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Flesherton Advance, 13 Jan 1926, p. 3

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When Exposed to Air ««a lo«a« lt« mirtHHak mUI flavor. "SALADA" for that reason Is never sold in btilK. Your grocer sells this delicious blend. Try SALADA. CROSS- WORD Muzzle Neigliboi4iood. OYSTERS AND M PU6UC HEALTH Abom my i^tot of green great pUtieta | •wisg, rto^\"*^r.r :^"r"^f:^'i G*>^«™»*-*« of »»»* U^Hed SUt*. .nd anada Ovoperate rtn« i in protect ve Work. And the vast splendor of the Milky i OmwIiwI AdTcrti»n»mts Way. 1 Ob 15th November, 1925. ehangee I 1b laws acd regulations res i>e<' ting the Gathered abcat the doorways, sear taking and »hi;)ping of oysters went and tar. Into effect in the L'nited Sraoes and At eventide they talk with aods and Can-ada which will have Imfortint and • smiles; i far reachinit effe<:td in borh couarri-es. Above the «Im, my nearest aelghbor , The rntrodaction of th«tr<> changes waa ' war I aeoeaeary not only to safeguard the I Greets me acrcfi« some fifteen trilUoa ! health of citixens bat aico to save the mile*. â€" Margaret Sherwood. Slope*." :iifected in two ways, ilrtt a; to the eiport of oysters to the L'nited States and. second, as to the import of oysters froai that country. The Uuited Sutes will not allow uncertified oysters to be Imported from Canad*. aci Canada, oataraily. requires a like assurance aa to the oysters coming la from th« UnKed Siatee. This mein^ the in- SALESMEN We offer »te»dy etcBiojzn^.at and p«,y weekly to »«{; ou^r ccmyieci aul ezcla- •Ive iioea of gaaraaie^-d qiia;;'?, whole root, fresh-diig- to-order c.-e&i aa4 piura. Attractive tlidetratcl sjLnipie* «nd foil eo->p«ration. a monsy-mak-' inc opportonrity. Luke Brot>vv« Nura«rlaa UentrMl I oyster bustnese- from extinction. [Xir- 'â-  epection and certification of oyster beds TUE CHEERFUL MM Is One Who Has the Rkh, Red Blood of Good Health. in "The Upper ] ing the lost few years oatbrealu of typhoid fev^r. particularly in different parts of the United States, were cause 1 from eating oysters frcm pol- luted bed*. Citizeos la both coanrries were alarm^ed and in 1924 the con- s>umct!on of oysters fell to one-quarter of whftt It had been two ot three years before, and gave indications of ceasing altogether. Faced with thi= " _H0RI20NTAL 1-Veln8 of â-  leaf 4-8tupld fellow ' 7-.GIrr 11-S. American plant resembling potato 12-Bench 13-Argues 15-White ant 17-Every 1&-Entrance 16-Conceal 20-Type of vessel (abbr.) 22-Confllct 23-Prepared 25-Paln 26-Dlrt 27-Tattered garments 28-Prefaee 29-Measure of weight 30-Feathery plant 31-Manner of walking 32-Sunburn 33-Box cover 34-Desire 3&-Animal appendage 37-Oescendant 39-Fetch 41-To disarranga 42-Closed HORIZONTAL 43-Connect 44-Tha middle 4^-Preflx meaning three times 4ft-incite 47-Trlck 4S-Slnful 51-Crown of the head 72-Mede loud sound through nose 54-Outfit for making Ices S6-Cut S7-Unlt of work 58-Wlse S^Prosecuted at law «0-At liberty VERTICAL 1-MechanIcal repetition 2-Refrigerate S-Agreement of sale 4-Tending to hinder 6-To be In debt 6-Walks on 7-To be deficient 8-Tree 9-ThU8 10-Handie of scythe 12-Deep hole mS IHTtSMATIOMAt STMOICATt. (Cent.) VERTICAC (C«nt) 14-Net difHcult 16-Earth and clay 19-lmportanee 20-Natlve of Scotland ; 21-Ramainder 22-Court 24-Organ 25-Very dry 26-Mlss one's footing i 2*-Bucket i Sa-Polnted tooth 31-Shone 32-Armored motor car i 34-Additlon to a â-  buiidino 36-Beast of burden S7-Protectloi 38-Pronoun 40-Sevorlty of climate (pi.) 41-Hoardere • 42-Agltate 44-Silent 47-Efface 49-Oath SO-Border 61-PoInted wooden pin j 52-Pronoun 53-Before S5-Each (abbr.) The fact that one woman i« bright- eyed, rosy-cheeked, strong aiwl cheer- ful, while another la pale, we-ak and depressed, is due more often than otherwise to the condition of the blood. The way to remedy this depreeeod stsite Is to buiild np the blood, and for this purpcae there is no other tonic can equad Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. A ca£« in point is that of Mrs In Canada, and farther neceasitateis the Inspection of ahlgments from :he United State* with the accomrpanying examication and checking of certid- cat.