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Flesherton Advance, 22 Dec 1926, p. 7

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r t V «: * 4- f f, t k <• r *- > A k * 'i •« * ^ "I?' t V • > X THETRIAI5 OF RODDUE-AGE Mach of the Saffering Women; Endure Can be Avoided. JSwtry wom&n a.pproach«« inUWl®- OiniMBan Students in France Snniaines and Their Origb MULLOY Variationsâ€" Malloy, O'Mulloy. ^ Racial Origin â€" Irlth. Canada's place In th« forefront of Source â€" A given name. Here i« an Irish clan or family oanM Sourci DOUGHERTY. Variations â€" Dogherty, O'Dogherty, pcocressiTd educalicnal affairs wos Bet another etep forward In October when "La Maieon dea Etudianits ("an- of seal aiiMquit>yfor it tra-'eu bai-k to Radio Now Inatalled on th* Haldenby Farm. The first .S4iiamer's i«¥enu« from the <3unpiii« lipuce In the tiekl down by the gate n.»rt<vl the HiiW-r^nbrs one O'Douflherty, Doc.arty, Doherty, Do- ! hundretl and foity doUars. which the chart. I family dei-iU«<l to spend on a Christ- Racial Origin â€" Irish and Scottish. i mas presMit for U^«l(. A radio waa A given name, also a locality.' thi- thinjf every one of th"-!!) wanted. O a ftf w d AdverlisenMnta. SILVER FOXE& (^ILVER FOXES, |10(V-|MO. Larg«a, Summersids, PJSJ. GRAMOPHONE. -\r ICTROLA STYLE. FULL CAB. *' INET, plays all rcourda, 4$ aalae. tions, autonmtic. Value 196.00 tot „ __ The onough.vriy <ian In Irrland !«: Whe-n mother and fH;her .!rr;ve Vnto ^35^ ^^^^^j^, Poi«on, 840 Mo^nt .«e with ow»fcler»bl« anxiety, becauee â€"-^., ^^;-^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^f ^he about th^ ...-lod'of "XlaU c< the Nin« «" '"f«»"'<* "^ <oiL^1<leâ„¢h'.^ aflUquity, ; town a week before Chris^maH to r^, ^a^^ M.,ntreaL •tie knoirs thla U th« tlnae of her me TTn4Tr««rRliflirp de Pflris vaa of- ,. ... .. ., . f""' be the flrwt ^"* unwersuaire ae fans, waa or ifcetage:?. ' whj waa the "High Kin«' ndaMy ot>eTied, the Dominion being Wben trtvlal aJlmemts may na lh« 0'Dt>n«'9 of Tlr«>nii«!. Tlio Irish f.-jrra of ttw name t* ! cho<we if, theiy were som^'what worried : "O- ' al)oiit the pain which s^lz^d youiig ; â- Icna of trials and axJerlnjss to come. ^^ ftrst tore4(tn country to have a "' irei:-JiTA in the lattfj- part of the ! i)o< ijariaJgh." whkh is derive 1 f rom ^ Tom on his right side. They called « ' ^^ rt V She fewrs th« headaches, backachea. ^^j^^^^ ^^^ ,^ readiness for the re- fourth ccniwv. in fact, the clanith-e. Riven uame cf -Dochartarh." In the doctors ofllce. "you say you are l*eaverton. Mi Uwltude and other dtotTe«rin« wealc- ..„.,„,_ ' r.„„..u»« .»^<^ .,.. „m.,i„ .„ „ ^....f,..,, »h^ turn <l«i-lved from the Gaelic word for going to buy a nid;©:- aakel the doc- ^_ ^. . , , ^, ,,,^ -^ -n manT cei>tlcn of hs students. Canadian traces iiUf origin t',> a neeaea that burden to* llto o» •<• many , ' , , ,, woDisn at thlm nariod 'â-  ^ "* ' P^"^'"* ^ Studies, overseas, was a d<?(sceiidant of thw Monarch. 1 Much of theVnxlety and wflaHng ^'^'^ number is steadily too;^«l°« I tor, "WeU, this b</y has a4)pendlcltlB, P ARM WANTED â€" DESCRIBH *â-  fully, Elate price. R, Inclerightk â- " ch.. U.S.A. •LB CNIMCM ECZEMA REMEDY r« txtttmt Urn aaty Fir c«itaTtM « MTt ralltf tar Kinaa. Uib. PlaelMk Cleanup L.a«* >ad any itIS Uaaaaa^ No maUat lw> lanS s kaa bad. Glra U a IrUU atnarwii Jar 12.1* Po:t«al* SEO. V. Lll, P.O. Bu 1421. vianna. ao. chief taiu who isnrm " or "dBniaKe. Tho <irfglna! srat of the o'.m a^' and from what l!,i telle me. I don't «.u.