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Flesherton Advance, 15 Sep 1926, p. 4

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i WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 l'.>26 THE Reduction of Taxes for FLESHERTON ADVANCE 1926 isjhe Prospect Publi^ihed on Cui;in(r>vood Btrcyt, Fleshcrton, Wednesday of each we«k. Circulation over 1100. Price in Canada, |2.00 per year, when paid in advance (1.50. In U.S.A. $2.60 per year, when paid in advance (2.00. W. H. THURSTON, Editor r. J. TirORSTON Ant. Editor THE POPULATION OF IRELAND. In 1847. when the potato famine »et in, the population of Irchmd was over 8,000,000. From that timefor- ward there was a steady stream to newer lands of the host blood of the Emerald Isle, and the result of the laa.U ••ensu.-< show.* that the number of inhabitants is 4,222,744, a drop of 167,470 since I'.Ml. The decrease is confined to the Free State, a.^ nor- thern Ireland had an of ."SliSO, compared with a fall of 172,800 In the southiTn state. Chief amonp: the losing provinces arc Munster and Connaupht. Ireland has now the distinction of beinjr, for its size, the chief mother country of the world for foroJKn residents, the number of Irish-born residents livinjt out- side of Europe is ."{0.2 per cent, of the home population, which is nearty double that of Ireland's nearest com- petitor, Norway. Ireland has a lar- jfer ratio of men to women than any European country, due to the heavy nii;;ration of women, e.ipc?ially to this continent. There is a disposition on the part of some to commiserate with the Tr- ish on their disposition to seek new home J in other lands. There is, how- ever, two sides to the question. The old land has undoubtedly lost many men and women of enterprise and en- oergy, who life in the island hard and the outlook uncertain, but the r.ewer lands, ineludinp Canada, have civen these cnterprisinp inland- ers better homes and wider outlook and opportunities for increased pros- perity and hai)piness. And who can estimate the incidental benefits con- ferred on these newer countries, where Iri.shmen and women have vied with immigrants from Scotland, England and continental lands, to build up a new civilization certainly not less beneficial to themselves and fellow settler^ than that under which th«» e.Nl ted in the old iunt;. The t»x rate for Villat'e Purposes WU.1 reduced practically one mill at th'.- Council tnteting held Monday ev- jeninK arid Is a drop in the rij^ht direc- jtion. I-ast year's rate was eight and j nine-tenths milk* and the new rate i levied Monday evt-ninK is for eight Miills. This javintr has resulted ''rom an in assessment and the de- cision of the Council to reduce expen- 'ditu.-e by fl2r,0. By-law No. '.f, to levy ratea for 1920, was read the required number of time.! and finally passed, and the fol- lowinjr are the amounts required :- County purposes $l25B.!i'0; village purposes, $1325; public school, (1755; high school, (829.2.'>; street lijrhtinf?, 1.550; public library, $125. The members of the Cou.icil present were:- Reeve, W. J. Mead.;; Council- lors Findlay, Inkstcr and Richardson. Communications were received from the County Clerk's office re county rate of (12.55.50, being 7^4 mills; list of arrears of taxes from County Trea- surer, aniountinK to about $528. Ac- count.! were received from Ontario Department of HiRhways, (58.72, for cak'ium chloride u.^ed on Durham and Collintrwood streets and wages for man and team; Wm. Smith, work in park, (7..50; Municipal World, sup- plies, SS.C**; Mr. Myers, cutting ced- •irs at culvert on western approach to town, and one plank, $1.25. On a mo- tion of C. N. Richard :on, seconded by Wm. Inkstcr, the accounts were or.!