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Flesherton Advance, 8 Sep 1926, p. 2

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You Should Try ass: "sauda: GREEN TEA II HIS mJMZ th»m. They have both b«eii to ktnd t« met" Fisher walked away from her to the window. H« sitood looking out into the darkenlnf; garden for a momont. Sud«kiil]r he turned, and came back. "You kiM)w where you c«n find mo, Jf ever I can b* of help to yoa," he raid abruptly, Bh'i looked amazed. The ready tears rushed to her ey«8. (To be continiMHL) BEGIN MKRE TO-DAY. The T74 "wrl&wn xov want a chmxk^9. It's deltcioua. tM r-» :^m TT {DEAL^ Jc marriugt of Dolly and Nigel v/w""" prov«8 u:i unhappy one. I V/hen war Ik det-lared .Nigel is glad to 1 en. let, |{e leaves l^oliy under th« care ; of Mary Kurnlval. Nigel is killed and i^ mnrriee an oid swoi^theart, Rob- ert nurham. Doliy and Robert sail for America ! spot of co'or in either cheek as she CHAT> K': XLII. "WHV DIU YOU DO IT?" V/ith the soft cosing of the door, Mary etaried to h^^r feet. She f«it Fomehow deaperate; the strain of the afternoon had worn her nerve* to flddle-xtrinxs. There was a bright "V/e;.?" '. Jie word seemed forced M butt requires 5H yards S9-inch, or 4 yarda 64-(nch material. Price 20 oenta. The aecret of distinctive dreaa lies in good taate rather than a lavish ex- pemtiture of money. Every wonxin ,. ,. ^ „» d j r^ -VC u ' j' Ik^.'^ (^^ l1 \^. „â€" i. -i^k.- '° ''^* â- * "^<i Grunge with him and . ^'X T ^;>^ ^ !??? -^ ?' »»'• •unt- A -.etter comes to Mary from ar»d the home d^amaker wiU And the d^j.^ .^y,„p ^hat »he and her husband I „.,. ,„„ ^.„ .„... . .. ..... .„,„ ,_ dealgtM iHurtrat^l m ournew Fashion ^ „f«. Monty Fisher tell David that! told him? Does he know that I am and word conies of the Finking of their faced the man standing so quietly on ship When Nigel'« brother David. ; ^^^ hearthru-/ calls t') see Nigel's widow, Mary la ashamed to tell hlra of Dolly's mar- â-  , , . , .v _ u bt „i„ riajre. David misUkes Mnry for his 1 ''^"' *'«''": ^^ '*"'»'*' came chokingly, brother's wife and asks her to come Fisher met her gjae calm-y. ' "WV.;?" Ii* t-choed. She broke out stumbling'I'y: 'Haw you told Mm? What have ywtt Book to be practical and eimpJe, yet Mary is not Nigel's widow ; maintaining the spirit of the mode of tho moment. Price of the book 10c tba copy. i aow TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address plain- ly, riving number and size of su.-h patterns as you want. Encloee 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number and addreea your order to Pattern Dept., Wilaon Publishing Co., 73 West Ade- laide St., Toronto. Pattern* sent by return maiL -o Kr.ARE,'; TfclMI'ER STRAIGHT sn.nouKTTE. This fr< :k, although of tailored genr<-, liivci^js from severe simplicity In .•> rathir intcrjEtin;; way, introJuc- Inj; .•• or.c-8id:-d effect. Plain fabric makes n f mart f .-ir-s at th? left side of the «.l;jrt. and harnior'z£-> in tone with th: bacltpiound of ths bordered karKa, rha .n to develop this chic frock. Ths co'lar is convertible, and Iho front c!.-,;;iir; i.s of the new diag- onal typj. !<,:•(; follin;? Kversendinp in a pointed liib. Tho back is plain, and tlw tailo:<-'d s!;;vc-. ara finished v.ith trir.'. litt!- cuflTs. No. liiO-l i.s in sizes So, .t8, 10 41! und 44 iMch>^ liu>^l. .Si-ze with Adequate, Suitable, Right. Dresses for Cinderella Of Bilk and satlu and cloth, Are not a patch on the bat's umbrella Or the powdered fans of the moth, Or th© frog's green jumping breeches. Or the leopard's costume, which Is A dazzle of spots like a veiled design. v^ I.- ^ ^A ~, J .1. » ^l'"''* *'''• ' • cheat^an impostor? What Wave you n« has already found that out. . ,. ,. ,,, told him?" NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY. | There was a momenUry pause. "You know your own busltjess best, Fisher's eyes had never left her face; of course," he said, vdth an effort, he could see that she was terribly "But it is my duty to warn you that agitated. A sudden idea came to him. you are doing a very foolish thing. 