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Flesherton Advance, 25 Aug 1926, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 26. 192« THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE TORONTO UNE, NORTH Ur. and &!». Prank Thompson and dauirhler of Cheslcy wer« visitora with Mr. and Mr«. E. Wickena re- cently. Mr. and Mrs Fred Peacock of Owea Sound motort'd liown and spent Thura- day with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brown. MusttT Artryle Martin of EuKenia in holiduyint; with his Krandparents, Mr. ami Mrs. T. Li-ver. MinH Sadii' \'au»o of O.D.Ri opent the past wi'fk ut the home of Wm. Burnett. Me».-<rs. Clarence Alcox and Ward Harrition visited with friends at Bar- htiid rni'i>tly. A f«'W t)f this line attended the Har- den jMirty at Zion on Thursday last. Mr. Jus. Harrison of Sprkighill i» spending a while with his friend, Mr. Leonard Aliox. rUckurf nn Mfnn frnm ''t*^*'^ ^* *^'^^' "ff >Vhite, eisht of them riCSnCllUll ffUII IIUIII bemK doubles and one tripple. Mc- UAvLilaln Anil Uaa* TavlBh.Kit.hen and Thurston had four M8lRtt9l6 anU IHCCl hits «ach, and Akins, Muir and Boyd Oundaik in Finale """' ""* ""-i^ _____ (irettt interest is beinK taken in Fle.herton won the riKht to n^t '^^ "^'.-.^'eVro'^atr^rX^C Dundulk Shamrocks m the f'n«l Kumes „^^. i â-  ,^^„ j > or the championship of the Centre ^f i^^. „, „ ^^„ j (irey LeuKUe by their decisive vie- tory over the Markdale Redmen 'n ,_,,,,, ^, Mark.lale on Friday last. Seven in- . ^he srhedule of the season of 1>26 ninifs were pluyed and time ended '"..J;'"' ' '^'"''â- â€¢' •^""^V If"*f"« fmiahed with Hiore sheet showinjr that Flesh- with i>uiulalk and Hesherton tied ertori had sixteen ruiu to Markdale !;>'â- ( 'r>*^ place with six wmn and two e.K'hi. Hy this win the locals eliini- "<^:'<'»V?' ""•' '^"".''erley came next iiate tlie laat Kimberley outfit from *'*" f'^''' ^'>"» anOJiiree losses. the scene of action, who hud been ex- ,,, . , , .1. . i ^ .«• r lesherton has won their five Others doâ€" yoii can! To Sfll people one has never scon â€" hy Long Distance â€" may seem SiKViiJT-^ '-'-" . â- â€¢ b'-i* ,jt i-'. beinp; done every dny. 'I sell by hr.wj Distance to point.s 200 mile? a-.vny," writes a hardv,\''re cliaiit, "and never see tlie cu.-'tomerc." "A man called at our store tlio other day" â€" writes an- other r.-.nxhar.t, "I reoogiiiz- cd hts voico at ones. I liad been ciillinfT liim by I-onaf Distance for ironths, but had never seen him." Thpt i*-' hr\\,- TiOrp ]"*:. stance, by expaniiin;? tlie .<;ei!i:ij:r.roa id ertabli.nj? incrchants to sell far more i:i a day than their father."? ever dreamed of .'^ell- ing. Be fair to yourself, and to your busines.s. Give Long Distance a ciiance to do for you what it is .so successfully doing for others. pectid earlier in the season to win . . the coveted cup. Karl Dillon of the «•»'"«"• «'»" "" ..''^'"^!'!"" '^'^"\'; *^ Kimberley team umpired the game to ^ inikai.ur- and tied with Dtindalk at the sati.slaclion of all. Fle.sherton » warden party at Ini.Uioge. commenced riKht ut ciice to hit White' „„ , . , ,,,,„ hard and .scored threv run.^ the first' ^^e champions of 192S are ajtain inninjc on four safe hits. Thev were cypcctcd to repeat their performance blanked in the second inning, but "•"'' '^''«" tne cup for anot:ier year. scoivd three more ruii.s in the ii.'rd when Akins, Muir, Boyd and McTav- â- â-  â-  •» ± n J n t. ish earh connected for dMubles. Wau- nOlOldSt USrOCn 13^7 chope .struck out. Sparks vim out at ' first and McTavish was caught off second batr tu retire the side. The '1 he fine Kroands of Mr. Peter .