WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1927 THE PLESHERTON ADVANCE First of the Season Broom Ball Tournament FLESHERTON RINK Thursday, January 13, at 8 P. H. FIRST GAME Miss Mamie Mc Tavish's Sextette vs. Mias Mildred Mc Callum's Sextette SECOND GAME Dr. Murray's Cossacks vs. Barney Welton's Pirates J Winners of each game play off for Champ. Come and boost yaur team. Skating after the games. Admission: 15 cts. Children under 12 10ct«. their car while they were eagaffed in ransacl(inK the mill of the Mei^- ford Millins: Co. The auto numbers were griven to Mr. Stevenson by the boys, who saw the car in town on Fi'iday, the night after the mill prop- erty had been entered. The car left town that afternoon and Mr. John Rogers' store at Woodford was ran- sacked the same night. The com- munity is well rid of the trio and much credit belongs to the local con- stables, Mr. Stevenson and the boys for the big round up in the annals of police work here. SOY BEANS IN ONTARIO , Small Advertisements THE TRUCK STALLED. I NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF LOUISE DUCKETT, late of the Townshi9 of Artemesia, in the County of Grey, married weman, decased. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons havinp claims against the estate of the said late Louise Duckett, late of the township of Artemesia, are required on or before the 31st day of January, 1927, to send to William Ernest Morfjan, Eugenia P.O., Ont., or James Leonard Latimor, Eugenia P. O., Ont., or to the undersigned, their solicitors, fi^ll particulars of their claims duly certified. AFTER such mentioned date tiic assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having re- gards only to the claims of which the executors, or their solicitors, shall then have notice. SENT TO KINGSTON. From the Meaford Express. On Tursday morning last County Constable Harvey Doherty was suc- cessful in rounding up the third mem- ber of the gang, who have terrorized this community with their theifts and , thieving during the past few weeks. While making a search for loot on the farm of Jack Jamieson, 7th line, who with his brother-in-law partt, were taken into custody a week or more ago. County Constable Do- herty and A. W. Stevenson g'ot track of their partner Corbett and success- morning at the home of Mr. Wni. Quinn, Grier.?ville, where he had ap- plied for a meal. While thus engag- 'â- ed Corbett wsa placed under arrest and brought to Meaford whore he was , turned over to County Constable Den- Louis Mitchell and George Collins, who were driving a truck from Osh- awa to Meaford, had their truck stall on a railway crossing at Thornbury, when a freight train came along and struck the stalled truck, smashing it beyond repair. Both men were thrown out, but no bones were broken. They were takei; to Collingwood hos- oital. Eugenia and receive reward, or at The Advanec office. FOR SALE SEED CLEANING PLANTS. An absence of efficient seed clean- ing machinery at convenient points has had a depressing effect on the production of registered seed grain in J!?anada. To overcome this hind- rance the Cereal Division of the Ex- perimental Farms has 'given ariose study to the various types of cleaning machines and established both at the Central Farm and at- the Branch Farms cleaning plants of the best types. These plants are being used not only for the cleaning of the seed grown on the Farms but they are placed at the disposal of farmers for a fee sufficient to cover the cost of operation. The service last year at the Central Farm at Ottawa amount- ed to the cleaning and grading of more than 6,000 bushels of seed grown in the Ontario district. So gratifying is the work done by tlieso machines that a number of the far- mers have established for themselves Dated at Owen Sound this Third ton and conveyed to Owen Sound. . and their neighborhoods seed clean- day of January, 1927. MIDDLEBRO' & BURNS Executors' Solicitors, OWEX SOUND, ONT. There arc two million bushels of grain in storage in boats in Owen Sound harbor. Mrs. Donald Sinclair, the first white child born in Brant Township, died recently at Walkerton. where on Friday mcHj-nin ghe was | given three years in Kingston peni-j tentiary for his part in the various robberies that have been pulled off in North Grey during the past two j months. Jamieson and Carr were sentenced to two years after having pleaded guilty to eight charges out I of