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Flesherton Advance, 12 Jan 1927, p. 2

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A GIRL OF MEHLE BY BKSS McUAE DAVIS PART I. Garter helped h«r into a roadster. VT", o . , .^ . ^l® g;-unced at lier and said, "I wag«ir Nu-wnan Seig»r'8 pow-try ywd wae y^^ n^y^, ^,^^ j„ ^ 'tight' Wore? â- nv.. . but itxms modeni; she had put -Not that kind, but I've been up 6l. her moTwy m it an<l hop«ii to make against ifâ€"thafs wliy I'm here. Six a j.€<K, Invmjf. She ca«t on experi- norths ago I n-as thi-ovrn upon my «:. -.1 e>e oi«r it riow, to see ttat own let-ourcoe. I Love th© open air ajvd e-. -.jthai^ w«a right, then wia.Ked digKin.g in the ground so 1 decided to l..K,yanty around the tiny bouse, and p^^ ^y^ j^ ^„^ baslcetâ€" pouili- t^) tn2 road that lay Ake a dusty, xvund- try raising." Jr. â-  ribhon. j <'» WreshinK," Carter com- When siie ba<l gone but a few rods rriente<L "You aren t afraid to stay ft car stopped besi<!i6 her and a inan aJone?" e- od in « friendly bone, "Oan I give "Not in the loast. I never was yru 11 '.if t. Miss Seiger?" ; nervous. I am absolutely dependent n Gen. John Graves SImcoe AERIAL SURVEYS IN CANADA' A VALUABLE AID TO DEVELOPMENT. Activities Extended Over Varicnis Parts of Dominion With Noted Success. The vaJu« at aa-lal photography In Its application to mapping has beisn d-amonutraited many tlm«s sine© tha 'ooininenc«ment of ttola woo-k a few j years a«o. By tte us& It Is possible to nuip with »pe«'il and ©cwi-oroy laada aboye, many mo&il aaaitntvA photo- whic-'' wouM require a trsmieadous. ex-'tc,cii>arat!lon8 w€ffie uiadsirtakeia, pemdltux** of Umo aftcl effort to cover ali <iieeigmd to a«*.l»t in tbo ieve'top- by the otrdinary gro'OUid methods. Tbue ment of th© n*tuirfa resomxies of fib* Be Sure To Ssy SAUDA' GREEN TEA «n It is by far the most deUciotxa. AsK for it. tho'<W^r'«to-Kc^tnd'^'lte C I''v: f^f ^a^k^'S^Wve"'?,^ F^t governor of Upp.r Oa.ada, who«. ^ ,. ^,,,, to e^pioy aeriai pl^ot. : country. T^ a^.^ .^ car- tive-eyed, but Ni'.wan knew him as Woa how much like human bsingia oii^laJ place In an o.(l cl top el at Wol- graph y Im the inappiuK of our btCheTto relate>a with the majos- opej-atlons In ^ ford, England, hac becm purchased by unjjiapped areas when to produce aiuch a way aa to minlTnte© the ex- Bw«re<t, "I'K be g'.itA if you wiO"., Mr. Ida''*, the hard-to- manage, the undo- Sir I^eioesteir Harmaworth, to be pre- maps of the same order ot accuracy: i^mdlturs of time and nmoney, and 8in*pson. I'm gomvg to the Evans'â€" |o!d*'5'- It's too funny!" She Laugh- sorvpd aa a permanont memorlai In g^^ detail by other methods would, [were uauaJiy required In oonimectlcn - - eyed. -_. „- one of the farmer neighbors, and an- chiclcen** areâ€" the arrogiant, the hid- mt far, but it's hot for June." ;«d joyously. Sho took the soat by him and they ; "TeJ me more. That -would malce a drove on, the car and bump- , corking story," Carter urged. Ing. Th<^ road "jed crookedly for haJf i "I wasn't speaking for publication a mile then heeded etraight toward I â€" just beting you. You're the first the city. ' rosiK>nsive pcii-on I've seen »iiice I "I'm goimg to Oarro'ton," the man cranio- Most of the nMsrhbors look on Baid, "but I'K take you to tho Evani'." my venture as a sort of whim, I think, J^jL, "r",- tT ,^;„^\1 i ^„„ eair with the Royal Canadian Air Force, "Oh, no! TV/. ^ out and walk but it's ni^at and bmad to me. I'm Phased since she left us, but I can ear department of NationaJ Defence. In ucrofM the fieLd." bothered about owring you, for I simp- l«>nestly that e^ej-y one ot those yeai-s i>epa^meni oi Slmooo's hcnor. from a stajidpoint of economy, be out! wlit'h water-power prooota, forestry, of the question. | «ecjlogical Inv'sstigatlona, and other This work h-ja bean carried on since ; pairposiea. Unitil the late autunm, work Ite Imcetptlon, five years ago, by the; was ca;rrkd on to the viclnty of the Toi.c®i"aphlcal S-urvey, De,partmeiLt ot ' Batiscan rlveir In Quebec and on Vnn- Txv^^u. »».v, v«ar« have ttoo Interior, workJaig In oo-operatlon j couvea- Island; In British Columbia. rwontj -two years nave _ _ ^ ^ ^ ,._ 4,,,,^^.,^! The year wa« a very auocesBful one aind tine remilitling maps will greatly Rider Haggard's Mother. Here I w-m try to give some dea- crtpUon of thl's mother wltih whom we wore blieist. roHS the fieLct" ooinerea about owing you, for 1 simi>- """^^'^ iu»i ,,^<^, ^..^ ^. .„>^^ j^^.- Topo^apMcal Survey, i assist in the deveOiopment of the p©- As «lie sp,ke, two men stopped from ^7 can't_pay it back. One doesn't for- bae bnmight to nie a deepe-r .'.ppreala- "^„^""'* ,^'^^^3 ^^ 1^ niapplns smvce^ to tUo araaa coveo-ed. behind a thicket the oar, hands. hoTrMng up directly in front of Ket a kindness .ike this. There's my Won of her beautiful character. . . . "' afn«i pnou>eiw.i» u=^ Z^^TCl ' ' up autho^itati^â- e 'mansion.' Isn't it dear?" she s^id. My mother never was a beauty In bs^ Indexed anc iilad anu may oe ro Caj-ter brought his car to a stand- the ordinary 8,enBe ot the word, but In temeA to at any time, for Information Rl. Nilwan jumped out and he fol- vr.iitJK t« i,>,v«» tw thp, olr.tufraa which relating to the development or tne Ni'iWan heard the man beside her •''ti'-l with deliborato thoioug'iiieng, fo-vind dainty feminine touches, on to the '^'â- ^ loucnes on vo tn" â€" "- • • - Her abilities were great; pendltur wI.K-key concealed In a box of lui.e back when, a wire-fenced' yard housed taklg her all in all she was perhaps the "'^^ «^'!^. .""^"j^L!" ^,^';'""!^^ npple.^ Hnd ordered cu^ly, 'Drivo on th,e chickens that came running at her ablest woman I have known, though tlom ovei the territory in question. Into .•cad<)uarbers." cal'l; she had no iron background to her Maps Show Wealth D«tail. The g-irl »aid not one word but a 9'^^}^"^ assured her with a boyish oharacteo-; for that she was too gontle. Operations during the 1926 season deeper color burnwl th* Kear tan if T\'\"' J,',^. '^•'»f"'». ,' S'aw, Iâ€"am conquer- Her btut no dioubt was llteraiy. and extemled over varto«S' parts of Canada. ips were com- t"^! This i.s rippintf. Maybe new.s I paper not<jriBty wili add to your 'gate had circiun&tanioes periultled I am one ot the areaa Included was that of sure she would haev a aajne in that th© new Roujin mtoing dlsti'lct ia th« her cheeks and her pr^'tned. Si;\:;n*^^-^ark"Su'?or'-^S«me W^-'yo.^Xr.ll ^.cTSiU hmne, ot a.t to which In the Inte^ah, ..ovlnco of Quebec, the Shtr^ Bay wpu I'H E«t out hwe," she saidL open- to that boobleg'ger for olTering you a <>' ^*'" wowdod hfe sh.e gravitated by statloR near Ottawa being used as a iag the door. |ride!" nature. Also he was a good musician, i^j^q ^^f^ the neoeesary ground field One of the officers Ktopred her. I She^ took him back to the house to and drow well. Of her moatal abill- ^-ork being performed by the Creologl- ".Tust kepc-p your seat, lady. We*!! take!