ANCESTOR .'jsr TBIALS OF l\DI(J! STIOS He Wa« the Gigantic Dinosaur, Who Once Ruled the E»rth. Heavy Surf. 1 ro*r and I roar As sea gu!l8 doar Errurs About This Trouble Into WHh my spray-bubbiea tosaed to the j air: Which People Fall. My »Ry;i are deap but my waters keap Small sea-sbelU p«({act aii4 rare. Tbree different types of dinosaurs are shown in the sketch. Scientists- have given them names almost as formidable as th€ir appearance. The one at the left is a ategosaurus, at the centre a tyrannoaaurus. and at the rig^t a diplodocus. Secrets of Science. By David Dietz. The lune-fish which learned to gulp air was the ancestor of the first am- phibian. The amphibians survive to-day. Frogrs, newts, salamanders and the like are amphibians. The amphibian lays its eggs in the water. The young are hatched In the water and live there for part of their lives. Then they emerge upon land and spend the rest of their lives there. The egg of the frog when first hatched is a tadpole. The tadpole lives entirely in the water. But in time it turns into a frog and emerges upon land. The important development between the lung-fish which has learned to gu'.p ' tects the egg from evaporation. The ! air and the amphibian is the develop- reptile, from the moment of its birth, j ment of the terrestial foot from the fin breathes by means of lungs. j of the fish. i As we saw in our survey of geo'.ogy, I Emergence upon land demanded the in the Age of Reptiles, these animals | Many people so far raisunJerstand the digeMlVB fcysttroi as to treat it tlktt a niat-hine; neglecting it until it wurks sluggishiy, then irrtlatiug It In- to work agaia by the uue of purgatives The sl^.ma(h needs help at .ill times but a study of th« process of dige«- llon wli; sb<'W that purgatives, as com- monly liiiien, are seldom necesiary and often harmful. To safigiiard your digestion the diet must he (.oniroUed. Overeating is al- ways barmful. but civ« must assimilate enough fcod to Mipply the nee<ls of the blood. Remdcber, the blood has to carry nourishment to all pa.il3 cf tho body and Ond fuel for its energy. Heno« when the blood becomes weak and falls to do Its work, indigestion arises. Therefore (he sure remedy fcr Indigestion Is to build up the blood. If you ffuller from any form of Indiges- j tion choose your diet carefully and i take wholesome nourishment. Above all, start building up your blood by ; Modern Version taking a course of Dr. Williams' Pink { 3^1^ (h^ teacher: I PlHs. Then under the influence of the ' •• -And it came to pas«, when King new blood supply, your digestive sys- Hezekiah heard it that he rent his ! tern will respond naturally, your appe- ' clothes.' .N'ow. what does that mean, [tlte Improve and your food wili do you 'â- childrenâ€" 'he rent his clothear " j good. So begin to Improve your diges- j up went a Uttle hand. tion by starting to take Dr. Williams' j -Well, if you know, tell us." j Pink Pills now. | "Please, ma'am," said the child, tinjr j You can get these pills from your idiy, "i s'pose he hired 'em out." druggist or by mail at 50 cents a box i 4 Above and below My song full and low You may bear if you listen with care .V lullaby, lullaby, horn of a cloudy ' sky Threading tlie tumult there. My «wtors heave Aa giants breathe (jruat rolls snd rldgr^s of height. Hut my wave soon breaks and the fringe that it shakes Is fine ami soft and white. So though 1 may roar : And lift aa<! lower, ; And pound with a mighty power, : My heart sln^s on as lovely a song j As ere rame from the heart of a I flower. â€" Flora Lawrence Myers. had only two digits. But gradually, ^ from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., I Cases of twins occur once in every with the passage of time, five digits, , BrockviUe, Ont. i mxty-ndTie births, the standard In the world to-day, were evolved. The amphibian, besides developing terrestial feet, is thought to have de- veloped for the first tlrae In the history of life, true lungs, a three chambered heart, a movable tongue, eyelids and eardrums. It Is also thought that the amphibian developed a voice. Therefore it was the first creature upon the earth able to make a sound. The reptile represents another step in the upward scale of evolution. It Is entirely freed from the necessity of spending any part of its life in water. | The reptile lays its eggs on the ! ground. A tough casing or cell pn> | evolution of a new type of locomotion. There is reason to believe from the study of fossils that the first amphi- bian lived mainly in marshes where the soft mud helped support their bodleu. The foot as first evolved from the fin attained gigantic size, many of them ' being over 100 feet long. These were ; the great dinosaurs. •â- j The crocodile of to-day is probably j the nearest relative to the great j dinousaurs which ruled the earth in ' the Age of Reptiles. CHOLERA INFANTUM , Two Motion Pictures. have seen Majesty, though not of; kings. 