be ever, In the first rendering of many of i not accurate as regards the exact mean- these Irish names to give them' a spell- , ing and derivation of the word. The Ing similar to some ^Ingliah word that ' croipper was not called a crowwx be- they sounded Eomsthing like. Hence cause he cropped', but because he had the rather arbitrary and otherwise to do wKh the crops. The same holds meaningless sel^xitioa In eome cases ! true of our modern synonym, "haa-- of Dove. The famiiiy name of Dove In ] vester" (from the more ancient Ireland sometimes comes from the "were," a man) more often with nouns clan name founded on the given name than with verbs, though our under- wtich meant "dove," and as you see ' standing of It to-day Is that it indl- here, sometimes from that which , catea a person who actually performs sounds a bit Uke "dove" but has no some action. connection with the m'eaning of that word. The "O'Duibhe" clan was founded by a chieftain who was a descendaiit, through fourteen generations, from the High-King "Cathan Mor. ' There is no other way of estimating the date of the clan's origin than from the fact that this Cathan the Great lived in 109 A.D. The "cropper" of the Middle Agee was the particular fta.rm hand who bad sapervlelon of the growing and cut- ting of the crops on the feudal estates, and those of the wealthy "franklins" or commoners'. He was a paid em- ployee, working either for a stipulated wage or on a bonus or commission basis, but distinct from a tenant farmer. Peace on Earth. Some have found it in a ganJ«n, some have found It by a stream. For the peace of true contentment is the depth of every dream; Some have found it on the bill toi»8, and the search is ages old. But no man has ever found it In a eelflsh strife for gold. Oh, 'tis plain what men are after as they S'OrambJe w"^ ('â- ? throna:. •TIs the hope of every toller through the weary days and long, "TIs the hope of every sailor doing duty far at sea: The peace which follows labor in the days that are to be. Th'Cre are countless ways to win It, soffl'a have found it in a child, :Some have come to H through sorrow, when their hearts were recon- ciled. But whfohever way you wander and whichever choice you make | 'You must leave a touch of beauty for the happiness you take. 'You will never rest contented It you serve yourself alone. From your comrades, from your neigh- bors, comes the peace that you would own. It is born of love and friendship. In a thousand ways 'tis tokl. But no man has ev'«r found it In a eelflsh strife (or gold. â€" Bdgar A. Quest. Everything Else Would Fall. He~"Do you think as stout a girl as Malzie win fall tor the Charleston?" She â€" "I hope not, for everything else will when she dances k." »: •â€", 15 to 30 drop* of Seigel's Syrup relieves ail tormi of indisestion ind dyspepei*. You'll swear by it once you have tried it. Any drug store. -♦- In one big scene in the film, "Ben Hur," 5,000 people and 10,000 movable dolls were employed. Fbtt Cosi|-Cutfk^ ISiMONDS SAWS Cuarantcwf beeauM made Inioi our ownWMl S tM OWe«C*KAt>A SAW CO. LTOi MOMTHUL VMiOOUWOI. •T.JOMUt.a.l ToaONTQ ^jmssi Clearing. The forest hae been brushed back as If with a huge comb. A cottage Beetles snugly In the midst of vines, while the surrounding land has been gently tilled and covered with au emerald sward. The little gray chim- ney la a pedestal for the almost mo- tionless vapDr that hovers above It. This is the modest home of a modern Northwest pioneer. Neighbors, of the Mttle cottage in winter are birds which hop t>eneat& the tall chrysanthemum stalks for crumbs. In smmmer little brightly colored garden snakes that resemble yellow and green vines trail about In the garden. All Is stiu In the surround- The Gospd of Comfort. The sources of joy are many. They are rooted in all of our five senseo, and ministered to by cottntieea obeots of beojity and harmony In the world without. For them the seven colors of the spectrum blend and cha.nge In nev«r ending vairlation. For them the ie7«n notes of the octave find eipres. tHoa in untutored nature and in t^« gifts of skilled musicians. Sight and sound and toui'h and taste and peo'- hune all open gateways to the home of Toy within the mind of man. But the sources of comfort are few. There are not many -ways in which wnsolation maiies its approach to human life. And all men ne«d com- fort. Bright as is the â- world; the very shining of its sun produces shadows, and the