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Flesherton Advance, 25 Aug 1926, p. 1

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HON. HUGH GUTHRIE, present Minister of Defence, will speak at FEVERSHAM, SEPT. 1st, 8 p.m. Come and hear hn: Vol 46 No. 1 1 Flesherton. Ontario Aug. 25, 1926 W. H. Thurston & Son, Pnoprietora CEYLON . Mrj. E. R. Newbauer of Akron, Ohio, is visiting; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Whittaker. Mrs. Etherinfjton and two children of Toronto are tlie guests of Mr. and Jh-s. Archie Sinclair. Ml-. Chas. Melia, Toronto, visited with his parents here lajt week. Mr.-i. Chas. Iriih and babe, who have been hoydayinK at her home here to To.-onlo on Saturday, ac- companied by her Iwotl-.or, Percy, and sisior. liisj Keta Hemnhill. Ivli'-s. Jas. iicAIullen and two child- ren attended the Sudden- Wright nup- tial ; in Lundalk last week. Mrs. Peter Muir, who has been vis- itir.;-- v.itk her daughter in Peterboro, has retched honis, accompanied by her daughter, ilrs. Huston. -^Ir. Ursteud of Hanover i« reliev- ing at the depot here in the absence of Mr. Pci'cy Hemphill, who is taking his vacation. -Mrs. Coleman of Ow^en Sound visit- ed her daughter here the past week and was accompanied by Misse.. Francis, Marge and Jean Collinson, who had been holidaying with thoir grandmother. Mr. Ivan McLachlan spent a few days i;i the Durham liospital the past week and was operated on -for his tonsils. Miss Margaret McGregor of Strat- ford and former teacher here, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gilchrist over the week end and renewed old acquaintances in the village, who were indeed pleased to see her. Mr. .Jas. Halej of Presque spent the week e;id with his niece, Mrs. A. Sinclair. Mr and Mrs. Albert Arrowsmith of Niagara Falls, and Mr. and Mrs. Steel, Toronto, were week end visitors \vith Mr. and Mrs. G. Arrowsmith. Masters Alex and Murray MarshaH who have been visiting at Bolton, and Misses Reta an-! Stella, vv-ho have been visiting their sijter at Bala, re- turned home on Saturday. ?.Ir. Archie Sinclair, Mr. Jas. Hales, Mr. Will Hales and Mr. Jas. Hales Jr. motored to Alliston the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Winegarden and children of Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. John .-Vrnott and children of Durham. M:-. and Mrs. R. W-ir cf C^llingwood, Mr. and Mi. . Clifford Wetheratl and children of Dunedin and Mrs. Jane Taylor of Glen Huron were all visit- ors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. .4. Gilchrist the first of the week. Messrs Harry and Russell Mathew- son and nephew of Toronto motored un and sDcnt the week end under the parental roof. Mr. David Hincks. accomp.-inied by his aged mother, left the past week to \-is;r friends in the West. Mrs. F. G. Karsedt and Mr H Down of Flesherton, Mr. and Mrs. F. Gem- chler and daughter, Ruth, and Mrs. Alf. Down of Cleveland. Ohio, were the guests of T. Chislett. Rev. Mr. Projsic will deliver a special sermon on Sunday a.m. to which the young people are especially invited. ROCK MILLS MAXWELL The heavy wind and rain storm on Saturday cBd considerable dam- age to the ::rops. Mr. and Mrs. Mew and dalighter Margaret have returned after a two weeks' trip to Conniston and other places. Mrs. (Rev.) Duffield of Saskat^ chewan renewed acquaintances in this vicinity recenty. The L.O.L. and L.O.B.A. field day and dance Aug. 12th \vas r. splendid success. Mrs. Foster Heron and daughter of Ogemn, Sask., will return to their home this week after spending the past few weeks here and at Fever- sham. CouTit.v ror.d construction is pro- gressing on the mile and « quarter east of Maxwell. Quite a â- umber from this vicinity left on Friday for the West. Mr. and Mrs. M. NichoU of Dundalk spent Sunday at the latter's home here. The Anglican garden party on the 19th of August was a splendid suc- cess. The play in the evening was enjoyed by all. ,Mr. and M^. Robert Priestly and daughter