Wi)t gkG\}ni0n %Hmce. Vol 46 No. 1 3 Flesherton, Ontario September 8, 1926 W. H. Thurston & Son, PoBpriettnrs V; * ^. K ,!* Camp Meeting 'I'lif Gospel Workers' Annual Camp Mcetiiifi;^ at Clarksburg' will bej^in (1).\'.; Sept. 16 and continue to September 19th. Kev. P. Wiseman. D.l).. President ofWniiesley Coll- ege, Ottawa; John Thomas, recently from London, i'.ng., and others will be with us to preach the Word. The famous Colored Quintette of Cleveland, Ohio, will render special singihg throughout the meetings. There will be four services each day ut 9 and 10.30 a. nwand 2.30 and 7.30 p.m : A new Tabernacle, built larger and strong-er thav: the previous one, accanniiodating many more people- has just been completed. A dining hall, just tlnished, .where those attending the services may secure meals at a rea.sonable rate, will fill a long felt need, also rooms above it may be secured if spoken for early. This Camp Meeting will be a special treat. He sure and not nuss it. A hearty invitation enjov the services. is extended to all to come and EUGENIA To the Electors . Mi.ssc-s Rowena ami Christina Magee fcave returned hon-.e after spending a fortnight with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jame.s Lyness visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. B. Magee. A good crowd was in attendance Monday evening to hear Mr. R. T. Edwards give a fine political address. Other speakers were Mr. C. McKeown of Orasise^'illc and Mr. Bert Douglas. These gentlemen delivered fine ad- dresses, upholding the Conservative ?)ide of politics. Mr. Douglas and his three sons favored the audience v^ith a number of well-rendered pat- riotic songs. TKis Tuesday evening Miss McPhail will address a meeting; in the hal! here. Mis.^ Odessa Haggard of Thornbury visited for a few days with her uncle and aunt, Mr. aiid Mrs. Card Graham. Jlrs. Richard Park is visiting with friend.; in Toronto for a time. My opponent and hi.s speakers are asking at political meetings for some one to name one thing I have donis since I went to Parliament. The fol- lowing is the answer: I .secured a'pproval of Parliament for prison reform â€" by which .orisonera will have some productive work to do. They Will L'irst pay for their keep, thus relieving the people of the bur- den, and when cost of maintenance is met a prisoner will receive a small wage which will jfo to keep his- de- pendants; if he has none, money will be held for prisoner until reiea.se, thus helping him to get an honest .â- ^tart in life. I seconded Mr. G. G. Coote'a resolu- tion for reduction of tariff on automo- !>iies. I have spoken, voted and worked to have military training removed from ' ed cheque for it, also covering letter , ' from Hon. J. A. Robb, letter from his ' secretary, Robert A. Sellar, and wire , from J. A. Saunders, Deputy Minister of Finance to prove that the :noney , was deposited in the Treasury of Can- ada. Public Account3 can be secured j from the King's Printer, Ottawa. j \'isittd Wa.;hinjfton a.s a represen- tative of the Women's League for j Peace â€" was chosen as only Canadian delegate to Dublin. \ Tried by iviy actions to smootb the j wav for women who come after. ' Voiced at all times the need of Ag- | rii-uiture in particular â€" and of tlie i common people generally. ] Strove to serve Canada onl.v and I thus raise the tone of Canadian public | life. « I a.-ii not ashamed of my record. , â€" AGNE.S C. M.\CPHAIL. i Mr. Gordon McMullen spent a tw6 weeks' vacation with friends near Rock MiUs. M.'.ss A. Dell Smart ar.d Matitfrg Venion t-mart of Du.ican, visited a few days with Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Smart. Mr. and Mrs. R. McMullen and fam- ily were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, .VndrewF'av.'cett of Kimberley on Sun- day of last week. Miss Louioa Armstrong of Ash- worth waj the guest of her friend. Miss Wenetta McMullen, recently. Mr. and Mrj. J. McLeod and daugrH- ter. of Michigan, formerly of this (.ommunity. called on old friends and neighbors last week. Sfr. and Mrs. S. Smart and son» Clarence, spent .Sunday with friends in Markdale. < GET ELECTION RETl RNS Mrs. W. .Sloan and daujhter. Don- "^".'" s^^hools and physical training sub- i alda. have returned from a visit at s"J"^ed instead. VTatertown I nzMQ spoken and worked for a Mr. Charles Park has returned to '-hange in the form ofgovernment to hi.