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Flesherton Advance, 15 Sep 1926, p. 8

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â- WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 192C THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE mm i K 37th Annual Fair and Exhibition FLESHERTON & EAST GREY AGR'L. SOCIETY FALL FAIR SEE THE FINE EXHIBITS OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE, HORSES, CATTLE, SHEEP, SWINE AND POULTRY: ALSO INTEREST- ING DISPLAYS OF LADIES' WORK. FLESHERTON Thursday and Friday, September 23-24 SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT: J'he best t fains of the district have filtered. Markdale Band BIG SCHOOL PARADE AT 1 P.M. SEE EXCITING WEIGHT DRAW- ING CONTESTS FOR TEAMS: also rUG O' WAR BETWEEN A TEAM OF HORSES AND 12 MEN. EVENING ATTRACTION AT THE HIGH SCHOOL CONCERT PROGRAM BY THE AGNE^v ENTERTAINING TRIO. Old Time Fiddlers' Contest Old Time Step Dancers' Congest Prizes i^lU, i?5, $3, $2. $10, $5, $3, $2. Music to be played will be a Waltz and Hornpipe by each contestant. An ad- ditional prize will be given for Best Fiddlec playing "McDonald's Reel", prize $3, and $2.' Everybody come and see their favorites perform. An out?.ide judge will adjudicate. Admission to concert: adults 50 cents. Children 35 cenjts. Flesherton Beat Creemore' Interesting Fair Program »«^« for service ,1 Judging: frum Fair Day the at pro;;ram of Flesherton is ;lay for those home 1''"""'"^ ^° '^'"^ '' '"â-  Music, ball games, drawing contests, children's THRESHING their pocket, the ^core being it-6. The P""!' 'â- '*'^''«' «"'''"K "P *"•' « •"« local squad was reinforced with three .*-'"*â- '""" P'""«fa'n »' the high school is Dundalk players, Mel Thompson, who ' '»"''"«**' ^"''- N"' ^^^ '*^^*''' interest- caught Kitchen's offf'rings in fine The Flesherton ball team journeyed i to Creemore on Wednesday of last i *'^*"*'' week and played the crack Creemore '^'"'^^ ^" ^^ " '^"^ '*'"â- ='â-  aggregation there and came with the game safely tucked away in ' Tamworth boar far service, No. 2-16,816, on Lot 14Câ€" 147, 3rd range â€" L. MEGGOTT, Apr. 27. Flesherton OUTFIT FOR SALE the Tlio^c iiitfiulin^' to entt-r any of the chisst-s tries in early. Full ]).'irticulars from any ol KC)15T. RICHARDSON. 'A\ \V. MXDALY. PrcsiTIent Chairman Si)l'C provided will please ihe committee or hav(.- their en vS. Iv (leCUDMORK. Attrac. Com. Seci-Trea.- St.Columba Church, Priceville The Augu.^t meeting of the W.M.S. of St. ColuBiba United church, Price- ville, was hfld on Kriday, Aup. 20, at the home of the Misses James, and was largely attended. The opening seP' vices were conducted by the presi- dent, Mrs. (R(?v.) McCormack, and the Scripture lesson was read by Mr.i. Jim Weir. The minutes of the • last meeting wen; read by the Secre- i tary, Miss Edith James, anil were adopted. The alloted time for busi- ness which followed was taken up with plans for the thank-offering and â-  for the packing of the bale of cloth- ing. It was decided that the i thang-offcri«g meeting should be . held on some Sunday in early aut- umn and that the Jjale should be packed on Monday, 'the 30th inst., at the honitt of Mrs. H. B. McLeaji. I I A fme article entitled "'A Medita- jtion for hte Individual Member," by Ethel .M. II. Smiith, was read by Mrs. JAllie JVIwir, after which Miss Willa Patterson gave an inteucsting and en- ; lightening talk on the work at the iMiSisioN of .Wokstas, wheije she has j been stationed for some time. A iduet waes -sweetly rendered by Mrs. ;H. B. McLean and 'Jiiss Louise Wat- [sor, after which the meeting closed 'with a hymn, followed by prayer iff IIcv. Mr. McCormack. THE LADIES' AiD Mrs. L. McArtlwr then took th»." chair and called the mewiUers of the Ladies' .Aid together. The minutes of tha last meeting were read by the Secretary, Miss B. Jant«s, and w^ro ! adopted. Then followed the flusinoss ' of the meeting. After some discus- sion it was decided to hold a b some time before Christmao ;i committee was appointed to after the same. izaar fid a look ] The former Ladies' Aid of Ebenezer who linve disbanded and united with j the Society of St. Sk)lumba chiirch, , made a very acceptable contribution of StZ to the finds, which was much appreciated by the memfcera. ENGACEAIENT. .Mrs. Buie o£ Singhampton announ- ces the engadgement of her younge.