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Flesherton Advance, 15 Sep 1926, p. 1

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Vol 46 No. 1 4 Sl^je fks\^tttm %tfwmct^ Flesherton. Ontario September 15, 1926 W. H. Thurston & Son, PaDprietcrra Owen Sound Fair. September 14-15-16. THE PREMIER FAIR OF THE DISTRICT. $5000.00 in Prizes LARGE EXHIBITS OFTiVESTOCK E-DUCATIONAL EXHIBITS Mammoth Day and Night midway. il PORTLAW Rides, Shows, Gaines, etc. VANDELEUR _^ EUGENIA CEYLON of writing. Cool weather at time Threjhings have begun. Don't forget the Artemesia rural school fair to be held in Flesherton on Thursday, Sept. 16th. On Tuesday eveninjr of last week a laise crowd !>,athered at the Orange Hall and heard Miss Agnes McBhaal deliver a fine political address. Mr. F. Oliver spoke almost an hour on political questions, upholding the U. F. 0. A few mu3i;al numbers by Mr. Donald McDonaJd on the violin and Miss 9. Smith a.s accompanist on the or^n, were well receivetl. Mr. Alex. Cameron occupied the chafr. Hiss Mae Duckett attended the Rowden-Lockhart nuptials at Victoria Corners a few days ago. Mr. Robert Purvis has returned home after spendmg a few days in Toronto and attending the Ex. Among those attending High School at Flesherton from here are John Park and Donald Sloan of the village, and Russel Cameron,. Jack Jamieson, Christena Magee, Harold and Evelyn Turner, Mui»iel Cameron and Muriel Eenwick of the 8th line. We wisli them all juscess. Mr. and Mrs. WMl Duckett spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. LutW*- __ Duckett, Ce^'lon. Mr. Harry Tudor spent a few da^s in Toronto and attended the Ex. Mrs. D. M^Tavish of Flesherton visited for a few days with her sister. Mrs. Jake Williams. Ifc-. John MacDonald of Flesherton is working at the roof of the new church shed. A.VSS Mabel Williams io on a f.rt- ji^^c's visit with friends in New Jer- sey, U.S.A. Mr. Jacob Williams sojent a few days in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Leppard and sons, Joe and Thomas, of Beaverdale. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mk. Jas. Leppard. Mrs. Emerson Simmons of Drayton visited her .sisters. Mrs. Alex. Hoy and Mrs. Garnet Magee. A number from here attended the Gospel Workers' meeting at Clarks- burg on Sunday and enjoyed the sing- ing of the colored quintet. TORONTO LINE. NORTH Harvest is about finished in this vicinity. Mr. Harold Lever and sister. Ger- trude, visited Sunday with their cousins at Thornton. Mrs. .\lbert Stewart -.pent a day at Feversham and attended the school fair there. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wickens and daughter, Marion, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Pedlar, spent a day with friends at Chesley. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hope of Brooklyn, N. Y., called on E. Wiikens recently. Miss Gertrude Lever, accompanied by Mrs. Charles Gilchrist, motored to Toront^-rr.a spent a few days with f'-knds there. Mrs. Helen Bentham, Mr. and Mrs. Will Bentham and Miss Helen Smith of Silver Creek, N.Y., visited Mrs. Jas. L. McMuUen the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Smitli of Toron- to spent the week end at Mr. Will Gibson's and Mr. J. Gibson's. Mrs. M. Phillips, who for the past two months has been visiting her daughters in Detroit, has returned and spent the past week with her daughter, Mrs. Will Gibson. Master Harold Tracey of Detroit is on an extended visit with his aunt. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Bean *k1 little son of Red Creek, N'.Y., visited with tlfe latter's mothar, Mrs. Mary Mc- Leod, and sister, Mrs. R|oy Piper, over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Luther T,*rey and son, ,bck, of Lauriston sp^nt the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. H. Piper. Mr. Prossic left on'Mdnday 'Smr a few di^fs' visit \vtih his parents, near Newmarket. ^ Mr. S. Hemphill and family visited friends near Euger>ia the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Gworge Igman and Mr and Mrs. John Isman of Norval visit- ed the first of the week with Messr.?. George Arrowsmith and -A.. McMullen. Mr. ,Tas. L. McMullen