Vol 45 No. 40 ®1)^ /to^ertxrn %hmnu^ Flesherton, Ontario March 31, 1926 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors PRICEVILLE KIMBERLEY k'.. In i- Mrs. A. Salter, who sp^nt the win- 1 We are sorry to report Mrs. Ir- ter months with her sialer, Mrs. win ill again, but is on the mend, al- Mortimer of Shelbume, returned so Mrs. Wellie Fawcett sick with a her home here on Saturday. 'severe cold. Mr. Hugh McKinnon, South Line! The "Blue Birds" crokinole party had the misfortune to fall on the- on Thursday night was a decided suc- ice on Sunday and fractured his hip, cess. Mr. Cecil Fawcett and Miss bone. We trust Mr. McKinnon will j Bertie Weber succeeded in winning be around again before long, despite! the prizes, also the important prize his 86 years. Little 9 year old Sadie McEachern the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. McEachern, South Line, was present- ed with a diploma by Mr. SVither- land on Sunday morning, for perfect recitation of the Shorter Catechism in the Presbyterian Sunday school. Rev. Mr. Collins of Toronto con- ducted services to the Presbyterians in McKinnon Hall on Sunday last • with a good full hall at both serv- ices. Mr. J. M. McGillvary has returned from a business trip to Toronto and other points. EAST MOUNTAIN Mr. Elwood Smart of Duncan spent a day with Mr. S. H. Smart and fam- ily before leaving for Dinsmore, Sask., where he intends taking a position for the summer. Sorry to report Mr. Carl Humber- stone laid up at present, having hap- pened vrith an accident while working in the bush. The Young People attended the Fireside Circle on Tuesday night in Duncan. The Club from Union put on the programme. Mrs. M. Smart of Duncan, spent a few days with relatives on the thiri " line. The road's in this vicinity are in very poor condition at present. Mr. McKeown happened with an accident one morning when his horse broke off "^'"" '"oad, took fright and smash- ed the cutter and harness but no further damage was done. Mrs. J. Welsh spent a day with friends near Duncan. The young people had a sleighing party on Vinegar Hill on Saturday evening. The report wals good. Advertise in The Advance DEPENDABLE AiAitioneer Service Reliable and Reasonable â€" the fac- tors that have made my service suc- cessful. Let me conduct your pure- bred. Farm Stock sale. Arrange dates early at this office. J. S. Shepherdson Auctioneer. of the evening was won by two of onr best players. Another party will be put on for Thursday night by the W. I. They have decided to put part of the tables for those wishing to play partners throughout the evening. The New England League visited the local league and had a meeting at the parsonage on Thursday evening- Rev, and Mrs. £:Uison entertained the members of the choir and their friends at the parsonage on Friday evening. The evening was spent in games and music, also they presented I Miss McCormack with a beauitif ifl clocK, as a recognition of her service as organist. The League met for the Lenten pictures on Wednesday night, and all are being benefited by them, also the spelling match at the close. A number from here attended the \ debate at Vandeleur between Flesh- erton Chalnier's church, and Kimber- ley. Many interesting points were brought out by both sides. The judges were unanimous in their de- cision in favor of Kimberley. We congratulate the girls. A number have tapped for maple syrup, but Jack Frost has put a stop to it these days. Messrs. Dalton and Thompson Fer- guson are home, after spending the winter at the Ellis, Donnelly camps Port Loring. There will be a morning service Easter Sunday, ut on by the S. S. Rev. Mr. Ellison in the evening. Special music is being prepared. The village was startled on Satur- day morning on hearing the school bell ring. Knowing there was a fii-e everyone was ready and on the lookout. It was at the school. Mr Taylor, the caretaker, was burtiing out the chimney when some pieces dropped on the roof. Help soon .ar- rived with water, and it was put out. Why not have an outside rope at- tached to the bell, in case of fire at any other home or building. It might mean the saving of someone's home. MAXWELL The United chu»ch choir held a liard time social in the hall last Tuesday evening. It was a splendid success. Miss Grace Radley an,d John Parker were winners of the hard time prize. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Morrison spent Sunday at Mclntyre. Mr. J. C. Ferguson of Stenen, Sask, is visiting relatives in this vicinity. Special service in the United church here next Sunday, April 1. The Womenis Institute held a so- cial at the home of Mrs. Geo. Law- ler last Thursday. After a program of readings, contests etc., a splen- did lunch was served. A California woman wants a di- vorce because her husband threw eggs at her. The conjugal yolk became intolerable. 