WEDNKSHAY. PEBRl ARY 10, 1»2C THE FUESHEPvTON ADVANCE THE FLESKERTON ADVANCE Pubiisbed on CollinKWOod Street, Flesherton, VVeilneEday of each week. Circulation 1100. Price in Canada $1.5a.|>e»>year; in U.S^ A. $2.00 per year; l&OO per yefur when not paid in adY^nce. W. H. TJllKSTON, - Editor F. J. THIKSTON - Asat. Editor c - EDITORIAL NOTES Some conservatives voice the opin- ion that there are only two K^oups at Ottawa -Liberalu and Conserva- tives. • • • Efforts are being made to fight the raise in rates of the Bell Telephone Company. An association has been organizeJ at Toronto. It is said the raise wil mean extra revenue of $S!, 500,000 to the Bell company in one year. « • • Rt Hon. W.\L M. King, is fighting for a scat in the Dominion House in the PriiKC! Albert Sask, bye-election. IJis opponent is D. L. Burgess, inde- pendent. It was thought for some time that the premier would be un- opnosed. • • • The short course now in progress in Fleshe'ton is receiving support by the farmpi- and others in this dist- rict. It !•< by practical demonstra- tions like t!u>:ie that we barn the ii'v provemenl in our old system of far;ii operation. With retard to an ilom I'l last week's Ad.arro. rt-ipectini- the fin- ances of the villairc, cx-Rceve Mc- Tavish declares that it \'.ts not the big i)aymc:i' of over a thoiv--'iid doll- ars to the Muiikoka •'free" hc-nital, which plHCod tho fin-^ncci in an -^ra- barassing ccndition. He claims Ihnt after this p: yn-.cnt hud been mado. vh? village still had ovrr $300 on hand to begin the year ii>'2Ti. All things considered, wc believe the village is no worse than it has been hereto- fore. • • • Despite the Ijolslering effect of revenue amounting to $r)8,061 which materiali \d from the iscuanco of 4.4 beer sabs ncrmilj, â€" ?. sourec of revenue ur.knon-n in 1921â€" tlm returns •»-to the Pr.ivincial Treasury from the operation of the Ontario Temperance Act for t'l-' fiscal year of 1(>2"> show i a decrea^f of $41.07." as compared with the r." â- o;;ue of the previous year. Aceordii" i) figure-, in th':> hands of Hon. v. II. Price, Provincial Treas- urer, the •rvri-;;i-> in 1924 v;ns S1.464, 367 â€" and i.i th" vear tust closed $1, 423,30.3. wiih friend.-! here, have returned to Weyburn, Sask. (.iiaa to report that Miss Queenie Kaitting has returned from the Coll- i.'.igwo >d hospital and is convalesV I cing at the home of her sister Mrs. Ceo. Burk. All hope llhat she will .soon regain her usual good health, i BORN â€" On January 25,to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hale, a son. Mr. Walter Wilson of the town- line Arlemesia, had the misfortune to lose a good horse last week, when it got snagged while working in the bush. One of Alex Maxwell's horses broke through the ice on the hydro pond one day last week, There was about thirty feet of water, but heln was near at hand, and they got it out .and it seems none the worse for ita cold bath. A born leader in these times is a man who cati pick up a new source of revenue. Eugenia Hydro Works In a comprehensive address giv- en by Mr. McGrath, successor to Sir Adam Beck as chairman of the Ontario Hydro Electric Commission published in the Bulletin, the follow- ing sections v/ill be of local interest in the way of review : Georgian Buy System This system which is -a consolida- tion of four