stalk that bears rosee gives bleeding fingers to him who plucks them. He who never needs comfort must die young. No life contin<u«« long without an expei-leuce of sorrow. And when sorrow conies, then comes also the d'isoovetry tha.t, while the tou<z*c«« of comfort are not many, they are adequate and precious. First is the co«ifort of hap-py mem- ory. No grief or misfortune can take away the Joys th-at have ente<red pe-r- manently into our character. Then, in time of need, is found the PEOPUE WHO NEED HEALTHBIEDINC Should Enrich Their Blood by Using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. There are conditions of health in which no particular organ appears to be at fault, yet the patient la miser- able and unable to pTirsue the activi- ties of daily life with vigor and en- joyment. The remedy needed is a medicine that will benefit the whoI« system rather than a part. The blood reaches evej'y part of the body and an improvement In its auality Is quiclt- ly followed by an ImprovemMit in the whole system. Dr. Williams' Pink PUIs make a prompt and visible improve- ment in the blood, and bring ne^«r health and 6>trencth to alKng people. The value of Dr. WiUiams' Pink Pills In cases of this kind is proved by the following 8taten>ent: Mrs. W. F. Nasli, R. R. No. 1, Bellamy, Ont., writing on behalf of her husband says: "For the past two summers my husband ha.» taken Dr. Williams' Pink Pills with much success. He was In a week oon- ditlon, did not sleep well at night, tired all the time, with poor appetite. The com fort of work, and of the friendship result was he got very thin. He d-e-|that remains. There is always i<ome elded to try Dr. WlHiams' Pink Plbla one still who needs us and whom we and by the time he had taken three need. What.i!ver our losses, -we have boxes he was feeling and tooting so never yet lost all. much better that it was very notice- 1 T'hen we discover the comfort of able that the pills were all they were sympathy. It has been said a thoua- recommended to be. We feel very and. or pea-haps a milUoB, times that grateful and advise the use of the pilla "mere words'' cannot assuage grief. In all cases of weakness." and every time it is said untruthfully. These pilla may be bad from all Words that are fitly spoken, •out of a dealers in medicine, or by mall, wst sincere heart and a kiujred. experi- rvaid. at 60c a box- from The Dr. Wil- enoe, are among the most precious, as iiams' Medicine Co., BrockvlUe, Ont. tUey are aaiwng the moet wstly, of all .} com:forl*. Night Slipping Into Day. , 'J^^ ^'"^ \' ^"'^ """'^ft '° "'^**' At first it s^med strange that ir'n^Ari^r'nTJ. Ihu, *" "'7 11 , ,, ., 1 .1. .J ,o , But the basis of all abiding •comfort should see the man n the o.d flapping ,^ ,^j,^ .„ ^, .^^.^ ^^^ ^^ . coat on the rising bit of roadway out-^p^^ ^^j^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ substitute, side my window every morning, al-|,^^ ^^^j^^ ^^ ^j.^ ^^.^^ '^ ways exactly the same always in the ^..^^ ^^ „bich it gives. "lx,.-d: »how very middle of the road, a ways wulk- L ^ ^j^^ j^^^,. ^^^ ,j ^mcetH us."' Ing away from me so that 1 tiever saw j^^ ^^^ di«!ples in the hour of their his face, always moving with a ^^. [^.^n^^^^t and grief. Faith in a swinging gait as f be were in n^ hur- ^^^. ^^^^ ^^^ ^^ „f ^, ^ ry to quit the valley, his faint sh&do'w following him like a pale, widespread sail cast over a gray sea, and rocking with tlio wind. He was as early as the lark, fox hardly a morning passed without one brown bird hopping to the topmost twig of the hedge and pausltLg there for a moment before rising Into the morning sky ; he was ahead of the sun , for tlie dawn was still but a trespasser beyond the horizon, tlnjldly feeling at the gates of day; 1927 Oievniiet Car -<- KEEP UTTLE ONES WEU IN WINTER See Announcement (Hi Anoth«' Page soundâ€" save for the lark's high sons - â€" and the clog-olatter of his boots fell back to the valley and sent a little rabbit heed foremost into its hole. It was not until several mornings j the baeis of all reasonahle consolation. And the ivcrld needs it all the rime. Xhe Ground of Certainty. It Is told of one in ancient dnys that once in conversing with his friends on the question of the InuucmaUty of the soul, which they were aJl fain to be- llevo, he confessed that, while he wa« reading Plato's nobis ajgument, he ]oyfuMy assented to It. but always he was ahead ot when he laid the book aside his per- suasion sdipped away and he was vexed ane-w with chllil un'OeTtaliuty. And ^nat eiperlenoe is unlvcrsaJ. The best of human arguments Is unavall>- Ing; hut it is the end of ell the douht and disquietude of our souls when we - â€" ».u had brought the dark coat Into view mm •ujt.MU'«^<-uuo y- "<u ipuu,io wii«fn w« ing wiWernass. Nothing to be heard that I began to wonder abon* the know Jesus, not merely as one who but a few honney sounds In the lituJ stranger, wonder where he came fron» ' dwelt here long ago. but as the living ootUge that stands alone In the clear- and why, since I did-not rise precisrty | Saviour abiddni «.