^ r- fe' T> c t 1 n-\ if EIGHT YEARS ON THE EDGE OF DEATH m.F. N. PICKETT Mr. Plekvtt la a young Enalithman who has been aptly named the Ountp King tor hia work In elMrlng tha ammunition feft in the »«ar areara of Franee and Belgium. â- When the last shot was fired hi the i The ppoW«m of oootroVMns theee â- war and the troops becan to demobUr meo was a dlfflcutt one. At a spot Irev Toiynt people thought that the] near Ypres where tb« sheUs were so whole business was ov»r. But th*: namerons that their* was a<»rcMy a task of clearlns up alter four years of | fleld that didn't contain two or threa Ami til aad deetructlon wa« oojy bectn- thousand hailf burl«((^, wo had to erect otnc, and though It Is eiJght yeara Bincaj our own dump, and, tn fact, bnlld a ti!« eicninc ot the Anntetlce It re- small town. We made roads atroM quires stIU another year of dan«€»roufl ' the eheU-pltted area*, laid a railroad labor before the fl«htln« areas of for transporting workers and gooda, France ai«l Belgium can be regarded ' Installed electric light and a water •• aafe for habitation. \ supply, generated our own current, be- It was a crazy idea ot mine that,»W«9 building factories and dwellings cook me to France sbortty after the ; for a thousand people. war. I bad Invented a magnet with : To maintain order, I formed a PoWce wblch I hoped to be able to handir the ' Force an^,«6t up my own ooort. Th« Iin«e stocks of metal In the ammunl- ! <»»•• I tried were usually of two kinds, tkwi dumps. Once In the war zone^ ' petty theft aod attennpted miwder. The Clasdfied AftrertueaMlk GRAMOPHONS. I Indigestion. The term does not imply the com- plete failure of dige«tlon, but rather wrjcxROLA STYLE i^tt.i. rA.1t, lmp*i-fect or faulty dlire^tion. The V ^^^y ^ ^;; ,^;.„^,_ 48 ••!••. symptome of ijuJlgectlou a« not aJ- ti^^^^ automaUc. Vaiue 196.00 for waya dear, and uncomfortable a^nsa- 135.00 guaranteed. Pgia^yn, 340 Moiurt ttona CT even severe pain In the mom- Royal East, Montreal, ach 3tay be present when dixestioa ia | i^ae:» WiM Gnpcs for Jeiiy. I saw th«ni. among pesirbaa aaA melons and ej.rly apples, on the fntik stand of a Greek. They were sot hump bly at one sid-e of a brlUlant d4«liwâ€" ' a straggly, iTafsirewD heap. Pymp nrids of domesticated frolta, with their tidy red-and-yeliow glaze, pot tx> shaoM those iinloempt cIosterB, and tam« grapes, packed so neatly la their freafc Vincent Richards, "Babe Ruth,"' Suzanne Lenglan and Waiter Hascn bowerer, I abandoned my original j former were uemally d«a!t with by my | oc the roof garden of Vancouver hotel Ju»t before Hagen played hie exliibi- flcbeme and devoted all my energtea assistant, the Miperlntendent of the; tton match on the new "Langara" golf course at South Vancouver. to »oIvlTig the problem of cleering up dump, who, besides filling that position ! tho battleflelde. Order Out of Chaoa. THE PLUMMERS' WORKROOM N waa also Lord Mayor, Chief Magi»-| trate. Counsel for the Crown, Hwulj »» .V * ... ... w ,_. . .!,» JaDer, Home Secretary, and Director At that time the treating wp of^the ^, p^^„^ p„>secutLons! bu«e ammmltion d^n^^. jrlth thet, ^.^^ a caae was more »erlou« it hundreda of thousands of "llTe' shoDfi, _,„ kâ„¢,,,,^. v-»„-» „» a.,>.M„.l • -* ~ •• ' "â- " " bombs, and cartridges was In die ^^^ brought before mo. StabWng j^ tog^her in tbedr usual working- finish to the outside hands of the Brttlsih, French Betelan, *^^ '^^ frequent, and otir Jnatlce ^ ^^^^ .