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Flesherton Advance, 25 Aug 1926, p. 7

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n: REVOLUTION BROUGHT fIRST FiSH i RETAIN YOUR VIGOR r j ' They Came Into Exbtence With the Swift-Flowing Stream*. Evolution isn't something that happened in the past and then stopped. It's still going on to-day. The Australian frilled lizard, shown in the sketch here, Is evolving into a two-l«gg«d animal. He geU up on his hind legs and runs for a short distance. this. Organisms accustomed to fresh water would And life disagreeable and tor the most part Impossible In salt water. It now became neceesary to combat the swift current in the streams or be evicted from them. There is a form of eel to-day, known as the Btream-borne lamprey, which clings to the stream bottom by Its mouth and lets its body be whipped about by the stream In the same way that a flag is whipped about by the breeze. Biologists believe that creatures of this sort were the first to learn to maintain their places In the swift streams. This eel. in awimlng, merely repro- duces the motions which are to it by the stream when it passively clings to the stream bottom by Its mouth. In this way, it is believed, the first lish learned to swim. Now the act of swimming requires a certain play of muscles. This i.ctfon Is such as to be facilitated by a stlffeniag along the axis of the body of the fish. As a result of this, flsh were first evolved with a pliant cellular mem- brane along their axis. In time this developed into a supple rod of carti- lage. i'Je:xt this was supplanted by a bony axis. When this took place, the true fish â€" the lirst back-boned animal â€"had been evolved. Secrets of Science. By David Dietz. The next step in the evolution of life tipon this earth was the development of the flsh â€" the first backboned animal. Previous forms of lite, as we have •een, from the one-celled anima'.s to the sponger and jellyflsh and moUusea were all extremely sluggish forms of life. The flsh Is the flrst form to show that characteristic activity which we commonly think of as the chief attri- bute of animal lifer" The geologist fluds the flrst records of simple types of flsh not in rocks formed from sediment laid down in the ocean, but in fresh water. Therefore it is evident that the fresh-water fishes were evolved flrst and that ocean fishes descended from fresh-water flshes which were carried into the ocean by the s^;reams and learned to live in salt water. This important tact gives us a clew to bow flsh evolved. It was the result of one of those "re- volutions" or upheavals of the land which brought great mountain ranges Into existence. As a result of this upheaval of the land,' placcid, sluggish streams were turned into swiftly flowing ones. The sluggish forms of marine lite were swept into the sea as a result. There were great disadvantages to This Can Only be Done by Keep- ing the Hlood Rich and Hed. If you wouid regain your vigor and anibitroB. Ic«£p your btoud and uervea 111 good rondition. Anaemia, or thin blood, lowers the vitality, sturvts the ntTves and cnubes a gdueral run-down condition. V/hen the blood is thin the skin loses its color, the shoulders droop and weight is lost. The vietim of anaeuiia loses appetite, suffers from in- digestion, tieadaches and sleeplessness, and is nervous and exhausted after slight e.tertion. If you have any of these symptoms do not delay but be- gin tre«tment now with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and you will be gratified with the prompt improvement in your condition. Among the thousands who have found new health through the use of this medicine Is Mrs. Herbert Nagle, UiJlow, N.B., who nays: â€" "I had not been feeling well for some time and was gradually growing weak- er. I wouid take dizzy spells and of- ten faint. I was subject to severe headaches and found it hard to do my work. I took doctor's medicine for some time, but it did me no good, and I was still growing weaker. In this condition I began the use of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink puis and in a short time found they were helping me. I