y "WEDNESDAY, NOV. Srd, 192« THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Public Meetings IN THE 1NTERESTS,0F HON. DR. JAMIESON Liberal Conservative Candidate FOR SOUTH GREY WIIX BK HELD AS FOLLOWS: Thursday, Novembtfr 4th, Massey Friday, November 5th, Goring Saturday, November ♦'th. Maxwell Tuesday, November 9th, Eugenia •Wednesday, November 10th, Holland Centre Thursday, November 11th, Feversham Friday, November 12th- Singhampton Monday, November 15th, Rocklyn All meeiiiips uil commence at 8 o'chjck and will be acklressed bv the candidae and others. Banquet Given to Honor Ball Teams Klcld ill Chalmer's Church 'I'uesday Evening â€" Miss L. Lever Won the T. W. I-'indlay Prize Presentation Ki; KIA X KLAN. I GOD SAVE THE KING SEE OUR Window Specials G.D.B. PIPE $3.75 NICKLE PLATED FLASHLIGHT FREE. BILLY PIPE $1.00 FOUNTAIN PEN FREE. WRIST WATCH $ 15.00 Vz DOZEN SPOONS FREE. INGERSOL ALARM CLOCK $4.50 • VACUUM BOTTLE FREE. AND MANY OTHERS TOO NUMEROUS TO MKN'ITON. EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT VISIT OUR BARGAIN TABLE. W. A. Armstrong &S on Established 1889 Was Fine Social Evening The boy.i' baseball toani, winners of the Centre Grey Championship, and the young: ladies' suTtball team were tendered a banquet in Chalmer's United Church on Tuesday evening of this week, when a large crowd was in attendance to do honor to the teams that represented Flesherton this year. During the evening Mr. Thos. W. Findlay presented hia prize of a fine wicker fern stand to ft^iss Luella Lever for the most sportsmanlike manner of conducting herself in the gaes played throughout the year. Mrs. F. J. Seeley was second and won h serving tray,' while Miss Male Mc- Tavish received honorable mention as a close second. In return Mias of mocha gloves for his interest in the welfare of the team. Mr. Findlay was completely taken by surprise by the gift. ^ Toasts were given to the King; to the ba.scball boys, proposed by Mr. W. Turncy, president of the Centre Grey League and rus))ondod to by Mr F. J. Thurston, secretary of the local club; to the girls, proposed by Dr. A. Tunibull and responded to by Mrs. (Dr.) Murray; to True Sports- manship, proposed by Mr. Wesley Armstrong and responded to by Mr. ! T. W. Findlay; to the community, i proposed by Mr. F. H. W. Ilickling ! and responded to by Messrs. Wm. I Miller and Alex Cameron. During I the toa.-5t list music was supplied by • Mr. Haniwiek, Miss M. Stewart and Mrs. J. Perkins, who rendered very fine solos. Reeve Meads spoke a few words on the honor it gave the I town to have two such teams as we I have had this year. Mr. .Frank Mclntyre of Dundalk apoke a few words and congratulated the Flesh- erton team on winning the trophy and expressed the good-will of the Dundalk team to the winners. The evening was very much enjoy- ed by the large number of those in- terested in the welfare of the team*. Good fellowship reigned supreme on Wedtje.sday evening, October 27, at the Home of Mr. and Mrs. Dou- Kuld MiiPhail on the occasion of a J surprisejvisit by the noi-jhbors. Mr. Donald Stewart was master of cere- monies and arranged a good pro-] gram. Speeches were n-ade by Mr.