WEDNESIMY, SEPTEMBER f, ia26 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE EDITORIAL NOIEtt It is not probable that Ihtre w'lil In- mure thiin «iu' woman elected to the next Dominion Purliumeiit. Three ure likelv to go to the polls. t • « Th:' elect-jm will do vvell t^ keep the vandal i-irculatorij at h-mu'. The cau»e that has mei'it in it re(,airis no aid of miBrenre.«entation or abuse. • • « Diwan Bahadur Sir T. Vijayara- irHava.-haryu, a distinKuished loadrr ill the »rreat Indian Empire, opiiu-d th'.' Toronto exhiliition. If you tun prr>nouni'e his name nt the first at- t<,:n;>l you Certainly c-annot be uc- cubed of Koinsr beyond 4.4 as a bevei- • • • ' ;Mi .(le, doftoi," said an inijuisi- ti»e patient to a Toronto npei-ialist the other day. "hnvo you ever made n .'^erious mi.Htake in your diatrno.sis «>f a ca"«e?" "Ve.s," said the me<lico frankly, "I once told a iiinti that he had H touch of indi|ce»tion. Later I found that he was ric-h enough to have had appendieitiij. • • • There are three things which the iiMTutre CanuJian man think." hj can do: run a newspaper, an' ..her, build a fire, and the third is, ouss a wife. How i-ften, too, he «ive8 to tind out his mistake. • • » Le»8 than oin- week now until election day. The nominations thij week haVe i-ettled who are to (to to the pull.s. There are fewer candi- ilate.s than nt the tfencral elt:ct;on la-t year, an effort beinjf made by l-il.crals to hnve n .-itraiKiit lontest with the Conservatives rather than a friiinKulur .;trr.j.'ulo. Who can tell what will bo tj-e result? ROCK MILLS ^!o;lK• of the farnier.s in this vicinity fini.shed harve.stinn last week. Our :irhoil <>peiic(l Wedntfiday of last week with Mrs. Frank Secley aj teacher. Mr. Cecil Bett:i is s.'icndinif a few days in Toronto Sinil att'.*ndir.>t th'j Exhibition. -Mr. Chas. Howard, wife and babe of 'I'lTonto visited over the week end with her parcntii hei-e, Mr. and Mrs. A. PartriaRC. Pajtor Preston will conduct pra,vcr Lit flint'- in the church Thu.-sday nlKht. >Ir. 'Ihos. Gamey. wi:'e and babe ot Toronto visited over the wesk end at Dick Clark's. Mr. i'.nd .Mrs. Lor.;: of CollinKwood sneiit the week em! with Mr. nn'l .Vlrs n. ,^-. Field. Mr.» Haker preavh?i! at Sale;:', chun-h .Sunday iiiK'it and delivered a fiiio :iies.«aire from 2nd Corinthians B:17. Mr. and Mr.s. Brodic spent .Sunday v>'ilh .Mr. !ind .Mrs. B. .S. Field. Mr. and Mr.^. W. T. Po<llar. .Mr. and Mr.s. Lt'.vis Pedlar anil family ti>ok a trip las', v/eek ^i^iwn throujrh .Mulmur »o\.rishi» to Bla" Mrs. W. T. Pe:11nr lived at Blackl)ank in her srirl- hocd days, and it was 4") year.^ .since she had last : cen the old place, and saw maiiy chai ,'e8 in that time. Tiiey also called i i Mr. John Reid at Iloneywood. Unity U.F.W.O. club held the regu- lar monthly ii.^etinK at the home ol .'•li.i. John HirKraVf on l:ist. OwinK lo the busy season tiie i.ltendanjf wa small. Th» prcoident rcei';)ied the hair and opened the iiipetin;,' a.-s uf al. A splendid paiur w'as R-i.-cn by . (rs. Lewis Genoe entitl- ed "The Joy of UL'injr a Housewife.' She was aski I by reouest to give it apnin nt^the r. xt meeting. Mr.;. John l!:ir;rrave Ka: • a t'ood readinir on the '.iie of Abrahii i Lincoln, and comn iin ity r'n.frinjr ii'lowed. The meftiav '•lo'f'i with siiiKincr of the Nati .!!:r Anthem. Dainty refreshments wore ivrvcd ivid a social time was unent The next meetitiK will be at the home of .Mrj. '.'/. T. Pedlar in October. Day if. Flesherton! SUITS HKJH SCmML SI ITS lOK BOY.S. LovaV'tpide Suit in a swajreer style for the hitrh school boy, emphasizintr such smart feaures aa the button-flap, patch pockets with pleats, and inverted pleats and yolk in back. Two pair.s of bloomers, addir.;: additional wear to the suit. ALL-W( OL BLUE SEKGE SUITâ€" Splendid value in carefully tailored suit in a very popular material for boys' wear. BKOWN UNION TWEED Bloomer Suit, a single-breastea mf<del, Aith an all-round belt and three patch pockets with flaps. Children's blue serife middv suit â€" White braid trimmings on foliar, sheild on sleeves, and the black flow-end tie add greatly to the neat appearance, knee length pants. We expect a large display of Ladies' Keady-made Silk Crepe, to arrive in a few day.s. We invite you to call to see them. Newest styles and shades. F. G. RAHSTEDT : ; â€" ' .