systems previously ex- isting â€" namely, the Severn, Eugenia, serves that portion of the province of Ontario which surrounds the south- ern end of Georgian Bay, and lies to the north of the territory served by the Niagara System. It includes the district surrounding Lake Simcoe and extends as far north as Huntsvillc in the Lake of Bays District. It is served by five generating stations, the Wasdells and the Big Chute on the Severn River, the Eugenia on the Beaver River, and the f outh Falls and Hann < Chutes developments on the Muskuka River. Of course the Big Chutf plant was purchased by the Commission. The South Falls plant Was purchased from the town of Graveniiurst and is also being en- larged, while the other three plants jWere constructed by the Commission. J In addition power is purchased from the corporation in Orillia and from Niagara System. The area served by the Georgian Bay System is about 8,900 square miles, with a population of 115,000 and the load supplied is about 20,000 horsepower. £:igenia Development The g'jcond development under- taken by the Commission, situated on the escarpment near Georgian Bay, in the Gounty of Grey, and designed to serve the municipalities In the Owen Sound-Durham District, was commenced in July 1914, and the in- itial development completed in Nov- I embc 1915. The uni^iue features ofi this plant, known as the Eugenia | development are the arrangements for maximum economic utilization of the runoff from the drainage area, and the high head, under which the reaction turbines are used. ; The development consists, essen- 1 tially of a storage dam on the Beaver' River, about one half mile above the Eugenia Falls, forming a reservoir, a canal 5,000 feet long, a forebay or settling basin, two woodstave pipes and steel penstocks and the power- house. The gross head under which the plant operates is 552 feet which is obtained from the storage dam of 50 feet and the natural fall of the river. The drainage area above the stor- age dam is 74 square miles, a great deal of which ia tamarack and cedar swamp. The runoff is remarkably constant, due partly to the above fact [and partly to the geological form- j (Continued on Page 8) SEVEN MISTAKES OF LIFE "There are seven mistakes of life that many of us make," said a fam- ous man writer; and then he gave the following list: 1. The delusion that individual ad- vancement is made by running oth- ers down. 2. The tendency to worry about things that cannot be changed or cor- rected. 3. Insisting that a thing is imposs- ible, because we ourselves cannot ac- complish it. 4. Attempting to compel other per- sons to believe and live as we do. I 5. Neglecting development and re- finement of the mind by not acquir- ing the habit 6f reading. 6. Refusing to set aside trivial pre- ferences, in order that important things may be accomplished. 7. The failure to establish the hab- it of saving money. EUGENIA St. N'alentine'i! day will ^ooii be here, when St. Valentine's niesBcii- gers go fortli fleet of foot and lighi of heart. Red Dan Cupid's own col- or flames at you everywhere. Hearts and dart;; are the emblems of the day. fhe y. unw people of the vilhige are havir.K a masque:-ad3 dance in the L. O. L. hall her: on Friday night in honor of St. Valentino's day. r Mr. and Mrj. Ale.