^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ f^^ ^j,elr or- There were scores of melancholy and American Governments! and u '^ ""^^h and ready. If guUty. theijiMry Hvtng-nxjm as woil; and a tie carta which, when the wheels went ^ waa soon apparent to me that their ! r^,'?'f'*P^J'"*','^* r^'' ^strange place it wa«. There were round, performed most doleful muelc. ^J^ ^ Caleb and hl.s daughter ?.--re at era and a Postman, yet a " pleasant o the building. lU- normaJ. in iigieation results from one or more of (our conditions. Either the stomach acts too rapidly and pushes thn food on Into the Intestine befure It is ready for the SACond part of di- seslion, or it movers too slowly, go that the food does not reach the intes- tine pron»ptiy for the completion of its digestion there, or eiee the secretion of gastric ]uioe Is at fault, too much caualng acidity, and too little requir- ing a long time to digest the ordinary [ splint hanketa, caM scorn upon tbenik meal. Som<Mlmes the stomach ia of ' . . .1 sniffed tbelr spicy fragrance^ improper shape, and the unfortunate wetgbod a dusky bunch in my h^<t, posHeesor cf such an organ wiU be picked off a yongleg8 scrambling at09 more or lesj of a despeptlc all hlS' lite, | of the pile, and ender by transferring since the misishapen atomach la un- > all 1 dared of It to my kitchen table. I able to pass ihe food along promptly, \ Now It 1 were to advise any one aa I and its secretioa Is also a<»ually defec- : to the best of all ways to malM wll^ I tlve. â- grape Jelly, I «honW say, begin by gath- I Pain is one of the most common ' ering the grapes yoin-aelf. This wlB I symptoms of lndige*tion, but It Is also '< give you a start in blossomtng tlme^ j an unreliable one, for it may be due i when yc>u can locate your "Ineyaxd by I to a variety of conditions, some of I Itfl sm«ll,- for not all vines that look I them entirely independent of the atom- 1 thrifty bear grapes. You will find 00 ach: thus, a displaced kidney, an ulcer caslon ro pose th.at way now and thea of the inteatine or even chromic ap- dnrlng the sninimer, to take a wary pendicitls may caiuce intermittent or glance at those swelling balls of ]ad« continuous stomach ache. Nausea or beneath the leaves. . . .At length, vomiting Is sJso a prominent synynom comes a golden day, which your „^^u^, , X .. J _.... ^^ helped to btilM. where he served nuetnoos were unsTTstematlc and waste- V,. 4 , . , ^ , r„j .x» ™«*_ -1 J . ,-. r,. .- "** term on bread and water and one f ul of material and human Ufe. Twenty , i,iajii«.i fataJ accidents a day occurred at that time. The Brl'tish Government waa In most cases mereily collecting the shells My Life of Thrilla If, however, a death occurred on the and dumpdng them Into the sea. Much dumps, whatever the cause, I was ar- the same wasteful policy was adopted reeled â€" by the French authorities- â€" • by the Belgiano and Americans. I believed the task could be handled In a more busimess-lUce way, and i>er- •uaidied the respective Governments to giv» me sole charge of the operations. The British Govemmient demanded an Initial payment of £2o0,000. and re- gular instalments of large sums to fol- ! and "balled out" pemdlng the Inquiry. It was a Gilbedtlar. situation, for after the official Inquiry had effected my re- lease, I was called upon 'to make an- other aa being the only man who knew anything about the affairs in my little "kingdom." At one time my wage bill was £30,- of beginning Lnddge*- , heightened oon.sdence tells you la the houaee In It. finished and unfiniahedv i . . - There wMe little tumblers In j^^^ ; very time: whiW the sitn is still hot for Dolls of all stations in Ufe. Subur- : red