\(lvi -.ti-St' 111 TIk- .Xrh-iiire |' FLESHERTON Protect the Home Market For Canada, more especially for Ontario and Quebec, the stage is all set for a tremendous development. The fabulous wealth of our North Countryâ€" now established beyond question â€" needs only the assurance of honest and stable government to attract capital and immigration on a scale that will inaugurate a period of unprecedented prosperity. A few years hence in Ontario there may casilvjjbe a ,population of 1,000,000 north of the Great Lakes and the Ottawa River. All of which means a big and profitable market for farm products. That market should be reserved exclusively for Canadian farmers. Elect a Conservative Government, and it will be so reserved. For the Conservative Party stands pledged to see that the Canadian farmer is as adequately protected in-this market as the United States farmer is in his. As Mr. Meighen stated at Midland on August 3rd, "Wc will make it as hard for the American farmers to get. their surplus shipments into Canada, as they are now making it difficult for the Canadian farmer to get his surplus into the United States." Promises are Good â€" but Actions are Better m For the United States farmer, the season for "seasonable" produce â€" all kinds of fruits and vegetablesâ€" opens much earlier than it does for you. When your cherries, or your tomatoes, are first ready to pick, his production of cherries or tomatoes is at its peak. Heretofore, in order to avoid breaking prices in his own market he has been accustomed to dump his surplus production on yours. In less than three weeks from the time it took office, the Conservative administration effectually stopped this practice by rigid enforcement of the dumping regulations ! What Others Have Done You Too Can Do ! The farmers of Canada have shown that they can march abreast of the whole world in quality pro- duction. Also they have made giant strida in increasing the quantity of their production. But in the business-like, efficient marketing of their products they have failed to keep pace. Little Denmark has developed a system of co- operative marketing that has made her one of the most efficient and prosperous agricultural countries in the world. Australia and New Zealand have both made the orderly marketing of their products a matter of national policy. Don't let Canada lag behind any longer! Co-operative Mtnrketing Bvery farmer who Imows his business hopes to â€"produce in larger quantity, and still be able to sell the increase without breaking the market ; â€"produce in a better quality, and obtain the premium to which ne should thereby be entitled. Both hopes can be realized â€" quickly and in full measuse â€" through co-operative aiarketing 1 The pr(H)er procedure as regards organisation, the proper technique as regards staiKlards> grading, etc., and the proper methods of financing, are now an open book that aU who will may read and profit by. In the five years he was in office, Mr. King did absolutely nothing to bring the blessings of co-operative marketing within reach of Canai'an farmers. Butâ€" _ .^^ »-».-•. -cl^Jg^'-^ Mr. Meighen stands pledged, if returned to powerâ€" to quote his own words from an address delivered in Ottawa on July 20thâ€" "to put into force such a policy as will enable the farmers of Canada to build up a marketing sjrstem which will compare in efficiency with that of any agricultural country in the worW." And this pledge will be carried out, even as Mr. Meighen's pledge tQ stop the dumping on the Canadian market of United States fruits and vegetables has already been carried outl Yours is the choiceâ€" yours the responsibilityâ€" on September 14th. If you would unloek the double door to prosperity, the key for which Mr, Meighen offers youâ€" *^ I*" VOTE for R. T. EDWARDS in Grey S.E. for M, R. DUNCAN in Grey North. + <^, <> For Bigger and Better Markets! U>«r«l-rwiiinUii