THE FLKSHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8. 192S > \ * V t 4 < ♦. » * \ 1'. ! i i I The Business off Agriculture FARMING is more than an occu- pation; it is a highly commercialized business which requires careful plan- ningr and thoughtful execution. Bount- iful production is neces.sary but much effort 13 wasted unless the bu.siness cf disposin»r of the ytar's output is J roperiy manajred. In conducting the business of the farm the .Stand- rrd Bank can play a prominent and useful part. Consult the mars'- i- and learn how true co-oneratior. rween banking and agrieulture .J.s a more prosperous eommunit: . TI-IE STANDARD BANK OP CAJvTADA. FLCSHERTON BRANCHâ€" C. T. Batty, hlatuiger Golden Wedding in N.J. needle importing buainesa. In 1880 he transferred his business tu New York and lived in Montclair from tar. Orange, New Jersey, Record. ^^^^^ ']"•« until 11*06. He iias iincfc Mr. and Mrj. Alfred A. Wright of «»'<led in the Oranges. W) RigKs Place, West Orange, who When the world war broke out • '.'.ebrated their golden wedding on Mr. Wright could not get needles August 30, were regally feted by the from England, and practically had to of the East Orange, Orange- K'^e up his importing business for a West Orange Kiwanis clubs at their while. In 1'J15 he came to this city v.eekly luncheon at the Y. M. C. .K., and establijhed at 5fe'J Main street the : Orange, Tuesday. Mr. Wright, fam- American branch tf J. A. Coats & .iliarly known as "Poo," u the oldest Son, Ltd., needle manufacturers of I local Kiwanian. Redditch, England, of which he is , i Mrs. Wright, wearing a bridal veil president. i {and carrj'ing a bouquet of ^^owe^s, Besides their four daughters, Mr. ; entered the dining room on the arm and Mrs. Wright have four sons, Wes- > cf her husband to the strains of the ley and Stanley Wright of West Or- â- Wedding March." They were given ange, Elvyn Wright of Orange, and a hearty reception, and "received" by George Wright of this city. ' .Samuel H. Libby, who presented iirs j Wright with a $20 gold piece rn be-' â€"«„,.„„ ^^.,^,^,, half of the clubs. ! OSPREY COUNCIL , j The tables were tastefully decorated __^ _ ^ , ; with huge bunches of flowers in ,-, _ x. r^ "TT^'^" . I bridal breakfast effect. Among the .,^^^JJ^' Township Council met in ,gue.«s were Mr, ami Mrs. Wright's hi/ f °" i.-^"^- ^^^^- -l^^'^^'^' ;four daughters. Mrs. William Chabert ^,11^,:,^^ vl ''u^T *"'' l^^ T" !r,f Rio Pierdra.. Porto Rico; Mrs. ^!f";;-,Vl,?^..?*'"^^':i''."' .^â- ''°- '^"« Staats Abrams of Columbus, Ohio; to ill health, was unable to attend. The minutes of last meeting were adopted and the following communi- cations read: The Royal Bank, Dun- dalk, re coUec-tion of ta.xes; Daniel Sehwandt, tender of $40 for lot on CP-R. TIME TABLE Trains leave Plesherton Station as follows: Going South 8.00 a.m. 4.10 p.m. 8.41 p.m. Going North lllba a.m. 9.08 4.33 p.m. To S. E. Grey Electors Tke mails clese at Flesherton as follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. south at 3..30 For morning train Bouth mail closes at ^0 p.m. the previous evenh'.g:. -Mr. Edivard.T at the nomination slated that Canadians consume 85 per cent, of all f;:;m products. That Sir Robert Borden introduced penny post- age, and h favur having nuuwfacturing plants in our towns. C.inadians consume about 40 per cent, of what we produce in pood years and at. )ut 60 per cent. \n bad less Mrs. Robt. B. Smith of East Orange; , Mrs. William J. Ogilvy of Toronto, Canada, and their three granddaugh- ttrs. Misses M. Edith, Marion and '•^oSuh^il::^ w;re showered j;°""^St-tSin='^-Ottewell, {upon Mr. and .Mrs. Wright by the ^^^^."'