- cred to be pad. The Reeve brought up the question of the building of the sidewalks pro- mised earlier in the year, and which have not been commenced by the Sidewalk Commissioner. These were a sidewalk on the nf-rth .side of .Alice street to Mr. .lohn Pedlar's gate and a crossing in front of Mr. Ed. Best's. The season now was very changeable and it wa.; not thouijht wise to go ahead with the work and have it spoil- ed by freezing. However, the Reeve and Mr. Inkster were appointed a committee to go over the work in (luestion and interview Mr. Thomas Lever as to the cost of the work and time it would be commenced if it was decided to go aheud-with the construc- tion. There's one thouiand dollars of money in prizes to be won at Fleshcr- ton Fall Fair. Get your entries ready and compete. By-law No. 8 of 1926 A BY-LAW to provide for drainage work in the To\vnship of Artemesia in the County of Grey and for the borrowing on the credit of the Municipality the sum of $882.50, the proportion to be contributed by the Municipality for the .^ completion of same. A BY-L.\VV to provide for drain.ige work in the Township of Arte- mesia in the County of Grey and for the borrowing, on the credit of the Municipality, the sum of $882.50 the proportion to be contributed by the Municipality for the completion of the jame. PROVISIONALLY adopted this day of 1936. WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Proton has taken proceedi ngs to construct a drain in the said Township under the provisioni- of the Municipal Drainage Act, which said drain is to be extended or continued in-; to the Township of Artemesia. AND WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Township of Proton has served t'ne Reeve of the Township of Artemesia with a copy of the report, plans, specification.), assessments anJ estimates of U. W. Christie, O.L.S., the engineer of the proposed work, a? required by the Municipal Drainage Act, and the said report of the said Engineer in respect thereof and of the daid drainage work so far as the same relates to the Township of Arte- mesia is as follows. To the Reeve and Council of the Township of Proton: Gentlemen, â€" In accordance with your instructions I have made an examination of Drain No. 26 with a view to making improvementj under isection Seventy-five (75) and maintaining under Section Number Eighty (80) and Eighty-two (82) of the Ontario Municipal Drainage Act. Where the drain crosses public highways or railway rights-of-way, bridges & culverts shall be built, altered and maintained by the Corporation or corn- pan having jurisdiction over such hig The Railway Company shall also bear allowance has been made to owner.i of private properties requiring bridges, culverts or fords, which, in every case, are to be built and maintained by the parties requiring the same and not at the expense of the drainage work. Bach structure shall be built and maintained in such a way as to allow an opening for water flow at least as large as the capacity of the drain, in- cluding also those nortiong of stream beyond the excavated cross section. Fords jhall be excavated from the grade of drain through the bank with a vertical of nr^' more than one to three horizontal. Whe cash pay- ment is to be made to each owner f o â-  the full amount of his or her allow- ance, as shown herein or in amendments hereto within one month after the coniitruction of the drain on his or her property. Water gates shall be built and maintained by owners or tenints fencing across the drain, and in no case shall an owner or tenant place or cause to be placed in the drain any q^igB|ction to the free flow of the water. Adjacent land owners shall be h^^^wtonsible for all violations of Section Number Eighty-two (82) of the^^^^Hal Drainage Act. The drain shall in all other respects be main- tainc^^^rne ('orporation of the Township of Proton at the of the parties and corporations assessed for the present undertaking in the ratio of their re.4.nective assessments In this report or amendments hereto. The channel of the stream beneath the bridge on the Canadian Pacific RaiUvay right-of-way juj^t north of Proton Station shall be lowerad by the Railway C<impany at if.