WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 22, '26 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Publishod on CoUiffg^woud gtvect, Fleshorton, Wednesday of each weeTw. Circulation over 1100, Price in Canada, f2.00 per year, when paid in advance $1.50. In L'.S.A. 12.50 per year, when paid in advance $2.00. W. H. THURSTON. - Editor P. J. THURSTON - As8t. Editor VANDELEUK THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE GENEKAI. COSTS 8 Bail Teams at Fair l;i^'ht ladit'-i' noftball loaniK have hiKnified their intention of aitendinji the bi(4 Softball tournament beinK hold at the Fleshorton Fall Fair Friday aftt-Mioon of this week. The teams that have alieady promi.sed to come are : Dundalk, Kimherley, BoRnor, Chat^worth, Fle.sherton hijch .'school, Mount, Fleshorton regulars and T>urham. This should afford an afternoon's fun of thij (rro\vinit popu- lar sport. MAXWELL Quite a number from here attended the ca.nip mectin" at (^larksburp on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. McLood and Mr. and Mrs. A. Morrison spent Sunday with relatives at Kob Roy. Che U.F.Y.l'.O. corn roast at Mr. Spofford's Friday eveninK. when Os- prey Cli4b entertained Onward, Molntyrc and .Maple Grove clubs, was a sniendid .success. Mr. .Allan I'rie.stly left Friday for the, after spendinc the pa<t few months with hi.-; parent.* here. Rally Day servi:-e will be held in Maxwell church on Sunday eveninK next. Come and brinir your friends. The Ladies' Aid was well attended last week at the home of Mrs. Geo. Ross. The s"hool fair at Feverhsam was a splendid succes.,. Maxwell came third in the parade. Mios Maynard did well in training the children, and she has quite a number of small ones. Mrs. A. Pallister and two children are visitinpT relatives in Toronto. HORN - On .September 14th to .Mi;, r.nd Mrs Dane McGee, a daughter Mr. J. I. Graham acte^l m a .juJpe at the Oranjreville fair on Tue.sday of la t week.- The Vote at this poll on Tuesday vt last week was !i2 for Miss Macphail and 19 for Edwards. This is an in- crease of three for Miis Macphail over last year. Mr. and .Mrs. Thos. Froemnn and daughter, Alice, .-ilso Mr. and Mrs. Russell Freeman and babe, attended the Ow( 11 .Sound fair last week. Mis.i Hazel Oke of Toronto is visit- iner with .Mr. hihI Mrs. L. .lohiislnn. A'r. aad .Mrs. Russell (iriiliani and babe of Ri ?klyn snent a day with Mr. and Mrs. .1. I. Graham aiul family the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ready and family of St. Mary'.<, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Fertrupson of Che.dey motor- od here last week and are visitinjf the Davis, Johnston and Buchanan families. Mrs. G. Blair and son. Raymond, of Toronto are vi.dting with Mr. and Mrs .1. I. (iraham and family and other friends in and around Markdale. Dr. and Mrs. Murray and daughter of Flesherton spent the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. I,. .Johnston. Mrs. (Dr.) Zimmerman and Miss Lena Thompson of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Graham and family last week. Engineer's local help.'per pay list | 35.00 I'. W. Christie, engineer, 5Vi days' field work 6C.00 L. Loch, entjineer'.s assistant, 7'/s dayj' field work 45.00 Hoard and lodginjf 14.50 Railroad fares :.....^. 0.30 f^onveyanct by car 18.75 PreparinjiT plans, profiles, specifications, assessment . ehedule, con- trac'., bond, etc., and expenses incidental 171.00 Applicatio.'i to Dominion or Ontario Railway Board, < xpensc to be born-.' by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, estimated at 50.00 Lejiral expenje 50.00 <Jon. .'! S.W 2 S.W V.'.pt. HOLDFAST L'.F.W.O. CLUB There's one thoi'|;and dollars of money in prizes to be won at Flesher- ton Fall Fair. Get your entries ready and compete. A very enjoyable meetins %yas held at the home of Mrs. Susan Douue of Holdfast Club U.F.W.O., with a large atlendante of members and vi.