con- tinued the use of the pills tor a while longer, and found that the trouble that had bothered me was gone and I was once more a well woman." i Get Dr. Wiliiama' Pink Pills at your I druggist's .Br write The Dr. Williams' I Medicine Co., BrockvUle, Ont.. and the pills will be sent post paid at 50 cents ' a box. Ha!f the world is on the wrong scent in the pursuit of happiness. y^3ipP/an3ook Kuidaonicly illuttrtted with plini sf | moderate priced houetby CaauUa Ar- chitects. MacLean Build«ri' Guide will helu you todjcide on the type of home, ejitirior flniih, msterUls, Ulterior mr- ranc^ment aod decoratloii. Send 25c for a copy. Not His Patient, The doctor hurried into a downtown restaurant and sat down at a side ! table. A languid waitress plumped ! down a glass of water in front of him j and aniiouaced: "Boiled tongue, stew- etl kidneys, fried liver " I The M.D. interrupted her. "Never 'miud your symptoms," he said. "Let's have something to eat." Mountain Dawn.' Across the dark linked lovelineee of lakes A sign goe.<), and a bird awakes ; A sleeky thrush, a mottled thrush, whose wings Shake off the dew the mcnnen't when he sings ; And like the droiw of crystal on the ground. After the song there is no other sound. Dim, dim. oh, beauty that awaits the gold. Gray as an ousel's wing, and cold. Yet with me pause a little while, and stay The more familiar coming of the day; Bring me taint sounds I cannot hear until I hear the haunted waterfaU and bill; The echo of the night, among the trees; The echo of the slight, moon-shivered breeze; And that calm . . . which enchants the hills From twilight on, and all the valley fills With dreams and dreaming radiance and hush â€" Walt! Wait: Ah, wait, till once again i the thrush! j â€"Maxwell Struthers Burt, In Harper's I Magazine. a :^^^, MecLeen BuOdare'CnMe M> LAtlHU St. Wnv lenutow Obi. All the children of a bass singer I who maPries a soprano will have the same types of voices as their parents, j according to a new scientific theory. Hay Fever. CvTSQS on tKcc, little pert FiltKy fiy, tmwclcoine j^vcj't ! N need to tolerate a single fly in your houae. Flit kills flies. Flit spray clears youf home in a few minutes of dis- ease-beanng flies and nuMquitoes. It is clean, safe and easy to use. Kills AD Household Insects Flit spray also destroys bed bugs, roaches and ants. It Marches out the crack* and crevices wnere they hide and breed, and deetn')y8 insects and their eggs. Spray Flit on your eannenta. Flit kills moths and their larvae which eat holes. Extensive tests showed that Flit spny did not stain the most delicate fabrics. Flit is the result of exhaustive research by expert entomol- ogists and chemists. It is harmless to mankuid. Flit has replaced the old methods because it kills aU the Insects â€" and does it quickly. Get a Flit can and sprayer today. STANDARD OIL (XX (NEW JERSEY) Distributed in Caaad* by Fred J. 'Whitlow & Co., Toraota DiarnioTS rUM MoaquitMt ModM Aata B«4 Bvgs RoachM **fl>»p»lli>iiii«n wttk tkt MM MB •wmT* Bsn Prom thousands of patients tested during the last few years. It has been found that Hay Fever is seasonal and caused chiefly by pollenating grasses ' in June, rose pollen in July, ragweed ! pollen In August. Nine out of every ten people suffering from Fall Hay Fever in Ontario can blame ragweed. This plant begins to pollenate August 15th. The pollen, being as light as down. Is blown by the wind to a dis- tance of 11)0 miles In all directions. Cause: Some people can breathe the pollen of certain plants and the lining qt the nose treats it as ordinary dust; but others suffer extremely after breathing air laden with po'.len, due to Inflammation of the nose and eyes be- cause the lymph In their blood (for some unknown reason) tries to digest the pollen as it touches the lining of the nose. Once a person becomes bus eeptible to this Irritation, be will suffer from it for the rest of his life. Helpful Hints: Prevent the attack by avoiding the pollen ; during the pol- lenating seaeon of the particular plant which irritates you, go to a district where the air is free from that poilen. Three days in such air will see a com- plete