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Flesherton Advance, 22 Dec 1926, p. 1

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ZUiiJk^hnton %hmnu. Vol 46 No. 30 Flesherton. Ontario December 22, 1926 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors V LADY BANK VANDELEUR We ^vish you all the same old say, ; A myrry Christmas to all readers Wished in l;he same •old'-f ashioned ' of The Advance. ROCK MILLS wayâ€" MERRY CHRISTMAS. , The teachei* and pupils of Vande- Messrs. Alex. Maxwell and Ed.J'eur public "school had a very suc- Harbottle captured two fine foxes -^ssful entert^nment and Christmas the past v.'ec!:. ] 'ree in the school hoUoe on Friday ev- Mi-,s Verna Roberts and friend vis-'«n'"g °^ 1^«' ^^«<^''- ^ fine program ited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. H.°f i-^^^dings, dialcgues, songs, and reci- Q . â-  tations was piven by the pupils, after The 'Ladies' Aid held their Decern- '"^'''^ Santa Claus, in the person of ber r-.eeting at the home of Dob-^I*"- ^rank Davi-s, appeared and un- son Wednesday last. Renoits of thel'^'^'^ed the tree. Mr. W. A. Weber year's work were read showed a,-'^°'^ '»« chairman. After the pro- real success. The following officers;"â„¢'" « splendid luncheon was served were elected for the ensuing year: ^^' ^^^ ladies. Pres. Mrs Sample; Vicc-Pres., Mrs. "^^"^ officers and pupils of Vande- | day, and the children seernd to enioy Ottewell Sr.;' Sec, Mrs. Leslie Poole;' ^'"''^ Sunday school will hold a hot j themselves immensely. Treas., Mrs. Jack Ottewell Jr.; Buy- ""^^'^ ^ie social and Christmas tree m yi^. p„j ji^.g joh„ Wickens and ing Com., Mesdame3 Roberts, V/alter '^« '^'â- "''^•'^ <"' Tuesday evening, Dec. ! family, of Kimberiey, visited on Sat- Christmas holidays. ^^era Moore is also home. The pupils are giving a fine pro- gram on Tuesday evening in the schoolhouse. Merry Christinas to the editor and staff. PRICEVILLE Mi'ss Donelda Nichol of Holland Centre spent the week end at her home here. Th^' Presbyterians held their an- nual Christmas tree in the McKinnon Hall Friday night, Dec. 17. The hall was packed to the doors and a splendid program was rendered, four schools taking part â€" Durham Road. Top Cliffe, No. 5 and Priceville .?chool. The program consisted of drill."-, reci- tations, dialonue.'i and singing. Spec- ial !iumbors wore duets by the Doug- 28th, Mrs. Emanuel of Saskatchewan is spending a few days v.'ith Mi', and Mrs. J. L Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Geo . Wright, who have been under the <loctor's care, are Wilson, Scwell and Maxwell. .A. few degrees of milder weather at time of v/ritinsr. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Sewell and babe visited on Sunday with Mr. Jas. Pat- ton and family at Flesherton. The Ladies' Aid of Providence will impro'-'inff- hold their usual monthly meeting at M*'- •^"''•'â- â€¢'â- ^^' Graham of Daysville, the home of Mrs John " Ottewell Jr.'^^^'^- "'''^'^'^ ^-'it'' ^r. Robert Gra- on Wednesday, January 12, 1927. ''«=" ^"'l daughter, Minnie, recently. Mr. Sam Ottewell of Feversham is at present assisting Mr. Alex. Max- VICTORIA CORNERS well with some bush work. Mr. Chester Fatten of Dundalk a.^- . Wilfred Gallasrher was in Toronto si3ts Mr. Jos. Sewell with his bush attending the U.F.O. convention last work. week. The busy workmen from this An auitomobile load of seven people neighborhood have made for them- became stalbd while on their way selves a good road through the Wild from Wiarton to Toronto on Monday, Cat Swamp, coming out on the 8th and were the guests of Charles Moore Line at Mr. >Alex. Cameron's corner, until Wednesday, when they got their They prefer the warm swamp road , car fixed in place of crossing the Hydro pond Your correspondent wishes The Ad vance