^ u. .^-a m.^.^^ - g_„y ,., , V- hi 1 t do It niay be of passing Interest to note] p^a-s n, jj^ve been v.'VlT Innlvhowen, wonder. You can't have appendicitis that aaaaU women apjroachtag middle _,V^,„ !!' T„,: °j?^' l!,t^.^,"n.^ hare that the ancient lr'.ah nation ran : but as early as 1440 Uwre wiis iin.xheC' without const ipat ion. and he has been •*• r.^r""^ rLT v'lX ^ZZT^Z^S^iiT.Z't^ a conr.e far lon.e. than ha« been the <!iv.ion ..Ubll^hoa In | «ulte.-i.g from constipation ejrer ^ proved by thousand* of ha4>py, vini© " ^' i'«''=.i^ ^^^ »ic.u^^ n-anie fc- on«^ cnimm^-iit In later the cold weather came In. With noth- women who have reUed at thta time r^^ men and women should. In an ,ot of other muions. .ancient or mod-, j^.^,_ ^^^^^^ ^^ ti^e r.suit c( a r^bel- ^ ing but an outdoor closet at home aad on the health-heilD given by Dr. Wll- ambasaadoriaJ sen5|9, react conaMer- ^^ ,.j^ the exception perhaps of the ^^.^ ,^ agaiiist the British Ln li;08 by' at schcol, he has not been regular In â€" llama' Pink Pllle. To the middl^aged ao^ to Can.adlan benefit Jews and the Egyptian*. The hiatori- g,^„ f^^jj. oDcugherty who f.,r a nnm- i his habits, with the resultâ€" constipa- i womaa th» one thtog neceesary to; The Lnlverslty City ot Paris la th* ^g ^f ^j^ -Htgh Kings" w!w held t^r of year: achieved cons-ierahle ' tlon leading to appendicitis." '*'''"' '-°** " °"y '" " Years, carry h«f through her years of trial outcome of a very generoos and en- g„^y ^^^^ ^ ^^^ cisma of the nation, military sucoeee against th,-m in Ulr ' The father said they had hoped to ' Inspootoc John Jones. C*erT»hJHy. Is rich, red Wood. Because of their "rely pralueworthy Idea. At the end ^^ recorded in an unbroken line from ^^^^ Finally however he was ki'led install an indoor closet in the house W-ales. who is reciring after 64 yeani' direct acUon on the blood, Dr. Wil-|0' Uie war a great French manufac- j^^ j^m^ ^^^ ^f the brothe<r» Hebsf i^ a„ euvgageinent with them and the this fall, but had put it oft. "For the "^wey servlco, has never mlaa«d'A Ilaims* Pink Pills are th« one remedy j tuff«r, reallting the difflcnltle.s oon- ^^^^ Herwmon, in 170O B.C.. down to ^^^^.^^ ^j ^^^ ^^3^ ^^.^^ broken the Bri- radio?" asked the doctor. "That's aH â-  <i^y'8 duty- pialead by women for women's needs, fronting the young generation hi th« ^he death a<f Roderick O'Connor, the ^i^h Government d -privlne them of 'ery well, but health first." â€" • Among the thousands who have found Pursuit of higher study, waa prompted j^gt and lS3nl of the "High Kings," [h^jr jaad. I 80 they went to th^ plumber's and ! Extending Our LIvea benefit from this remedy to Mrs. Allan to aid them in practical manner, and ^^ which time, tw the latter part of the xsi of the variations given at the arranged for a chemical closet, quite: The average length of ilfe has in. Wager, EJcho Lakev Ont., -who says: â€" ; I»l«"»d a large sum of money at the die- twelfth century A.D., the lns4i national heading of this article axe deo-ived ineipenslve and costing very little for creased forty years In the loat four "I was at a critical period In the Uvea I>otal ot the Minister of PuhWc In- structure began to crumbie under the from this clan name, with the excep- upkeep, which was installed In the oenturiee, of aU women and was sick and miser- ; structlon who had conceived the Idea ons.iaught& of the Angto-Xormans. tlon of Dochiu-t Though one might basement the foilowtng week. i * _ able. I beoanM so much rundown that ; of building, round the University of t;!