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Flesherton Advance, 30 Jun 1926, p. 3

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â- â€¢<. 'I â-  » ^ *- V »â-  * â- 9 <• -4" t :.\ V WHEN DIGESTION KONSTRKE i Food Faib to Nourish â€" Relief . Can be Had Through Dr. << WilliamB' Pink Pills. "/ . I» your dlj!e»tJon on strike? Do you j , turn »way from your lood at meal ' thne», although you know you need j * the nourishment your food should give , ;_ yon? Is what you eat followed hyi P«lnB, flatulence or nausea? These * tymptoms show that your siomach is ^ Jn no state to Algeat food even If you •at it. Do not rely on remedies that * merely give temporary relief. A sound ^ stomach depends upou rich, red blood, and If It does not do the work nature Intended, the trouble must be correct- •• ed through the blood and tliere Is no . better way to build up the blood than j by taking Dr. Williams' Piak PlHs. i Every dy8p«ptlc who hau tried them Is i delighted with the Improved appetite and renewed strength that so quIrUy follow their use. Mrs. A. Quinlaa, Stratford, Ont., is ctoe-'who has tested the Talue of these pllle in trouble of wt>'.i aind. She Eays:â€" "I feel It a duty to let you know what Dr. Williams' Plok Pills have done for me. Some time- ago I suffered severely from Indi- C^estion, which left me run down and nervous. I could neither cat nor sleep well, and decided to consult a doctor. He told me that I was almost blood- less and gave me some medicine, but as it did not appear to help me, I de- cided to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pllta. I got three boxes and by the time I had taken them I felt better. I then got three more boxes and when I had taken them I felt like a new woman, and I was again able to do my house- work, and have not since had any re- turn of the trouble." Dr. WiUiams' Pink Pills are sold by all medicine dealers, or will be sent by mall at 50 cents a box by The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. A little booklet "What to Eat and How to Eat" will be sent to any address for the asking. o The Scarf Maker. In the rear of a little Hindu shop the Bcajf maker works at her profession. Before the sun has tipped the Bom- bay harbor with its silvery caress, she winds her way through the rambling streets to her little den. She does not hurry; Indeed, she walks unseelngly among the few early Itedostrtans; her gaze is turned toward the fast brightening oast. With dreamy eyes she watches the colors as the softer hues gradually giye place to roerat? ones, which in turn become Vermillion. In fancy she is again roaming the rough hills of the Inland country. She tends Uie sheep on the hillside, breathing the sweet fragrance of dew-laden wild flowers. She sees the flash of rhe bird of paradise. Its : gorgeous tall feathers bobbing in the 1 tall grasses. The scream of a parrot '< on a faraway tree makes her eyes dance with appreciation of the wild life. Colors, dew. sunrise â€" ah, living is sher lovelinese! Such remembrances as these quicken her footsteps. There is the Nile-green scarf of the sheerest silky gauze un-j finished from yesterday morning. .\ peacock design of deBoratiou has been I chosen from her portfolio of precious memories. With the tiniest brush she ' applies the paint to the filmy mesh, ! her shapely brown fingers working! deftly and eagerly. j The odor of the i^aint is to her the eweetest of fragrances: and as the de-j sign develops, her dark dreamy eyes â-  shine. The stroke of the brush is now a caress; the shadings become so dell-' cate and so perfectly blended A Comeback wldi Chickens The PlBttcant Task. n* would not do the thing called worit Unless the task were pleoflaot, His duty imiit not bind and Irk, Joy must be ever-present; And so he searched the city througli To find the Job he'd like to do. Now. there's a chasm which divide* Man's work from his playing, i And one can't occupy both sldee. Which pees without my saying) There Is no Job on earth to-day Which pleases one so well as play. The thing we really like to do !• aeldom honest tolling, It's seeing irksome duties through Which keeps the kettle boiling; And if it's work, beyond a doubt, Bom«where it calls for courage stout And BO from post to post he went To nnd a Job which suited. But everywhere In discontent Away from ta«ks he scooted; He wanted work which seems like play And that does not exist to-day. â€"Edgar A. Guett. Fate is oftentimes cruel in ita manifestations, yet frequently victims of its strokes are compen- sated in such a manner as to reveal that human kindness continues to remain a vital factor in the lives of men. This is the tale of John Cor- bett, of Quibell, Ontario. Quibell is a community on the Canadian Na- tional Railways, west of Hudson, and is one of the entrances into the Ecd Lake