cure. Treatment: No inhalation or other treatment for the nose is of any use; no patent medicine will cure hay fever. The only helpftil treatment found as 'yet Is Injections of an extract of the particular pollen causing the individ- uat case. It Is effective and many peo- ple who have been victims for years have found the tfeatment reduced their suffering to about ou'.y one-twentieth of the ustial time; it must, however, be repeated eoch year. The treatment is rather costly and can only be ob- tained from the few physicians who have given it special study. Useful Discovery. A FreiHJhman of Science declares that he has found out how to decom- pose the molecule of water so cheaply that a hydrogen engine may be em- ployed to run your automobile tor al- most nothing. It Rounds Incredible, but so did much else that we have come to take for granted. UsQ ikjis Eecipe Op HvsTAKa Picm.ES Uae an earthen jar:â€" ^ 1 gallon vinegar 1 cup Keen's D.SS. . Mustard 1 cup salt Add onions, sliced greea to- matoes, sniall cucumbers, and cover in the usual way. These pickles will be ready to eat at the end of six weeks, and will keep perfectly. This is only one of the many recipes for delicious home* made Pickles, Catsups and Relishes in our Recipe Book. Write for a free copy. Colnum-Keen (Caneda) Limited, Dept. ff 11100 Aiabent Su, Montreal Veen's , IVMtistard m aids di^stioit SHE DANCES TO THE WATERFALL The wonderful setting of the little waterfall known as the Giants Steps, Paradise Valley, near Lake Louise, apparently Inspired this nature-dancer with the spirit of life, and with tlie song of the water and the soft whistling of the bird-life abounding in the woods arouud. She was photographed while dancing to the music of her soul. Miss Bozle© is spending a few weeks at the Canadian Pacific Railway hotel, the Chateau Lake Louise, from where early every morning she saddles a pony und rides to these falls where she can dance undisturbed, with only the blue sky and multi-colored birds to see her and marvel at the rhythm of her movement. Rose Q^rdena. "Say it with flowers" has now as- sumed the dignity of an fntemaUonal slogan. The president and forty dele- gates of the American Rose Saciety have recently been paying a round of visits to the principal rose gardens of Canada, thereby further fragrantly cementing the friendship between the two nations. Clever Answer. KEEP mWUU WELL DIRI.\G HOT WE.iTilER Every mother knows how fatal the hot summer montb.o are to small child- ren. Cholera infantum, diarrlioea, dysentery, colic and stomach troubles are rite at this time and often a pre- cious little life is lest after only a few hours Illness. The mother who keep.s Baby's Own Tablets iu the house feels safe. The occasional use of the Tab- lets prevent stomach and. bowel trou- bles, or If trouble comes suddoniy -as it generally does-the Tablets will bring the baby .safely through. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Mwilcine Co.. BrockvlUe. Ont. school; All I cjid 0<a<j larcaWd mjl? iScsid I. !il hllyou vbdt do:- '11 buy •/anotr7<?r^ ,/rul« Tor n you. Blood Speed. How fast does your blood flow? Two Boston doctors have measured Its \ speed by injecting radium Into one â-  arm of a subject and detecting its ap- j pexirance in the other arm after the ' blood has necessarily carried it ' through both heart and lungs. It only • takes from fifteen to twenty-two seconds to make the circuit of the ^ body. The Bridge You'U Never Cross. It's what you think that makes the ! world I Seem sad or gay to you : ! Your mind may color all things grey I Or make them ra<ilaut hue. Be glad to-day, be true and wise. Distiiiguish gold from dross; i Waste neither lime nor thought about The briilge you'll never cross. , There's useful work for you to do, i For hand and brain and heart; There's urgent hnman service, too. ' In which to take your part; Hake every opportunity | A worih-whllo gain, not loss; The best Is yours, so do not fear i The bridge you'll never cross. ' If life saems drab and dlfHcult, | Just face it with a will; You do net have to work alone Since Go! is with you still. Press on with courage toward the goal, Witii Turth your shield emboss; Be strong, look up. and just ignore The bridge you'll never cross. Teacher â€" "Now. who was the father of the Black Prince?" Bright Lad â€" "Please, sir. old King Cole." Sunburn Mil Minard's with sweet oil or cream and apply. Quick and per- manent relief. .