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Flesherton Advance, 29 Sep 1926, p. 1

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r '1\ 'Shje fkB\^tti0n %ifmtiu. ''Vol 46 No. 16 Flesherton. Ontario September 29, 1926 W. H. 'Churston & Son, Proprietorrs ,* i â- ri y CEYLON (Inteded for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Royden Gibson and r% daughter, Helen, of Toronto spent the week end with the former's father here. Mr. Jas. MeWhinney paid a busin- ess trin ti) Hanover Friday. Mr. John McLeod, who has been visiting his parents, returned Tuesday ' to resume his studies in London. Mr. and Mrs. John WarlinK are vfottinR with the latter'.^ brother, Mr. j- {5. Heraphiil, and family. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mcl,ean and son, i < Earl, of Proton visited- the first of the week at R. Cook's. ^ Mr. Bert Whittaker, who has been T^ viaitinx his "parents, returned Monday 31" to .\kron, Ohio. Miss fiuzel McLeod returned to To- » ronto on Monday after a visit with her parents here. Mrs. Coleman of Owen Sound is * visiting her daughter, Mrs. F. Collin- '' son, 1^ family. 'â-  Mrs. Raney of Wiarton visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Macphail, last week. • Mrs. S. Hill of Markdale visited with her niece, Mrs. H. Piper, one day .^ ^the past week. Mrs. Haxton- and daughter, Mrs. cWililams, and twn children visited 'Sth Proton friends the past week. ^ Misj Delia White, accompanied by ''•* other friend?, vjsited with Owen Sound {i-r:-;i'i;v tht past week. Mrs. E. R. Newbauer, who has been on an extended visit with her parents, ;* Mr. and Mrs. Richard Whittaker, left this week for her home in Canton, ' Ohio, accompanied by her sister. Miss i. Millie, and Miss Jasqueline Beatty of Orange Valley. \ I It v.'a â-  learned on Sunday wifc deep regret that Mr. G. Prossic, a student , who has been supplying on this field, InistioRe and Proton for the past two months, must return to his studies at / Belleville, and will preach his farewell sermon this coming .Sunday. Mr. prossic has made very manv warm ' friend? while hepe and aM wish him » the .greatest success in the future. ROCK MILLS Mc #St FEVERSiAJV! * â- r- •X. Major and Mis. McRae of Toronto and their helpers will conduct meet- • ings in the Army Hall here next Sat- ui-day night and Sunday, Oct. 2 and 3. IMr. Harry Heitraan of Diinedin and Ml. McLean of Crecmore were callers in our village one day last week. Mrs. R. S. McGirr is visiting with friendfe in Toronto and Newmarket at present. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Osborne and *babe of Hamilton are visiting with the former's father and brother here. The wet weather still continuias and h?.3 delayed the harvest and quite a few remnants of the harvest has yet po be gathsred in. Mrs. Wesley Beatty of Toronto is visiting with her parents, Mr and Mrs John Sp^encer. Mr.i Ivan Alexander has gone to HJ'^PljPi Sound where he has secured a ition in the elevator in the Lake- city, h. nud Mrs. Bovair. of Aurora, Mr. and Mrs. English of A'-lis- -iJti. motored over to Fevershani on Saturday and visited with Mr. and ; Mrs. Henry Alexander and othci ' friends in thia village. J Mr. Joseph .A^liiston of Toronto, who has been visiting: with his son, J Leslie, on the. fourth line, was renew- ing old r.iouaintanees around hr'Tc la.;t we'.'k. â-  '' Ma.ior and Mrs. McRae ;jnd several r other Salvationists, from Toronto, will held week end meetings in the S. A. * Barrack.? here next Saturday night and three time.; on Sunday. anj .Mr. Prank Betts was in Toronto on Tuesday of last week. BORN â€" On Tuesday, September 21st, 11)26, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter RusgoH,.a son. Our sincere sympathy Is extended to the Jamieaon family in their hour uf sorrow by the death' of their father Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. English ami Mr. and Mrs. Thoj. Fisher attended