of Dundalk spent Sunday with relatives here. VOTERS' LIST, 1926 MUNICIPALITY OF ARTEMESIA Notice is hereby given that I have * completed with Section 10 of the Vot- eis' List .Act and that I have posted at my office at Flesherton on the l-lth day of August, 1926, the List of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality for members of Parlia- ment and at Municipal Elections, and that such list remains there for in- spection. And I hereby call upon all Voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law, the last day of appeal beingr th* eth day of September, 1926. Dated thia 26th day of AupMt, 1926. _W. J. BELLAMY. Clerk of Artemesia. Mr. John Newell, wife and family and Jlr. Wm. Wier, Durham, were .Sunday visitors with the former's biother here, Mr. C. Newell. Mr. and Mr<. Jim Tvveed, Detroit. and Mrs. Fred Bunt of Toronto were visitors last week with the former's sister here, Mrs. W. T. Pedlar. The Ladie.^' Aid held their .Vugust meeting at the home of Mrs. Meld- rum, 4th line, on Wednesday Miss Lillian McMiiIlen, Toronto, called on her sister, jlrrj. Frank Beit^, on JSunday. rHessrs. Robt. Phillips and Chas. Hoy i.'.otored up from Toronto and spent the week end with fie latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hoy. Mi-. Ned Croft wer.t to Mt. Forest last week to bring home his threshing outfit. Jlr. and Jlro. W. J. Newell and children visited recently with rela- tives near Maxwell. Mrs. Seeley and Mrs. Chiles of To- ronto visited the past v.'eek at Mr. W. J. Ch-.r.i's. Rev. Mr. Pogson of Dundalk was a vi.sitor one day last week at th.e af Mr. John Hnrg:raVe. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Chard_ and son, Clarence, and Gordon McMulien ha.» a fo'.v !i!eas?.nt holiday.' last week on a fishing" trip. The party motored north to Ardbe^. Mr. and Mrs. A. Blackburn and daughter cf the 4th line, and Mrs. J. Thompson and Miss Hazel McKee of Ccllirirv-ood spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. John Hargrave. Tho farmers were cutting oats last week, but tha heavj- rains of Satur- day wou'd delay the harvest opera- tions somewhat. Unity U.F.W.O. Club will meet at the home of Mrs. John Hargrave or, Wednesday, Sept. 1st. EUGENIA We have had abundant rainfall this past week. The heavy ruins and windj have damaged crops in this vic- inity considerably. .\niong those w-ho left for the west- ern harvest fields are: Bates and Alex. Fawcett, John McDonald, Joe Pc/i-teous, Rilsseaj Ll'.nton and Ted Parsons. Mr. Wm. Magee, wife and family, accompanied by their grandaughter, .Misj Evelyn Turner, joined by Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Sled of Nottawa, ana sister, Mrs. D. Vancise of Batteau, and parents of Lumsden, Sask.. motor- ed- to Orange'ille and visited relatives on Thursday of last week. Mr. Hartley Blackburn and brother, Everett, spent Sunday with Mr. Sam McDonald, 8th line. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Sherwood, .Mr. Jos Hawken and Mr. John Magee visited at Mrs. Doupe's, Saugeen Jet., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wild and family of Toronto are visitors with Mr. and Mrs Will Magee and family. We offer our heartiest congratula- tions to Mr. Sam McDonald, who has been successful in obtaining complete Normal Entrance exams. Mr. John McDonald of Flesherton is framing the timber for the new church shed here. Mr. Ruisell Park had the misfor- tune to lose a valuable work hor|p last week, its death being due from a kick which it received from another horse. He had purchased the aninu^l cnly a month ago from Mr. Lockhart of Victoria Corners. Kev. W. W. Peck.M.A.. representa- tive of the Ontario Prohibition Union. preached here on Sunday afternoon last. He delivered a fine temper- ance sermon. The Quesno! family fror.i Owen Sound spent a few days with Mrs. Ja* Sherwood. Mrs. Emiiy McGruthcr and darich- ter, Kdna, motored from Orange. New Jersey, and are visiting the Tumer families. Mrs. Charles Turner