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Flesherton Advance, 6 Jan 1926, p. 6

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Great January Clearance Sale Ten Days of Tremendous Price Cutting Friday, January 8th, to Tuesday, January 19tK, inclusive As a climax to a year of most successful merchandising we are putting on a Ten Days' January Clearance Sale commencing Friday, January 8th, and continuing un- til Tuesday evening, January 19th. This is without exception the most sensational price cutting event in Ladies* and Men's Fall and Winter Garments, etc., that we have yet featured. Be sure and take advantage of this big selling event Ladies' Fall anil Winter C«ats Selling at Sensatitially Lew Prices Never before have we given such ridiculously low quotations on Ladies' High Class Coats. The prices asked in most insianct's does not represent the cost of the material alone, but we do not want to carry a single garment o\ ei- intt) another season, and therefore regardless of cost we are making most wonderful price reductions. For this purpose these coats have been assembled into three groups and are being sold at un- heard of prices. (JROUPl GROUP 2 GROUP 3 Coats worth $13.75 to $17.50, Coats worth $19.75 to $22.50, Coats worth $24.75 to $38.50, .selling at selling at selling at $6.95 $9.85 $15.95 These prices are indeed wondei-ful and mean a big loss for us. We are determined that the garments belonging to any season must be sold during that season. , ,â-  ^ i,.^ ^ , 25' ; Off Misses' Coats We havp Komc bcauiiful modils for ihi small and also larger girl. These you can buy iluring tliis sflling evt'Ut at 25% Oil K<-|;uliii' I'ricc^. Allover Aprons 79c. 30 Ladles' Allover Aprons at iiukIi less than cost of the mater- ial. Regular up to $1.48. .laiiuai-y Sale t'leui-uiice Price 70c. 25% Off All Ladies' Dresses What an opixirtunity of securing one or tnore of those beaatitul siyli.sli (lre.sse.s at a much lower price than regular. Many colors ind materials from which to mak« a selection. Material.^ such as ('rope. Canton. Velvet, ("repo Knit. Klannells. etc., in all popular col- ors. Selling at -•â- >% off Itctfillar Prices. One Third Off Ladies' Suits During this great January <'learan<-e Kale we will give %% 1]3% off our entire sloclc of Ladies' Suits. These are all most moderately priced and with this additional discount off, the price is brought well below the original wholesale cost. Some very attractive models in t'hls showing. Clearinjf Oddments of Ladies' and Misses' Sweaters at 98c. So Ladies' and Misse.s' Sweaters, some of which were at least thr©e limes the above price, to be cleared during this 10 day .sale at the very low prl<e of. per garment, !>8c. Clearing Odd Lines (iirls' Sweater Coats at 58c. 'I'iic price at which these will !>.; sold does not represent half of what >;ome of these garments cost. Some are soiled, but think of the price at which they are selling. i'lcaring at |mt Kariiiciit TMv . Children's Gowns 49c. Yes! We are almost giving away, not even enough to buy the material. The price should bo at leiist $1.00, but they have been moving slowly and out they must go, clearing at per gar- ment, lllc. Ladies' Open Drawers 39c. 43 pairs Ladies' Open Drawers, regularly 7!»c. to f l.Ha. Some of these are soiled and f-or quick clearance we have made the price very low, .laiiuurj CU'ai-aiic*' Hale l*ri<'c ;Wc. \wv iCMmient. Ladies' Underwear 87c. 'Phis is a clearance of odd lines of I.^dies' Vi'Sts worth in the regular way from $1.00 to $1.50. Out they go during Ibis sale at per garment 87o. Ladies' Gloves 19c. G dozen Ladies' Klee<e Uloves. regular 40c., Cleai-iuK al per pair Die. Mantle Cloths Half Price All Mantle Cloths will l)e sacrltked during this sale. SfllliiK at lialf price. Remnants of Flannels and Mantle Cloths at 25c. ."