*'"'®'^ lemoniade and o'.d- fashioned tea ties I have howoveir spoken In a brief calSurveiy of Canada. The photographs you \<n, boo" ; eakcsi. When he returned to his car, memoir which 1 published as a preface n^-j^i^h covei>ed an ao-ea ot over f,750 "But I knr.w nothinig of this! T »? remarked. "It seem« to me you to a uaw edition of my mothea-'a ; gauaxe miles in this locality we<r<3 aU was wal'kiTi'p to a no'-jrhbor's Avht>n Mr. ""''ffbt give fo.ks pointers on. flower ^n^^ I .«v„„ ..„ „ »,iaK,m««io manr.Mr bjmI Simpson o>^.took me fliTd offered to raisinj?. Dojx>u know, this p:ace,/7^h- \ " / , ,^^ „„^,^, „, „^^ ^..^ "-f^"^ » ^T.lTLT^h^ let iW ride," Ni'iwan piot*sU,t after the \y^t and blare of the city, ia ' . 'J^.'"j' ^^^l ^JTT.f- . m *^ v 'â-  ^^*"'' ^"^^ ^^^ 1 detaU which wU The o^eer •â- hruc.;'ed. "Sounds « 'little bit of IIeaven'7 May I come >»owevw. was that ot conversation. No , t.e of service to revising the mapa of pretty! You're with him aaid you'iV. back?" j nioro charming companion could belfihe district and In renideriin-g asalst- go in" and t<0 that to the in-an hig'her; "If >"«" don't, I ahalll be sorry," she liussimd. Ateo eho had Uio art of ,an,co to the geologist, the f oi>esitor, and ' said, and waved at him as he drov« off. drawing the best out of anyone w-lth the prospector, and for the develop- Simpscn cpoko heawly. "You've' Th«t was the bs-;;inning of a rapid whom she might be talking, as the , ni^mt. which will follow tlieo penlag up cot the gwds on mm, a''! right. I friendship. C^irter Masion's car stood Bjnii«itht>tlc souu-times can do. In a i of this mineral area. Ww wheii I'm conrjred but why drag b-^fore NIKtoh's house often; hl.s minute or two s-he would find which | in narthwestern Ontario atrial tWs girt into it' She's teHn^. t^-i Jl^f ^.-'f^ ^'J;''^^^^^^^^ "-an^ was hi. or her strongest point and to ! photography w«-s cao-led on over the "'Drive on," th. man answered fe- hand" to h^^Ther. w'fi'a hLS '"^^ '"«', T ''''T''^''7; T " fT "^'"^ '^-'"^ '" ^*""'''^' ''''"' """' "i cowioaXy and nails ordrelv waltr from the «™1-'^"^ "> 'â- "«<1 « 8'-«'' '^^>^^- ""d to th^t covered by the 1925 season, and NiiJwnn sat .«triiight, her gaze en woU. [keep he«-fye.lf aa courant with all j exteudod from the Re-d Uke area into the road ;'.ho;i<J. ' ! One day, afttr hi had gone, sh«"iou^'t movements ajid the iioUtical ; ti,.ft Woman Lake an,dLak© Nlplgon She gave her version of the affair' f»«nd a picture tuck?d behind n pillow affairs of tb.) d-.ty. Funtlwir, she diid ' (jjatricts. Consequent urcn the 1925 to the judge iji a .'.< sidy voice with a in the swing, a.s if it had faI.!on from hisr V(jry bc>st to tear U her niumerous f,g;i,(j w-cirk, tha tlrit aerial maps of the Btraiphtflorward manner. Simpson hi.s coat. Sho o^)emd the foidt'r cur- children the truths ot iNjligion, and to tted Lake district beiciiiio avaiilable corrrybonated' it with . mDL.atic eager- . lously. _ Th« iove'.y face of a gir'. look- , load them Uito the^ ways of righteous- ; e.