breecbea. inceesantly swarming up ; j^^ ^^ longstanding cases a very! In mid-heaven, but the wind bIow« ban tenements for Dolls of moderate high obstacl«9 of red- tape, and com- pahj^taklng and thorough «xamlnari«i ' cool against your cheek, with a toucll means: Idtchens and single apart- Ing down, head first, ou the othor side; i g.j^^,,^ ^ made to dotermiae the un-jot froat. And you go to bring In your ments for DoUb of the lower classes: and there were Innumerable old gentle' j^^j^jj^^ j^^^ ^^ ^^ make sure that crop. Perhaps you win make t.he ex- capltal town residences foj- Dolls of men of respectable, not to say ''^^^'•'f]^^ trouble is really In the stomach Pedltlon a little family festiva.l. with high estate. Some ot these establieh- able appearance . . . flrJig oT«r ; ^^^j ^^^^ j^, g„jjjg other abdominal or- ; Prov1sions.ln baskets, and a book for ment.s were already ^arnl9hed accord- horizooal pegs. Inserted, for the pux- â- ^^^j, duy^njc dyspeptics axe nearly : the half-hour rest : perhaps it will b* Ing to esUmate, with a view to the pcse. in their own street doors. There ^^ ^^ ,^^ vitality, and they usually a quiet morning Jaunt with a ISriend. comvenience of Dolle of limited la- : were bsflSU of all sorts; horsee in par- , ^^^f^ ^^^jj^ ^ tasufflciency of lime In! In either ca{=e. the w^orld is w«U lost, come; others oould be fitted on th« ttcular, of every breed, from the apot- 1 ^^ system, la conaequenoe of which; for the time. . . . ^Vith what pride most expensive scale, at a moment^ : ted barrel on four pege, with a amall I ^^^ '^^ j^^^j^. .^ ^^^ victims to la- ' <a 50ur harvest do vou come laden notice, from whole shelvee of chalra tippet for a mane, to the thoroughbred ^ j^^^^^ disease whenever It .appeaj-s li«me: . . . and tables, sofas, bedsteads, and up- ! rocker on his highest metUe. As It , ^^ epidemic form. The sense of intimiicv with those holstery. The nobUIty and gentry and would have been hard to count Uie j ^^^ treatment of dyspepsia depends 1 grapes goes into your Jelly-making. puhUo In general, for whose accom- [ dozeoia upon dozens of grotesque fig- ; ^ entireiy on the nature of the casual i and even. Ia some my9terlo»\s way, la- low. However, by seKlng the braaa 0<W a week.' Just after the war,- - , - * â- »" '^"•"^'».' "" >ai« u^w-uj-o vi ij*,, v.»u«m , â€" "«-~ .-.,«^^..«.« ..-.,.- and copper which I knew the dumps France experienced a shortage of 1 modattan them tenements were do- 1 ures tha* were ever ready to commat condiUon that It is Impossible to give 1 to your Jelly. It la all year own, from to contain In large quaniitle» to Brl- ^ Treasury notes, and ty arrangement tteh and French manufacturers, and i with thie Chamber of Oommerce I waa persoiading them to make a part caah allowed to issue my own curreooy. payment tn advance. I waa able to meet 1 Theae notes were printed rflpe besa*- my first bill for a quarter of a million ' In* the words : "Oood for Oi» (Five pounds. Now, after eight years' work, ' or Tem) Erancs : . . F. N. Pickett," I have paid the British Government ' ajid were accepted for exchange nearly two mUlfon pouncfo, the French I tkroughout fYanca. a mlUtoa. and the Belgian haK a mU- The actual work of breaking up the r»««l »^^ perveirBe; for they, not rest- •lion. dumpe never lacked thrilLs-. The ahelto \ ^ <^ '"â- ^ arbitrary marks as satin, Th« scenes of my activities wore Just ' had to be split by a epeclaJ; machine, I «>ttoa>-pi4nt, and bits of rag, had super- *ehli»d the oM Front Line, and be- j the eipl-odve sxtraoted. and the metal : *<^<'** etxtking