'â- â-  "I •»»â-¼Â» to^d him nothing," he said What has become of Nigel's widow, deliberately. \^x»V' \ ^he groped backward for a chair, "I have no more idea than you have. »nd dropped into it, half laughing, I have n«vw seen her in my Vife." , ha-' sobbing. Bretherton >augbed a little. "Oh. I am so glad! I have been so "Don't look ao worried, Monty. I'm) •''••'<" <^h, I am so glad I" not a chlW. 1 think you can trust me' Fisher bit bis lip. In spite of him- to manage my own affairs. Believe , ••^^ he waa eorry for this girl. She me, I've a very good reason for doing «^ no' J"«« *-he ordinary type of what I am." ; adventuress â€" out to get aM she' could; "Tho woman's an adventuress I It's ' ''here was something simple and home- a scandalous affairl" I 'y »hout her, something that filled him Fisher flushed up as he spoke. Ho ^'th a sort of pitj-ing remorse, had never known till now how much ' He wished he had not rushed off to he would have liked to see hie sister David so readily; even though David He was shrewd had already known, he need not have Re<I-Letter New Teatament Ulnd up three hundred pa«es In a book. Typed large for wondering chlldiah eyes to claim And wear it lo your pocket where none look Upon your treasure In morocco frame; Print all the Master's words in crim- son ink And you will see bow very few they show; But on the least of all their phrases thinkâ€" The seed of beauty thousand-fold shall grow. I am the Lisht of the World. If ye be- lieve Ye may remove tills mountain to the eea, All things ye ask In prayer ye ehail receive. Lo, I am with you always. Follow mew And, if It were not so, I would have told, Ob, these are words with more than edge of gold. â€" Isabel Flske Oonant in Christian Science Monitor. After Every Meal k doem't take mudi to keep you in trim. Nature only aika • little help. Wrigley'sy after every mealy benefits teeth» breath, appetite and digestion. A Flavor fw Every Taste married to David. Or the zebra's marvelous dazzle of line, enough to guess that it was not mere precipitated matters quite so hurried- Or the gibbon's gloves, or the tufts of curiosity that had prevented David, 'y- He went forward, and laid a hand Grown In the boots of the polar bear. Or the penguin's snowy vest. Or the cockatoo's white crest. Or the morning coat which the wag- tails know, U always de rlgueur and never de trop. Or the lambs white woolly pants. Or lumbering elephants' Gray overalls that almost might Be skins, they fit bo exactly right. Never too loose or tight, Never too heavy or light, But absolutely, so minutely A<iv-qtr<itel suitable, right. â€" Geotfroy Dearraer. Missing 200 Years, I Oxford G)llege Gate Found j Kalliol College. Oxford, England, has I found a gate belonging to the college ! which was lost 200 years ago. The gate is my sincere that she makes a is jtrobuhy the oltiest In England, be- i permanent homo with us." I lag built for Halliol in the year 1288,1 Fi.sher did not answer. He was |Rci(iidlnK t<> the purchase record in the wonderinjr what Mary would do now [college books. For 500 years genera- I lions of belated students kicked the from turning Mary Furnival out of, on M. ry's shoulder, thn house. "Whv did you do it?" he asked cur- Miss Vamey came into the room »ou»ly- "You're not the sort of wo- just then, and put a stop to further ^a" to want money. I can't under- conversation. Her first queetion was stand /ou." for Mary I ^he lifted her face from her arms; She glanced at Fisher apologeUcal- theje ^^J^'^J^^^J'^^^J^^^^^^^^' ^^^ ly as she spoke. """ " -" â-  - " ••" "It's extraordinary how I miss the dear child if she is out of the room for long," she said. "It's wonderful how she ha-s grown to he part of our