< own expense. The Railway Compan s.iall also bear cost of application to the Railway Board. All timber within the limits of th-,- drainage work claimed by the owner of the [iroperty shall be removed by the owner at hi.j own expense within 2 weeks after b«-ing notified in writing by the contractor, thereafter all tim- ber shall be the property of the contractor. •Submitted herewith arp planj. profiles, specification.! for excavating, estimate of cost, assessment schedule, eti .. which are to Ik" read a.i forming part of this repoi-t. New bridges on hiijrhwnv! are not ,-overed by thi.s re- port, but plans, SKPtifications, e: ;., iv.iy be obtained when required. All of whiih i re«pi'rtfi.:iv •rtThmitted. Dated at OranjreviMe the lltli dr.v r>f .March, li»26. (r^ii) v. W. CHKI.STIE, Townshii) Engineer. KSTIMATF or CO.'-T IN THE Tf)WNSHIP («r ARTFMKSIA Excavating, lO.l.Ti ruliic v rds at 2J»nts (2130.1S C'loarintr brush and tir.»brr 10.00 R. Atchison, o^^•ner w, p(. lot li'O, Con .1. .S.W., aili> lor cut-off.... 2.00 R. Atthison. owiier, w. pt. lot 1!Kt, f on ?>. S.W . nllwoij land jlamngo 1 00 K. I'atrhrlor. ovner F;.pt. lot I'.IO. Con. :',, .V.W.. culvert â- \) CH) {S. Batchelor. own«r lot I!IO, Con. ;!. S.W., land damnge .. I 0<i C Lyon.'i. owner N.W. pt. lot H'O. <"on. 2, S.W., culvert _'ti.Otl C Lyons, owner N.W. pt, lot l!»n. Con. 2, S.W., land damage 1.00 .^. Bnt.biOor. owner, E nt W |.t I'H), Cm. 1. S.W.. culvert 20 00 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE W-M S. Batchelor, owner, E.;.t. 190, Con. 1, S.W., land damaRe C. Lyonj, owner, lot 188, Con. 2, S.W.. ford C. Lyon.i, owner, lot 188, Con. 2, S.W. land damage Mr. Nelson, owner lot 187 and 186, Con. 2, S.W., fords .Mr. Nelson, owner lot 187 and 186, Con. 2, S.W., land I'amaice Mr. Carson, owner, lot 185 and 184, Con. 2, S.W., fords Mr. Carson, owner, lot 186 and 184. Con. 2, S.W.. land damage Mr. Lyons, owner, lot 183, Con. 2, S.W., ford Mr. Lyons, owner, lot 183, Con. 2, S.W., land damaire Clerk's fees. Court of Revision, etc. Coit of lowering channel of stream under C.P.R. bri(!ge north of Proton Station to be borne by th> Canadian Pa ific Railway Company, estimated at - l.OO 20.00 1.00 40.00 2.00 40.00 2.00 5.00 1.00 75.00 25.00 GENERAL COSTS (2,617.13 Engineer's local help, per pay list ( 35.00 U. W. Christie, engineer, 6 Mi days' field work 66.00 L. Loch, engineer's assistant, 7Vi da^rj' field work 45.00 Board and lodging 14.50 Railroad fares 6.30 Conveyance by car 18.76 Preparing plans, profiles, specifications, a88ess:nent schedule, con- tract, bond, etc., and expenses incidental 171.00 Application to Dominion or Ontario Railway Bc.rd, expense to be borne by the Canadian Pacific Railwav Con^any, estimated at 50.00 50.00 Value of Value of Benefit Outlet Con. Lot Acres Liability Liabi ity 3 S.W. 186 19 $ (10 00 187 60 50 00 188 50 75 00 189 5 10 00 10 00 189 45 40 00 40 00 190 10 25 00 ' 190 30 100 00 ••«*- â- " 2 S.W. 183 50 10 00 f 184 50 10 00 '• 185 74 15 00 "" 186 72 30 00 187 72 35 00 â€" «iS 188 72 35 00 189 14 30 00 189 22 20 00 189 38 30 00 -F,>. pt. 190 14 30 00 "" pt. 190 18 80 00 pt. 190 35 40 00 1 S.W. 184 30 185 50 186 50 5 00 187 50 5 00 188 50 5 00 189 50 5 00 190 50 10 00 1 E. 185 4 186 6 187 39 1 E. 188 49 5 00 189 49 5 00 190 49 5 00 3 S.D.R. Gore lot. 5 00 1 E. 191 50 13 00 192 45 5 00 193 .32 5 00 194 6 5 00 195 196 2 197 13 198 46 5 00 199 46 5 00 200 37 5 00 201 36 5 00 202 40 - 5 00 203 40 5 00 204 45 5 00 205 45 5 00 206 45 5 00 207 45 5 00 208 45 5 00 209 45 5 00 210 45 5 00 North of Front St. 2 S.W. 1 56 5 00 2 40 4 00 3 25 2 50 4 25 2 50 .â- â- > and W. pt. 6 37 4 00 7 and 6 38 4 00 8 25 2 50 I) and W. pt 10 28 2 50 E. pt. 10 22 2 50 11 25 2 50 12 25 2 50 13 25 2 50 14 25 2 50 15 25 2 50 16 25 2 50 17, 18 and 19 100 10 00 ( 456.55 Total for Benefit Liability.. ..$544 50 Total for Outlet Liability .... 