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Flesherton Advance, 22 Sep 1926, p. 1

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®hje /kgljjettiatt %hmnu. Vol 46 No. 1 5 Fleshorton, Onlario September 22, 1926 W. H. Thurston & Son, Pvapridtms J \\ Jh"- /> 0^^116 Value cf a dpod Banker* A GOOD banker is a man you can rely on to look after your best interests, to give every reasonable financial support, to advise you on in- vestments, to make your problemi his problems. Bank of Toronto managers are good bankers. They know the farmer's needs. They are schooled in every phase of agricultural finance. When you need a loan or experienced invest- ment counsel, go to a good banker â€" youi-Bank of Toronto branch manager. He will give you a warm welcome, unfailing service and sound, conscientious advice. EUGENIA PORTLAW Election is over with its turmoil 1 After an illness of three month: and its ihoutinR â€" peace and quietness which was patiently borne, there pass- TO wmmo BRANCHES : FEVERSHAMâ€" Chas. Smith, Manager. MARKDALE â€" W. X. Youns. Manager. PROTON STATION KIMBERLEY Jii'. and Mrs. Peter Pickett a«d son The lIcGregot-McIntvTe Companr Levi, of Bolton, spent the week end | tas completed the steel work on^fie with Mr;-. Pickett's mother and sis- new bridgre o%-er the Beaver river.TiIr I-'* ter, Mrs. and Miss Park. llr. and Mrs. Archie Neilson and ciaughter, of Bolton, were visitors at , Mr. James Xeilson's. j Mr. and Mrs. Still and children ha\e returned from a vacation trip to Bala, Cheltenham and Mt. Forest. Erickson, who 'vas so badly injured when the truck went through one of the old bridgres. was able to be remov- ed to Toronto General hosiptai on "Thursday last. The other gentleman who wa5 hurt was also able to go home. The reports received said prevails once more. Miss "MacPhail is to be constratulated on obtaininK .such a large majority. This shows that she i* hard to beat. We wish her success during her next terni of office. Mr. Edgar Sprott of Badgeros spent a few days at the home of Mr. A. F. Pedlar. Cons-Tatulations to Master Jack Jamieson, who is climbing quickly up the srolden stair of knowledge. Jack is only twelve years of age and has just recently received hia certificate, which promoted him to Third Form. ed away near Port Elgin on the 16th inst.. Sirs. Thos. Fletcher. Deceased who was born in the township of Kin^, came at the age of four years- with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Johnston, and settled on the third line, .\rteme3ia, where she resided continuously until about a year ag), when she removed with her husband to near Port Elgin. Being an old resi- dent, she had a large circle of ac- quaintances, and the funeral, which took place at Maxwell on Saturday last, was attended by her old neiRh- bors and friends in goodly numbers. Rev. Mr. New of Maxwell officiated We hope you meet with success again j^^ ^^^ grave, the remams being brought by motor hearse from Port Elgin. -Mr. community remain for neighbors. We feel very proud of our school carrying off second prize at tne school fair, and congratulate the teacher and Fletcher, to whom the extends sympathy, will a few days with his old next year, Jack. Mr. .Arthur David and lady friend, of Buffalo spent a week with his cousin. Miss iiabel Hoy. Mr. Percy Magee and sister, Miss 11a. and friend. Miss Greenaway, also Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin and chil- dren, spent Sunday in Clarksburg and Thrnbury, and attended the meeting her pupils on their success, of the Gospel Workers. The taber- Rally Day services were held^ by nacle of the G. W. was crowded and Mount Zion Sunday school last Sun- many more were outside, who could day. .\ very interesting and helpful not gain admission. • program was carried out. presided Mr. and Mrs. Lebert and daughter, over by the Superiutendent. Mrs Tay- a new Chrysler coach. IN MEMORIAM "Miss Hannah Roome of Toronto is; that they were improving visitiHg the parental home. i Mr. D. L. Weber. Mr. Proctor and Mr. and Mrs. Hergott and family , Norman Burritt spent the week end spent Sunday at Beamertor- | at their homes. Misi Emily .