| Alox. Carson and Will MacKenzie,! and humorous readini;:; given by' Mrs. Dan Campbell and Mrs. Alex } Carson. The following address waB| then read by Mrs. Andrew Hincks,' and a beautiful pyrex caserole in a silver frame was presented by Mrs. Donald Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Mac- Phail were deeply touched by the kindness of their friends. Both spoke fitting words of thanks. A social evening was spent, and just when lunch was on Miss Agnes MacPhail and Mr. Farquhar Oliver came in from a political meeting. Mr. Stewart insisted on a speech from both. Farquhar, in a few words, expressed his understanding of the desire of the neighbors to give -iome expression of their good will on the occasion of the MacPhail fam- ily leaving the farm home they have occupied for 24 years, even although they would still be in the neighbor- hood Agnes would only con.sent to speak if 'she could talk about .so'mething less touching that her ap- p.reciation. She told of her tri|) to Boston and of her joy that Canada is a younc: country yet in the making. .She appreciated the friendliness of the Amerifans, and complimented the English accent and manners of the Bostonip.ns. Singing Auld Lang Syne brought the evening to a close. Following is the address: Mr. and Mrs. Doufcald MacPhail and Miss Agnes: Dear Friends, â€" We, youii' friendii It is said that a branch of the Ku Kliix KJaii has been organized in Flesherton. This village has ahvays been a fine stamping ground for new organizations, and all have flourished for a time. On Thursday evening last seven gentlemen drove into town in a big Packard car and proceeded to en- lighten' about thirty people who had arsembled in Clayton's Hall by spec- ial invitation, as to the aims and ob- jects of the Ku Klux Klan. The stran- gers were all disguised and at the close the speaker asked all present to swear to secrecy as to what they had heard and reen. Of course in a small place like Flesherton it is impossible to belong to an organiitrtion of this kind without having one's identity known, and the names of all those present at the meeting and tho^e who belong to the order and were instru- mental in bringing the band of organi- zers here are well kno'wn. The meeting was opened with a special prayer for the success o;f the order. A card containing a couple of verses was handed around_ These Verses were a prfrody on "Let. the Lights be Burning," and the words substituted were, "Let the Fiery Cross be burning, send a gleam across the sky!" A couple of village ladies i presided at the organ We understand I that twS or three young men signified 1 their desire to attach themselves to :the Klan. ADDITIONAL LOCALS Mr. Petty and son, John, of Dur- iham, were visitors at W. Moore's over Sunday. Miss Kate Jamieson spent a few days with Mrs. Robert McMa.ster before going to Toronto. We are pleased to report Master George McMaster, who has been ill, as recovering. Mrs. W. I. Henry returned on Tues« day from Berkeley, where she had spent a couple of weeks with her son Everett. The young ladies' class of th* United Chjjrch Sunday schol enter- tained the young men of the congre- gation to a Hallowe'en social in Chalmer's Church on Monday even- Lo'wer ing and a rousing time was enjoyed. Small Advertisements BOAR FOR SERVICE FOR SALE j APPLES FOR SALEâ€" Be^t varie- j No. 92-7'J630. Also a young Yorfc ties apples, all hand picked, cheapâ€" i shire pig, both bacon type for serrlef K. A. Graham, Clarksburg. jon lot 176, N.W. T. & S.R., PIGS FOR SALEâ€" Nine young pigs C weeks old, cheap. Apply to Alex. Hutton, R.R. 2, Flesherton. ;Termsâ€" fl.OO. -T. J. STINSON. FOR SALE â€" Comb honey, also