Saroames md Thdr Oripi REGAOe HEALTH iS NOW HAPPY Tlie Experience of a Quebec Wo- man With Dr. Williams' Pink Pilb. Mrs. L. D. B«n*«r, 89 D'ArguUhm Btwet, Queb««. Is od« of tUe thou«aiid» d«veilop«d from tt. of womeo who, w)i«n Bh« found h«r There Ib an entry in tie reconto ot ii«elth faUtucr. r«flort«d at ouoe to Dr. i oer^in medieval gulld#ln EnsUutd re- WUldama' Plnlc PlUs, waA now fln^ ferr^ng to "maroeorle, oanvae, conin- h«i««lf in perfect bealth. Mra. B«r- â- P&n^s, tuBOaao cbajone, drape dn ttier aay»;â€" "I was vwy weak, eub- Hoyu«s and draps de says." Joot to beada«lies and was unable to | Those who know their modem "sJeftpweH. Te«lmoniade In the news- French will recognize the papers persuaded me to try Dr. Wli- ; "draps" ae cljoth and the "eoye' Itams' Pink Pflte, and the reeult has n»d«ni "sole," or silk. RAINES. VarlBtlentâ€" Rains, Raynei, Reyiws. Racial Originâ€" English. Source â€" A locality. Here la a group of family naiiMe tlie source of which U not at first reoov nlsahle becanse th« spelling ot the source has chaosed sla«e the names been moat satisfactory. I have re- j gauied my health, the headaches have left me; I saeep weU at night, and I have gained in weight. Naturally I am feeddng happy. I strongfly pecom- mead Dr. WiVUiuns' Plmk Pllils to afl weak p«ople." Try Dr. WUItams' Pink Pffle for aJiaemia. rheutnatiwni, neuralgia, ner- MURRAY. Variations â€" MaclMurra^, Moray. Racial Origin â€" Scottlah. Source â€" A locality. These family nam«8 were originally, and still are, of a Highland olan name and its variation«. The Oettic form of the Oluu Muiray'a uaoie Is "Slol Mhotridh" < .- "Slol Mholrrich." It la simply derived from tho fact that the ciaA dwelt In that se«tioa of Scoitland ' Imown ae Moray. i Strangely enough, however, though i tho dan Is distinotly Celtic, lis found- 1 or was not. It was founded by tbej word grandson of a Fleming who settled in as the Scotland during the reign of King David I., and wiuj rooolved from thatj "Draps du Reynea â- was "cloth of moiiaroh many favors, including large: Rennea." Chaucer refers to it aa cloth of "Kalnee." In the middle ages Rennes, in Bri- tany, was one of the piost liaiK-rlant oommeircial and Industrial cities of northern France, and was indeed famed for the (luality ot cloth It pro- grauts of land. Tho famUy founded by FYcskin became tlioroughly «Hstab- lishod in the nobility of Scotland, but It was a juuior branch, not the senior brpuch of It, i^hich 'Isveloped the high- land clan of that .'Kme. Th« flr&t chief of tile clan Murray was a son of tho younger son of this Fleming settler in duced. i^ousiiess. Take Uieni as a tonlo if you j Among the English tlie nam« of this BooUand. are nol In the best physical condition <^'y ^^^ spelled in various ways, and It ha« been claimed, however, that and coltlvHte a resistance that wlU J"<lBlng from the fa<!t tha/t most faiiilly the Clan Murray do«a not In the strict keep you well and strong. If you will uaiues developed from foreign cities sense of the term constitute a hlgh- send^uo your* nume and addi^s a lit- j '^^^^ home by mer-hants, and the fact tie book. "Buij-ding Up tlie Blood," wild j that Rcnnes of the Middle Ageo was be maUed you prepaid. This lltUe ' particularly renowned for its oom- bcok contains many useful health j merce, there U little doubt that those hints. who first used i' In EJngland were aot- You can get Uicse pilU through any ! ^"^ merchants, former realde^nta of dcakr cr Jjy at 50 cents a box R-«"ie8. wlio had settled in England. 01 course tho siirnume at firs-t had a prelix, probably the Newman French "du" or "lie," and in its- originiU furm from The Dr. Williams' BrocliVtlle, Ont. <> Medicine Co., The Timber Pirate. land clan. In 1T45 it was stated "The I Mixrrays are no clan family, though ' the duka of Atholl is the head of a j Diumbeir of barons and gentlemen ot | the name of Murray In the lowlaudfi; but he is d«eeiTedIy placed here (among Uie list of hlKlilainders) on ac- j count of his extensive following of j about 3IJO0 hig'hlanders." It would seem that these mwnbej-s of the 'clan" was "Thomas of Raines," "Hugo of rotnined their membership in various Reynes," and other sinailar informu- other clans, though they lived under tioja. Have you conio in contact yet with another species of Pirate' than that