the. nine preferred against them. 1 The Meaford police were success- j ful in capturing the desperadoes and the credit of their capture goes to ' some boys who took the number of ing plants of similar type. FLESHERTON BARBER SHOP First Class Barbcring Latest equipment to give first class service to both men and women. A trial solicited. G. H. WRIGHT, PrV iBisiaisjBEMsiaisiBaiaiaiBisisraiajiijaEiaiffla/a !jsi3ja"3aiaBSisisiai3iaia!!5isisii SIX HILL STORES W« buy together in order that ou r cuatomere in the lix com- munitiei may materially ben- ^t individually. F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instinct- ively aaaociates with liigh | quality merchandise at the faireit pottibin prices. I aauu All Classes of Goods at Great Reductions NKW LBGCMB CHOP GROWN IN ' LOST â€" From a cutter when a liAKB COUNTIES. I horse ran away at Ceylon on Friday, * De«. 24, overcoat. Finder please leave Value •â- Heal, Oil Cake and Silage | with The Advance or with the mail and Some PolnU Aboat Difflculties f carrier on R. R. No. 3, Proton . ^ aod Advantages. i (Contributed by Ontario Department of ' STRAYED â€" One pig from Lot 34, Acrlcuituie. Toronto.) ,Con. 11, Artemesia, on or about the Profitable llTe stock farming de- > l^th of December. Please notify Bert pends in part on economical feed j Magee, E ugenia. Phone Feversham. production. The soy be^n has proven • â€" â€" to be a very useful crop in the lalie # toqt Ak».,4. r>.-„«.v„ -int-v. countleB, as a source of hay. silage , ^^^^ " ^^o"* December 17th a and grain feed. |P«'r of horn rimmed spectacles with The ohief value of the soy bean In fhorn logs, double sight. Finder will Ontario will be as a hay crop. Feed- {please leave with Robt. Purvis at ing trials have demonstrated that well made soy bean hay has a feed- ing value that is slightly less than good alfalfa. In seasons of probable feed shortage the soy bean can be used as an emergency hay crop to greater advantage than any other plant used for the purpose. Dairy cattle, sheep and beef cattle do well on the hay, eating it up clean with the exception of the coarse parts of the stalk. Soy bean meal as a stock food has a value comparable to linseed meal or cotton seed meal. It is fully as rieh in digestible, crude protein as linseed meal and even higher in this property than cotton seed meal. For dairy cows soy bean me^il can be used instead of either linseed or cot- ton seed meals, where the concen- trate is not required in excess of two pounds per day. Soy bean meal makes a good pro- tein rich addition in fattening beef cattle and sheep, having for this pur- pose a value equal to linseed meal. Soy bean meal can be used In grow- ing young pigs, but it should not be fed in excess. If fed in conjunction with tankagQ or skim milk to plgj that have free access to a mineral mixture it gives best results. Soft; pork may result from excessive soj« bean feeding. Soy bean meal should bo freshly ground. Old meal be- comes rancid due to the high oil fiontent. It Is good practice to mix other grains with the soy beans at time of grinding. Dry, starchy grains like corn, oats or barloy will take up the excess oil, thereby aid- ing In the grinding process and keep- ing qualities of the meal. Soy Bean Oil Cake. About 300 pounds of oil may bo pressed out of a ton of soy beans. The hard, dry cake that is left after pressing is ground up leaving a pro- duct known as soy bean oil meal or oil cake. As a feed for dairy ccwt this mill product has a value equal to the best grades of Unseed meal. As a feed for swine, soy bean meal fur- nishes one of the beat protein ricli concentrates available. One hundred pounds of soy bean oil meal rctflr.cp'l | 83 pounds of tankage and 22 poimds of corn, In feeding experiments. From this Its high value as a pig feed can be appreciated. Soy Beans for Silage. Soy beans In combination v.-lth corn in the proportion of one ton to '^Hfee tons of green corn makes an excellent silage. Ensiled alone the soy bean does not make a very paTat- ablo silage, and should therefore al- ways be mixed with corn or other starchy plant, as sorghum, sunflower, OP clover. Harvesting Soy Deans. The soy bean Is a crop romp;xr0.