-* dau)4(iter, Florence Kvelyn, to Mr. Albert Gilbert English of Port Col- bornc, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. .John .M. English, Singhampton, the 'marriage to take place quietly the middle of September. good game at third and Wilfred Lock-'"'^''' hart, who made some fine plays | '^'"' at the short stop position. Ken Boyd was the usual shining light at first and Cecil McTavish took the pegs at second base. Albert .Sparks guarded right field in a fitting maimer and a couple of hit;; went to his field that allowed one man to take third and the other one to go to second. They were real hits and Ab. played them well. Reggie Hutton, the star pitcher cf the li»25 champions, made some fine catches in centre field and Frank Betts played left field. Russell Kit- chen whiffed six Creemore lad.! and the three men who faced him in the first inning were retired on three pitched ball.s, something we have not seen hajipen yet. This was his eighth straight win and the eleventh one for the season. This afternoon the return game was supposed to have been plaryed but Creemore notified the local management Tuesday evening that they would be unable to come. An cfofrt will be made to have them at a later date. 36.50 c"linder, self feeder. 18.20 h.p. steam engine, to be sold at a sacrifice. All in first class repair and ready for j ing will be the contests between the work. Water tank will be included CHAS. BOYCE, Ceylon have ^"'- "' ^""- ^' Arteraesia, that The particulars are available on the| Notice is hereby given that all per- large posters which have been distr?- gpns having any claims or demands bated. The secretary is receiving against the estate of Mary Tupling, style, Frank Mclntyre. who played '*.<''.<' ti'"'^^ fiddlers and step dancers at Con 1 Artemes .. .•" ^ .'. .nifrht Valuable cash nrizes ho,.„ i-ot ». ^o"- L Arteraes a.'^ide for these events should draw a record entry. 'full NOTICE TO CREDITORS late of the Township of Osprey in the , ... ., ^ County of Grey, widow, deceased, who county and it appears that a ^^^^ „„ „r about the First day of wonderful exhibition can be expected. June, 192C, are required tofor\vard Dont overlook the dates for Flesher- their claims duly proved, to the un- ion Fair, Thursday and Friday, Sep-i^«'"s*Kned, on or before the 2.5th day tember 23 and 24. ^°' September, 1926. And notice is hereby further given -â€"^â€"â€"â€" \ that after the said date the executors The drawing contest for teams at "''H .proceed to distribute the estate, the Flesherton Fair will be an inter- ^-^'^'^^f '^^^'"'^ °"-l" to such claims as esting event. Local Judges' Dates The judges for faH fairs have re- ceived their allocations from the Sup- erintendent, J. Lockie Wilsofl, and Mes.w2. R. ',V. Paton and T. W. Find- lay ha\'P again been chosen a.i judges, the former on cattle and the latter of horses. Mr. Paton judges at Kemble fair on September 24 and at Ripley on September 3!). Mr. Findkiy is at Hanover on Friday and Saturday o£ this Week, 'iiiverton, October 5th, Tees- water, Octobor fitli and Wirghara on October 7. Mr. Alex. Muir of Ceylon is a judge of sheen, cattle and swine, and has seve^pl fairs in new Ontario, biit we have been unable to learn the places and dates. The young folks are eagerly await- ing the Flesherton Fair to see their favorites in the pony races. they will then hhave notice of. I Dated at CoUingwood this 18th day of August, 1926. Executors â€" Christopher Thomson and John S. Tupling, Feversham, Ont. MALCOLM McLEAN. Drawer 20, CoUingwood, Solicitor for Executors. Small Advertrsementi LOST AND FOW^'D LOST â€" In Flesherton on Saturday ; night, Sept. llth, a sterling silver! hair pin set' with brilliants in shape i of bow. Finder please leave at The Advance office or communicate with ' .Mrs. Ray Pedlar, Maxwell P.O. Flesh- erton phone. BOAR FOR SERVICE No. 92-71630. Also a youiur York- shire pig, both bacon type for servic* on lot 176, N.W. T. & S.E., Termsâ€" 11 .00. u â€" T. J. STINSON. BOAR FOR SERVICE CAME ASTRAYâ€" Came to my p*;mi.sei, -lot lCO-161, E. T. S. R.. .Artemesia, Saturday, September VtK, two two-year-old rattle. Owner please prove property, pay expenses and take same away. â€" R. Chard, Proton Station P.O. Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- viceâ€" Edgely Bright Vim, No. 99,99« â€"Property of Saageen Bacon Host Club. Terms $1.00. â€" C. KINDLE, Proton Station. Lots 168-9, 3rd W.T.S.R., Artemesia. FOR SALE FOR S.ALE â€" Young pigs 5 weeks old. â€" Fred Jamieson, Eugenia. JERSEY BULL FOR SERVICE EPITAPHS FOR SALE â-  well-seasoned hardwood flooring. â€" Lachlan McArthur, Prictvtle. asisjaisisiaisiHEia'aiaiEia'araifflsisiasraiaiBiB/afaiaiaia^^ SIX HILL STORES We buy toc*ther in order liuit our ouetomers in the six com- munities OMtjr materially ben- Â¥fll individually. F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE K Store everyone instinct- ively assoctBtes with highl quality fairest potsibl«i prices. merchandise at th«^ New Coats New Miline ry New Dresses Specials Special 39c. Special 47c Spec- to 10 doz. Brassieres, all sizes. 100 yds. 42in. Pillow Cotton 100 yards Pure Linen Towelling ial $1.29 and $1.39. Girls' aJI-wool Plaid Dresses, sizes 8 14 years. Special $5.25 to $6.75. Clothing Department Men's Suits, values from $22.50 to $26.50 ^o clear at $14.98. Young Men's Double and Single Breast- ed Suits in plain blue & striped. Reg- ular value $35.00, to clear $24.75. Men's Rain Coats in tweed; also craven- ett. While they last $3.98. Grocery Department Granulated Sugar, 10 pounds 69c. Jelly Powders, 4 packages for 25c. Wt^nderful Soap, 4 for 25c. 5 pound pail of Honey. 60c. a pail Classic Cleanser, 3 tins for 25c. Fly Tox Spray. Regular 50c. for 45c. Gents' Furnishings Department Men's Felt Hats, all colors, Reg. values up to $5, to clear at $2.48. Men's Work Shirts, new shipment just arrived, to clear at 95c. Men's and Boys' Belts in brown and black to clear at 23c. Men's Fine Shirts. Regular values from $3 to $3.50, to clear a $1.98. Men's Cotton Socks, 2 pair for 25c. Men's Fine Socks- Special 29c. each Boots and Shoes Men's Heavy Work Boots. Reg. $3.50 to $3.75. Special $2.76. Ladies' Blond 1 -strap slipper. Spec. $2.95 Ladies' Blond Pumps. Special $2.95 50 pairs of Pumps and Oxfords. Regular $4.50. Special $1.98 Special disc, on sN'.idles and running shoes Here lie the remains of Percival Sapp He drove a car with a girl on his lap. Slumbering here is one Wm. Blake He heard the bell but had no break. J. .Smith lies here without his shoes He drove a car while lit with b«oze. Here is Mary Jane, but not alive, She made her car go forty-five. lid. Jones is lost to eartly wiles, He turned a curve at fifty miles. Beneath this turf lies Wm. Meak, He used a match on a gas tank leak. R. L. Johnston occupies this bunk. He tried to drive while he was drunk. Nellie stalled her car on R. She's gone very far and won't be back. In a hearse just iiast was P. O'Shean He battled liquor and gasoline. Here lies a mutt from Parry Sound, He drove fifty and is under ground. Heaven help women like Mary Lamar She took one lesson, then drove a car. O'er Mike O'Toole they just said mass Reached for his brake but hit the gas .Shed a tear for Maggy McGluck, I She missed a Ford but hit the truck. I I .•V local lad with speeding vice i Is heading where they don't keep ice. I While at the Fair Make our Store your Headquarters I<cavc youY coats. L\«ic our telephone. Make yonr.self at home. Before you leave be sure to See Our New Stock of W-atche.s Registered Jersey bull for service. .\bput 1000 feet of | '^'^^^' Brampton Jersey Conscript; Dam: Brampton Petune's Lady. Fee: $5.00 at time of sennce. â€" H. RADLEY, Flesherton. Ont FOR SALE- .^ ear load of western oats expected co arnive about Sept. 18 â€" W. C. White, Csylon, phone 3?r:5a. KOR SALEâ€" Ford touring car in | good running order, 1918 model, very i cheap. Apply at Advance office. FOR SALE â€" YouMg pigs for sale. $12 pgr pair, also 6 purebred Tam- worth sows ready fpr breeding. â€" H Radley, Flesherton. FOR S.A.LEâ€" BuiliJ,Big lot for sale in the village of Flesherton, half ac- ^ re, opposite the« high school. â€" Mrs. ', and Flesherton Ellen Parker, Flesherton. S. E. DeCUDMORE PHONE 53, FLESHERTON General InauFanee Specialist Real Estate and Investments â€" Inquiries Solicited â€" FOR SALE â€" Rifle, 25-20; box : ;stove, new wheelbarrow and a quant- ity of fancy iron fencing. â€" S. Semple, MIDDLE BRO & BURWS Barristers, etc Oflficesâ€" Owen Sound, Dtaftam .