\ Carruthers have gone to iVicTier to visit friends. We wish thc!.i a oleasant sojourn. Mr. ix.'A Vvs. Stewart Hi.slop left the first of the week to suend a few days v.ith friends in Toronto and Chatham. Windsor and Detroit. We hope thev have an enjoyable time. Dan Ciii)id wa.s a little beforehand in bestowing his Valentine gifts. He has promoted Mr. Alf. Geiioe another step higher in the benedict line that is to the "papa" class by pre -ent- ing hill and iii.s v.-ife with a fine baby \>i-y o'l Thuisday, February 4. Alf ctrte.inly looks a happy nian these (lay.s. Congratulation.s. Those who at.,3nded the in Kimberley on Thur.-iday evening of last week report a good time. Nurse M. ivioffatt is in attendance at Mr. A .Gcnoe's. The lake i oad is not a very de- pendable one thc'.'ii day.4 and ;;ev'cral horses have broken through the ace. One man's horses went almo:it. out of sight. It v»as with some sl/ugfflmg that they jfiined footing again. Ko Ije wary of the danger, and cling to the motto â€" The longest way round is the safcjt way home. Mrs. M. A. I'ogg, who has been viisting with her brother Postma.ster R. A. I'arl; and family, for theh pait month left Tuesday moi;iing for Tor- onto and Cobourg, where .she will visit for a time Ijefore luavin;; lor her home in Winnijicg. Her sister Mrs. J. U. Muyno (nif Miso L. Park) accompanied her as.\far as iVcsli- erton where she spent a week renew- ing old acquaintances. W,' [;ro pleased to report Mrs. R.i" A. Park niurh improved in health. Glad to hear .Mr.-t. 'ilios. (ienoc and Mr. .). K. .Jamicsnn continue to recover from their illness. , Miss Marjorie Park is spending a few day.* v.ith her friend Miss Mae Carruther.', at Mountain View Farm. FEVEKSHAM Mr. Norman Church, v.-ho for some time past has been teller in the Bank of loronto here, has teen moved to MiUbrook and Mr. Welsh of Brad- ford has l>ecomu teller here. Sorry to lose Norman from our village, n<i he has made many warm friends here, but we welcome Mr. Welsh. Ml. Burton Henderson spent the week end in the Queen city. Mr. P. Robin.son, of the staff of the Bank of Toronto Collingwood, re- newed old acquaintances here over the week end. Mr.%. Jas. Douglas hnji gone for an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs. Jeffrey's in Montnnna, U. S. On Friday nirlit, before she left a num- ber Of Kr neighbors and friends gathered r<t the home of her .-on Mel- ville, to b?d her far- ("/ell and pre- sented h",' with n beautiful wrist wat.-'-h o:;cl fov | -n n '. Messrs. Morris Douglas and John llawton who have spent the winter 00 IN CASH PRIZES-- 150 OPPORTUNITIES AT VACATION TREASURE, WITH A FIRST PRIZE OF $2,O0OM FOR YOU! i\ c villi a ii'irr or a dro.\nicr? Do you want suixths and happiness? I>o yeu want a real Vacation tbia JSommerâ€" -the greatest, the finest, the happiest vacation tn nil yc-ir "fe: Ihe roiUl/allon of joiir dreamn? 'llirn enter The Mall niul Kmplre's "IJ-\Vorir' Picture Puzzle Game to-day. (Mhcrs may enter to-morrow or next week. Tour job Is to enter and start rfght now, '.u\lj iiaalifictl and irady to win $2,000 as j'ivr \aratior. Treasure. Vou i.ave ir.O iThantca at $0,000 in casli â€" Iho greatest opportunity, the largeot prize liiit In history. The proaent Ptctai« Puzzle is the easiest to solve of any poU!l>!ii.J by Tile Mall and ICmiilrr. It Is slniplc, Inlerestln;;, educational â€" and wordi while. How Many Objects Beginning With the Letter *'B** Can You Find in This Picture? .1'\\v pli'ture bf'ow coiitHiiiH a mimlx>r of obJectK ituil nrtSclea beginning with i!k' I(-ttop "IV. You will find all f*jrt» of things that bculn with the letter ••B" â€" Hko "IJi.riiiy", "Hut", "Hall", "Barrel", etc. .See liow many you can find. Tills Is not a (ilcU i)U7.'