- tlvely new to Ontario. It bar, its peculiarities and is not the easiest crop to cure as hay. Lato seeded and late ripening, It Is ready to har- vest from August 10th on. Weather (. conditions In late August and Sen- < BOAR FOR SEttnCB Tamworth boar folr service, N«k 2-16,816, on Lot 146â€"147, 3rd range â€"I. MEGGOTT, Apr. 27. Flesherton FARM FOR SALE lOO acres lot 14, con. 11, Osprey, 1% miles from Feversham, with good buildings. Price right. â€"HOWARD SHORT. Feversham, Ont » FARM FOR SALE IBO acres. Lot 24, Con. 10, and . south half Lot 26, Con. 11, Artemesia, FOR SALE â€" Apples for sale at $2 must be sold on account of family per barrel. â€" Card Graham, Eugenia, being dissatisfied. --â€"â€"â€"- ~ ; ROBT. E. GORLET. FOR SALE â€" Comb honey, also I Eugenia P.O. extracted, prices right and quality the best. â€" Geo. W. Graham, Eugenia. BOAK FOB SBRTICB No. 92-71680. FOR SALE-^ young pups, good nt^Vi^.i^^u^^Z^,^'^ Hyslop, Eugenia. < Terma-fl.OO. FOR SALEâ€" 3 bred-to-lay Barred Rock Roosters, price $1.50. Also a number of White Pekin Ducks. Ap- ply to Mrs. Tucker Phillips, phone 11 r 3, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" In the Village of Flesherton frame dwelling, 7 rooms, â€"T. J. BTIN80N. BOAR FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- viceâ€" Edgely Bright Vim, No. 99,999 -^Property of Saugeen Bacon Hc» Club. Terms |fa)0. â€" C, HINDLE. Pr&ton Station. good sized bam about 24x30, 8 acres m*. i«bq o j TirmcTi^ . =»«*"«"• of good land, good well near house, i ^°*' ^^â- ^' ««^ '^•^•^•^•' Artemesia. For particulars apply at this office. | I JERSEY BULL FOR SERVICE MISCELLANEOUS TO RENTâ€" Suit of rooms to rent at once. â€" Austin Shackleford, Flesh- erton. NOTICE â€" Chopping done Tues-| days and Saturdays â€" Graham Bros., ; Eugenia. i NOTICE â€" Car load of Western j Oats to arrive in a few days. Call| at store for sample. â€" W. J. Stewart ! & Sons. ^ I 1 Registered Jersey bull for service. •Sire: Brampton Jersey Conscript; Dam: Brampton Petune's Lady. Fee: $5.00 at time of service. I â€" H. RADLEY, Flesherton, Ont I S. E. DeCUDMORE .PHONE 53, FLESHERTON General Insurance Specialist Real Estate and Investments â€" Inquiries Solicited â€" WANTED â€" A second hand organ for school purposes, must be in good condition and cheap. Apply to A. Hincks, Ceylon R. R. 1. MIDDLEBRO & fiURNS Barristers, etc Officesâ€" Owen Soimd, Durham and Flesherton. Fleshertoi every WANTED â€" Farmers, Farmers' Saturday afternoon and evening. Sons and others can find pleasant, | ._ profitable employment during their I spare time in the next three months j takin}? orders for our government j certified trees, shrubs and plants. ! GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER , For thejiounty of Grey. Reason- This work consists of selling only , pblc terms. Satisfaction guaran- and we pay liberal commissions ; teed. Dates made at this office. weekly and equip you with complete, _ _ „ colored sample books and outfit free of charge. Now is the best time to commence. Write at once to Welland Nursery Co., Welland, Ont. FARMS FOR SALE NOTICE â€" We have a car of choice tember are not as a rulo favorable «, American corn this week. Price to good hay making. The nlj,'hts are iSl.65 per cwt. if taken off car. A. C. cooler, days shorter and moi.Tture | tvt,,;. _,i,„,,q o ,. qi , . . ,, ... .. iVluir, pnone ^f r. oi. ,iirt,..i nhii,irtaM, than frt It, I.. .»-*,«« ' â- ' when Ending Saturday, Jan. 15 THIS SALE WILL BE WORTHY OF YOUR ATTENTION m- J. T. HILL & Co., Limited, Markdale more abundant than In July the clovers are harvested. For Hay. Good hay ctiring weather is the first requisite for Kood sov bean hav. The pods should be partially filled, and the leaves tight, to make the best colored, nutritious and palat- able hay. A hay that la green in color and has a sweet and pleasant aroma and Is free from mould can onH" be made during favorable won- ( ther. The cutting should bo done not later than August 15th regard- less of the stage of plant develop- ment. Every day after August 15th leads the haymaker nearer to the production of mouldy and undesir- able hay. The soy bean crop for hay should be handled In such a way an to save all the leaf possible and givo a bk-ight green hay. The beat ma- chine for this work Is the sweep rake reaper, It having the advantage of delivering the Uean stalks into small piles which will cure without further labor. The ordinary mower may he used for cutting the crop and the side-delivery rake to roll the bean stalks Into windrows, where they can cure after being put up Into very small cocks. All handling \BMIe cur- ing must be done while the leaves