^*'°" °* '^°^'^ ''PP"-'"^ *"» ^^'^V :ciub members, and appropriate vocal •' '* I solos, duate. and trios rendered by the „ Grummet â€" Cameron â€" That the Jlisjps Ogilvy. Keeve and ClerK be authorized lO The wedding ceremony was re-enact- iiiieiview the Royal Bank and the cd ;;t their home when Rev. Har- Bank of Commerce in Dundalk m re- PAINTS AND VARNISHES THAT BRIGHTEN UP SHERWIN WILLIAMSâ€" the old reliable, for inside and outside use. FLAT TONE â€" .Xn ideal flat finish for use on walls and Ceilings etc It does not dra? or pall under the brush or show marks. ^-. , â- :.^: tSHERâ€" WILLL\MS LAC -A modern finish for renewing old floors, furniture, woodwork, etc. Easy to apply, dries over night and when used on furniture will not stick to clothes. AUTO ENAMEL â€" Your car may run well, but you will not be satisfied if it looks shabby, a coat of enam- el makes it look like new. Also top dressing etc. Call and get some color cards and the Household Guide. Stop making mistakes in painting. FRANK W. DUNCAN Phone 54 men H. .McQuilkin.pnstor of the First! e'i-;'^. 'â- '^ ^^^ collection of taxes and \ 2n-^'.TA"thJT'.ii r,'.^l Piesbvterian Church of Orange, 'â- â- ^'hrng at par of Township cheques. Licirta tnat i am not ^^^^^^ Following a reception Mr. j Edwardj â€" Cameron â€" That this and Mrs. Wright left for a two : Council agree to have i^e Reeve and weeks' tour of Canada, visiting Mont- ! Clerk meet the >ijdBncti?bn Council in real, Quebec, Thousand Islands and j regard to the bimaing of a perma- the Sapuenay river. ~ i nent bridge over the Connor drain on Mr. Wrigiit was born at Flesher- ' the Ma.xwell-Dundalk road and that t-)n, Ontario, October 0, 1853. He i they are hereby a«thorizeu to accept Local and Personal Send The Advance to a nelative. Mr. Janies Stafford of Detroit is ho'.idnyinE in town. : years. The»age will run than "fO per cent. Sir William Mu- ' j .. i â- u ^ o ,• -»â- j u -vr i ^u â- .n-,-- bck introduced pennv postage when ;vas educated in that town, and upon .^e otter made by Melancthon in 192o he was Pos-maater General in sir '^''''"? *'^^°«.l..''â- ^^,^'"'^''".y'^l''^^^^°|^l'''^'^•''^^^ Wilfred Lau..erB cabinet. 1 favor a^ Canadian Pacitic railroad in the p:on- ' the bridge and -ly one-third of the int-nsive an industrial developmenr ,\!5„f ^Ili>f. ^'jf Ji>'i."?„°!j''f..J^'^!?.! t^ost "jf the sa_me. â- as is health: I am alway for Canad-i as a whole i'T?," ^^^^â- " "^ reniembers the city Edwardsâ€" Cameronâ€" That the ten- glad v.'hen factories are i"P^ '""-'.'^-^ ^^'''^r '"^ ^^â- ''' ^"* '^ *^'"^*^^ "^r submitted by Daniel Sehwandt dancing for of Toronto Rab*t Clark Mr. Peter Dow. is visiting in To.- ronto. ~-" Mr. James Patton spent the past week at Durham. Maikdale had a .n.ccessful old home week. Mr. S. E. BoCudmore spent the last few days in Toronto. The summer campers have nearly all returned to their homes. Rain over the weeJ: end hit the at- lemlance at Toronto cxhmition a hare bl5^v. Mr. Gcc-rso Patton of Owen Sound was a vkiJt'ir in town over Labor Day. Fun galore for Fair night. Old time liddlir.jr and step persons over .50 years. Mrs. Thomas Gamey visit«d ?»Ir. and- Mrs last week. Miss Elsie Ferris of Owen Sound visited over Labr- Bay at her home here. W. G. Akins and friend, Mr. R.l Douglas, ci: Windham, spent the w^eok end at the fo^-mer's home here. Mr. G. B. Welton an4 family are on a week's camping expedition to Te- ronto and Niag:ira Falls. A huge crowd attended the nomin- ation meeting at Durham Tuesday af terjioon. j Miss Ina Smith, Mr. Geo. Baker and two lady fricnils, called on Mrs.! Hanley the fore part of the week. j Mr. Jack Latimer of Toronto spent' a few days of the past week w^iWi his brother-in-law, Mr. C. N. Rich- ardson, f The candidates have nearly finished their campaign and the voting takes place on Tuesday next. Get out and i vote. Miss Owen Quinn returned to her home in Beamsville last week after spending two months the guest of Miss Evada Wilson. , Miss Dorothy Bell, graduate nurse, i and Miss Pearl Mc Master, nurse-in