i:hje /tel)ttt0tt a Vol 46 No. 24 Flesherton, Ontario November 24, 1926 W. H. Thurston 6c Son, Proprietors EUGENIA I stone of Drayton, Mr. and Mrs. Tuohy 'and family of Meaford, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. D. McTavish of Flesherton '^''^.''^ â„¢"'P%^"'^ '""' ^'^tf' «"^ visited with her sister. Mrs. j^ke , D'<=kie Hoy of Toronto and Mr and Williams i *' '^*'"^** Magee of Feversham, Mr. John Beecrift of Owen Sound .^^^^^f ''*'»' ^'- «"d Mrs. Alex. Hoy visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Pedlar '^^^""y- . , ... recently Considering the night, there was a Baby 'Arthur Proctor has been on'^"''^ attendance at the political meet- tliP sick list the oaat week We are !"^ "\ ^"* ^^" ^^^^ °" Tuesday evgn- tiie sick list the past weeK. we are -^^^^ ^^^^ j,^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^j^.^^. ^ ^ers pleased to learn that he is recovering. . n t • i i-v /-. i_ n ,, . â- ., , T,r-„. , ^ ,were Dr. Jamieson and Dr. Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. W illiams and son, r,_ -^ . i, , â- „ . â- , , . , ' Dr. Campbell spoke on government Jos., of Toronto visited a few days â- , j n, ,^ ^ . ^1.4. .,',., , ^ „ ^ . control and the O.T.A., saying that with their duughter, Mrs. EHwood ^ , • • o j *• ' ^ I out of nine provinces in Canada five 1 had government control, which had Partridge, and other relatives. '.ilr. E. Eowbottom returned from Toronto last Wednesday. We arc pleased to report Mr. Thos. Skinner almost well again after his recent illness. Mr. J. McDonald has arrived home from the West. John spent the har- MAXWELL been secured by either Liberal or U. F. O. candidates. No Conservative government had yet brought in gov- ernment control, and if government control is brought into Ontario it will be controlled differently to what it is in other provinces. It will be an vest season out there and had a very , ^ ^ ^.u "<-. t » j u , . ' amendment to the O.T.A. and an hon pleasant trip. est endeavor to put Ontario in a little hotter condition than it is to-day. Mr. John Magee, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. E. Wickens and daugh- , , . . , , ter, of Flesherton, visited in Shel- . very successful time, securing 12 (^^^^^^ ^^ g^^^^^^ Messrs. Munshaw, Proctor, Purvis and Morgan have returned from their hunting adventure in the north. .. Mr. Purvis informs us that his party had deer. Mr and Mrs Fred Duckett and fam- ily spent Sunday with the former's father, Mr. J. H. Duckett. Our teacher. Miss Mildred Johnston and pupils are busy preparing for a school concert near Christmas. We wish them every success. Dr. Jamieson favored cheaper credit lor long term years. It has been low- ered and he hopes to see it down to at least 5 per cent. He was not alto- getlier in favor of old age pensions, as he thought many would not lay any- thing by for old age if they kfifew they could get a pension when that On Saturday, November 20th, the ' ^^.^^^ ^.^^ reached. ' The Douglas boys Ladies' Aid of the United church held ^^^ ^1^^;^. fj^^^er delighted the audi- a very successful bazaar in the Or- g^^g ^.jth ^ number of vocal selec- ange Hall in the afternoon and even- f.^^^^^ ^j^^y ^^^ wonderful singers, ing. There was fruit, baking, fancy .^^^ ^^.^ .^.y, ^g pleased to hear them work, candy, etc., for sale. Many agjji^ enjoyed a lunch of hot dogs, pie, cake, sandwich and tea. There was a con-! j^gj MOUNTAIN test as to who could guess correctly j the number of chocolates in a box. ,. /-. . tt u 1. j -, ^ ^ T, ^ i.1- u Messrs. Carl Humberstone and Mr. Ernest Proctor was the one who „, ... j >»• «i „ , , ^ â- rr.!. Thompson iVllen, and Miss Alma won the chocolates as a prize. The ,t ^ .. t r. 1 j ti , J , ^ , Humberstone, Joe Cook and Harry most popular young lady contest was ^. ,. ^-l. , j .,;i.i, .'^ ,,. - „. ,, „, ' Hovenen, spent the week end with won by Miss Irene Walker. There j. ._j_ _.