^ by the DeptiTtnieata of Health and Marine and Fisheries with the co- operation of the L«»partment of Cu»- tonw. Officers of the Depanmeat of Health have been for some monriiij ecgage«l in situation the diCfereat govercmeints .supervising the examination of the coiicemed took drastic action. In the oyster bed* in the Maritime Provinces, States the oyster beds have , In attending the diiferent m-eeting» in United been examined by ftjderal and state anthoritiei acting independently, and I the latter have also instituted an ex- amination In regard to sanitation of all establishments where oysters are opened or "shucked." The state medi- WANTED CIGAR STORE INDIAN Forfnerly used In front of Tobacconist Store. Must be in good conditieiv State price and where can be seen. R WATKINS 73 W. Adelaide St Toronto the United States at which the varicus 1 points were settled, and In fnmLshing ' the required information and assist- 1 ance to the Department of Oistoms ' and the Department of Marine and '. Fisheries. Melvln 1 '^ service issues to the fisherman a [ On a<vcunt of the cold, clear waters ; Abra, Graveley Street, Vancouver, l *^*''^i'J<^'& ^^t the bed on which he j around her ea:!tera coast, C-anada pro- i B.C.. 'who sav«;â€" "About two years ago '"l '-'â- "^â- '^sed to fish is not po '.luted and | duces s««ie of the fiaest oysters in the ; I was a very sick woman I seemed to!^*^° ^ certificate to the shucker that; world. Unfortuaiiieiy. for the aame' be wasting away and getting thinner i ''.'f P'"^^'*"« are sanitary. These eer- ' reason, since oysters do not propagate, all the time I grew so weak that the i *'**^*^*^ ^* forwarded to the federal ' cr grow when tt^ tcmperatore of the ' doctor sent me to the hospital but the " department of Health at Washington . wuter id lower than 60 degrees F., treatment there did not help 'me and; ^^ ^^ ^^'^^' *'"® checked and fii«d for j Canadiaii oyster be^s are not nearly; I returned home Then I tried a num- i , "°'^^- ^'^^* ^^^ Xovember every jeo prolific as beds la warmer waters.; ber of tonics with no better results, i ^^^'^'^^^'^ o- oyscers has had to be ac- [ It is gratifying fcr Canadians to know : At this stage my mother came to me, 1 *-'p'=Pajiied by tags properly filled tn | that, with one or two exceptions, the ] and as she Is a firm believer in Dr.i*^'*^''^ 9"^ "^"^ ^'^ "^ease camber Williams- Pink PUls. eiie started me ^.,^^ fisherman and alco the shucker. Without theee tags the shipments are on this medlctne. I can only eay tiat they did wtwiders for me. I began to get new heaKh and strength after I bad taken a few boxes, and day by day this improvement continued until Ij was again well and able to do all my | housework, and I have not had a sick | day since. I cannot recommeod your • pills too highly and urge those wdio | are looking for health tjid happiness \ to give them a trial." You can get the pl'jls from your druggist, or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams* Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont. Pompeii Gets Big Bronze Cross. A great bronze cross, sixty-five feet long and weighing many tons, was completed recently in Rotne. Italy, for act admitted Inco any state for con- sumption, and the state medi-cai auth- orities are in constant communication with Wafihtngton to enstire that the licenses are getmine and have not been revoked. As a further check the United States fede.