338 00 Roads, Lands of Municip'ty.. 100 00 $338 00 Total Assess, for Artemesia $982 .50 LOCATION : 1. The drain referred to in these specifications extends from a point ten feet westerly from the westerly boundary of the road allowance west of Range Four (4) S.W.T.S. road, opposite lot 201 in the Townjhip of Proton in a northerly direction as shown marked red on the acco.npanying plan, to an outlet near thciioundary line between Lots Numbers One Hundred and Eighty-two and One Hundred and eighty-three (182 & 133) in Range (2) S.W.T.S.R., in the Township of Artemesia. WORKS: 2. The work to be done comprise excavating, the removal of timber and brushwood in accordance with thete specifications and the accompany- ing plan and profile, and also the maintenance of said work during their construction and until finally passed and accepted as complete by the Engin- eer in charge. LINES: 3. Stakes have been planted at intervals of 100 feet along the bank of the old drains and on the centre line of the new part of the drains. The surface of the ground at each stake indicates the elevation from which the depth is to be measured. Excavation shall be carried out in straight lines along the courses of the drain and in gentle curves at the turns. CLEARING: 4. All trees, logs and brush shall be close chopped and grubbed, to a width of fifteen (15) feet on each side of the finished edges of the drain and shall be removed or placed in piles along the outer edges of such clear- ing. No loira, stumps, brush or gads will be allowed on the banks of the drains. EXCAVATING: 5. The drain shall be excavated t:> the full depth and widths shown and set forth on the profiles and the side slopes must be one to one through- out, except where a drain is excavated to larger dimensions as is referred to hereafter. In all cases the bottom of the drain must be true to grade shown on the profile and the sides carefully sloped (to the proper angle) trimmed and true to line. .Ml excavated material mi»st be deposited at least four feet clear of the edge of the drain or bank of stream. The spoil banks shall have a slqpe of not less than one to one on the side next to the drain and breaks with a bottom width of two feet must be left in said banks at hollows, water runs and drain.!, to allow the surface water free access to the drafti. The cross .section of the drain may be changed by the consent of the engineer to meet th^ construction possibilities of certain type.! of machine, provided such change is an increase in every dimension of the drain Fecti<in. LIABILITY OF CONTRACTOR 6. The contractor must assume n of the ditch and have it floe fr It will bo ncoepteil nii.l paid f :>r in full. profcress of the work to remove fence the same in their original condition a rrty contiguous to the drain, from an the pmsiciition of^th? work, and at al necefi.iarily inj'ire or d<"«troy :inil>er, 2 The contractor shall use all prope cidcnt'. and he will indemnify the (^o from nil suits iind actions and all co.^t liHriiec or cnrelessncis of the contract 1 ,11 risks from .storms and the caving in )m dcpo.sits of sand, mud, etc., before If he finds it necessary during the ! or bridges he shall carefully replace ml !>rotect the lands, crops and prop- v dnmnge which might arise throirarh 1 lii-.if s care mil.-' be taken not to «n- .ops i-r other property, r precaution for the prevention of ac- rporation of the Tov,fnship of Protcm s and damasres ocras'ionpil by the feg- >r or hii agents or employes. TKRPRETATION OF SPECIFICATIONS:. 