^^ jrj^ j^rm of the name Mul'joy ^ell be pardone^i for assuming that Tom's iliness left a very small bal- ' The original mince^pie waa mada I was unable to do my housework. The : P&rls. the coUegefl of the nation^ j^ â- â€¢o'Moalumaidh." from the given this also Is a vxiriatlon of the Irish • ance In the radio account and the of mutton, and baked in the aJiap* o>f least exertion would caus<3 my heart which in the past had enjoyea Kr^a^ name of "Macluadh." The meaning name It should n<3t strictly spealting famiily's Christmas present had to be ^ manger to flutter so vloleniUy that I would [ prestige. It was decided to build "La ^( ^^3, n^nj^ ^^ nearly as it can be be e!ase:2d with !t. ' The similarity 1b postponed. j ' have to sit down. I had headaches Cite Untversltaire de Paris" for rendered, 1« "servant of motion." It in sound and spelling only. ^*^ week, however, the boys were! , ======== and backaohea, and was in a deipressed ; ^Wch he Invited the various foreign jg ^ compound of the Gaelic words Dc<hart Is a Scottish name strange- '^'^^ '"'â- '•'^ *r«^^ ^^""ea and the aerial; condition. I saw Dr. WUliams' Pink nations to bulii houses where their^j^jj,, (motion) and "maol" (ser- ly enough, bore by a sect oSkone of the the radio is now In place, paid for from Pais recommended and decided to give , at'id«iits w-ou.'d receive a flrst-class y^^j foliower or devotee). broken clans of that country the Mac ^^ summer's camping. And we say them a trial, it was fortunate that I university etlucation under the meet .^j^^ ^^j^ ^^^ was in the ancient Gregors The Docharts oV Bubiane "^''^ the doctor, "A radio is ail right- did so. for under the use of this medl- advantageous living conditions^ ^ territory of "Ferceall," in Meath, the however, took their oame from Lake ^' l^*®^'" ^'^â- " olne I was restored to good health and sites In the neighborhood of the Sor- ^^^^j^t "federal" tearltory, rx)w the , Dochart, having beea conipaaed to * Btrength and feol like a new woman. I bonne were donated to foreign ooun- ^^^^^ ^^^ j,^,^_ BaUoycowen | drop that of their clan when It was Moods in Music. never neglect an opportunity to recom- tries requesting them for their buHd- g^ g^jjjj jj^ jj-i^^g ^jj^^ outlawed. j ^^ „m, „w/r^, f „-•. < »i,-. me<nd this remedy to those who are 1 Ings. : ___________^ | The .spiritual effect of mu;,ic is th« - - â-  - -~ ~ accepted idea among ail people. It' ninrdown for I am very grateful for| The Canadian High Commieaioner what the piUa did for me." '^ France immediately took an option For all allmjeBts due to weak watery hlood Dr. Williams' Pink Pflls wUl be on the site adjoining the French build- ings and made an appeal to his coun- A PERFEQ MEDICINE FOR UTTLE ONES found a specific. You can get the pllla 1 trymen for means to carry throngh the tixtm any medicine dealer or by mail ' commendable object, which was- to be a at 50c a bo.v from The Dr. Williama' ] meuioriul to the heroism of those 1 Medicine Co., BrockvUle. Ont. j Canadian soldiers buried in F^n^- 1 Babv's Own Tablets Should be in I The building was estimated to coat | i .f aOO.OOO, and in such satisfactory man- ! Every Home Where There Are Children. The perfect medicine for little ones "" ^•-^^^'H^? still. Which way are you ' they are also novelists. 