\Iuir bJK inninis' came in the fourth, when ^'^ Corners, Artemrjia, was the <"i:rrie, Thurston, Akins, Muir and Rce'-P "f a hirj-dy attended Rarden Boyd counted on six hits slammed l>arty on Monday nik'ht of lust week, out, one of them beiiiKr a triple by under the auspices -of Holdfast V.f. McTaviih, who wu:; left stranded at W.O. clu'.i. Th- Kate receipts were third. Another sintrle counter was $1I2'^.0(). added to the in the fifth and four FollowinB supper, when the tables more in the seventh to make the final were several times refilled, a joftball .score against Markdale Hi runs, name between mixed learn j from No. Markdale evened un on Fleshenon 'J, Gleiieljr, and Vandeleur, was won when Rowler, Noble and Sullivan by Vandeleur 8-;). scored in the first ."-d took the lead Th,, projfrani was introduced by i'l the .second, v.-hon Bowler and Noble ;Mi,;!i Aftneo Macphail, who made no ntfain tountod. but K!c -.herlon drrv.- !,.,i^:ti;v- !vn-a:i<h, !nit look the ucca;- ahead in the third and after that ion to ajjain eniphaticallv deny the Markdale had no hope of brinpinR story that she had accouted $4000 a the lc:als to defeat. Noble counted year iiuieninitv for several scs.iions, in the fourth and atiain in the sev-' which her oppianents arc still spread- enth inniii(r. Dundas and .Sullivan j^jr also, brin>rin«r Mark.lale's runs up to, j^^^^,,,, ,,(• the usual form of pro- ' I"'*y°'-'' (Trail) a sidciidid play v.'as ^iven, en- titled ".A Fortunate Calamity," with ,. ,, ,^1 . .. .r-i. .. . tiirey acts and lasting two houra. nn<l Kelly. blesnerton-Thurston, j-^^, ..^^j^^^ charcjters were taken by Mr?. B. McKen/.je, Mi.sses Stella Pedlar, Lottie Whittakor, Islay Slev eipht in the lust frame. lei-, Noble. Dundas, Sullivan. H. White. C. V.'hile. DcnnLson, Mercer. Kitclion. Akins, Muir, Boyd, McTav- ish, Wau^hope, Sn-^i-k.s, Currie. Um- pire â€" E. Dillon, Kimberley. BASEBALL NOTES The championship ^•'nics are tak- injt place this week when Flosherton Koes to Dundalk to-day (Wednesday) for the fir.jt jrame, and Dundalk will visit Fle.sherton Thti. jday of next wee.k, Sept. 2nd. Big crowds are ex- pected at these eamcs. enson, Ruby Muir, Bill MjKenzie, Joe Ha^.ard, B. Irwin and Paissell Purdy. Stars of the cast were undoubtedly the two c'.dorOTf servants, Kastiis John- sin;; and hi;; wife Dinah, taken by .Mr. .McKenzie and Miss 1?. Muir who evokei! roars of lauphter with their expression.s and antic.-.. A well-built platform in front of the home served a.s the stape and Rood attention was given throughout. Before and between acts, Rocky '~~~~^ ' Saugeen orchestra, comprising Messrs Thurston cf Fleshcrton and Noble R- L.iwson and son, Jack, and L. Mc- of Markdale were tied for scoring Comb were liberal with their musical honors in th<' last game with four "i-nbers and won the unstinted ap- each. Akins. Muir and Boyd came Plause of the large crowd. next witrh throe each and Currie ofi C the O. D. R., who played his first THRESHING OUTFIT FOR SALE game with the locals, secured two. C. McTavdsh had hard luck, as he was ; 3,;j,o .-Under, self feeder. 