•5[[)je /toljerttftt %hmMt. Vol 46 No. 3 1 Resbeiton. Ontario December 29, 1926 W.H. Thurilon & Son, Prop«(ot«ni \^ CEYLON vi 4 \ 1 -. /J KIMBERLEY Mr. Alex. Knox of Toronto Univer* Bity spent Christmas holidays with his mother. Mr. John McLeod of London Univer- sity, and Hiss Dorothy McLeod, tea- cher in Toronto, spent Christma'S with t^ir parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mc- Leod. Mr. and Mrs. Calahan.and babe of Orangevflle and Mr. Arthur WhitUker of Toronto spent Christmas with Mr. -''A. Whittaker Sr. Mr. Ross McMuIlen of Toronto spent Clttistntas with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Irish and babe of Toronto spent Christmas with Mr. S. Hemphill and family. Mr. Georcre Mathewson of Toronto spent Christmas with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart and two children of Bolton, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Rutledge and babe of Bala were Christmas visitors with Mr. F. Mar- Bh«ill and f^^iilir. Mr. John IMfiflan spent Christ- mas with Owen Sound friends. Mr. and Mrs. SUnley White and babe, Miss Anna White and Mr. Robt Brown of Toronto and Jack White, teacher at Williams, spent Christmas with Mrs. W. White and family. Mr. Jas. McLeod of Tilsbury spent Christmas with his sister, Mrs. Neil Cameron. Mr. Geo. Hazard of Hastings was a Christmas visitor with his father. Mr. and Mrs. John McMillan, Mr. Duncan and Miss Katie spent Christ- mas with Swinton Park friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sergant and son, Beri, di Shelburne spent Christmas here. Mr. Harold Baxter of Caledon is spending a fortnight with his friend, J. P. Stewart. Mrs. Knell and three children of Owen Sound spent Christmas with her sister, Mrs. Luther Duckett, and family. Mr. Frank Stewart and Mi«s Irene of loronto and Mr. Will Stewart of Brampton spent Christmas under the parental roof. Mr. anrf Mrs. Seeley and son of Maxwell spent Christmas with Mr. Geo. Arrowsmith and family. Mr. and Mrs. McCormack and family of Swinton Park spent Christ- mas with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Haw and family. Mrs. AUie Muir and ^ittle Ison, Grant, spent Christmas with Durham relatives. Mrs Wilson McMuUen spent Christ- mas with her daughter in Toronto. Miss Millie Cook spent Christmas in Toronto. Miss Stewart, teacher, spent the Christmas holidays with her parents at Clinton. Mr. Duncan McMillan, teacher in ,*j--a»f-rv»*«vjy)ont Christmas at his home here. Miss Agnes Macphail, M.P., and Mrs. D. McPhail spent Christmas with their sister and daughter at Shrigley. Mr. Stanley McMullen of Toronto spent Christmas under the parental roof. Mr Norman Archibald spent Christ- mas in Toronto. Mr. J. C. McLachlan of Toronto spent Christmas with his father. Mrs. E. R. Newbaur and Miss Millie Whittaker of Canton, Ohio, spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Whittaker. Mr. Sam Pedlar of Detroit spent Christmas with his mother. Mr. Kenneth Hill of Markdale spent Christmas with Mr. Thos. Irwin and family. We wish The Advance and many readers a Happy New Year. The holiday visitors are: Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stuart and family of Mea- ford, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Ellis and Miss Winnona Ellis -of CoUingwood, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ellis and Master Kenneth of Orillia, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Stoart of Thomhury, Mr. and Mrs. R. Chard and chidren of Flesherton with Mrs. W. T. Ellis. The teacher* at home are Misess Elvie Bishop, Dell Abercrombie and Tens Hutchinson, Almeda Weber and Rhoda Saul of Meaford high school, Mr. Carl Car- ruthers of Toronto Normal, Harold Thompson of Flesherton high school, Mr. Elgar McConnell of ^Markdale high school and Mr. Stan Lawrence of H.E.P.C., Windsor, Mr. Ross Ellis of Powassan and Mr. Ed. Cornfield at home. Mr. Wallace Myles is spending some holidays with his cousin, Mr. Ted Myles, at "Springbrook." Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Myles, Mr. Ted and Miss Ruth spent Christmas with friends in Thomfield. January 5 and 6 are the dates fixed for the poultry show here. Mrs. Carruthers spent Chrtsiuiiii, and a few holidays with her sister, Mrs. Brown, at Meaford. Mr. Wm. Greaves of the West is visiting his sister, Mrs. C. Thompson. Miss Kathleen Hutchinson had her tonsils removed Thursday by Dr. Carefoot of Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Graham and children are expected to move to Kim- berley this week. Mr. Graham has purchased the grist mill from Mr. W. S. Bishop. The Sunday school Christmas tree on Wednesday night was a decided success and much credit is due to Mrs. Carruthers and Miss South, who trained the pupils.' The tree was generously loaded with presents for the children and others. Candies and oranges w^ere given to the children. The amount of $29.40 was realized. A meeting of the farmers' club was held in the Community Memorial hall to elect officers for 1927. The amount on hand is about $18. They decided to hold an oyster supper in the near future. The officers for the coming year are: Pres., George McConnell; Sec.-Treas., .\. E. Ellis; Frank Weber, shipping member. .A. meeting for the village was held on Monday evening to elect trustees for 1927. The business of the village was found to be in good shape. The trustees elected are: Messrs. S. S. Burritt, W. Myers and J. R. Fawcett. Mr. Will Hammond of Toronto is attending to the effects of his mother, the late Mrs. M. R. Hammond. ROCK MILLS New OSPREY U.F.YJP.O. ^S^ The Osprey U.F.Y.P.O. held a ban- quet at the home of Mr. Joe Thomp- son on Dec. 4th, when a good crowd was presentj and everyone enjoyed a good time. The next meeting is to b« held at the home of Mr. Ed. Madden on Wed., Jan. 6th, 1927, at 8 p. m. The programme will consist of a da- bate, the subject of which will be, "That the drift of population from the country to the city has not thus far been a detriment to agriculture in Ontario;" also the delegate's report will be given, and other items. Ev- erybody welcome. Advertise in The Advance VOTE HOGARTH AS REEVE OF ARTEMESIA FOR Sound Economical Adbnin* istration of Township Affairs. A happy and prosperous year to all. Mrs. George Hargrave of Toronto is holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T. Pedlar, and other relatives and friends here. Mr. Clayton Betts of Detroit vis- ited one day with his aunt, Mrs. John Porteous. Mrs. Thomas Betts visited over Christmas with friends in Shelburne. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T. Pedlar, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pedlar and children, and Mrs. George Hargrave of Toronto spent Christmas day with the for- mer's daughter, Mrs. Cecil Meldrum, near Portlaw. * Mr. Marall Betts of Toronto vis- ited over Christmas with his father, Mr. Levi Betts. The service next Sabbath evening will be held at the home of Mrs. John Porteous, at 7.30 p.m. Unity UJP.W.O. Club will meet at the home of Mrs. John Hargrave on Wednesday, Jan. 5, at 2 p.m. Mr. Thomas Betts and daughters, Edith and "Mabel, and Mrs. C. New- ell, and Mrs. W. J. Newell and spent Christmas day with the form- er's sister, Mrs. E. Binnington, Max- well. The Ladies' Aid of the Rock Mills Baptist church met at the home of Mrs. Isaac Smith on Dec. 8th. The afternoon was spent in conversation, quilting, etc. The business part of the meeting consisted of giving tickets for next year's meetings. A l!6nch Committee was appointed for the com- ing year. The lunch com. for next month is Mrs. Alex. English, Mrs. Ned Croft (sandwich), Mrs. Lewis Pedlar, Mrs. Dick Clark (cake). Next month's meetinjf will be held at the home of Mrs. J. Dargavel on Jan. 19, when the election of officers will take EUGENIA A happy New Year to the editor and staff and readers of this paper. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Duckatt and children, of Ceylon, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Genoe. The Misses Mary and Isabel Mc- Kee, of Toronto, are holidaying with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McKee. Mr. Charles Park, of Detroit, ie spending the holidays with his par- ents here. Mr. Wesley Cooey, Toronto, is vis- iting friends and relatives here over the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson ai d family of Toronto spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Jake Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin and family spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lever, Flesherton. Mr. Walter Clark, of Barrie, and nephew, Mr. Harold Lever, of Flesh- erton, spent Sunday with his niece, Mrs. Charles Martin. We are very sorry to report Mrs. Peter Munshaw quite ill, but hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Roy MacMillan and babe, of Markdale, and Mrs. Wilson of the village, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jamieson, 8th line. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Magee and daughter, Eva, spent Christmas at Mr. John Campbell's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graham and children, of Walkerton, visited friends here over the week end. Mr. Harry Foester lost a valuable cow this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Falconer and Mr. Russel Park visited the Falconer family at Durham on Sunday. The McDonald fainily spent Christ- mas with Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood. Miss Johnston, teacher, is spending the holidays at her parental home, Kemble. Mrs. W. McKee and daughter. Elsie, of Flesherton, spent Christmas at Mr. R. J. Pedlar's. Master .\rgyle Martin is holidaying with Flesherton friends. On Tuesday evening of last week the school concert was held in the Or- ange Hall here. It was a fine night and there was an exceptionally good attendance, and everyone enjoyed the splendid program, judging by the hearty applause given the various numbers. The parents of the chil- dren, particularly in the program, may be proud of the excellent man- ner in which the pupils rendered their parts. Mr. A. F. Pedlar was the chairman and contributed much to the program by his witty com- ments nnd stories. Deputy-Reeve Carruthers gave a short address, as also did Mr. Bert Magee, 8th line trustee. The other trustees when called upon were too bashful to go forward, but spoke a few words. Next time they will do better. Little Her- bie Fawcett contributed the speech r.f welcome. Several little tots gave re- citations. There were two good drills â€" the Rose Drill by girls and the Indian Drill by boys and girls. The latter is worthy of special men- tion, for it certainly was well done, and the children looked fine in their Indian costumes. There were two dialogues â€" "A farm for sale," and "Uncle Joe's will,"â€" in which the chil- dren exhibited exceptional ability. Bates Fawcett gave some fine violin music. There was step dancing by Mr. Skinner, Mr. MocDonald accom- panying on the violin. He certainly is a skilful dancer and was heartily encored. The school choruses were suitable for the occasion arid very pleasing. A motion song entitled "Billie Magee, Magar," was quite novel. Last, but not least, Santa CIaus(Russel Park) entered the hall and wished all a merry Christmas, then began the work of distributing the presents in his most delightful mannt/.