::-<iHiei^-t^ iiotJi-^^c: Fl^lffKiLiaEl^WF « Ah III 11 «!â- i ^ 'Wednesday, January 13, \92fy THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WM. J. BOWES HEAD OF GREY ' SHORTHORN BREEDERS Walker- Warling Twenty Cattle Shipped 74 Cars of Livestock FOX FARMING F(.OURISHING For Export to England The Grey County Shorthorn Breed- At the Manse, Vaughen Road, To- ers' Association held their annual ronto, on Wednesday, January 6th, ' ^ meetinjr in the Department of Ajfri- 11)26, at one o'clock when Miss Leila COUNCILLOR HERB. CORBETT culture, Markdale, on January 2nd. Warling-, youngest daughter of Mr. | "^D FINE BUNCH OF STEERS A ^'ooil attindanco was present. Vhe i-.nd Uv^. John Warling, 56 Bracton i THAT AVEiiAGED 1208 LBS. folicwiiiK officers were elected: â€" Ave., Toronto, Ont., formerly of Van- 1 William J. Bowes, Pres., .Markdale; deleur, became the bride of -Mr. Wm. Councillor Herb Corbett of Clovcr- Frank W. Taylor, Vice-Pres., Mark- E. Walker, only son of Mrs. and the brae Farm, Artemesia, delivered re- dale; J. Aubrey Foster, Sec.-Treas., late Wm. Walker of Eugenia. Rev. cently to Messrs. Stothart and Frook Markdale; Directors, William Batty, II. S. Clugston officiated. : of Pijceville tvr^nty-three cattle of George Anderson, Ed. Littlejohns, T. The bride was given awayok Ipron which twenty were steers. They S. Cooper, • Arrangement.s were The bride wore a gown of honey- were big fellows and averaged made for holding of the anjiual sale dew canton facod crepe with coat of twelve hundred and eight pounds early in June. brown vclour with hat to match, each and were billed through to St. .She wore the groom's gift of a rope John, N.B., for export purposes. FLESHERTON AND EAST GREY of pearls and was attended by her This is not the first time that Mr. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY cousin, Miss Maud Hemphill, while Corbett's cattle have been selected r,.,. . , r. â€" T - , . ^'â- - Percy Hemphill acted as grooms- for the export class end shows what The Annual Meeting of the above ,„^„. ^^^^j.,,^ ^^.„ ,,,„„,„ij,h. Tho will be held in the town hall, Flesh- The groom's gift to the bridesmaid export market to England has boen erton. on Thursday, January 21st ,,.„^ „ ^^jj i,,^^^ set with pearls and „ boon to the farmers of Canada and next at 2 o clock p.m. It is hoped to the groomsman gold Masonic cuff each year since the embargo has been that everyone interested have the |i„ks. The young couple returned lifted the number being sold this way welfare and success of the .Socety at t„ ^he home of the bride's parents, i, steadily increasing, as the quality heart w> I try to be present and come ^^ere a jolly time was spent during of the Canadian cattle becomes prepared to boost the annual fa.r the afternoon and evening. better known. The cost of trans- Those at present not members ^v^ll ' .. ., i^i .. t, , .*• »„n porting the cattle to England is $20 _ , . ,., , per head now, and efforts are being Courtesy IS very like an air cush- ^^^^ ^^ j,^^^ ^^.^ ^^.^^^ materially Shipped Last Year by 1 & 0. Association obtain cards from the Secretary upon payment of one dollar. Robt. Richardson, President. S. E. DeCudmore, Secretary. Findlay's Community Talk We wish at this time to express our appreciation of the confidence you have placed in us by the business you left with us during the last year, and more espec- ially during- the last six months, Business being away above our expectations, and we would like to say that we are glad to live and do business in Flesherton. It is where you and I have our homes. Hence you and we are interested in Flesherton. We are interested in its growth and prosperit}'. You and we share it's ups and downs. All of you have made it what it is, and we ajl hope to make it better and better as time goes on. The best towh is the town that has the best people. Let us do our best to be the best and make Flesherton the best. We can honestly ^assure you our main effort and ideal of business is to give you the best service with best goods at best prices possible. ^r motto at all times is SERVICE. ion, there may be nothing in it, but ^^^^^^^^ ^^^ „^^ ^„^^ j,^^^ ^^^ .t eases the jolt wonderfully. , ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^ has been scarce for the transporting of live stock another steamship line with four boats