a* â- • i A Finn in PaperlamL lUttkieen and J«bn meii luid s pair of blunt •ci»»or« «f tWr own. Tb©r» . WM a I*rg» ror»in in th» aUic which they c*l!«d PaperianJ, where thvj { played writh the pwrturee that th«y cut I from roegazlnea With thair bikknt scu- WAm SUPPUES-INFORMATION A ND ADVICE FOR FARMERS BY FRANK T. SHUTT, Dominion ChemJat. * An abundant supply of pure wat«r Sh*Xow or dug wella should be di»- eors. la a matter of first importance; there tant, if poagible at iea»t 150 feet from One momlnjf they decidtd to have can be m guarantee of £oo<i health if houae, barn, ntanur« pile, septic tank a farm in Paperland. Kathleen waa to the drinking water eontaina drainage or any other polluting source. When >;ut out pictures for the garden anil matter of an excreta! origin or ia such (Hstanc-s proves impracticable It the house, while John was to cut outj kkadsd with decomposing vegetable or u imperative and in a>l caeee a<hi*- â- the pictures of flelds, stable*, garages I The Canadian Homemaklr ^ Jtrt'tj y itffhy arhc/as cetMring PLANNING . BUILDING . riNANClNG DCCOWATINQ . n/RNISHlNQ . GARDENING animal organic matter. >f able to protect Uie v.'el! by lining it ^^^ of whatever would be of interaat ponsitvle for the unsanitary condition of stored rain water. mineral matter in solution, aa found with puddled clay or concrete to a to a boy. in certain deep-seated waters, wUi depth of say 10 feet, continuing the First they boilt a waS of blocks, sko render a supply non-uaabie for concrete one foot abovrr the ground's which they played were atone, to sep- Mnking and houi.ehold (laundry) : surface. By thia device, the water arate the bouse and garden from the INurposes. I entering the weM must paaa through â- rest of the farm. Tl*e salient features of the prinei- ! at lea« 10 feet of earth and the ab- 1 Kathleen foujid a picture of a large pal eouroes may be briefly considered sorptivc- power of the soil removea ex- white house having green shutters as follows: Rain, the purest form of traneous matter, affording a fair but "nd wide porches. In front of it were all natural waters as it deecends, but not absolute protection against eon- ; some fine big treee. She cut tlie pie- eoljected and stored is often contan>- tamination. { ture out and set It up against a shal- inated and is only useful for washing' Roped or dri â- '' fhn h t' ^^ cardboard box. Then she covered purposes. Dust on roofs and dirty, n„„ . i^- 1 ^*^'^ .^*"l'' 'it ' *^^ ^'^- ^f'* from of the pictare with *^ ' J u I .11 times yie.ding a water too saiine for __^„ „„_^ * ct j uncovered barrels or tanks are res- a.p« .«- -r,*!^! j, â€" = ,,.1- „„»->- ^* -' S^"**" paper for grass. She made aai.y use, lemiMi as a rule water of a .„^'i,., * _jj hi«h dei^ of nuritv Deeo we'Ni I . * ^^ ordinary wrapping paper u tj^f^ ^S^<^^' »u ^* '^d aid *>ne bet*ven the house and _, , , ... i ^v . . should be protected from the entrance i ,i„ _„ i j ^u j ^t. The degree of punty of the water of ^f surface water* by adequate covers ' v ' "n'>ther around the ate-eams wilC d^pend on a number of ^^^^^ furnished Derfecty sound nines "^"^ ^'^ ^^ back. factors and in the larger number of ^^^ Joint*. ^^ i ^^ found some lovely flower-beds. Instances the safety of the supply for . j which she put first in one place, then drinking and culinary uses can ohlyj ^" conclusion, if ihe water is offerv- ! in another, till- she found Just the right be definitely ascertained by anal>-si». *i^« to sijrht, 9me2 or taste. It ia in all j place for ther.i. The front garden ^ As a preliminary step there should bo probability unsafeâ€" or at least hIghJj | waa almost hniehed, but Kathleen ! an inspection for some miles aboye the objectionai>;e â€" for domestic use, and i wanted one more thing. So she looked | point of collection, to make sure there * better, purer supply should be|throt»gh ever so many magazines till ia no large amount of drainage matter . sought. If such is not available, pro- 1 at last she found it And what do you : ct a poi-uting character entering *««* ion n»ay in a very largo measure i guees it was? .A. li'ly pond. Yes, a' them. I be obtained by boiling for" a few min- , beautiful li jy pond with a fountain in ; Large rivers and lakes are used as "*« ^'i t^"* water required for drink-' the centre. Th*n she put a hetige "f water snpp>ie.s by cities, towns and , i'^Z Piirp^'^^s- Another safeguard and screen paper betwc-?n the lawTi and the | villages. Unfortunately such pources. 