staff and its many readers ; very merry Christmas. A large number of peo>)!e from this i las boys and soles by Mr. Jolm Milne, vicinity were in Fb'sherton on Satur- | At the close of the program .Santa Claus appeared and unloaded the well- filled Christmas tree, which th.e chil- dren all enjoyed. The ladies then pro- vided a splendid Inm'h and tea before their drive honia in the cold. The Ladies' Aid of the Uni cd Church held their last monthly moot- ing at the home of Mrs. Dan McLe;;n. Quite a number were present and a splendid meeting was hold. Don't foi-get the annual rin-i««^-'^'- Tree in the United Church Thur-d iy, December 23rd. On December lOth there nasscd urday with Mrs. Wickens' parents i'.ere, Mi. and Mrs. W. T. Pedlar. Mr. Baker, of Proton, took the sei-- vice here on Sunday evening, and we v.crc delighted to have him with us 3gain. The .lervice r.ext Sabbath ev- ening will be at the home of Mr. Thos. Setts. Come and hear the old time Go.?pel. Everybody welcome. Mrs. Chaides Hanloy and children CEYLON PORTLAW Miss Margaret McMullen spent the We wish The Advance staff and all week end with Proton friends. readers a bright and joyous Christ- Mis-3 Agnes McPhail, M.P., Mr. F. mastide. May Santa Claus be gen- Oliver, M.P.P., George Campbell and erous with his >fifts to all and not Mrs. Pedlar attended as delegates the overlook a7iy stockings, little or bir. U.F.O. convention held in Toronto , a very happy event took place r, - last week, cently when Miss Gladys Lyon. . Miss Afrnes Macphail, who has been daughter of M^-. and Mrs. J. W. attending the sessions at Ottawa, has Lyons became tlie bride of Mr. Wm. returned home. , Davison of Warehani. T!ie bride and Mr. John Whittaker left the past ; grocni are among our most popular week for Toronto, where he has taken younff people and their m.".ny friends a iiosition for the winter months. ''^'ish t'"'"'' a happy voyage through Mr. Jas. Sergant was up from Shel- . life. burne for a couijle of days the past ' Congratulations to -Mr. Laurie Ped- week. i '^'"i who was recently united in marr- The Union Sabbath .school hold their ' '""^^ ^" ^^'^'' ^^"'^'=' Winters, daughter annua! election of officers on Sunday °^ ^''â- '- ^"'^ ^f"^- ^has. Winters of riftevnoon, when the following were Osproy township. A hearty welcome olectsd: Supt., Mrs. Haw; Asst. Sup. '« extended to the young l)r:de to this Mr. MmWhinney; Sec, Miss Delia cf""ni"n'ty. Mi-i Walter visited recently with Akitt. The logs have commenced to come in tc the Durham Furniture Co's yr,rds here. Mr. Fred Wilkinson, who has been visiting his niece, Mrs. E. Russell, i away at her home on the South Line : Glenelg, Miss Jane McPhail. sistav of ; Hugh McPhail, after .t ihort illness The funeral took plaop on Satu-.-dny , December 18th t5 Priceville cemetevy, . The sympatliy cf the community r.'O-s j out to the bereaved ones. Social evening was held at the Pr ^s- left last week en route for St. Johns, | byterian church Wednesday, Decerabsr N. B., h' expected to sail on ' 15th. There were ciuite a number cut the steamer M )ntca!m for England, Mr. John Wilkinson of Duncan vio- ited friends at Rock Mills recently. but the road.*; were bad and ni-vb'?: { were extremely cold. .A prog.r.-i, consisting of scripture reading, opoak- icg and sin.ging was held. Mr. .A McQuaig Jr. gave an interesting papei c.n foreign racial distinctions. Con- tests were put on by members of the Cr.ild and lunch was served at tlie clos(>. Kindly remember the concert on nocember 28th; to be given hy Miss fonnox of Toronto in the McKinnon 'Tall. -An announcement is given i::' â- v'lcrc. will BELOW WE GIVE YOU A FEW ITEMS TH.AT WILL HELP SOLVE THE GIFT PROBLEM. OUR STORE IS A REGULAR MIME OF GiFTS AND A VISIT WILL MORE THAN PAY YOU. DIAMONDS Exquisite settings in some fine rings. The prices are reasonable. Toilet Setts Large Selectio'n WRIST WATCHES K.