^ position in Detroit after a fort- ""°''^' ciu>?stions to be debated on their night's visit at his parental home â„¢e"ts; the defeat of a government lere. mea ;ure to mean only the defeat of ' Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sloan of To- "^J?? measure, and for the right of ronto visited over the week end \i.-:th '"''â- ^' o>" lom'th groups to move an the former's parents here. amendment to the budget. ; The Misses Marv ar.d Isab'>!!a Mc- Assisted m attempt to- secure ruling Kee of Toronto visited with their par-. "'â- ^'^'^ directors cf big concerns who be- '•nt.^. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McKee. '^'=^- ixinisters of tho Crown should .lor a few days. "six. and ilrs. R. McMaster and Owen Sound Fair, September 14-15-16. THE PREMIER FAIR OF THE DISTRICT. $5000.00 in Prizes LARGE EXHIBITS OF IJ\ESTOCK EDUCATIONAL EXHfBlTS Mammoth Day and Night midway. Rides, Shows, Games, etc. EAiST .MOl NTAIN Mrs. Irw-in Fawceit spent weak with her son. Thomas, family, of Epping. Come to W. A. Hawken's music I store, Flesherton. and secure the elec- last I tion returns over the radio. We get and them as soon as they are knowTi in I Toronto. Minis .rcsirrn their dirtctr.rship while min- isters of the Crown. I tried twice to have the indemnitie- â- «4 BATES BURIAL CO. FUNEKAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNERAL PARLORS 122-124 Avenue Road. TORONTO lUKhter, Verdun, of Flesherton, and r. and Mrs. Ed. Hillock of Maxwell. "' "'embers of Parliament i-c-duced ^1 in Qtdies'mlJws Mr. arid Mrs. Lloyd \oble and two children, and Mrs. K. Bryant of To- ronto visited at Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Vv'hinney's and with Mr. and Mr.s. il. .Archibald. -Mr. J. C. McLachlan and Mrs. W. Snyder and babe of Toronto spent the week end with their father. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Bowers of Massie called on Miss M. Cook on Monday. S^ "OheJ^r^ralch All parts of the Boren movement are completely standardizedâ€" «> dcoarate as to be absolutely inter- changeable. The parts are accurate to the l/25,OOOth part of aa inch â€" the Boren completely revolu- tionizes all conceptions ofwhat a popular priced watch can o&r in accuracy and dunbilicy. In cases of oquisite'beauty. See the Boren and be satisfied. LaJifS Watchain Greta, or Whitt CM FiiltJ in fdtbiomaUi s bap is at $13.00 up. AT YOUR JEWELLER'S FEVERSHAM > isited on Sunday with Mr. J. K. Jam ioson and daughter, Miss Kate. Mr. Harold Proctor and mother, and daughter. JIarjorie. of Kimberley. vi-iited recently with Mr. and Mrs. E. Proctor. Miss Johnston, from near Owen Sound commenced duties as tbacher in our school on Wedneoday of last week. We wish her success. Mrs. Ernie Proctor had her tonsib removed in Collingwood hospital one day last week. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mi;.; Marguerite F'edlar is assisting her with her household duties at prtjent. Mr. Roddy Gordon of Toronto spent r. fe\j days with his wife and family here, retm-ning on Monday. Mr. Wm. Cameron, Sth line, is very ill at the home of his son, .A.lex. We hope hj vvnll have a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. James Leppard and (iau'-hter. Jlrs. Gordon and husband and children, visited vdth Mr. and Mrs. .lames Leppard- and fan'ily. Bea- verdale. and Mr. Robert Meggot, Flt;herton, recently. Mr. .A.kitt of Rock Mills visited at ?If. Alf. Genoe's recently. Master Hedley Lehman of Toronto is visiting with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Jake William.;. KIMBERLEY W. A. Armstrong & Son FLESHERTON 0>T. CEYLON Mro. James Leggat of Gibraltar. ! and lady friend, Miss Smith, of To- ronto, were callers in our village on Monday last. Mr. C. H. Smith spent Monday re- newing old acquaintances in Thorn- 1 bury and vicinity. I Mr. and Mrs. H. Burk of Buffalo i arc visiting with the former's brother. i Mr. George Burk, of the Sth line. ' Osprey Township school - fair will i be held on the fair ffrounds in this village on the ISth of this month .Mr. and Mrs. Everett Wiley spent I Sunday of last week with their par- > onts, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wiley, heife. ' Miss Cora Dand of Toronto, visiited i.vith Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Thompson on the lith lint' last week. Mr. John Thompson of Agincourt IS visiting with his b"others, Chris- ioi)her and Jameo. here. Miss Helen Dand of Long Branch