3tor>- writers. going -*- Did You Ever Wonder? Teacherâ€" "What does your mother ' Mer was the amount forthcoming by use soap for?" ; I'Ubllc subscription that Canada has Willieâ€" "That's what I'd like to t>een the first nation to be able to know." j th:x)w open its building to its students. ' is found in Baby's Own Tablets. They \ jf I There is a certain appropriatenes.s In ' are a gentle but thorough laxaHve ; Big Ben, London's famous bell, has j this since there is a steady official j ,^-h.lch regulate the bowels, sweeten' Song of the Songsmiths. been cracked practicably ever since it ; niovemtnt of Canadian students to , the stomach; drive out constipation' jj^re do we meet agaJii. was fii-st put in the CJock Tower of: France. At the ctindusion of the war 1 and Indigeetion; drive out constipation I j^^^^ ^ f,,.,, vg^r's time- the Houss of Commons in 1860. Thejthe Dcmiuicu sought assurance of the' simple fevers and promote hea!thXul| ^^^^ do'we meet again, be'.l weighs about thirteen tons. maintenance t>f the sympathetic bonds i refreehlng sleeip. It la impossible for' jj^^. ^.j,j, ^^^^ ^^^ refrahi ! between it and the KepuWlc by mak- Baby's Own Tablets to harm even the, " praise of the regal rhyme The first picture postcard was pro- â-  Ing arrangements for Canadian youth ; new-born babe, as they are abeolutely gongsmiths like them who of oJd duced by a stationer â- - - " ^ ^ ..- .....4,. :„.».„ tj.,.„.k,.„ „f,„„ ,..,.,.i„„, . ._.. ._, ._ .,_.. vincial town in 1870 1 1894 Lhat picture post printed in England mains untouched. Why make the uplifts the listener â€" it creates a mood '' piano in your home a sort of social of joy or sorrow or anxiety or anger, j ornament or something foa- the grind- j Bait the intellectual effect â€" here is! lug out of spineless Jingles. 1 where we come to the hlg idea. Music The scngs of childhood are always ' makes ideas and communicates thean remembered, and Uie influence of a from musician to listener. Instead of eang may be felt throughout a life ; u.slng word® â€" notos and combinetionfl time. What do you wan"- your child â-  of notes are employed. Th«»e notes to remember â€" that which uplift-S, or ' axe capable of malclng any story, play that which degrades? In the mu.slcal or picture, and where the great com- llfe. a.M la the splxltual life, there is posers are understood It is aeen that Tlanj-Tor homey List word in builders' kid. Practical, up-to-dtle suOTntions on planning building, fumuhing. deconting uti gardeninif. Profusely illustrated, and scores of actual dolhr'Saving sog- Ststiona. Send M oa^ for current isjue. UacUsa BvIUfn.* GiAta -*â- Â» Adelaide St. V; . Toronto. Out. in a French pro- 1 to study in the Republic after gradual- : guaranteed free from opint^ or ««Jy.F\,vhioned their speech o«f Ko4d . It was not till | Ing in Canada. Simultaueoue action ' othei- injurious drug. j ^ ^ far 'fo-gt)ttea dime post car'ds were!^i^as taken by the vaj-ious provlnclalt Concerning the Tablets, Mrs. .Alex, „-„ „, ,h„', „,' i^.„> «,^ ' Toncemlng legislatures as a result of which a per- 1 j. Perry. .Atlan-tic, X.S., writes :- -"I Hospital for Sick Children 67 College St, Toronto 2, Onk bear Mr. Editor: I A aplrlt of warm frlendlineM t^ [warda the Hospital for Sick Children In Toronto exists aU orer tha rprovlnca and it increases with tha years. It has been s&hanced to a considerable extent by the clinics iwhlob have been conducted in so many centres In Ontario by doctors Crom the Hospital who have picked out curable cases which up to the time of the clinic had been seem- ingly hopeless