visited with members of his iiamily in Toronto and attended the exhibition the past week, returning Monday. Mr. Wilson McMullen spent a few days the past week visiting his daugjiter and son in Toronto. Mr. J. J. Patterson visited friends in the Queen city last week. Mr. John Kennedy attended the To- ronto exhibition last week. Mr. AUie Muir and liUle son. Grant, are visiting this week with Toronto relatives. Mr. A. E. Haw spent a couple of days in Toronto the past week. Mr. Royden Gibson and daughter. Helen, of Toronto visited last week under the parental roof. Mr. John Gibson and son, William, and Mr. Duncan McMillan and Mr. Willis Phillips accompanied him back to t*he city. Mrs. Ufrick, who has been on an ex- tended visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Melia, left on Saturday for her home in Chicago. FEVERSHAM I (Intended for last week) I At Collingwood hospital on Thurs- I day last there passed away Mrs. Wm. I Brown of the South Line. Deceased was for many years a resident of the south line and much respected by her neighbors and friends. The funeral took place on Saturday to Mount Zion burying ground. Rev. Mr. New con- ducted the service. Much sympathy is expressed for Mr. Brown and fam- ily in their time of affliction. Mrs. T. Wright and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wright and little son of Banks and Mrs. A. J. Irving and son of Brandon, Man., and Miss Malcolm, recently arrived from Inverness, Scot- landt were visitor.? at T. R. Mc- Kenzie's. Mrs. Wright was a school mate of Mrs. McKenzie's and their meeting revived many pleasant mem- ories of their girlhood days. We regret very much to hear of the serious illness of Mrs. Thos. Fletcher, who has been living at Port Elgin the past year. Her old neighbor.- hope for her early recovery. Mis.s .Arlene Beecoft of Owen Sound is visiting with Mrs. A. Blackburn. Mr. and Mrs. John Ilershey. Mrs. Chri.itie and daughter and Mr. /Bfred Hershey of Mount Forest visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Sheardown last week. Mr. E. K. Jamieson and sons, Lewis and .Albert, of Toronts were visitors' with the former's brother. W.G., here. Lizzie Blakey is visiting with friends in Toronto. Mrs. Wm. McLennan is in Toronto visiting relatives. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor met at thp home (*f the for- mer's parents on Monday evening of last week and showered upon the new- ly wedded couple many useful gifts. .A night of social entertainment was enjoyed by those present. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Croft, lately married, was? invaded by their friends recently and showers of household articles resulted. An en- joyable time was spent with ball game between Maxwell ajid Rock Mills teams, and also other sports were enjoyed. V ROCK MILLS Mr. and Mrs. John Hargrave and Fred spent a day last week in Toron- to and attended the Exhibition. , Mr. and Mrs. C. Newell spent Thursday of last week in Durham. Mr. Baker prea«hed at Salem church Sunday evening taking his text from James 4: S. • Mr. and Mrs. Ji Hargrave and family of Wareham were visitors re- cently with the former's uncle here, Mr. John Hargrave. Mr. and Mrs. Tho.-.. Betts and two daughters, Edith and Mabel, visited recently with the former's sister, Mrs E. Binnington. Maxwell. Prayer meeting will he held in the church on Thur.sday night, conducted by Pastor Preston. j Mr. and Mrs. W. J. jiewell and two j daughters visited recently with friends J at Kimberley and Markdale. j Mrs. Andrew Fawcett attended the Exhibition in Toronto and visited with hor daughter. Pearl, and other friends in the Queen City. Mrs. R. J. Colquette has returned home from Toronto, after a- throe weeks' visit with friends there. Miss Bessie Stewart of Flesherton visited with her fr«ind. Miss Edna Ferris, in this village last week. An unfortlfhate accident occurred on the twelfth line, near Roh Roy, last week when Miss Madge David- son, twelve years old. wa.