!c; iiolhlne; Is hidden and yon don't have to turn the picture upnide down Of ;i!il;'.\i;y... AV« are giving yon tills liirgc plcturo no that all objem* and artlclc»i starting wltli the lett«T "B" will be easy fop you to see. There Is notldng dlfflcnlt or hard to iindorstanrt. Yon ran see â€" a "B-ag" Is there, and a "B-eneh". and a "B-lcycIo" ore also lh<Te. One Hundred and I'lfty C'a«h Prizes will be given for the 150 best lists of woi-ds snbinltted in answer to this pnzzle. The answer hRving the larsrest and nearest correct list of vkiible objects and articles in the picture that start v.ith the U-tter '•IV «i:i be awarded First Prize; second best. Second Prize, etc. YOUR ANSWER TO THE "B-VVORD" PUZZLE MUST BE MAILED NOT LATER THAN WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3rd ^^ â- i i iii ii Mi WH IMâ€" â€" â€" i The Mail andl Empire Has Given Away $20,388 to 304 Prize Winners in Re- cent Contests. Partial list efPriZsWlDiicrs in Retent Puzzio Contests The wlniwni are: â€" K. .V. Spence, Lordun, $2,000: Mrs. Jim I'ryatt, IlacerHville. »l.Stil: MIm LncT C. Flrrntlnr, Call, $1,000; Kev. Thco. Islir, IVilliamcibDrs, Vl.uuO; Mn. .'\ncii8 Campbell, I'oreiit, fl.OOu; Mre. 'ita<M. Putttinore, Athens, 81,000; Mm. Jcg Uoyle, Mnrniorn. $1,000; Ulna lU* M. Taylor, Wallace- bare, $1,000; Mrs. John 8. AHtubnry, Moiitrenl, $000; G. VL. CarmU'hael. tVelland, »S00; -Mrs. tSm- ma Moore, Cncaley, {!300; EU's Hope, Hum- Iltou, $500; MiM Mhi- nle Sensabaujrh, I.lon's Ueatl, $400; Mm. K. ^. Morpny, Wul:irrvli;», $300; Mrs. N. WlHison. Klnnton, $S0O; Clarence L. Mtrrick, AMlHton, $800; MiM Gra»-e Webb. Urnnton. $240: .Mrs. O. 8. Batchelor, Kamluops, $M0; Mm. W. Clar«n<-« Shorne, Glen AUca, $%C3: J. r. MaeMU'jin. Otiu- ,»a, »J!00; Mrs. Geo. Helntoeh, M<nicUland». $to«. Besides the above 21 prlxo winners, there were 283 mor.' winnerF, making u. toUl of S04 men, wo- men and children who have been awarded a rash prize tn The Mall and Enwlre's series of mcturo Puzzlo Games. And. Y'Oin ITY. now. here's OPi'ORTUN- i THE GREATEST GAME IN CANADIAN HJSTORY-AND THE ^SIEST PICTURE PUZZLE CONTEST EVER ARRANGED-'ISO PRIZES TO BE GIVEN AWAY Ymi may never in yonr llfelline be given anolher opportunity .s« Ii as we nrc ofTeriiiK • !>ii In our Puzzle Game to "play and Icam" while earning a t:tj; la^li prUc. Voii i-iin'l lielji eii.loylii'4; tlir> hunt for "H-Wiird.s" in lliN PIfliiie Puzzle .Ml you nc«'d ii^ an ol ;ervlnK eye. Let's all Jolh in and I:ave a jolly Koud time. No mattor what jour a;.':e. If you like tn miIvc puz-/lc;i, try your Imiid at llil > one. It r<->.';y is not a puzzle at ;ill. for all the objcet.s in the bin picture above liave teen ir.ailc ;>cr.'e: l!y t.l:ilii, Willi no iitlempt to dL-rvul-e or lilde them, t.'et a |)«ncil and psr ,r and see Imw many â- 'IJ-\Vi>rds" you can And. When you have made up your UkI "t "U-Word-s" Ke;)(] II hi uloiii; v»ltli one, two, or fiiiec yearly !4uliseripiio!i.s to Tiie Mi:ll and ICuiplrc at $5.00 |>cr year, wlileli will qualify your iin.swer for the Larsc fa-ih Prl'cs to bo HWiirdod .Ml .March lOlii ti> tliose Hending in the 150 best annvcrd. ST.'