the English- Service wedding at Singhampton last Wednesday. Little Doris Taylor, grandaughter of Mr. and ilrs. I. Smith, underwent an operation for removal of the ton- sils in the ollinifwood hospital last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Betts visited Recently with their son, Edgar Betts, and wife of Osprey. Miss Annie Davidson of Jfarkdale spent the week end here, the guest of Mrs. John Porteous. We are glad to report Mrs. Walter Russell improving nicely. Mrs. See- ley is in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Smith and family of London motored up Friday arid v;--:tf.H f-f,^-. f-.rmer'- parent^, M'v and Airs. I. Smith. Edv.'itv returned home Sunday and was accompanied by hiri ^father, but Mr^. Smith and children will remain for a couple of weeks. Mr. Bert Porteous and friend. Miss Davison, Mr. and Mrs. John Porteous viited en Sunday with the latter's sister, Mrs. E. Binnington, Maxwell. Quite a number from around here attended the Flesherton fair and con- cert on Friday. Mr. Joyce Porteous vbited in Mark- dale on Sunday. Mr. Wilfred Phillips, wife and fam- ily of Palmerston were I'ecent visitors at the home of Mr. Dick Clark. Mr. and Mrs. A. McLean, Priceville, were Sunday visitors with the !atter*s parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Smith. The Late J. K. Jamieson^oRONTo line, north 'ONWARD" NEWS (Inteded for Last Week) The Osprey Township school fair, held on the Agricultural grounds here on Sept. VS. was attended by a largo sathering and was a succ».>s in every way. The parade of the schools was fine, and S.S. 5 and U in Indian costume was great, even to the war v.'hcop. The iMizes v.-ere awarded fairly and the other .judginjr gave sat- isfaction. Fevershani school got first prize. They had one of the very few fine days we have been having of late. Mr. Oeorgo Julian and dau.ghter, Mrs^. Hornby, were callers in our vil- iairc on Saturday last. /.' "TurrtDcr from here attended the caiTip meeting at Clarksburg on Sun- >dav last. *' Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Morris left here on Sunday for their home in South- ampton. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Curran of Riv- erview spent Sunday at her parental home here. A number of Onward young people were yery pleasantly entertained last Friday evening at the home of Mr. Fred Spofford of Osprey. Mclntvre, Osprey and Maple Grove U.F.Y.P.O. clubs were also represented, which made a large and sociable gathering. A good p?ogram was given in the first part of the evening, supplied by the varioiK clubs, after which the guest.s were treated to a hearty corn- feed. Everyone appeased their ap- petites for corn. As the corn crop irt the Onward district is about as plent- iful as heavy oats, this event will he remembered for some time. Messrs. R. J. Turner, W. J. Meads and Jos. Ferris motored to Toronto last week. Heavy rain of the past have delay- ed the harvest and much of the grain is still in the stock. Fall plowing has commenccfj' am?, an occasional threshing whistle is to be heard. Threshing this year will he a minor problem compared with previous sea- sons. A number from here attended the Flesherton Fair and concert and re- port a good time. â-  Master Matthias Williamson is unr- ' der the doctor's care witha bad attack of r'neuniatic fever. We hope that he will soon be around a<raln in good health. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Turner of To- ronto are visitin.a: at Jao. Turner's. EAST MOUNTAIN A sad gloom cast over this vil- lage and viiinity when^it was learned that Mr. John K. Jaiuieson had ans- wered the lu.