\cheson has returned : Mr. W. S. Bishop is in Toronto for from ttJon Echo. '' a few days. Mifs Eva Wauchope is visiting her! The Sunday sch«ol convention was siaw^' at Dobbinton. | not very largely attended owinjj to The Rector, Mr. Pogson, conducted the wet weather, although they had The annual Harvest Home service in [ a good meeting in the afternoon and i the Anp'lican church here last Sun- ' succeeded in electirig officers for the day afternoon and preached an ini- \ year. pressive and appropriate sennon. The ; Mr. J. Burritt of Barnstone Island, choir, assisted by Misses Marion and , B.C., is visiiting friends here after an Sylvia .-Vcheson, rendered special mu- ' absence of 28 years. His many sic. The church was prettily deco- [ friends are pela.^>^d to jee him again, rated for the occasion. I Mr. and Mrs. F. Davis spent a day Mr. Robert Bates has purchased a ' with Mrs. Plewes. Miss Viola Fawcett of ColHngwood G. & M. hospital is having two weeks' ' holidays at her home here. i Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stuart and fam- ,. ,,^^,^,„ ~ â€" ,~ . J ilv have moved to Metxiford. We are KAITTING â€" In loving memory ot indeed verv sorrv to lose them, as all our dear wife and mother. Jlrs. J. .J. ' ^ere such splendid helpers in all our Kaitting, Feversham, who pas.-^d j eommuniiv activities, also . church away September llth. 1925. , •work. Short and sudden was the call ! Miss Cora Myers, accompanied by Of one so dearlv Icved bv all. ; her friend. Miss Wiley, are holidaying The blow was great, the shock severe, l ^vith Mr. and Mrs. Myers. We little thought her death so near Mr. Will Ellis has returned home And only those who loved can tell | after spending the summer m the The pain of not saying a last farewell, i ''"^"th country-. „, , , , , , , ( Mrs. ^ >rguson is visiting her daugn- She had a nature you could not help : ^^j. jj^^. Qtto Baker. loving t The W. M.S. held asocial afternoon And a heart that was purer than gold u,„ p^i-Iav at the home of Mrs. Aber- And to those who knew her and loved | i-rombie. Owing to the busy season "'-'^- .' ,, 1 there was not so large attendance as Her memory will never grow old. ^.j,, expected, but what they lacked in As we loved her. so we miss her, numbots was made up in pleasaa* and In our memory she is near, â-  profitable time by those present. They Loved, remembered, longed for always Provided yaim and stocking legging Bringing many a silent tear. - I for knitting. There are still some â€"Husband and Family, t^^j^'^ '^^^^^^ She was a grand old lady, hair turned ^y^^ S S *_ *° **'/^.T j""!^"' •* u .'RallvDav ser%ice next Sundav morn- bhe never failed to WTite me when I ; j^^ ^t 11 o'clock. Please come and xvu ^;'a* far away. ,, make the .-ervice hclnfuT. u hen I wouid come home, how glad .she'd be, I Living days that I recall. She was a grand old lady, and I loved her best of all. â€" Her son, Guy. .A.lice. and Master H?rold Tuohy of Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. Simmons and Mr. and Mrs. Woolner of Drayton. ihe Tuohy tamiiy and ."iiss Barry of Meaford. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. -Alex. Hoy and Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Magee. Miss Mabel Hoy re- turned home with her aunt, Mrs. Tuohy. A number from here attended the .\rtemesia rural school fair held in Flesherton on Thursday afternoon of last week. There was a vgry large attend, attendance. Congratulations to our school, which took first in the parade, as well as gaining se%'eral other pri- zes. Miss Irene Martin was success- ful in winning Miss MacgPhail's prize in the oratorical contest. The vegetable exhibits were eood. as was the other hall display. Success, girls and boys; we hove yott nave a good fair again next year. We are very surry to report the death of Mr. John K. Jamieson Jn Sunday morning. Full obituary no- tice next week. Mr. and Mrs. E. Partaidge, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Magee and Mr. Edward Linton spent Sunday in Clarksburg. Mrs. T. Lever and daughter. Ger- trude, of Flesherton, visited at Mr. C. Martin's. Miss Selina MacQonald is holiday- ing in Owen Sound Mrs. Francis Genoe.Mrs. Harry Foe- ster. and Miss Mae Duckett attended Owen Sound fair on Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Duckett and little daughter of Maxwell visited the former's parents here on