18.20 h.p. on bates four times but was left ; ^tcam engine, to be sold at a .sacrifice. stranded each t ime. ; /^n j„ fir<,t class repair and ready for 1 work. Water tank will be included. White had eight strike-outs and! â€" CHAS. BOYCE. Ceylon. Kitchen had nine. Flesherton se- ! Lot 5, Con. 1, Artemesia. Eiaaia'aiaia'aiaisiajaiaiaBMaEiaiaiaiaiaiaiaisisraiaiBiajaiffiffla'a^ SIX HILL STORES W« buy together in order tkat ourouatomers in the tix com- munitiea mey materially bcn- tffll individunlly. F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instinct-g ively associates with high^ quality merchandise nt the| fairest possible prices. Special Clearance of Summer Merchandise Low Priced We have gone through our stoek and pick- ed out the broken lince of Summer Merch- andise which we are going to clear, in many ases at half original prices. If You Shop Here You Will Save Money Spec. Cea ranee Men's Oxfords Children's Dimity Bloomers 50 pair Men'a Fine Oxfords in Tan, Black and B dozen only, sizes 6 to 12, made from the Patent Leather. All sizes in the lot. Values up same cloth as the ladies, to $6.50 per pair. Bargain at .39c. per pair While they last, $2.95 per pair Children's White Running Shoe. Gingham Apron. 6 dozen only, Ladies' Gingham Apron. A good * 100 pairs Misses' and Children's White running selection of patterns to pick from. Shoes. Sizes 5 to 10 '/ii and 11 to 2. All first While they last 65c. uch class quality goods. Regular up tofl.75. Clearing at 95c. per. pair Figurcd Voiles and Musitts Men'ft HpaiVV ^Vorlc Shoes '•^ pieces of New Voiles and Fine Muslins in ITACll o Axcavjr â-¼Â» v»i«* i^aiv»«io ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ patterns. All the newest shade* 10 dozen only, Mcn'a Heavy Work Shirts in '" t*>e 'ot- Blue Chambray. A real shirt for hard wear. Special 45c. a yard Cl^^^g^n^^ jn Ladies' Hats Men's IChaki Pants *^ °n'y> Ladies* Sprim? and Summer HaU. This is a real chattoc for you to get your summer hat 5 dozen Men's Fine Twi II Khaki Pants in a for little money. good wearinK weight. Well talloircd with cuff. YOUR CHOICE at $2.49 Very Special at $1.95 per pair ^ - . n *. • Grocery Department Specials Ladies' Dimity Bioomers « b«rs casuie soop for 26c. 10 pounds Granulate Suflur for eScT M dozen only, Ijidie«' Fine Dimity Bloomers purity Pack*i(« Oats .13! .27c. fn all the newest shades. Good full size. .'>e<>dless Raisins, 2 pounds for !!l."'..:"....2t>e. Very Special at .'»9e. per pair Cookinsr Fiirs, 4 pounds for 26c. F.T. HILL & Co., Limited, Markdale Report W.I. Convention Held at Kimberley The 20th annual convention of 'Women's Institutes for Grey County wax held in Kimberl -y on Thur.iday, ' Au(f. 12th. The morninK sestdon was opened with Scripture readinK and prayer by Kev. Stotcsbury. M;-.s. A. A. Thomp- son welcomed the delegates by gflvinK a cheerful forecast of the day's pro- ceedings, by drawinK attention to the thiiiRs conducive to the enjoyment of the day, such as the beautiful scenery on upproachinK the valley in which Kimberley is situated, the splendid c'liiit'ort and convenience of the co;,)- iiiuiiity Hull in which the sessions wcro to be held, the proKram v.'ith its treat in store' lull of well known i:ames of capable speakers and siiiK- eis. An equally suitab; _â-  reply was Riven by Mrs.i l.)anard of Keinble. .iir.s. Jlolliday of Mt. Forest, County ('resident, addressed the convention icviewinjf tlie work ol the year. iirs. a. J. LuiiK of Meaford, the efficient secretary, read the niinutej of last yeai, wnich was followed !)y dia- cusfeion and new busine.^s. Commun- ity sinjfinK was beKU.'i by rendering '•ihe Little Brown Churcn." All the old ofiiceij Were re-elected by accla- iiialion. Mrs. Thomas Frizell, representative for North Grey, Kavo a most excell- ent paper on the proper appreciation of music. A iolo was rendered by Justina Elli.; in her usual plea- :,i;is .style. M>-s. h. C. Hockridge, representative for Centre Grey, also save :i solo in.Ucad of an address, by refiueet. AlthouKh a bountiful repast was prepared by the Kimber- ley ladies tKc crowd that came to par- take of it seemed overwhelming, it reijuired much presence of mind to .maintain poise of maimer on the part of the hoste.