-t roll call on Sunday morning, September 19th. He had been ailing for some time, although no one thought the end was so near. He was a very strict Conservative and cast his vote on Monday, Sept. l.'l. He was gently cared for by his daughter, -Miss Kate, whose untiring efforts succeeded in making her father's life peaceful and happy. And even in his most trying illness it was Katie whom he wanted with him. Katie has been a very faithful and true dau;<h- ter to her father, and much credit is due her for her faithfulness. , Mr. Jamieson was a highly respect- ed citizen. He was ~:i years and ten months of age. His wife pre-deceas- ed him SI years ago. The service on Wednesday was held at 1 o'clock at his late residence, where his pastor, Rev. Joseph Harrower, of tha L'nited Chu;ch, preached a verj' consoling sermon to his man.v friends and neigh- bors, who had gat hered to pay their last tribute of respect to the deceased. Interment took place in the family plot at Salem cemetery, where lie the | remains o^ his, beloved wife. i He leaves to mourn hu loss two .;ons and five daughters, viz., James ' [.aura, Sas!.-.; Frod. Sth line. Art?me- .lia; Grace ;.JIrs. ild. iiiilock), near Maxwell; Eva (Mrs. Clarence "Thomp-! son,) Cayley, Alberta; Mary (Mrs.v vandeleur David Genoe,) near Eugenia; Katie at home, and Ella May at Mrs. James Genoe's near Flesherton. The beau- tiful oaken casket was laden with many pretty floral tributes, namely a wreath from the family; v/reath from the grandchildren, Laura, Sask.; spray from D. J. Jamieson; spray from Mr. and Mrs. Will Magee and family; spray from Mr. and Mrs. K. McMaster and family, Fleshe*-ton; spray, from Mi.js Pearl McMaster Owen Sound: spray from Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gorley; spray from Mr. and Mrs. Len. Lutimer; spray from Mr. and Mrs. Ern. Morgan; and a wTeath from friends and neighbors. The pan bearers were Messrs. Thos R. McKenzie, Robert Plantt, Will Ma gee, Richard Park. Len. Latimer and 'Thomas Gilliland. We extend our profound sympathy to the family, es- pecially Miss Katie, who was her fa- ther's sole conjpanion and who will miss hi.m keenly. There ij one thing eath cannot sever. Love and remembrance, which last for forever. (j'.iue i': '.lu^Kbi.-r fr'jiu he';e atten-Jed tne Fiesnerton Fair on Friday af:;. nocp. MioS .May Craham, aceomnanied Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Graham of Mark- dale to Toronto last week and spent a couple of days. » Anniversary services will be held in Vandeleur church next Sunday af- ternoon and evening at 2.31) and 7.30 Rev. James Dud.oreon will preach in the afternoon and Rev. J. H. Oke in the evening. A large number from here attended the banquet for Miss Agnes Macphail. .VI. P., in the armouries, Markdale, or. Thursday evening of last week and report a splendid time. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Richardson and son, Hajold. spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. Pritchard. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Warling visit- ed friends in Flesherton recently. Miss Lillian Buchanan returned to Toronto, after spending two weeks holidayin.g with her parents here. Mr. Albert Buchanan :.? attending Normal School. VICTORIA CORNERS CARD OF THANKS We desire to thank* all the friends and neighbors for kin.lnesses render- ed during the illness and denth of our dear father .Tohn K. .Jamieson. â€"The Family. y IN MEMORIAM / ^ -fJUvifâ€" 'In loving memory of Robert â- 'i T-'rancis Guy, beloved husband of ' ' Gertnide Maxie Biiaselle, died Octo- ber 29, 11»23. â- ^ Three y^rs have gone and still we , *miss him; Never shall his memory fade; Loving thoughas will always linger 'Round the spot where daddy'.s laid, â€"Wife and Children. .â- \. number from here attended the Gospel Wo.