Sr. ha^ gone to spend a month in Toronto, the guest of her brother. Wm. Gordon. Mrs. Earl and little son have re- turned home to the city after -.pend- ing a month with her cousin. ?Irs. George Benson. FALL FAIR DATES Bolton Oct. 1 and 2 Brampton Sept. 28and 29 Caledon Sept. 22 and 23 Chatsworth - Oct. 14 and lo Chcslev Sept. 21 and 22 Clarksburg Sept. 21 and 22 Coliingwooil Sept. 28 - Oct. 1 Dundalk Sept. 29 and 30 Durham Sept. 23 and 24 Feversham Sept. 27 and 28 FLESHERTON SEPT. 23 & 24 Grand Valley Sept. 30 and Oct. 1 Holstcl^ Sept. 28 and 29 Kemblel •• Sept. 23 and 24 Kilsvth ,Pept. 28 and 29 London (Western) Sept. 11-18 Meaford Sept. 15-17 Mount Forest Sept. 15 and 16 Markdale Oct. 5 and 6 Oranife\ille Sept. 14 and 15 Owen Sound Sept. 14-16 Paisley Sept. 28 and 29 Palmerston Oct. 4 and 5 Priceville Sept. 30 and Oct. 1 Rocklyn Oct. 12 and 13 Tara Oct. 5 and 6 Toronto (C.N.E.) Aug. 28-Sept 11 Royal Winter Fair No'. 12-20 Winter Fair, Guelph Nov. 29-Dec. 2 VANDELEUR Rev. Robt. Prit.'hard, wife and i'amily have return^id to their home in -Vlanitcba, after spending a few weeks with the former'^ parents, Mr. and -Mrs. Geo. Pritchard. Mrs. Sam Gilbert visited friends in -\-iaford recently. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Huson and family of London spent a few days at the home of Mr. ai.d Mrs. Robt. Graham. Mrs. (ieo. Warling has returned af- ter spending liome time with friends in Toronto. Mis3 Lizzie Shannon has returned home after spending a couple of years With her sister at Melancthon. -Mr. Ji;ck Gilbert of Toront.'j visited '.vith friends here recently. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor and sons attended a re-union of the Tay- lor family at Wasaga Beach some time ago. Mr. and Mrs. .Anderson and family of Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Haze Freeman and family, Flesherton, vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Freeman recently. Vandelcur softball team played at the garden party at Mr. Peter Muir^s on Jlonday of last week and were vic- torious by a ;=core of 10-1. The Vi.r:de!c-i.- Lad'.s' Aid he'd their Augu :t meeting .it the home oi iilrs. Jane Richardson on Wednesday afternoon of last week. R'-'V. and Mrs. Ae, Toronto, spant a few days with Mr. ami Mrs. L. .Johnston. Mrs. Alf. Duniop has returned home after visiting friends at Brampton and other points. Jlr. Norman Martin of Toronto is \ isiting with Mr and Mrs L. Johnston. The Women's Institute held a very successful garden party in thf Com- iiiu.-.ity Park grounds on Wednesday evening of last week. The sports co.icisted of a calithumpian narade, f"ot races, etc., and a good program was given in th? evening. A splen- did supper was served by the ladie â- . The proceeds amounted to about 9Q5. ping on it. Dr. Moore of CIarlc3- ' burg set the fractured limb and Del'oert is doing as well as can be expected. ]iliss Alma Humberston and Mas- ter Joe Cook are visiting with friendj near Feversham. The dance at the Duncan Lake pavilion on Friday evening was quite a success. The Heathcote orchestra was in attendance. \ number from here attended the ball game on Tuesday between the Orioles and Nottawa at Rob Roy. Sorry to report Rev. W. CuUis of Heathcote on the sick list and he v-a.i _unabie to hold prayer meeting i.i the com;v:un!ty this week. Miss Mabel Thompson spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Teed of Duncan. Mrs. McConnel! of Epping and friends of Epping were callers in ^hir- vicinity reccnJy. BATES BURIAL CO. FUNERAL SERVICE NEW MODER-\' FUNER-\L P.-\RLORS 122-124 .Avenue Road, TORONTO Te!eph';r.e: Klngsdale i.Ml J. W. Bates. R. Maddocks. .\ m The .Advjtice in iadies mlches Bedrooni Furniture WE HAVE AT PRESENT THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF BEDROOM FURNI- TURE THAT WE HAVE EVER HAD. Wo fevl .