0"« *!>*' <^n t)e highly recommended is ! road and set up a few tress aiong thej are frequently polluted â€" it may be ' ^d f oXows : Take a half toispoonful road. I more or less locally â€" by drair.«ge ' of chloride of lime and rub it up with i There were etili the \'egetal>le gar- j from other towns and this necessi- ' ** I^**'* water to the consistency of den ard the inaide of the house to tate«, to have a perfecbty safe water, i cream and stir well into a barrel of daily chlorination. ' the suspected water. A FRENCH COLONIAL HOUSE By Lawscn ft Little, Architects. Simple Treatment for Packed Crop. Packed crop is common ih flocks The Age of a Horse. To tell the age of any horse. Inspect the lov/er jaw, of course; make, but it wa* almost time for lun- [hirtv c ** tat' cheon, so she stopped to see what John bathroom ° i^ had been making. â- _-„,„.. ,' ,. f He had divided his part of the floor' S^^^h . ^ T^' w . into several compound.^ !ot« by plac-£!"«,'L»77^f'^,P°^'='^ ''°<^ "''''â- ingthin sticks along the floor. Against ^^f. "^i ^^^"^l '• 7 "^P'* ^] regarding the plans and speciflcatlons cutHJoarrt Both the living room and of this house should communicate with ..bout twemty-flve by seven rooms and a hall, which Is It the , Is approached are of ample size, the the architect direct. - „ r â- - â„¢â€"~ - - - i *l!! T"''^ °' ** ''"''' *^ ^^^ ^"^ "^ ^•'^^S room , kept in close confinement. Desire for I The six front teeth the tale ^vi•n tell, ; »»« fa""- j» had put a picture of fenner having a large fireplace, and & Utiie 273 Beaver gieen food, even when it is regularly And every doubt and fear diapeL '^^^^ f^^ and bird.. There waa ,i,^ ^,,^^ convenie^y connected to Montr^' Que supplied, leads some greedy indi-i â- ! ?^'<^**'' P'^t^'-^'^^th mountains in the the kitchen tor easy ser>-ice -101601,^ viduaj to overeau, with the result that j X^ middle nippers you behold, if^!. '^^^^ _T* on waa a pic- a side and ceKar entrance, and a' turea of modem design and type have call for brick wallti wiui liniele and been installed. sills. My contractor objects to these Thia hottse on a forty toot lot would and adviees ualn* stone or cement. cost about ten thousand dollars. As there is considerable diffefence In Readers desiring further tnformatlcni cost what wonid .^'ou advise? Uuqaeatloaably the architect who designed your house used brick lintels and sUis because he thought they would be better appearing. We ad- Ti-lse you to use them. It the contractor puts them up properly the construo- Address Lawson Hall Square, their crops become stuifed with a hard; ^**'o'* t^^ ">•* is t^^o ^e«fc» oW; ' '"^'.j "1 â- -â- « *«- separate kitchen entrance are pro- mass that wiU not readily pass into before eight weeks two more wvli: -'* lo^ks m if your farm was al.vided. As the stairs land In the centre the grizzard. Unless the birds ara re- i <^^-^- ' ^J":^^' , ^^^ h-ath.een. hail on the first floor direct entrance lieved, fermentation results, and in r.ot'*^'^"t months the corners eu-t the gum. I 1°" J'-^st wait .ind you wiK see u given to the four bed rooms and a few cases causes death. j 4 somethmp besides scenery, ' said John, bath rcom. without auv loss of floor Last year I had a hen that had over- ! ^he outside grooves will disappear I ^s he p-.cked u- .^me pictures he had , apace. In fact, the plan shows com- eaten. and her crop viras fuli and e.x-t From middle two in just one year, i f."