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Flesherton Advance, 7 Apr 1926, p. 7

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"V 3 ♦ A SPRING TONK AN m TO HEALTH MAKING NEW ROCKS FROM OU) Nature's Great Chemist, the Sea, Turns the Trick. You Can Lay the Foundatkm of Good Health Now by Building I'p Your Blood and Strength- ening Your Nerves Through the l^se of Or. Williams' Pink puis. The good.oM faalitoii of taking m toulc In th« SprtDKllDie, like mont ot tt« ciistoBW of oor grandpaxenta, to baaed upoa sound (romntoa B«in«« and sood medical pmcUoe. Winter le al- ways a trying UnMj for thc«e who are liot In nigged heaKh. Many men, wo- men and (children go tiirouigh the win- ter on reserve strength they ha»e •tored 'up during the sunny sumnver montlis, and grow increasingly pale and languid aa the spring days ap- proach. A tonl« for the blood and nerves at this time wilt do much for â- u-ch peopJe. but putting color to the cheeks and bani&hin^ that tired feed- ing that worrie* thousands* of people at tiiifi season of the year. It Ik impossible to be energetic It your blfMrd Is thin and weak, or U your nerree are frayed or shattered. You csmiiot compete with othe« if yoa do not get refreeliin« sJeep ai night, or If your appetite l£ poor or you are loeins w«iKht. You need a tonic a/t this time to add to your effl- <'lenicy now. as well as to save you from suffering later on. And In all th« realm of medicine, there Is no safer or better tonic than Dr. Williame' Pink PiiUs. These pills tone and enrich the blood whicii circulates tbroug<h every portion of the body, strengthening Jaded nerves and rundown organs, and brln^iAg a feeltng of new strength and energy to weak, easily tired, despond- ent men, women and children. . Miss K. Sirois, Kamouraska, Que., eey»:^-"I would feel that I was neg- Jectlng an opportunity to help some other poor sufferer if I failed to tell you how much benefit I had through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink PlllSv Before taking the pflls I was in a bad- ly run-down condition. I was very weak, pole and breathless at the least exertion. I often had headacbes and my appetite was poor. I I)egan taking the pIMs and they restored me to bet- ter health than I bad enjoyed for a long time; in tAct, my health Is now the beet, and I am sure that what this medicine has done for me it wlU do for all weak, ailing people." You can get these, pills from any medicine dealer, or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockvllle, Ont Graham Island is an example of how the surface of the earth sometimes changes wltb rapidity. On July 10, 1831, a column of water 60 feet high rose in the Mediterranean at a point between the southwttjt const of Sicily and the coast of Africa. Then followed clouds of steam. A submarine volcano had broken into action. Soon the cone of the volcano rose above the g^a, form- ing an Island. By August 4, the i»Iand was 200 feet high and three miles in circumference. Then it began to grow smaller. By the year 1S32 it had a«aln receded below the surface of the sea. The sketch shows how it ap- peared In 1831. FASY TRICKS Flip Flop Holding the right hand as in Figure 1, place a dime on the last joint 01 th8 middle finger. Tell your friends that you have so de- veloped the muscles ot the Bnger that j'ou can cause the coin to hop up and torn a complete somersanlt In the air. As this is a trick, the statement will be taken with a grain ot salt, but If you do the trick well you will find your friends practicing It and f.illlng to do it. When you know the trick, how- ever. It Is very easy. The thumb U the silent partner. When you vs'ant the coin to hop up and turn over, rest the thumb against the tip of the finger, press "hard and let the thumb slip oft. Just as If you were snapping yonr fingers. That win do the trick. A lltUe practice Is needed In order to catch the coin on the back ot the hand. (Clip this out and paste <f, with other of the terlrt, in o »crap6oo*.> By ihe way, did you ever try to "Unsay It With Flowers"? Secrets of Science. By David DieU The atmospiiere, as we have seen, causes the rocks to crack and decay. Much of the resu'Ulng debris Is washed by the rain Into the rivers. The rivers themselves are continual- ly wearing away the rocks. The ma- terial which they wear loose and the material which the rain washes Into them, is carried along by the rivers as sediment. .Most ot this sediment is carried the length of the river and deposited in the oceans. The oceans themselves, In addition, are wearing away the lajid, eating con- tinuously Into the continents and is- lands. As a result ot these processes great beds of sediment are being continuous- ly deposited in the ocean. When