>nr that we can sarisfy yr.ur needs. In a cheap Dresser we have a Fine Walnut Dresser, .good sized mirror that we sell at $14. Look up. the old catalogue and see if you can beat a walnut dresser at that i)rice. vi. EAST MOUNTAIN -Mr. and Mrs. Ed Harbottle of Lady Bank visited on Sunday last with yiv. and Mrs. Geo. Harbottle and also -ailt'd on Mr. and Mrs. Thompson Allen. Mr. and Mrs. E. Thompson and Thomas Smart visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smart and famib- of Cherry Grove. Master Delbert Fawcett had the misfortune last week to break his leg a few inches above the ankle. It was the result of a horse step- FALL TERM Toronto's Greatest School of Bus- iness is enrolling students daily for | the new term. This school is open] the entire year and instruction is in- dividual. So you may enter any day. . Graduates guaranteed positions.Learn ' while .vu earn by home study courses. Write now for" catalogue to Canada Business College, College and Sap- dina, Toronto. v^ All parts of the Buren movement are completely standardized â€" so accuiate as to be absohttcly iater- chitageabie. The parts aute accurate to the l/25,0OOth part of an inch â€" the Buren completely revolu- tionizes all concepdoos of what a (jopular priced watch can offer in accuracy aod doiability. In cases cf exquisite beauty. See the Buren and be satisfied. Lat£es WaScha in Green, or WhiU Goid filled in foibionabU shapes at $15.00 up. "^ AT TOUR JEWELLER'S -â- e hci-.e thj?m ri^nging up to $35, ac- cording to size and quality. W^e also have the Vanity Dressers and Stools ; and we have the best idea we ever ar.-vr of a combination seat and catch-all, amd der knows we auil need something like that, -to put things where we know that they will be. The a we have a read good assortment of Bed Springs and Mattresses- including: Real Bargaia Walnut Bed Outfii $23 Call in and iccfc things over and if satis&ed. Buy; if you are net satisfied do not buy; for we are building up a business on satisfied cus- tomers, who taJk for us. Thos. W. Findlay FURNITURE DEALER & FUNERAL DIRECTOR FLESHERTON .>â-  MOUSE QPQ.UAL1TY W. A. Armstrong & Son FLESHERTON ONT. Macphail Meetings August 28 â€" Hanover Town Hall. August 27 â€" Priceville Agricultural Grounds. August 28 â€" Desboro Hall. August 30 â€" Durham. Au^wist 31 â€" Flesherton High Sc'-..r.c! Auditorium. September 1 â€" Rob Roy School H ~use. September 2 â€" Dundalk Town H .U. Sept. 3 â€" Women's meeting HanOyer Tovvn Hall, 2.30 September â€" 3 â€" No. 9, Normajiby. September 4 â€" Dornoch. Evening meetings to commence at 8 p-m. sharp GOD SAVE THE KING Homestead Fly Salt Everyone know.s that this is the season when flies are the worst. We have a salt that if fed to your cattle during this period, the flies will not bother them, and your cattle Vv'ill rest contented. W. J. STEWART 8L SONS Flour, F«ed, S*eds, Groceriea and Confectilanery Flesherton fat Economical Transportation Smooth ^* lou 1 Toi FROM â-  movqncnl almost impcr- cepciMe â€" through caiy, quick accel- erMion â€" to a thriUing display of speed â€" all whh unbelievable ease and onoothneai â€" Chevrolet Mib serenely oTcr the hatdcsi hill*, lo the rcvMless power and supceme a cu no ui y of the Chevrolet eimne has been added a smoothnco â€" a freedom Irotn vi b c ati oo u ne *p e c ie d and hith- â- ito oBluiowa to a four cyBnder car. Never before wa* even Chevrolet cap- Mm ol Mtabliahing such performance with s-jch erident case and smoothness. Compare the smooth Chevrolet â€" not dione with cars in its price classâ€" but vith cars more expensive, more costly c! upkeep, more difficult to handle. ChexTolct welcotnes any test or com- parison you car* to make. The Smoothest Chevrolet in Chevrolet hist.iry is selling at the Lowest Price for which C1>evn>let has ever been sold in Canada. Adt about GM.\C PUn of Deferred PaymcnU - 9640 715 640 •'15 810 810 920 970 Sport Touring Coupe Coach - . Sedan Landau Sedan Commercial Chaaai* 495 Utility Express 730 All ^\ce% at Factory Taxes Extra D McTAVISH & SON Chevix'et Dealers Flesherton, Ont. C-31S

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