Gold Fields. It was there that Mr. Corbett received ?. blow wliich might" well have discouraged any but a scout spirit, and it is at the same Quibell that he i? striving foi-ward towards a remarkable reha- bilitation. John Corbett, at one time section hand on the Canadian National Rail- ways, set out to perform a kindly act one winter's day over a year ago, having undertaken to deliver some groceries to a feeble old woman who resided .some distance from the village. While in the house, Mr. Corbett felt faint, but thought nothing of it as he had occasionally suffered dizzy spells, the result of injuries received while serving overseas with the Canadian Expe- ditionary Forces. He set out on the return journey, but had gone only a short distance when he was over- come and fell unconscious in the anpw. When he later regained con- sciousness and managed to stagger to the house of a neighbor, both hands were completely frozen. It was necessary to send the unfor- tunate man to Winnipeg for treat- ment, but the effect of his experi- ence was such that amputation of both hands followed. Under such circumstances and with such a severe handicap, the fu- ture was not very bright for Mr. Corbett, but the clouds did^Jift and what followed brought the sunshine back to his life. After consultation with represen- tatives of the Department of Colo- nization, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Canadian National Rail- ways, the latter recommended that tlie rjost advantageou."! occupation in which to place Mr. Corbett would be poultry raising. An up-to-uate poultry house was erected last November, while this spring addition.^ were made in the form of -a modem brooder house dbmplete with stove and feed hop- pers. This building is large enough for three to four hundred young chick.s. Mr. Corbett has found a ready market for eggs, and as the hens laid well all winter he has been obtaining some reveniie right from the .start. From this it will be seen that the project is now well established as a going concern. A MEDICINE THAT AU MOTHERS PRAISE ".â- V dianioud is isn't it?" "Yes- to get." the hardest stone, The Human Machine. Prizes Offered for Essays on "Saving & Spending." Prizes aggregating $1,500.00 are be- ing offered by Mr. Alvau T. Simonds, of Filcbburg, Mass., for the best essays on "Saving & Spending" as factors of prosperity. $1,000.00 will go to the writer of the best essa>â€" and $250.00 each to the next two best. The contest closes December 31. 1926. and Is open to everybody â€" everywhere. This is the fifth yearly competition on political econom.v subjects which Mr. Simonds has olterej prizes for, in an endeavor to arouse a more general Interest in the subject of economics as related to individual and genera! welfare. The competition is open to Cana- dians and intending competitor; are Invited to addres.s for information. "The Contest Editor." Simonds Saw & Steel Co.. 470 .Main Street. Fitch- burg. Mass. No entranoi' fee or other expense is invo!ve<l. Baby's Own Tablets Banish Babyhood and Childhood Ailments. Mrs. H. Oakee, Sarnla, Ont., says: â€" "I have used Baby's Own Tablets In my home for the past fifteen years and I believe the good health my children enjoy is due entirely to this medicine. The Tablets are helpful at teething time; relieve colds and axe alway* beneficial in the minor ailments of lit- tle ones. I have recommended Baby's Own Tablets to other mothers whose experience with them has been as satisfactory as my own." Baby's Own Tablets do one thing only, but they do it well. They act as a gentle laiative which thoroughly re- gulates the bowels and sweetens the stomach, thus banishing constipation and indigestion: colds and simple fevers and turn the cross, sickly baby Into a well, happy, laughing child. Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or direct by mail at 25 cents a bo.x from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. -« The Mistake. Sunday School Teacher â€" "What wrong did the sons of Jacob commit when they sold their brother Joseph?" Little Solly â€" "The.v sold him too cheap." Use Minard's Liniment in the stables. Strange Mourning Custom. .\mong the wild peoples of the Philippine I.«lands is a tribe k:-.:}w;i a.