â€" eventually sending the little patients home from the Hospital healed and fitted to ba TBluable assets to their municipali- ties, Instead of remaining useless and pathetic burdens. Tour readers, In common with the people la all other progressive com- munities, are interested in the Hos- pital and what it la doing. The keen Interest In crippled children manifested by the Rotary, Kiwanis, Gyro. Lions and other service clubs, throughout the province, has been ot grand assistance in bringing in unfortunate chlldrea, often from re- mote districts to the various centres where the members ot the Hospital staff have attended and have been able to hold huge clinics with the result that there has been a steady stream ot children admitted to the Hospital from all over Ontario, for a long time. Thia Is but one branch ot the thorough service rendereH by the Hospital. It Is the best equipped iBStitutiOB ot Its kind on the con- tinent tor the treatment ot all child ailments. No Ontario child requir- Jag Its services Is refused admittance and all that modern medical and eurgtcal aklll combined with loving eare can accomplish is bestowed upon the sufferer, without distinc- tions GS to religion or nationality, or becau!'? those responsible for the child are In poor circumstances. Heavy expense is lavclved In tbis n-anent annual appropriation ot 16,000 always keep Baby's Own Tablets ini was prrvided to cover Ave yearly | the house for the childre*!, as I have; scliolarship.«. The coiirsi" coveced a [found them a perfect medicine foi-j wide variety of subjects, lucluUing ag-,iittle ones." ritulture an I forestry, so that Do-' Baby's Own Table<jj are sold by| minion IndMstries stand to benetlt | medicine dealers or by mall at '2.^\ greatly from the ci>nst;iiu presence ot jc^^ts a box from The Br, Williams' Canadluns at the great French un I- 1 Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Elevating Music. We at that ancient flre With our young bright breath suspire, And hammer the golden rhyme. Hammer the' ringing rhym* Till the echoes tire. Who is )t jrers at our song? Scoffs at ar. art a.ublime? Who l.s it jeers at our song? A\'e wlio kiu)\v right from wrong Worship the godlike thyme. Still on the world-wide breeze. ParentieSS Children Run Wild: what is the av.'i-.ige Canadian ^ over th*- surge ot the seas. in Moscow Streets ; l:oiiie doing to raise the stawtard of Comee I Uie an echoed chime ; music? In the homes of the well-to- The voice of all passions that puay Maj. Frank lUistaril. sneaking befoj-e! j^ j^ hoineo of wealth I- fa-t in .i'' 1:' li"' dim heart of man a.lway, th.- .Man-hesttr (Eng.> C.eographlcali ,^^,^ ^^ jjj^ ^^.^ ^^^^^ f^.^,^ ^^^^ ^^^ Viih the rush of a rising rhyme, Scr.cty on "Th© Ne« Ku.^sia. ' based j .jj,. „( ^j,^ ^^^^^ j^ co^sideied in Ti:s lUt of a lulling rhym^. ui)cn his piMsonal experiecws there, , „^.^„:,j,i,^ ^,„ jj,„^,,_ pj^^^^ j,,.^ ; To the end ot day. . dramatists and even motion pl(^tu^e , makers. j There is nothing mysterious about this idea; nothing to worrj- you or [ make you annoyed that you cannot understand It. Aslt any violinist to imitate the cr>-iag of a baby â€" it is the easiest thing in the world. .:Vsk him to play a laugh, a sigh, a moan, a fretting sound, .^.sk the pianist to re present for you the playing of ohimee. the shr'ek of an engine^ the rumble of thunder. Ask tlie harpist to piny the sound of a breaze rustling the L"ees, the soucj of a mountain brook, the whisper of fairies. .