-iith us, according to "'^- at the same moment each day, he waa A sharp axe that playea a siout base always there when I opened my shut- and a lusty lunged saw that aang tenor have tendered the space that was virgin timber land habitableâ€" an axe. a saw and somehing else of courseâ€" the pioneer spirit. Withal th« thick bruati has been cleared away, ters â€" always just there, passing from the shadows of the low country Into the dawn. And then, one morning, I stood lad watched him until he had reached the spot where the road dips down _8bwte •wiDaw a ilp •( •VaddnV. Tsam b* wtoaiBhwl^ tka <wnilH> mIM it briaaa ta a aor*. lalluM* tkriat Siami, stMlufi aad wMlMfa •baaM atrtr te wttbpak H TIm Snl tarn than and aaathw the tkraM aai k twaihtat tokaa â€" SB* tkarc sra M 4aa(s la a tS^^ast bottlal At aS Ma aad aoaiaataad lU Malaal St, TMsatT* BUCKLEYS iMa««|UA-i« 9 trees and stumps romwved, and a againâ€" moving so leisurely, so appar- wholesome ^el plot for the small :«(ntly oblivious to all around, Just fo- family rescued fWfm Chaos and Turn- ; Ing on and up and out Into the light. bisTveed. It !s Hke a tiny nugget of At the top of the rising a iwlft shaft fairyland made from a wilderness. | of brilliant gold shone foil upon hlm." In the fores*, design and purpose Ho paused, his great coat hanging hare oonqusred, expressed In what has about him In heavy folds, the wide- been removed and wiiat has been brimm.ed hat bent slightly before ths trangptented to the cleared acre, glittering thing ahead; and then h« There are beautiful maples, oedars, passed over the brow and was gone. chrysantJ»emun», veronica and vines. I A country taiboper, you eay. Majbs The air is sweet with cultured frag- you are right. But I have my own rwics, jHttle faacy about him, my early mom- Tet the house is secluded, resting aa ing story that I IM all to myself. And a kernel In the surrounding landsoeps when I push back my shuttedrs and whloh seemed to grow and take de- stand there by the window I foiget finite shape day by day as the ^e >e- the pftxaio, matter-of-fact worM, for â- ouoded against the sUsoce ot ths 'it is Night I see making Its slow way wttdemesB, ths echoes rsverbrating la up from the vaMey, passing by my old ths forest, as the strong arm and cour- gardsn, and slipping over ths hilltop ageous heart ot the stalwart pioneer into the day worked the transformation. His promise, and manites'tlng Hlmselt unto us. To know Him thus is to be veiry sure of Ood, very enueof the hld- d«i iovo 'Which l« shtupixig our Uvets and -very sure of the gUwy which shall be re^vealied in ua. â€" The British. 'Week- ly. By Regulating the Stomach andi Bowels With Baby's Own Tablets. winter Is a dangerous season tor the little ones. The days are change, able â€" one bright, the next cold and atormy, thaA the mother is afraid to take the children ont for the fresh air and exercise they need so much. In consequence they are often cooped up in overheated, badly ventilated rooms and are soon seized with colds or grippe. 'What is needed to keep the little ones well Is Baby's Own Tablets. They will regulate the stomach and bowels and drive out coids, and through their use the baby wlU be able to get over the winter season In perfect safety. In using Baby's Own Tablets the mother ha% an absolute guarantee that she is giving her precious little ones something that Is absolutely safe and something that cannot possibly do harm to even the newborn babe aa the Tablets contain not one particle of opiates or other dangerous drug. They are sold by medicine dealers or at 25 cents a box, by mail, from The Dr. WilHams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. British Medical Aasociation Decides to Meet in Canada Tlie British Meddcal Associatton wlU bo<d HS 1930 convention in Wlnniueg, «XM3ording to ofSdal notdfloatlnn