-. Miss Johnston, teacher, treated al! the children in the section, including the scholars, to a bag of candy and nuts. Much credit is due Miss Johnston for her training of the pupils. She was again given a vote of thanks and a hearty clap. The proceeds of the evening amounted to over $28. TORONTO LINE. NORTH Mr.and Mrs. Charles Stewart and Albert Sparks motored to Toronto VANDELEUR MAXWELL About thirty friends and neighbors The Sunday school concert hei* oJ Mr. and Mrs. George Pritchard Thursday last was a splendid succesa. on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart I gathered at their home on Christmas ^he church was filled to capacity. win remain in the city for a few days j evening to celebrate the 50th anniver-' Miss Shirley Buckingham of Dun* Mr. and Mrs. W. Reed and two â- sary of their marriage. After the dalk is holidaying at her parental sons, of Oxford, Michigan, visited at | usual congratulations all sat down to home here. the home of Mr. R. Richardson last : a splendid wedding dinner, the centre Miss Alice Long, Birdie Pallister ^«ek. of the table being adorned with a and Daisy Fenwick of Toronto spent Mr. and Mrs. R. Richardson and , large bride's cake. After ample just- Christmas at their homes here. son, Harold, spent Cl»istmas with ice had been done to the repast, a jj^ ^^^^ Long of Niagara is hoU* Mr. and Mrs. George Pritchard, Van- short program of music, congratula- j^yj^^ ^j^^ relatives here at pres- deleur, and helped celebrate the gold- tory speeches, etc., were indulged in. .^ en wading anniversary of Mr. and .Mr. and Mrs. Pritchard are the recip- ^^ ^^j jj^^ ^^^^ p^j^^^,^. ^, Mrs. Pritchard that day. . ients of many fine presents^ and the ^^^j^j^ ^^^^^ Christmas with 'reliy/ tives here. Mrs. Priestly will re» main for a few days. Cars are now running across thih sideroad to Feversham. One car In Mr. Walter E. Clark of Barrie | congratulations of a host of friends spent the past week with his sister, | Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. T. Lever. JMrs. Wm. Reid and sons, Billie and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Haley of the i Victor, of Oxford, Michigan. Fourth Line spent Sunday at Wm. Burnett's. OSPREY COUNCIL Osprey Council met at Maxwell on December 15th, .\11 the members present except Mr. Henderson, who could only stay a short time. Com- munications were received as follows: T. E. Thornbury, re dog tax; Osprey U.F.O. re communication from Coun- cil in regard to vote on system of road work; R. C. McKnight, re culvert at -^f'-^- Russell Graham_ of SHgo visited Maxwell; J. H. McQuarrie. re Coutts Miss Jean Wright of Toronto is particular seems to patronize the road, home for the holidays. usually waiting until daylight to make Miss Lillian Buchanan of Toronto the return trip. You are setting » is holidaying w^ith her parents, Mr. bad example. Bill. and -Mrs. Jos. Buchanan. , Mrs. Robert Gay of Toronto is vis- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bowles, Mr. and iting with Mrs. Thos. Guy at present. .Mrs. Ben White of the West Back' Miss Marjorie Hyslop of Kimber- Line. and Mr. and Mrs. H. Lever of i ley valley is visiting with Mrs. John. Markdale spent Christmas with Mr. \ Milne. ind Mrs. Jacob HoUey. I Mr. Davidson of Wareham is visit- Mr. and Mrs. W. R.Burnett. Mr. and! ins ^'th his daughter. Mrs. Wm. Mrs. W. R. Graham and Mr. and | Seeley. Nominations passed off rather qui- etly this year, although there was ti large crowd present. The United Church was filled ta capacity Sunday evening. Mr. New preach^ a fine sermon. with Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Graham re drain; Railway and Municipal Board, c^ntly. approving appointment of Samuel -Mr. .Tack Hutchinson of Exeter, Mr. Mullin as Telephone Commissioner. and Mrs. H. Freeman of Flesherton The following persons waited on the and Mr. and Mrs. J. Perkins of Mark- Council: Wm. Seeley. re collection of iale spent Chrjstmas with Mr. and poundage fees from .\rchie McLean; Mrs. Tho-s. Freeman. Jas. Hudson, re damages to his lane Mrs. H. Ready and children of St. from drawing gravel; John Lee, re Mary's are holidaying with Mrs. Coutts' drain; Manuel Dobson. re win- Davis ;-.nd other friends, ter road through fields. ; Mr. Will Hutchinson is spending a The Clerk was instructed to wxite few day^ with his sister, Mrs. Devins, Sweet is your memory, dear, to our .\rchie McLean in regard to poundage of Emery, j hearts. fees due Wm, Seeley. and also J. H. : Ebene :er church had a very sue- The place that you hold there shall McQuarrie In regard to Coutts' drain, ^.