lives, isn't it, David?" David did not answer, and Miss Vamey went on: "But, of course, you know her well,' Mr. Fisher. You saw a great deal of poor Nigel', didn't you?" | "Not a great deal. And â€" I think 1 only met his wife once or twice." ( "Well, you will see a great deal of h-er now if you come to Red Grange," the old lady went on innocently. "It voice trembled as she answered him "I don't know why I did it i was lonely, and â€" and I didn't want them to know about Dolly." I "Dolly! What about Dolly?" he ask- , ed sharply. j Mary dried her eyes fiercely; she| I was ashamed of her tears, ashamed I that this man might guess their reali cause. She knew that she felt no re- I morse for what she had donef she, I knew that her only grief was the' thonpht of leaving David. She was; r shamed liecnuse it was so, ashamed â-  'hnt she who had once loved his brot-her, thould now care so much â€" ^ much more for him. She could not tell Fi.sher that she had first come to Red Grange because ^ she had wanted to be in Nigel's home.! "Dog Days." What are the "Dog DaysT' Beginning on July S is the period supposed to be the hottest of the year, and which In ancient astronomy was associated with the rising of the Dog star. Astronomy and religion being then closely connected, it was thought that the pestilences and drought of vege- tation often occurring at the period In the heats of Italy could be warded off by propitiatory offerings to the god of the star, and red dogs were, therefore, sometimes eacrlfloed. From this old belief has survived oar modem "Dog Days,' 'though the term Is often confused with the hot period during which dogs used to be supposed to be especially subject to madness. As Usual. "Couldn't And the house of that tel*' phone girl I had a date with." "How's that?" "She gave me the wrong number." MInard's Liniment for toothache. Successful Hunter. Ole, in the county courthouse, stam- meringly asked for a license.. "Hunting license?" asked the clerk. "No,"replied Ole. "Aye bane hunt- ing long enough. Ay want marriage license." Her Great Discovery. He le&ned back In his chair and re- garded the teacake with a contempla- tive frown. Then he picked it up gin- gerly between thumb and forefinger, as if weighing it. His wife looked very stern, but did not speak. Her hiisband tapped the on the edge of hi» plate. Then she did speak. "I suppose you're making fun of my cooking?" "No, my dear," u* an»wered. "Un- wittingly, perhaps, you have made a great discovery." "What do you mean 7" "I mean," came the answer, "that our future Is assured. Though not much of a success as a cake, this thing is an absolutely splendid substitute for a rubber heeJ!" The surface of the earth contains 55,000,000 square miles of land and 141,000,000 square miles of water. inso then in the latter part of tho eigh- teenth century the gate was missing after the fjiiadrangle was remodeled. It Ik now discovered. Its oak panels It seemed now as if that had never been a true reason; she stumbled on with her halting explanation. "Dolly married again. P thought Your doctor will tell you the old-fashionrd wash-day is one of woman's greatest Strained bacics, ugly hand-S jangled nerves and siiort tempersâ€" all come from the everlasting rub - rub - rubbing on the ancient washboard she knew hersolf discovered. He had read aright the pleading in her eyes, gate's timb<TK to get In after hours. He almost wished that he had said nothing yet to David; it might have, been useful to have kept a friendly >'°" '"'ow. Didn't you know? She .