-al government does cot issue a vise to a fiishernian if Its own independent report shows the eyster bed on whi-ch he is fishing to be E-oUuted. but settles this point with the state authorities. In this protective work C-anada. through the Department of Health, is actively co-pperaijj^. This country le j oyster bees of the Maritime Provinces | are free from poUuition. and that there- ' i fore the Department of Health h-is ' I had no difficulty in regard to the issue i I of certificates. i j Although the regulation of the oys-' i ter businefis was forced upon the ; 1 United States azMd Canada because of' I the meciace to health of polluted beds, ' ! lit will work out to the benefit of the ' industry in both countries. The health of citizens win be protected • and the knowledge that contaminated! oysters are not allowed on the market i wiil nwtore contidsnoe and will un-l doubtediy result in the return of the ' business to its old-time vigor and pros- ' perity. | Answer to last week'i puxzl*: CIO n'-f^C 'Ol3UD<\je^\»jC\ K:Ol n|u cMoiluT{EMriJHr!c r| iji 1 IT BCiOJMlG PiUIElNiTB â- ogHrBlTiRMRl a^n[dbe::r!e:Hfii is R_l zF N Nil isHu|Sf!l;u'R. £ ^^ ' ^AllsiriprnASin'o NlATluiR'EHciaT.OiPlP e" aM TIO l^ig^tf^^ i R; A IG ^â- Cj Rj U: O'lclHS ^t '^^'^rn^U'-'i'''*'^!n^^^ 1 i€ i_ ^;r;plC o NB^r iN;G' !_'*> s\o\ Minard's Liniment relieves headache. Royal wills are never made public In Britain. They are kept in a spe- tho r dal room ot Somerset House, and not I "Once Bitten " A proud mother took her Uttle eon. a««d six. to the photcigT-apher's, much to the iittie chap's disgoet. Scarcely had they arrived in .__ the eattcttiary of the Holy Virgin of i E>hotografters sta^ than the little â-  ^^''en the officials see them. Pompeii. It was constructed Ln sec- j boy commenced to cry in loud and ' tions that were riveted together. I vibrant tones. Because he "bobbed" the hair of a Italians in ail parts of the wc-ld con- 1 His mother tried to c<>nifort the { young yirl without hsr parents' con- tribued to a (ui>d that paid for thia > chii<i- The photographer, too. perform- j sent, a hairdresser of Dijon. France, cross, which is said to be he largest ; ed varjo»js antics which he con^^idered \ ^s been sued for damages by her that ever has been made in this man- j wouM brighten up the cbikis uohappy i father. Endiuring. Two things alone wfil in mea'a men> ory lie. Those are soft words and every aot that's pure. These aye will last while earth and sand^s endure. Dust, wind and water, sunshine In the sky. Good name and ptire words never can destroy. â€" From the Persian of Piradus*, translated by Aleiaisder Rogecs. _!> County Meath. Ireland, is perhaps the only part of the British Isles where the men outnumber the women. M IRRIT.MED BV ^^^ Sl^.WINaDUST 6.CINDE11S BBrSH.HI.'OE? & SOLD ST OSViiulSTJ i- iFZlCVJIS ner. GUARD THE BABY AGAINST COLDS:i Lesson. The i:athway leadf me farâ€" so fur Along a stem and rocky way; little suUi a Uttle rain. Makes up the substance day by day. To His Booke. Make haste away, and let one be jA friendly Patron uuto thee: 1 Les^t rapt from hence. 1 see th^e !ye i Torn for the use of Pasterie: I Or see thy injur'd Leaves serve well, j To maks? loose Gownes fcr .Mackarell: .Ah, bttt the splendors life may know â€" Friendship's bright happiness and love. Good faith, fair hope, illuiuining all. Like guiding stars far up above. To guard the baby against colds Dothiug can equal Baby's Own Tablets. The Tablets are a mild laxative that will keep the Httle one's stomach and bowete working regularly. It is a re- cognized fact that where the stomach and bowels are in good order that colds will not exist that the health of : -^'**1 '''*• within the plan worked ourt, tile Uule one will be good and that he ! "^^ tp&t the body, soul and mind. •will thrive and be happy. The new i I Pr*.