-a:rly In the spi-ins of 1D26, at a time 111*93 and poace. . . . i when the.) r noe-d was greatly fe'.t. They Her various dutite, including that ot jyrovcd of great areistauce to rix>s.pect g up. ness, liK'kling conf us'..h1 and Kuiltj". ed back at her â€" a delicate, Vk-istf ul- Th»' o(f ficers in.«;.sbed th:it she eyed face with an aureole of wavinig an accomplice jind w-as in tho car all hair. Nilwan sta»-od at it and road, the fcime; it had not stoiiped at her i "Your own Janet." , liousekoepiug, ot which S'lie was a peir- ore, gioc>k«lsts. miniivg recorders, and j sources in tUe areias coveired. « The Gypsy. ""Where do I live when I'm at homo?" The gypsy laugbed to me, "My heartbsitone'a laid In the good red Icam And the sky was raised tor my own Tooftree. As he carries hie house on a shiny track I oarry the, like a snail, on my back, Till it dabbles its eare« in the sea. "And when dark drops down and the root grows thin I haven't a place to be lonesome in, For I look througih the moon like a clean-washed pan« And a candle se4; In the hnu.:e of a friend where I'U come again. ... "Where I wake, sun-up, with a fern- leaf curled In my chumpled palm, as a child could como. That's whei'9 I live when I'm at home â€" lllffht in the world." â€" Bsatrteo Raveael, in "The Arrow of Ligh'tnlog." * • Dancing for a Wife. Men are not the only creatures that loarn to dai'oe when they are in love. The"~ ugly scorpion Indulges in elab- orate dances before mating. The male crawls np to the female and goes through contortions not unlike those of a shy mau on introduction. A FROCK EXPR15SSING SMART SIMPLICITY IN EVERY DETAIL. Nothing is nM)-re cfiarmingly created ; to soften ths severity of a straight- Then ' line dress than the cascade jabot as ho seizes her claws with his own and • used on this model, and which falls >.-je.n under; What did slv,. kmw of Carter Ma- '»»' mistres.',, left her scareoly an hour others engaged in the devi.lopment of sedately walks backwards with her. ! from ben«ath !8<m? Little but that he was gen-l o ollow tor own lUaniry and artistic thJs minr-raliz«l Prea. tbo demand for tm-m^g t^ right and left in a sort ot ' ShSn-imes at I house, they s;iid; it had' b thvir eye* con^^tantly. "But that can't li<-! Th^i-t;'!! a tuni >'rou.s and clean and de.pendabl*. A.s tas'tea. All she could do w.ia to give them exhirdstinf? the initial i.ssue in a; ,..„],, In the road. The mf.'n couldn't cos- 1 to hi. s private affairs she knew on'y a Utile a.ttentlou to gard«nlng, to pfxw wM>'t-i This ae^i-i'il ohotoeiivuhlc ' " V" ""V '.u i""*,"!' ^'"â- ;"' "^ "."â- = "2=""^' '"""f' »"" " ""â- "f'o; -bly..have s^h., from wh.i. _Ly I ^vh.t he had. chosen, to t,". her. a.d wl.i.h she w«s devoted. -From ''T^ 'Z^::^o:^:^'c;^£T^:^'^f^,^^I^^ ^^Jl.'^t^J^^ a v/ell-fitting collar. uing: to right and left ia a sort ot ShSn-irags at th.3 slioulders are indi- Thls generally continues for cative of the newer mode, and a finely she p>aded earnest'.y. "I as- ; -""he r«>a!i7.etl that their talks had been Days ot My Life," by Sii- II. lUder you, there's a mistake. I've lived more of her and har prospects than | f£aggy,.(] I onily 'our months. I l<mflv no- of him. were, 0nre thcve . thing of the liri'.K.r tnaffic." She searched her memory for evi- Tho judge was unsympathetic. The i dence that he cared for her, more very ..