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Flesherton Advance, 29 Sep 1926, p. 4

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WEDNKSDAV. SKPTK.MEBR 2J, K5 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE «!« THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on ColVingvood street, FlcshtTton, Wednesday of each we«k. Circulation ovi-r 1100, Price ill Canada, $2.00 per year, when paid in advance $1.5(K In V.S.\. $2.50 per year, when paid in advance |2.0U. W. 11. THURSTON. Editor 'I'u. i\r,(; IS ij}»; lo.Ni; i.ivi; THK kim;. Thf Mfiifhen Government having b'fn d'-'fcatfil in the recent electiitn.s, ur.r of the last acts of the r»'tirin)f <ioviTiior-(iiT.eral was to receive their retiiKnatiun, and to cull on Ki|rht Honcrable Mackenzie Kinif, after a three moiitl..;' rL-ccss, to nsunie Ihu Prcmiorsh'p. Mr. King had his cab- ino* r«?ady, the Con.'iop'ative leader having -"reviously given puttee that he intended to re«i;;n a." Premier a.i well us to retire into private life. will therefore l>e able to mcft in the next few week.s and to complete the work left over when the flurry took place that Jed Mr. KinK to resign the Premiership and to Byng entrii.«ting Mr. ^JeiKhcn Ui conduct the fjeneral election which hii.s .sreiilted so disa.itrously Ln him and hir f.'Ilowers. There have been many excuses for the hhortcon'ings of Parliatnent mi the la.^t fow, :c.-ulting from tlv.' carr.vinsr on of business with prccar- in'i.'* ma.ioritic'? obtained throujjh brtV- gains entered into by rnc or <-ther of the i-'iK^os r'-pranented in th'j IIou~c of Coninion.i. It will not be open for Mr. Kinir in the new Parliament to cxi-u.'.- failure in manofrcment of pi;')- lic affairs on thi.s score, for he has returned him ample majority to do right if h? and bin fi Uowcrs have the niinil t'l. Now let him begin. :in'! not v.vary in well doing. WK !.IKK TO C.ET THK NEWS The main aim of the weekly news- paper is to give news of its own dis trict. It may have other aimi>, s\Kh as to give the merchants a chance to [tell of their good.i in its columns; to Itry to influence public opinion through |its editorials; or to amuse or inutruv-t [but first first of all it mut five the new J. Some of thij news is not easily ub laiiied and no editor can cover it all I without assistance. Therefore we ask lOur readers' assistance. E.ipecially ,is this true when you liaVf visito*.,. Many of the ladies think the person- als the,' most intei citing reading in tl'.i \»ludc paper. Vour visitors usu- ally are glad to s'.-e their name;) piint- 'ed. So send them in. Sometimes people come in and give the impres- sion that they a'"e asking a favor when they want u.; t'o insert ihe n;tn:(-s of their friends who have been spending a few cfhys with them. No subscriber who Iia.s any item of .-cul news need feel that way about it. • • • Expert medical men from all ever the world have during the na.U week been considering the cancer malady. ;The outcome of the discussion has â-  been the sounding of a hopeful not<', I not only a.n to tlie ultimate solution I of llie problem, but as tn the niniiber , of cases that can be prevented and I cured if who suspect that can- cerous conditions are present in tb<'ir I system take prompt action to have expert advice and action. Sir John i Eland Sutton. Vice-President of the rtritljh Career Campaign, and Presi- I dent of the Royal College of .Surgeons 1 asserted that "before all things sur- geons lontr for .'..jme discovery which 1 v.ii! rnal'l ' them to cure cancer by ' ;?ome cunning dru,r introjlucitl into the circulation and thus abolish a I !"ng series of distressing onerutinns. nepial was given to th? authenticity of the alleged discovery of medical expert ; that cancer v.'as caused by a microbe, but the general opinion ex- prer.scd was that a number fl'.' factors invUnIinv siu>ceptibility, lead to the "ciidition; what the experts are after is knowledge that when applied will either prevent or promptly combat the malady. Let us hope they will succeed. By-law No. 8 of 1926 A BY-LAW to provide for drainage work in the Township of Artimesia in the County of Grey ar--d for the borrowing on the credit of the riunJcipality the sum of .