~ Tingians. When the husband ot one of these Tingian women dies the widow at once removes practically all of her clothing. She fasts until she is little better than skin and bones and she does not take any kind of a bath for six months. "is good tea * TEA My Guests. CkkU*nt and gay, In their doubl«U of Those Awful Children. Betty* Motherâ€" "There was tooM- gf^y j tiling I w«ated lo a»k you when you All at a flaahâ€" like the dartlnga of *»°»«' *•'•• M'Dcur, and I can't Viink flame, â€" Chattering Arabic, African, Indian â€" Certain of s^ringtimai, my rwaUow* came! Doubltes of gray eilk, and aorcoata of purple, And ruffs of russet round each white throat. Garmented brave they ha4. crossed th« waters. Mariners salUng with never a boat I SaiHiug a sea than the bluest deep bluer. Vaster to traverse than any which rolls "Neath kelson of warship, or bilge of trader. Betwixt th« brinks of the frozen Poles; Cleaving the clouds with their moon- edged pinions High over city and rlneyard and mart; April to pilot them â€" May tripping af- ter; And each bird's compass his small stout heart. â€"Sir Edwin Arnold. what It wa*," Betty â€" "I know, mother. Tou w«t« wonderfnx the other day U Mrs. M'Dour bought all her clothes aecond. hand." Temperature and humidity are oar» fiilly regulated in sUk weaving room* to prevent breakage of threada Amh«r. Exhibits of amber, valued at $1,000,- 000. are now on their way from Eng- land to the Sesqul-Centennial Exposi- !=ian at Philadelphia, .\mber is a sort of resin, of vegetable origin, and it conies largely from the Baltic Sea. on whose shores it is cast by the waves, though Â¥ome of it is dug from a bed of carbonized wood between Koenigsberg and Memel. When Thales-. of Miletus, rubbed amber and attracted light bodies with it. he perform^^d the first electrical experiment of v^-iiich there i.< record. Pieoes of amber weighing twelve pounds have bee-n found, but I they are as rare as gold nuggets or i large diamonds. I Take a spoonful of Sal Lithofos in a glass of water daily before break- fast and rid your- self of that dis- agreeable feeling of dullness. Ah efficient saline laxatve that gent- ly purges the sys- tem of clogging poisons and makes a new being of you. faen-l iMc fc," g â- :: ,-:-i^,;- .lahiple. WINGATE CHEMICAL CO., LTD. 488 St. Paul St. W. Mentrej I The defect in many cups of happi- ness is that they .spring- a leak. Insect Bites Scenic Beauty of City of Nas- sau is Attracting Tourists. ', Nassau in the Buiiamas. a city o( There is reason for Ijelievirig that the name of the city of Liverpool sig- nifies simply the poul where smali trading vessels "livered,'' or delivered their cargoes. To "liver" a ship, in eastern Scotland, is to dL-scharge her cargo. Bee stings, mosquito bites, etc.. are greatly jfeJleved by applying Minard*. 1= Common sense recognizes the fact that that a sound physical basis underlies later, when viewing her finished work a a- well-regulated life in its spiritual joyous surprise is hers. True art Is | manifestations. If a man's liver Is out achieved in these happy moments. , of order, so are his views. .\n enlarge- At one o'clock the shop is opened ment of the spleen or of the cranium. for business. .\'o rappings by a pros- ' an excessive amount of gall, seems to pectivo buyer, however, insistent, are ' carry over from the anatomical realm answered in the morning. Those fresh into the pe-rsonal character and to have [ white and piuk waits, overlooking a hours are reserved lor work; the much to do with making a man an un-U'olar beach and an ever-chauging ex- lazier part of the day is for tales. The desirable citizen, customer or friend. Pansf "f water that becomes fans- artist herself displays her wares. Lack Not merely as a man thinketh, but as | formed with each trick of the sun from Of a common language is no barrier to ; he eateth and drinketh, so is he. If ; turquoise to amethyst, from ameth.vst understanding and ai)precialion. The 100 per cent, efficiency is sought, it .to sapphire jind from sapphire to an ex- teuderness with which the foreigner is as bad a plan to put unassimilable Uuisite turquoise again, has become handles the scarfs; the exclamations fare into the stomach as it is to feed <">e <»f 'he most euclianting pleasure of Joy and wonder; the quick flash of boiler fires in a power plant with fuel .resorts available to the tourist, art recognition all these things are that will not produce the required ' Known as the 'Isle of Perpetual to the artlsit the purchaser's tribute. iinits of energy because it is the wrong June," Nassau has in recent year.'i There arc scarfs decorated with kind, flower designs -wild flowprs upon Young men looking with varying de- wbich one can almost smell the dew; grees of admiration or of envy on there are subdued colors and colors ' those who have achi>'ved may ascribe brilliant. Autumn leaves adorn some I the attainment to souio extraordinary dainty things; birds of paradise peer quality of the altainer. Very often from delicately tinted foliage. .Any of they wi:i tind the i ise to conspiinious tiieve wonderful scarfs would have eminence was due largely to the fact graced the Queen ot Sheba herself, thai n:iture'< simple precept of self-con- AU the colors and marvellous imagery ' trol and a well-ordered lifo was con- of the Orient are portarayed there insistently heeded. The rules of the real artistry. That dark, dreamy-eyed scarf maker! 