^ struck by a car driven by Harry Fletcher of Rob Roy. The ligaments of her knee were torn and her leg so badly injured that she will be confined to her bed for some time. Mr. Ross Davidson spent last week in Toronto at the Exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Winters and Mrs. Wilson, all of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mrs. Winters' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mclntyre. rhoise who attended the E.xhibition from this locality were: Messrs John Qonn, John Hale, Mrs. Wm. Conn and Miss Ella -Alister. The trustees of S. S. No. 6 have in- stalled a Gil.^on magic fumade in the school. Colquette of Fevpr:Vnam sold it. Our continuation school is away to a good start this year with the larg- est attendance on record. This is as it should be. Patronize your own school and tho trustees will equip it and get good teachers. I (Last Week's Items) Mr. and Mrs. Pearson and son, of 1 Toronto, spent a few days with Mr. jand Mrs. Fred Boland and family. Mr. Schuyler Douglas of Edmonton Alberta renewed old acquaintances in this vicinity for a few days. \ Miss Lillian Buchanan (jtf Toronto I is holidaying at her home here. * Mrs. Lundy Johnston spent a few I days in Toronto. ; â-  Mrs. J. I. Graham accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Russel Graham of Sligo to Toronto and spent the week end. Messrs. Roy Freeman and Jack Tay- lor and Miss Myrtle Freeman, mot- o""d to Toronto and attended the Ex- • hibition. , Born â€" On Monday, Sept. (ith, to Mr. ; and Mrs. Geo. Buchanan, a daughter. Mrs. Jane Richardson, an old and highly respected resident of this com- munit-- was found dead in her bed on , Thursday moriiing of last week, when i her sister. Miss Clock, went to her ' â-  rocm. The deceased has been prac- ti<;ally an invalid foi- many years, und , ; has been tenderly cared for by her , sister, Ellen. ' sister Ellen. The funeral took place i I on Saturday afternoon to the Mea- ! ford Road cemetery, the service beirg held in the Vandeleur church. Rev. Mills of Markdale conducted the ser- j vit-es at the church and graveside. : I Tho floral tributes were numerous and beautiful. The pallbearers were Messrs. Geo. Wright, Geo. Shannon, Geo. Pritchard, J. I. Graham, Joseph Buckanan and Samsel Gilbert. A NOTEWORTHY WEDDING. MAXWELL Quite a number from this vieinity are spending a few days at the Exhi- bition. The W. I. held »hir regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Hall on Thursday last, but owing to the un- favoralfle weathar the meeting was poorly attended. Mrs. Dale has returned to her home in Conniston after spending the past few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. New. Miss Shirley Buckingham has re- turned to Dtindalk high school after spending the holidays at her home here. School has commenced here with Miss Maynard again as teacher. Miss Mary Ros.; has returned h«me after spending a week with her sister near Dundalk. The Maxwell Ladies' Aid of the United Church will meet at the home of Mrs. Geo. Ross Thur.?day. Septem- ber 16th. .\11 members are request- ed to be present. Mr. MeCaskill of Scotland is visit- ing his cou,-in, ^Ir. A. McLeod, at present. Mr. and Mrs. R. Wellas of Toronto were callers n this vicinity on Sat- urday last. .An up-to-date troupe will be seen at the Fall Fair evening progrram,. Copies of the Flesherton and East Grey fair prize list are much in de- mand, request.' coming from all over the countV. The Winchester, Massaohuselt.?, Star, contains the foMowing account of a wedding that '.vill interest mivny of our readers. The atroom is a grandson of t^e late Mr. and Mrs. 7. W. Armstrong of Flesherton, and is well knowm to many residents <^ this neighborhood, he having spent many of his holidays at the old homestead: "Miss Priscilla Larned, daughter jt Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Larned of Highland .Avenue, and .lohn H: Clarke of Main street, son of Mr. and Mrs. , John D. Clarke of Weslion, Ont., were married last Saturday afternoon at the kome of the bride's parents, by the Rev. .Allan Evans. Jr., rector cS' the Churcjuof the Epiphany. •'The bride was ijiven in marriage by her father. She wore a beautiful w her father. She wore a beautiSl wed- ding gown of white taffeta with a pann 1 and flounce of point duche. s lace, c .'amily heirloom. Her bouquet was of white roses and lilies of che Valley. She was attended only by her namesake, little Priscilla Durland of Swamps :ott. Her frock was of pale pink chiffon and she carried pink rose buds. Daniel Dinsmore oif Woburn was best (Man and the ushers were G. Fred .A invorth of Pawtucket, R. I.