personal differences itweeax Boulogne and Etaple* The set asade. The metalâ€" br««», copper, ' '***<=^ allowed of no mdstatoe. Thus, dumps consisted of the stored ammunt- 1 and steelâ€" found a readiy sale, but the i ^* DoJi-tady of DistlnctkMi had wax tion of the flgh,tlng forces. Including ! explosives were uselees, and mQlbons I "='''» °^ perfect symmetry; but only srigned, lay, here and there. In baskets, j all sorts of abeurdltles cm the turning staring straight up at the celling; but of a handle ... for very little handr in denoting their degrees In society, and confining them to thedr respective stations (whilch eaperieooe showa to be lamentably difficult . . . ), the makera of these DoUa had far Im- pmved on Natture^ who Is often lor- ies will move me-n and women to aa an outline of it that would apply gener- '. twig to table. For wild grapes are ally; but naturally it la largeiy dlete-1 every man's hai-vest. choosln* their tic. Sufferers '-wnally know from sad i own crellls of boundary fences and strange performancee, as any Toy was g^p^^lence what son of food to avoid i »tone walls along the roadsides. They ever made to ^^^*^^«;;_,^'^, '^_^J^^ j and what they can take with compara- 1 yield their riches 'o thoee who know t. _^ .-.-i.i, . _ them best and who most desire them. If you have found them, then it Is you only for whom they have rlpeiied,..k' free gift of nature's bounty. Even thcwgh I had to gather my grapes from the irii it-stand, the Jelly- making itself was a Joy, from the mor BttgWeh, French, Belgian. American, and & few Gea'man dumps left behind i«tt6r their last retreat. One dump con- aJeted of 80,000 tons of ammunition ooverinr an area ot thirty square ,mlle3, or approximately the size of London. These miniature counties of explosives were dotted all along the Wnev and the task of clearing them up neceseitated the employment of thous- ands of laborers. A Modern Poo-Bahl My first labor was indentured â€" that la to say, the workers were bound to atay with me for a fixed, period. After- wards I employed a motley collection drawn from all the races, including a thous-and Chlaefio, a few hundred N» groes, Nigerians. Swedes, Toles, Portu- guese, and a fair sprlnklhig of the "down-and-otits" of Europe. When the work was at its height over ten thous- and men were engaged. of pounde' worth had to be burnt. Des- i *« "^ ^''^^ compeers ; the next grade pite the dangerous nature of the work i ^"^ ^^ *°<=**1 ^*^^ '"^'°e â„¢^® <^^ leather; and the next of coarse linen I lost only twenty men during eight years. A Terrible Task. All the time I was in France my of all theee objects, Caleb and his daughter sat a* work. . . . The care imprinted in the linea o< Caleb's face, and his absorbed and dreamy manner, w^hich would have sat well 00 some alchemist or abstruae Etudect, were at first sight an odd con- trast to hto occupation, and the trl- vtalltiee about him. But trivial things. Invented and pursued for bread, be- come very aerious matters of fact; and, apart from this consrideratlon, I am not at all prepared to say, myself. atuff. Aa to the commonrpeople, they that If Caleb had been a Lord Cham- had Jtiat ao many matches out of tin- deir boxes for their arms and legs, and there they wereâ€" established in their sole partner was my fiv6-ye«r-old son; ; sphere at once, beyond the possibility incidentally he was the "flls" of ; 0f getting out ot it. Messrs. Pickett et BTJs! One day he came running back to my house saying that all the -workers were fieeing from their posts. I hurried out to discover the cause. .