-.itors. Three new members were enrolled. After openinjr exercises and genend business mil call was answered by aH beintt neighborly. Mrs. Edjrar I'attcr- M>r read a chapter from "Private Pete." The club decided to 'frame 8 pictures donated by Miss McPhail, M. P., one for each of the following -ichools : Red School, Stone .School, Irish Lake, Orange Valley, Durham Road, Ceylon, Priceville and Flesher- ton. It wiLs unanimously carried to hold the annual meeting in November. The meeting closed by ringing the Na- tional Anthem. Refreshments were then served, amp'-^ and dainty, also homemade sweets. Next meeting at the home of Mrs. Mark Stewart, Flesherton. Get busy with your Fall Fair en- tries; there's room for your exhibit. By-law No. 8 of 1926 A BY-LAW to provide for drainage work in the Township of Artemesia in the County of Grey and for the borrowing on the credit of the Municipality the sum of $882.50, the proportion to be contributed by the Municipality for the completion of same. A BY-LAW to provide for drain ige work in the Township of Arte- inesia in the County of Grey and for the borrowing, on the cre3it of the Municipality, the sum of $882.50 the proportion to be contributed by th« Municipality for the completion of the same. PROVISIONALLY adopted this., .day of 1926. WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Proton has taken proceedi ngs to ((instruct a drain in the said Town.ihip under the provisions of the Municipal Drainage Act, which said drain is to be extended or continued in- to the Township of Artemesia. • • -- • • •â- •â- ^ •»â- .. AND WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Township of Proton has served the Reeve of the Township of A'rtemesia with a copV of the repcjrt, plans, specifieationj, assessments and estimates of U. W. Christie, O.L.S., the engineer of the proposed work, as required by the Municipal Drainage Act, and the said report of the said Engineer in respect thereof and of the .said drainage work so far as the Same relates to the Township of Arte- mesia is as follows. To the Reeve and Council of the Township of Proton: Gentlemen, â€" In accordance with your instructions I have made an examination of Drain No. 26 with a view to making improvements under Section Seventy-five (75) and maintaining under Section Number Eighty (80) and Eighty-two (82) of the Ontario Municipal Drainage Act. Wher« the drain crojses public highways or railway rights-of-way, bridges A culverts shall be built, altered and maintained by the Corporation or corn- pan having jurisdiction over such hig The Railway Company shall als() bear allowance has been made to owners of prjvate properties requiring bridges, oulverts or fords, which, in every case, are to be built and maintained by the parties re.iuiriag the same and not a' the expense of the drainage work. Each structure shall be built and maintained in such a way as to allow an opening f ( r water flow at least as large as the capacity oi the drain, in- cluding also those nortions of stream beyond the excavated cross section. Fords jhall be excavated from the grade of drain through the bank with a vertical rise of n'-* more than one t) three horizontal. The cash pay- ment is to be made to each owner f o • the full amount of his or her allow- ance, as shown herein or in amendments hereto within one month after the construction of the drain on his or her property. Water gates slyiU be bialt and maintained by owners or tenants fencing across the draiii, and in no case shall an owner or tenant niaca or cause to be placed in the drain any obstruction to the free flow of the water. Adjacent land owners shall be held responsible for all violations of Section Number Eighty-two (82) of the Municipal Drainage Act. The dr.iin'shnll in all other respects be main- tained by the Corporation of the Township of Proton at the of the parties and corporations assessed for the present undertaking in the ratio of their re.