.KT YOl'R LIST OK -H-WORHS" Tt)-UAY AND WIN A Il.\.VUSO.MK CWSH PRIXi: FOR YUVU !i .M.iii-:i; v.\r.'\Ti«)N. E33ra nri 1 /*» /\ £\i (\t\ IT > • If <* Jl Ti5e$ 9,0( 00 J ^Fize Lisl Wicnini; .AuNtvrrH nr 11 rrtrl >e the <>n;< llfinilrrfl liiiU tilkj < â- « h l-rliei a re o rill ii; to tile (a L>li> briuw: 4- u a U hL P-Iti l.';0 Ornn.l 1 r icrt is* iP •.an ill l-it Vrltr. $so.on $ $1,000.00 gv.OOO.OI «.5.00 .lOO.OO i,4';a.oo :iril I'rlir. . XO.o:) SSO.OO .'.UO.OO 1.000.00 18.00 IBO.OO »nfl.ou (MO.OA nil I'rlie 10.00 lOJ.OO '<UO.VU 100.00 (!:;i rrlie. . 11.00 SO.OO 10-3.00 SOl.OO I'll l*rirr, . . u.oo oa.o'i itD.eo till Prire .. »lh I'r.ze . . 18.00 $.00 .iro.oo 1.1.00 40.00 21.00 $0.00 M.OO mil I'rlie . . «.0O 10.00 M.OO 4:1.00 lilh li> $r,lh f IMre tnrl. S.M> $.00 10.00 Si.OO lflt!i to roth I'rliie liu-l. 4.$« 1.S0 iB.eo so.oe :In| Io lOOIh Friie Inrl. I.O* «.•• I2.0* t4.»0 I'let te ICMh l>rlte Inrl. 1.0* S.M lt.M IB.OO In (lie e« ent at a Tie for â- RT pn«e offered, the j fall amoant of earb priie will be paid to each tied imilli'lpaat. r 1 'riz@s^-150 HOW PRIZES WILL BE /IWARDED The 'li-Woi-il" I'lcturo PuzeIc Game is ;i i.inipulgrn to Increase the popiil.irlty ef Tho Mall iiiid Km))lrc. It costs r. thlnB t« take part, and you (ii) ni)l have to send in ;i HuViacrlptInn to wl-i a prize. If y^ur list of •li-Word?!" iH ntviirded first iirlzc by tho JudBo; you will win $3 00, liut If yciu woulil lik>? to wi;i more than $30.00 we ; ro nuikiiM the lollowlnLr special «frer v.-h»i-cby yo\i i-un win Krcatoi- cash -rlzes by .sending In DNE or TWO or TlIltKW yearly subscriptions to Th .Mail nn,l Empire. HcFe^s Mow llie IJg Prizes Wall Be Aw^^i'ded: S^OO tM\ 'nn'ead of 8.10.0,) wl'.i !h- umi ej to the answer winning ft)»J\J\t.\f\J ^^^^ ,„^„, „ o^.,. j,„u.|y s, • ..riptlon to The .MhII and Kinptrc at *S.00 per year by mull, lia, l4'on > it in. Setxind Prlxe, $:I00.00; Thlrti Prize. SZfiO.OO. etc. (Si>e seoind eolun 11 of JUrurtM In IVlte Ust. ) «ei Onn (UJ 'n.stead of $S0.00 will be to the .-in-suer winninc «iPl.,\r\r\/.Tr\7 „^, ^^^^ ,, ,^yâ- ^•, ^^,^. ^.. , 5„pv,«n yo«rly subcK-ripihins to The Mall and Knipire are Mint in; Soeond Prlie, MOO.OO; TIdrd Prize, UOO.tM). etc. (Hec ihim column of flBorefi i.i Prlie List.) <iO niW) 00 'n*"**! "' >»».00 will bo awarded to the answer wlnnlnK •"*»*'""•"" flrHt rrhe, proUdctl TITllCK (new or renevial) yearly subsinrlptlonx to Iho .Mall .ind Kmpirc n ThInI Prize, (1,000. (See fonrlli co^umi. â- sent In; f â- cvrex Socoiul Priio. $1,400; In Prixe IJat.) Subscription Rates PAYABLE IN ADVi^^CE TKc Meil and Empire anywhare ii] Canada by mail $5.00 per year. Delivcved by carreer boy iUon, $6.C0 pet year. in Haro> .-\nd that'M nut all! We will (ive r- -% announts on nil prte«a In the ranie manner. If your answer ia qualltlrvl by THHKc; yearly subscriptiona "â- •ue $$00, ftc down the priae list. I'ipate in lit> prises totallin;; over ..-â- {liK suba.Tlptk,ns wins J15.C0. and you win fourih prize, you will Vou are iflvm an opportunity to i S9.000. where the 16011. prite with . Tour own Fubacrlrtirn will co-^^ <-r aub-crli-t ons to start itt some future ilatc. .Tu« wl..-> t-n liio ord..