with a carrying cap- acity of over 1200 animals, has been j added to the route and will assist in reducing the congestion as boats were needed for the work. The ex- port business has been a great help in stabilizing the price of beef and if the best of steers are raised and ship- ped, more markets will open to re- ceive these cattle. A WRONG IDEA THOS W. FINDLAY Phone 34 r 3. Furnrture and Funeral Director. FLESHERTON Do all our readers know that it is the legal duty of anybody who finds an article of any kind to advertise the same at once ? Some people fancy that by holding a thing without say- ing anything about it for an indefinite period, such an article becomes their own property, if for some reason the lawful owner has not advertised his loss. That is a wTong idea. It is only after an article has been legally advertised, and the owner fails to turn up, that the finder has the tight of possession. GIRLS. CHARGED BEING DRUNK On the heels of a report that two ^*** y®*'" "^"^ « successful one for Hanover girls, who attended a recent i*^^ '°^ industry in Canada, according dance in the Town Hall here, so far 1*° ^^^ ''***^* """"*' '^P**'* °' """• ''^• forgot the propriety of the thing as " Motherwell,minister of Agriculture, to bunk, after the fling in a Walk- ^'"'^''^ Edward Island alone exported erton barn for the night, comes the 5.000 /oxes, most of them going to the United States, and the industry The Osprey and Artemesia Live •Stock Shipping Association closed ti BUccesHful year when their committee met at Eugenia on Thursday, January 7th, 1926, to receive the shipper's re- port and review the business of the past year. The report showed that 74 cars of live stock were shipped, made j of ^^.,,,^,,^ Constable Beamish; inâ„¢c;;: ''^'^-d for furs, which, with the dim lather sensational news that two other Hanover lassies are being call- '""'^^ considerable progress in the ed upon to aniiwer to a charge of "^''" P'^^'nce*- The keen demand being drunk in a public place Two i ^'"" """^ ^""^^ ^^^ " ^ood effect on the young blades, who are said to have^P^**^ ^''^^^' **"* ^"^"^^ obtained being been with the latter damsels .^.^ *i'Kl>«r than in the previous year. Of being sought by the Hanover 'baton i ^"**' ^^^^ ^''^'"^ ''^^ ^^*'' ^" '""*^''^** i .Scarcely a dozen women in London have been fined for breaches of motor laws in a year. Most of them play safe by doing most of ' their drivinij from the back seat 5,412 head with a money $123,756.71, ^n increase in stock of 10 per cent, and in money value of 30 per cent, over the previous year. Owing to the increased valt|^ of live stock the present insurance rate was considered too low and was therefore raised to 10 cents per head on cattle and three cents per head on all other classes of live stock. The shipping rate for the present year will be cattle 40 cents per cwt.; Sheep 60 cents • hogs, F. and W., 56 cents, which was a raise of five cents a head on sheep and all other stock the same as last year. The insurance fund was reduc- ed during the year by $33.33 and at present stands at $144.60. Another important change in the by-laws was made when, at the re- quest of Mr. Spofford, who was re- engaged as shipper, the pro-rating of the statements will be done in the head office of the U.F. Co-operative Live Stock Dept., Toronto. A change in the method of handling and purchasing of supplies was also made, Mr. Spofford taking over the work. He will always try to have on hand a supply at the store room at the Park House, Flesherton, of sugar, salt, flour and feeds of all kinds. Mr. Thos. Sled was re-eftcted Pres- ident with Mr. John Poole as Vice- President and Mr. A. Cameron secretary. Thte committee acknowl- j edges the loyalty and co-operation of all members of the Association during the past year and trust that the same spirit of harmony may prevail and mutual benefit result during the present year. ncction with the alleged intoxication of the two females, but as they are among the missing, it is believed they have skipped. Sohie heroes, if true! For unlike the flight of Ma- homet from Mecca this will hardly be remembered by historians to their credit.