* o"t. -Did you ever see any finer, mendable study in this respect. Be- room, Question: The plane for oua house rlon wlH bo aoond. j cut out. ceedingiv hard. I did not want to open ' ^" two >-ears from tho second pairâ€" ''•^^â- « stock than that?" 1 sides a cupboard in each room, the In three years, "comers," too, are: In <^ne of the lots he put some b.ack master bed rcom is provided with a bare. 'and whits cov/s. In another be put fireplace. j sheep and in .^till anoth-jr chickens and; The exterior shows a dignified recd- it with a knife, so I removed the hen to a brcod coop, with a small attached run. The ground covered by the mn was bare, so the hen could get nothing j -^t two the middle "nippers" drcp. At three the second pair can't stop. to eat except what was given her. I gave her a dish of water in which wns dissolved a liberal quantity of Epsom aalt, and for two days gave no food whatever. I thought by having her bowels emptied the hen miight get some nourishment from the contents of her crop. At the end of two days the crop was smaller and the remain- ing 'ontent.s had softened somewhat. I . then began feeding once a^day a small quantity of soft food, consisting When four years old the third pai: goes: At five a full new set he shows. ! turkeys .ind gee-.=e. In a fourth he put I ering In the FYench Colonial style, the ' i hcir?ps. I uninterrupted lines of the eaves and 1 Then he set up some sta-bles and j cornices being artistically broken by. j barns and a parage. Near by he 1 the venlcal lines of the group flued ' I p:acod a windmill. There were pic- j chimney. ; : tures of fields of wh-^st. of com, of i The house has been erected of con-' : oats and of barley. Each was placed ; crete and concrete blocks â€" the walls in a lot by itself. Then there were being finished in plaster â€" stucco ro-dgh- [ plows and cultivators and tractors: cast. The root is slated with Asbe3t> , of stale bread soaked in sour milk and mixed with a little ground beef j The second pair at ten are bright ecrap. I still kept before her the Eleven finds tfca comers light. •«-ater in which Epsom salt had been dissolved. I â- '^s tiraa goes en the horsem.^.i know, A few days of this treatment caused < ^he oval teeth three-sided ?rrow. tike crop to be emptied, and enabled me ' '^^^ longrer getâ€" project beforeâ€" to increase gradualiy the amount and character of the feed. In a short time The deep black spots will pass from view At six years frcm the middle two. The second pair at seven years; i ^^^ ^-i sorts of farming implements, slate, of guarajiteed quality At eight the spot each comer clears. ^^ ^•^'^^'^toroobiles of every kind. Tl:e The interior woodwork is 1 grandest ones you ever saw. From middle 'nippers," upper ja\v. ' Ding-a-ling-ling! went the luncheon At nine the black spots will withdraw; ; '*^-'- 'So Kathleen and John could not fln- GKWW) • FXPOB.' FiRJT • ThOCH, the hen was eating regular rations and resumed her laying. Cleaning the Milking Machine. The primal necessity of milking Is «8eanliness. Mr. A. G. Lockhead, Do- Till 20, when we know no more. of oak I throughout the ground floor, and pine ; tor painting elsewhere. The floors are i of hardwood, except in the kitchen. The heating Is by hot water to eocli j ish ti:? farm, but you might finish itj room, from a Standard type hot water i for them. You could plant an orchard! boiler in the basement. Plumbing lii- , and a garden and furnish the house. - " _, , ^â€" â€" jvTc^uii J^bTneel along 'thl*'r/| Some Good Recipes. I* rninp QfHFMF IS AN FfONflMY vertisements in magazines. And you | Spiced grapes can be made by an old, ^ VULUIV Jl/ll£llTli:i IJ rt^ LiLUni/lT! 1 I must remember that fnrm houses ha%-e recipe which calls for 7 pounds ofj j te"eph.