$88?. 50, the propcrfiDn to be contributed by the Municipality for th'.^ completion of same. A BV-LAW to provide for drainage work in the Township of .'^rtc- niesia in the County- of Grey -and for the borrowing, on* the credit of the Munirip:ility, the si;r>i of S^SS-'iO the p.-onoriion to be contributed by the Munici');dity for the completion of th; .;anic. P!:f)VI.SIONALLY adopted Uiis ,„ day of ^l'.*2G. WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Proton has taken proceodi ngs to LonsiruL-t a drain in the .said Town.ihip under the i)rovisions of the .V.anici;ial Drainaga .â- \ct, which said d -ain is to be extend-jd or continued in- to the ')".i)\w)shii> of Artomeuia. AXI) WllERE.V.S the :\Iunicipal C)uncil of the Town.?hip of Proton has served the Ileeve of the Tov.nship of .Arteiiiesia with a copy of the report, plans, t;;)Lcificationj, an! estimates of U. W. Chi-istie, ().I,..S., the engineer of the pro|iose(i work, a: rc(|uircd by the Municipal Dn'.i.oaBe Act, and the saiil repc^rt of the said Eiglneer in re;i|ioct thereof and u£ tiie daid drainage work so far as the sam â-  relates to liie 'I'ownship oi' Artc- mesia is as follows. To the Reeve and Council of the Township of Proton: (ientlemen, â€" In accordance wit i your instructions I have made an «xamir.ation of Drain .No. 20 with a v.(_v.\lo making improvenn|its under Section .Seventy-five (7.")) and tnaint lining under .Section Niilnner Eighty (80) ai'.il Kighty-two (82) of the Ont.iri(i .ihinicipal Drainage Act. Where the drain cro.ises public highways or railway rights-of-way, bridges & culveru shall be built, altered and maintained by the Corporation or com- pan having jurisdiction over such hig The Kailv.ay Company shall aiao bear allowarce has been made to owner.! o" private proi)erlies requiring bridges, culvert'-- (v fords, which, in everif case, a'-e to be budt and maintained by liie parties requiring the same and not a the expense of the drainage work. Each st.'u.ture shall he built and main ained in yuch a way as to allow an opening fir water flow at least as la -ge as the capacity "f the drain, in- eluding also those nortions of stream beyond the e.^cavated cross section. Fords .hall be excavated from the gra !.• of drain through the bank with a vertical rise if n--' more than one ti three horizontal. The cash pay- ment i.i to be made to each owner fo the full amount of his or her allow- ance, as rhov,n herein or in aniendments hereto within one month after the construction of the drain on his or he- property. Water gates shall bo built and maintained by owners or ten ints fencinjs across the drain, and in no case shall an owner or tenant placj or cause to be plaeed in the d'ain any ob.lructic.n to the free flow of^th ? water. Adjacent land owners shall be held responsible for all vicjiations of .Section \i mber Eighty-two (82) of the Municipal Drainage Act. The dr.iin shall in all ether respects be main- tained by the C'orporatiim of the Township of Proton at the cxpen.-.e of the parties and corporations assessed foi- the present undertaking in the ratio of their r<snective assessments in thi* report or amendments hereto. The channel of the stream beneath the bridge on the Canadian Pacific Railway right-of-way just north of Proton Station shall be lowered by the Railway Company at it.-i owrtcxpense. -The Railway Comn^n shall also boar cost cf application to the Railway Board. All timber within the limits of th • drainage work claimed by the owner of the property shall be removed hy the ownv at hi.< own expense witWn 2 weeks after being notified in writing by the contractor, thereafter all tim- ber shall he the property of the contractor. .Submitted herewith are plans, p -ofiles, specifications for excavating, estimate cf cost, assessment schedule, etc., which are to be read as forming part of Ihi.