Come and Hear Deacon Dubbs in Stones Line School on Tue8.Dec.21 Admission 35&25cts, Vol 46 No. 29 Flesherton. Ontario December 15, 1926 W. H. Thuralom & Son, Proprietors ROCK MILLS Mrs. A. McLean, Pri'.eville, visited last week with her parents, Mr. ami Mrs. I. Smith. Mrs. John Hargrave is spending the week in Toronto, attcndinii: the U.F.O. convention as delegato from Unity Club. Mr. Charles Newell spen^ the week end with relatives near Durham. Miss Edith Betts is vi.^iring this week in Toronto. Service next Sabbath evanyig will be at the home of Mrs. Chavles Kewull Little Hazel Wilkinson, daUR-hter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wilkinson has been ill with pneumonia, but, wa are very pleased to know, she is recov- ering. Mrs. Wm. Hawkins has been oon- fined to her bed for a number of days, but wc ars very glad to know she is able to be up again. Mrs. E. C. Pedlar, Singhamptoit, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Har- grave. The December meeting of Unity U.F.W.O. Club was held on Wednes- day last, December 8th, at the home of Mrs. John Campbell, Eugenia, with a rea' good attendance of members and visitors present. An order was made up to send to the Co-operative, after whish a splendid program was offered, consisting of readings, music, and community singing. Dainty re- freshments were served and the meet- ing closed with the Anthem. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered to Mrs. Campbell and the meeting adjourned to meet at the home of Mrs. John Hargrave on Wednesday, Jan. 5th. CEYLON Mrs. Brady of Toronto visited I with her sister, Mrs. James W. Mc- ' Mullen, the past week. I Mrs. Will Caiahan and babe, who I have been visiting with her father, j Mr. A. Whittaker, left the past week for hm home in Orangeville. Mrs. Hugh McAithur and Mrs. Will Greenwood of Ebordale visited at R. Cooke's the first of the week Mr. and Mrs. A. Sinclair spent Sat- urday at Orangeville. j Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Fritz of Hanover I attended the sale held at the latter's j brother's place â€" Mr. N. Archibald â€" 'on Thursday last. _Mr. J. J. Patterson spent the week end in Owen Sound. Mr. Arthur Whittaker left last week for Toronto, where he has taken a position for the winter, Mr. John McWilliams and Mr. El- don McLaughlan left Monday for New- Ontario, where they have secured work with Mr. Jasper Stuart for the winter months. We understand the public .u'liool is preparinfj- for a concert on the 20th inst. Miss Stewart and nupiis are busy preparing^ "ONWARD" NEWS Advertise in The Advance NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC By the looks of the weather at time of writing we may yet have a green Christma-3. Lots of time to change, though. The Onward Y. P. held a successful meeting and social evening last Thursday in the D. R. school. The President, W. Hincks, took the chair and dealt with a lengthy program of readings, orchestra music, recitations and a paper by A. Hincks. At the conckision of this F. R. Oliver, M. P.P., was presented with a gold knift^ watch chain and cuff links from the Club, in honor of his recent political achievements. To this Farquhar made a fitting reply. After an in- teresting contest lunch was 'served. It was decided that Onward would enter the debatinp: contest and a team was chosen to represent the Club. The dramatic work will not be taken up this year. W. Hincks was chosen as delegate from Onward CO the U. F. convention. Mr. Jamcvi Turner returned last week from a business trip to Toronto. Everything is <?et for the annual O.D.R. concert on the 20tli. Mr. A. McKay has taken up resi- dence in his Soutlv Line home, Mr. Ir- win having moved to Woodford. P. R. Oliver, M.P.P., and William Hincks leave this week for Toronto to attend the U. F. O. annual con- vention. VANDELEUR Mrs. Mitchell of Toronto ii the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis an(l other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Richardson of Flesherton spent the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Pritchard. A number from here attended the funeral of the late Mr. Heath in Marhdalo on Friday of last week. ?