rocks are broken Into rather coarse pieces, the resulting debris Is known as gravel. Whrai the debris consists ot fine grains It is known as â- and. Still finer particles are known as dust when dry and mud when wet. The coarser sediment Is dropped near sliore, while the finer particles are carried further out into the ocean. This can be seen along many coasts where the shore-line is gravel, grad- ually changing to sand and then mud as the distance from the shore in- creases. In addition to separating the sedi- ment according to Its size, the water also causes chemical changes in cer- tain types ot sediment. Thns a sedi- ment of feldspar is broken down into simpler products, turning in time into clay. But in time the water also has an-: other very Important effect upon these layers of sediment. It makes new rocks oat of them. Just as men mix sand and lime to make mortar, the water In time ce- ments the loose sediment iuto solid rock. j It will be remembered that the . water contains majiy minerals in solu-j tlon. Some of these minerals aje pre- , ! cipitated or deposited out of the water, j I sinking into the layers of sediment and ' cementing them together Into soUd pock. These rocks are called sedimentary rocks. When gravel is cemented Into solid rock, the resulting rock is known as conglomerate or breccia. Sand be- oomee sandstone by this process and mud becomes shale. I There Is also a class of sedimentary I rocks which consists entirely of mtn- I eral matter precipitated out ot the water. I A third <dass of rock" results from ' the fact that the ocean is full of bil- lions ot minute organisms â€" animals and plants â€" which have hard shells. These shells are composed of calcium ' carbonate. When they die, their shells j sink to the bottom, forming in time a layer of Umes-tone. One form of lime- stone Is known as chalk. ' Next articleâ€" UpltfUn* the Land. Divine Conunands. We ore no pilots: l*( u» trust our hark, M iraruluits, al«rt, not tuade with hands, TlMit fvels a magic Lmpuiax tbrougU the dark, Au.t leaps upon th« eouT«« It under- ataodii Ki'om stiortvi un^nowu to unlmaglned Ktninds ; , Kc^ittt« Ihf helm we give It, but dlviiUM- - Hflng Itself divine divine commands; Aud an»\vfr« to no compass save the sigmt ESncirclliix dcepebt heaven where tli« Z<)itia<' EJiines. â€" Jolin Jay Chapman. In At^anUfi .Monthly. HEALTHYOibREN ALWAYS SLEEP WELL If Baby Does Not Enjoy Re- freshing Steep He in Fur From WeU. The healthy child sle-ps weil and during its waking hnurs Is never cross but always happy and laughiag. It is only the olckly child that is cn)ss and peevish. Mothers, if your child- ren do not sleep well ; !f tlie.v are cross and cry a great lieal, give Ihem Baby's Own Tablets and they will soon be well and happy again. Baby's Own Tab!><'ts are a mi'd but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels, sweeten the stomach, banish constipation, colic and Indigestion and promote healthful sleei). They are absolutely guaranteed free from opiates and may bo given to the new- bom babe with perfect safety. You can obtain Baby's Own Tablets through any medicine dealer at 25 cents a box, or by moil, post paid, from The Dr. WttHams' Medicine Co., Brockvllle, Ont "is ^ood tea" TEA Don't expect your children to do things the way we used to 30 years ago; you can't teach a new dog old tricks. With ages rangring from eighty-two to sixty-two, one London famOy of five brothers and four sisters have a total of 630 years between them. An authority states that every square mile of the sea contains 120,- 000,000 fish. l,000-Ye«r»-OU Tree. At Ui«? lime wli«'n .A-thelslau w-uo on the Kngiish tiirono a Uule shoot ap- pearel above Ihe givund !n a South Afrkan forest. Alhelstan died, and was folliiwed in turn by a long Una of Kng'U^'h kings, but the little South African shoot iKr.nlsted, growing in sizfl and strength until to-d«y, having been transplaiited'frora Its native soil, It flotirithes in the Ko.val Botanic Qar- denis, Regent's Park. It Ifi a specimen of the Kaflflr' bread I>!ajit, and gets lis name tix>m the fact that the ylth of its young shoots con- Latus »iiu-(;h, which, 1h oaten by the na- tives in the form of bioa<i or sago. The uMial height ot such trees is 20ft. This one, however, is only 10ft.. and m<;as^ir«« l.'iin. round Ua cydindrl- oal tjunk. Long leaves with curling en(!(-: sprout from the top of the fairly smooth trunk. Each year fresli fronds are produced, the old on-'S falling and Iwiring scars. Thus, by noting tlie yearly crop ot leaves and counting the scars on the trunk's surface, the ago of the tree has been estimated at a thouaind years. MInard's Liniment for dandruff. If you have a large kitchen, put your work-tab'.e on casters. In this way you can roll it to the stove, sink or cupboard,' thus saving many steps. CHnssified A(^«rerti8ements. FOR SALE. g-^ (Kill Tiiui (iiTFiT Km ruirs aNO \jl informal. 