WEUNKSOAY, JUNE U 11*26 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE CEMENT A Car Load «»f Cement just arrived, $vV35 per bbl. less S() cents for ba^s. FLOUR AND FEED Koyal 1 louschold Flour $4.50 per ba^'. Chick feed, suitable for small jmd larger chicles at $4.(X) and S4.50 per cut. Iiran..pcr lajr $ 1 75 SluTt-^, per liatr 1S5 F. G RARSTEDT FLESHERTON adjuurned into a reifuiar HegMon of Council. Court arose accordingly. HOLUrASr CLUB U. F. w. o. THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on Colling^*ood street, Flesherton, Wednesday of each â- week. Circulation over 1100, Price in Canada, $2.00 per year, •when paid in advance |1.50. In U.S.A. $2.50 per year, when paid in advance $2.00. W. H. THURSTON, - Editor F. J. THURSTON - Asst. Editor OSPREY COUNCIL COUNCIL MEETING The Keevf ovcupiod the chair and after the reading of the minutes of the last regular mevting and special meeting following, culled for the com- municationa which were as follows: ows: Newi Tribune, BUfnheim, subinilt- ini: copy of Foreman'.! pay li»t. Chief Election Officer re Voter's liiitS. Dept. Public Highways â€" re forms to be used in road accounting. Jas. Aitktn, account of $10.00 for winter road. ' Dr. A. Turnlnill, re account of $52.- 00 for medical attendance to Tempest family. S. R. Hawkins, account of $5.00 for â- winter road. ! Dept. Public Highways, statement I of Provincial subsidy, on roads show-' ing amount of grant to this township ANNUAL MEETING COIRT OF REVISION The ifunicipal Council of the town ship of Osprey, met as a Court of Re- to be $3146.40 vision on the Assessment Roll for The following parties waited upon 1926 in the Orange Hall, Maxwell on the Council. May 29th, at 10 a.m. . David Armourâ€" re opening of Cen- After each of the members had tre line between 35th and 40th side- KIMBERLEY The 3rd of June celebration was a 'real success. Everyone enjoyed Colonel's Maid," given by Ihindalk talent. Flesherton won the baseball game from Kimberlcy. The Orioles defeated" Meaford in Softeball; Kim beriey girls won 'from Flesherton. Swinton Park band was in attendance and the proceeds of the day amount- ed to $210.00. We wish to thank all those who helped to make the day a success. Mrs. H. R. Hammond and family of Toronto are visiting with their friends at present. Miss Viola Fawcett of Collingwood G&M Hospital staff is visiting her parental home. A crokirolc party waa held in the hall on Saturday to dispose of the cooking left on June 3rd. Miss Denelda Stuart and girl friend of Meaford visited with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stuart. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ellis and Master Kenneth of Parry Sound is visiting friends at present. Mr. J. A. Stuart apent the week end in Toronto. Although Sunda.v was quite wet, several tourists were seen enjoying ,the tapi^le (blossoms. The church was decorated for the occasion and Mr. Ellison gave a special sermon. Mr. Gordon Wilson had a successful barn-raising Wednesday. S. S. Bur- nt and Son, were the framers. The District Sunday 5?chool con- vention was held in the church on Tuesday. Mr. Howey of Toronto was the principal speaker. We are pleased to see our Sunday school at the head of the list, having ten more point.-! than any other in the district^ Mr. John Hamond of Meaford spent the week end with his mother. Mr. John PIcwis is home from his farm. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stuart accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ellis visited in .Markdalc recently. Mrs. Philip McAllister of Wn.'wsa Beach is vi.ilting her «Jatlics', Mr. .lohn Camack. subscribed to the statutory declar- ation, the Reeve took the chair and the court was duly opened. . The appeals presented for consid- eration were as follows: E H Connor. R E Fair, liobt. Mc- Int>Te,Sr.. Robt Mclntyre, jr., and Robt Stocks; all claiming to be too highly asjessed. Henderson â€" Grummett â€" That the Hudson re use of disc on roads. John roads. The clerk was instructed to order 600 copie-s of Foreman's pay lists from the News Tribune. The Clerk was instructed to notify Dr. Turnbull that this council would assume no liability in regard to the Tempest family. ^ Mr. Grummett introduced the sub- Holdfast ilub was ciittrtaine.' by til:- l..dic.s of Unity Clii') .n the octaa- ion of their last r.i''»t:r.r. held at the home of Mr;;. Tho3. Bis^.ls. Bo"', clubs had a rcjo'd atlea b.itce. Before the meeting, two con'e.t were put on by Miss Ma phail Ihe first, v Kuehs Its to how mar.y candies in a Laura Sccor 1 l>ox vas won by Mrs. J. MatXlillr. 