>nes. radios, mailbo.xes. and grapes (stecimed *and washed), 5 e . S, RJttens. ; n^gj-ly everything that is to be found pounds of sugar, 3 teaspoonfu^ of cin- "Pussj- Wants a Corae-r â€" in Your 'in town houses. I namon, l^i teaapooniula of allspice Heart." This and similar signs at our , Be sure to keep the pictures that and cloves (mi.xed), '» of a pint of roadside stands have netted me higher ; you cut out for the farm, for you can good vinegar. Squeeze pulp IN SEASON'S WARDROBE Simplicity, harmony of color, and woman, attributes hfr success in this- from good lines characterize the well-dress- direction to the fact that each >-ear returns the past year than my brother us^ them again to make other things. | skins, rub through a colander to re-' ed woman. These essentials may be has earned from his pigs. I You miyht keep them in large envoi ^^j Meet folks call it bad hick to have, opes labeled: houses, animals, flowers, minion Bactsriologist, writing on the' * ^''^^ <^*' <^"^ ^^^'^^ P***^ Fortune! men. women, children, etc. ami.es four ways every time onei • The Fun of the Fair. move seeds. Cook skins in a water until tender, then add to the This .t GAME, jolly wet day game can be' ripe tomatoes (pe she decides on a definite color scheme jix- . for an entire season. For example, in.e secured on a modest income or dress tj^g spring she se.icted orange as her «*-_;_».4 -,v'„ \AA .... » ,.,-_».._-l "-•"""'"^â- ^- To be expensively dressed basic coa>r. Hats, gloves, and stock- strained pu.p. Add sugar, vinegar , , ., '^ -^i. i_ . , 5 , . and spices and cook for one hour, or * â„¢=* ?f?^"^^ synonymous with be- mgs were chosen to harmonize. A until thick and clear. Pour into steril-"^^^^^-'*"*^^- f"'^ "^^^ ^'^ tailor-made tan clcth dress with a ized glasses and sea" with paraffin I * ^"oman. while shoppinir. saw a woven pattern of c range, makee a Tomato jam is made with 4 pounds '^!;''â„¢'"f/P""^ ~»^ °! " beautiful charmin? frock for chilly daj-s. For ee'ed and sliced), 2 'â- '•^"'^ *'' terra-cotta. She tried it on wnrmer da;.-? were chosen an orange- and found it most becoming, .\fter c>^"ore<i silk with an all-over pattern â- object of the milking machine points , out that the sooner the cleaning of the P«fsyf<^t5 across mine. The Uvea of | machine is commenced after milking 365 son? birds are saved, the heart ofj the more efficient it vrill be. Directly * ''^^^ '^^'''^ =* "*^^'^ ^'â- *^' '''"y is sutej the cow is finished with, our authority **'/„«»"f,*>'. ^^'â- " '">-'' t^^'-y. *"<*! -- -- > â- ^ . -,-.^- o„ri fo„T,H ad^•i9os that the teat-cuns -^hcn.l hn ^ dollar finds ite way into my pocket.! made at home: a., that you need is pounds of sugar. 1 pint of \-inegar, «"« louna drawn throuB-h the unit the ^i« l^ While attending school In the city laat a dice, and some animal pictures cut 1 tab'espoonful of salt. Ih: teaspcon- making her purchase, however, she cf tar. :abuff-co.ored .inen with toucfcej imr Ufted uo and down' to a!w tL ^^^ "^ ^^it^d child invited me into cut from any old papers. ; fv^^s of cinnamon. 4 teaspoonful of discovered that the co.or clashed with of bite and oranae. and a shantung a^aa wer ^ water to nTs, th^upT tl» hasement of an apartment home Cut out pictures of single horses. £,-o^-^^ S"^^ ^-IjIL'"' ^^'"^ Y'^'^i a-^^.o/t e^-eO'thmg she possessed. She silk dross. A white lace frock conv- The cup^ a^d tXs sh^W i^^ "to see him's kitty." From a «>ft lined cows, sheep and pi.gs and paste each !?!' r^r^fflT' ^"^ seal couldn't wear ,t with any of h.r hats, p-etod this simple but tasteful ward- ^t^'^^tht wate^tothi^fh^ box he rapturously brought forth a on a small .lip of cardboard-color T^^J^^S ccttage-pudding .^i, - "ad to buy a new on^ Even then robe. wh:ch.be,n abased on one scale Sen^ded a d^ rj c^i^inl^wde^ ^^''^ caterpillar which had been his them also if you like. ^,:!.^ _^"u" i'to a battel ^ide of t^^ *'"-"'' ^'»"«'*<^J- ^"-^ ^'^ dresses of co.or. ennb ed the wearer to use the Deen added a dairy c.eansing powder. »_ stroked i+, fur If vou want to nav this irame be- T f^^f '"to a batter -made of ^ off-color, her appearance lacked same accessories with each frock and This can be done, says the Bacteri- PtJ, ^^ uT i I stroKed rta fur U you want to p.ay tms game oe- ,^ cupful of sugar, 3 tablespoonfuls the charm of a wer-oanned toJ-tt- to hive them alwav<! in harmoTxv TJ^ ologist, in th* most r^-ent number of '''^^ '^^ ^^^ forefinger, cuddled and fore you have co.iected enough pic- ^j Gutter, 1 beaten eg^, 1 cupful of '^ *^ ' ^ ^^ * ^^"^ " °- ' " ^^"^^r- ^^ Seasonable Hints, with the suction on ^^^^ ***^ '' ** 1^ ''. '^^'^'-y ^'^"^ the. tures write the naniea of the animals ^j.