â- iRfniranc/^ of her bearing seemed' thiiin as a friend but with the excep- to antagoniizc him. 1 tion of a few times wh«n at partinp, | "There's been too much of this sort j he had held lier hand a i>it longer j Leap Over Broomstick is Romany Wedding. Jumping over a broomstick Is all mapping. worK was carnca on m co- 1 ^p^^^ their honeymoon underground, giving. The back is in one piece, and operation with the geotogical and soir-' ^£^,.^^^113 the female generally klUa the introduction of a narrow belt is vey divlEiotts of the Ontario C.overn- 1 ^ ^^^3 t^o male! I antotber feature of the mode, maiiit, a large e.ttent o£ hitheirto un- No. Spiders make love by a sort of 1422 is for misses and smaX' women nmppe.1 territory bamg soiccesstully | enarleston soto dance. They lift oae and is in sizes IG, 18 and 20 years. photograiJied. Thwe photographs re- j ^m of the body and then the other size 18 (36 bust) requires 4% yard« tbousaiMla of lakes and in addl- niost grotesquely. and afterwards 39. i,,^^ figured material ; % yard ve^il ti'on fumisJi accwrate records of tu& of thin.?. One huivdrwl do'.l'ars fine than was newssary, certain tender , lhat'i4 ner-e^sary for a yoiiiig couple to ^^jjjj^j.^pj^. j^, j,j^ ^.^^^^ . ^^^^.^j ^^e in. i orthirty days In jail!" j inll..rtions of his voic^nolljing! j do to become man and wife under j ^^^^^ which" will make possible; XI.C . J i.._i. -_ ,, ^1.- L_., And .iik<^ thunder from a blue sky^ 1 Romany Law, This waa explained by' Maj-tlia Sniythe, an aged gypsy woman make seml-clrcles round the chosen pjain contrasting. 20 cents, Nilwan step<ped liack as if she had! been p.truck. I in the Jealous liffht of this pictured 'But I can'tâ€" I simply can't pay f'lce, whe knew that she loved him. who applied at Farehani for a pension. tl«t line!" sho orietl. '"! put everv , She sprang to her feet went Inside. ^^^^ „,^,^ t„ „„,g ,,^^ ^i^h „nd bit <vf inonev into inv poultry yard. 1 !>•'«< ed the picture beneath a stack of' „. „ ,^..,iflJl,^, .v,„ „„,j ..,. „„, Jaii? Oh, pjea«e,, won-r you'beMeve! magazim..^she would, td^.. it !>^ ^^ TrT:^:^^^^^'l\^''Z^t'^:j^, hevr bn»baiifl-tt>-be had merely Jumped over a broomotick at a tulr and, ac- cording to Romany oistoni, were l«igal- meV I am not ifui'lty, and my c-hicfcens ' next time he canvo and watch his ex- ... my bu8ines.s . . ." She swallow- j pression when lie saw it. rd h ird. On hia afternoon round next day, "One hundred fjollars or thirty days the postman left her a letter from'ly married, irv I.iit," the judge icpcatenl stonily. ; Carter. "I'm Kolng out of town on a| "And wo have lived happily aa man iJosperate, Nilwan glanced about ; case for a litt'.e while but I'll see you 'and wife for oveir nfty years," sho . one, sometimes a hundred or more, un possible , til g),^ Is apiJareutly bewildered into the preparation ot baso maps tor the ( acceiptance. guidance ot the, prosipectors as wettl as ! The crane wheels round in front of for those engaged In i>a.Ux>ls toa- forest ; his future partner, makes a bow so ttTo dete.c.tion and Kutyprjs^iion. j jq^ that his head almost touches the Autumn Tint* Aid Photographer, j ground, and then leaps into the air. In Beptember tbo planes were moved i He tb-en makes another pirouette and. Into Manitoba to un.diertako photo- ' facing her again, a deep one. If she giraphy In. the foi^esitie.;!. aretis In the ^ accepts him. tlie femalo bird gives a vlcilttiity ot The Pas and Not way House ' bow and a hop, and then together they whipre they operated until free«c-up, | S'vo a series ot hops, and Jerks, bow- the roonrx. It was an old tale to these ' ns soon as I canu Don't got too ener- 1 Gilded proudly. The old lady's applica- ! about the m'tddlio ot October. During i big ce.remonlou8ly to right and left in I tlon for pension was granted. » • - - A Conspiracy of Sllenc*. Oacair Wilde was not a person ice- men hardened to Jie.s until tliey did ! getic these hot days not rccosrnize truth when they heard! Sh(> wondered, with a duJi pain in it. Panic seized her; then, .«he looked ' her heart, ''f .hnet had anything to do Into synxpathetic brown eyes set In an ; with the "case" but even as bitternesjj engagin^f young face, The owner , gr'Ppt^d her, «he reproachett herself smiled andcam*- forward. tor the feeling. Carter had l>een falrnowied for sharpness of tongue, but "I'i'J pay the fine. Judge Browder. and aljovcboard. If ho loved ,Ianet thoro Is one romark tra<Iltion ascribes There's been a miftake b'lt Miss Seig- ' â€" she cighcd and went to see abtrut ' to him that Whistler himself could er needn't go to jail while it's hein? her turkeys. j hardly liavo mnde more cutltug. clrarod up," ho said briifkly. He hand'- i She found that a brood had strayed! ^ certain rather AuU poet once com- ed a roll of hi:ii, a.-ro«s the then ' and s-et out in a ^earch that led hw-j j^i^^j bitterly to Wilde of the lack laid his hand on Ni.^van's ami and, "Ho a Riwill thicket near the road.!;, ..vuval -ittt^nt'on that his noema with no wnd .spoken b<!tween them, ' She was lirwl and sat down for ai**' olt.^al .Ut^nt.on lUat his poems ushenrf her froni the pLice. ; moment, f<,rgi.ttJng the turkeys- .is i'*^ «>'''<"'• ^'""^ '"»'â„¢^' '«' ^« f '•^''â-  Sho stood on the eldewalk and look- ' once mcro her mind took un its mull- 1 aplracy of e.lU..iitx» asainsl me. he de- ed up at her dt^Iiverer who met her ' Ing over the past few weeks «nd the.claivjd. "What wonUl you advise mo resemblance to the thJs peaiod ovir 18,000 s<iua,r6 miles ! a remarkable weiie successfuJ'ly photoSTaphed. The , minuet. fal -sottsjon ot the jieaj waschoijie n tor j '* this work on account of the udvajitago ^<"' Cold«â€" Mlnard's Liniment. to be obtain«l in phoptugi-uphlng for- t,.:itB<l aiitaa, «heu llio elia.nge of color jraiso with iinderslandiiig klndWness. ' turmoi'. that Jiinct'.s picture had made "Why did you do that for a stran- in her contentment. (To be conclud«<l.) « Make Your Own Hockey Stick. gerT" she ulfced "Because I kne^v you were tc<l'Un!g f^cbo. I'm Carter Mason, a reporter for The Star. Let mc take you home. I'd like to «oe that poultry farm." His Ktntlie w*s genuine; his browTi eves ware gill ICjos^. Nilwan held out ' ,, , . „ i„„ ...^.i,. ,.„.,-.. u ii.,..-.^ h^ b«, hard Htt lie hand. i " > "" '"^ ''' tee ho< k^-j stick i here "I'd be a good miblect for 'when a »'« two ways lo make it. The first Is felCer nc'edu a frimd,' wouldn't I?" she '<> bend the wood ln(n sliapB, the other •aid wHh her sunny smdle. "I can't is to select a piece of woml that Is begin to tliank you. If you \vlJl !>•.»