-inective assessments in this report or amendments hereto. The channel of the stream beneath the bridge on the Canadian Pacific Railway right-of-way just north of Proton Station shall be lowered by the Railway Company at its own expense. The Railway Conifian shall also'bear cost of application to the Railway Board. All limber within the limits of the drainage work claimed by the oyvner of the property shall l)e removed by the owner at hii own expense within 'I weeks after being notified in writing by the contractor, thereafter all lim- ber shall be the property of the contractor. Submitted herewith are plani, p-ofiles, specifications for excavating, estimate of cost, assessment schedule, etc., which are to be read a.-, forming part of this report. New bridges on highways are not covered by this re- port, but plans, specifications, etc., may be obtained when required. All of which is respectfully .submitted. Dated at Orangeville the llth day of March, 1926. (Sgd) U. W. CHRLSTIE, Township En|;ineer. ESTLMATE OK COST IN THE TOWNSHIP OF ARTEMESIA Excavating, 10.131 cubic yards at 23 cenU $2330.13 Clearing brush and timber 10.00 R. Atchison, owner w. pt. lot 190, Con. 3, S.W., allowed for cut-off.... 2.00 R. Auhison, owner, w. pt. lot 190, Con. 3, S.W., allwed land damage 1 00 S. Batchclor, owner lot 190, Con. 3. S.W., culvert 20.00 S. Batchelor, owner lot 190, Con. 3, S.W., land damage 1.00 C. Lyons, owner N.W. pi. lot 190, Con 2, S.W., culvert 20.00 C. Lyons, owner N.W. pt. lot 190, Con 2, S.W.. land damage 1.00 S. Batchelor, ov/ner, 190. Con. 1, S.W., culvert 20.00 .S. Batchelor, owner, K.nt. 190, C .n. 1, S.W., land damage 1.00 C. Lyor.«. owner, lot 188. Con. 2, S.W., ford 20.00 C. Lyon.', owner, lot 1H8. Con. 2. S.W.. land damage _ 1.00 Mr. Nelson, owner lot 187 and 186. Con. 2. S.W., fords 40.00 Mr. Nelson, owner lot 187 and 186. Con. 2, S.W.. land damafre 2.00 Mr. Carson, owner, lot 185 r. id 181. Con. 2. S.W., fords 40.00 Mr. Carxon, owner, lot 185 â- nd 184. Con. 2. S.W.. land damage - 2.00 Mr. Lyons, owner, lot 183, Con. 2, S.W., ford 5.00 Mr. Lyons, owner, lot 183, Con. 2, S.W., land damage UK) Clerk's fees. Court of Revision, etc 75.00 Cojt of lowering channel of stream unler C.P.R. brjdge north of Proton Station to be borne by ths Canadian Pacific Railway Company, estimated at 25.00 > _ $2,617.13 Lot 186 187 188 189 189 190 190 183 184 IHB 186 187 18.S 189 W.iit. 189 pt. pt. pt. 1 S.W. 1 E. 1 E. S.D R. E. North of 2 S.W. and W. pt and 9 and W. E. 17, 18 and 189 190 190 190 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 185 186 187 188 189 190 Gore lot. 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 Front St. 1 2 3 4 6 6 8 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 19 Acres 19 50 50 5 45 10 30 50 50 74 72 72 72 14 22 38 14 18 35 .iO 50 50 50 50 50 50 4 6 30 49 49 49 Value of Benefit Liability 10 00 40 00 25 00 100 00 10 00 10 00 15 00 30 00 35 00 ;!5 00 30 00 20 00 30 00 30 00 30 00 40 00 Value of Outlet Liability $10 00 50 00 75 00 10 00 40 00 % 456.55 pt. pt. 50 45 32 6 2 13 46 46 37 36 40 40 46 45 45 45 45 45 45 50 40 25 25 37 38 25 28 22 25 25 25 35 25 25 100 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 10 00 5 00 . 5 00 5 00 5 00 13 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 00 00 CO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 5 00 4 00 2 50 2 50 00 00 50 50 50 60 50 50 50 50 50/ 10 00 Total for Benefit Liability....f544 50 Total for Outlet Liability .... 338 00 Roads. Lands of Municip'ty.. 100 00 $338 00 Total Assess, for Artemesia $982 50 LOCATION : 1. The drain referred to in these specifications extends from a point ten feet westerly from the westerly boundary of the road allowance west of Range Four (4) S.W.T.S. road, opposite lot 201 in the Township of Proton in a northerly direction as shown marked red on the accompanying plan, to an outlet near the boimdary line between Lots Numbers One Hundred and Bighty-two-and One Hundred and eighty-three (182 & 183) in Range (2) S.W.T.S.R., in the Township of Artemesia. WORKS: 2. • The work to be done compriss excavating, the removal of timber and brushwood in accordance with these specifications and the accompany- ing plan and profile, and also the maiirtenance of saicl work during their construction an^ until finally passed and accepted ai complete by the Engin- eer in charge. LINES: 3. Stake« have j^een planted at intervals of 100 feet along the bank of the old drains and on the centre line of the new part of the drains. The surfa.