'iind ibeiu and obe.ved as any one may i'-" forefront of winter resorts, how Can one ever forge, a visit to the ' obev them These rules do not iM?rm!t iP*'s»" »nd a winter resort that Is only i la witslrfl to cngHRo in extravagant ex-; 11 '•'"!'" »"''-^" from Florida; a night 'cesses of any sort; the day of reckon- >'!> hy boat. Nassau's b-ithing beach I Ing ine-.itabiy conies. .\ man may , '" unsurpassed by that of any resort browbeat or csjole an officer if the | '"'*"' *''""'''- j human law. but iu the case of the na- tural edicts there is .;o chance of cir- cumvention. Nature keeps vigil all the lime to make sure that we obey and conies down upon us with a heavy hand of punishment when we rebel. been thf .Mecca for thousands of tra^ veiers seeking summer warmth In mid-; winter in a resort whose natural beau-: ties are enhanced by the delightful at-' mosphere of a quiet Knglish village, i yet where all of the pleasures, sports' and reore.ations of their home com- i munities are available la fullest de-l Kree. j It is tlie scenic beauty of Nassau. as mnch as Its remarkably oven and ' Igame were found where any one can isnmniery climate that has placed it la! Hindu woman's shop? « Many younj; men have their, troubles nnd n-,(.?t of them wear skirtF. In Livingstone's Memory. A movement has been started to buy â- Â«_••"••• 2""fr' i'W'*-''"'*"'' »i»i«-e»«K »•»' the house in Rlaniyre. Scotland, where David Livingstone wa? born and to re- store ii as a permanent memorial to the famous .African missionary and ei- plover. w 1 WorM't Rw*4 f»r tn<uni»». Lwt Ikui •n Mail Mr >ll< t« (nratf. in* »wr IM â- iHn Mr iMtwt af IM. 11*0 ettn. biiiM* %i» nr aiinOi. Walter Anctrews, Ltd. |4e Yonga 8t. Toronto Minard's Liniment King of Pain. The human ear is said to be grow- • ing sma'.ler; formerly it u.oed bo In-' crease in siie in proportion to thel body. The tendency is now for it to' decrease. .1 WE Bl Y FLEECE WOOL Harris Abattoir Co., Limited Strachan Ave., Toronto Are yov bein^ bored to deeith? MOSQUITO torture is quickly ended if you keep a can of Flit handy. Fiit spray clears your home in a few minutes of dis- ease-bearing flies and moequitoes. It is clean, safe and easy to use. Kills All Household Insects Flit spray also destroys bed bugs, roaclies and ants. It searcJies out the cracks and crevices wTiere they hide and breed, and destro\-s insects and t!-,eir eggs. Spray Flit on your parrcents. Flit ki'lls moths and their larvae w-hich eat holes. Extersi\-e tests showed that Flit sprsy did not stain the most deiicate fabrics. Flit is the result of exhaustive research by expert entomol- ogists and chemists. It is harmless to mankir.d. Flit has replaced the old methods because it kills all the insectsâ€" and does it quickly. Get a Flit can and sprayer today. STANDARD OIL CO. (NEW JERSEY) Distributed in Canada by Fred J. Whitlow & Co., Toronto. DESTROYS Mosquitoes Moths Bed Bugs Roaches 'ThtgtUotB can icith the CuticuraComfortsTender Aching Irritated Feet Bathe the feel for several minutes with Cuticura Soap and warm wa- ter, then follow with a light appli- cation of Cuticura Ointment, gently rubbed in. This treatment is most successful in relieving and com- forting tired, hot. aching, bum- inp feet. Skiopis Eacb Frw br M&il. .^ddr«tti Caa«di«n Drpiu "StcchooM Lt^. M cntTvol.'* Price, Soap •^ . Oin tment J5 Rnii 50c. Talcum 26e. 8V^ Cuticurm Shavins Stick 25c. PAINS ALL OVER BODY Two More Cases of Feminine Ill- ness Relieved by Lydia E. Pink- bam's Vegetable Componnd Barringtim, N. S. â€" "1 had terrible feelings, headaches, back and side aches and pains all over my body. I would have to go ti> bed every month and nothing: would do me eood. My husband and my father did my work for me as I have two children and we have quite a big place. 1 rear, in the paper about Lydia E. Pinkl-r m'e V'o(p,':abIe Compound, and then g-<>t a littic book about it through then.ail. anii my husband sent to Eaton's and got me a bottle, an'i then we got inc.-c '"r-?m the store. 1 &m feeling fine now ajid do all my work ami am able to p) ovit around more. 1 tell my I'ri'Mids !l is Lydia K. Pinkhan/sVeg- ctabli' C<Miii>ound that make** me feel so well." Mrs.VtcTOR RlciWRPSON, Barringron. Novn .'M.-utia. DuU Pains in Back St. Tliotr..".ii. Ont "I tok four K'ttles of Lj-dia E. Wnkham's Vege- table Comixiund ard found giest re- lief from the dull, heavy pairs in the .small (if my hack and the weakntss from which 1 suffered for live years a*'ter my boy was horr;. After taking: the Vegetable Comi urd and using Lydia K. Pinkham's S"»;:-\.ive Wath I am feeling: better 'i : i I have for the past seven yea. . and advise my friintls tc take i. ' - Mrs F.Joii.vfc.s. OMocre Street, St. Thomas. On., c ISSUE No. 2« â- â€¢2».

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