• ahead v cnrrtHtly bonf. to good as to t«ke me home -that wlK be another debt I'll owe you." "It's nice of you to let nie," he a.'i- •ar6d her, NURSES 1I|( TtrwltK Ni>(|lt«l ((V IneurtblM. I> •IMUUan Willi Mtilnua in< AIIImI Htipttalt, H(w Verk City, iilhri â-  Ikrw yMri' 0*urw •I Trainlni t* ytuna nuio. Anini till molr*' tliinMcn, ta< tttlrâ€"t •! N«*«tM nnc*. TKii i4w»ltal k*i >«o»(«ri Uii •Iflit. kw/ ontM, TIM iwtiu raitlM â- nifiriM tl Ihi UtiaM, t MHUil). •llawtnM mi fnutMit nftnMt !• um turn N«w Ywk. f» luttktt ••lirMatUn «rlt* Ilia •»»«rliitM<Mt. IIBUB No. ft-'S7. Making tliuMliRrp band Is aol easy w!ih the eipilpuuMit of, Iho uvuragA lieiiie \v«;rii8hoii. hut you oan have this done at a i<)(al mill, whoro they have fai'iUtles for hindlng wood, and muk- 11141 It stay h«at. Ths rest ot thonhap- Inf and flnldhlng will be no trick at all. The other method: .\ troe branoh U »elect«!l. elm prefeiTsd. that h<ui tha corn>ot bend to If ; this Is tlrsf rmightjr hewed to with an as*, then flnished to th« form with spoko-ihare or draw-knife, pimne. file ond aand- paper. After Minding smooth, a coat of ahellan sliniild then be applied. to do?" "Join It, ply. caiue the uticousollng re- The Brook, In Uio Heavis is ot ths- greiatest a»al«t- H*fB ru,i;>3 the brook beaneatU Its saiowy anco in detecting and daliakeating the â-  vuirious timber type*. ; FVoni the H!ig,li Ulver baeos Alberta, pholcgrn.phle woik was cttirrlied on In i the (!algiiry ditntriot. R'om this bsiso also a pkum was (Msiiatched to thu Batittefofrvl and rrhice Albcirt dla>tricl». In thcwe lhr»:e l«>c,iilU!.ea soiiw 2,090 i square m.iU;-« weie iJiotag'raplieil. i In addition to those ejiuinorated ' Our Faiahion Book, illustrating tl>« newest and most practical styles, v^ilJ be of intei'est to every home dress- maker. Price of the book 10 cents the copy. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address plain- ly, giving number and size of such patterns aa you want. Enclose 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number and address your order to Pattern Dept,' Wilson Publishing Co., 73 West Ade-! laide St., Tororto. Patterns sent by return mail. robe. Here on th.» banik the pdoe* Stand Rtralg'ht agiainst the caffron evejuing, And Isu'ivhig o'eu- the raulflad mvMc ot the water Tbe wlth&reid red ot baTberric«. â€" Pniid;e,noe W. Po'Jlifrr. What Man Is Worth. i The chemical conatltnents that niuUe ! up u man's body Iron, lime, carbon, ; salt, phosphorous etc. â€" can be bought ' at any dnig store, v/» aa'o told, for t ninety-eight cents. That Is what man j is worth â€" materially. U is the in- tangible, invisible spirit that anlnmtea this almost valueless heap of mineral mutter, thi^ valiant Bi>ark Bin!d»Mhe dusk, that is the man. Death In Rose Thorn. Blood-poisoning from a rose thorn scratch led to the death of William Diickett of Ken.'.Iall, England. SU€<^9», Mlnard's tinlintnt for chippad hiiMla. Mot<vr»Ielgh, Invemlxd by Mr. A. H. Wiwing, Uhtbotf, Ontario. It baa a Pond engine, and oan travel twejily mtlts an houo- on an.y road of loo or snow, and does not, Ilk» most miotor&l'otgha, use excciiA gasoiiiiie. It depends largely on the flour you use. We believ* you'll welcome this aiggestion â€" try Purity, the rich, vigorous Flour â€" mjide from the_ finest Western wheat. Thottsands of cot^s say Purity Floiir is best for cake% pie9> buns and bread. \ puRiTyprauR Stndyyc in stamps fur our J'OO-rcJpe Purify Flour Ccoi Book. »» Wwltro CfMds Fkiar MUic Co. Liaii(«<i. Totvato, Mmim«I. Ottaw*, S«tatM«»

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