found on the high seas? The man w-ho, bent on serving his own in- terests, makes political appeal to oh- , tain certain choice holdings of timber 'All MATIIirDC DIX A ICC and, then presto! the man who has a ; ALL ilivlllu\3 riUlluE permanent investment in tho field i finds hl3 choicest fruit taken from ba- the leadership of the Murray chief. A MEDICINE THAT ncatb his nose. Not content to skim Baby's the cre«m, he leaves the remainder a source of danger from flre to the ad- joining timber crops for years. Is there any question of those pseudo set- tlers ever taking to the land? Investi- gators say not ! In the first place the land is usually strictly forest land, and j In the second place the proximity to ; *""* " believe the good health my child- for(>«ts makes the danger from frosts i '"*" enjoy is due enitiredy to this medi- an im;pos6ible fanning proposition for I *''°*' "^''^ Tablets are helpful at teeth- years to oome. The pirates fulfil the ! '"^ time; reaieve colds 'ud are al- Own Tablets Banish Babyhood and ChUdhood Ailments. Mns. H. Oakes. Sarnia, Ont.. says: â€" "I have used Baby's Own Tablets in my home for the past fltteen years minimum requirements required for locating, take out the spoils and say good-bye to the place forever, leaving, as stateid before, a flre trap for those whose permanent tnveetment is tied up hi the property, to this honest Bu.pport of permanent industries? CVassiflcatlon of lands by capable parties would put an end to this men- ace aad â€" would prevent this type of timber minin« of our forests. This practice is not couflned to the East, but is rampant In the West as well. tt. brings up the old question of proper classification of landsâ€" an essential steip hi evolving permanent forest pro- I)erUea where ti-ees would be treated as forest crops, and our forest re- sources handled for porpetuity.â€" Cana- dian Forest and Outdoors. » Further Shipment of Buffalo to North. Durlngf the past summer the Depart- loent of the Interior i-ontinued the ex- periment of moving buffalo from the national herd at Walnwright, Alberta, to the great 17,000 square miles of na- tarsi feeding grounds known as Wood Buffalo Park near Fort Smith, North- west Territorlea. Canada's success in Bavhig the huffalo from extinction is shown by the fact that the national park near WainwTlght, which is ap- proximately 15 miles long and 13 miles wide, is not large enough to provide grazing in an average season for a tur- ther increase In the herd. Excepting in a few particulars, the movement was carried out along the game llnee as in 1925. The animals were forwarded by rail to Waterways and thence by soow to the unloading point on the Slave river about seven- teen mile-s south of Fitzgerald. EMght trips were required to trans- port the 1,435 yearlings, 493 two-year olds, and 83 three-year olds selected, and the last coiislgnment left Wain- wrtght on August 16 reaching its des- jtlnation a week later. The entire loiperations w«*e carried out with only )k comparatively few losea. Reports Imade by the waixlens, who for some 'yeoxs have been guarding the w<ood ibuffalo and who are now responsible kor the the new arrivals, indicate that |the buffalo shipped last summer have iwlntere<l well ajid are In the best of flondltlon. Quite a number of calves |were noticed this year with tlie buf- falo whliob were sent from Walawrlght in 1925, and all the other signs point jto tho successful issue of this north- ' rooms waj's beneficial in the minor ailments of little ones. I have recommended Baby's Own Tablets to other mothers whose experience with them has been as satisfactory as my own." Baby's Own Tablets do one tiling only, but they do it walk They act as a genitle laxative which thoorAighly regulates the bowels and sweeitena the stomacih, thuiS banishing constipation and indigestion, colds and simple fevers, and turn the crosa, sickly baby into a weU, happy, laughing child. Baby's Own Tablets are sold by Mr. G. Ghaus | Fh^t seoietarj- of tlie .Afghan legation | to London, who has i^ceived iwrinis- medicine dealers or direct by mail at oton from (lie King of -Afghanistiui to I 25 cents a box from the Dr. WUItams' Medicine Co., Brockvllle, Ont. After a Rainstorm. It rained hea.vUy all the atternoou, and then, between tie hours of five and six, it ceased. Those