â€" Herald & Times. Advertise in The Adva nee inishing supply in the wilds, makes the farming of fur bearing animals a remunerative undertaking. The sil- ver fox pelt still continues to be the most popular. The interest taken elsewhere in the Canadian fox indus- try s shown by the large number of enquiries as to where good breeding stock can be obtained received by the Dominion Live Stock Branch from the United States and many countries of Europe. Special Prices In Foot Wear for January LADIES' OXFORDS AND STRAPS. latest styles $3.25 LADIES' HIGH SHOES ,., jg 49 CHILDREN'S SHOES. 5 to V/t IIZ... $125' ODD LINES CHILDREN'S SHOES ...1 .I..!.'!.!!."!! 40 CLEARING LADIES' HIGH SHOES, 2!/„ 3. 4 and iV, at.......r...99c. A. E. HAW GENERAL MERCHANT . CASH CREAM STATION Store closes every night except Wed. and Sat. during Jan. and Feb. ROCK MILLS BAPTIST CHURCH HOLDS FIRST ANNUAL MEETING Small Advertisements LOST OR STRAYED GRAIN WANTED FOR SALEâ€" Second hand steel i range with warming closet and reser-l We are now in the market for all voir. One heating stove almost new. kinds of grain. Highest Two snaps. Apply Mrs. Vandusen. SEE'S'ssfsiajaiaisifflajaisiaiaiaaiaiafaiaiaiaraMaiaiaia^ FOR SALE-Hay for sale at tjie barn on my farm, also oats at the warehouse in Flesherton. F. G. Karstedt, Flesherton. â€" ^.o ux ^rain. iiighest market prices paid. Phone 2 r 31. â€".4. C. Muir. Ceylon. BOAR FOR SERVICE ! 1^0. 92-77530. Also a young Yorlu ~__ shire pig, both bacon type for service FOR SALE °n lot 176. N.W. T. & S.R.. , Termsâ€" $1.00. FOPv S.-VLEâ€" 3 grade c<5ws, fresh. ^ _t T <!Trvc«»i -Edgar Linton, Eugenia. Phone. ! " ^"^''"J'*- ^ SIX HILL STORES We buy together in order that our cuatotners in the aix ccm- munities may materially ben- efit individually. I F. T. HILL & CO, Ltd Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Stors everyone instinct- ively associateB with high quality merchandise at the fairest possibln prices. ' Great January CLEARANCE SALE Be among the many scores of people to take ad- vantage of this great event. On account of the wonderful success of this big buying opportunity we have decided to extend this sale to Saturday, Jan. 23rd All prices in our large advertisement will hold good during; the full extent of this sale. Where any lines are sold out they will be replaced by other lines just as attractive in prices. In addition to this there are many lines on sale not enumer- ated in our large advertisement of last week. Come often. ^ You will not be disappointed. All lines of heavy goods ready-to-wear garments sel- ling at sacrifice prices. The first annual meeting of the Rock Mills Baptist church was held on Saturday last. A small, but very enthusiastic gathering heard the sev- eral reports, which came in from the various departments, and the church had a very good year. Many notice- able features have been accomplished, among these being the installation of i 7-ir>D e * t t7> -n ^ ». T. ^- t ..^L 11 J I * OK SALE â€" Fur coat, Buffalo robe a new Baptistry with a small dress-' .^ .... , . , „ ' "=»'o rooe, \u â- ^- i- o 1^^' "^"' sleighs, all practical v as ing room, the organization of a Sun-' „„. „ or, , »,, , ^ 1 I, I J o ji T) II 1 4. ' ^°°" 3^ new.â€" S. Semple, Flesherton n .,. ^ day school and Cradle Roll depart- _ ' °" ^^^ Toronto Line Provincial ment. On June 26th, 1925, thej poR SALE _ First class driving' ^'^'"'^^y- -*»"•«« '"'"s, two of IOC ..I,,,,.,.!, .,.„- „^„o„„=,i ^r.A ,.<.««»r„,o^ . . fc acres and one of 60 acres all cleared First class buildings, up to date ir every particular. Wili scU any cii» t'on of Baptists, and during the sum- i FOR SALE â€" Good driviijg-fi^se '^l *^^^- ^""^ ''"ck house on oni C- mer months a Young People's Society â- harness and robe for sale at once.â€"' '"""^- -^^ stabling for anTt'- was established which did splendid! Chas. McEachnie, Flesherton. |""^ '® perfect. One fanr has tao work while in operation. â€" . j acres hardwood bush and ano'cile FARMS FOR SALE hurch was organized and recognized^ ,,,r«e, also buggy, cart and cutter.- a.'i a regular Baptist church by the 0^^^ pj^^g,.^ Flesherton brethren of the Owen Sound Associa-, The attendance at both church and Sunday school has been very eucour- aginfe'. On one particular Sunday the ittendanee at the school went over the century mark, thereby creating a new i-eeord for the township. About $112 was taken in by the school during the year. The church was able to meet all de- FOR SALE â€" Bell organ in first mands financially and is practically j<=lass condition; price reasonable.