-kers' meetings at Clarks- burg on Sunday and Monday of last weel;.. Messrs. L. Brockelbank and R. Law- rence of Kimbcrley visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Thompson on Sunday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fawcett and son, Delbert. visited with Mr. and Mrs. McNally of Markdale. Mrs. McNally returnod^ith them and at- tei^ded the Gospel Workers* meetings j in Clarksburg on Sunday. I Miss Reta Fawcett,' wljo is attend- t ing the Flesherton high school, spent I the week end at her parental home here. Mr. Earl Smart and bride of Mark- ! dale called eccently on the Hal! and Smart families ic this vicinity. Miss Millie Smart .spent the week end with Duncan friends. Mrs. G. Gorley and daughter, Viola, of Markdale were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thompson .\llen on Wednes- day of last week. A number from here attended the Flesherton fair on Fridav. Miss Aleda Feighen visited with friends at Duncan, Kolapore and Thornbury over the week end. Congratulations to Mr. Ern. Mor- gan, who received first prize for his 18-months old heifer at Flesherton fair. He also received prizes for flowers. His salvia, for which he received first prize, is worth special mention. Ernie had a very fine flDwer garden this year and it bloomed profusely and continuouslv. Rally Sunday was held in the Uni- ted church here on Sunday last. The Sunday school ^children took part in the church service. There was a pro- motion exercise promoting the little children of 5 and <> years to the Pri- mary class. Ten little tots â€" Jean Tu- dor. Dcuglas Morgan. Fern Benson. Elma Di^on. Winneta Martin, Eva Magee, Leone Duckett, Edward Camp- bell, and Verda Genoe â€" passed through the gates, while Donalda Sloan san.g and Miss Mae Carruthcrfl accompanied on the organ. This is something the little children will re- member. There was a good attend- ance at c-hurch for this service. Miss Irene Martin visited friends in Flesherton over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Genoe visited at Mr. Thomas Genoe's, Ceylon, on Sunday. Mr. Vv'alker Sloan has returned home from Key Harbor. Mrs. .Abbie Hammond of Toronto spent a few days with Mrj. Jacob Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graham of Wal- kerton vi.?ited at Mr Wei. Graham's on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Graham and daughter, Phylis, returned with them for a week's vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cvoft. Uh line, visited the latter's brother, Mr. Calvin Boyce and family. Sunday. Messrs. Bates and .Alex. Fav.-cett hav? returned home from the West. Miss Jlar.iorie Proctor of Kimberley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Er- nest Pri">ctor. Mrs. Robert Kerr of TorQiUo and Miss Lai'ra Fawcett of Buffalo vis- ited their friends, Mr. and M;v3. Jas. Faw.ett. "returning home Monday. (Inteded for Last Week) ?!r. and Mrs. Wni. Guest and two children of Brownsville, Maine, visit- ed at Jas. Best's recently. Don't forget Inistioge anniversary services Sunda.v, October 3rd. Wo are having the hum of the crusher again in the pit. Mrs. Dixon of eMaford, Mrs. Little of ;"!icibiu-ne and Mr. Marshall of Dun â-  !k were recent visitors at Mr. Jas. La-dlaw's. Kingrley Glallagher is a very suc- cessful hunter. He is the proud pos- sessor of "a beautiful pair of mink which he caught in a trap. He also was hrnling one day and found a hive of bees containing between 25 and 30 pounds of honey. ENGLISH â€" BLTE- On WcJncsday. September 15th, Ae v.'sddinir of Mr. .A.n.gus of Port Colborne, p.nd Miss Florence 3uie. took place at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. .A. Buie, Singhampton. The cere .uny was performed in the presence, v: " the parents and friends by the Reverend F. G. Grafton of the United Church of Singhampton. Mr. and Mij. English left for Niaji'ara Falls c.r.l other points of interest from w'.jnce they will probab' • take utf resid." ce at Port Colborne. Their many frl nds wish them ever'- succ in the life upon v.-hich thp- are cnteriiif. KnTER ANY DAY af thj Jndividgal In'ttrucUon Easiness End Shorthand Courses Prcp.'.ralory C-.>arses for those v.ho nis.