who had decUIetl to catch a bus changed their plans and walked. The town was full of lights as if some brilliant thing had burst, and re- mained in the air and deeip down in the ground. There was a dep^h of exhalation. A tangible happiness drove one's feet along, lifting the cihin and setting the face upwai'd. Everything was very highâ€" very long. It seemed that <he rain In dripping had caused all things to fall out of their natural proixirtlons and remain thus in trembling uncertainty. The men who walketl ahead weie suddenly become big â€".duplicated â€" their other halt walkUig below thorn, uipside down. In the pavement. It was very blue down there, the tone one sometimes sees in a clear sky through rain that is still falling; a color dreaiolied iu atmosphere. There were brown clouds, too, a little Uireatenlng; and there were many etorsâ€" straugre shooting stars with tails that 'Shook. j Tho dayhght passed to late evening. There came another shower wiitoh intensilled the illusion. The men wa^ed> flsster snd^ the lights became amre bright. It seemed Uie town hod risen to the marry Miss Vloiet Parish, daughtei- of Mr. A. I'ai-isih, Mairj-lebone. It Is tho flrait luilon of the kind. Some One of Importance. There's some one of huportuuce Oome to live across the street. And you never saw such "goings on." No! you never did indeed. When I lie father comes fi"om work at night. Just on tJie stroke of eight- Why, lie's like to knock the people , down In his haste to reach the gate. Then, running up tho ganlen path. He waves to a window high ; "He must have got a fortune left," Said the laughing passea-s-by, A fortune left ! A fortunp left ! Yes! his ship's come sailing in! There's now a baby in that house, And there's Joyâ€" outside and hi. â€" Mai-garet Sheppard. » ^ An acid Bloruach caused by indigestion often creates rheumatic symptoms. Set your stomacli right with Selgel's Synip. Any drag atore. Announcement to RED ROSE TEA Enthusiasts /CENTURIES ago, when tea was first ^^ introduced to the English Nobility, the precious leaves â€" then almost priceless â€" ^were packed in sealed lead containers. For many generations lead continued to be used as a protective package for all fine quality teas. Then the modem metal. Aluminum, was introduced. But during war-time and later, paper bags and paper boxes were largely used and have held sway ever since. In our 30 years experience putting up Red Rose Tea we have used all these containers and each has some particular merit. But careful tests over a long period prove that Aluminum is by far the best container that has yet been found, and paper packages of every kind the poorest. When in contact with dampness paper absorbs moisture which soon affects the quality of the tea, and in some instances completely spoils it. Having found the paper package unreliable and uncertain, we have again adopted the Aluminum package which we used years ago. For we know now that Aluminum can be better depended upon than any other. Unlike paper, Aluminum does not absorb moisture. It preserves all the original flavor and strength. So now and in the future Red Rose Tea will be packed in the Aluminum package, as it was in years gone by. T. H. Estabrooks Co.^ Limited Saint John Toronto Winnipeg Calgary Edmonton 'Salt of the Earth." "Ye are tdie salt of the earth," said the Master to his disciples, using a oodunon figure of speech to deecrlbe their function hi society. The primary minion of Chrlsitianlty is diecharged without noise. It works most effec- tively when it io allowed to express j sky, and dropped to meet another sky i itself in Us own way. I.Ike ti-ue eaJt, b^w. A circling heaven with one ; it does not attract notice while it' thin stretch of earth. j tuaises its works. Men are Influenced ! Our faces touched tJie stars. by it most deeply when it comes upon i And now our walk Is done. them unawares, working in them ' We scrape the mud from our shoos i through the" silent energies of tho' and close our doors behind us. 1 spirit found Ui devout and faithful i We tread ou cArpets In drawing- ! men, from whom there Issues the i toa Canadian Tree Seeds. One of the many interesting activi- ties of the Pores-t Service, Department j of the Interior, Canada, Is the collec- I tlon and extraction of tree seeds. Four ' special seed