â€" T. i free from debt. This condition is|J- Stinson, Proton Station P.O. largely due to the untiring efforts of the Rock Mills Ladies' Aid. This organization had a splendid year and FOR SALE â€" Bpzz Saw and belt ! °"9**'«<^ *»as three acres of timber for sale, 36 inch saw and a new frame, i â- °*^ ''** buildinngs for everything â€"Ed. Best, Flesherton. ! needed, including poultry house and pig pens. Mo broken land and c^-- FOR SALEâ€" (Pair of ladies' skat-|o' weeds. Any person interets** ing booU and skates, size 5V&. â€" Mrs.|^''*'"^«J investigate. D. Williams, Flesherton. i -T. J. STINSON ^"y Proton Station P.*a BUSINESS CARDS was successful not only financially, but also in the valued service that has been rendered {o the community. The efforts at the organ of Mrs. C. Hanley who plays for the church, are highly appreciated; and the same may be said of Mrs Robt. Croft, who does the same for the Sunday school. New Houses to be Built FOR SALEâ€" Hand or power cutt- Dr E r m ing box for sale, also a quantity of .„ " ^'J^' '"""â- ^' ^^-^ Cental good seed oats.-Walter Akitt, Rock lXo ' 1 C^l ^'"^n*" "* ^"""»** Mills. of OnTl r^'"'P*"*^^'''»~~ - ^ f' Ontario. Gas administered tm â- FOR SALE - 20 h.p. engine and ' S,,^^*!"""- Of&^ at r«id«»» grain thresher with belts, steel water! "*"**' ^*"*' ^^^^^rtm. tank and wagon, tank pump with [ I~ ~ ' " new hose, chains, oils and greases, 1 ^_^" ^•J'^â„¢*"^. B-A.. HJBL. ffia4. to be sold at once- as I am giving «>p threshing.- erton, Ont. -Marshall Kerton, Flesh- More building is to take place in Flesherton the coming summer when iA-o houses will be built 'on Toronto street on lots purchased from Mr. G. B. Welton. Blr. C. J. Crossley, who is residing in Toronto at present, will build a seven room bungalow and Mr. G. B. Brackenbury will also erect a 'house, but the style has not been decided upon as yet. Both the con- tracts for building have been let to Ml. Sheldon Myers of town, who received quite a number of building contracts during the past summer. Mr. W. A. Armstrong will complete his new home which is being built on lots adjacent to his residence which he now occupies, in the spring. Mr. Myers also has this contract. Every motorist knows the danger and difficulty of driving with a wet 1 windshield, so this tip may be valu- I able. A solution of two ounces of glycerine and one dram of common salt, mixed well in an ounce of water will keep the windshield clear in all kinds of weather. It should be ap- plied in a thin layer with a piece of. gause, a downward stroke being iued.l M I S C E L L ANEO U 8 NOTICEâ€" Chopping done Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. â€" Graham Bros., Eugenia. WANTED â€" Good reliable dealer or agent for the "David Grimes" Inverse Duplex Radio Receiver. For full par- ticulars write Chas. Fleming, Distri- butor, Hanover, Ont HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS FOft SALE Can be seen at the Sinclair reaid- ence. Key and particulars from â€" â€" S. E. DeCUDMORE. Flesherton FARM FOR SALE On Provincial Highway, between Dundalk and Flesherton, lots 180, 181 and 182, 1st Con. W.T. A S.R., 160 acres; cleared and well fenced; solid brick house 2 fine bams, excellent water supply at liouse and barn. Can be purchased at a fair price, small cash payment with very low interest for balance. Call or see S) E. deCurmore, phone 24 â€" A uate from the Faculty of University of Toronto. (Mle»-4tldh urdson Block, Flesherton. Phita« SIl ^ Prince Arthur Lodge. SSS, A.F. A A.M., meets in the Masonic hid], Am> strong Block, Flesherton. every FU- day on or before the full moon T W Phillips, W.M; F. J. Thurston, Sec.' C. C. MIddiebro, Barrister solicitor, etc. of Durham. Will be in Fleshexs ton every Friday from 4.80 p.m. to 8.45 p.ni. Locas A Henry. Barristers. S«1W|. »«. etc.â€" L B. Lucas, K.C. ; W, D. Henry. B.A. Offlces, Mark^lo Laote Block. Phone S. Branch oAcm «| Dundalk and Durham. Telford A Bimle. Barristsca. irit. cltors, etc., Offices â€" Grey and Block. Owen Sound; StandaH Bkxdc, Flesherton, (Satnrdaya). P. Telford Jr., J. P. p. Blrnlk Wm. Kaittlng. Liecascd for the counties of Gr«y and Farm and stock sales a Terms moderata., satMaetkiti anteed. Arrangements tat may be made at tho AdvaaM Central telepheno oiBe«, or by a d d r a wlm mo â- ( /