-i roport. New bridges on highways are not .-overed by thts re- port, but plans, specifications, etc., may be obtained when required. Dated All of which is respectfully ,<ubmitted. ^'nt Orangevillc the 1 Uh day of .March, Ul (26. (Sgd) U. W. CHRISTIE, Township Engineer. Fa^TIMATE OF COST IN THE TOWNSHIP OF ARTEMEKIA Excavating, 10,KU cubic yards at 23 cents $2.330.l;» Clearing brush and timber _ 10.()(> R. Atchi«on, «.wner w. pt. lot I'.tO, Con.M, S.W., allowed for cut-off... 2.00 R. Atrhi.son. owner, w. pt. lot 190, Con S, S.W., allwed land damage 1 00 S. Br.trhelor, owner lot 100, Con. 3, S.W., culvert 20.00 S. Batchelor, owner lot 190, Con. 3, S.W.. land daniaRC 1.00 r. Lyon?, cwner N.W. pt. lot 100, Con 2, S.W.. culTert 20.00 C. Lyons, owner N.W. pt. lot l!t0. Con 2, S.W.. Inml damag;. S. B«trheIor. owner, R It. PtO. C ,n. 1, S.W., culvert 20.00 S. Batchelor, ov nor, E '>t. 100, C n. I. S.W., land damage 1.00 r. Lvoivi, owrer. lot 188, Con. 2, S.W.. ford 20.00 1.00 40.00 2.00 40.00 2.00 5.00 1 00 7.=i.00 r. Lvon:, owner, bit IfS. Con. 2, S.W., land damaire Mr. N?l.-on, owner lot 187 nnii 181, Co-. 2, S.W., ford" Mr. Ne>on, owner lot 187 i' '.d 18fl, Cot. 2. S.W., lanri damairc Mr. Car'on, owner, lot 185 : id 181, Con. 2, S.W., fords Mr. Car.M n, owner, lot 185 nd 181. r-n.'2, S.\V.. land d3Tr.»gc Mr. Lyoi-s. ov»n*r, lot 183, Ton. ;'. S W., '"ord «... Mr. Lyorr, owner, lot 183, f'-.n. 2 S.W.. i»nd damage <*Iprk> fee. Coutt r f Revision, ct\ .. _ Co it cf Inwei-ing --hannel of sfrram isnter C.P.R. Lridfte north of Proton Station lo be borne by th; Canadian Pocific Railway Company, Mfimatod at v 25.00 «2,617.13 UENERAT. CO.ST8 Engineer's local help, per pay list | 35.00 U. W. Christie, engineer, 5 Mi days' field work 66.00 L. Loch, engineer's assistant, T/t day.i' field work 45.00 Board and lo<lging 14.60 Railroad fares k. „ 6.30 Conveyance by car 18.75 Preparing plans, profiles, specifications, assessment -.chedule, con- tract, bond, etc., and expenses incidental 171.00 Application to Dominion or Ontario Railway Board, •, xpensD to be borne by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, estimated at 50.00 Legal : 50.00 Hi" Con. •{ S.W. 2 S.W. W E W 3 S 1 r Acres 10 50 50 5 45 10 30 50 50 74 72 72 72 14 22 38 14 18 35 30 50 50 50 50 50 50 ^ 39 â- 10 40 40 50 4.') .',2 G 2 13 46 46 37 30 AO 40 45 45 45 • 45 45 45 45 50 40 25 25 37 38 25 28 22 25 25 25 25 25 25 100 Value of Benefit Liability 10 00 40 00. 25 00 100 00 10 00 10 00 15 00 30 00 35 00 35 00 30 00 20 00 30 00 30 00 30 00 40 09 Lot 18fi 187 IBS .pt. 189 .itl. 189 pt. 100 pt. 190 183 184 185 186 187 18K 189 189 189 pt. 190 pt. 190 pt. 190 1 S.W. 184 185 180 187 ]S8 1S9 190 1 E. W5 186 187 1 E. 1S8 189 190 .D R. Gore lot. ;. 191 192 l'-3 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 200 207 208 209 210 \?;,-*h of Front St. 2 S.W. 1 2 3 4 5 and W. pt. 6 7 and G S 9 and W. ot. 10 E. pt. 10 11 12 13 U 15 16 •17, IS and 19 Total for Benefit Liabilitv....S544 50 Total for Oiitlot Liability .... 338 00 Roads, Lai'.ds of Municip'ty.. 100 00 X'alue of Outlet Liability SlilO 00 50 00 75 00 10 00 40 00 $ 456.55 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 10 00 5 00 5 00 .') 00 5 Oil 13 00 5 00 5 00 5 CG 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 4 00 2 50 2 50 4 4 00 00 2 50. 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 10 00 !r338 00 50 Twtal Assess, for Artemesia ?98': LOCATION: 1. The drain referred to in thes^ specification:3 extends from a point l;n feet Westerly from the westerly boundary of the road allowance west of iJange Four (4) SVV.T.S. road, opposite lot 2ol in the Tmvn.ship of Proton i'5 a northerly c!!rc.'tio:i u.-. i^hown mar'<ed red on the ai'cunipanying plan, to ;'.n outlet near the boundary iino between Lots Numbers One Huridred and Kighty-two ami One Hundred and oighty-lhree (182 & IriS) in Range (2) .S.W.T.S.R., in the Township of Artemesia. WORKS: 7.. The work to be done compris? excavating, the rsmoval of timber :uul brushwood in accordance with the-e specif icnlioTis ami the accompany- 'iig plan and profile, and also the maintenance of said v.ork during their con.