/Ir. Heath was well known here, hav- ing spenc a irreat many yeaiG on his farm on the townline. Friends and relatives have the sympathy of the community in their bereavement. The Ebenezer Ladies' .Aid met at the home of Mrs. Brodie on Wednes- day of last week. Vau'leleur Ladies' Aid held a well- attended and interesting meeting at the home of Mrs. .lohn Flynn rec- ently. / The teacher and pupils are havin-? an pntertainment and Christmas tree in the school on Friday evenino; of this week, Dec. 17th. Vandeleur Sunday school o2i\:c:: and pupils are liaving a »ie so;i-! and Christm'hs tree in the church on the evening of Dec. 28th. rORONTO LINE, NORTH Notice is hereby given that I will ; not be responsible for any debts con- ' tracted by anyone in my name, un- |lcs'3 by a wrtten letter. ' â€" N. ARCHIBLAD. The C.P.R. will replace the 85-Ibr st°el with UO-lb. steel on their Bol- ton to Sudbury division. The new rais are now on the ground and w^ill be laid in the spring. BELOW WE GIVE YOU A FEW ITEMS THAT WILL HELP SOLVE THE GIFT PROBLEM. OUR STORE IS A REGULAR MINE OF GIFTS AND A VISIT WILL MORE THAN PAY YCU. DIAMONDS Exquisite settings in some fine rings. The prices are reasonable. Toilet Setts Large Selection WRIST WATCHES Excellent selection of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Wrist Watches. Just the best Gift for Xmas. TOYS Trains Aeroplanes Autos Steam Engines Erectors Dolls Games Etc. CUT GLASS WATER SETS FROM S2 UP. BERRY BOWLS S2.2.'> ANU JUP. COMPORTS $2.50 AND UP. CREAM PITCHERS, CAKE DISHES, VASES, ETC.. AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES. Kodaks Folding Brownie $5.00 Box Cameras No. 2A $3.75 No. 2 $2.75 Films & Supplies Mrs. W. J. Lsver of Owen Soun 1 visited for a few days the past week with her daughter. Mrs. F. Brown. Mr. Alvin McKenzie of Portia-.- visited with his uncle. Mi. R. Mc- Kenzie. Ml'. Fred Brown gave a dance to a number of the young people of the vicinity on Friday evening last. The Orange Valley L.O.L. gave an oyster supper and social evening on Thursday evening of last week, when the members and their families were present and spent a very pleasant time. Ml. T. Perigo of Toronto is spend- ing a few days with his mother, Mrs. I. Perigo, who is in poor health. We hope to hear of her improvement soon. PEDLARâ€" WINTERS. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Winters, 3rd line, Osprey to\vnship, was the scene of a pretty wedding on '"'edne-sday, Dec. 8, when their 'lai:;v';it"r, .A.nnie Isobelle, became the bride of Mr. Victor Laurie Pedlar, son of Mr. Samuel Pedlar of the 4th line. Artemesij.. The bride entered the parlor, which was prettily decor- ated in pink and white, to the strains of the wedding march played by Mrs. E. Seelfy, sister of the groom. She was ffiven in marriage by her father and locked charming in a boi^ de rose crepe back satin dress and black velvet shoes, carrying a bouquet of American Beauty roses. During the signing of the register Mr. and Mr?. Ray Ppdlar gave a violin duet en- titled -Perfect Day." A dainty buf- li'et lu)icheon was served and later Mr. ar:l Mrs. Pedlar left for Toronto and Tftroit, the bride travelling in a brown velour coat witTi ooposuin trimming and picture hat to match. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful gifts. The groom's gift to the bride was a cabinet of silver, to the organist an onyx bar pin. Friends from a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. S. C-.-ombie, Mr. and. Mrs. Ed. Cooke and Hazel, from Shelburne. ' ALL MODELS NEW VICTOR $115. $200 $275 $385 Finest Tone Procurable Watches; Clocks; Brooches; Rings; Dress Ornaments; Fountain Pens; Pen- cils; Pearls; Beads; Tableware; Plated Silver; Manicure Outfits; Electrical Goods; Brassware; Smoking Outfits. WE INVITE YOU TO COME IN AND- LOOK OVER OUR HUNDREDS OF GIFTS. IT WILL BE A PLE.\SURB: . TO SHOW YOU. Masr^nic Emblem Rings 88 illustrated in 10k i^old. L.O.L. Rings in blue and scarlet. Our selection is large and all stones arc of first cut and quality. Remember! We have one of the best selections of diamonds between Toronto and Owete Sound to please all tastes. Shop Early and have .satisfaction in iMiyinjj. W A. Armstrong & Son Flesherton, Ont. :eheteries must be kept up, By a recent amcndmont to the Cemetery Act, when the owner of a plot cannot be found, is un- known, or is u'nable to maintain it, llv inunieipality in which such ccm- .>t.-.vy 'is sitiMtcd shall be deemed io bo the cwnor. and the Council -.bill' bo charged with the dnty of kn;M)iii(i- it in order. Every County Council shall have the power to ap- point one or more inspectors to look nftc;- the cemeteries and to enforc-j the Act. If d Township Council fails o;- , noglects to properly care for n cornotery the inspector may secure a court order directing the Council to do so. If this order is not obeyed every member of -nich Council can be hold liable for contempt of court in(' punished aocordingly unless they can pro-«-e to the satisfaction of ;he court that they were, not con- senting parties to the neprlect. The rural cemeteries have in the past been saved from utter neglect, to a large extent, by the exertions of Women's Institutes, etc. The new Act will at least assure such or- ganizations ( f the co-operation and financial support of Municipal Coun- cils. EUGENIA Our school concert \vill be held on Tuesday evening of next week. We hope it will be a nice evening so that a good crowd will be able to come out. Mrs. John Williams and son, Charles left Tuesday for Idaho to '.'isit the former's daughter, Mrs. J. Russell (Cora). We wish ^hem a pleasant journey and visit. We are pleased to see Mrs. Alex. Hoy ininroviag in health and able to be out again. Mrs. Jake Williams accompanied her grandson, Mr. Iledley Lehman, home to Toronto on Saturday last. Hedley has been on an extended .'isit with liis grandparents here. Ml-, and Mrs. .