is visiting with her grandparents at present. Mrs. W. G. DaiKi has returned to her home in Long Branch after a two wci-k.;' visit at her parental home here Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Morris have re- turned to their home in Southampton, where Mr. Morris has the position of hi.gh school teacher. The.v spent the holidays at Mrj. Morris' home here and Mr. Morris's home in Cobourg. Rae Henderson has gone to South- ampton to attend high school. Miss Ferrtj and Miss Clements have | taken up their duties in school again | after the holidays. i Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hornby of | our CoUingwood spent Sunday with Mr. ' land Mrs. R. J. Whiteoak here. G. Paterson and , ^I""*- Alexander and son, Ivan, were .â- \mcng those who attended the ex- hibition were Mrs. J. A. Stuart and Shirley. Mr. Elmer Ellis, ~Mr. and Jlrs. D. A. Graham, Misses Edna and Annie Burritt. Wilda Weber and Fern Stuart. Our teachers are Mrs. B. A. Car- ruthers and Miss South of Heathcote. Ml-. Hartley Lawrence had the mis- f'.'rtune to get his finger jammed while dressing lumber in the planer. It required the services of Dr. Turn- bull to dress it. Mrs. D. k. Graham opened her school at Vandeleur on .Monday. Miss .A.lmeda Weber spent the week tnd at her home bore before return- ing to Mcaford high school. . ... ^. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis visited citizen.- v.ith Mrs. Plewci Sunday. Mr. Telford, Liberal candidate, held a public meeting in the hall Saturday evening. The meeting was well at- tended and the speakers wrro listened i to with careful attention while the I main issues of the campaign were cxnlained. The baseball tsam succeeded in win- ning the coveted prize at Markdaie la 't v.'sek. Mr. anti Mrs. W. G. Hammond and -hildien. and Mrs. Charles Good, re- turned to Toronto after spending the hclidays with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ellis, Joy and Miss Salena Ellis, of Powassan, accompanied by Miss Leona Weber, and -Air. Ross Ellis, motored to Kim- berley and spent the week end with friends. Helped to secure continuance Crow's Nest Pass agreem.ent. Supported attempt to prevent lOfi- alised gam'nling on race track. Helped to .=ccure Dominion Go''ern- ment respect for dry law of a prov- ince. Helped pass through the House of Qommons an amendment to the Grim- : inal Code, making it no longer pos- sible for a British >:ubicct to be ar- rested and deported withoit >i trial. I tried to prevent vote of 3 millions for Quebec harbor. Worked for the right of western grain growers to ship grain to any terminal elevator he liked (includintr the poo! terminals) and have tho weight and grade of grain guaran- teed. Every farmer who \vas a Con- st-Tvative member and every farmer who v>'as a Liberal member voted a- gain.;t the pool and in favor of the grain companies last year. Farm members supported 'he pool â€" and the right cf fanners to ship their grain i where they like. â- ' Wo got through the House of Com- ' mons Old Age Pensions, single trans- ferable vote. Senate reform, and rural j credits. \ I assisted in putting women on the same basis a^ men in regard to di- vorce in the western provinces. y^I assisted in lowering taxes and in lowering tariff on many artii-les; hel- ped on co-operative marketing w'nen I could, spoke and worked against stct iided immij::ration policy: spoke and . ked for international harmony and ac:;vo good will: talked and prac- ticed i- -onomy. and supported every effort toward reduction of debt. I su'iported every worth while effort to securi? mariiets. Voted on the merits ol*all questions. Ans'vred hundreds of requests for ii'Tormation. help. etc. .Sen* .500 letters evei"y month to South East Grey on the work of the session. Made ;iOO speeches in South East Grey o:: National Issues. Helped young neople and children to develo)! themselves and to bo alert i Telephone: KIngsdale J. \V. Bates. •M i R. Maddocks. SCHOOL DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN W'e ha\'c SCHOOL BAGS SATCHELS . SCHOOL BOOTS I FOR SALE. 'ii^HOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON HOUSE OF GlUALiTY babi^'of'^Torin"; Mr.'^nd M^s^ G«eiy 'sf;.* business trip to CoUingwood on and two children of Milton visited Mr and Mrs. .