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Flesherton Advance, 1 Sep 1926, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 1. 1»2« THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE I, '' ', ANNUAL MID-SUMMER FURNITURE SALE Wed., Sept. 1 until Sat, night, Sept. 11th \\ c iiavc made extreme alterations (luriiij^ the past inontli to our i*"iirnitnre Sutic which enables us to take another stej) forward in t'lilfilint-nt of our motto which is SICKVICE. We cordially inviu- you to take a(lvanta;;e of this sale to come in and insjject our stock and see our new store. This Sale consists of a 10% Discount on any article bought during the Sale for Cash. Below are a few items to show the saving power during the sale: WAY 5AGLESS SPRINGS REG. $11.00, DISCOUNT PRICE $9.90. Thi. spring sells for $11.50 in the catalogue. SOLID OAK DINING ROOM SUITE 8 pieecs, KEG. $85, SALE PRICE $76.50 KITCEN CABINET, OAK, REG. $43.00, DISOUNT PRICE $38.70. WE EXPECT A CHESTERFIELD SUIT REG. $175, SALE PRICE $157.50. BED OUTFITS, consisting of bed, spring and mattress, REG. $24, SALE $21.60. These lew items will yive yuu an idea Of the savinj4" price of this sale, as we offer the same discoifnt on any article in our store. As you know our goods are all ticketed and there will be nit niarkiiig up feroc the sale. Should we only have one article of any one kind, kindly allow us the privilege of keei)ing it until the sale is over as a sami)k'. as our room will not allow us to keep too heavy a slock We hcive been competing \vicK c?.wlcgue p.rices and this will give you an opportunity of beating these prices. THOS. W. FINDLAY FURXITL'Rl", 1)K.\L1-:k FLESHERTON Tflephoni's in House and Store la'XI-.RAK DiUECToR My Political Creed To the Electors of South-East Grey: I treasure the support and friend- ' ship you have in the past given me. Few constituencies have stood so loy-.^ ally hy their member. I have ahvays"| worked in the interests o,f the com- j men people, and aKaintit special privi- j lefre. I appeal a^rain to you for sup- I port on the following principles: i 1 â€" The right of the common people to take indei)endent action. | 2 â€" The need of a change in the form of government to allow groups to function efficiently, iiuestions to be debated and decided on their mer- its, and the Cabinet to be a committee of Parliament â€" not of one party chos- en by and responsible to Parliament. In brief, the substitution of co-opera- tive government for party warfare. 3â€" -Good will, peace education and arbitration to replace militarism and war. 4 â€" Denidcriitic cnntvil of credit. â-  By that I mean that the Treasury i Board only should issue notes against ! the resources of Canada.. This priv- ' ilege is not enjoyed by the chartered banks. The government, through the I Treasury Board, should at least en- deavor to control inflation and defla- tion of currency. 5 â€" Good social laws. <â-  â€" Low tariff. 7 â€" (Economy in nublic business. 8 â€" Complete clean up of the busi- ness .scandal by whichever govern- ment is returned on Sept. 14th. !» â€" Dominion wide prohibition of the signed the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors for beverage purposej. 10 â€" Asserting the â- >""'b;;cr's right to market their products co-opera- tively and the removal of laws that ried to an alien, if tliey so desire. I'd â€" Canada's nationhood within the ; (^oBinion wealth of British nations. [ 14 â€" The eciuali:;ation of freipht rates and the c.itablishment of a com- . mittee to closely study the whole transportation problem and strive to lift the burden of high rates where they weigh most heavijy. 15 â€" The abolition of the Senate. If) â€" The closest harmony possible between member and constituency; the member the servant, the people the master, in proof of which I have recall. Yours sincerely and gratefully, AGNES C MacPHAIL. Flesberton Again Trims Dundalk on Their Field iJundalk was badly dv-feated in a slugging contest by th« Klesherton Orey.i on the Shamrock's own play ground on Wednesday afternoon of last week, to the excellent tune of 20- 12. Twenty-two hits were poled off the deliveries of Lc-.khart, who spent one and one third irmings in the box, and Douglas, w^ho pi ehed the remain- der of the game. .Akins and Sparks had a great day at bat and each coll- ected four hits, the former scoring two runs and th« latter three. This win for Fle.