„. -id Flesherton. Flesherton ^ery I Saturday aftemeon and evening -vT I. R. track ^Flesherton FARMS FOR SALE j Oil tha Toronto Lin« ProTineU j Highway. Threfl farms, two of Iga , ajsres and one of SO acres aU cleand. (First class buildings, up to date te {every particular. Will scU an.T oat , of. these. Good brick house on on iSC jthe fai-ms. The steUiBg for ann!- , mala is perfect One fvir bas tea lucres hardwood bush and anotDs FOR SALEâ€" Choice breeHing S.C. °'"^'"«i has Uitm acres of timb«r White Leghorn cot-kerels. These ' â- '?'' ^\ buildinngs for everything birds were hatched from eggs from [ ^f^^<^' including poultry bouse ui high producing pedigreed imported ^'^ P®"^*- ^'° broken land and ojo* Barron stock and will make fine bree- i °f J^*^^- '^^ person interstMd derj in the spring. Strong and vigor- FOR SALEâ€" House and lot for sale; large house with one and a half acres of land. â€" John Wright, Town. "for SALE^Young pigs, ready io gii about the 2^ld o; Sept., also three head of year oki cuttle â€" Hen McKen- Kenzie, Ceylo-i 1". 0., phone 22r.5. ous and the of breeding 15 birds only, price S3 each. â€" S. E. lleCudmore phone 53, Flesherton. jOi weeos. .\ny person j should investigate. ! -T. J, jlmy STINSON. Proton SUtioB P.«L BUSINESS CARDS Wantedâ€" 50 S. Pullets or young good price. â€" Box C. White Leghorn hens. Will pay a 23, Feversham. Dr. E. C. Murray. L.D.S., dental surgeon, honor graduate of Toroata and Royal College of Dental Stirg, NOTICE â€" Chopping done SatUP- of OnUrid. Gas administered Hf day.s only. â€" Graham Bros., Eugenia, teeth extraction. Office at reeideae* Toronto Stret, Flesherton. F.T. HILL & Co., Limited. Markdale ^mSSS!Sim!PS^SS!?'I^%'S!&SS^^SIS siafiaBJafaaBaasjaaiBaff'j A-thletie (iood.'i A-lanii Clocks R-iiiK;s M-aiiicure Sets S-iIvei"\vaie T-alkiti};- Machines R-ecords 0-l(l Dutch Silver N-ail Files G-tiitars & S-havinj4 i^ei|nisites 0-raiij;enien's Jewellery N-;i|)kiii Rin^jfs. Our motto is : ("ome in and gel it; If nr hn\rn't got il, we'll get it, !f we ran't get It, il can't he got. W. A. Armstrong & Son K.-t.!l>l!sh.,l isy.i Flesherton, Ont. FOR SALE N House and lot for sale, six room- ed frame house, good woodshed, a good barn and garden. â€" Apply to John Blackburn. FARM FOR SALE Dr. A. Tnmbnll, RA.. M.B, gnd- uate from the Faculty of ICadidlm^ University of Toronta Qfflc»â€" Xl^ ardson Block, Flesherton. Pk»- It. 100 acres on the Provincial High- way, I'l miles south of Flesherton; good barn 50x00 with stone wall; brick veneer house, drive shed, pig pen and hen house, 10 acres good bush, well watered and fencetl. â€" JAS. FERRIS, Flesherton. GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the county of Grey. Reason- lable terms. Satisfaction guaran- teed. Dates made at this office. FARM FOR S.\LE 100 acres â€" clay loam, well watered, good stone wall barn 50 x 00, .sheep pen, hog pen, poultry house, driving house, small orchard, 20 acres of bush, good frame six roomed house and woodsheil, stone foundation, cellai c« ment floor two milcA south ot Flesherton. Prince Arthur Lodge, S33. AJF. A A.M., meets In the Maeonie hiil^ ib»> strong Block. Fleaharton, emy Ttt- day on or before the funll moon. Robt Do%vn. W. M., F. J JThu reton, Se c I Lucas A Henry, Barrl8tei% S^HOk- in. etc«â€" L B. Locaa, K.a: W. B. Henry, B.A. OfSces, MarktUa firxM Block, Phone 2. Branch offleea at Dundalk and Durham. Telford ft Bfriile, Barristan, eitors, etc.. Offlc o s - Qi g y nii Block, Owien Sound; Staadtfd Block. Flesherton, CS^tantw). P. Telford Jr.. J. F. p. Btmla. Wm. Kaitting. Lic«nsc< AveUaaw* for the counties of Grey and S)Bic«Sb Farm and stock sales a <l)eelally. Terms moderate., satisfactftn avm- anteed. Arrangements for _ . may be made at the Advance oilQib (_ C-entral telephcme ofRce, rmmtw. ' â€"J. Thistlethwaite. Flesherton P.O.** ^» •^dressing ne at P( *«-• /<

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