\rchie Stewart the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cook of Detroit Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cook. Ebordale, and Mr. anj Mrs. J. W. Cushnie of To- ronto were visitors the past week at R. Cook's. Mrs. F. Marshall and babe and daughter, Olive, left Saturday to visit with her daughter at Bala. Miss Irene Marshall, who spent the summer vacation with her sister at Bolton, has returned home. Mr. S. Hemphill and daughter. Miss Maud, left on Saturday to visit Toron- to relatives and attend the Exhibition. Mr. Ross McMullen of Toronto spent the week end with his parents. Miss Delia White.-AIrs. Anna Mc- Millan and Mr. .\. Whittaker motored to Toronto over the week end. Mr. Robt. Brown, Miss Anna White of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. David White and family of Owen Sound, Mr. Wes White, Proton, and Mr. \fm. White, Dundalk, were visitors over the week end at Mr. W. White's. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Mathewson and little daughter, and Mr. Fred Math- ewson, all of Toronto, spent the week end wth their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mathewson. Saturday last. Mr. Hugh Davidson has returned to Detroit after a two weeks' holiday with friends here. THE L.\TE MRS. GLASSFORD There passed away at Readlyn, Sask., on Friday, September 3rd, Kate Kathleen, beloved wife of Mr. G. R. Glasi-.ford. in her T'ind year. The late Mrs. Gla.^sford was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McQuec. late of Caledon. VICTORIA CORNERS Mr. Hames of Dundalk is visiting with Mrs. James Laidlaw and other friends Lawson Lockhart and Herb. Stygall motored home from Detroit and were accompanied bv Mr. Will Jordan. Mrs. .â- Vlfred Tucker of Dromore vis- ited at C. .Atkinson's. Mis-3 Rosella Stevens left Monday to commence duties at her new school. She was accompanied part way by Miss Allie Little. Mr. Kirkwood Sinclair visited with Kinsrsley Gallagher. Mariraret Moore of Weston visited her parents for a few days this week. If you have lost anything, look in Small .\dvts."; if you have found anything advertise it. Gave all assistance I could to organ- izations • 'â- women and of men. ^•ilflad s:v':ral mail routes e.xtended ; and chargvd to better serve people's , ne'jds. - : Had .-. veral railway crossing? im- proved. I Got t ! :;ctric lights in Holstein sta- i tion and cattle rates from Holstein re- ! di:ce<i. â- Got Many scldierS'and their families pension' and hospital treatm#nt for soldiers. Secired vote of S25.000 in_192(5 est- 1 iniatf.; for Durham post office. Ret rned $0,060.00 to Dominion | Treas.iry. Rc-fund of indomtnty tor 1022 is shov."i rn Pace 14.'> of Public .Accounts for 1 •2:?; refund of indemnity for 1923 is r'lown on nage l.i4 i>f Public .Ao- cou Its f'or 1!*24: refund of indemnity for 1:'24 is shown o" nagc 12'.) of Piib- lic Accounts for i'.)25; refund of in- demnity for 1925 will appear in Public Acciunts of 10'2<'. I have the cancell- Homestead Fly Salt Everyone knows that this is the seiison when fUes are the worst. We have a salt that it fed to your Qittle during' this period, the flies will not bother them, and your cattle will rest contented. W. J. STEWART 8L SONS Flour, Feed, Se«ds, Groceriea and ConJectionery Flesherton fyr Economical Thmsportatfan CHEVROLET Value Means More/ than Price Alone/ THE price of a car is what \c pa^ â€" the fuluc a what >-du gc D McTAVlSH Chevrolet Dealers & SON Flesherton, Ont. vou . get- Valuc is the comlMn»tton of Quality and Price. Notwi *istan<fing the recent remark- able reductiots in Chevrolet prices, Chevrolet docs not aim to be the cheapest car in its dass. It docs aim â€" and b jiotiy considered â€" the greatest value in its dass. The smooth Chevrolet is ooCRscid- ing value, not only beca u se' it costs you Ie3s--fcut because it gives y«u more â€" more smoodmess of per- fonnancc â€" mote power and speed â€" more instant accelcrr looâ€" more sttiUng bcautv of Kne a.-.d finish â€" more rkhness of upholstery â€" more compietcocai of J|»iM i HB i r iW». To pay less than the price of the smooth Che\-rolct is to wrrific* qiuxlity. To pay more, tor a car in the Chevrolet dass, is occdics* extra>'agaace. Tb« SoMstbtit CkerreM ia CWTretet hittorr i< selliaf at tk* Lavest Prtca iae which CbsyfWrt has em'WM saM te Ask vour Cbeiit>le« dealer aboot the GMAC Plan of boyiac 9 car oo time. tea4star $S4« Came . $•!• Sfart " 715 CaM*_* • St* lUrtei SM Ulm tw W" 71S LaStaSaJMfTf CMMtfcU CWaaia «f OtiBt; Eiytesa " • • 73* Alt Prit»t M rteft^ nam Bwgt