'J/ m;^- %r Bigger, mtter farms P XPERT agricultural experience allied to expert financing are the elements that make for outstanding farming success. You have the sound, agricultural ex- perience. The Bank of Toronto has the sound financial knowledge. Why not ally the two for bigger, better, more profitable farm development? At this time, when farmers require loans for various purposes, the Bank of Toronto is glad to lend its best service and co-operation. Drop in on the Bank of Toronto manager to-day and discuss your farm and financial problems with him. "lANK^TORONTO \ BRANCHES: FEVBRSHAMâ€" Chas. Smith, Manager. MARKDALEâ€" W. L. YOUNG, Manager. 229; CEYLON (Intended for last week) The sewing class is making splen- did progress. Miss Pearl Priestly has returned home after spending the past week with her brother in Dundalk. Mr. Angus McLeod and family, have moved to 'the farm recently vacated Ly Mr. Ed. Hillock. We ^welcome them to our neighborhood. Mr. Basil Sornberger has moved to Maxwell from his farm in Tryon vicinity. Miss Kate Findlay has returned cw her home in Owen Sound. The dance in the Orange Hall here on Fi'iday last was a splendid suc- cess. We are sorry to hear that Miss Gillies is not improving very much. Mr. Kenneth Wright held a very successful auction sale on Monday Ken. intends going to Detroit. ROCK MILLS Mrs. Lome Atkinson, received the sad news on Saturday night of the death of her second youngest brother, Mr. Marshall McGuire, near Thorn- bury, a young man 18 years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson left late the same night for her father's home, and will remain until after the funeral. Our sincere symathy is extended to Mrs. Atkinson in her hour of soitow. Mrs. Robt. Croft and youngest daughter, spent a few days last week with her parents in Owen Sound. Unity U. F. W. 0. club will hold their .\pril meeting at the home of Mrs. Fred Plant on Wednesday, April 7th. Visitors welcome. Sugar making has commenced. We understand Mr. WaVter AMitt has over 1600 trees tapped. Mr. Cecil Monaghan is assisting Mr. Akitt at present. Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Stoddart, East Back Line, visited recently with their daughter, Mrs. Herb Betts. Quite a number from here attended Mr. John S. McMillan's sale, west of Ceylon, on Monday, March 22nd. Mrs. I. Smith, visited a day last week with relatives .it Owen Sound. Mr. Ernest Hargrave, of Warehani, visited Sunday with his uncle, Mr. John Hargrave and family. MiJss Elsie Sewell, visited on Sun- day with her father and sisters here. Mr. Biker. Proton, took charge of the service Sunday night, and deliver- ed a good message from the 4th Chapter of the Proverbs. The ser- vice next Sabbath evening will be at the home of Mr. Thos. Betts. Mrs. Harold Osborne and son vis- ited recently with her sister, Mrs. Ned Croft. IN MEMORIAM Macniillan â€" In loving memory of Clark Macniillan, Ceylon, Ont., died .March 27th 1925. Why was it he could not stay â€" Too rare a gift? We loved him. But God loved him best, And took him home with bin) to rest. â€" Father, Mother, Sister and Brother NOTICE No fishing or trespassing will be allowed on Lot. 40., Con. 10, Arte- mesi.T. Trespassers will be prose- cuted. â€" Geo. Ottewell. NOTICE I am prepared to do all kinds of wall paper hdnging. Satisfaction and guaranteed w^ork. Prices right. Ph. 7 ring H. Osprey. â€" H. L. LEPARD. Fevershaui Mr. S. Hemphill is "vi'aiting his daughtur in Toronto. Mrs. Stewart and two children of Bolton, are visiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs. F. Marshall. Mr. Ross McMullen, who has been visiting at his home here, returned to the city last week. Mr. H. Piper paid a business trip to Markdale on Saturday. Mrs. D. Muir of Port Arthur, is visiting Mrs. S. McFadden. Mr. and Mrs. Will Gibson enter tained a few friends on Saturday ev- ening when a pleasant time was spent. Mr. L. Torrey of Lauriston visited at Mr. H. Pipers the first of the week. We extend a welcome to Mr. and Mrs. J. McMillan, who moved into the residence which they recentlV purchased. Master Jacfcson Stewart, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart, hapnen- ed with an accident on Monday dur- ing the noon hour at school. He with some other boys went sleighini^ down hill in the field, when he fell off. He was unable to rise, and the other boys drew him on the sleigh back to the school house. It was dis- covered his leg was broken between the knee and nnkle. He was taken to his home, where Dr. Turnbull and Dr. Blake set the injured member, and the little lad is doing as well as can be expected. Mr^ Russcl Mathewson went to Toronto on Saturday. PORTLAV/ (Intended for last week) Miss Clinton, of Toronto visited re- cently with her sister, our school teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shiers' little daughter has been very seriously ill but we are glad to hear that she is much better. The household effects of the late Mrs. Jeremiah Taylor were disposed of by auctinii on Wednesday last. Auctioneer "^erris officiated, and fair