„ A „:ii. was a fish pond in which many found pleasure. The articles which were left unsold were auctioned off by Mr. W. E. Morgan, who made quite a cap- able auctioneer. Miss Georgina Smith had a radio friends in Orangeville. Mrs. E. Fawcett has returned to her home after spending a month with her son at Epping. The young people of this neighbor- hood attended the shooting match ..„,..,„..,, ,, , and dance on Friday at Mr. Thomas installed m the Smith home ^Monday. , gj^jti^'g Duncan. We wish them much pleasure ini ^ number from here attended the- "listening in." pjublic meeting at Kimberley on Fri- Master Hedley Lehman of Toronto, ^y gygning. who is staying with his grandparents, [ jyjj. ^if^ed Graham of Kimberley is Mr. and Mrs. Jal(9 WAiUiams, has 1 visiting friends on this. line at pres- coramenced his school career. He is gnt. a bright little pupil. HOLDFAST CLU3. Held Over Last Week. Misses Ha Magee and Gertrude Greenaway have gone to Toronto to secure positions. Success, girls. ' Mr. and Mrs. Levi Duckett and daughter, Violet, of Maxwell, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ge- noe. Misses Mary and Isabel McKee of Toronto., and gentlemen friends, vis- ited over Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McKee. Mr. Will Magee is spending a few days in Toronto, attending the Royal Winter Fair. Mrs. Earltf and little son. of Toron- to, are visiting her cousin, Mrs. Geo. Benson. Messrs. Francis Genoe, Stanley Campbell, and Thomas Fenwick. were in Owen Sound aaj'jurymen last week. . Mr. James Harbottle of East Moun- tain, spent Sunday with Mr. Charles Martin. ' Miss Mabel Hoy of M*?aford has re- turned heme to visit her mother, Mrs. .'Vlex, Hoy, who is ill. We hope Mrs. Hoy will sooii be well again. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin and family, in company with Mr. J. Har- bottle,. visited Flesherton friends. Mr. Oliver, tb«y-tJ.F.O. candidate, held a political ftie'eting in the hall here on Wednesday evening, Nov. 3rd. Other speakers were Miss A. C. Mac- Phail, and Miss McKessock of Walters Falls. We arc informed that Mr.' Ol- iver gave a fine address, upholding the O.T..\. Mr. .\. F. Pedlar acted as chairman. Mr. and Mrs. E. Simmons and Mr. The annual meeting of the U»P.W. 0. Holdfast Club, Grey County, was held at the home of Mrs. J. Hogarth with a good attendance of members and visitors. The meeting opened W singing Canada and repeating the Lord's Prayer. After the. usual baei- ncss the elecition of officers then took place and resulted as follows: Mrs. J. Nichol, Jr., President; Mrs. D. Campbell, ist"^'ice; Mrs. J. Hog- arth, 2nd Vice; Mrs. Will Beaton, Secretary; Directors â€" 5t*^s. .\rchie Stewart. Mrs. Emerson Whitens, Mrs. Edgar Patterson. Mrs. R* Best. Mrs. Dougald MacPhail. Mrs. Porter Baird. Flower Committee â€" Mrs. R. Best, Mrs.. A. Carson, Mrs. J. Stewart. Mrs. J. K. MacLeod. Mrs,..D. Camp- lielL was appointed ddegate to the :'.nnual convention at Toronto. The meeting closed hy singing the Na- tional .\nthem. Refreshments wei-e served, both amnle and dainty. An enjoyable social time was spent. The m>xt" meetin.g will bo held at the home iif Mrs. R. Stewart and Mrs. Duncan Muir, Flesherton, Dec. 8th. Election day is only one week away now. Let us aU get out and defend the O.T.A. We don't want liquor, as you will all agree. Ontario has pros- pered under the 0. T. A. The young people who gave the play, "Aaron Slick from Punkin Crick," here some time ago, intend giving it at Providence on Friday evening. Come and hear it. The Osprey U.F.Y.P.O. met at the home of Mrs. Poole on Friday evening the main featui^ of the evening being the election of officers for the ensu- ing year, also other important items were' discussed. Lunch was serv'ed and a very enjoyable time was spent. Mr. and Mrs. L. Kerton and Me'ssrs. H. Guy, Geo. Ross, and M. Nicholls, motored to Toronto and attended the winter fair. They returned Saturday. Miss Alice Winters