Sunday. Nurse Moffat from near Feversham SDent a day with her friend. Miss Mariorie Park. Mr. and Mrs. S. Croft and sons, from near Flesherton, and Mr. Holley of Parry Sound, visited at Mr. C. Mar- tin's recently. Mr. .John Magee and friend, and Mr. and Mrs camp over by the Superintendent. Mrs ior, who, with the staff>«nd scholars, are to be congratulated on its success. The pastor. Rev. Mr. New, delivered â- '.n apprcoiiate and insiJiri.'ig adiires ' and gave a solo, both of which were .much appreciated. The school has an enrolment of 65 members. The church will hold .Anniversary Services on the third Sunday of Octo- ber, when there will be service in the morning at 11 o'clock and in the even- ing at 7.30. .A.11 are invited to ROCK MILLS Mr. and Mrs. Ray Vv'ood of Owen Sound visited over the week end with relatives here. Mr. Sam Holley of Parry Sound is v^isiting at present with his sister, Mrs. Sam CrQ£t. Unity U.F.W.O. Club v.-ill meet at the home of Mrs. Wm. T. Pedlar on Thursday, October Tth. Mrs. Fred Field and Jliss Nellie Robertson, of Toronto, came up on Saturday and spent the week end with relatives here. Mrs. W. T. Pedlar has returned home after visiting her daughter. Mrs •John Wickens. Kimberley. Mr. Robert^Akitt visited recently with his daughter in Toaonto, and also attended the Ex. while there. Mrs. Wm. Hanley of the 8th line has gone on an extended visit to Port Huron, Michigan. Pas-or Preston will hold prayer meetirK in the church on Thursday evening as usual. Little Ruby Akitt is suffering from an att;>ck of tcnsi'fitis. Dr. Turnbull is attending her. M-. .John Elliott and Miss Elliott of Mar 'ale visited with Mr. Wafcter . -Aki:: nd family recently. , Wc cr^n.irratulate the teacher and pupils of Rock Mills school in securing _, _, , , third prize at the school fair last Thos. Ger.oe. attended xhurs'Jav. Thev did some splendid meeting at f' arksburg Sunday, marehir j. Mrs. Geo. Hargrave of Torento spent V. •" v.eek end with her parents. Mr. ar-d .Mrs. W. T. Pedlar. The I.idies' .Aid will meet at th',' home of Miss Ella Genoe on Wednes- day, Sep;ember 29th. EIGHTH LINE. OSPREY Rev. Stotesbury. and are arranging for a gv.>od The young people's chjb of - the U.F.Y.P.O. met at the home of Mr. Fred Spofford on Friday evening last when the program ended with a con- test which caused a great deal of amusement, after which everyone went out and ate com by the fire. The affair wao enjoyed by all as it was an ideal night for such an occa- sion. The harvest was very tardy this year, owing to the numerous rains. Quite a number from this part at- tended the exhibition, namely. Miss Maynard. Walter Lawler. Mr. Mur- phy and daughter. Elizabeth. the affair ovened by the President. Miss Maynanl. singing "Keep the Young Club Booming." "Onward" Club gave some very interesting reci- tations and Mr. Oliver gave a C'ine talk on "How to keep the young peo-| pie on the f»rni." j -Miss Moffat is still attending Ml". I E. Crawford. Miss Aiieline Murphy has returned to her school. Mr. Harold Culleton of Toronto is- visiting friends on the Sth. Mr. and Mrs. John McNulty have returned to Buffolo after visiting with their sister and brother. D. and E. Madden. ADDITIONAL LOCALS Mr. Thos. Molourt of Sheffiebi. England, is visiting with Mr. Fred Pind.3r. Reeve .Meads informs us that the Council hx- decided to dispense with the sidtv.ilk progi-ani, as the season is advanc.d and the coj-t of the v/or'n wolud *^e too high. On offer was made r* IS cents per fo^t which would i.'.'ke the cost and it is exi -'ted to go ahead with fall pr''..;ram next summer by work. the Jav STORES OPEN THUHSDAY CLOSE FRIDAY By mutual agreement the business places will remain open this Thursday afternoon, and will not observe the half holiday. However, in order to allow the clerks to i^ttend the fair on Friday afternoon, the stores will close at 2 p. m. and will remain closed until five o'clwk, when they will re-open to cater to the demands of the public. SCHOOL FAIR PRIZES (Continued from Page 8) Boy's Harnessing, Hitching and Driving â€" Russel Acheson, 15; Ever- ett Freeman, Fl; Wellinsrton Colgan, Flesherton 1. School Parade â€" Eugenia, Portlaw, Rock Mill.i. Proton SUtion. Public Speaking, girls â€" A. Heard, Fl; Aitnes Irwin, Fl; Monica Lam- bert. 12. Mfts Macphail's Prlie â€" Irene Martin. 