^gg^^j entertainment and Christmas j never depart; The pleas of James Hudson and Man- jj,gg ^^ Tuesday evening of last ' Along through the days, be they many IN MEMORIAM H.\N*EY â€" In loving memory of our dear Ida, who pasesd away to be with Jesus on December 31st. 1924. BATES BURIAL CO. FUNERAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNER-\L PARLORS 122-12-^ Avenue Road. TORONTO Telephone >. W. Bate*. uel Dobson were referred to the Road ^eek, Superintendent, , ^^3. Jack Clark and children of Edwards â€" Cameron â€" That T. E. H^athcote visited with Mr. and Mrs. Thornbury be refunded $2, dog tax er- q^^ Pritchard recently. roneously charged. Grummet â€" Cameron â€" That the Treasurer be instructed to refund to Wni, Davidson $2 dog tax, or in the event of taxes not being, paid, to re- ceive them less the above amount. Edwards â€" Grummet â€" That the Tr:T surer be authorized to receive from Chris. Thomson, Feversham, the sum of $8.50 as telephone rate, the same having been omitted in error vrom the collector's roll. Edwards â€" Cameron â€" That the Treasurer be instructed to pay to the Treasurer of Xottawasaga twp. the sum of $50, this amount to be paid over to Dan McDonald as Osprey's •share of a deviation road, when a pro- . per fleed has been filed. Edwards â€" Grummet â€" That the Treasurer be instructed to have 200 copies of the financial statement ' printed and ready for distribution at nomination meeting. \ Edwards â€" Grummet â€" That Alex. Morrison be refunded $2, and Thomas ' Beatty $4, dog tax, both parties hav- j ing destroyed their dogs. i E.iwards â€" Cameron â€" That Doug- j aid Stephens be authorized to remove Mrs. Watts to the House of Refuge at i Markdale on receipt of a commital form signed by the Reeve. ' Cameron â€" Grummet â€" That the fol- 1 lowing afhounts be added to the ex- 1 cmption list on the 1925 roll: Sadie i Brooks $8.21, Richard Hall $4.20, ' .\fter passing of accounts, with a j hearty exchange of the season's | ercetings the Council adjourned sine die, 1 or few Shajl be filled with remembrance, dear Ida of you. â€" Mr. and Mrs. H. Raney & Family, Klflgsdala 4344 R. Maddocks. AFTER HER BIRTHDAY. She told me not to send a gift, And I, poor fish, believed she meant it. These nasty cracks about my thrift â€" She told me not to send a gift! Now why the deuce should she be miffed ^ Several car loads of turnips have been shipped from .\rthur to Tampa, Florida. Two youths who recently escaped from the detention school at Bow- nianville broke into three places of subiness in Stayner and stole in all :\bout $50. They were captured and sent to Mimico. HOUSE OF QUALITY Greetings to Our Many Friends and Customers We wish to take this opportunity of expressing to you. that we appreciate more < in we can say your c*» operation and friendship which it has been our privilege to enjoy. Your many favors extended to us during the year warrants our heartiest thanks. We therefore extend to you the greetings of the sea< son with our sincere wi,sh for your prosperity during 1926. Respectfully yours. W. J. STEWART 81 SONS Flour, Feed, SmiU, G>ocart*> and Confoctionery Flesherton When the election Of offKer, w,. taKe ^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^ ^ ^^^^,^ ^^^^ ,^„^ place. All members are requested to • . , be present. â€" Mrs. R, Clark, Sec. Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Patton of Owen . . ., . v Sound spent Sunday with her sister, And I, poor fish, believed she meant Mrs. Richard Clark. She told me not to send a gift. it! A GREETINGâ€" May we be permitted to extend our sincere thanks to all who have sogenerouslp patronized us in the year now closing. To these good friends, old and new, and to those whom it will be our privilege to serve in the future, we extend our best wishes for a happy and pro- sperous New Year. D. NcTAVISH & SON FieshertoD, Ont.