-ises and led them to wish that the day of miracles was not past. However, the company smile was permanent, even tiirouph- out the long supper. After the preliminary opening ot the afternoon ser.sion, the reports of the three districts were given. Mrs. A. X. Taylor spoke for North Grey -Mrs. Hawken for Centre Grey and Mrs. Macllraith for South Grey. A collection was taken up to'- provide funds for the county treasury, am- ounting to S24.54. .All J. Wm. Rodgcrs, representative for South Grey, gave a splendid aC- drcss, stressing the importance o: women taking care of their health by av;iid ' ig doing things whicli they know are detrimental to health, such as overdoing, drinking tea, wearing insuitable clothing, not taking rest periods. She advijed visiting the schools and seeing where our children spend their time and how they spend it. Many other community efforts were advised, as well as private eff- orts, and advising women to compel thair.^clvos to read more. -Mrs. .\itken f:f Beeton, government lecturer made a very appealing ad- dress." telling of the need of more co-operation in many ways. She told of egg circles in Oxford county and egg pools in .-Mberta. Mrs. Aitken asked the women to looJi into the fact that Siincoe couivtv and Grey showed the highest death rate in mothers and infants under one year than any other place in the world. She ventured the thought that perhaps [ mothers lack "needed help and so health suffers, so that added burd- I ens cann- be bornc,and hence so much fatality. .\n artiotically rendered solo given by Miss Nellie Burritt called forth I continuad applause untiJ respondeiJ to. Miss Burritt has a voice thai shows unuoual talent and training. Miss Agne.; MePhail spoke on the laws affecting women. Miss McPhail drew attention to the fact that as women are now citizens, that all laws which affect men affect women. There were some changes worthy of note, one being that a woman is an equal guardian to her children since lil23; that a widow can claim one thousand dollars and one-third of the value of her husband's property if he dies intestate, that is if she has children. ' The remaining two- thirds goes to her children, of course. Law.-, affecting marriage were men- tioned, also laws prohibiting marriage of the feeble minded. Jlrs. Banks of Shelburno, who is Federal representative for Duffcrinh and Grey, explained federation and reported on her visit to the sent of government in Toronto, and how she appealed to the Hydro Commission for cheap hydro power for farmers and their wives, so that they could produce more at cheaper ra:es and with less man power and woman power. Mrs. Banks' addresj was full of force and it is to be hoped that the Nision she holds will some day be a reality. The convention was closed by sing- ing the National Anthep. DETOl'kS "ONWARD" NEWS Alarge crowd attended the "Hold- fast's garden party held at Mrs.} P. ' Muir's on Tuesday of laJt week. The play ''A Fortunate Calamity", by North Lihe talent, was a winner. Mr. and Mrs. A. Currie. son Thos., and Robert Turner motored to Toront'i ; where they spent the week end. Mrs. , Armstrong and children of Toronto, ) who have bei^n visiting friends herj accompanie<l them. j j Haying tools have been laid away ' for another season and l)y the end o.