- -.".-.en v >ii want the pai or started nml it will start rri>nirtly on .ha: date. NO svBzr.niFTioys wiu. nr. accepted for a i rEllOD Tiny iHRES YEARS l\ AI)y.4\CE LO?>ci:.t EASY RULES I. Any mail, woman or ciiiUl who Uvea in Cunatln and is not a remdpnt of Toronto ami who i--* n-it in tli*? employ of Tlie Mall nntl Itn-plro tnay submit an Ruswcr. «. Print nrluncm In forra;:i- I»t<'turc Puzile (iames con- Uurlrd by The Mail iiml iJmi>:re. winntng: Â¥!Ou.t>0, or more iirp not ellirible to purttrlpate In IMm imizzIo. C. All anunrrn imiat I>e mullctl b.v M'cilnenluy, Marcb SrU, I»3G, nml nAdrv^m-iX to Ucztle Manarar. KtHini )i01. Thr MhU riul Em|>irr, Tan»utc. ' 4. All tl^ts i.f nunica ahould be "wrlltcn or> one BlJe of tht> paper only arc! numbcn-a con3ecutlvA;y 1. 2, 3, etc. Write your full name anil adiress \n ihe Ui'i'^r rlRht Imn.l torntT. U you dealrb to write aMTtliinu e'se. use a separate alieol. 3. <.»nly such word^ tiint aro n^unji co|imcnclni{ with "11 ' as appear In Weba'er's Dlclionary iMU bo tounteU. The nouns muet be the nnmea of <>',ijt>ctBja|en In the pic- ture. Do not iiKf obn>>!t*t«r wortl.:. Ik noSno hypbitnated wordj*. I»o r.ot use rompounj wordi -r Ifortis fornn'rl l»y the ccmbinatton of two or nu)ro fun p eta KnaMali wortia. <Moh of wtitcii in Itself u tho nam'> <'f an object. Where the v'ural is uatd. Ihc sinsutar caitnot be counted und vh-e ver»a. 0. Words of the same spellla;; cnn b^ uboJ only once, even thourrl. uae^l to dcaijnate dirfcrent obJ^Tts or articles. An objoct or arlh-le can be named on:y once. HoT.>v«T..any visible pan of an oliject may also be n.^mf'I. ^ 7 The answer having the targofit and nearest cor- lect lint of names of vtsiblo objects s'.iown In the ptc- lur» that b«vln with tho letter "D V with the least or fewest Dumber of errors will bn awarded first prize, etc. Tho prizes wi:i be decided and awarded on a (rorccnt- ace basis. Neatnttas. stylt*. or handwriting have no bear- ing upon deriding the winners. 5. Any number of p*ople may co-operate In anaa-er- Ing the pusftle, but only on« prize will be awarded to any one houaehold. nor will prises be awarded tu more than on* of any group where two or mor« have been worklBf together. ». In the eveni at » tW tor any ptisa affervd. the fmll undkst of siiah prfam wftU ka awftnlcd to each iiacl participant. 10. Subscriptions (both new and r«n«wal), payable In advance of l&.Ot per >ear by mail or M.OO dellvereU by carHer boy tn Hamtlton. will be accepted. No sub- scrlptlona for delivery ivi the City of Toronto will be ac- cepted to qualify answers for the larger caah prises. I I. All answers will receive the sa^ie conalderatlon regard'esa of whether or not a aubacrlptlon to The Mail and Kmplre !a sent In. 12. Three promtnent Toronto t^lttsena, having no con- nact >n with The Mall and Bmptr*. will ba aelected to act aa Jv^lgca to aalcct the winners, and partirtpants by sending In their answers agreo to accept the 'letjiaion of t]:e Ju(:<'es aa final and roncloalve. The .!â- .Ij;»-.i will me^t on March 5th and announcomeni of ti»e prtao w»iin*»rs and rorrecl Mat of wordu will bo publ'fthed In The Mail and Kmplre on March t»th. and prUe money will b^j mailed to tha winnera prompt'y. I Mail Ycur Answer and Qualifying Sv.bscriptions to PUZZLE MANAGER Room 207 THE MAIL AMD EMPIRE - TORONTO, CANADA