\»k the clarinet player 10 represeiu a shepherd call, the lowing of caitle. the sob of an old man. So you will understand that In ' music instead of describing ide-ns and , action, as with words, the thing itself : is actuajly reproduced in sjTnbola. i Thus when yoni hear a cerraiu com- i position. ai!tl this Idea has gained up- 1 on >-ou, wiTl )-ou discover that >x<u axe ' actually seeing the .story, the play, 1 the description. GRIPPE. Heat and inhale Minard's. Also inib it on the throat and chest. The great preventative. botii before and since the war. refer rtl to what he dfv^cribed as "the ap- piiiUiiS problem" whitli faces the' Soviet K?public with regard to the! wtlfare of destitute chiUreat. j The situation, he >aid, had arisen ihiuugh the po-lley of the Sovio't Gov-' erniueiat In Us early days of taking tlw children ot the country from their ! ' partnts to hi' educated and brought up in Governuu'ut st'hools. Ilunilreds of | thoiiaand's of small chll:Irjii were thus, taken away. aivi. altogether apart from ' : the Gcve.Tui;' ut's theory that this was every thing ; littere>l with all kinds of musical trash ; both ^-ocal anl iustnimenta.1. Mothers who exercue great care that their oliildren read no uudershable books will allow them to sing isougs of the vaud'sville threatres, many of which ar,? frankly suggestive .and to spend hoi!.:s pkvylug "ragtime" and "jazz" iind other drivel while the le«-jcu re- -G. A. Crrewne. For the First Anniver- stirv of the Rhjiners' Club. Don't let iniligc-stion after meals, biUi-usneM. heHitburn, or dyspepsia take tiie pep out of you. Take Seiuels Syrup. Any di^gsture. â- Well-balanced speeches are usaal'ly the result of weighing every word IMMIGRATION TO CANADA I the best Ihirc to do. he would say with- 1 out res>srve that the ariaugetneiMs ' With the year nw.'.its close. ..<;.t^ .'made hy th'e Govenimtiit for the wel- ! ini migration to Canada tontuiues at a j H. F new, to. and io;;r of. the Doiiiinlcn by Major Hall. inanQger of the training f.T.rL>of^he children >vereadmi'i-ableUi'ii«>PO~Rra<ifyliig rate than has been ' depot at the BritisJi OovejTunent In- everv possible wav. At that time the the case at this season for some time stnictional centre at W eeting Hall, Gov<-,niment had iilttle repird for the paet. Thes^ is evenT assurance of this ; BramJou. Ncrfclk. .\ few months ago cost ot things, but later tliev weae ' «>ntinutag throughout the winter, the flrs-t group of trainees from the forenl to consider It. motilhe. I'^r the spring and s.ub8e- fa.-m. aftt-r six months' training In I A wave of econoBuv ensued, and, the quent seasons the many vitsUs to the I overseas fami conrditlomis, under a ! grants which had been made for the l»oiniiilon of Inllueutial Eiuvpeaji delt- 1 Canadian Instrurtur, wesv moved out n-6lfa:«of the chi'adrea were no longer I sa,lion«, !uaic«it!\-e of a ke^u Imereet 1 to Csjiaaa and i,:ace<l upon speclaily I forthcomhig, said .Major Bustard. The ' hi Canadian imtulgt-.ition and a desJre ^ eele^tetl farms iu Manitoba. This ! result was that one met hundreds ot ' to stimulate, a movement of natiunalf. 1 tlrsr coiKingeut has giv<"n an ext-eaient children, ragmufflns who ha<i lost their I would apjvear to fore.ast a busy time. | account of ItstK and the Initial and | boys are namrd until they are twenty, paT««nts in the famine that visited Rus- 1 One of the most signltioant of visits | experimental phase of the scheme le 1 when they iHM.