attended the W. I. convention in Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Poole and Mr. and Mrs. L. Bro^vnridge visited with friends in Collingwocd on Thursday last. Mr. F. Oliver held a meeting here Tuesday evening. Miss MacPhail aiso spoke. Tlie hall wa : vvell fHledv although the wsather was disa.gree- able. The Institute was postponed until Thursday, Nov. 25. It will be held at the home of Mrs. A. Long as was stated in last week's paper. Preparations are being made for a Sunday school Christmas concert. It will be held on Christmas eve, so keep the date open. KIMBERLEY SOCI.\L AT PROVIDENCE A social will be held at Providence United Church by the Ladies' Aid on Friday evening, November 26th. A good play will be given by the young people of Maxwell United chifrch. Lunch served. Admission: Adults 35c., Children 20c. SHOOTING M.\TCH. V Monday, Nov. 29, at Lot 5 and B,' Con. 3 N. D. R., Osprey. Shooting starts 1.30. Geese, du'cks. turkeys. .Ammunition supplied for shot guns. G. A. WILSON. Miss Murelda Taylor is recovering from her recent attack of pneumonia. Nurse Walker of Thornbury, who was in charge, returned to her home on Saturday. We are very 'Sony to report a re- cent paralytic stroke suffered by Mr. Hazzard Ward. He is at present holding his own and we sincerely hope for a speedy recovery. Messrs. D. L. Weber and John Web- er and the Misses Wilda and Geral- dine, were in Markdale on Saturday attending the funeral of the late Mr. Brady. Messrs. D. L. Weber and A. Mc- Lean went to Owen Sound on Monday to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. Orrie McLean. Mr. F. R. Oliver held a splendid political meeting in the hall on Fri- day night, and we hope the "drys" may be as well represented at the polls on Wednesday, Dec. 1. Miss MacPhail ably assisted the candidate while Mr. R. D. Carruthers occupied the chair. Mr. Haddon Hutchinson had the misfortune to cut his foot with an axe last week and is laid up for some time. Rev. Mr. Stotesbury gave a fine temperance sermon on Sunday even- ing,', explaining the reasons for the church taking .any part in such a vital question, while it is mixed up with politics. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. .\bercrombie of Oshawa spent the week end with ! Mrs. Thomas Abercrombie. Mr. Harold Thompson of Flesherton H. S. spent the week end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Mansell Cook and children of Walters Falls spent a couple of days last week with Mrs. Fergus. Nurse Burritt is in Flesherton nursing Mrs. John Nujjn. Mr. J. .A.. Stuart and Miss Fern spent a couple of days with Mrs. W. T. Ellis. The hunters returned early owing to the deer being plentiful. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ellis arc mov- ing to Mr. J. A. Stuart's house. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weber spent part of last week in Toronto. Miss Wilda Weber has purchased a Gerrard Heintznian piano. ROCK MILLS t ONWARD" NEWS Mr. John Port«ou8 spent a few days last week at the winter fair in Toronto. Prayer meeting will be held in the Baptist church on Thursday night as usual. Messrs. John and Lewis Newell and George CoUinson, of Durham, were callers at Charles Newell'a on Thursday evening of last week. Mrs. E. Dargavel of Dornoch is vis- iting at the home of her son here, Mr. James Dargavel. I The services in Salem church will be discontinued for the winter months | and will be held in the houses. Meet- ing next Sabbath evening will be at the home of Mrs. C. Newell will be conducted by someone from the Bible School at Proton. A meeting w&s held in the church ilonday evening, when it was decid- ed to hold a Christmas tree enter- tainment on Thursday, Dec. £3rd in : Rock Mills Baptist Church. Practis- ' ing will commence at once. Mrs. Elwood Partridge and family ' of Eugenia, spent a couple of days ; lasi week with Mrs. A. Partridcre. Car accidents seem to have beer. : quite