* the we?k harvest will be in full swing. The cyclonic wind and torrential rains of Fri(.":v and Saturday last wrought much dnit-ige to the crops, the heavy •'.ruin b-ing completely flattened. .Ml. Thos. Currier ot the Onward baseball nine a.ssisted the Flesherton team in their 10-9 win over M^.'-kdale on the hitter's groundj on Friday. A carload of fans from this' part went up to sec the pame. Quite a nu'mber attended the Oi'ui'.gemeii's picnic at Swinton Park last Wednesday. Devotees of the dancing art from this part attended the grand jubilee at night and report a good time. Tha fine big hip roof bam of Mr. Geo." Banks is nearing completion. STANDING OF LEAGUE To Won Lost play p.c. Flesherton 6 2 .750 Dundalk C 2 .760 Kimbcrloy 5 .3 .925 Markdale 2 6 .260 Vandeleur 1 7 ..125 "Iters' list, isze^ ML'NICIPALITY OF OSPREY Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 10 of the Vot- ers' List Act and that I have posted up at my office at Feversham on the 20th day of August, 192<5, the list of all pcr.-ions entitled to vote in the saifj Municipalliy ;for Members of and at Municipal Elec- tions, and that such hst remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omis.sions corrected ac- cording to law, fhe last day for ap- peal being the 10th day of Setpem- ber, 1926. Dated this 20th day of Augu-st, 1926. ! . â€" H. G. BURKE, ' Clerk of Osprey. Small Advertisement LOST AND FOUND BOAR FOR SERVrCE LOST â€" Taken by mistake from the | hotel at Feversham a black broad- cloth coat with silk velvet collar and in pocket pair of suede glove-.i. The coat left in its place is to be found • in above hotel. Communicate with W. J. Stewart & Sons, Flosherton. 1 No. 92-7'?630. Also a young York- shire pig, both bacon type for servie* on lot 176, N.W. T. & S.R., Termsâ€" 11.00. â€" T. J. STINSON. BOAR FOR SERVICE F Q R S A L E ; Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- Young calves wanted this weekâ€" | â- 'iceâ€" Edgely Bright Vim, No. 99,996 W. .L Stewart and Sons, Flesherton. â€" Property of Saugeen Bacon Hog Club. Terms $1.00. FOR SALEâ€" Building lot for s.ale j â€" C. KINDLE, i in the ^-illage of Flesherton, iialf ac- ! Proton Station. I re, opposite the high school. â€" Mrs. : ^o-s 168-9, 3rd W.T.S.R., Artemesia. Ellen Parker, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" House and lot for sale; large house with one and a half acres of land.â€" jjohn Wright, Town. i JERSEY BULL FOR SERVICE FOR SALE â€" Democrat in first class condition; also top buggy, Grey make. â€" J. K. McLeod, Ceylon. Registered Jersey buH for service. Sire: Brampton Jersey Conscript; Dam: Brampton Petune's Lady. Fee: $5.00 at time of service. â€" H. RADLEY, Flesherton, Ont. FOR SAIiEâ€" 1 sideboard, 2 bed- steads, 1 set springs, 1 mattress, 1 cook stove, a number of kitchen chairs, 1 kitchen wash stand, wicker baby buggy, and other small articles. â€" John Blackburn, Flesherton. S. E. DeCUDMORE PHONE 53. FLESHERTON General Insurance Specialist Real Estate and Investments â€" Inquiries Solicited â€" MISCELLANEOUS | MIDDLE BRO & BURNS BOARDERS WAA'TEDâ€" Reason- 1 „«,. Barristers, etc. I able tearms.-Mrs. S. J. Semple. Ur.T^^:^SZV! '^^rto^'^l^^ High School. ^^^^^y afternoon and evening. hv pnniiirinir ' ' * I Boarders Wanted â€" iiiRu ov.