-elve fret^h names »pe^ Bia some years ago. running wi'al in I l'">ii> the standpoint of a hiture Brltl.'Ji I coiioldet^ea successfua up to most san- clally chosen by their fathers. t has been that cf the Earl! fcuiiie expeotatioif?. Lejiding ininiigra- 1 <, Keep Minard's Liniment In the house. Naming the Baby. Cht^osiug a name for a new baby Is always a matte:- of anxious considera- ; tlon; but in lertaln lands tho anxiety, ha,-; bee.n minimized by th<' laying >lown of rules to guid? the choice. ) The .Mohumnie.Ians. for example.' write five names on slips of paper and place them in tlv» Korati. On<> slip Ls drawn out, and the uaane written thereon is bestowe<l upon ihs baby. With tlie Egyptians three lighte<l' candles are taken and ninme.l â€" on;? name always being of Biblical char- atrtei--%iml the candle whloh biuiK<: the long*:<« determines the child's name. The Hindoos allow the mother to ; name a baby when it Is twelve days ' old, but it the father does not like the' chosen name, he selects another. Then the two names are written on slips of' paper und hrVid over a lighted lamp,' that which bums the brighter being \ thie name finally adopted. i In China girl babies ar-^ consideired ' not wonh naming, and are simply numbered in ord^r of birth. Chin the S'treets of Moscow. 1 movciment llussia, said the speaker, was more ' of Ckixedon, Cimler Secretary of Slate | tlon HUthcrities beldevp that In the ex-. Modern eiigineeriivx fcl^uce is cap- panslon of these truning centres lies ! ^ble of floating St. Paul's Cathedral the soliKion of both Canadat and '„ ^ raft. Crawford. Great Britain's prubiems. and It is tm- ! derstoini that Major Hall's vlsi- has â€" piime roferenoe m thds. It is likewise of an empire than a country -Its vast ' for Dominion .â- Vffaiirs. who made an area anl the great differences In the ' exhaaietlve tour of the l"hvmli;:on wilh pt^»pl'3 cf the various parts explaiR«l 'h? ptirttcuLir object of persi.vnaMy lii- som? of the apparent contradictions ! ve.-.:!pitiug the success which Iws at- encountered In reports about it. jCo | lende<l the 3,000 family scheme carried , -.-, â- â-  -| country to the woridi ho said, presMit- i out through the co-operation of the known that the Karl of Clc-.randon is | merciful work, Mr. Editor, as you ;ed a gre.i<w ddtfeence betweeii the edu- U)vers?as Settlement Lewgtte. ot which al'so an adv.v-ate (>t the elaboi-atiois ot j â-  â- â-  ' â- cate<l and the non-elucated classes^ i '»«''»'•'»»''''"*''"â- ''"'''''* '^'"""'•''*" ^â- **'^'" ' '^'^ *''^''"''° '''^' '''" '^" and he could not imagine any couutrv I ernment. .^t the .vnchi.sivn of his j lend his efforts in this direction. j which was so Ill-suited to tlie expert- tour he chHracterlzed the scheme as) The keen interest exhibits d by j ment la t'onimuntsm tha: hnl i,e<!m ' one of the most stucesslul of Its kind | many European coantrles In the move- } mad- there. The reason was thatitver aHempted. Aljout 1,500 of the mem of their ivationuls to Canaua and; this \vmter Cdifimiia daily trains Including The Chief You really enter sunny Call* fomia the moment you step aboardoaeofthe five famous Santa Fe cross>continent trains. The new Chie/â€" extra fare- is the finest and fastest of the Santa Fe California trains. Only TVVO business days on the way. No extra fare on the four other daily trains. Fred Harvey dining service sets the standard in the transportacioa world. Enjoy the out-of-doors this winterâ€" take your family. California hotel rates are reasonable. m* May I fend 3«ou our ^'ctwrc ioldmti V. T. Ilfiiill.v. Oeli .'