prices ruleii. Mrs. J. W. Bates of Toronto, was up looking after her mother's es- tate. A beautiful pair of vases was donated to the church. Mr. D. J. Jamieson of Toronto was a visitor in this part last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Linton have been moving lately to the Jeremiah Taylor farm. We are pleased to ^welcome this worthy couple to our neighborhood. Special services will be held in the Mount Zion church on Easter Sun- day. A full ch;r A\ is hoped for on that occasion. Mr. Art Wilson had a very narrow escaije from a vtry serious accident one day last wcck. He was (.hopp- ing off a sapl'ntr that was bent down by a larger 'ree ,when the end split and struck him inl the face, in- flicting a very painful injury. Boys Not L^'arning Trades The period ;'/ industrial prosperity now opening up is likely to find a jihortage «f Ki;illed mechanics, ac- cording to Clark Reilly, secretary of the Canadian .Vssociation of Build i;ig and Construction Industries, and the subject is to be given some dis- cussion at Ibj Association's convon- lion in Toronto this week. The pros- pective shortiige is not blamed whol-y on the ni'gntion of many skilled mechanics to the United States, but is due, rather, Mr. Reilly says, to the refusal of bovs to learn a trade. Op- portunities to immediately obtain a- dult pay for unskilled labor has blin- ded many boys to future ' possibili- ties. The old system of .Tpron- ticeship, under which the youth wa.s bound by his indentures to stay on a job long enough to learn a trade, had i<s merits. \ word of p:'ai8e for the special agricultural eno.iiry committee came on Thursday of last week, in the On- tai'io Legislature, from \. P. Me- whinney, (Lib. West Br;ice). •'! think the Committee has done good work,"' he said. "I believe the choice »f the chnirinan was n. wise one, for I think no man know.-? the conditions of agriculti^^e bot^ter than Hon. Dr. Jam- ieson, and I believe the farmers will reap benef't from the recommenda- tions made by the committee." BATES BURIAL CO. FUNERAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNERAL PARLORS 122-124 Avenue Road, TORONTO J. W. Bates. R. Maddocks. Real Furniture Talk Up until the iiresent time, we have been up against it to really compete with the catalogue prices on Dining Room Furniture, but we have at last located where we can compete with these prices Space will not permit us to mention only one suite, but if any other suite takes your eye in he cataluj^ue, call in and just let us show you we can coifipete with it. Look at Pag-e 336 in the Catalogue on top of the page. Now look at ours. We have nearly the identical suite in Birch Wood, finished in W'alnu^, only ours is finished in Duco Finish and our suite is the latest turned out. hav- ing the turned legs, which is the latest on the market. Our price for next two weeks for this Suite of Buffet, Table, and 6 Chairs, is $97.00, or nine piece Suite in- cluding China Cabinet for $125.00. P\)r the benefit of any who have not yet seen this duco finish, we will demonstrate to any person that this finishes tiot m.ari'^ed in any way very easily , for we will pour boiling water over it any time, to show this finish is proof against anything hot; the problem of being always afraid someone will set a hot cup on your table is at last solved, so if you have any notion of any new furn'ture, just call and let us demonstrate the good qua] ties of this suite, which is also finished in 3 tone 'effect. This is a very close price on this suite and we are looking for some sdles in the next two weeks. Now you will notice from week to week that we are trying to co-operate with you to live up to our slogan of SERVICE, by being able to offer Furniture at as good a price as the catalogue houses. The best life insurasice policy is keeping on the sidewalk. Thos. W. Findlay FURNITURE DEALER & FUNERAL DIRECTOR FLESHERTON The Latest News from the Ha\y Store, Ceyloa The Sale of last week was quite a success, but some of the goods tr.? still lett, so wc have decided td continue the prices quoted on the Dill, while the goods last. Rennie's field and garden seeds for sale again this year. The same high quality, and the price i.s right. Wallpai.vr is cheaper than ever this yearâ€" the selection is well varied, and the best we have yet shown. See our samples before buying. You have the advantag.? of returning unused rolls, Thte saves you money. HIGHEST PRICED PAID FOR CREA.M AND EGGS. A. E. HAW General Store - CEYLON HOUSE OF Q.UALITV GROCERIES AND FEED GROCERIES â€" We carry a full line of fresh grocer- ies always on haoid. FRUIT â€" Dried fruits of aJl I^inds, also oranges, lem- ons, aoid grape fruit. FLOUR AND FEED â€" Puryit, Five Roses and Royal Household. Bran, Shorts, Screening of all kinds, chop Beef Scrap, Oyster shell, oil cakes, auid feeding molass- es by the gallon or barrell. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, r.rocerie» and Confectionery Flesherton