13; Jeanette McLcod, 6. TORONTO LINE. NORTH I ^ i Mr. and Mrs. Mi Poldstalk, accom- i panied by Mrs. W. J. Lever ^nd • Mjrs. F, Peacock, and little son, Lloyd, FROM 2 TO 5 ' t'f Owen Sound motored down and I spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred ; Brow#. Miss L. Roome of Proton spent a ' week with Mrs. .\lbert Stewart. I , Mr. Harold Lever has erected a neat ! garage. Mr. D. Dow did the carpen- ter work. I Mr. and Mrs.^J. Grobe of Preston were week end visitors with Wm. I Burnett and family. 1 Mrs. I. Perigo was the guest of 1 Owen Sound friends the past week. I Mt.»s Bessie Stewart entertained a number of her friends to a party on ] Tuesday evening last. Mr. j. .^. Lever had the mistfortune to lose one of his work horse.« on Mon- 1 day. it having dropped dead while ; l)eing driven along the road. i Mr. Wm. Burnett spent Sunday! with friends at Mount Forest. BORN HEVSON â€" At the General and I Marir â-  Hospitri!. CoUingwooJ. on Saturi'ay, September 11, 1922. t^ Mr. r.nd Mrs. Frank Hewson (nee Elizuleth English), Duncroon. u son. â€" Fvaiik English. SF1VELL â€" I:i Osp:-ev on Thurs- day. September 16th. li'2(*.. to Mr. and M 's. Jos. a daughter. Sewell (nee Jean Reid^ for Economictst Transportatiom BATES BURIAL CO. FUNERAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNERAL PARLORS 122 - 124 Avenue Road, TORONTO Telephone; J. W. Bates. Klngsdale 4:144 R. Maddocks. SUITS HIGH SCHOOL SLITS FOR GOVS. Lovat shade Suit in a swagger style for the high school boy, emphasizing such smart feaures a.s the button-flap, patch pockets with pleats, and inverted pleats and yolk in back. Two pairs of bloomers, adding additional wear to the suit. .^.LL-WOOL. BLUE SERGE SUITâ€" Splendid value in carefuUy tailored suit in a verv popular material for boys' wear. BROWN UNION TWEED Bloomer Suit, a single-breasted model, with an all-round belt and three patch pockets with flaps. Children's blue serge middv suit â€" White braid trimmlnjrs on collar, sheild on sleeves, and the black flow-end tie add greatly to the neat appearance, knee length pants. We expect a large display of Ladies' Ready-made Silk Crepe Dresses, to arrive in a few days. We invite you to call to see them. Newest styles and ihades. F. G KARSTEDT FLESHERTON SCHOOL DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN We have SCHOOL BAGS SATCHELS and SCHOOL BOOTS FOR SALE. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON HOUSE OFGLUAL.1TY Homestead Fly Salt Everyone knows ifcat this is the season when fhes are the worst. We have a salt that if fed to your cattle during- this period, the flies .-> will not bother them, and your cattle will rest contented. W. J. STEWART 81 SONS Flour, Feed, Se«d». Groceries and Confectionary Flesherton ImVnce-m^^^^y The drawing contest for teams at the Flesherton Fair will be an inter- esting event. CHEVROLET lOoks Kkc an exponsi^c car. You »-ill find the beaut, f-jl Fi»h«r- buih. clowd bodks on Chevrolet â€" it is the low»st-pric*d car in the »x>rld having Bsher bodies. You will see appealing Duco iuiish in colon on Chevrolet. Yea will discover hixuiious upbobterx- â€" hand- some nickel-silver interior fittings â€" cosy nigs on the floor â€" â- & blinds on the win- dowsâ€" a dome bght in the roof â€" a robe rad and a foot rest â€" all in the Cbevrokt sedan. CSevTolet drires Site aa exptasiv« car. The cxtn powerful Chevrolet ctagioc per- forms with aouaing smoothness The Wandard gearshift works with case atid The cby-disc dutch s iigjg â€" •moothly, akaost wiutoM eSoTt. E.xtra-large. self <q»aK ring brakes make motoring safe and secure. The knurled-grip steering wheel â€" - with crtj- trallv nKKiatcd spark and throttle lertrs and horn button â€" handles with bigor imoochness ainl stnall-cat facility. The Smoothest CheTroIet in ChcTro- let kistory is selling at the Lowest Price for which Chcrrelet has eTer heea sold in Canada. Ask about GM\C Plan of Dcfctrcd "â- yiucfits. Rsa4st«rK4« CseyelSl* Uim . ISM 71S Ceack 911 L a afca SsJsa t7t •4« CsaMctiat CUnia • *H Hi Utility EnNss " . . 7M Att ^Ht*» af rar«wry TaM» Katri asaastae fosrt " D McTAVISH & SON Chevrolet Dealers Flesherton, Ont

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