\reliCat selection of Ladies" Gcntlcmei-'s Wrist Watches, the best Gift for Xmas. and Just TOYS Trains Aeroplanes Autos Steam Engines Erectors Dolls Games Etc. CUT GLASS \^â- .VTEU SKTS FROM .S2 LP. BERRY BOWLS S2.2.'> AND IP. COMPORTS .«'2..50 AND UP. CREAM PITCHERS. CAKE DISHE.S, VASES. ETC.. AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES. Kodaks Folding Brownie $5.00 Box Cameras No. 2A $3.75 No. 2 $2.75 Films & Supplies MAXWELL ' Maxwell United Sunday school â- olcl a Chr",3tmas tree and concert ,v December 23rd. .Admisison 25 ",r.i ;,5 cents. A good program will Ijn :-iven. Tree open to community. Miss Margaret Heron lias returned homo after .-^pending the past few months in Buffalo. M:. and Mrs. D. Cameron of the ;0tli :ina spent Sunday with the for- mer's mother here. Christmas service here on Sunday cve:-.i:'.g was well attended. Mr. New iravo a fine sermon. The choir sang Iwo ; iihems and the ouartette sang cr.e ^"lection. Next Sunday will be r n'j"v year service. Come along and l)i-i!'<- vonr friendf. Th" srdiool concert held here Friday as a splendid success. White; .â- \sst. Sec, Miss Margaret Sinc!.(ir; Treas., Mrs. J, McWillianvj; Organists, Miss M. Cook and Mrs. P. IT'.-r.t; Teachers, Mrs. Ha v.-, Mrs. Mc- V^'illiani.s, Mi-3s Vera Jlarshall, Miss M. Cook. It was also arranged in Mr. Tho.s. Fletcher of Gait was hero recently in connection with the sale of the estate. The farm was off^-red for sale by .Auctioneer Dunc.nn, but n) sale effected. Our school concert on Friday even- connr .'•tion with the church to have an - ing last proved a fine success and a ndult Bible class, which will meet at very enjoyable affair for the pupils ten o'cloci; Sun-.'.ay morning?. The ami older folk:; as wtll. ?,Ir. Thos. paste.', Eov. ?.Ir. McKoberts will have Phillips ocrnpied the chair in a cap- chaiKe and a cordial invitation is ox- able manner, and introduced a '^ngthy tended to all to attend. The first program, which was all supy.'ied by Communion Service was held at the the (.hlldren, who acciuitted themselves close oi the service. ] well, showing that their teacher had We ..inderr,tan.l that A. C. taken a great deal of pain-, in their is again buying a car of potatoes. training. Santa Claup came along at :Mr. .T. McVv^illiair.-; left v.wk for th" Stuart lumber ca:n;i in Pariy Sound â- listrict. FEV^IRSHAM CONTINUATION the clc)so of the prog'ram and distribut- ed gifts from a well-laden tree. A pleasing feature of the evening was th presentati(ni to the teacher by her pupils and others of the section of ait , an address, oxpressinsc anpreciation Hesul ; of examinations held dur- of her personal Rood qualities, as v/ell ing Octi 'ler, November, December. as her faithful devotion to her duties No Fiillures â€" W. .Somers, N. Short as teacher. The address was read M. Keit;^ Z. Long, V, Hudson, A. by Mrs. L. H. Sheardown and ther Mulliu, II. Kerton. presentation was made by Miss Vera Failure 1 subject â€" G. McKenzie, B. Phillips. Miss Clinton, in a few- Henderson, gracious words, expressed her thanks Failed 2 subjects â€" M, Davidson, ,T. for the "wished-for" srift. New, , Failed ',\ subjectsâ€" H . Long, .\. Fawcett. .\. Robinson. Failed 4 .subjei'ts â€" M. Ilawton. Failed .') .subjects â€" L. Thompson, R. Thoinpson. Failed 6 subjects â€" M, Kendall. Ungraded â€" M. Hatfield. P. CLEMENTS. P.-iucipal, SPRiNGHILL PURLIC .SCHOOL .'^i. 1 â€" Lola Bla.i^burn, Audrey Brown. Jr. .1 _ Clifford Allen. Earl Johns- ton, George .Allen, A.nnie .Vkins. I:-=a- belle Ferri.i, Ellen Parker. loan Beard Jr. ;; â€" Cecil Thistletb.waite. V.'il- fr;'(l Dori.s Waller. Billie Parker. Jr. 2 â€" Marjorie Wyatt, Jlcrla ii!g.'".r EAST MOUNT.AIN ALL MODELS NEW VICTOR $115. $200 $275 $385 Finest Tone ProcaraMc Watches; Clocks; Brooches; Rings; Dress Ornaments; Fountain Pens; Pen- cils; Pearls; Beads; Tableware; Plated Silver; Manicure Outfits; Electrical Goods; Brassware; Smoking Outfits. Wl- IWITE VOU TO COME IN .