numerous last week, as there were no les.s than three' occuring in this vicinity, but we are happy to know that no seriou'3 damage was done. Mrs. Earl Croft has been at the home of Mr. Robert Croft here for a few days as a result of having bocn hurt in an accident when a car struck her buggy, throwing the occupants out, but we were pleased to knov/ thac Mrs. Croft was able to go horae after a few days. Mr. James Dargavel attended the winter fair in Toronto last week. Winter seems to be setting in, with fall plowing and other work much in arrears. Some have not yet taken up their turnips. Mr. A. D. Irwin held a successful auction sale recently. Mr. Irwin and family are moving to Woodford after Dec. 1st, having exchanged property with Mr. McKay of that place. Mr. A. Currie is preparing to instal the convenient telephone. Owing to bad weather the Club meeting last Thursday was not largely attended. The next meeting will take place on Dec. 9th. A large crowd attended the nomina- tion meeting in Markdale on .Saturday Ihst. Mr. F. R. Oliver: U.F.O. can- didate, received a splendid hearing in his first nomination speech. Four more weeks until the merry festival. Miss Marion Muir, teacher at thn O. D. R., is preparing the scholars for the annual Christm.as concert. at a close, and winter work has : ot yet begun. Saturday evening, the 20th, Mr. Ol- iver held a meeting in the old Meth' odist church. Quite a number were present. Some are sure Mr. Oliver will win the day, and others are cer- tain tiiat Dr. Jamieson will be the winner. But the first of December will decide the question. The ma- jority in this district, we think, will not be able to uphold the present O. T. A., as it seems to be helping the bootleggers around, more and more each year. What we want and *vish for is some new idea that will keep down the liquor and stop the making of moonshine. Mrs. Buchan of Toronto is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Aldcorn over the week end. EXECUTOR'S S.\LE OF FAR.M LANDS. PRICEVILLE We are getting a taste of real winter, wo believe, this week end, but stiil wo hope for a few- nice days be- fore Christmas. Times are rather quiet around here at present, v.'ith the exception ^ olec- The executor of the estate of the late Mrs. Mary Fletcher, who died on or about the 16th day of Sep- tember, 1926, will offer for sale by public aa',lction on the property, lots 78 and TO in the ord Con. of the town- ship of Artomesia, and lots "9 and 80 in the 2nd Con. of the same tov.Tiship on Saturday. Dec. 11. 1926. The sale will ki subject to a reserve bid of .S5,000. Terms will be made known at time of sale. THOS. FLETCHER. G. DUNCAN • 'â- . .Auv.-i'-neer. BATES BURIAL CO. FU.NEftAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNER.\L P.\RLORS 122-124 Avenue Road, TORONTO Telephone: KIngsdale 4344 J. W. Bates. \ R. Maddocks. CEYLON Miss M. Stewart assisted on the program at the fowl supper in Mark- dale on Wednesday evening and her numbers were much enjoyed. Mr. Jas. Kilpatrick, Mr. Thos. Thompson and daughter, Ethel, of Kincardine visited over the week end at R. Cooke's. Mr. Arden Whittaker, who a short time ago had the misfortune to break an arm while cranking an engine and had just got it out of the plaster c(E paris, v.as walking on the road Thurs- day r'srht. As the road was very slip- pery ! : fell, breaking his arm again. Much L^ympathy is felt for him in his trouble. Mr. J. C. McLachlan and sister, Mrs. WHfred Snider and babe, of To- ronto motored up and spent the week Dnd with their father, Mr. D. D. McLachlan. Mr. and Mrs. Sharpe (nee Minnie Mc.