-:truction atvi until finally passed and accepted as complete by the Engin- eer in charge. LINES: 3. Stakes have bepn planted at intervals of lOO feet alonp the bank of ihe old drains and on the centre line o" the nev/ part of th? drains. The surfate of the ground at each .'stake indicates t'le elevation from v.'nicb the deoth is to be measured. Excavation sVutU !â- ? carried out in .traight lines :Uon;; the courses of th? drain and in gentle curves at the turns. (LEARINO: 1. .\ll trees, logs and brush shall be close chopped :uid grubbed, to a width of fifteen (15) feet on each sid? of the finished edges of the draiA and shall be removed or placed in piles along the outer c.lges of such clear- ing. No log.j, stumps, brush or gads will be allb'wed on the banks of the drains. K.\CAVA1TN<;: fir The drain shall be excavated t.i the full depth and widths shown and set forth on the profiles and the side slopes must be one to one through- out, except where a drain is excavated to larger dWnensions as is referred lo hereafter. In all cases the bottom of the drain must be true to grade shown on the profile and the sides carefully sloped (to the proper angle) trimmed and triio to line. All excacated material must be deposited at least four feel clear of the edge of the drain or bank of stream. The spoil i)anks shall have a .dope of not less than cmo to one on the side next to the drain and breaks with a 'bottom width of two feet mast be left in said banks at hollows, water runs and drains, to allow the .surface water free :iccess to the drain. The section of the drain may he changed by the consent of the engineer to meet th.> construction possibilities of certain type.i of machine, provided such change is an increase in ovc.y ('.;.-ncn?ion of ihe <lrain .section. LIABILITY OF CONTRACTOR: C. The co:jtractor must a'.l risks from storms and the caving in of the ditch and must have it free deposits of sand, mud, etc., before it will be accepted and paid for in full. If he finds it necessary during the progrcfs of the work to remove fences or bridges he shall carefully replace the same in their original condition and protect the lands, crops and prop- erty contiguous to the drain, from any damage which might arise throu«h the prosecution of the work, and at all times care must be taken not to un- nccss-iarfly injure or destroy timber, crops or other property. The contractor shall use all proper precaution for the prevention of ac- cidents, and he will indeipnify the Corporation of the Township of Proton from all suits and actions and all cost^flnd damafres occasioned by the neg- ligence or of the contractai- or his agents or employes. INTERPRETATION OF SPECIFICATIONS: 7. The wo'.k shall be executed under the dire-ction and to the .satisfac- tion of the engineer or commissioner in charge and the ilcoision of the engin- eer, whether as lo ()uality or (juantity of work done, or in the case of ambig- \iitv of expression of the interpretation or doubt as to the correct Interpre- tation thereof, shall he final and binding on all parties concerned, CHANCE IN PLANS AND SPECIFK'ATIONS: >*. .Should any change or alteration in tho plan, pruftle or »peeifira ti.ns, at any time, \to deemcnl necessfirjf by the enKineer he shall have auth- ority to make such changes or alterations and unU-s.s otherwi.^e herein pro- \ided for an amount proportionat.- K\ the price contaiaed in the tender un,-in which the contract was award».d shall be adde<l lo or deducted from the trijfinal amount of the contract. litWMKNTS TO THJi CONTRA* TOR: 9. The contractor is entitled to receive monthly TO''; of the value of any portion of the work completed uncl»r thc?e specifications, if he so desires and requests, and it shall be understood and aprreed by the par- ties hereto that the measurements taken during the progress of the w^k ill i .