ecrtractiou plants now operate in the Aveete-rn provlncee for the purpose of securing seeds from the cooee of coniferous trees. During the wijiter of 1&26-26 tlit^o four plants extracted twenty-five hundi-<Hlw eight of seeds. Large quua titles of seed are supplied to the Forestry (?onimi6Ston of the British Isiles for uho iu carrying out the program of re.r'oresting unoc- cupied lauds iu Great Britain. Seed has also been shipped to the Poreef Service of New Zealand for a similar reforestation program In that Do- mlniou. In the latter connection it is Intereettng to note that the New Xea- land Forest Service is beaded by a Canadian who received his forestry training in Canada. Resourceful. Teacher â€" "How would >-ou tell the height of a toww by means of a baro- nietea-?" Bright I!oyâ€" "Id lower the barome- ter from tht> top of the tower, and then meajiure the rope." ClassiBed Advertisements. GKAiMOi-HONE. MInard's Liniment, â€" ever reliable. ^ ICTROLA STYLE, FULL CAB- ^ INET, plays all records, 48 seiec- tions, automatic. V.olue $96.00 for $85.00 guaranteed. Poisson, 340 Mount Roj-al East, Montreal. There's no fool like tho young fool who tries to act like ai; o'.d fool. ward transfer of the plains buffalo. We are Just Utile men agahi. rW/Children Like I»â€" \1F^ ^1 SoWiUYou V[M ^tSSl At Um Ont â- ten o( a ]i&r<" ^ ^il CoW. buy "BucUapo". Th« J^ ^ Children Like Itâ€" 1 SoWiU At the Ont Cold, bur "Bucl(lar*g first doM doM two thlnn â€" nllevfs* the cougli tnitantly and MIsbti th« tasta. Different from til other ramedies for Couffas. Oolda. BnnehiUa. Pr*v«nt> "Flu". Piiciunoni* and kll Throat and Lunar trottUaa. Sold avurywhera vndtr noD«y-r*{nndcd guatantae. W. ux «MUE No. 2â€"^2/. Climate and Sleep. Sleep is largely a matter of olina«.t«, aooording to a new theory. In ooH regions mankind n««dB a lot of fatty food mmI act too mucb aleep; In the troi>lc8, on the other hand, a lot ot Bleep ad very little fat in the diet l6 the beat rula ' A dentist in the orrly man who can tell a woRMn wlien to open and shut her monthâ€" and g«t away with It. Don't bury th« dead pMt. Cremata it Quicker. : vltalfeing power which laj-s hold of all i who -oomo In <^ntAct with them. So i Obfistlanity grows and iipieads, thaus- I forming mein's lives, giving them new j rlsilons. and filTing them with loyoua energy In their obedienoe to the will of Qod. When Chrtstianfi fall in the ssest and sploo of faith, they as* not merely Ineffeotlve. but become actnal- ly the aouTco ot muschlef. But where- erer its vigor and tang is felt in a man, hits oonipanions cannot Ignore it. Oon- taot with lihofle In whom it operates baa Ita ineTltable influence. â€" The Times (London). P/anj- 7br Homej- Lartwordinbuildas'aW. PrK^VaJ, uMo-d«te tUMestions o;i planning, MUioy, tumisliing. deoorating and . gmdcninir. Profusclv ilhirtrated, \ kodscofej of actual d6lbr.aviogsug^ gejttons. Stnd I'i ceiTti for Qunent issue. Macl/«u BaOdera' (iulde *'» AduLirdo S!. \. . Tcroiito. Qnl, SBSE How many secrets are betrayed through vanity I One likes to shovr that ho was thought worthy oif con- fidence. OLD OHINESt ECZEMA REMEDY tut btvMl Um Onli Vrx r«nturl«i I lON r%\\* ror Eionu. luh, PtmpJM, ; Ulcenud LHJ toil «nj ikla AUm*«. No matUf bow loiii : or tm bid. Qln U • Irltl. i (ienifroui Jir $2.10 PostPAtd ; GEO. Y. LEE. P.O. Bn 1422. viottri*. ac. I Give tlie children SHILOHmms Sneezing Tâ€"Um Mlnanfi Llnimenti Socks worn by beboes ohouilid bav«, according to one expert, a compart- ment tcft Um big toe, Ju»t as their gloveB heve tot tbe thonih. | Frostbites, Baee the pain wltb MInard'a CoontemctH Inflammation, soothes and heals. Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians foil Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain rSeuralgia Toolhache Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART S^ Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proven directions. Handy "Bayer" boxee of 18 tablela Also bottles of 24 and 100â€" Oruggiate. Adtlrln U tlxr inC» nurk i rrclslriril In Canada) «t B*}*r Itaaiiftetaio nt UoaMOatle- tctdwttr of Hillc;U.:acld (Actlyl Salicylic Add, "A. !4. A."). WhUa U Ir w«ll Ib«*i> tkat Aaplrtn mauia Dtjn mauuririuti^. to unlot lh« pnbUc i«aln<t laltaUoui^ tka TMriala •i Ba/M Otmataj wUl ba auoiittl wltk Oiou sanecat uada OMik, (b* ")atr« Unas.** "is^ss^i