\lex. Carruthers en- tertained the choir on Thursday even- ing of last week. -V pleasant time was spent in games and plays. Miss iMarjcrie Park and Miss M. Johnston won the crokinole game and received ;he prize of a box of candy. FEVERSHAM KIMBERLEY Mrs. Charles Wickens of >'.Jlesh- :rton visited with hei- sister, Mrs. .1. Plewcs, over the week end Mr. Dave Thompson is spending a ime v.-ith frit>nds in Ele.ihovton. Mr. D. L. Weber, Mi;s Wilda and Mrs. D. A. Graham motored to Owen '>ound on Saturday. • The Ladies' Aid held a Christmas ^ale on Friday evening in the hall, i'hey realized about S74.00. The date of the Sunday school eon- cert and Christmas tree has been ?hanged to Wednesday. December 22. for the convenience of those who so kindly a g practising the pupils. Mr. R. R. .'Vbercrombie of Toronto is visitinr; Kimberlev friends. Ml-, and Mrs. .Albert Long and tw» •hildren, late of Weyburn. Sask., are visiting with friends here. .Mr. Long has sold out his possessions in the West and will locate somewhere in Ontario. It is about twelve yean; since Mr. and Ma-s. Long moved West i'rom this village. -Mr. and Mrs. Gamey Magee inot» oi-ed over to Drayton recently and vis- ited with Mrs. Magee's sister. Mr. Gordon Henderson and Mr. Cur- rie, of London, are visiting- with the former's mother here. Miss Mae Whiteoak is vis:iting with her parent-3. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart of Wareham :^pent Sunday v.-ith Mr. and Mrs. Car- ney Magee. Miss Millie C'oultharj nicse in training at Durham hospital, visited her parental home here recently. Mrs. Donnely of AUenford is vis- iting with her daughter, Mr.>. Eby, here at present. Mrs. ir. .Alexander was called to Flesherton on .Monday, her mot her being very ill at her daughter's. Mrs. .\lbert Stewart's. Don't forget to come to the school concert hero on Dec. 22. Service in the Presbyterian church Fevershani every Sunday at 7.30 p.m. Subject for next Sunday "My Moth- •>r'3 Bible." The minister, Mi. Voung, will preach. The Presbyterian Ladies' Aid. Fe- .ersham, held a very successful bazaar on Saturday, December 11 th. Fancy work and homemade baking was sold and lunch was served. The juni of S70.00 was realized. NOIHINATION NOTICE. XOIINATION NOTICE. .Vi4lage of Flesherton. TAKE NOTICE that a meeting of the electors of the .said village of Flesherton v.-ill be held in the town hall on Monday, the 27th inst., at 7 o'clock p.m., to nominate candidates ;'or the offices of Reeve, Councillors and school trustees for 1926. If a poll is required the same will be opened at my office on Monday, the ;5rd day of January, 1927, at 9 o'clock a. m. to receive the votes of the Electors for such offices. GOD SAVE THE KING. â€" W. J. BELLAMY. â€"Clerk. Dec. 15, 1926. Township of Artemesia Newmarket can boast of a world's record. In the world laying contest at Kansas City a Plymouth Rock hen owned by French Brother? won the world's record for her breed, lay- ing 333 eggs in 365 days. NOTICE ir, hereby given that a meeting of the Electors of the Town- ship of .Artemesia will be held at the Township Hall, Flesherton, on- Monday, the 27th day of December, 1926, at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of nominating candidates for the offices of Reeve, Deputy-Reeve and Coun- cillors for the year 1927. If more than the necessary number of can- didatts are nominated and a poll is required, the same w-ill he opened in the several polling divisions at 9 o'clock a.m., and remain open until 5 o'clock p.m. on Monday, the 3rd day of January. 1927. for receiving the votes of the said electors. GOD SAVE THE KING. â€" W. J. BELLAMY. â€"Clerk, Dec. 15. 1926. Read The .A-dvance "Small Advts." G. S. Harrison of Eso.uesing: town- ship is suffering with two broken bones just below the knee as a result of cranking his car in gear. Will. Gray of Gananoqno was fined S20 and 810 costs for raffling an auto, contiary to the law. BATES BURIAL CO. FUNEKAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNERAL PARLORS 122-124 Avenue Road, TORONTO Telephone: KIngsdale 1344 J. W. Bates. R. Maddocks. HOUSE OF GLUALITV We have just received a shipment of: Oyster Shell, Tankage, Beef- Scrap, Poultry Grit, Botie Phosphate, Oil Cake. I WHEN IN TOWN CALL AND GET OUR PRICES. I W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour. Feed, Seod>, Grocariea and Confectionery Flesherton -c'?