1, jecond, go\eri.nieri nuesticns w m by by Mrs. D. Camp- bell. Afti .' opening exercises and transaction A business, Ho'.ufii^'t was ('luly wek'o;. ed by the â- pru'f'.iciit. Mrs. C. Newell !* Unity, and the Presi- dent of H' 'dfast, Mrs. AlrA Carsjn, fittingly replied. The programme consisted of humorous diHio;.'iii-.-. re- citations, poems, and readiiifjs. Misi .'Vgnes Macphail M.P.. and Mrs. K. Pedlar, Riding Director, Ic- ing h'^nored guests, spoke words of encoui agement, and urged the l.idies to be present at their regular meet- ing of the club. Mrs. Will Beaton was unanimously chosen as delegiite to rriceville convention June 11th next. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. J. A. Lever, July 14th. A social time and ample fe- freshments brought the meeting to a close. God Save the King. TENDERS WANTED The annual joint meeting of the S. Grey United Farmers Political Ass'n; U F. Co-operative Assn'; U. F Young People, and U. Farm Women Assn' \A\l be held in Watson's hall in Priceville on June 11th, 1926, com- mencing at 10 a.m. Ladies are ex- pected to bring lunch. â€" M. E. Mur- ray, Riding Sec. STABLE AND FARM EQUIPMENT I am agent for stable equip- ment, manufactured by the Su- perior Co.7alao Shinn Flatt light- ning rods. Manure Spreaders; wire fencing by the Canadian Steel and Wire Co., Mount Forest Buggies, and Feury Plows, A call solicited. â€" E. Rutherford, Proton Station. Phone 44 ring 3-2. assessment on Lot. 37, 3 S. D. R. be- ,. , .... longing to E. H. Connor be reduced J^'^* "^ ^^«*''' «'**'"«^ "'** ^« ^"^ *»«*" $250.00 on land. | Cameron â€" Edwards â€" That the as- ; cessment on Lot 36, Con. 7, belonging to R. E. Fair, be sustained. Edwards â€" Henderson â€" That the requested to endeavor to have some action taken in regard to setting a' date for weeds to be cut. After de- bating the question at some length it was decided to take no action oth- er than to instruct the Clerk to thor- assessment on Lot 23, Con 6, belong- j oughly familiarize himself with the ing to Robt. Mclntyre be sustained, j Noxious Weeds Act before the next Henderson â€" Canftron â€" That the ' meeting, assessment on E. P. Lot 22, Con 6 be- j After some discussion it was de- longing to Robt Mclntyre Jr., be re- Lided that the Reeve would confer duced $50.00 on land. | ^^th the engineer and arrange foe 'Edwardj â€" Cameron â€" That the as- j an early meeting of the coun<ul on scsment on W. P. Lot 7, Con. 4 be , the site of the bridges to be built in reduced $50.00 on land. The appeals having been disposed of, the assessor was requested to read the Assessment Roll, in which a num- ber of minor alterationj were made. All business pertaining to the court of Revision being completed, the court the Wareham division. Henderson â€" Edwards â€" That Emily McDonald be refunded $4.75 business tax erroneously charged in 1925. Arfter passing of accounts on motion, the council adjourned to meet at Maxwell on June 12th at 1 p.m. CCYLON The People's Grocery Headquarters for City Dairy Ice Cream and Will- ard's chocolates, bars, boxes and bulk. i Half holiday every Thursday afternoon Store open every evening excepting Thursday,, the half-holiday. Try our 65 cent bulk tea. W. G. KENNEDY Phone 37 Mr. Mark Stewart of Detroit vis- ited bill parents here last week. Mr. .S. Hemphill :ind family motor- od to Woodhridge the first of the week. Mr. nnd Mrs. Thos. (Jilchrist, ac- companied by Mrs. Bolton, visited friends at Mu.'cv.oU recently. Mrs. Phillips of FIt.'