-ide turned to both of them. marned whenâ€" when Nigel had omy, , WhfMt Mary came in to t«a he made *>««" ^^^^ » ^e^ days, and I was so; well preserved under a hundred coats himself particularly pleasant to her. ashamed for her. I didn't want David i of paint, and has boen re-purchased by He said that he hoped .she would take â€"Mr. Brethertonâ€" to know. And a group of graduates and given to the advantage of hi.s sister's invitation, college. Although rtlll capable of ser- ^ ^nd come to stay with them in town, vice, the gate will not be used but kept i "Hora will be pleased to have you." Tlir modern way 'u to Id Rinso do the work. Chanjjc the hard work of washing to just rinsing. Simply dissolve Rinso in the vtasji-water, put in the clotiies, soak for 2 hours or more and just rinse. Let Rinso do your next wa.thing. Made by the makerg of Lux. Change washing into as a relic deserving rest. It Is More Important â€" â€" For a girl to do her own thinking than to do her own sewing. -For a man lo be a kuccessful father than a suoressful premier. - For a firm to pay decent wage* than big dividends. For a preecher to I ell us where we ro going than where wo came from. For a college to build characters than to build winning teams. I --For a book to be wholesome than for if to be daring. I â€"For a town to safeguard the mor- als of 1th youth than their food supply. he said; and wondered directly after wards what made him say it. He knew perfectly well that Dora never cared at nil for her own sex; he remembered distinctly what she Itad said about Mary. Mary thanked him, but neither re- fused nor con.sonted: sho only spoke when pho wa.s pointedly addressed. "You are very quiet, my dear; have j"ou a headache?" asked Miss Vamey poHcitously. "N<* â€" I don't know. Perhaps I am a little tired." Involuntarily she raised her eyes to David; he was looking at. her steadily. The color rushed into her face; she Wt her Up when he came to see me I let him' thdnk that I â€" I was Dolly. I never: actually told him so, but somehow he seemed to take it for granted, and , then' â€" then, when he asked me to come here â€" " She stopped; she could not go on. I "Thenâ€" whore isâ€" Mrs. Nigel?", Fisher's voice .'••ounded incredulous.' Mary had a feeling that he did not, believe what she had told him. She answered him hesitatingly: i "She went to the Argentine with her husband. She went in the Mul- tane." , j "The Multanc! The Multane was lost at sea?" I "Yes." ! "Good heavens!" He pressed the subject no further; SM\ Every Wbman Deserves One The SMP Roaster Is a fine time saver. You put the roast or fowl in the oven. The roaster does the rest, bastes, roasts to perfection. It roasts v/ith very little shrinkage, thus saving dollars every yew*^ None of the tasty meat juices are lost ; all the 'rich flavor is retained. Besides you can br.y cheaper cuts, for it makes cheap cuts taste like choice ones. Ttie cIoM fitt<nc com keept all the cooking odon and the Rreaae inud« the ro«stcr â€" the fmcU of -ooWnj docsu't fiU the hou«e, and the ovea is kept sweet and clean. Best of sU, it cleans out ia a Ji9y after the loastine. These are •plendid vessel*. Price 65c. to $3.50 according to sin aad finish. Sold in all hardwara attxe*. SMP €tuuiu£ed " ROASTER Friend of Humanity. a great an,, useful j,.^^.^ ,^^, ^e knew thetruth as yet; ""'f ' ^ «'<»•. A man who did work in putting the world's literature Into bookii at once attractive ami mod- ' erate In price died In Rnglantl recent- ly. His name was J. M. Dent, and his famous "Everyman's Library" â€" proto- type of several other similar under- takinge contains nearly eight hun- dred titieR and has sold to the extent of twenty million copies. More than once he has printed books the sale of which did not seem likely to meet ihe ''(i.Ht of puhllratlon. "If it's -> good hook." he would say, "and students want It cheap, they Rhoitld have It, profit or 111) profit. " I he concluded that Dolly and her hus- What did he know? she wondered. ^^'^^ ^'^'^ «»"« <1<>W" with the ill-fated Whnt had Fisher said to him, if he »™P- had said anything? She could not be- ' "And soâ€" so you thought you were â- he was sure that if he had done so Seeing. Her eyes flashed angrily. ihe would have turned her out of the' "^ ^""'' understand you. If you house then and there. i think that I meant to try and take And Dolly was not dead, she had I>ol'y'« Plac® »»"» forever, if you not gone down with the Multane, as ^^ink that I wanted to steal what fhe had believed; there was not even '^^ hers, >-ou are wron|r-quite wron^. that excuse for her to offer. 