<cd first chance at Public SCHOOL. CATALOGUE FREE. â- â€¢a .Mr. and Mrs. G. Littlejohns and family, and Mr. and Mrs. It. Richard- son and son, attended the camp meet- ing at Clarksburg on Sunda\» last. Miss H. Cole of Toronto visited her sister, Mrs. Charles Stewart. Mr. Harold Levei.' and mother vis- ited with Eugenia friends. Mr.' and Mrs. Wm. Jackson, Mrs H. Richardson and Mrs. R. C. McInt>Te of Toronto, motored up Friday and attended Flesherton fair and spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Richardson. ' Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Morgan and ihildren of Moorefield, mot(M-ed over and spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. -V. Lever, Mrs. Lexer returning home with theim for a~ while. Mr. .Albert Stewart, accompanied by .Mrs. J. K. Fawcett of Kimberley. are spending a few days with relatives in Owen Sound. ' Mr. J. Minns of Port Credit visited with his cousin, Mi-s. Robert Rich- ard.-ion, lait week. Mr. Charles Stewart and family and Miss H. Cole of 'i oi'onto, spent Sun- ady at Collingwood. Mr. Batty of Meaford, while at- tending Flesherton fair, was the .guest of .R Richardson. BATES BURIAL CO. FUNERAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNER-\L PARLORS 122-124 Avenue Road, TORONTO Telephone: J. W. Bates. Klng.sdale 4344 R. Maddocks. NEW DRESSES. COATS & FALL MILLINERY 1 We are now showing the New Fall Dre.^ses in a Ifeavy quality of satin faced crepe, and ci-epe ramoine, inthenew autunw shades of wine, brown, rosewood and black. Don't buy your new winter coat until .you see our display; they are expected to arrive in a few days. They are beautifully tailored of all-woolNeedle Point, Duvetyne and Velour in all the new shades, w'tih fur trimmings. Once iigaia v.'e have a wonderful display of F<ill Hats, in the new, wine, bk.-k, tan and sand .shades. .All reasonably priced. SEASONABLE SUPPLIES ^OR MEN Fall Overcoats Mackinaw Coats Mackiniiw Trouserrs. Sweaters and Sweater Coats Rubber Boots Rubbers W(irk Booots. F. G. MARSTEDT FLESHERTON A SCHOOL DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN \Vc have SCHOOL BAGS SATCHELS and SCHOOL BOOTS FOR SALE. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON MOUSE OF GLUALITY Grain Bags WE HAVE A FEW NO. I SEED BAGS .^T A VERY SPECIAL PRICE THIS WEAK.JUSTTHETHING YOU WANT FOR ) YOUR SEED. .^v ^5^1^^^^> W. _ ^Lcifti^s J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Faid, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery FlesKertoa /or Economical Transportation Stanton, in Mulmur township, is ! without a store, after havinjf had one j continuously from pioneer days. ' IT is by strictest attention to quality â€" of material and workmanship â€" that C hevrolet ' has achieved, not only the roost powerful but also the smoothest, engine in its price class. Notice how the workiiiK parts are fu!'y «nelo««d â€" protected from roaU dust, writ and wat«r. The valv^lifter assembly la completely encased in pressed 5tee1 covering to prevent entrj- of harmiul foreign matter and to silence the en- gine. The Chevrolet Dry Disc Chitch i^ mounted in the ftywheel hou.«inc while the traniimiMion is immediately behind the clutch and, with the p ropeller-shjtft, is completely encioeed. A newly-desiffned cunahaft and w«D* talaaocd cnnJUbsft with «itra lute Tnain bcat'ntr^ it^wm* the smoothness wh:ch ha? won for this Chevrolet imcb unanintous praise. Go to your nearest Chevrolet dealer. Raise the' hood of the smooth Chevrolet and examine for youryolf the cnsrine that makes Chevrolet so smooth and so powerful. The Smoothest Chcvrolat in Chevrolet history is sctlini^ at the Lowest Prica for which Cheviolet has ever been sold in Canada. .\Ak about GM.\C Plan of Deferred ^r Payments I«i4rtn|640 C««p« $810 SeJea £920 SvOTt " 7)5 CMch Sl« Lv^ai Sedaa 971 TMFtai Mt C*wMrcisl OaMis <9S *- -' *' Tie II*.I:a- C,_â€" _ •• CF.MS D McTAVISH & SON Cl.evrolet Dealers Flesherton,'^ Ont. 71$ UblitT EiyrtM " AU friKtm at F mi tot f Tajc»t £xtT» 7M

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