>'herton leaves them sitting prettily at the head of the series, the last being scheduled for Fledherton on Thursday of this week, to start at 3.30 sharp. There was a fine crowd of local supporters at the game and they were naturally extremely delighted with the way the boys were disporting them- selves at the expense of the lads of Uundclkville. It is a set! blow to be deft^ated the .second time in succession on their own grounds by the same team, but they .stood up to the ordeal like heroes and declare that they will take the measure of Flesherton this Thur.sday afternoon. Consider- ing the deci.iive trimming Dundalk gavo the locals on the grounds here early in July the task is not imposs- ible, but it i.s likely that Flesherton will again be champions for the year 192fi. 1- lesherton started the fireworks in the first inning when Akins brought home the first run after Kitchen had been caught out at the plate. Lock- hart evened the score for Dundalk in t.h'.-ir half. The biv inning for Flesh- erton came in tiic ;uco.nJ when :;even luns were scored and after that the Greys' lead was not in danger of being overhauled. The other tallica; came three in the third and ninth, and two in the fourth, sixth and .seventh inn- ings, and were blanked in the fifth and eighth. Up to the ninth inning Dundalk had only six runs, but in a monunt of compassion and to ease the aroma of defeat the locals allowed them the liberty to count six more run.i to their slim list, making the final score 20-12. The box score is given below: A.B. R. H.P.O. A. ! mous debt of this country reduced and this land of ours made a place which will not only hold its own youths and maidena, but will attract the masses of the best blood of the motherlands. "Canada for Canad- ians," is my motto; your best inter- ests my highest ambition; your united supported my heartfelt Ndesire. Gratefully yours, â€" R. T. EDWARDS. I The People's Candidate. NOTICE TO CREDITORS To the Electors of South-East Grey: Dear Fellow Electors: Chosen unanimously as the Lil>er- al-Conservativc candidate for this banner riding, I pledge myself, if el- ected, to use my every power and influence for the furthering of the ber.t interests of the farmers, the in- dustrial workers and the commercial tlas.'^es of our beloved Canada. I will endeavor to have the enor- Notice is hereby given that all per- sons having any claims or demands against the estate of Mary Tupling, late of the Township of Osprcy in the County of Grey, widow, deceased, who died «n or about the First day of June, 1926, are required to forward their claims duly proved, to the un- ' dersigned, on or before the 25th day iof September, 1926. And notice is hereby further given ' that after the said date the executors will proceed to distribute the estate, having regard on!" to such claims as they will then hhave notice of. Dated at CoUingwood this 18th day 'of August, 1026. I Ejfecutors â€" Christopher Thomson and John S. Tupling, Feversham, Ont. MALCOLM MjLEAN, Drawer 20, I CoUingwood, Solicitor for Executors. Small Advertisements LOST AND FOUND BOAR FOR SERVICE Pig Straved â€" From my premises , ,--„„ . t ,r i. on Saturday, Sept. 28, one Yorkshire | No. J)2-77o30. Also a young York- sow. Information thankfully receiv- ; shire pig, both bacon type for servict odâ€" A. Cameron, Eugenia. ion lot 176, N.W. T. & S.K., i Terras â€" $1.00. ! â€" T. J. STINSON. •^ make co-operation difficult. 11 â€" Electoral reform. The single transferable vote and proportional representation. Election machinery to be controlled by the chief Electoral C^''fice^ â€" absolutely outside of politic.'. 12 â€" The right of women to retain their British citizenship though niar- THRESHING OUTFIT FOR SALE 36..")0 ;-linder, self feeder, 18.20 h.p. steam engine, to be sold at a sacrifice. All in first class repair and ready for work. Water tank will be included. â€" CHAS. BOYCE, Ceylon. .'), Con. 1, Artemcsia. SMSISMSlSlSISJSISISIiSISiSEISISISISISJSElE'SISISISlSIS^ SIX HILL STORES W* buy together inordarlbat our austomers in the six com- munitiet may materially ben- •fll individumlly. F. T HILL & CO., Ltd Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instinct- ively assoctatea with highG quality mercliandiie at the] faireit poiiibiA price*. New Coats New Millinery New Dresses Specials )pecnil 4 S' Spi 10 doz. Brascieres, all sizes. 