.hcrton spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. W. Gibson. Mr. Andy Kennedy paid a business trip to Toront'i the past week, return ing with a new car. Mr. and .Mrs. Nixon, .Mr. nnd Mrs. Perry and son Bruce, (<f Caleilon spent the week end with Mr. nnd Mrs. D. McLeod and other friends. Mr. and Mr.«. Irwin of Proton, spent the v.pek end with the latter's sister Mrs. John McDonald. Mr. A. Whlttsike.r who spj-nt tlio winter months with his son nnd da>i- ghter in Toronto returned home Sat- urday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Arrowinnith, Mrs. Hunt nnd children, and Mrs. A. Muir. motored to Durham the past week. TENDERS W ANTKI) EVANGELISTIC CAMPAIGN Collie and liiar flu- cok-brritcd Colored Quintette of Cleveland. Ohio, in the .\niioiirie.s. .Maikdale, where they are to render the "Old Ciosppl" in .son^- during;;' an evanuelistic canipaif^'n. in which Rev. P. W'.senian, D.D.. |)resident of .Xiineslc}- Cullej^e, Ottawa, i.s the l)rincipal .speaker. The meetings are under the auspices of The ("lospel Workers, and arc worth while in every way. Sunday services at 10.30 a.m., 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. Week nights, except Saturday, at7.4S p.m. The undersigned will receive ten- ders to Saturday night, June 12, for the privilege of supplying man and team for to go on sprinkling tank to sprinkle streets to put in a lender utating price per hour they desire. Tenders to b< In scaled envelopes and must have telephone connection. Ad- drcs tender!- to-THOS. W. FIND- LAY, Flesherton. Opening We have opened up a new Garage and Ga8 Station in Flesherton and will do all classes of repair work on all makes of cars. Satisfaction guaranteed. L. A. Fisher & Son FLESHERTON Sealed tenders, marked "tsnder* will be received by the undersigned until 7 o'clock, Monday, June 21st for the 'following work and material for a shed at the United church, Eu- genia. MATERIAL 3 pieces of timber, 9"xll" 50 ft long 6 pieces of timber 8"x8" and 8 ft long 4 pieces of timber 8"x8" & 9ft long 2 pieces of timber 7"x7" & 22ft long 50 rafters balsam or spruce, Shi top, 31 feet long. 45 square shingles, first class. 3500 ft. inch hemlock 12ft, first class and green. 22 pieces of scantling 2"x4"xl0ft in length. 10 pieces of scantling 2Vbx4xl4 ft. long. 1600 ft matched spruce lumber. WORK Framing all timber and rafters for roof and raising same. Shingling and building door and boarding in gables. For particulars inquire of Leonard Latimer, Alex Cameron or Alex Car- ruthers, Eugenia. Address all tenders to Alex. Car- ruthers, Eugenia, Ont. PAINTS AND VARNISHES THAT BRIGHTEN UP SHERWIN WILLIAMSâ€" the old reliable, for inside and outside use. FLAT TONE â€" An ideal flat finish for use on walls and ceilings etc It does not drag or pi:ll under the brush or show brush marks. 1SHERâ€" WILLIAMS LACâ€" A modern finish for renewing old floors, furniture, woodwork, etc. Easy to apply, dries over night and when used on furniture will not stick tQ clothes. AUTO ENAMELâ€" Your car may run well, but you will not be satisfied if it looks shabby, a coat of enam- el makes it look like new. Also top dressing etc. Call and get some color cards and the Household Guida. Stop-making mistakes in painting. FRANK W. DUNCAN Phone 54 Shoes for Summer Wear WE HAVE SOME VERY NICE MAKES OF SHOES. Dongolaand Pdtent Leather strap shoes with some of the latest styles and new makes of heels. Ranging in price up to $4 a pair THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON Jifr Economical Thmsportatkm :<!, •- Quality Vv Fine quality built into an automobile makes it run well, wear well, look well for a long time. It keeps satisfaction high and operating costs low. • When you can get fine quality at a low purchase price you have gained the highest degree of economy in the purchase of an automobile. Because Chevrolet represents the highest type of quality car at low cost it has been the choice of over two million people. Visit our showroom and see for yourself how truly; Chevrolet combines qual<«^ ity with low cost. i D. McTAVISH 81 SON CHEVROLET SALES AND SERVICE %xm NEW LOW PRICES â- "fV \ ; \>>r