re celved. Selection of the Manitoba Capitai for this tniportant gathering marks the third' time that the organi- zation has' held its convention outside of the British Isles. Minard'a Liniment, â€" *- tvcr reliable. Many Animals Are Harvesters. Man ia net the only animal engaged in harvesting. For e-xample, "N'ature Magazine'' asks how many of the fol- lowing actually sUwe food tor future use so far as you can determtne dur- ing October: woodchucks, chlpmonks, red' squirrelsi deer, muskrats. meadow ml^ce, deer mice, skunks, dogs, cats, cows, horses, sih^jep and others? Are Dentists People. The discoverer of e-th'Sr as the pro- ducer of uncons'i'louoness waa â- ft'iUiam Thomas Green Morton, a Boston den- tis-t, who had' experimented for nearly two y^ars in using the fumes upon animals an.d' upon himself before he ventured to try U in pra<ctioe and up- on a human being. OasBified Advertisemento. gramophon e! "l,"^ICTROLA STYLE, FULL CAB- INET, plays all records, 48 aslec- tions, automatic. Value $96.00 for f 35.00 guaranteed. Poisson, 340 Mount Royal East, Montreal. I ADIES WANTED TO DO PLAIN â- *-* and light sewing at home, wbola or spare time. Good pay. Worfc sent any distance, charges paid, Send stamp for particulars. Natifinai Manufacturing Co., Montreal 1^ RATISâ€" "LITTLE FRIEND^' TO ^^ either sex; mailed in plain envel- ope. Paris Specialty Co., Montreal. Douglas. There's an old, old song with a sweet refrain â€" "Douglas, Douglas, tender and true!" It was sung by a man in Scotia's main â€" A man of noble, knightly strain â€" But Douglas, my collie, 'twas meant for you. 'With your regal air and ruff of snow. Your soft dark eyes for caress that sue. Your welcome bark, now loud, now low. And your glad response to love, I know Ths old, old song was meant tor yon â€" "Douglas, Douglas, tender and true." P/anj- 7hr Homer Last word in buildcn' aid. Practical, up^to-datc summations on planning, building, (tirnuning, decorating luxj gardening. Profusely !ii..-»â€" »-J Uidacora of actual dolvt „ 'gestioiis. .Send 23 cent jQuirent issue. Matieaa Bafldera* ><« Ad«laida SI. \i Tcronlo, Ont. tASCAHnypOR HEADACHE, COIJ)S^ (MnPATION To^niffhti Clean your boweb ua stop headache, colds^ BOOT stomach Get a 10-cent bo.x. Take a Cascaret to-night to cleanse your Liver, Stomach and Dowels, and you will surely feel great by morning. You men and women who have head. ach<9, coated tongue, a bad culd, are bilious, nervous, upset, botlierwl with a sitk. gaesy, disordereil stomach, or have backache and feel all worn out. Are you keeping your bowels clean with Cascarois â€" or raoreiy forcing a passageway every few days with salts, cathartic pills or castor oil? Cascarets immediately cleanse and regulate the stomach, remove t'ue sour, ujiiiigeeted and fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bi'e from the liver and carry oil the constipated R"a3te matter and poison from the bowels. Kemember. a Cascaret to-night will straighten you out by morning. A 10- cent box from your druggist means healthy bowel action; n clear head and cheerfulness for months. Don't for- get the children. Give the childTen SHILOHcomns CRIPPLED with rheum<it!sni? Minardls will ease tho paJu, relieve the stiffness. Intastngrâ€" Um MlMnfa Unlmant In the London elementary schools over one thousand new tsachers ors appointed each ysar. STOMACH MISERY, GAS. INDIGESTION "Pipe's Diapepsin" Corrects Sour, Upset Stomachs at Once W *e»«i n >>>»« W <»a<**>i«>*»#<I MH »i«t>M» Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism '''a Dlapopaln" is the quickest, sures<t relief for Indigestion, gates, | flatulence, hs&rtburn, sourness, ter- DMntAtlon or ttoniach distress caused ' by bCltUty. A few tablets give almost I inunodiata atomaob relief Correct 1 your •tomaob and digest ^u no'w for a Druggists sell mUIiong of 1 DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART f»w oenta. packages. SW^ l«8UE No. •'27. Accept only " Bayer" packagei which contains proven directions. Handy "Baver" boxes of 12 tablets Al«> bottles of 24 and 100â€" Dmggiita. AaplriB Is <k« tndi aark (i««UtiN4 lb Cinida) ot B«jwr Misafketnt* of lIosMwMk •cidwtcr of BaUcjUcaMS (AmOl B>llc;llc Add. "A. 8. A."). WbUt It Is W*U kacvs that Aiplrto â- MM Sa^cr nuiiitacturr. to udat tb« ;iibUo M*li>*t InUtaUaaa, tk» TabMa •C Bw«c Oamfaj mm bi lUnptd oltk «lwU £«»•'*> trate aatk, tb* "Bar*.' CMM." MfiU

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