„ brother-i.".-4aw of the bride, and Robert Sherwood of Wincester. Tile wed- ding march was .ulayed by the bride's sister. Mr::, .^hworth. Pink and white gladioli and other flowers were com- bined in the house decorations, which were mo.'ii attractive. "Follo'.vin.i: the ceremony a reception was held which wa.; largely attended, the guests including several college classmates of the bride. The parents of the bride and groom's fatker assist- ed in re:i'iving. Mr. Clarke's mother being u.iable to attend the wedding because of illness. "The bride was graduated from Mt. Hclycko college with the class of VJIG and w.> ; for a time secretary to the .Schot ! Later shy became secretary of the Walnut Hill school in Natick. The .'-â- room is a McGill University gradu-'ite, class of liU2, and is associ"- ated as chief chemist with the Morri- man Chemical Works at North Wo- burn.. Upon their return from a wed- ding trip Mr. and Mr.<. Clark will reside at 130 Mt. Vernon Street." BATES BURIAL CO. FUNERAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNER.\L J'ARLORS 122-124 Avenue Road, TORONTO Telephone: Kliigsdale 1344 J. W. Bates. R. Maddocks. SUITS HIGH SCHOOL SUITS l-OU B()V;>. Lcvat .4hade Suit in a swagger style for the high school boy, emphasizing such smart feaures as the button-flap, patch pockets with pleUhi, and inverted pleats and yolk in back. Two pairs of bloomers, adding additional wear lo the suit. .A.LL-WOOL BLUE SERGE SUITâ€" Splendid value in carefully tailored suit in a very popular material for boys' wear. BROW'N UNION TWEED Bloomer Suit, a single-breasted model, with an "Ill-round belt and three patch pockets with flaps. ChiUiren's blue serge middv suit â€" White braid trimmings on collar, sheild on sleeves, and the black flow-end tie add greatly to the neat appearance, knee length pants. We expect a large display of Ladies' Ready-made SUk Crepe Dresse.s, to arrive in a few days. We invite you to call to see them. Newest styles and s"Hades. F. G. RA!>STEDT FLESHERTON SCHOOL DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN •\\"c have SCHOOL BAGS SATCHELS SCHOOL BOOTS FOR 9M.E. kHOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON ' I. MOUSE OF Q.UAHTY Homestead Fly Salt Everyone knows that this is the season when flie.s are the worst. We have a salt that if fed to your cattle- during this period, the flies will not bother them, and your cattle will rest contented. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectiotrtrjr Flesherton -• Don't overlook the Fall Fair at Flesherton as a fine mean."* of adver- tising your live stock, get busy. qu;i!ity NEW jov-s aw.-."t you in the smooth Chx-vTcIct. I Icre the cxhilaradon of speed is combined v-ith a quiet, (ffortle^ performance that Ijetokcns twenty radier tk-iti forty or fifty miles per hour. Htn\> is no need to raise your voice lo be c.Tsify hoard, no matter bow fast you inay travel. Here is .in .'t'-scnce of \ibration that you nei'-r drcaned a four-cjjinder car could possess. Hci-e i.s Economical Transportation coupled with a comfort almost luxurious in .1 car that reflects in its appeatnnce sn>ca:h performance. ch makes possible such To realize how fuUy the smooth Chev- rolet ansi^'crs your every need aii<l desire â€" you must sec it â€" ride in it â€" drive it. Then â€" and then onlyâ€" can you appre- ciate how amazing is its Value. TTie GMAC Plan provides an econo- mical method of paying for your Chevrolet on time. The Smoothest Chevrolet in Cbsvrolet Ua- toryi<; lellinK at the Lowest Price for which Chevrolet has e*er been sold in Canada. Koadtter t640 Conpe $S10 Sedan 1920 Sport " 715 Coach . . . .' 810 Touiing 640 I.and.iu Sedan • • 470 Sport 715 Comniercin I Chassis - 4«S Utility Express Chassis $730 All Ptie*a at Factotr TaaMCxtra CF-«C D McTAVISH Chevrolet Dealers & SON Flesherton, Ont.

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