i training at the G. and M. hospital, Owen Sound, spent the week end with [ Rev. Joseph Harrower returned j home from his holidays last week and, took charge of the service on the Uni-j ted Church circuit on Sunday. Miss Thelma Wilson left on Tues- day to train in Highlanil Park Gener-j al Hospital in Detroit. We wishi Thelma a very successful future. j Mr. and Mrs. Will Bentham of; Fredonia. N. Y., .Mrs. Helen Bentham and Miss Helen Smith of Dunkirk, N Y., are holidaying with friends and relatives here. Fred Thompson and Ted Robinson of Newmarket were in town on Sun- day. The former's sister. Miss Dorothy, returned with them after spending two weeko with Miss Gladys Pinder. Mr. and Mrs. Will Guest, son and daughter, of BrowTwville Jet.. Maine, visited friends here during the past week and left for home on Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ottewell. ac- companied by Dr. Richmond and Mies Shibley of Toronto, spent the week «nd in town. Jack Ottewell, who has been holidaying here, returned home with them on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. SUnley H. Smith and! ftmilv of Mount Hamilton visited over] the week end with Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Preston. Mr. Smith, who is a deacon of SUnley Ave. Baptist •hurch. Ham- ilton, preached very accepUbly at Flesherton and Rock Mills on Sunday. | runninpr fu.i time. Then I know that the woriiers are busy and happy, :ind that Ca.nadian citizens elsewhere ;ire psosperous enough to buy the products oi the factories. I. know that the cheaper the goods the more will be sold, and the busier the wor- kc-s will be. I know makes dear goods. Yours s-incerely, â€"AGNES C. MacPHAIL. , of hafc< in the backwoods, and was en lot -!. Youii st.. Kelvin, be accept- known as Fort Garry. ^d and that the Clerk be instructed to Mr. W right left the survey the lat- have the prooertv conveved to Mr. ter part of 1876, and established a Sehwandt. fmali trading post at Nipissing. On- tario. It was while here he met Miss Emeline Edv.-ards. daughter of Wil- riiifer tariff !'^"\ =^"'^ ^-^'â- •'^ Edwards of Pembroke Xo^T^r wTutrorTze tre%l)Vrow"hg"of in the same province who was born §6000.00; By-law No. 785. to proride m the latter town March b. ISbl. '^ The following by-laws were iiTtro- liuced and read the required rfcimber of times, signed and sealed: By-law BE^TH.\M â€" RAVEN At Christ's Church. Markdale. by Rev. A. S. Mitchell, on Friday. Sep- tember :?, Thomas Bentham of Flcsh- ertsn to Jane Isabella Raven of Holland township. The hanpy couple hove taken ap residence in Flesherton. provul lor further expenditure on roads and bridges: By-law No. 788, to leyy rates as follows: Countv rat«. .0127 mills; towTishit^ rate .Oi;!0 piills; general school rate .flOl'3 mills. After the passing of accounts the Council adjourned to reassemble at T , - ,r „., , ,. ui: w J Feversham on September 25th A 1 Louis. Mo., where he cjtabhshrd a o'clock o.m. Mr. and Mrs. Wright V-ere married at Xipis.;ing. then a backwoods settle- ment. .Au,>ust 30. 1876. The cere- ! mony was unique in that every person i in the three neighboring townships ' was present, numbering all told 42. In 1879 lir. Wright migrated to St. r: I BORN AD.AMS â€" In Toronto on Sundt^.y, September 6th. 192P, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Adams, a son. LOCAL AND PERSONAL .Mr. E. K. Jamieson and tw<o sons, ' of Toronto, visited the past woe'K -.v;th Mr. Robert .McMitster. I The secretary reports maj-'_- re- ' quests for games and booth privileges ^ at Fles^herton Fall Fair. i The Flesherton Fair school child- 1 ren's parade is bein,e divided into twc ' classes this year, under 15 pupils, and over. j We neglected to niention the names of two former pastors in last week"s \ .Advance, who visited in town: Rev. F. G. Fowler, Mrs. Fowler and little ' daughter, Nancv. of Brussels; R«v. i and Mrs. C. A. Belfry, the latter were guests of Mrs. W. Moore. Mr. Fow- ler prsached in Owen Sound on the Sabbath. The many friends of these worthy people were delighted to meet them again. Macph ail M eetings Sejjtember 9 â€" Walevs Falls S p.m.; Massey 9. September 10 â€" Miarkdale. Seotember 1 1 â€" Bac^ercs. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13thâ€" Grimston, . Peabody, Louise, Ebenezer. €OOD 9PE.\KER^ W'lI.I, .\TTEXD all MEETIXGS y The Candidate will address all the meeings. commen- cing^ at Grimston at 8.00 p.m. sharp, then iroiii.s: to Peabodv. Louise and Ebenezer. Evening meetings to commence at 8 p-m. sharp GOD SAVE THE KING The People's Grocery A FEW GROCERY SPECIALS: 8 bars Castile Soap _.. 2Sc. 4 tins Brunswick Sardines 25c 2 Shredded Wfeeat^'. .„ 25c. 3 boxes Matches :.* 29c. 1 doz. Jems (quart) I doz. Rubber Rings- aitfl 1 doz. Jem Rings for $1.99 WHEN IN TOWN CALL AT KENNEDY'S W. G. KENNEDY Phone 37 First Class Merchant Taiioring New Fall Goods Plain and Fancy Serges and Worsteds Scotch and Canadian Tweeds Overalls, Smocks, \X'ork Shirts Odd Pairs of Pants, alterations free A fine line of Ladieis'Dress Silks and fancy goods just placed in stock. H. ALEXANDER FEVERSHAM mmai Just how many people do save? A man may read of the large deposits placed in banks and come to the conclusion that cveryxinc is saving money â€" perhaps except himself. The fact is that a great many people save nothing whatever, and that the proud per capita showing of savings in Canada is built up by the thrtfty. It is the savers, however, not the noty savers, who control their own welfare and take advantage of their opportunities. It is the savers who succeed. The Bank erf" Toronto not only welcomes depositors but e.Ttends a friendly personal service which aims to promote in every way the welfare of its clients. <l! SCHOOL TIME AGAIN. Only a few days retnaininir of the simimer holidays and then comes school again. Probably the boys \\ ill need somethini; in the line of Clothing or Foot- wear to replace the wear and tear of sreniious holiday time. We ha\^ some special ahies to interest you and save money. .« Mr. and Mrs. Will Wilsoti and two: little sons of Walkerville .«pent a few' days of the past week with his mother | and other friend-s here. Will i? em-1 ployed with the Godfredson Corpora- 1 tion as desisiicr of their huee motor, pBosenper busses. | Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Duncan andj two child-, <ii Ipft tbp first of the woek' on a mcor trip to Fort Wayno. Ind..| und ether vwints in that state, and ex j pect to bo away ab<nit two weeks. Mr | K. S. Penny and family of Toronto are takine care cf the hardware busi- ness while F, W. J3 away. I 'BAHK«1DS0)nD 4 BRANCHES: BRANCHES: FEVERSHAMâ€" Chas. Smitlu Maaacer. MARKDALEâ€" W. L. YOl'NU. Manager. BOYS' SUITS 23 only Koys* Suits Bloomer style- size from 28 to 34. .Ml well tailored. iTood lininys. durable all-wool cloths in i::oo(l patterns. Regular values $7.50 to $S.,-0. ^ SPECIAL $'5.59. 36 only Boys* Suits Bloomer Style, sizes fa>m 27 to 35. All new designs in all-wool tweeds. Well lined and tiiiisherl throughout. Regular values $8.50 to $10.50. SPECIAL $7.49. BOYS' BOOTS 20 i^airs only. Boys* Lace Boots, some brown, some black, neat up-to-date la.sts. sizes 1. 4 and 5 onlv. This includes some exceptional values. ALIk AT ONE PRICE $2.49. _ BOYS' JERSEYS Cotton Jerseys all sizes, polo collar and button front 50c Aberley Worsted Jerseys, new color combinations, the most satisfactory that money can buy. Size 24 to 32. From $1.50 each. Everything You Need at Right Prices I Granulated Sugar. Jtai Jart Afktal Jar Pniit ;*.rV;- Kettles Certo Jar Rubbers Fruit Jar Filler^ Jelly Straniers ^ju^^ Aluminum Prefcrvmg Kettles ^Â¥^ F. H. W. HICKLING PLESHERTON, ONT.