^ n»t to forget to learn ealee lax will not increase the price of I T^* simple art of being kind. I Or i=ee the Grocers in a trice. Mak? hoods of thee to j-erve OBt Spice. â€" Herrick. countenance: but all their efforts were in vain. "But. Bobby." saij tiis mother, in ex- asperation, "there is no need tor all this fuss. The man is not goii% to hurt you." "Just smile and k&ep sail for a min- ute and it'll be all over. " said the photographer, beatiiing ca the unhap- py child. "Yes. I know.'- came th» robbing re- ply. "That's wh-dt they tckl me at the d^ntfets." Vei'..' of white muslin are suggested! for the use of saTer^;rs from co'.ds, to! avoid spreading infection. TAYLOR' P"forbes Tree jX. boa constrictor in a coUectiot; of! Sandringham, the Norfolk residence animals in Hamburg, Germany, chok-;of the late Queen -Ale.xandra, was ed himse-f to death in the effort to j bought by King Edward for $1,000,000 swallow his own tail. .\ good many i in the first place: but the estate has people who are trying desperately to [been greatly enlarged since. make both ends meet will know how tO; H ! fflir use ^i: â- ; StMONDS ^Machine KNivesi' They stay sharp longer. \ •aiOKOs ca.>ai:a saw co. UMiTza i sympathize snake. with the unfortunate Baby's Own Tablets, as the cotnpany : pays the tax. You can sUU obtain the j Tablets through any me^icfaie de«ler ! at 25 cents a box, or by mail, post > paid, from The Dr. Williams' Medicine I Co., BrockvlUe. Out leorge Ellistou. Minard'c Liniment for Grippe. Sornames and Thdr Orqpn Milton SoM Real Estate When Not Writing Poetry | 'When Jc<hn Milton was not busy | 'Writing poetry he was eelltcg Londco j real ewtate. Prof. David H. Sterene : tobl the Modem Language Associjttion ; IMcKEEVER Variations â€" Maclvor, Maclver, Ma«> Ivir, Emer, Emerson, Iver, Ivor, Ivir, Howard. Racial Origin â€" Iris and Scottish. Source â€" A given name. Variations WALKER -Tucker, Fuller. Racial Origin â€" English. Source â€" An occupation. Loudon. Tlie>rlce of one of the Mil- ton holdlncs was il 35$, a large sum tn 1627. An tuve>stme«t of £560 brought the eider Milton a return of £40. the records ehowed. An acid ttumtv-h caiis^U by indtcvstion dten crettte* rheumatic symi-toms. Set yuur tiocnach riaht \tith Seicd't Syruu. Any drua Mure. « â-  .\ "walke*-." of coorsA, would be one This group of family name». which- woh walks. Tet this hardly exiriains r«c«nUy. He said Milton aod his â-  shows such wide variation*. Is more! the frequency with which Walker is fathM- bad handled at least four hirge 'â-  frequ«rtly found among those of i met as a family name today. It would z««{ty transactK>n«. lCvide>Bce of the ' irteh anceetry than among the Scots, i be bard to Imagine that a sufacieBt real ©state traneaMion* wue found by ! though there are eepts of no lees than j number of persons had obtained fame Prof. Stevens among Qovernmeat | three Scottish chins which bear the [ »â-  walkers In a period when very tew names Maclvor and Maclver. Theee j "'d^- to account for the aumber of clans are Robertson. Campbell and ' Walker famtllee' to be found in this [ Mackenzie. _ I country. j The name is more properly epelled , "Maclomhair" in the Gaelic, but it j ehould be remembered that in that I toogue the a.«pirated "m" i» pro- nounced approximately like a "v." The elan name U taken from the glVfen name of "loathar" (or Ivar>. a ' compound of two Irish word."! "lom Mlnard's Liniment for frost-bites. SUMMTCEB Pruners For ever>' purpose In the orchard, cutting limbs uj~ to li inches. Handlesâ€" •*. 6. 8. 10 and 12 teet. Twr Manlwsrt Bnjar kaawi tbt ssiA? Our dc«criptiT« cirvular acnt to mnr cddrcas oa re yyi^"irir [ , TAYLOR-FORBES I COMP.