>, V and the estimates of the engineer shall be final and concluaive evidence of the niaount of work performed by the contractor. The Corporation will pay the cost of one progress inspecti'jn per half mile of drain and the final inspection, but all other inspections will be charged to the contractor and will be retained out of any moneys due or to become due to the contractor. . .At the expiration of thirty ('.ays (30) after the acceptance of the work, the , , wh(de moneys accruing to the contractor under these specifications shall be\ paid. I' A Y M ENTS TO WORKMEN: 10. The coiytractor shall punctually pay the workmen who ihall be em- ployed on the work comprised in these particulars and final payment for the wo)-k will not be made to the contractor until all wages have been pa id. BOND: ^ 11. Before the contract is signed or the work commenced the contrac- tor shall furnish a bond for the due performance of the work within a lim- ited time in favour of and approved by the Corporation of the Township of Proton for the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) signed by two re- sponsible sureties or a guarantee company. LIQUIDATED DA.'VIAf;ES: 12. Tho work shall be commenced not later than the .^. . <lay of and ompleted not later than the ^Mft'' - , dny of , otherwise the Corporation mSy deuuet from the contract the sum ascertained and liquidated damages and * not a.s a nenalty, the sum of Five Dollars ($5.00) p.r day for every day ' the \york remain.^ uncompleted after the date agreed upon as above for the performance of the same. AND WHEREAS the said Council are of the opinion that the drain- age of the area above described is desirable :- THEREFORE THE SAID MUNICIPAL COU.\CIL OF THE TOWN- SHIP OF ARTEMSIA, PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE * "MUNICIPAL DRAINAGE ACT", ENACTS AS FOLLOWS :- 1. THE said report, plans, specifications, asssssments and estimates f are hereby adopted, and tbe drainage work as therein indicated and set *'f' forth shall be made and constructed in accordance herewith. ~ *' 2. THE REEVE of the said Township of Artemesia may borrow on the credit of the Corporation of the said T<>wnship of Artemesia tho sum of ' EIGHT HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS » (^882.50) being said Municipality's share of the funds necessary for the said work and may issue debentures with interest at the rate of five per ^ cent, per annum, guaranteed by the Municipal Corporation of the Town- ship of Artemesii», that is to say:- \ In ten equal annual instalments (interest and principal included in each jnstalment) payable respectively in on?, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten years from tie date of the same, said debentures to be payable at the Standard Bank of Canada, Flesherton. 3. FOR pajfing tli'e sum of FIVE HU-NDRED AND FOE?fY-FOUR UOLARS AND FIFTY CENTS ($544.00), the amount charged against the j-.'.id lands and road foi- benefit, and the sum of THREE HUNDRED AND TaiRTY-EIGHT DOLLARS ($338.00), the amount charged against the said lands for outlet liability, apart from lands and roads belonging to or controlled by the Municipality, and fo.- covering interest lihereon for ten years at the rate of Five per cent, pe.- annum, the following total and spec- ial rates, over and above all other rat^s shall be assessed, levied and coll- ected (in the same manner ^d at th' same time as other taxes are levied and collected) upon and from the undermentioned lands and roads and lots, and parts of lots and the amount of the said total special rates and interest against each«lot or part of lot respectively shall be divided into ten enual parts, and one such part shall be assessed levied and collected as aforesaid in each year for ten years, after the final ' passing of this by-la\T^ during which the said debenture's have to run. Con. 3 S.