>iuv.» 1 pupils may secure board by enquiring at The Advance office. ^ NOTICE â€" Chopping done Satur- jdays only. â€" Graham Qros., Eugen- ia. ROOMERS WANTEDâ€" High school rtudenst preferred. â€" Mrs. E. Parker, opposite the high school. NOTICE â€" A carload of salt to ar- rive about August 10th. Leave your order with A. E. Haw, Ceylon, or W. J. Stewart & Sons, Flesherton. Special price off car. FOR SALE House and lot for sale, six room- ed frame house, good woodshed, a good barn and garden. â€" Apply to John Blackburn. FAR^ FOR SALE 100 acres on the Provincial High- way, l\i miles south of Flesherton; good barn 50x60 with stone wall; brick veneer house, drive shed, pig pen and hen house, 10 acres good bush, well watered and fenced. â€" JAS. FERRIS. Fleshertftn. That the Department of Highways instead of the contr.tctor is this year to keep in condition the detours on all g«yernmcnt roads will be gratify- ing to most motorists. Some of the detours in the past have been horrors in the day time and nightmares in the later hours. They have been dreaded by drivers of horse dra«-n vehicles, to say nothing of car driv- ers of automatic power. The average contractor's inteiest in a detour gen- erally ceased when he constructed a rickety bridge over an otherwise im- passable ditch and hung a red lan- tern on it, or let down a fence to permit cars to pass oydr furrows and ridgej as best they might. De- tour conditions heretofore have been deplorable and in wet weather well nigh impassable and it was high time that the government did some- tSiing to ameliorate the situation. â€" Grand Valley SUr and Vidette. FARMS FOR SALE On the Toronto Line ProviwAd aighway. Three farms, two of IM acres and one of 60 acres all cleared. First class bnildings, up to date k every particular. Wii; aril any om efUiese. Good brick hoosa oo on , C the fai-ms. The etabling for annJ. mals is perfect One hnr Itas tea acrea hardwood bosh and anotlur Hundred has three acres of timh« and has buildinngj for rrorythfaa needed, iacludiag poultry house iuS pig pens. No broken land and «:„» of weeds. .\ny person interetaai should investi^te. -.r. J. STINSON. ^"^ ^toB Statlo. P.a BUSINESS CARDS Dr. E. a Mnrwy. L.DA. deiiM surgeon, honor graduate of Toroala and Royal College of Dental StirseeM of OnUrio. Gas admfaiist«wd te teeth extraction. Office at ivaidi Toronto Stret, Fleaherton. Dr. A. Tnmlmll. BJL. MA, nw^ oate f*om the Faculty of UuOe^ University of Toronto. Oac*Zm!r â- rdson Block, Flesherton. Ph©^ «. GEO E. DUNCAN DU;«IDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER . . For the county of Grey. Reason- i table terms. Satisfaction giiaran- { „ "^ Arthur Lodee. SSI, AJ!. * teed. Dates made at this office. H^M.. meets in the Masonic taSU, JSg^ _ _ strong Block. Fleeherto^ nwy fM. FARM FOR SALE jday on or before the funll moon Robt Do^- W. M.. F. J Thurston, Sec 100 acres â€" clay loam, well watered, ~ â€" good stone wall barn 50 x 60. sheep . Lucas A Henry, Barristera. SelMk pen, hog pen, poitltry house, driving Jrs, etc^ â€" 1. B. Lucas, K.C. • W â- . house, small orchard, 20 acres of Henry, B_\. Offlcea, Markdal* Loctt bush, 2 miles south of Flesherton. â€" Block, Phone 2. ^unch ofBcw at J. Thistlethwaite, Flesherton P. O. Dundalk and Dorham. Farm For Sale Telford ft Bimie, BarrtotBn. mM- TT". .. , . '^^^' ***^ Office*- Grey «Bd 100 acres on the 3rd line of Osprey. , Block. 0««o Scond; StnalMH four acres bush; well watered, hard bi„v »«- ^ ^ /oJl^Z~? and soft water; large brick house. „ ^1 „llr, ""* tSatntdtyt). barn*44x.'i6; hen house, sheep pen.T' Telfort Jp, J. F. P. Khitak drive shed 24x50. i â€" . t f 23 Aug ROBERT HILL. Maxwell P. O BOAR FOR SERVICE Wm. Kaitthiff. Lieenaed .„ for the counties of Grey MM Fam and stock nlec a Terms aiodent«„ Tamworth boar for service. No. anteed. Amacamcntl «. 2-16,816, on Lot 146 â€" 147, 3rd range may b« made at tiie Advaic» â€" L. MEGGOTT. Central tele^aa oiBee, Apr. 27. FleahertoBW hf ad^ewlac â- â€¢ at Fi 4 I

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