'Ji wrl'.f U;.rr».t Kun^jii.. uik MUU, Orii«rlr. |> AKiins' ovK.Na wanes vos' catauioos MJ> ud lUt of Bud oT>« Hut>bM« Ona Oa«> iiur. rn Kiat Wml Tixoua Violet Rays for Dogs. The ultra-viotet ray treatment is now being u«ed in connectlun with the cure of distemper lu does. The dog in piai-<?il in a special bas- k<>t and in provided with blue-tinted ! goggles whils* the treatment is in pro-. grt'iis. I It la necessary to expose dogs to I Uie rays for abi>ul fifteen minutes at a lime, and it Is uoderstood that th« ; treatmi-'Ut is very effective. Dioarenes was once asked what beasts had the most dangerous bite. He replied: "If you mean wild beasts, the slaniic-ors ; if tame ones, the fljt- terers." /^.Andrews'Hu^S ^qIitoptoothache INSTANTLY Temporary FUKiy • • • arbkil Last a LoDg Tima. 1 ^^ SOLD EVERYWHERE •' ' The total area of the potato and other root and fodder crops of Canada In 192.'i is estimated, according to the Dominion Bureau of Statistics, to be 12,181,713 acres, as compared with 11,862,921 acres in 1924. Mentges Folder For Sale Suitable for a newspaper or job office. It will told pannphlets, ucwspapers. Just as fast as an expert cau put them In. It win take paper of any weight, book or wrapping:, sizes up to 38x48, Newspapers. 8 of 7 col., 4 or S page». Will trim, fold and paste (by gear- driven paster) and deliver either at third or fourth fold, faster than can be folded by three, six or more persons by hand. The rollers are of »teel. all turned true on lathe, milled and accur- ate, and will not shrink or misbehave ainier any service. A one-quarter h.p. motor Is ample to run It. The Guide Port Hope Her Only Fault. "How are you getting along with your skating. Mabel?" "Fine, but I don't get much chance to prac^tice." "How come?" "Well I'm sitting down more than I'm standing up." t)ont let ImligcsCion after mcali, biliouinca*. heartburn, or dyipepaia take the pep out of joa. Take Seigel's Sjmip. Any dnig store. FOR HOME BUILDERS Detailed Information concerning planning, building, financing, de- corating, furnishing and garden- ing Is contalnsd In the MacLsan Builders' Quids. Ksch Itsus shows ••veral practical dsslgns In picturs and plan. Send Twenty Csnts for B copy. Questions anawsrsd. Mac- Lssn Bult;?ing Rsports. Ltd., 344 A^lalcl.' ev West, Toronto. The Food of Sponges. Many siirprif-ing facts art> encoun- tered by the person who bec^iraes In- terested In the study of animal life. One of the hardest things to believe is thnt thi' siionge you use daily was once an ani^inal. an.l not a vegetable growth of the ocean. Sponges live their own lives, and eat their food as other"ani- mals do. The separate existence of a sijouiie begins with the breaking aw-ay from the parent of a tiny particle^ The lat- ter, after being whirled about fur a time by the tides and currents, event- ually attaches Itself to a piece of rock, and from that borne it seeks Its own livelihood. 'nis foo<I nf infant sponges couelsts of yelk eel!.', which contain a form of nourishment. I.ji.ter, as the sponge grows, H requires something more solid, asd this Is brought by the cur- rents^ which sweep Into a bag, half moutli, bait s-tomach, minute particles of tbs new food. Gold Rushes. Prospectors and mushers are mak- ing their way as fast as they can to Northern Ontario, whence comes the latest tale ot those who "struck It rich" In a gold field. AH over the north there are sour-doughs who will cheerfully quit any place or occupa- tion when some one whispers "goUl" and trek off into the barrens with a hatchet, a frying pan, a bog of flour and a rasher of bacon. Some of them come back and some do not. Some make their pile and some lose aJl they- had savd. But there are features that differentiate the modem gold rush from an old-time stampede. In the present Instance, those who are mis- taken will find It out soon. Airplanes have l>een pressed Into service, out- stripping the primitive dog-e!ed. The six-day dog trail from the railroad terminus to the lake where the gold Is supposed to be can be m€a.suTed through the air In a few hours. It nuen must leave their work because ot the age-old lure ot the treasure-hunt, at least they are not committing the>m- selvea to months of wilderness wan- derings, only to be bitterly dlsillusloQ- ed after all. Banish The Blues r By Observing Nature's Basic Rule Those who suffer from despondency, 'â-  Ustlessness and headaches can usually trace the cause of these conditions to constipation. j They are frequently brought about ' by overwork, ner\-ous strain, lack of j outdoor