1 Cholera infantum Is one of the fatal For onc^.-long since, among the wintry j hills, 1 The Northern Lights, all silently, and| low I .A.gainst the sky, moved in procession i slow. : ailments of childliood. It is a trouble that tomes on suddenly, (.specially during the summer months, and unless prompt action is taken the little one lEay soon be beyond aid. Baby's Own ,'B'abIets are an Ideal medicine In ward- >ing off this trouble. They regulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach and thus prevent the dreaded summer com- I plaints. They are an absolute safe ftiedicine, being guaranteed to ccntain •neither opiates nor narcotics or other harmful drugs. They cannot possibly do harm â€" They always do good. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mall at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams" Medicine Co., Brock- viUe, Out. Is ^ood tea * TEA Rabies. "The moat terrible death a mail caa die." said the doctor after be had re- turned from the bedside of a little boy who had been bitten by a rabid dog. "Tho thirst is intenee â€" beyond Imas- ination: bis tongue is swiHlen to twice its ilse and hanging out of his mooth â€" yet he can't take a drop of water; tttm throat is paralysed, and the sight of • drink produces choking and. a paroxysm of the muaclee used in sw<il> towing, which no human being cooltf look at without pity. And tie tragedy is that there Is no help under heaiven for it. onoe the disease deveiops." The boy hcul been bitten by a rabid dog; unfortunately his parents had de- layed too long in getting the lad treat- ment to prevent hydrophobia, and it was impossible to save his life. The treatment will absolutely present rabies if given ten days to three weeks after the person has been bitten. Don't kill the dog that bites a pw- son â€" tie him up. If alive at the end of 10 daya» you may be perfectly sure he did not have rabies; no dog suffering ' from rabies will live longer than 10 i days. j If the dog is dead within ten days, j send the head well packed In ice to i the Laboratories of the Department of i Health, Spadlna House, Toronto. They I will advise you Immediately whether I the dog died of rabies and whether it j is necessary to take treatment, which , is known as the Pasteur Preventive ' Treatment for Raiblee ajid supplied : free of charge to Ontario residents. I A child's life is worth more than a ; thousand dogs â€" let us muzzle Ontario dogs and keep out dogs from the United States which may spraad rabies . among our stock and kill our chi'ldren. Sea Highway. Ib days of old you were a barrlsr That held the People « of the WorM apart; long and long old Neptune pllad hla artâ€" - There wa« small need of yon •• Car- rter! Bat now, O now, what wheels your waters wUr. . . . No more you are the barrier you were. Your tractless waates a great hlgbway for ships, Tlurt carry endless cargoes everyw wliere ; The Airway never will your owa eclipse. Whatever feats the future flyers dare. For you. O sea, will always be The highway that unites Humanity! â€" ^Stella V. Kellerman. •» Add a. tablespoonfol of painter's size to the water when washing '.ino- ileum or oilcroth, and the surface wlil present a g'j^ssy appearance. POULTRY PROFITS. Da you keep h«a«f or do b«nt lioov ytuf Any«lM oan nalu Biddy lay ttaroo nontha oath Hwing. Tho toick ta how to «olu Fiar prodiieo tfurtni fail and wintor aontha. Yoara of exoorlenes and ctudy haa taaiht ua how to mika BIG PROFITS tvcry month of the year. You oan do ttie aama. Start feeding and oarlnd for your floek In a aotantlflo w«y and rea« rowarda tMo winter. Send II fer neeeaoary Infornatlon. Oliver Poaltry Farm. Shanty Bay. Ont, Ho'w to Cairve. â- The "Fine Art of Carving" is the title of an interesting booklet issued , by the manufacturers of S. M. P. ena- melled ware. The proper way to carve fowl of different kinds as well as the various Joints of meat is clearly set out and illustrated. There are also some valuaJjle hints on the preparar '- tion of different meats for roasting. I Copies may be had free from Sheet I Metal Products, Ltd.. Toronto. British Nursing Head Visits Canada No glowing balls nor streamers flash- ing bright From the horizon to the zenith, bold. Compelling admiration and acch'.im â€" Not these. Only majestic motion, clothed With light resistless. Slow, but with- out rest. It passe<l into the heart like silence blest. I have seen Graciousness, though not of queens. For yesterday, beside my cottage door, A mconflower white, under tha silver silence British to Use FMane in Copper Prospecting An airplane, for the first time in his- j of the stars, unfolded to the night tory, as far as is known, will super- sede the divining rod in prospecting for precious mineral deposits wlitn the Birtish .\viation Company undertakes an earial survey of 20.000 square miles in m>rthern Rhodesia for a mining company. Copper deposits are thought to un- derlie the region and an air photograph of the territory will reveal the loca- Dame ?.! ?.:cCr.r;hy. C.U.2., cf Lcndcn. Englan.l. who headed the Bri- tish Nursing forces la France during the World War, arrived recently at Quebec on the Canadian Pacific liner Empres.s cf Scotland. This distihguis'u- ed lady, who has gained the title of "The Florence Nightingale of tha World War," atteuied the meeting of the Cauadlcn Nationui Association cf Nurses in Toronto and kiter delivered an address at the unveiling, in Ottawa, of a metRO»ia'. to the nurses who served iu the grent war. Dame McCarihy began he^r first out- standing war services during the South Africa War. 1S99-1E02. Frcm 1903 to 1910 she w;is -Matron of Qu€cn Alexan- dra's Iniperi:".! Military Nurs-'lng Ser- vice ;;ii,i until 1914 was Prip.firal M:'- tTon of the Q..\.I.M..V.S., War Office. In 1914 she was appointed Matron-in- Chief of the Q.A.I. M.N.S.. British Armies ia France, and in 1920 Mat»on- in-Chief of the Territorial .\rmy Nurs- ing Service. In tlie above photograph, which was taken on board the S.S. Em'press of Scotland. Dame McCarthy is seen standing with Commander Latta 1>b- side the wheel house. 'Twas not the beauty of its pure white j disk. Nor yet the generous sweetness that it poured Into the far dark reaches of the air â€" Not these. But its most gracious motion, free. Unlabored. Unrestrained and effort- less tion of the copper by showing the ab- Its fluted beauty opened from duress. Bcense of vegetation, it is believed. ' Special aircraft with the new Nimbus engine will be used and the work has begun at the aerodrome base. .\s this country is not suited to forced land- ings, spacs are being cleared and leveled to serve as emergency landing grounds. Who looks on Majesty hastes notv I ween; Nor does he strive, who Qraciousuess has seen. â€"Clara C. Rowley. Moonlit Peaks. As 90oo,«» a woman beffins to dress Prom the mountain top "kiud," her manners and conversation We watched the sun's golden setting, partake of the same element. â€" Hati- ; burton. One-sixth of the people in Great Britain live within fifteen miles of Charinfj Cross. FREE REPORT A Fortnightly Report will be tent to you regularly upon receipt cf the The eastern skies turned rose; Long's Peak, niistily hooded. Loomed in the northwest. From our lofty vantage Seven ranges we counted. Our eyes feasted on ludc^scrlbable imitations Of dove and blue and mauve. Far below Vesper winds smote upon Responsive pine-harps; And rushing, unseen streams Challenged with chanting voices. Coupon below. Engineers and Corres- pondents on the spot In Northern Otv tarlo and Quebec write these for your bensflt and our*. This I* valuable irv j formation, and being the latest news, prom the mountain top will help you to choose the right stocks, y.^ watched the moon's silver rising. â€" Helolse M. B. Hawkins. MacQILLIVRAY Ottawa MOWAT A 128 Sparks 8L Dear Sirs: I Please send to me your Fortnightly Market RTpe.t 'ree and without any obligation wheiover on my part. Name .. « â-²ddrsOT Red Rose Used for Essence. ' In the making of attar of roses only the red rose is used, and this must be plucked Just before dawn, when the flower begins to open, but has not yet been heated by the sun. Rub your scalp with Minard's Liniment I Defining An Epidemic i Ti'e inspector was paying his annual v'sit to the village school and was put- ting the children through their paces. ! They did quite well until he asked them the m?ani:ig of the word "epi- ! demlc." Nobody knew, so he had to help them out. â- '.