\>nf. LIMITED I GUELPH. ONT. One- Word Sermon. The wonl "news" is made up of the j The answer lies in this: the "walk- ' er" of medlecal Sngland waa one who walked with a purpose. It was his oo> 1 cupatiou to tread on woolieu cloth while it was being thickened, shrunk ; or "fulled " In a soap washing. To-day ! fulling machines do this work tn our 'f dying and ftnishlsg plants, but In and "ar," meaning "much slaughter." t Thte name ts not to be confoundeil with the given name of "Ivo," once . I wide-spread through E^Iand. but now *° ! surviving only In a fsw family names. The Irish clan name "Ma<'Iomhair " traces back to a chieftain who was the great grandson of the ".VacDubh- I Shall" (MacUottgalU who was king of . J ^ 1, _ . .V I the Isle* tn 1144. and who came rr«»m «•"?! 'r*':.1 '^'". r." ;f"».*' "»* ! that Wh tock to which m<»t of the lour letters that Indicate the main I polnta of the compass - N.. S., K.. W. In a bo<'k publtehtnl more than a i cantury agt^. the aut!ti>r comments up- on tills In a way that is by no tueana j out of date at the present time. He ; •ays' ".\e news implies the intellf- .irorU. the very word iteelf poiata out iHa in«aniag N. t4ie m^rth: B. the East: W, the West, and S. the South. jThI* expresetve wqrd ateo reci>iii- neada the practice of the fnUowInc !Tfatnf«: Nobleness In our thottChta. ilBQUtiy (a our deaHngs. Wisdom In our 'coi t Ha e le. and Sobriety tn our eajoy- those da.vs the cloth was manipulated by hands and feet, or "m'iyne ea pees" as one old Norman French document has it. The "walker." then, was simply a "fuller." The "tucker" was also a "fuller. " all three of these words be- ing Tit-tually interchangeable tn tha Middle .Vges as dwi'isnatlng the occu- pation. Of couts'e their first use as Bsme» was simply a descriptive addl- Mlnartf's k.jRtonw«t far aera thraat i Highland Scottish blood tnFCe« back. | Uon to a man's given name, as in I Tile forms Emer. Emerson aad i "Perctval le Toukare, " but In the I Howard (when the last k* not from an- ; couraa of time people tho<i«ht of the other soorcel are only ancliclaed cor- man rather than the occupation when ruptlons of the Iriah clan name. [ they used ft so. aad then it wo<jld be Tbe ScotUeh Maclvom tn son>e | applied to his children, bei-oming In caaea trace back to the Irtah clan, and i a great many cases hereditary, while ta otbors have derived their name \ la others the <»escenta»ts of fuMem fraio ether Individuals who bore the | might become known by family nanea Ct'raa mam of '"kHBhar." i rM-ated ia other ways. C HILLS! .\re the forerunners of »•- the chest and back with vere colds atrd grippe. Rcb Minard's. Bithe the feet '•1 Vir'artj's iir.l "not water. Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Coids Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART Sc^ Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proven directions. Haiidv "BaT»T" boxes of 12 tablets Alee bottle* of S4 and lOOâ€" Pru^ist*. ikcpms M -b* trstit natk (i«el*e»r«« 'v Oisa^*! â- .'{ aajvr Muifrctwr* c< M!mMf9i'.r~ mttamtn at Sal>c7llr».'ld tAc*»t S*IIC7t!r AcM. * 8. A > Wbti; it is «,;i tary'm ttu Airttia MMu B«7f* «<3anatil*. to Mal*t tfer ;akUj •(â- lair latuitw*. tk* Tabip:^ •( >*jr*r CW i » * » j wtu »• ttaasad vlik tk«tr tmtni ml* awk, u* "Ba/ii- v;r>.<^ " ECZEMA 3 YEARS Scalp Inflamed. Hair Fell Out. Cuticura Heais. m • " My daughter was troubled with eoema for ihrse yean It broke oct on the back of ha- bead and b«r hair all fell oat. Tbe ecxensa scaled over and ber scalp was red and in. tlaiaed. It was irery painful and the irrjtaticn at night kept my da ug titer awake. "A friend tcM me abcnt C-olicara Soap and 0!ntmect so I purchased some and within a week th«r« was a decided tmproveinrat. I par chased more and after usin|; two boxes of Cuticura Oi mi a em . to- gether with the Cut'cura Scap, *b* was vompletely tjeaird,"" lS%ncd> Mrs. John I>jnor«t<. L c w t ss o a. Minn.. June tl. \9M. Use Ojt!ctjT« for aJl skic trcnblea. «i i » | H ^ak rtw M aui «j jrni CsmCw ISSUE No :â€" "H.

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