.K«ot Santa Fe Rallvay 404 Ti'ani*portat!.tn Buildlae t^etiolt. Sllch. riloiin: T;an,lolpll S74e cau reallie. Ordinary sources ot rovonue, including grants, fall to rover the actual cost of raalutenance of the little patients, notwlibstaod Id( thrifty manafement. Old friendx and new ones are relied upon to h«)p In pacing the difference and ^ihey iDClude the readera ot yeut -% valuable paper. The Hospltitt tor ' ^''Bick Chlldreti does not share in the /unds ot the Toronto FederatfoB tor Community Servlco. because It takes pattentt from all over the province. Please ask ypur rv^era to remem- * ter tl<e llosDltsl for Bick Children «ll«n they ars doing their Christmas «i»lni. ^ Fallh Fully yoars. H. II. VS'ILUAMS, Oialrninn nf th* Trustees. when those re.^ponslble ma !e the ex- periment, with the idea that all peo- ple would be equal, they started t>ff with the Initial d.1«a<lvantage that in no coiuntr>- were the people so unequal. "The groat bulk ot the people in Rusalaâ€" probably no lees than ih per cent, ot the population -are emiployed In agriculture^" be said. "They are a people aJow to move and elow to think, but It Is tha ogTlculUiral community which will flaally prevail." ISSUE No. >1â€" *3e. ' I MInard'a Liniment for Diatemper. 3.00O f.imllles are already settled iu ' an cvlien! deslr,' lo rvo.vt- sclienies of Canad.i and the baJanee are expected i co-operatloB Is in marked contrast to to be Bhsorbed by 1928. He personal- the situation which ha,* pwviiiled In ly visited nearty two hundre 1 families [the Immediate iKistwar years. Visits tin farms, and was completely satis- jf">ni tlelegatlons of the fled with their uniform success. On ' Uovcrnuients of Czecho-Slovakla. Nor- thls account he fitate<I that, as far asiWByan.l Austria recently, which wen* the Overseas Settlement Leugue w«.s ' eminent 'y satisfactory in every par- concerned, the scheauo would In nil ticular. foret-asi subsMi.w!al3y iu- probabilily be further developed. I civa<=ed inoverjHents from thcss c^un- I tries. .Ml lndlc.r,ion>«> Iwi to the c<m- Outlook for British Immigration. j ^,^,^,^,, ,„^,, ,,,^ ,,^,, ^.^^^ ^j ^,^^ As far as British Immigration is pe:in iiiniiijtratitiu experienced tn the concerned, aleo. 1 â- '•able slgniti- courss- ot the past Hunitner wli; oon- cance^ lH Itv felt, Mtaclies to the visit titme to swell. High School Boards and Boards of Education Are authorized by law to establis.'i INDUSTRIAL, TECHNICAL AND ART SCHOOLS with the approval of the Minister of Education. OAY AND EVENING CLASSES may be conducted in accordance with the reguiiitlone Iseuad by the Department of Education. THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION is given In various trades. The schools and classes are under the direction of AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Applicat'on for attendance should b« made to the Principal of the school. COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, MANUAL TRAINING, HCU8EHOLO SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE are provided (or In the Courses of Study In Public, Separate, Co.>ttlnuation and High School*, Collegiate institutes. Vocational Schools a^d Departmenta Copies of tha Regulations Issued by tlie Minister of Education niay be ebtaliied from *he Dep'.ity Minister, Parliament Buildings, Toronto."

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