\ND LOOK OVER OUR HUNDREDS OF GIFTS. IT WILL RE .\ PI,E.\SURE TO SHOW YOU. .Vlascnlc Emblem Rings as illustrated in 10k gold. L.O.L. Rings in blue and scarlet. Our selection is large and all stones are of first cut and quality. Remember! We have one of the best selections of diamonds between Toronto and Owen Sound to please all tastes. Sliop Early and ha\ c satisfaction in buying. W. A. Armstrong & Son Flesherton, Ont. .A. -lorry Christnia.s to the editor and ; aders of The Advance. D;.ii;'t fcrerot the concert and the Christmas tree in the seliool house on \Vrd,iet:day cvcnine. T!? younfr pt'ople attended the con- ?erl nnd Chrifima-. treo on Tuesday cvoninqr at Duncan. Mr. Thc'.s. Smart spent a few days with friends at Dunoan. Miss Lililan Prenti:e spent a few ('av, with Mr. and Mrs. S. Smart .?.nd a-'iily recently. "r. Chas. Thoivuv- ni visited a day lit week witii irioivis in the Valley. A pri •entaticn wa.? made to Jtiss Aied? Fcighcn on Jlonday cveninrr. 'â- V. Cai-l Hnmberstone read the ad- r-fs while Miss Alma presented ihn 'â- .-.iting set to Miss Feighen. The '•cning' was spent in ranics and (i:;:- •ins'. KLECIION NOTICE. A coiTple of weeks ago Tlie .-Vdvani'o public-hed an item about a man beinc; , . ,, ^^ , ^., , ,, , , , , . , J. . . , , , .„ . -Allen, belnia South. Harold Johnston, arrested for .iuninint>- a board b-.ll at ' Shclburny. It now appear.s that we ' were misin'ormed and that the stvan- ' fpr actually had jumped his board ; bill. When aiTe.sted hi; lacked -i dol- : ia»' of Iiaving sufficient iU';ids to Hqui- ' date the debt, but wn understand that the amount he had in his po.ssension , was accepted and he was released. The .-\ Toronto detective arrest'.'d 3 :'onstable did not retiu'n him to Flesh- "wanted" man who fjup.-"tioned him erton nor did he pay for hi-.' siipiier. resardiiig a prisoner. Orren South. Sr. 1 â€" Doris South, El.sie White, Pa' -,y Beard. Jr. Fr. â€" Nellie Th = stleth\vuite, '. Ivan Waller, Russel -Johnston. S â€" G. B, Littlejohns, Teacher. BATES BURIAL CO. FUNEEiAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNER.\L PARLORS 122-124 .\ventie Road, TORONTO Telephone: Klngsdale J. W. Bates. 1.111 R. Maddocks. ! ,'.- '\Vho:-i It May Con'?crn: | j ri.'BLIC NOTICE i.? hereby feivcn j ! lo all por-on.^ havjnp: any claim.'; or | I aeciunts duj them for any service ; vniered in the interest of F. R. 1 j o;i--er. M.P.P., during the recent Pro- | I vircial Election camjiaign. to render j i .said accounts in writing: to the under- ! j sii^ned on or before Ja)i. 1st, 1027, ! I and ;heir accor.nts will be dealt with. ; i The candidate or his official atrent ' will net deem them.selve.s liable for , the ;ettloment of any accounts not rendered within thirty days after the I declaration of the election. | â€" :.r. E. .MURRAY. Nicustadt, ' Official Agent for vh? Candidate. Miss J. T. .\tkey of Owrn .'•' -un ' who brokr? her neck last Scjitemb-^' lied rc'-ntly. HOUSE OF aUAHTY Greetings to Our Many Friends and Customers â€" 1 We wish to taKc this opp<n'lunity of expressing ;o yoii, th.Tt wo aupreciate more than we can .say your co- operation and friendship which it ha.s been our privilese to oni«>v. Your many favors extended to us during the year warrants our ht'artiost thanks. \Vo therefore extend to you the Rreelings of the sea- son with our sincere wish for your pro.siicrily during 192K. Respectfully yours. W. J. STEWART 81 SONS Fc<d, Se«d», Groc«ri«« And Confectionery Flesherton F!c XL mmmm J^ ^^mm

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