-^^ ^ ^^„j. ^f fl^^^. 14 teaspoonfuls before, or by removing from the ''â- "* f* ^^ fancied it to be. icbino and clenninir in « .«inW or *?<>' ' registered a ww, in of baking-powder. Bake in a loaf and On the on separate slips of paper â€" this will ! machine and denning in a sink or *F**^i registered a %xiw, in teara, to do for a makeshift. ' ^^^.^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ auiUble bas-n using brushes to clean P""**^'** someth ng living and respon- The anima.a are pieced in rowe on Buckingham corn stew will please, the passages. Clean hot water should I"* '*"• "'>' ^â- ^'â- dron to Itove. Pigeons the fair groundâ€" the tab.e-then the ^^ ^^^ j;^^ „ carrots. (5 onions, 6 be used for the final rinsing and the ^r'' '"^'^ "'^' thoughts, rabbits hopped dice i.s shaken and the .game begins. ^^^^^ ^^.^^ peppere. Let these cook who^e system should be thoroughly through my mmd, white mice and According to the number you turn up; j^^^ covered with boi ing Nvui-r) fluahed.^ Where there is danger of 8^'"^ P'Sr^- ^'»" ' retumed home so >'ou "buy' from the fair. Eventually she had the ccat dyo-J. She she wanted to e'nborate her outfit a was a rocr shopper. , little further, a black dress could have .\r?ther woman who cannot afford been effective'v irtr-duced. and she n varied wardrobe but v,-ho has the could have gone yei farther afield reputation of being a wel!-dre«scd int.-> certain blues and greens. wa»r 8*etting into the air passages a ^^â- wooden pJu.sr should be put in the open end after removal from the machine. Once a week the teat-cups and tubes •hould be taken completely apart and tboroughly brushed, a cleaning powder being used, and reassembled when dry. «i^ Grow No. 104 Winter Wheat. for the week-end a nest of kittens For six, >x>u buy a horse :_ four a; ^ bushel of 'tom'atoel. Put Cucumber loaf Is a p'easing ci-vm- pany dish to be serve<l with hot or cod whie scalding, peeing and cutting up roast meats. It U made thus: Into For opened the way. I started at once to sheep; three, a cow; two, a pig. ror ^her and cook until th-> ^e?etables penrercoms house-break them in the "old loom one. however, you .C50 >our turn and . â- . <- ^ room," a 1 to- 2 cuofu s cf N>'iin-,r water turn I b!a:ie of mace, 'a teasro:>nfi;l cf Vi of , ..„ ,, , ,., » . . V * .. *•"* tendei^-ab.;ut two hoursâ€" then a l»v 1-af. 'a teas^o.^nf^;l cf celery an ancient edifice on th* place. W you are unfortunate enough to turn ^^ ^y^ ^.^,„ ^^^ f ^,, ^^„ ^^^^ ^,^ ^,^ ^^^ ^ s-c- rf on^on- s*- -n -O m!n- Tho heart-hungry apartment child re- upa five, then you W a.! v-our am- ^^^^^ ^^- ^j^„„ ^^ ^,5^.^ ^.^ celved the first, gratis. Th.ir next- mas fcr they must be retumed to the ^^^^^-g) ,^ ^^ j^.^ j^,, mlnutee. door neighbor o!feT?d a dollar for the Fair Ground. This Is where the un- s^„„on highv to ta-ste with -sit pv.<p- mate and within a few days all were certa:T'ty and the fun come In. , ^^ ^^^^ ,^^„ j,^ ^,„, j, ^^ sold at that price. When aJ the anima.e have diaap- ^hi, ,n*kes a meal in it.^elf, and is Black kittens and tigers seH best, peared and the Fair (,round Is empty ^^ ^f ^^^ ^^^ delectable stews made. Breakfast Room Furniture. For the sum of i5 the furniture and hangins^ for a really charming break- fast room were e\xl\^ in one home. The varr.ijh v,-as first removed from an old oak chi;Tcnic-r ai:.l four dining roim chai-.s, th> picpar,itlon sold for this purpcs? being •:.'.rj according to directions. The« [ijces. tor^ther r- .u 1. .. '# with a d'op-leaf «id:> table wh'jh had Cover the bott-ra of , 1 • ...