extracted, prices right and quality the best. â€" Ge(^ W. Graham, Eugenia. FOIV- SALEâ€" Good steel tired and ' neighbors, assembled here to- .''"t'ey, with auto seatâ€" W. J. Stewart BOAR FOR SERVICE & Sons, Flesherton. FOR ^ ALE â€" Young pigs ready to go after November 2nd, â€" Robt. Best, Proton Station P.O. Mr. and Mrs. Dawson Gordon and family of Wareham visited the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc- Master. lasiaiaist^iaiaHafaiBJSiBjaEiMaiai SIX HILL STORES W* buy togathar in ordar Ikal ovreuBtocn«n in th* ais eom- nnuniW«« nafr materially b«n- «fll individually. F. L HILL & CO., Ltd Marktiale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instinct-W iveiy aecoctates with hish^ quality merchandise at thd@ faired poiaible prtcef . ^ LADIES' COATS MODES IN VELOURS, DUVETYN, N EEDLEPOINT & TWEED CLOTHS. COLLARED AND CUFFED WITH FASHIONABLE FURS. COLORS: BROWN, OUPE, RED & SAND. SIZES FROM 16 TO 20 YEARS, 36 TO 44, u. j^i^SIZE. SPECIALLY PRICED AT $15.00 TO $19.75. night to spend a few social hours i with you before your departure frAm our immediate midst to take up resi- dence in Ceylon. You are not going far, hence we will .still have (^he pleasure of neighboring with you in a sense, but we felt we could not let you leave without expressing our appreciation of you. As neighbors and friends you are unsurpassed, aj joy to know, ever ready to give .n hel'-iog hand, sharing your joys and lightening our carOs. We taeasife your friendship. Mr and Mrs. Mac- Phail are widely known and respec- ted, and Agnes has shown her ability and geniu$ in her untiring and painstaking service as our worthy M. P. We may well bo proud of the. distinction she has brought to this community. As you, Mr. and Mrs. MacPhail, retire to a less active life, we hope you may be spared many years of health and happiness, and that not the least ^f your happiness may come from remmiscences of your association with your neighbors. As^ MONEY TO LOAN â€" A sum of a token of our sincere regard for yoyx\^^y ^^ ^^^^ security. Anply at I we ask you to accept this gift, not >[j,jg ^ff j^e for its value alone, but as a smafll remembrance^ May "God's richest blessings attend you Come to see us often, that we con- tinue to enjoy your companionship. Signed on behalf of your neighbors, â€" Mrs. Donald Stewart, Mrs. A. S. Hincks. Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- viceâ€" Edgely Bright Vim, No. 99,99« â€" Property of Sangeen Bacon Hog Club. Terms ll.flQ. â€" C. KINDLE, Prcton Station. Lots 168-9, 3rd W.T.S.R., Artemesia. JERSEY BULL FOR SERVICE _,^„ c, . T T-. /^ J u . , :â- I R*B'stered Jersey bull for service. FOR SALE -Good brick veneered -gire: Brampton Jersey Conscript; house for sale m Flesherton; 8 rooms, D^^. Brampton Petunc'.s Lady, main street; convenient to the highjpee: §5.00 at time of ser^-ico. school. Apply to S. Osborne, Town. „ r a rji py FOR SALEâ€" Building lot for sale Flesherton, Ont. in the \^Illage of Flesherton, iialf ac- re, opposite the high school. â€" Mrs. Ellen Parker, Fleal»eTton. FOR SALE â€" , 6 Head of 2-year- old Cattle, 4 steers and 2 heifers; would make good short-keep feeders | â€"'Alex. Cameron, Eugenia. Phone | Feversham. S. E. DeCUDMORE PHONE 53, FLESHERTON General Insurance Specialist Real Estate and Investments â€" Inquiries Solicited â€" MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE â€" Chopping done Tues- days and Saturdays â€" Graham Bros., Eugenia. Extra Specials No 1 rack at Half Price. No 2 rack at a Special Price of .