\ bui'Iy Cbinese was stand- iuji: near a birge pile of shells. He was picking them up one by one and, hold- ing the fuse in bis hand, crashing the briis-s holders to the groiind. thus There were various other saiupies ot hts handicraft, besides Dolls. In Caleb Ptunimer's room. There were Noah's .\rke. In which the Birds and Beasts • were an uncommonly tight fit. I as- 1 sure you; though they could be cramp- berlalu, or a Member of Parliament, or a lawyer, or even a great specula- tor, he would have dealt in toys one whit less whimsical; while 1 have a very great doubt whether they -would have been as harmless.â€" FYom Dick- ens, iu "The Cricket on the Hearth." Father to Son. Wlllie-"Fa, the teacher wants me ed in anyhow, at the roof, ;uid rattieil i to bring In a sentence using the word and shaken into the smallest com- tradltlon.' What is tradition?' pas,-*. By a bold poeticiU license, most I I'a- -"Tradition is something handed breaking them up twice as quickly as- of theseNoah's Arka had knockers on down from generation to generation." the machine ordinarily used for the'tbe doors; incan-^i-lsient appendages | And Willie wrote. "My pants are a purpose, and about a mlBlon times perhaps, as suggestive of morning call- " tradition." more dangerous. It wa* only a mirade that saved the whole coimtry«ide from being blown up. tive freedom from pain and discom- fort. CeilDHOOD CONSTIPATION Constipated ehlldren can find prom.pt relief through the use of Baby's Own I nient 1 rumeii tie ba-xket on Ita side, Tablets. The Tablets ere a mild but ! '"^'^ wa.tciied the tiny woodland la- thoxo\igh laxattve which never tail to secU scurr>-lng for cover, to the mo- oeming them Mrs. Gaspoxd Dalgle, De-.ment ot pasting the labels on the driving oat conatlpatUxn and indlges- Klasie* ^'"1 "Wild" iN-rliten particu- tlon- coWa and simple fevers. Oon^U^^ly large and plain. It took me out oerotag tem Mre. Gasamrd Dalgle. De- o' tl»« house to half-forgotten country main, Qu''., wrkee: Babys Own Tab-U*nes; and brought me home again to lets have been of great benefit to my ^'^l^'^s of "ttie epicurean feats I little bov, who was suffering from con- should plan for the discriminating, edpation and InJigestloti. They quick- 1 ^^^ wild-grape jelly as the crownâ€" It relieved Umsand uow he ia In thej* dainty to stir the imagination at beet ot hexUtU. â- The Tablets are sold i "^^^l ^ «-o i*ease the taste. ... The by m^lcine dealers or by mall at 2oc I subtle pla.v of colors in the dark a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine globes, turning royally to purple â€" Co.. Brockville, Ont. "Pips," "Peep«," and "Pep-pis." WORK WORN PEOPLE Find New Health by Improving Their Blood. The Sist«rs. j The Marthain-me tilled her days I With tasks devoid of Joy and prate*: 'she polished well the fumlitire; i She made the 1-ocks and bolts secure; She nibbed the Ivory ot the keys; She tilled the lamps with barren ease; She made the wiiidowse shiiie and glow- It you feel run down. It means that your blood la thin and wa/tery. that ycur vitality U low. You do not sleep j she washed the linen clean as snow iraK and are tired when you rise In tlia morning. You find no pteasure tn your meals and are ilst'less and dls- ytrlted at your work. Y'ou have no anergy to enjoy younelf. Thouaande of men are run down by anxieties of work. Thotisanda of wo- (nen are broken down by their houae- bold toll, with tired limbs and aohlnc tMKks. Thousands of girls> are pale^Uait- leaa and without attraction. It all jjoaaana th« a«Lm« thingâ€" thin and