•3 remnants of Flannels and .Mantle Cloths will be ( ieared dur- ing this remarkiible evejit at per reiniiaul •J.'jc. Corded Velvets 79c. l.")fl yards Corded Velvt-t suitable for dresses or children's coals. Regul.Tr price $1.2.".. In \w cleared at |M'r .yard 7I»«' . Homespun 54 inches wide Selling at $L29 a yard Gu yards yll wool IloQiispiin, full ,'i4 inches wide, to be sold during this clearance sale. Ilegular $1.6;'. to $i.25, for 91.211 n yartl. Pure Linen Toweling 17c. a yard 200 yardu unbleached pure Linen Towelling; In good heavy weight. \AtK» of piM)rer towelling than this is l>«lng retailed these days as high as 25<'. « yard. Hperiul Cloarlnn l*rlri< p<T yartl I7c. Terry Toweling 14c. a yard 150 yards White Terry Towelling In a very fair weight will be cleared during this great sale at per yard 14c. Clearing House Dresses at 89c. 48 LadlM" House Dresse.'). Regular up to $2.50. Clearing at 89c. Dress Goods 38c. 5 pieces Dress Goods, regular 50c. to 65c., to be cleared at the above price. Buy these for school dresses tor the children. Very Special Clearance per .vartl :i8c. Dress Goods, Regular 98c. to $1.50, Clearing at 78c. a yard Several pieces Dress Goods in serge and other materials to be sold at a big clearing reduction. Regular 98c. to $1.50, for 78c, per yard. Curtain Scrim 14c. ') pieces Curtain Scrim in white and cream, good value at the regular price of 19c. per yard. Januar}- Clearance Sale I'rice 14c. per yard. Curtain Materials 19c. a yard A clearance of several pieces at various 'prices from 25c. to 39c. per yard to be cleared during this clearing sale at l»c. per yard. Selling Ginghams at 15c. a yard 10 pieces Check Ginghams in nice bright pattern, sold by most dealers at 22c, a yard, to be cleared at per yard IBc. 20% Off All Lines of Ladies' Underwear On all regular lines of Ladies' Underwear not specially priced we will give a straight discount of 20% off Regular Prices. Rag Rugs 89c. A good size, well woven Rag Rug easily worth $1.25, each to be cleared during this Important selling event at 80c. Union Rugs 79c. 50 Union Rugs, size 27x52 inches, regular price $1.25, to be cleared during this sale at 71)c. each. Union Rugs 36 Union Rugs bought much below regular prices will be placed on sale during these ten days. Regular $2.00. to bo sold at $1.10 each. Broken Lots of 36-inch Silk for $1.19 a yard Several lines of silk, many broken lota included here, $1.66 to $2.25, tn bo cleared at per yard $1.10. Regular Men's Overcoats $8.95 A clearance of odd lines of .Men's Overcoats, Some ot them were originally over three times the price that we are going to clear this lot at. We do not claim that these are taahionetl a<M^oi-ding to the latest models, but we do claim they will give the best of satisfaction along wearing lines and also that the material Is quiet and attractive In appearance. .lanuurv Cleaiiincu .Sale I'rice $8.05. Boys' Overcoats $6.95 20 Roys' Tweed and Freize Overc-oats In I'lster and Dress Styles, Regular $10.75 to $16.75. January Clearance Sale Price $0.0.5. Boys' Pullover Sweater Coats 89c. There are about 20 of these Pullover Sweaters to be cleared at this exceptionally low price, and more you will be .agreeably surprised when you see these. A good heavy Pullover Sweater, sizes 28 to 32, NrllhiK iluring this Mile at 80c. per garment. Boys' Heavy Sweater Coats $1.19 15 (vf these coats to be cleared during this sale, sizes 28 to 34. Re on hand early In the sale If you wish to secure any of theae. C'learlng at p«r garment $1.10. Men's Pullover Sweater Coats $1.28 This Is a heavy weight heather mixture Pullover Sweater Coat, usually sold at $1.7 5. The balanee of tlieite ^o un Mile at $1,98 e*ch. Men's Sweater Coats $1.98 A remarkably low price for such an assortment of heavy Sweater Coats. Regular $2.38 to $3.95. .lanimry Clearance .Sale Pric* $1.08, Oddments of Men's Winter Underwear 98c. Odd lines of .Men's Heavy Underwear. Not all the sizes are in this lot, but i)erhai>8 your size is. Regular $1.2ri to $1.50. •'anu- ary Clearance .Sale Price l»8<;, per Karnieiil. Men's Combinations in Winter Underwear $1.98 The .prices of these were $2.95 to $3.75, the sizes mostly 40, 42 and 44. Out they go at $1-08 per garment. Men's Braces, 2 pairs for 25c. The prices of these were up to .'