are still green or damp. The grain binder has been used to harvest the crop for hay with good success when the weather was favorable. In damp weather the bundles will mould If not opened and the centres exposed to the air and aun. Soy beans will shed considerable rain if put up in cocks while still a little green. Cur- ing In the swath and the use of the hay tedder is not to be recommended because of the great loss of leaves and poor color produced. After mak- ing, It la best before drawing in to barn or stack to turn the cocks over and expose to the sun for a few hours. Threahtng Soy Beans. The bust machine for threshing is the regular pea and bean thresher. The ordinary grain thresher can be used successfully providing the cylinder speed is reduced to 400 or 500 revolutions per minute; and all concaves and some of the cylinder teeth removed if .the beans are dry and brittle. A corn shredder has been used for bean threshing sufr cessfully. After threshing the seed should be stored in shallotv blna and Bbovpllcd over frequAtly until all surplus moisture has been rem(\ved. Care In storage is necessary or mouldy beans will result. â€" L. Steven- von, O. â-²â- College, Ou«lph, / Ou the Toronto Lin* Proviaeial Highway. Three farms, two of 100 acres and one of 60 acres all cleared. First class binldings, up to date fp • every particular. Will sell any on* of these. Good brick bouse on oni «,. , :! the farms. The stablinr for snn<. WOOD WANTED _ 20 cords of ; ^,^ j, ^^^^ oJ. ffr»- hss^ acres hardwood bush and anot<ur 20 inch green body wood, beech and maple, for Ceylon school^ a]so 2^^or'ls nundred has three acres of timber T>... n 4. i^^j ^^^ buHdinngs fpr everything ' needed, including poultry hou»e «atf of dry cedar.â€" Roy Piper, Secretary, NOTICE- Garload of Corn to ^^, ,,^. NoT^ieTund anTcir^ nveinaweekortendays Sl.COper.o, ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ interet.^ hundi-ed, cash of car.â€" W. J. Stewart | ghould investisate. & Sons, Flesherton. ; _^ j stinsoN. NOTICE â€" Hunting, trapping and ; running dogs on lot UO, 1 3.W. and 2 S.W., Artemesia, strictly prohibited. â€" H. Lever, Flesherton. â€" i Imy Proton Statioi P.a BUSINESS CARDS TAKE WARNINGâ€" Hunting and ! **'• ^ C. ,Murray. L.D.S., dental trapping on lots 176, 177. 178 and 179, '^8^^> honor graduate of Toronto S.W.T. & S.R., and one lot. No. 177 .*»<*R°y«' College of Dental Surgwae of OhUrio. Gas udministered fw teeth extraction. Office at resideaea Toronto Stret, Flesherton. north-east T. & S.R.. strictly forbid- den. Any hounds found trespassing on said lots will be sho^ â€" Thos. J. Stinson. HOirSE & LOT FOR SALE Dr. A. Tnmbnll. RA.. M.B, _ uate from the Faculty of. Meiuii^^ ^, ^ _L iA University of Toronto. OOeeâ€" Bl^k. In the village of Flesherton, 14- .^g^^ gj ^ p, j^^ phol. ig. room house, suitable for store or any ! ' ' """ •* business stand, in good location, hard j r- â€" and soft water in basement, furnace, i p ,^ Arlhur Lodse. SSS. A.W A two good cellars, lot has good frame; . „ «1.C^J« «.- U- • 1?ii f* barn size 24x30, also good garden, ' MI-, meejs in t^e ^sonio hall, A»». containing in all two lots. For fur- ; strong Bloek. rieebertoB, fvery fH. ther particulars apply at this office, j dey on or before the funll moon. Robt â- jDown, W. M., F. J Thunttoa. See FARM FOR SALE ! â€" â€" â€" â€" ! Laeaa * Henry, BurrUtera, S^Oil^ 100 acres, lots 141-142, 2nd East T. ; are, etc.,â€" I. B.. LuoM. t^ ; W. A, and S. R., Artemesia. Brkk house, I Henry, B.A. OAcea, llukdale LoHM good frame bam, well watered. Ap-| Block, Fnone X. iSranoh elBeee at ply to Rev. W. A. Sinclair, Box 809, '1)andalk and Durham. Whitby, Ont. i â- .. •- I Telford A Binds, Barriatert, mB> BO.\R FOR SERVICE. \ eitors, etc., OfBcee-Gi^ Mid Bmm ; Block, Owen Sound; 9tiwdaid Baak Registered Yorkshire Boar for eer- Block, Fleriierton, (Saturday*). W. vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, ; p, JTelford Jr., J. 9. P. Bimia. the property of the Ontario Depart- 1 ment of Agriculture | ^„^ K.ttUa«. Licensed _C. STEWART, Caretaker.^ ,^, ^^^ ^^^ ^, q^ ^ I Farm and stock sale* a fBe4rtk7< The C. P. R. will replace the 85- ^enns wodnata.. satUfaetim lb. steel with 110-lb. steel on their ^^^^^^^ AnanoeaMnta fm Bolton to Sudbury division. The new gu^y |,« mad»at the AtfYani%«lklk.« rails are now on the ground and will J Cc^ttal tal^^hnM Oil be laid in the spring. ^^, «r kf tAttwlM IM It i