mt- 4B7 blood, Ttta,llty run down, anaemia, 'tpoor avpetlte^ palpitating heart, short Jmath. Do not mi.bn<lt to thia. Qet new Mood aad with It new vitality. There 'M no dlBBculty In doing t^iils.. Dr. Wil- liams' Pink PtBs btilld up and enrich the blood, wblcli 'orlngs with It new hiwdth an-d vitality. The man, woman or girt who takes Dr. WilMame' Pink :PlIiI» Is never run down. Their friends (imtioe haw energetic they ore, what a ftne api>etlte thoy have and how much tbey enjoy Itfe. Y'ou oan gert tli-eee pills tbTough any ABahr tn uxedldne, or by maU at 60 oentj a box from The Dr. Williams* Ifedichie Co.. Brockville. Ont. Canadian World's Grain Champion -â- » Java Woman, Chemist, Ht^ds Post M Sugar iSciwntist. Mies G. Wilbrlnk, of Cheribon. Java, ,hold» a rare poaltlov {or a woman. .fflie ia the chief dlrer^SMte ot the Im- iportant governntentat Migar control •tation. ^ « Last Should Ba PIrat. ~ia It not pacuiiar that ttit anooraa •re ao much more eajovpiU* than tib» EliteA awiabM* on tba procnmT" * "80 BMCh ao that I thlak ihay ahoold The Mary-lnme did not etay -At home, as Martha did, each day; She held aloof like some wild bird Whoso music Is but aeldom heard.. My Martha felt a lltUe ahy or Mary, as she passed her by, And one day hid the cloth and broogn With which she garnishes my room. : When Mary saw, she paused and pressed j A hand ot Martha to her breast, | And whispered : "We must leaf n to do ; Oar labors aide by side, we two." So have the aiatera found delight In doing fireside tasks aright: Together they have'come to see the meanlne In mahogan.v. Which now they rub that there may pass .V pageant i-u its looking-glass ; They shine the wliwlows that tha bloom Of earth be brought within my room; They i-olish the piano keys In readiueas for harmonies.. . . MaryjutJ Martha In slsterho<-)d j Dwell iu me as sisters should: They fashion a, garment and kiss Its ; hem, I And my bous« is In order because of; thetii. ' I â€" Loul*e Ayre* Oamelt, in "Bve^ Walks in Her Oarden." < royally to they drained, their bloomy roundnsas and firmness, their perfume, like that of a sun-smitten vine, their sharp, wild I taste, even remembervd sounds, eongi of birds and hum of beee above iha wfid-grape tangle, these were the mac terial of i)oetTy as well as o{ Jedly.â€" IVom "Speaking of Home." by Lilllail H. Tr>-xjn. Fishing Throiigh Ice. The Ksklmos have a novel idea fof The old coutpoversy as to the cor- rect pronunciation of Samuel Pepys' last name has bee^n revivied a« the pe- i suit ot the ohristeuing of Pepiys I Avenue, in Baraet. Eng. I Some years ago. A. H. Biake. after j am tnvee ligation o! evidence, reported to the Libran- Association In London , oomfort. They build tlveir Igtoos oft in favor of P^ps," but this was in di- i ^^ *«•. ^*«> <«* ^ ^<>^^ tbroug'li the lect opposition '.o the practice ot the Ao^^' ^^ have fresh fish for supper. Oottenham Peprs. one of whom, when ! ^Ws le where a number of na got addressed as "Peepe;' retorted, "My '^^e id«a of AshlBg through the Ice la name air, to PtppL'.' One, at least, of , more ccm-fort than orriinaslly is peg. the dlartst-a coniemporarlee would 'ible in coW weather. We oonatrucT have r6cognl2e<l neither of these, a ^^^ «f <^vas or old gratn-aacka, J»m«9 Caroesse clt- rk in the office of i^rge enough to hold a bench or two, Papys, in his "Luciia Inte.'caUa." pub- ; a»»^ ^''^ " ^n runners. Tha roof Mshed-in 1679, rhvmes Pepys with Itpe, I ""^st stope well t» carry off rain. A olearlr euggeedng that he knew his i^^pf* '«_^^ '^ ^J^® ^^^ "^J '5® *°'l__^«n^ chief as "Pips,"- -Manchester Guard- ian. MInard's Liniment,â€" <ver reliable. thing la eet for the party. If "-ooa wlsihes. a small stove may be ke(pt la the house to make fire fcr warmth aaA to cook Qah while catching more. Fre- quently the beat fishMg cornea during windy or stormy weather, hot the ilshr erman who ia eciulpped like this caa keep right on. Six or eight lines oaa be hooketl to the edgee ot the bettchet tor each mas. U the wind moves tha When Herman Trelle, of Wembley. I ton. he located on his original home- Alberta,conimenoed homestead- stead of 160 aires. He now farms 500 Ing in 1920, he confessed that he acres and in ten years has made him knew very Uttle about farming. But self independent, in this new agn- Longer ragrimage. Men and wvoien tive longer now than did thcae of halt a century aco. Ttie litfe a-pan ha» b««n increaaed by aeventaen yeara. The gain la the re- auh o(knowMv«L •naazlnatâ€" Uaa Mlnard'a LInlmant when the awards were made at the 192t) International Live Stock Expo- aition and Grain and Hay Show at Chicago, Herman Trelle had broken a world'a record:" he had won the grand championships in both wheat and oats and was the tint exhibitor to win both of these crowns. The new wheat and oats champion wasborn at Kendrick, Idaho, 31 yaara ago and came to .Mberta with his parents in 1900. He waa edacated at Edmonton and graduated from the University of AJberta aa a civil engineer. During the war, he served with the Canadian Air Force, and in 220, while on a aurvey in the Peace ver country, northweat of Edmcn- cultural area where millions of acres of good land still await set tlement. In the sixteen years of the Inter- national competitions at Chicago, this is the fourteetith time the award of the grand championship has come to a Canadian. Trelle's pnze-winning wheat waa of the Marouia variety, which was originated at the Canadian Government Experimental Farm at Ottawa, Ijy Dr. Charles Saunders in 1904. It waa a sample from a 68-acre field, which yielded about 4,000 bushels or approxi mately 70 bushels to the acre. His prize- winning oats were Victory strain which yielded about 150 bushels to the acre.â€" Canadian National Railway! photograph. __ An Oid-Tmw Inn. At Ruob a time, one little roadside j Icn, snugly sheltered beiiind a great aUn-tree with a rare seat for idlera •odrcllsg Ms caaw.cious bole, adidreas- ' bouse, anciiar it to the ioe by oaitohinc aA a cheerful finont toward the tra- ' a hook in a bote cut tor the p wpoee . Tatar, aa a hcuee of eotartalaatment j â€" Cfoght, and tempted him with, many I mote hut algnlficant aaonraaaee ot a ' oomfofftable welcome. The ruddy sign- board perched up in the tree with tta , golden lettara winking In tlie aun, ' ogled the paeaer-by from among the ' greeo leaves, Uke a joJSy face, and ; promised good cheer. The horse- : trough, fall of clear freeh ^-ater, and : the ground below :t spoinkled with : droppings of tragrant hay, made every ' horae that passed prick up his ears. The cj'lmson cirtaluj! In the loT\'er rooms, and the pure white liangiugs Iu the llLt> bed-chambers above. be.kon- ' ed. Oome tn! with every breath ot air. â€" Dickens. â- «, I Sifting the Evidence. Lawyer- "Have you any grounJa for straiuicg the points In this case?" Witness -"Only to msike it more oleer, sir" AGENTS WANTED Enlusixe .\geuts wanted every wUere for 'ery profitable house- tcriid necaeerty. Write quick for terriiory. Goldniith Bixm. tt Dundas St. Eaat Toronto Throat Musky? Minard's LInlmant gives quldc relief. Rub it oai the throat and chest. tS«UI Na. -.1 ,*i.J