$5.00 500 yds. pure Linen 'JV)uellinj4'. spec. 19c. 500 yds I'^lanePette. 36 inches wide, all colors, for 25 c i)er yard. 5 dozen Cushion Tojjs. rejj. 50c. spec. 25c. 5 dozen Congoleuiu Mats, 18x36. 2 lor 35 500 yards of Coatings in brown- blue, white and tweed cloths. Just the thi"g for children's coats. Special Half Price. 20 dozen Ladies' Fleece lined Bloomers. Special 5yc. 20 dozen Children's wool and fleece lined' Hloonicrs Si)ecial 59c. Ladies' and Children's black wool Bloom- ers, all sizes. Sjjccial 59c. Gents' Furnishings Men's Sweater Coats, a good work coat Special .^LSQ. Men's Pullover Sweaters, while they 'ast, $1.48. Boys' Sweater Coats with a good collar A real coat. Special SI. 28. We have placed in stock a full range of Men's a"d Boys' L^nderwcar, all wool and Heecc lino<l at special prices -Mso a fuM range o' Stanfield's Underwear at Si)ecial prices. Men's Wool Socks, regular 50c. Special 3 pairs for .SI. 00. Clothing Dept. .Men's Leather lined Overcoats with fur collar Just t^^e thing for a driving coat. Hill's price $21.95. Men's overcoats; these arc a 'ine that are a little out of style; Good material; regular prices ranging up to *18; while they last, Special $4.98. Boys' Overcoats, ;;izes from 12 to 28; a good serviceable coj^t; values U]) to $8; while they last, Special price $3.98. I'oys' Overcoats, sizes from 30 to 35; regular va'ues up to $13.50; out ihev go special Price $6.98. M^'s Suits; still a'few left, sizes 36 to 40, of our broke" lines; values up to $24.50; Special Price $14.95. Men's Felt Hats, all colors; Values up to .$5.00; Special .$2.48. Boot & Shoe Dept. Kadies' Heavy Boots; a good boot for 'a'l wear: reg $3.50 and »3.75 for .$2.75 Men's Rubber Boots, strong and dur- able; a bargain at $3.50 a pair. 50 pairs Women's High Top Shoes, ^ine kid quality; special low pricvc $1 pair Ladies' »Spats, al shades and heights; Extra Special Price of $1.00. F.T. HILL & Co., Limited, Markdale ^.'ani Death of Mary Mclnnes Our community was deeply sad- dened on Tuesday,' Oct 2()> Avhen Mary Mclnnes, one of our oldest pioneers, passed away at the age of 77 years, eight months, ^llthough ailing for some_time, her death came as a great shock to the family and friends. Mra. Mclnnes came with her hus- band. Duncan Mclnnces, who pre-de- ceased her thirteen years ago, and settled on the old homestead on the â- Ith line, Osprey. where she has re- sided for fifty-nine years. To them were horn eight children â€" Archie of Mclntyre, Annie (Mrs. D. Winters) Maxwell, Hector of Mclntyre, Jes- sie (Mr.<. Levi Loughced), Minnie (Mrs. Isaac Loughced), Sandy and Alec, all of Brownlee, Sask ; Sara (Mrs. B. C. Nerff), who died at Brownlee in 1018 Mrs. Mclnnes was a faithful Wcmber of the Mclntyre Presbyterian church for many years. Rev. Shannon preached a very com- forting discour.se . The pall bearers were: Allan Campbell, Geo. Mcln- tyre, Alec. Camqbell, Alec Mclntyre. B. McLean and Archie Mclntyre. Bo- sides her three daughters and four sons, she leaves to mourn her loss three sisters â€" Mi.sscs Flora and Jujia Campbell, Mrs. H. McLean, Fever- sham; and three brothersâ€" Allen, llonald and Malcolm; also thirty- nine grandchildren and six great crandchildren. Those from a dia- trince attending the funeral were: Mrs Levi LouKheod, Mrs. Isaac I.ouijheed, Mr. Sandy. Mclnne.i, all • if Brownlee, Sask.; Miss .Mamie RInck,,Savnia; Mrs. Jack Ln\vndc.'