-c of the ground at each stake indicates the elevation from ^which the depth is to be measured. Excavatfion shall Le carried out in straight lines along the courses of tha drain,' and in gentle curves at the turns. ! CLEARING: 4. All trees.^ logs and brush shall be close chopped and grubbed, to a width of fifteen (15) feet on each side of the finished ed«;es of the drain and shall be removed or placed in piles along the outer edges of such clear- ing. No logs, stumps, brush or gads will be allowed on the banks of the drains. EXCAVATING : 5. The drain shall be excavated to the full depth and widths shown and set forth on the profiles and the side slopes must be one to one through- out, except where a drain is excavated to larger dimensions as is referred to hereafter. In all cases the bottom of the drain must be true to grade shown on the profile and the aides carefully sloped (to the proper angle) trimmed and true to line. All excavated material miMt be deposited at least four feet clear of the edge of the drain or bank of stream. The spoil banks shall have a slope of not less than one to one on the side next to the drain and break." with a bottom width of two feet must be left in said banks at hollows, water runs and drains, to allow the surface water free access to the drain. The cross section of the drain may be changedjjy the consent of the engineer to meet th; construction possibilities of certain types of machine, provided such cRange is an increase in every dimension of the drain section. LIABILITY OF CONTRACTOR: 6. The contractor must all risks from storms and the caving in of the ditch and must have it free from deposits of sand, mud, etc., before it win be accepted and paid for in full. If he finds it necessary during the progress of the work to remove fences or bridges he shall carefully replace the same in their original condition and protect the lands, crops and prop- erty contiguous to the drain, from any damage which might arise through the prosecution of the work, and at all times care must be taken not to un- necesjarily injure or destroy timber, crops or other property. The contractor shall use all proper precaution for the prevention of ac- cidents, and he will indemnify the Corporation of the Township of Proton from all suits and actions and all costs and damages occasioned by the neg- ligence or carelessness of the contractor or his agents or employes. INTERPRETATION OF SPECIFICATIONS: 7. The work shall be executed under the direction and to the satisfac- tion of the engineer or commissioner in charge and the decision of U>e engin- eer, whether as to (luality or'quantity of work done, or in the case of ambig- uity of expression of the interpr^ation or doubt as to the correct interpre- tation thereof, shall be final and binding on all parties concerned. CHANGE IN PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS: ^. Should any change or alteration in the plan, profile or specifica- tions, at any time, be deemed necessary by the engineer he shall haVe auth- ority to make such changes or alterations and unless otherwise herein pro- vided for an amount proportionate to the price contained in the tender upon which the contract was awnrdf.d shall be added to or deducted from the original amount of the contract. v PAV.MENIH TO THE CONTRACTOR: 9. The contractor is entitled to receive monthly 70C'f of the value of any portion of the work completed under these specifications, it he so desires and requests, and it shall be understood and agreed by the par- ties hereto that the measurements taken during