7, The Work .shall bp executed ii ider the direi'tjnn ami to the satisfac- ti >ti of the er.ginocr or commis.iiouer in rharire and the decision of the engin- eer, whether as to (|uality or quantity of work done, or in the case of ambig- u'ty iif Wtprcssion of the interpretation or doubt a.! to the correct Interpre- tation thereof, shall be final and binding on all parties concerned. CHANGE IN PLANS AND/SPECIFICATIONS: S. Should any change or alteration in the plan, prdfile or specifica- tions, at any time, be deemed necessary by the engineer he shall have auth- ority to make such changes or alterations and unless otherwriae herein pro- vided for an amount proportionate to the price contained in the tender upon which the contract was awarded shall be added to or deducted from the original amount of the contract. PAYMENTS TO THE CONTRACTOR: 9. The contractor is entitled to receive monthly 70% of the value of any portion of the work completed under these specifications, if he so desires and requests, and it shall be understood and agreed by the par- ties hereto that the measurements taken during the progress of the work and the estimates of the engineer shall be final and conclusive evidence of the maount of work perfbrmed by the contractor. The Corporation will pay the cost of one progress inspection per half mile of drain and the final inspection, but all other inspections will be charged to the contractor and will be retained out of any moneys due or to become due to the contractor. At the expiration of thirty days (30) after the acceptance of the work, the whole moneys accruing to the contractor under these specifications shall be paid. PAYMENTS TO WORK.MEN: 10. The contractor shall punctually pay the workmen who shall be em- ployed on the work comprised in these particulars and final payment for the work will not be made to the contractor until all wages have been pa id. BOND: 11. Before the contract is signed or the work commenced the contrac- tor shall furnish a bond for the due performance of the work within a lim- ited time in favour of and approved by the Corporation of the Township of Proton for the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ((500.00) signed by two re- sponsible sureties or a guarantee company. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: 12. The work shall be commenced not later than the day of and completed not later than the day of , otherwise the Corporation may deduct from the contract the sum ascertained and liquidated damages and not as a penalty, the sum of Five Dollars ((5.00) per day for every day the work remains uncompleted after the date agreed upon as above for the performance of the same. AND WHEREAS the said Council are of the opinion that the drain- age of the area above described is desirable:- THEREFORE THE SAID MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE TOWN- SHIP OF ARTEMSIA, PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE "MUNICIPAL DRAIN.AGE ACT", ENACTS AS FOLLOWS :- . . -* 1. THE said report, plans, specifications, assessments and estimates are hereby adopted, and the drainaga work as therein indicated and set forth shall be made and constructed in accordance herewith. 2. THE REEVE of the said Township of Artemesia may borrow on the credit of the Corporation of the said Township of Artemesia the sura of EIGHT HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS ($882.50) being said Municipality's share of the funds necessary for the said work and may issue debentures with interest at the rate of five per cent, per annum, guaranteed by the Municipal Corporation of the Town- ship of Artemesia, that is to say:- In ten equal annual instalments (interest and principal included in each instalment) payable respectivelv in one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten years from the date of the same, said debentures to be payable at the Standard Bank of Canada, Flesherton. 