1 1 ^"^ t«l'en no money at all from Well, it would soon be over and done M""- Bretherton; I should never think with! Those weeks at the Red Grange «' ''omg »<>• Butâ€" oh, I think I Just would soon just he a dream that had wanted to live the life th^y lead for a be^n dispersed by the searching light ""-<^- ^'"^ always been so poor, al- of day; she would go quietly away that '^"J's ^ad to rough itâ€"" night \vithout H word of farewell. I Her voice broke. And perhaps then they would for-' I-'^'^er mo%-ed away. It annoye I get and forgive her, remembering thai *>lm becaueo he fc.t so sympathetic, she had only lived there, taking no- ' !*• 'n«'l<^ ^im feel a.i if he had be- I sea everything I paint in this world, but everybody does not see I alike. To the oyo o( a miser a guinea Is far more beautiful than the sun, and II bag worn with the use of money has ' more beauti^il proportions than a vlqe . niled with grapes. Tlje tree which mpvee sonio to tears of Joy Is In the eyes of othnri only a green thing which stands in the way . . , Some scarce see nature at all . . , Ton cer talnly mistake, wben you say that the visions of fanoy are not to be found In this world. To me this worM Is all .:ia continued vision. WillUm Blake. --t ria. 3Sâ€" iJ». |M Inard's Liniment far bruises. thing bat her food and a bed to sleep In. No doubt they would call her an advenfuross. The name brought a (juivering smile to her Ups, shi) fult ao unHko an adventuress. At heart rho was j'.ist a ionely woman who hds c'a,;ed to i.t«nl a breath of hap; I- nese which was never rightly ners. Sho lou'NMi h e Ta el f and trlii>d to talk to Fisher. Bhe wanted to kee?> him at her side wlien the others had gone; she wanto<) to find out what he kiww, and what ha bad told David. .'^oi'.une favoreil he*. David w.n^ '.alied lo see one o' the gardenev;- 'inl jlios Varney Wdnt with him; and she and Fisher wtf imti atone. ha\'ed like a coward â€" striking at this woman behind her back. j "And what are you going to do now?" he .isked. j SIm let her hands fall deso'ately into tho lap of l*er black frock. ' "I don't know. I shall have to go away. 1 never meant to stay for lonij, even if you hadn't come and roccgniz-i ed me." | "You mean that you vri'A tell David tWe truth?" , Hho gavB a little cry. j "Oh, no, no! I couldn't!" Th;rr was a sharp protest in her voice. • I th<)Ught I would just go quietly awa somewhere. Oh, 1 could never tel. CONNOR POWER WASHER MODEL 26 SOLVES THE WASH DAY PROBLEM on the farm. Belt it to any amall gaaoline engine. We uH you this machine on the condition that it must satisfy you. 1. IT MU.ST SATISFY you on Its capacity to wash the finest dothiug without injury. i. IT MUST SATISFY you on Its capacity to wash the dirtiest clothes absolutely cletin. 8. IT MUST SATISFY you on Its Improved aluminum agi- tator that forces the eoapy water through the clothes. i. IT MUST SATISFY you on its elimination of band rul>- blng. IT MUST SAT!r,1-Y vou on lt» larss frnr pos.tion wringer thet will wrlHg fr^i:;> the rlns- lac or blueing tul< while the tuacliine is doing tl.e wa5blng. IT MUST SATISFY you ca its (lutct, smooth runnlDg. IT MUST SATISFY you in eveo'tMiig you uipoct lu a Power Washer. If It does not. return It to ue at our oxpenae and wo w^U refund you the purchase price. $70,00. If ycur dealer does not sell thle machine, order direct (mm us. J. H. CONNOR A SON, LIMITED Manufacturers (./ttaWa ' *f)rrf.r V«i.r« W«u.» C/TiI'ItIVIO iig ran'i TTi'iii 1 m? (Order Yeure New) ' 1

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