100 yds. 42in. Pillow Cotton 100 yards Pure Linen Towelling. ial $1.29 and $1.39. Girls' all-wool Plaid Dresses, sizes 8 to 14 years. Special $5.25 to $6.75. 9c. 47c Spec- Gents' Furnishings Department Men's Felt Hats, all colors, Reg. values up to $5, to clear at $2.48. Men's Work Shirts, new shipment just arrived, to clear at 95c. Clothing Department ^I«n'« and Boys' Beits in brown and black to clear at 23c. Men's Suits, values from $22.50 to $26.50 to clear at $14.98. Young Men's Double and Single Breast- ed Suits in plain blue & striped. Reg- ular value $35.00, to dear $24.75. Men's Rain Coats in tweed; also craven- ett. While they last $3.98. Grocery Department Granulated Sugar, 10 pounds 69c. Jelly Powders, 4 packages for 25c. Wonderful Soap, 4 for 25c. S pound pail of Honey. 60c. a pail Classic Cleanser, 3 tins for 25c. Fly Tox Spray. Regular 50c. for 45c. Men's Fine Shirts. Regular values from $3 to $3.50, to clear a $1.98. Men's Cotton Socks, 2 pair for 25c. Men's Fine Socks- Special 29c. each Boots and Shoes Men's Heavy Work Boots. Reg. $3.50 to $3.75. Special $2.76. Ladies' Blond 1 -strap slipper. Spec. $2.95 Ladies' Blond Pumps. Special $2.95 50 pairs of Pumps and Oxfords. Regular $4.50. Special $1.98 Special disc, on sandles and running shoes Thurston c.f. Kitchen p Akina c Muir s.s Boyd lb McTavish 2b Betts, F. .'lb ... Alcox l.f A.. .Sparks r.f G 1 15 3 8 1 Lockhart p. 3b. . jVIcAIister s.s. ... l>ouKlas 3b. p. . Thompson, M. c. Rundle c.f 20 22 27 A.B. R. H.P.O. A ..6241 Ru.ssell 2b 5 Annand r.f 3 Thompson, C. l.f 5 Dyer lb 4 Mclntyre, 3b 2 "Caroon 1 12 13 27 • Batted for Dyer in Dth. Flesherton â€" 17320220 3â€"20 Dundalk â€" 10220001 &â€" 12 Summary: â€" Sacrifice, Thurston 3, Akins, Alcox, M. Thompson; Errors, Muir, Boyd 2, McTavish, Akins, Lock- hart, Rundle, Russell 3, Dyer 3; 2- base hits, Akins 2, Sparks 2, Thurjton Kitchen, Muir, C. Thompson 2, Lock- ' LOST â€" On CoUingwood gravel road between Rock Mills and Hoy'.s ccrner, black club bag containing lunch, Child's clothing and baby'.=! ap- parel. Kindly notify The Advance or Mrs. Wellwood, Dundalk. FOR SALE FOR SALEâ€" Young Pigs for sale, 7 weeks old â€" Thos. Fenwick, Eugenia. For Sale â€" Wicker baby carriage, good as new, extra quality, for sale cheap â€" W. G. Kennedy, Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" Building lot for sale in the village of Flesherton, half ac- re, opposite the high school. â€" Mrs. Ellen Parker, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Rifle, 25-20; box stove, new wheelbarrow and a quant- ity of fancy iron fencing. â€" S. Seniple, Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" House and lot for sale; large house with one and a half acres of land. â€" John Wright, Town. | FOR SALEâ€" 1 sideboard, 2 bed- steads, 1 set springs, 1 mattress, 1 I cook stove, a number of kitchen , chairs, 1 kitchen wash stand, wicker | baby buggy, and other small articles. | â€" John Blackburn, Flesherton. | BOAR FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- viceâ€" Edgely Bright Vim, No. 99,99« â€" Property of Saugeen Bacon Hog Club. Terms $1.00. â€" C. KINDLE, Proton Station. Lots 168-9, 3rd W.T.S.R., Artemesia. JERSEY BULL FOR SERVICE Registered Jersey buU for service. Sire: Brampton Jersey Conscript; Dam: Brampton Petune's Lady. Fee: $5.00 at time of service. â€" H. RADLEY, Flesherton, Ont. S. E. DeCUDMORE PHONE 53, FLESHERTON General Insurance Specialist Real Estate and Investments â€" Inquiries Solicited â€" MIDDLEBRO & BURNS Barristers, etc. Ofifieesâ€" Owen Sound, Durham and Flesherton. Flesherton every Saturday afternoon and evening. M I S C E L L ANEO U S u..... n ,,.,1.. . •) I uf IP r. .* t BOABDERS WANTEDâ€" Reason- b^'•„i^'^!!^'!'.'^•^.â- |:^^!L^iH^^^..^_l^«,!'able tearms.-Mrs. S. J. Semple. left on ba.-ics, Flesherton 11 Dundalk 10; bajes on balls, off Douglas 2, off Kitchen 4; struck out, by Kitchen 14, by Douglas 8, by Lockhart 1. Time 2.20- umpire, Dundas, Markdale. NOTES ON THE GAME Shier McTavish was high man for the day in run scoring honors, collect- ing five runs on two hits, being five time3 at bat. Shier made up for being stranded so many times at Markdale. Wanted-^0 S. C. White Leghorn Pullets or young hens. Will pay a good price. â€" Box 23, Feversham. Boarders Wanted â€" High School ef these pupils may secure board by enquiring at The Advance office. } Kitchen pitched great ball and gath- ered 14 strike-outs to his bosom, while Douglas counted 