the progress of the work and the estimates of the engineer shall be final and conclusive evidence of the niaount of work performed by the contractor. The Corporation will pay the cost of one progress inspectijn per half mile of drain and the final inspection, but all other inspections will be charged to the contractor and will be retained out of any moneys due or to become due to the contractor. At the expiration of thirty days (30) after the acceptance of the work, the whole moneys accruing to the contractor under these specifications shall be paid. PAYMENTS 10 WORKMEN: 10. The contractor shall punctually pay the workmen who shall be em- ployed on the work comprised in these particulars and final payment for the work will not be made to the contractor unMI all wages have been pa id. BOND: ^ 11. Before the contract is signed or the work commenced the contrac- tor shall furnish a bond for the due performance of the work within a lim- ited time in favour of and approved by the Corporation of the Township of Proton for the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) signed by two re- sponsible sureties or a guarantee company. LKjriDATED DAMAGES: 12. The work shall be commenced not later than the day of and cjmpleted not later than the day of , otherwise the Corporation may deduct from the contract the sum ascertained and liquidated damages and not as a penalty, the sum of Five Dollars ($5.00) per day for every day the work remains uncompleted after the date agreed upon as above for the performance of the same. AND WHEREAS the said Council are of the opinion that the drain- age of the area above described is de^irable:- THEREFORE THE SAID MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE TOWN- SHIP OF ARTEMSIA, PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE "MUNICIPAL DRAINAGE ACT", ENACTS AS FOLLOWS :- 1. THE said report, plans, specifications, assessments and estimates are hereby adopted, and the drainag: work as therein indicated and set forth shall be made and constructed in accordance herewith. 2. THE REEVE of the said Township of Artemesia may borrow on the credit of the Corporation of the said Township of Artemesia the sum of EIGHT HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS (.?882.50) being said Municipality's share of the funds necessary for the said work and may issue debentures with interest at the rate of five per xent. per annum, guaranteed by the Municipal Corporation of the Tovra- ship of Artemesia. that is to say:- In ten equal annual instalments (interest and principal included in each instalment) payable respectively in one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eTfeht, nine and ten years from the date o^f the same, said debentures to be payable at the Standard Bank of Canada, Flesherton. 3. FOR paying the sum of FIVE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FOUR DOLARS AND FIFTY' CENTS ($544.00), the amount charged against the said lands and road for benefit, and the sum of THREE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-EIGHT DOLLARS ($338.00), the amount charged against the said lands for outlet liability, apart from lands and roads belonging to or controlled by the Municipality, and for covering interest thereon for ten years at the rate of Five per cent, per annum, the following total and spec- ial rates, over and above all other rates shall be assessed, levied and coll- ected (in the same manner and at ths same time as other taxes are levied a«d Collected) upon and from the undermentioned lands and roads' and lots, and parts of lots and the amount of the said total special rates and interest against each lot or part of lot respectively shall be divided into ten enual parts, and one such part shall be assessed levied and collected as aforesaid in each year for ten years, after the final passing of this by-law, during which the said debentures have to run. Value of Value of Cover int. An. Asst. Benefit Outlet at5 '/( per Total each