>V. Lot 186 187 188 189 189 190 W.nt. 190 2 S.W. â-  183 184 185 )8r> 1S7 188 of 189 / 189 189 pt. 190 pt. 190 pt. 190 1 S.W. 1S4 1 E. 3 S.D.R. IE. 186 186 187 188 189 190 185 180 187 188 189 190 Gore lot Acres 19 50 50 5 45 JO .30 50 50 74 72 72 72 14 22 3S 14 18 35 30 50 50 50 50 50 50 4 6 39 49 ""49 49 Value of Value of Benefit Outlet Liability Liability 10 00 40 00 25 00 100 00 10 00 10 00 15 00 .30 00 35 00 35 00 30 00 20 00 30 OO 30 00 30 00 40 00 sio 00 50 00 75 00 10 00 40 00 Cover ini. at6 ','r per ann. for • 10 years S 2 95 14 75 22 12 5 90 23 60 7 38 29 50 95 95 43 8 85 10 32 10 32 8 S5 5 90 8 85 8 85 S 85 11 80 Total Special Rate $12 95 64 75 97 12 25 90 103 60 32 38 129 50 12 95 12 95 19 43 38 85 45 32 45 32 38 85 25 90 38 85 38 85 38 85 41 80 An. .Asst. each yr. for 10 years 1.295 6.475 9.712 2.59 10.36 3.238 12.95 1.295 1.295 1.943 3.885 4.532 4.532 3.885 2..590 3.885 3.885 3.885 4. IS 5 00 00 00 191 5G 192 45 193 - 32 1 E. 194 6 195 • 196 2 197 13 198 46 199 46 200 37 201 36 202 40 203 40 204 45^ 206- 45 206 45 207 45 208 45 209 46 210 45 Proton Station Sub. pt. Lot 190, Con. 2 S.W., Artemesia 5 00 10 00 15 00 5 00 .""> 00 5 00 13 00 5 00 48 IS 48 48 95 43 00 00 00 00 OO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1 48 1 48 1 is, 3 84 1 48 1 4^ 1 48 1 48 1 48 1 48 1 48 48 48 48 48 1 48 1 48 "1 48 48 48 5 & 7 A 9 & 1 2 3 4 6 17, 18, 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 19 50- 40 25 25 37 38 â- 25 28 22 2k 26 25 26 25 25 100 OO 00 50 •â- JO 00 00 50 50 -2 .50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 10-00 $544 50 1 48 1 18 74 74 1 18 1 18 74 74 74 74, 74 74 74 74 74 2 05 6 48 6 48 6 48 16 84 6 48 6 48 6 48 6 48 6 48 6 48 6 48 6 48 6 48 6 48 fi 48 6 48 6 48 6 48 C 48 48 6 48 5 18 .O-iO 648 â- f t > T 7 ft. - â- > » .648 V * .648 .648 .648 <-'' -1 .648 < • « .648 .648 .648 .648 648 1 r .tJ-13 i a .64S > « .0-iS y _y 24 24 18 IS 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 12 95 .648 .518 .324 .324 .6V8 .518 .32.1 .324 .324 .324 .324 .32 1 .324 .324 .324 1.295 « • » ^ i ^ $338 00 • 4. FOR paying the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS $100.00) tl;- amount assessed against the said roads and lands of the said Munici- pr.lity, and for covering interest thereon for ten years at the rate of Five per cent, per annum, a special rate on the dollar, sufficient to produce the required yearly amount therefore shall, over and above all other rates, be levied and collected (in the same manner and at the rate as all other taxes are levied and collected) upon and from the whole rateable property of the said Township of Artemesia in each year for ten years, after the filial pass- ing of this by-law, during which the said debentures have to run. 5. THIS by-law shall be published once in every week for four con- secutive weeks in the "Flesherton Advance" newspaper, published in the Village of Flesherton, and shall come i''o force and effect upon and after the final passing thereof, and niay be cited as the By-law NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Court of Revision will be held at the Township Hall|^n the \'illa(re of Flesherton. in the County of Grey, on the Twelfth day of October, 1928, at the hour of Two o'clock in the aftem oon for the hearing of appeals, if any, made againrt the above assessments or any part thereof and for the adjustment cf the said asiscssments in the manner provided bv the Municipal D.^ainage Act, a notice of such appeal fo be .served upon the Clerk of the Mun-ipality at least ten days prior to the first sitting of the said Court, AND FCRTHER NOTICE is hereby jriven that any one intending to apply to have the foregoing by-lpw o.- any part thereof quashed must, not later than te:i days after the final pa.^sing thereof serve a notice in writing upon the Reevft^nd (ilerk of the Municipality of his intention to make ap- plication for that purpose to the Referee <lurine the six weAs next after the filial passing -if the by-law. I a>^ * »

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