8 and Lockhart 1. Lockhart started on the mound for Dundalk but had his finger dislocated when it got in the way of a hard hit l)all which travelled directly at him. He continued pitching but was hit hard and was forced to give way to Douglas. Wau:'hopc was out cif the game fom injuries received at Markdale, but will be in the line-un again Thurs- day. Wauchope has had his best year at baseball and is a star at second base. Archie Muir'.s place on the team would be hard to fill. In the last inning at Dunnalk he pulled down two hard hit liners that looked for sure hit*. Archie never played better than he is doing this year. •Sparks handled hi.s bat in a convin- cing way and secured two doubles and two singles at five times to bat. It is a sure thing that Bert will he safe when he connect.). F.T. HILL & Co., Limited, Markdale Akins motored over from Wingham in record time and played a great game behind the bat, and secured two doubles and two singles. Markdale band will be in attendance on Thursday to enliven the day pre- ceeding the commencement of the game. Frank Bctts al.-.o did good work with the willow. He accounted for four of the runs and seci-ed a triple in the .sixth with McTavish on the paths. Douglas, Lockhart and C. Thompson for Dundalk each .scored two run* and Lockhart had four hita to hi* credit. We want all the fans out to the NOTICEâ€" Cbopplng done Satur- days only. â€" Graham Bros., Eugenia. ' ROOMERSWANTED^High^lwol studenst preferred. â€" Mrs. E. Parker, opposite the high school. FOR SALE House and lot for sale, six room- ed frame house, good woodshed, a good bam and garden. â€" Apply to John Blackburn. FARM FOR SALE 100 acres on the Provincial High- way, lU miles south of Flesherton; pood bam 50x60 with stone wall; brick veneer house, drive shed, pig pen and hen house, 10 acres good bush, well watered and fenced. â€" JAS. FERRIS, Flesherton. FARMS FOR SALE On the Toronto Line Provindal Highway. Three fa^m^ two of 1« acres and one of 60 acres all dearad. First class bttildings, up to date fr; every particular. Wili sell any cos Good brick house on os > C- the farms. The aUblmc for annj. mals is perfect. One f^rr has tea acres hardwood bush and mnoOm Hundred has three acre* of Umbw and has buildinnga for everytUna needed, incJuding poultry hou»« «â- # pjg pens. Mo broken land and e!aa* of weeds, /uiy person tetervtMt should investigata. -T. J. STINSON. *â„¢y Proton SUUoa F.a BUSINESS CARDS Dr. E. C. Murray. L.D.S., dental •urgeon, honor gradnate of Toroirt* and Royal College of Dental Sotcmm ^ Ontaria Gaa administered fw teeth extraction. Office at redde Toronto Stret, Flesherton. GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the county of Grey. Reason- ptble terms. Satisfaction gtiaran- teed. Dates made at this office. [ Dr. A. Tnrnbnll. B.A., MA. gn4. juate from the Faculty of Medid^ University of Toronto. Offlc»â€" Rld^ |ardson Block. Flesheiton. Phou. U. FAR.M FOR SALE Prince Arihur Lodge. 833, A.R « A.M., meets in the Masonic hjfll. Ax»- ; strong Block. Fleeherton, nwr FM. I day on or before the funll moon. Robt ."T~ „ ♦ A j P"^^-"- W. M.. F. J Thu rston. Sec 100 acres â€" clay loam, well watered, I good stone wall barn 50 x 60, sheep \ Lncas & Henry. Barristers Sdld^ pen, hog pen, poultry house, driving ' jrs. etc.,â€" 1. B. Lncas, K.C.': W » house, small orchard, buah« 2 miles south of '"^i 20 acres of Flesherton. â€" istlethTfaite, Flesherton P. O. Henry, B.A. Offices, Markdale LoeM Block. Phone 2, Branch offleaa •« Dundalk and Darham. Farm For Sale i Telford A Bimle. Barristm, inn .u o J 1 t n citors, etc. Officesâ€" Gr«y and 100 acres on the 8rd Ime of Osprey, nioeV Ow^ ......j. o»I_j^ four acres bush; well watered, hard f!**?* zT'^ ^"^^ Standard and soft water; large brick house, »*oc*. Fleaherton. (Satordays). bam 44x56; hen house, sheep pen, P- Telford Jr., J. F. P. Binilsi drive shed 24x50. i . t f 23 Aug ROBERT HILL, Maxwell P. O. BOAR FOR SERVICE Tamworth boar for service, game on Thursday and witness a coti- j •-1W16. on Lot 146â€"147, 3rd range ^^j ^ W«. KaitttBg. Lfcrnaad for the eonntles of Gray aa4 Tmrm and stock aalas jTanaa modwirt^ mV UtrnMrn ^°- aatMd. Afragemnti ftr I I test that will be entertaining. Yon ; will not regret it. Play will commence Ai» sw at 3.10 sharp. Be there at that time. *^* * â€" L. MEGGOTT, OMlnl Flesherton gt fey

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