â- Vn epidemic is something that ! spreads. Now. can anybody give me ' nn example of epidemic?" 1 There was a long silence. I "Can no one tell me?" asked tho in- ispcctor at last. "Remember, some- thing that spreads. ' Then came a small voiee: 'Jam sir." Minard's Liniment relieves stiffness. Dairy Farming in the West. Canada ha* had many striking agri- cultural developments in tho last de- cade, but none has bosii mor;; surpris- ing tii-an the growth of dairy farming in the prairie provinces in the las.t few years. Not only has very substantial dairy production been obtained, but the quality of the products marketed Las commanded immediate recogni- tion at heme and abroad. At the Dairy Show held in London. England, an Ed- momcn dairy wen Urst prize in the salted butter class and the second award weat to the Shoal Lake, Mani- toba, creamery. In the unsulted class a Resiua creamery won the premier award. In Close Touch at Least. "Your old landlord owned a lot of real estate, but his business went to the devil after he died." "Well, then, I guess he got it back again." Plenty of Hand-Painting. Little Johnny had accompanied his mother to a dinner at Mrs. Smith's. During the course of the meal Mrs. Smith remarked. "This plate is hani- palnted. Johnny." •'That nothing," spoke up the boy. "Our whole fence is hand-painted." BECAUSE j;usrantced to cut 10' ;. more timber in snmc time, with less labor thaii any other saw. SlK-Cf^Pd CAN^CA SAW CO. UTO. M.-NTKEAU •.'ANCOfNER, ST. j "MH, N.3., TCRCNTa enuine^ The cruelty which children are per- 1 mitt?d to show to birds and other ani- , mals w-ill most probably exert itself; on their fellow creatures when at ra«- . turity. â€" Richardson. | Canadian 'PlanSoot In po operation 'Aifh Csnaditin Archittctt fintfm of inoclvr;itc prioei) h(HT»« «r» ptib- !.»hH in th* MacLean BvM^-.V Gi'»*e DttailfH inf**rm*lit:a on plannnt;, buthlirjit. fumKhintf, iteroratTnjj ami fJenirtk" rViiftiwIy illuitratfl Ai i.iral reference bm^li Sc:id 1'- c^T\X\ f"i«r 4 C^'I*^' \Ucl««n BuiU«r«' Guide Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART | Accept only " Payer" package which contains proven directions. Handv "r..ivrr" Imxos of \t tnbWt Also i»ttles"of 24 and 100 â€" Driigrgisti. .cMwtrr of S.lU-.Tllcr!d (A«.t.rl S.UcyUc Art*. "A. S A. •.. WJ-J " = J' ^^'tV^.^ o... A.p:r.. -«n., '«.Y'«Tt:£^"^w.u ^r; ;5;^^",;.r'r.;r i^-^-'- -"^ Stiffness of any kind can be quickly relieved by massaging with Minard's Lini- ment. RESTORED TO GOOD HEALTH Mother of Eleven Children Praises Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Her Interesting Experience Buckingham, Quebec.â€" "lam the mother of eleven living children, and my baby is five months old. I ana only 38 years old and I have taken Lydia EJ- Pinkham s Vege- table Compound for weakness and my nerves. 1 know of it from my sister. Dame Ed- ouard Bellefeuillo I (^^i^r .^Ri o f Ramsayville. ^^^^ ^BtmStf^ t Fur five years I was n :?ii!»ery and was always ready to cry. Now I am so happy to have good" health. My daughter, who ia IS years old, has also taken it and will be happy to recommend it to all young girls. 'â€"Darae William Par- ent. Box 414, Buckingham, Quebec. Why suffer for years with back- ache, nervousness and other ailments common to women from early life to middleaKC.when Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will give you relief' In a recent country-wide canvass of purchasers of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, over 250,000 replies were received, and 98 out of every ICK) reported they were bene- fited bv its use. Cuticr.ra Sr-rn Retreshes And Beautifies The skin and hair. Regular use of Cuticura Soap, assisted l)y Cuu- cuni Ointment whsn required, in- vigorates and prfserves the »lc':i and lieeps the scalp in a healthy. hair-jTowing condition. Nothing bsttcr for keeping the skin fresh and cirar and the hair liw and glossy. il-.-..t: -VttltlmM. Lu. Mrntr?^* Pt«<«. 3fi«c Ciaticvra Sb*Tia« Stick 2Se. Asp: "Oajcc Crjki. ISSUE N«3e- 2A.