3. FOR paying the sum of FIVE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FOUR DOLARS AND FIFTY CENTS (S544.00), the amount charged against the said lands and road for benefit, and the sum of THREE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-EIGHT DOLLARS ($338.00), the amount charged against the said lands for outlet liability, apart from lands and roads belonging to or controlled by the Municipality, and for covering interest thereon for ten years at the rate of Five per cent, per annum, the following total and spec- ial rates, over and above all other rat?s shall be assessed, levied and coll- ected (in the same manner and at the same time as other tax«s are levied and collected) upon and from the imdermentioned lands and roads and lots, and parts of lots and the amount-of the said total special rates and interest against each lot or part of lot respectively shall be divided into ten enual parts, and one such part shall be assessed levied and collected as aforesaid in each year for ten years, after the final passing of this by-law, during which the said debentures have to run. (544 50 (3;?8 00 4. FOR paying the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS $100.00) the a.iioiint asses.sed against the said roads and lands of the said Munici- pality, and for ^-overin.rr iatere^t thereon for ten yi-ars at the rate of Five per cent, per annum, a special rate on the dollar, sufficient to produce the required yearly amount therefore shall, over and above all other ratey, lie levied and collected (in the same manner and at the rate a« all other taxes, are levied and collected) upon and fro a the v>hole rateable i^rorerty of the !»aid Township nf Artcmesin in each year for ten year.^. after the fiiinl pass- ing of this by-law, during whioh the said debentures havf to run. 5. THIS by-law shall b^published once in every week for four con- secutive week.^ in the "Flesherton Advance" newspaper, ptiblishod in the Village of Flesherton, and shall come i- *o force and effect upon and after the final passing thereof, and may be citinl as the Bv-law â-  1 â-  4 /. Value of Value of Cover int. \n. Asst. Benefit Outlet at5 ','r per Total each yr. a » Con. Lot Acres Liability Liability ann. for Special for 10 i^ 10 vears Rate years V % 3 S.W. 186 19 .?10 00 ? 2 95 §12 95 1.295 187 50 50 00 14 75 64 75 6.475 • » 1 1 188 50 75 00 22 12 97 12 9.712 *• V. r» .189 5 10 00 10 00 5 90 25 90 2.59 w- ^'*- 189 45 40 00 40 00 23 60 103 60 IC..06 . 190 10 25 00 7 38 32 38 31238 .1 W.ot .190 30 100 00 29 50 129 50 12^1' 2 S.W. â-  183 50 10 00 2 95 12 95 1.294 • I 184 50 10 00 2 95 12 95 1.29% 185 74 15 00 4 43 19 43 1.943\ 1 1 186 72 30 00 8 85 38 85 3.885 ^ V J \ 187 72 35 00 10 32 45 32 4.532 ^ 188 72 35 00 10 32 45 32 4.532 . . of '".pt. 189 14 30 00 8 85 38 85 3.885 < L , 189 22 20 00 5 90 25 90 2.590 i 189 3S 30 00 8 85 38 85 3.886 ^*->^.>--«- pt 190 14 30 00 8 85 38 85 3.885 ^^^-t^rf^"^ pt 190 18 30 00 8 85 38 85 3.885 * * pt 190 35 40 00 11 80 41 80 4.18 .4 » 1 S.W. 184 30 t â- * 185 50 5 00 1 48 6 48 .648 186 50 6 00 1 48 6 48 .648 M * » 187 50 5 00 1 48 6 48 .648 188 50 5 00 1 48 6 48 .648 , -r 189 50 10 00 2 95 12 95 1.295 t I 190 50 ^~* 16 00 4 43 19 43 1.943 1 E. 185 186 187 4 6 39 â-  a 188 49 6 00 1 48 6 48 .648 189 49 ' 5 00 1 48 6 48 .648 k. « 190 49 ' 5 00 1 48 6 48 .648 3 S.D.R. Gore lot m 13 00 3 84 16 84 1.684 IE. 191 50 . 6 00 1 48 6 48 .648 , 1 192 45 ^ 5 00 1 48 6 48 .648 193 32 • 5 00 1 48 6 48 .648 * 1 E. 194 6 195 A ^ V • 196 2 d» 197 13 198 46 5 00 1 48 6 48 .648 -J » 199 46 5 00 1 48 6 48 .648 200 37 6 00 1 48 6 48 .648 • 201 36 6 00 1 48 6 48 .648 202 40 5 00 1 48 6 48 .648 203 40 6 00 1 48 6 48 .648 ^ 204 45 5 00 1 48 6 48 .648 205 45 5 00 1 48 6 48 .648 206 45 6 00 1 48 6 48 .648 207 45 6 00 1 48 e 48 .648 208 45 5 00 I 48 6 48 .643 209 45 5 00 1 48 6 48 .t>4» 210 45 5 00 1 48 6 48 .(>43 Proton Station ^ Sub. pt. Lot 190, Con. 2 S.W., Artemesia s - " "" "W- - 1 50 5 00 1 48 6 48 .648 2 40 4 00 1 18 5 18 .SIS 3 25 2 50 74 3 24 .324 4 25 2 50 74 3 24 .324 5 & 6 37 4 00 1 18 5 18 .518 7 & 6 38 4 00 1 18 5 18 .518 8 25 2 50 74 3 24 .324 9 & 10 28 2 50 74 3 24 .324 10 22 2 50 74 3 24 .324 11 36 2 50 74 3 24 .324 12 26 2 50 74 3 24 .824 13 25 2 50 74 3 24 .324 14 25 2 50 74 3 24 .324 15 25 2 50 74 3 24 .324 16 26 2 50 74 3 24 .324 17, 18 19 100 10 00 2 95 12 95 1.295

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