yr. Con. Lot Acres Liability Liability ann. for Special for 10 10 years Rate years 3 S.W. 186 19 $10 00 $ 2 95 $12 95 1.295 187 50 50 00 14 75 64 75 6.475 188 50 75 00 22 12 97 12 9.712 189 5 10 00 10 00 5 90 25 90 2.59 189 45 40 00 40 00 23 60 103 60 10.36 190 10 25 00 7 38 32 38 3.238 190 30 100 00 29 50 129 50 12.95 2 S.W. 183 50 10 »e 2 95 12 95 1.295 184 50 10 00 2 95 12 95 1.295 li 74 15 00 4 43 19 43 1.943 â- » 72 SO 00 8 85 38 85 3.885 187 72 35 00 10 32 45 32 4.532 188 72 35 00 10 32 45 32 4.532 of 189 14 30 00 8 85 38 85 3.885 189 22 20 00 5 90 25 90 2.590 189 38 30 00 8 85 38 85 3.885 pt. 190 14 30 00 . 8 85 38 85 3.885 pt. 190 18 30 00 8 85 38 85 3.885 pt. 190 35 40 00 11 80 41 80 4.18- 1 S.W. 184 30 185 50 5 00 1 48 6 48 .648 186 50 5 00 1 48 6 48 V .648 187 50 5 00 1 48 6 48 w •^^' 188 50 5 00 1 48 6 48 ^^648 189 50 10 00 2 95 12 95 l^lEf 190 50 15 00 4 43 19 43 i-g?* 1 E. 185 186 187 4 6 39 V 188 49 â- 5 00 1 48 6 48 :^, 189 49 * 5 00 1 48 6 48 190 49 ' 6 00 1 48 6 48 .648' 3 S.D.R. Gore lot 13 00 3 84 16 84 1.684 IE. 191 50 5 00 1 48 6 48 .648 192 45 ^ 5 00 1 48 6 48 .648 193 32 5 00 1 48 6 48 .648 1 E. 194 195 196 197 6 2 13 198 46 5 00 1 48 6 48 .648 199 46 â€"" 5 00 1 48 6 48 .648 20O 37 5 00 1 48 6 48 .648 201 36 5 00 1 48 6 48 .648 202 40 •*v 5 00 1 48 6 48 .648 203 40 6 00 1 48 6 18 .648 204 45 5 00 1 48 6 48 .648 205 45 5 00 1 48 6 48 .648 206 45 5 00 1 48 6 48 .648 207 45 5 00 1 48 6 48 .648 208 45 6 00 . 1 48 6 48 .6-13 209 45 5 00 1 48 6 18 .648 210 45 5 00 1 48 6 48 .643 Proton Station Sub. nt. Lot 190. » Con. 2 S.W., Artemesia k- •^ ^ f" -»r 1 50 5 00 ' 1 48 6 48 .648 2 40 4 00 1 18 5 18 .518 3 25 2 .so 74 3 24 .324 4 25 2 50 74 3 24 .324 5 & 6 37 4 00 1 18 5 18 .518 7 & 6 38 4 00 1 18 5 18 .518 8 25 2 50 74 3 24 .324 9 & rt) 28 2 50 74 3 24 .324 10 22 2 50 74 3 24 .324 11 2ri 2 50 74 3 24 .324 12 25 2 50 74 3 21 .324 13 25 ^ 2 50 74 3 24 .324 14 25 \2 50 74 3 24 .324 15 25 2 50 74 , 3 24 .324 16 25 2 50 74 3 24 .324 17, 18, 19 100 10 00 2 96 12 95 1.295 $544 50 $338 00 4. ^OR paying the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLL.-VRS $100.00) the amount assessed against the said roads and lands of the said Munici- pality, and for covering interest thereon for ten years at the rate of Five per cent, per annum, a special rate on the dollar, sufficient to produce the re(iuired yearly amount therefore shall, over and above all other rates, be levied and cpllected (in the same manner and at the rate as all other taxes are levied and collected) upon and fro n the whole rateable property of the said Township of Artemesia '\n each year for ten years, after the final pass- ing of this by-law. during which the said debentures hare to run. 5. THIS by-law sHall be published once in every week for four con- secutive weeks in the "Flesherton Advance" newspaper, published in the Village of Flesherton. and shall come i^'o force and effec* upon and after the final passing thereof, and may be cited as the By-law NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Court of Revision will be held at the Township Hall in the Village of Flesherton. in the County of Grey, on the Twelfth day of October. 1926. at the hour of Two o'clock in the aftem oon for the hearing of appeals, ii any, made against the above assessments or any part thereof and for the adjustment of the said assessments in the manner provided b-<- the Municipal Drainage Act. a notice of such appeal to be served upon the Clerk of the Municipality at least ten days prior to the first sitting of the said Court. AND FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that any one intending to apply to have the foregoing by-law or any part thereof quashed must, not later than ten days after the final passing thereof serve a notice in wTitinjc upon the Reeve and Clerk of the Municipality of his intention to make ap- plication for that purpose to the Referee during the six weeks next aifter the final passing ->f the by-law, __ \ 1 -Jt- H â- T i ^iv