^rthur) and babe of Red Creek, N. Y., visited with Mrs. Anna McMillan over the "vcek end and called on old neighbors. Mr. .S. Hemphill and daughters. Maud and F.eta, attended the funeral of Mr. Spiers at Feversham on Mon- day. Mr. N. Archibi'.ld spent a coiiple of days in Toronto visiting relatives the past wee'-. " Mrs. Wir.o oH.Owen Sound called on Mrs. Wh L ? the ipast v/eek. Mr. and Mrs. TScs. Irwin and two sens attJiided the funeral of Mrs. Irwin's unde, Jlr. Brady, at Mark- dale on Sunday. Mr. Davis, student of Toronto, took the service Sunday morning. Rev. McRoberts will have charge on Sunday next. Mr. McRoberts is a Very able speaker and v.c hoiic for a good oongregation. NEW GOODS ARRIVING DAILY NEW PALL GOOD.*; AT VALUES THAT ARE UNBE.VTABLE. COME AND SEE, A LOOK WILL CONVINOC YOU. Heavy Rubbers. ^ Golaishes. Pullover Rubbers to fit all lasts 12 and !5 inch Leather Tod Rubbers. Rubber Boots. ': Tan, Brjwn and Black Men's Boots and Oxfords. Silk anc'. Wool or Cashmere Hosierv. Wool Ribbed Under*-ear. Men's and Boys' Overcoats Penman's No. 95 Wool Underwear. Silk and Wool Underwear and Combinations. Mackinaw Coats and Trousers. Mackinaw Suits for Boys. FALL MILLINERY REDUCED TO HALF PRICE. F. G. RARSTEDT FLESHERTON PROTON STATION For Gold Weather Men's & Women's Goloshc^ Light Rubbers of all Kin4s HEAVY RUBBERS for the Wet and Cold Come in and see them. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON Warning to Users of Radio All Radio Receiving S«ts MUST be Licensed; Ponalty oti suniniary conviction is a fine not exceeding $50.00. ^ LICENSE FEE $1.00 PER ANNUM Licenses, valid to 3lst March. 1927. nuiy bo obtained from : Staff Post Offices. Radio Dealers, Radio Inspec- tors or from Radio r.ranch. Department of Marine and Kislicries. (Ottawa. A. JOHNSTON, Dep. Minister Marine & Fisheries. VANDELEUR Mr. F. R. Boland spent a few days in Toronto last week. Mrs. Ben Wiiite of the west back line, is visiting her sister. Mrs. J. H. Holley. The November meeting of the Lad ies' Aid was held at the home of Mrs. Lundy Johnston on Tuesday of last week. Mr. Jack Taylor attended a short course at the Ontario Agricultural College for a couple of days, and then took part in the judging competition at the Royal fair in Toronto. The November meeting of the Wo- men's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. F. R. Boland on Thursday af- terno<>n of last week. X good prog- ram was provided by the members. Temperance people in this commu- nity are well pleased with the strong and clear-cut stand taken by The Ad- vance on the great moral isssue be- fore the people. .\n temperance peo- ple should get behind the official tcm- (wrance candidate for the riding. It was with sorrow that the people of Proton Station and vicinity learned of the death in Toronto of Mrs. Geo Binnie, a former niuth-respected resi- dent a short distance from this vill- age. After over forty years of life on tlieir fine farm about one and a half years ago Mrs. Binnie. with her late husband, moved to Toronto to be with their daughters. A series of painful accidents seemed to be her misfortrie, followed by an attack of pneumonia which proved fatal. She died on November 15th and on Nov- ember 18th she was laid to rest in Flesherton cemetery beside her hus- band, who predeceased her about six months ago. Five daughters are • left to mourn the loss of a devoted i mother: Mrs. Boyd of Flesherton. Mrs. J. C. Wright of Hamilton, Misses ) Mabel. Clara and Mildred of Toronto. Roy Hergott has been under the care of Dr. Martin lately and is now recovering from an attack of t'nroat trouble. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wright were 1 callers in this villagfc on Friday last. MOUSE OF GIUALITY GROCERIES Wo carry a full line of Fresh Groceries. SPECIAL PRICES ON COOKING ONIONS in sacks or 50 pound lots. CONFECTIONERY: Neilson's Fancy Boxes and Bulk Choco- lates; Patterson's Bars. Try their Wild Fire. FLOUR & FEED Purity and Five Roses, Bran, Shorts, Screenings, Rolled Oats, Oat Chop, Barley Chop, Cracked Com, Wheat, Whole Com. SALT â€" Barrels and Sacks. Store Closed Tuesday and Thursday nights. I W. J. STEWART 8i SONS Flour, Fe?d, Seeds, Grocert«« and Confectionery Flesherton mf «:*::, ^'C: l' -«4jil?''- ''^- fc-^ -^.