>0c. per pair, but the elastic haa gone bad. .Many of you are wearing braces with dead elastic and perhapa broken ends. Buy two new pair with perfectly good ends, a quar'ter of a dollar will pay the bill. Men's Socks, 2 pairs for 25c. This is a clearance of a line of good weight, dark colored mill seconds that were intended to be sold at more than twice the price. Clearing at 'i pairs for 25c. Men's Work Socks 19c. a pair This is regular stock, perfect in every regard. Good value at 25c. a pair. Clearing at per pair iUc. Men's Heavy Melton Shirt 89c. 36 Men's Heavy Maroon Colored Melton Shirts, sligThtly dam- aged with water and smoke, to be cleared at each 80c. Men's Knit Ties, 38c. each, 3 for $1.00 You will be surprised when you see the high quality and beau- tiful coloring of these ties we are selling at such a low price. Many ties in the lot would be cheap at 7 5c. each. We bought a cleariag lot direct from the manufacturers. Cleai-ing at 38c. each; 8 (or $1.00. Men's Wool Mufflers 59c. each These were left from our Ohristmas selling. The regular j»ricea were 69c. to $1.25. Cleariug during this ten days •elling eveiit a» ."VOc. each. .1 4 yard Wide Linoleum $3.48 2 ipleces 4 yard wide Linoleum to be sold during *hU «ale at th« above attractive price. Secure your share of this, it will go out quickly. 4 yard wide Tiinoleum $3.48 per running yard. Odd Lines Ladies' Corsets 98c. a pair 36 pairs Ladies Corsets, being broken lines from our regular stock. The regular prices of these were $1.25 to $2.25, but wa wish to clear out all broken lines, hence this sale item. Regular $1.25 to $2.25. . .Januar)' Clearance Sale Price 08c. a pair. 20% Off All Regular Lines of Children's Underwear Durittg this sale we will give 20% off all regular lines of Child- ren's Underwear, Men's Heavy Pelt Boots, Leather Foxed, $1.78 15 pairs Men's Felt Boots, strongly foxed and re-inforced with leiither, are included in this ten days selUng event. Regular $2,76. Selling at .$1.78 per pair. 20' ; Off Men's Fine and Heavy Boots During This Selling Event During this selling event we will give 20% oft all lines of our splendid, well assorted, moderately priced stock ot Men's and Boy'« Boots and Shoes. Substantial Reductions Will be Given Off Men's and Boys' Overcoats and Ready-to-wear Suits It looking for an overcoat or suit of highest grade, eleganfly tailored, newest materials, absolutely dependable in every particular, be sure you visit this department. We will surprise you by the substantial rediictlonM wo are offering during this great annual event. Millinery Half Price During this great sale we will sell you any of our low priced, high-grade Trimmed Millinery at just half price. This ot course I)\it tt-heii we make up our mind to clear any All trimmed Millinery duriiiK this grewt means a big loss to us line we forget the e<jst Kale at Half I'rice . Ten Per Cent Off Congoleum, Linoleum and Oil Cloth Rugs Our reigular prices on Congoleum, Linoleum and Oil Cloth Rugs Is as low or lower than the lowest, but not withstanding this, for these 10 days, January 8th to 19th, we will give a special 10%, dU- count. We have enumerated in this advertisement only a portion of the many lines and articles that will be placed on .sjilo and as we j?o through our stock from time to tit during the propress of this sale many lines as well as those mentioned will be placed on sale at money saving prices, so you need have no fear of being in any w disappointed, for that would be impossible with the many genuine bargains to which our customers will be treated during this Ten Dav Selling Event, January 8 to January 19th. NOTICE REGARDING BOOK ACCOUNTS me ay 8th We wish to thank our many customers who have so promptly paid their bills, and respectfully ask all who have not settled their 1925 store account already to kindly do so iH'fore the 19lh of January. For your own profit and peace of mind as well as ours we ask you not to let your old account run over into the new year. Have yo« ever thought that every account should be paid at least within the year and that it is a bit unreasonable to expect to be carried from vear to year Hopinir you will pul forth an extra effort to accomplish this very desirable and commendable result. Thanking you in anticipation and wishing oiir many customer* and friends a most prosperous year during 1926. SPECIAL NOTICE : All Sale Prices to be Strictly Cash or Produce T. HILL & CO., Limited, Marlulale * «

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