^â€" ^â€" â€" â€" ^â- ^â€"W ^^M^gâ€" g^Bgg^^^ v^rff^^fyn^TTTts^^ I Keep Minard's Liniment hsndv. "The itieal kit for the schoolboy Is j a soft shirt, wide opeti at the collar, j with shorts," says Dr. E, Graham Lit- No Hope. "Oh, Mister Otfloer. I've lost my dog- gie." "That's all right. Put a want ad. In the paper." "Oh. but Petsy can't read." tie, M.P. Only three varieties of roses are na- tives of Britain : they are the dog ro.«e, the double Scutch rose, and the sweet brier. i Freed His Skin of Psoriasis The discoverer of SOREMA. a. I C'anadian of 35 years' I experience, finaiiy freed his skin ' of Pscriasis after 14 years of the usual treatment had f.Tlled. SORE- M.4. has since been used with equal •uccess In long standing cases of Psoriasis. Eczema, Acne. etc. SOREMA The NEW Skin Remedy . is sold at your Druggist's or write us direct. Sorema Ointment, |1.0i) per box. Blood purifying Tablets, 75 cents per box. FLASH PRODUCTS, LIMITED 1106 BAY ST. TORONTO TO WOMEN OF tOOLE AGE Mrs. Wilson's Experience a Guide to Women Passing through the Change of Life Hamilton, Ontario. â€" "I have taken several bottlesof Lvdia E. Pinkham 's Vegetable C o m- pound and I can- no t speak too highly of it as 1 wa.«at the Change of Life and was all run-down and had no appetite. I was very weak and sick, and the pains in my back * were so bad I - couldhardlymove. I got very sad at times aiid thought 1 had not a friend on easth. I did not care if I lived or died. 1 was very nervous, too, and did not go out very much. X friend advised rne to try a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham "s Vegetable Compound, so I did. I am » fa'mer's wife, and al- ways worked hard until lately, and was in bed for two months. I begtn to feel like a new woman after the first bottle and I recommend it with great sacoess, also Lydia E. Pink- ham's Liver Pills. I am willing to answer letters from women asking about year medicines, as I cannot speak too highly of them. "--Mrs. Emma Wilbon, 471 Wilaon Street, Hamilton, Ontario. Sold by druggists everjrwhere. C Was In Agony With Blisters On Hands Cuticura Healed 1 Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART A Qlve-Away. Magician (to small boy he has called to the stage â€" "Now, my boy, you have never seen me before, have you"" Small Boy â€" "No daddy." ^ Minard's Liniment for Corns and Warts Sc^ Accept only " Bayer" package which contains proven directions. Handv "Baver" boxes of 12 tshlrts Also bottles'of 2-4 and 100â€" DruggisU. A«pirln l« Ui* trifle mart (r»i1iilcr»* la C«n»rtm if Barer M«niif»rion> of Moiin«c»t!c- ocliJfKtf^r of Salli-rliocla <Ai-c«rl .SaMovl:,- .icW, "A. 8. A.">. Whilr U |3 w»U »nown ttiat Aiplrfci omns BaTcr ni«iiofac'nr«>. to amrtst '!>* public asalntt ImMailoiw, tha Tabl»ti St Bvat Cviai/taj will toj a:«iBp«.<l wia tbcir anenl u«<)t muk, tli« "Qa;-cc Cruo." 'â-  Eczema broke out in very sr.-.all blisters on the bocks of my finger*. After a few days the blisters would brrak and then dry up. It itched »nd biirned terribly ar> j scratching caused very red eruptiotis. I could net put my hands m water or do any work without wearir:g nibbcr gloves. I could not sleep mghts on account of the irritation, and was in ajjon V moat of t '".c time. The Irc.tbie l,t3tcd about a vear. "I read an advertisement for Cuticura Soap and Ointment so purchased aoine. After using them a short time I could see an tmpro ce- ment. I continued the treatment and now I am healed." (Signed) Miss Betnice Shannon. R. F. D. 2, Orleans, Vt., Sept. IJ, 1925. Keep your skin clear and yovr porea active by daily use of Cu'i- ctira Soap Heal irrltationa and rashes with Cutictira Ointraenk. Surp!. t»-k rra >t HmH A.1<lr.<«« CaaKl;.La p. ;K>t -at»v^9'im. iH, Utmtrtmi." PrtM. 9««9 MSr* Curieiara Shans« Stick 2!< ISSUE No. S3â€" 'an

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