••. u . been used m the mt-hen, were then utes, drain and ad.i to the liquid *i of a box of (re.atin dissolved in a litfe cold water; strain, add -4 tab'?st>oo:!- fuL< of vinegar. a mold to thu depth cf half an inch with the mixture, add a layer wi thinly This -aricty ha« 9urp:.s*:d aU othir but all colors go when displayed in a tho playtr who has -bought" the larg- ^ ^j^^, .^.^^^ „,^^ ^ ,^,^ amount, s'lced cucumber- «nd r.-n>at the 'nive-* varK>ue^^T^ average yield -f grain ..-. white _c_hicken_c-o'?surniounte.i by th^ c-.H number of anima.s wins the game.^^ ^j,,,^ ,, ^^^ j,, ^^^^^t jars for until the dish -s full. Stand in a "coM acre, 11 the Experimental Union i 0- 'itm. Mou:e Traps For Sale. .\ self- ^)«T»tiv« testa and at the O.A.C. It «<Wressed postcard goes with puasy to 1« ncTc widely grown .ind the ••ed is it» new home. Through them cat mos- Tlbt hard to locate. i winter use, using the open-kctt!e p.lace to hartff n and eerv« very cold .\ ( anadian-owned Ayrslure cow. method; it keeps perfectly. Add slice-J on a bed of watercreea. Nellie Osborne of Ghnshad* the 16th,] okra If jx»u raise this vegetable. For a seasonab'e dinner. rwno\x) the .v. A In six otit of seven years It yielded customera better than DawiH>n "a Go'rtlen Chaff, in I '~*"" * the experiments conducted at the I Protectten From Qre**e. homes of the farmers. The O.A.C. ' The sleeve of rn old coat or worn- 104 is a white wheat, with a white, out pair ot ovenUls Is handy as a chaff and beardles!» head. It is hardy, means of protecting the arm when do sages return to me aliong with new oi*-n«'i by W. C. Wylie. of Howick,! Canned tomato soup calls for 1 peck seeils from firm ripe tomatoee. Fill *'*' given .1 coat of flat white p^idnt. fal- '.<y^^d by tv/o coats \f a lorfly soft shad-^ of paJ.^ gree.i enamel. rV 4'encil in whire wii.h a touch cf pirJt and black in the design added an IikU- vidu«k note. Cream scrhm curtains were gi^-e:i a l>->rder of faat-c6lor green chanibray. .K freen glass frtiit dish sva* set between two tall brass cand'tsticics on the chiffonier and a Cantv:! Ch!i;\ bowl hold« always a bouquet of mteed ftowe.'rs In shades Que., has displaced an American- of ripe tomatoes, 4 large onions, 2 red tha cavities with cold cc^ked :n3at ar J owned Ayrshire for tho world's record vweet peppers (seeds of one). 2.'5 stale bread out Into smell pieces. Sea- milk md butter production for this whole ctevee, 2 quarts of boiling water, sen with salt and pepper an.4 sprink^ 1 r'»ed. In a 806-day official teat jht Cook together until soft (about half the tops with grated ch«ei»e. Bakv« for produof-d 21.241 lb*, of milk and 900 an hour) and prew through a fine 30 minutes, then place in the centre ... . .. . . U« cf l.ultorfat The pe.ious record, sieve or colander. Add to the pulp 1 of a plattfr wi.h a ridge of ma»SeJ «^thajTncn!»w4th the soft cofcringi vigorous and w!»l! suited to the On-, tag a smaU Job on the car that requires held by Douglas Hall Dandy, waa for, cupful of brown sugar and 2 tabli^ potatoes around them, th^n a row^ of "' ** room. That Is for the aummei tario oIIrmK'. .... reaching Into a greasy locilliy. It n prod.io'on of 18.266 lbs. and .ISispoon/ule of «»lt. Bofl 15 minutes and pea« or beane that have been cooked ^'^- '" ""Intar a growing p.Vnt ot ' A. |tahe^,*1it a minute to slip on such a Ibj. of 1 utterfat. | seal hot. Celery seed or fresh pars-' an.l seesoned. Cook the juice of the C''"*'*^ -'' '^'^d. Soap was -.^affo by th« Oauls over^ •^«^«»' '"'Kt't *>»«"" ?h« regular shirt and , j ley can be added before strainins. t^^matoes, thicken to a sauce; pour it o 2.(X)0 years *if,'o. They made it. of , t^at »l«>^i^an^ it savee a tot of laun- 1 Sanllne oil Is extensively used in , Thicken with flour and butter (or salt 'over the tomatoe*. and garnish the The poptrlatkm <rf th» eai-A douW«« goafs f i an^ the ashes of beadi trcM, 1 dwlng and cleaning. Duklug paints and soap. I pork fftt) be^ro aMrvlng. I flatter with watarcraas or pars!*/. j itsalf la 3M /SMik