« nrd Jfr .Mien Campbell, of CoUing- wood. Much sympathy is expressed for the bereaved family. NOTICE â€" Carload of oats, corn and screening to arrive November 1. â€" W. J. Stewart & Sons, Flesherton. MIDDLE BRO & BURNS Barristers, etc Oflficesâ€" Owen Sound, Dnrham and Flesherton. Fleshertoti evfflj Saturday afternoon and evening. FARMS FOR SALE Oil the Toronto Line ProvfaaW Sighway. Three farnu, two of^ip acres and one of BO<acree all cleu«ll First class bnildin^s, up to date B>. every particular, Wni sell any oaa of these. Gopd brick house on enSic, the fai-ms. The stabUnff for Afllf. TAKE WARNINGâ€" HuntinjT and mals is perfect Ou fanr. hsBkte trapping on lots 176, 177, 178 and 179, acres Jiardwood bush aad* aoetite S.W.T. & S.R., and one lot. No. 177|ntindred has three acres of timSV â€" *i. „„„» T s. a-o _*_:«ii.. *»_v:j (tnd has buildinosa for everythiW needed, includiaj poultry heoaa ««! pig pens. No broken land and f-imt of weeds. Any person intentaW should investigate -T. J. STINSON. ProtM Statlea P.«. north-cast T. & S.R., strictly forbid- den. Any hounds found trespassing on said lots will be shot. â€" Thos. J. .Stinson. FARM TO RENTâ€" 100-acres of good farming land, about two and a (luarter miles from Markdale. Reas- onable terms. Apply to Mrs. Sol. Hill Miarkdale, Ont. GRAIN WANTED Imy BUSINESS CARDS I Dr. E. C. Morray, L.BJ1„ j^mttf |«urgeon, honor graduate of Tvtmtm We are in the market for all kinds land Royal College of Dental Sur*«M of grain at Ceylon. Get our prices of Ontario. Gaa administerad Um, before selling. Phone: 2r31. â€"A. C. MUIR, CEYLON. FARM LOR SALE. teeth extraction. Office at reddi Toronto Stret. Flesherton. Dr. A. TnmbnU. BjL, M3, gnA, nate from the Faculty of Hedj^n. 100 acres, lots 141-142, 2nd East T. ! University of Toronto. CHBce IHA and S. R., Artemesia. Brick house, ' ardson Block, Flesherton. PhiTit good frame barn, well watered. Ap- ply to Rev. W. A. Sinclair, Box 309, Whitby, Ont. BOAR FOR SERVICE Prince Arthar I^rfge, 83S, A.R A A.M., meets in the Masonic hall, jf^ strong Block. Flesherton, every 9I|. dajL^n or before the funll moon. Robt . Do^n, W. M.. F. J Thurston. Sec Tamworth boer f<«r service. No. 2-16,816, on Lot 14C â€" 147, 3rd range â€" : -L. MEGGOTT. Lucas & Henry. Barristers, SdMk. Apr. 27. Flesherton ars. ctc..-L B. Lucas, K,a; wTtt FARM FOR SALE Henry, B.A. Cribces, MarkiSale ty ifllm Block, Phone 'i. Branch ofSces at ^ ; Dundalk and Durham. To close an estate a good farm, \ being lot 27, 6th Con., (gravel road) ,p V ~ Osprey, is to be sold on or before '•"•to * Btralev Banlatert, aeB* October 15th. This farm is of good cltors, etc., Offleee â€" GlMy anfl soil with good house and barn and > Block, Owen Sound- StandaM Us?'"'Fo^^7^i;Sa^rs"a^pl.r^ " ' ?'*^^^'^'*-- (S-tunU,.,. W, MRS. Geo. SPENCER, \^- Telford Jr, J. F. p. Btmte. R.R. I, Singhampton. Phone: Feversham j w«. Kaitting. Lleensed A«ettaMr for the counties of Grey ord ntMea, Parm and stork naJee a sp«tiaMy. Terms moderate., MtisfactftW anteed. Arrangements for GEO P.. DUNCAN DITNDAUC LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the county of Grey. Reason- may be made at the Advance »tble terras. Sati^action giMuran- C^tral telephoto office, f\ teed. Dates made at this office. or by ad(fa««8lng me at P< *A ri"ii>ri' â- â- f i' ' i i- ' jm.^;,.i, ' .