exercise or sleep, or improper j food, but more frequently by the non- | observance of nature's basic rule â€" j regular thorough bowel elimination. ' Poisons from waste matter left be- I hind are picked up by the blood and I absorbed by the system, weakening the i nerves and lowcnng the vitality. i Kujol, the scientific ititemal lubri- i cant, corrects constipation in nature's j own way by augmenting the supply of j nature's lubricant. j Nujol by softening the waste matter j thus permits thorough and regular elimination without overtaxing the intestinal muscles. It is gentle, safe and natural in its action, and can be taken for any length of time without any ill effect. Ask your druggist for Nujol today and remember--4ook for the name "Nujol" in red on both bottle, label and package. ycrM;)re man Qars Sal Lithofos has been pre- scribed by le;idinq; physi- cians as an invalualjfe spe- cific fiM- ihe treatment of Indigestion Constipation Disorders of tlie Stomach and KidneyB Rheiunatic and Gouty Conditions A palafal.ile, effervi-sceut, sail ne prepurat ion of Lit h ia and Sodium I'liosphate highly beneficial and re- medial in the case of dis- orders mentioned. At alt DmggUt*â€" three aUea VETERINARY DOCTORS usi> and re<-ommead Minard's Liniment. Splendid for sprains. bni!::--;. nils. cbafe«, sweKlngs-. fJEURITIS RUN DOWN AFTER BIRTH OF BABY Ottawa Woman Made Strong by Taking Lydi^ E. Pinkham's Vegetable Componnd Ottawa, Ontario. â€" "I was terribly run-down after the birth of my third baby. 1 had awful bearinjjj-down pains and was afraid I had serious trouble. I was tired all the time and had no appetite. My sister-in-law is takin(f Lyciia E. Pihkham's Vegetable Com- pound and cannot praise it too highly and aaked me to try it. 1 have tiad splendid results and feel fine all the time now. .Any one who needs a thorough pick-me-up soon leams from me what to take.-"^Mr8.RENB PAQtriN. 320 Cumberland Street, Ot- , tawa, Ontario. Terrible Backache â- Hamilton, Ont. â€" "After my baby was horn I had terrible backache and headaches. I could not do my work and felt tired from the first minute I )^t up. ButAvorst of 9II were the pains in my sides when I moved about. I had to sit or lie down for a while af- terwards. I co|jld keep my house in ordec, but many things nad to go un- done at the time, because of my ail- ments. I was told by a neighbor to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, as she said it would build me up. I was relieved before I had ta'Ki-n the first we bought and have not had any trouble like it since." â€" Mrs. T. Marki.E, 115 Ferguson Ave- nue South, Hamilton, Ontario, c The lungs of a healthy man contain 200 cubic inches of sir. MInard's LInimsnt for tors throat. Kaca 15-ctnt pack- ege v.oDtaln9 direo lions so simple any woman can tint soft, delicate ibadet or dye rich, permanent color* in lingerie, illkt, rlbboLS, skirts, waists, dresses, coats, stockings, j (wtaters. draperies, coverings, bangiag* â- iry thing! i Buy Diamond Dyes â€" no other kind â€" and tell y&ur druggist whether the ma- terlal yon wish to color is wool or titk, | or whether it Is Unea, co'toa or mlxsd | cooda. * Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Neuritis Colds Headache Lumbago Neuralgia Pain Toothache Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART "| .9v« Accept only "Bayer" paclcige which cont.iins proven directions. Handy "Bayer" bo.xos of 12 tahlots Also bottles "of 24 and 100 â€" Druggists. A-ri.- n l» ihf xnit murk (i»t1«t»rnl to Ou»d*> of r«,»»r M«niifactiini> of Mnnojrr'i-. «.-iu<»:or nf l!altcrll.-a>Mil (Aci-t;l S»llc,Tlle Acid. '.*. S. A"l. Wbll* It Li w«ll »n< " n Htat ARl>ltin means B«i7<v numfiirrnrv, to aml«t th^ pnMtr uraln.r imltatUnt*. thr TaM^t* at Bayer CoBpanf wlU b* ataup*<l wltk UMlt gco«rml tra<la oiark, Um "Bajn Cr«M." CUTICURA HEALS ITCHYJCZEMA Caused Much Suffering. Nose Swollen and Sore. Face Disfigured. "Ivczema broke out in red spots and pimples on my cheeks and nose. The eruptions grew lirger and my nose was swollen and sore. It itched and burned so much that it kept me awakr. and scratching caused erupticns. My face was dis- figured and caused much suffering. "I read an advertiseincnl (or Cuticura Soap and Ointment and sent for a free sample. I purchased more and after thi«e months' treat mentmy face was healed." (Signed) Mrs. Corinne Desjardins, Albert- ville, Sask. Dnily use of Cuticura Soap, with touches of Cuticura Ointment now ^nd then, keeps the skin fre^b, smooth and clear. ttmyit ttA rm â- Â»; Kau AfMm* CanMHan TV-pot -fltMUKiaM. Kea^TMu - Ptm-*. Sai« lb,- OH '.nwnt a -n«J Vie T»;nim 56c JtKF' Cuticura SKavina Stick 29c. ISSUE No. 14â€" '2e.

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