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Flesherton Advance, 6 Jan 1926, p. 5

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Supplement to The Flesherton Advance Traverston There have beeu scores of family reuuiona and rbiting of kindred dur- ing the holi.lay week. Rvgret we have only a llmiied list of those, but the following were some of them: Mr. and Mrs. Homer Tuck, Misses Bessie aud luna Beaton of Toronto at the home of John A. Beaton: Messrs . Lauohie, Philip and Walter Dunbar from Detroit at the Dunbar home; Hob Peart and Keith Edwards of De- troit at their parental homes; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lawrence of Egre- mont at the Davis homestead; Mr. and Mrs. Phil Harrision of Swiuton Park at the Nelson home; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mays and bright twin daughters. Misses Elsie and Isobel, of Guelph, at Grandma Firth's; Miss Violet Fallaise and her neice, Marlon I'ink, of Toronto, at the old Fallaise home; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Twamly and Mr. and Mrs. Will Campbell and two boys of Wellbeck at the home of Mr. Chas. McClocklin; Mr. and Mrs. T. Ivan Edwards, Toronto, at the Ed- wards home . At the close of No. 5 school last Tuesday, Miss R. L. Barbour had a splendid Christmas treat for all her pupils. Miss E. J. Allan of Chesley was pres«nt for the Christmas concert and met many of her former friends. Among those feasting out of the neighborhood were: Mr. and Mrs. H. McArthur at Mr. John McNally's, Durham; Mrs. John O. Greenwood and family at Mr. C. Mclntyre'a, Dor- noch. Quite a crowd were present at the Township Hall on Monday tor the nominations. The following were nominated: For Reeve, Messrs. W. Weir, A. MacCuaig and R. T. Ed- wards; for Councillors, Messrs. Alex, Aljoe, J. McKechnie, Mai. Black, Thos. Brodie and Chas. Weppler. All the above spoke besides Messrs. John McGrath, John O'Neil, David Robin- son and John McGirr. There were no dull moments, in fact, it was one of the liveliest meetings we've had for years. Mr. MacCuaig and your scribe withdrew at the close of the meeting, leaving Reeve Weir elected and later on the supporters of Mr. Chas. Weixpler withdrew their man, not wishing to cause an election, hence, the old council are all safe tor another year. Old Zion was filled on Christmas eve to overflowing with a happy crowd. Rev. J. E. Peters most ably filled the ohalr. The program was a bright, lively one and Miss Barbour received many warm compliments over the part taken by the school children. Among those who took part were: Juanita Noble, Elvie Has- tie, Gordon Greenwood. Gordon Nob- le, Clara Jack, Willie Peart, Geordie Blair, Ada Banks, Catherine Tim- mins and Mary McNab In recitals; Vera Robbins and Catherine Timmlns In deft c!ab swinging; lona Noble splendidly acted the pantomine, "Comin' Thro' the Rye." Mr. and Mrs. McNally and Jim Peart supplied the sweetest of music. Mrs. Noble and Miss Edith Teeter very sweetly sang an old favorite; the young peo- ple a rouaing chorus, and the four dialogues were rousers. Santa Claus had a big task at the close. Pro- ceeds 139.00. line A. & E., spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wyville. A very interesting program was given in the school on Tuesday after- uoo , December 22, by the school children under the supurvl«lon of the teacher. A number of interested par- ents and friends were present and enjoyed the program of choruses, rec- itations, dialogues, etc . Master Jack Bradey discharged the duties of chairman very creditably. At the close of the program Santa Claus in the person of Wilbert Wyville appear- ed on the scene and distributed the presents from the troo, during which a merry time was spent. All present enjoyed the treats provided, as well as a tasty lunch. A delightful hour was spent in various games. The teaihur. Miss I.<awson, and the pupils are to be congratulated on the success of the event. .Mr. aud Mrs. Wm. Hodgson and family spent Christmas, the guests of Mrs. W. P. Stephenson and fam- ily of Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Lee and family of -Markdale spent an enjoyable Christmas with Mr and Mrs. Jas. Penelton and family. Mr. John Hodgson drove a jolly sleigh load of our people to the Christmas entertainment at the Riv- erdale school recently. A delightful time is reported . Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Leitch, Irish Lake, partook of Christmas dinner with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Burnett. The two former ac- companied by Mrs. Burnett drove over to Ravenna on Saturday and spent a few days with the latter's mother, who la ill. an encore The school sang as a closing chorus "The First Nowell." Accompanists for the evening were Mrs. Blnns, .Misses lua Acheson and Olga Lawson. Santa Claus was ably impersonated by Mr. H. Porter. The Sunday School Officers wish to thank all who took part in training the children, and in the concert, making for a very successful evening's enter- tainment. Proceeds amounted to over $29. The pupils of Miss Moore's School and Miss Smith's united in putting on a splendid concert and Christmas Tree in Harkaway school on Monday, December 21. The sohool wa« beau- tifully decorated for the occasion and a good program of music, dialogues and readings was presented. Pro- ceeds amounted to over $28. Miss R. Stewart and pupils of Harkaway South claimed Tuesday evening, December 22, for their Christmas Concsrt. The school ap- peared very Christmassy and a very enjoyable evening is reported by all. Proceeds amounted to over $17. Mr and Mrs. J. Leppard and son, Arthur, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. R. Johnson. Walters Falls Cherry Groy« A Happy and Prosperous New Year to all. Miss Charlotte Boland is spending the winter season at her home near Vandeleur. We are pleased to report that the Medical Health Officer announces that the family of Mrs. A. Harvey will be out of quarantine by Monday next. School re-opens on Monday, Jan- uary 4th. Mr. and Mrs. John Penelton and eon, Thos., enjoyed Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell, Markdale. The W. I. meeting will be held in the basement of the school on Thurs- day, January 7 . Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gorley and Miss Viola of Markdale were entertained at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Gregory on Christmas Day. Our Sunday School is discontinued tor the winter months. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller and three children and Mr. and Mrs. EJarl Sem- ple and son, Alex., were Christmas vi.sitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Myers and daughter, Almeda, spent Christmas with relatives at Laurlston. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hawken of Flesherton and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor, Jack and Fred Taylor, were guests of Mrs. W. Taylor and Mr. Geo. Taylor on the holiday. Misses Violet and Ruby Wyrllle spent a few days with relatives at Wodohouse and on the Townllne, A. & E. Miss Nellie Hodgson Is spending the Yuletlde holidays with her par- ents here. Mr. and Mrs B. Cutting, Miss Millie and Mr. Robert Cutting, River- dale, and Mrs. H. Wyville, Mr. and Mrs. Ab . Wyville and family, Town- Harkaway Miss Kathleen Binns of Toronto Is a visitor at her home here. Miss Ethel Graham of Toronto is holidaying at her home here. Mr. B. Crutchley of Durham Is visiting friends here. Miss Myrtle Murray is assisting Mrs. Roy Rae at present. Miss Ina Acheson entertained some ot the members of the choir at her home very enjoyably one night last week. Mrs Chas. Taylor and children ot Strongfield, Sask., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Halbert. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hawken spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. W. Walker, Riverdale. Mr. and Mrs J. T. Lawson and family spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. W. Lyons, Markdale. Miss Louise V. Moore is holidaying at her home in Meaford; Miss Edna Lyons, of the O.S.C.I., is at her home here, and Miss Ruby and Mas- ter Arthur Murdoch are at their home here for the holidays . We congratulate Mr. and Mrs. C. Carbert on the arrival ot another son. Mr. and Mrs. T. Wells and family visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. J. Fitzsimmons, Goring. The sympatliy of the community is extended to Mrs. Wilmer Clark, (nee Miss Edna Young), upon the death of her mother, Mrs. Young, of Berkeley. Mr. J. Menary visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. J. Menary ot Temple Hill. Mrs. Menary has been very ill but we are pleased to report her making some improvement. We extend our sincerest sympathy to Mrs. Wes. Johnston, upon the death ot her father, Mr. Sheriff, of Wingham . The annual Christmas Tree of Harkaway Sunday School was held on Wednesday, December 16, at the church. There was a very large crowd present. Rev. A. Bushell made a very capable chairman. The con- cert opened with a chorus by the school. Recitations were well and acceptably given by Leona JohHson, Velma Wells, Jean Lawson, Harold Thompson, Wallace Wells, Jean Rae, Isabel Graham, Leslie Hawken, Mary Hawken, Ina Thompson, Mabel Wyce and Marjorie Murdoch. A solo was sweetly rendered by little Miss Jane Dickie. Misses Mina and Wilma Dickie sang very acceptably a pretty duet. The dialogue. "Just like a Woman," provoked much merriment and was thoroughly enjoyed. The parts were ably taken by Mrs . Will Halbert, Misses Violet Moore, Muriel Murdoch and Messrs. Bob Murdoch, Ed. Edmonds and Perry Lawson. An- other dialogue, "Vice Versa," proved to be very humorous and was well acted by Messrs. Arthur Murdoch, Eugene Thompson and Willie Stod- dart, and Misses Freda Binns, Mabel Wyce. M.^^y Hawken, Tna Thompson and Gladys Graham. Miss Juell Blnn« rendered a very pretty solo, accom- panied on the autoharp. She was heartily encored and responded with a very comical selection. Miaa M. Johnson's class ot little tots went through a pretty little drill reflect- ing credit on themselves and their teacher. At the close of their drill they sang "Jingle Bells." Miss O. Lawson's class ot Intermediate girls presented a very pleasting motion drill, at the close ot which they sang "O! Susannah." They responded to Holland Centre A sleigh containing twenty-six people journeyed to Holford on Tues- day evening and attended the concert putonbyS.S. No. 10. Much credit is due the scholars for the fine pro- gram given, also to Mr. Gordon, who was their instructor. Mr. E. Campbell, section foreman, accompanied by his wife, are visiting their sons, Bert and Art, at Sarnia. They will also visit at London, Inger- soU, Woodstock and Toronto . Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Troughton spent the week-end in Owen Sound. Miss Gladys Shute of Toronto spent the holidays at her home here. A number from here attended the funeral of Mrs. Thos. Young at Wal- ters Falls on Sunday. Mr. Cliffor.4 Cooper ot Downsview visited with friends here on Sunday last. The Misses Lilian and Laura Fee of Toronto Normal spent the holidays with their parents, Mr. and -Mrs. Thos. Fee, here. We wish the Editor. Staff and Readers of The Markdale Standard a bright and prosperous New Year. Misses Rhoda and Gladys Shute ot Proton and Toronto respectively, spent the holidays at their home here. Miss Beatrice Bushell, of Toronto Business College, spent Christmas and the holidays with her parents here. Miss M. Passmore left on Thurs- day morning to spend Christmas at her home in Brussels . Miss Alice Fee of the Owen Sound Gen*ral and Marine Hospital, spent Christmas at her home here. The annual Sunday School Christ- mas Entertainment held on Wednes- day eve., December 23rd, was well attended and was a very successful and enjoyable affair. Rev. A. Bush- ell proved his worth as a chairman. .\ splendid, varied program was pre- sented as given below. Three chor- uses by the Sunday School children were much enjoyed. A quartette entitled "Hurry up Mr. Clock" was given by.Isobella McMullen. Evelyn Hampton, Betty Jackson and Evelyn Harper, also a duet. "Jolly Old Saint Nicholas," by Evelyn Hampton and Betty Jackson. Racltations by Mack- lln Gordon, Jean Bushell, Lina Er- win. BilUe Jackson, Lilian Fee, Roy Weiler. Doris Fee, Audrey Weiler. Laura Fee and Stanley Weiler, Evelyn Hampton, Nelsou McMullen. Enid Bull and Leonard Hampton were en- joyed very much. An amu.-^ing num- ber was a "Minstrel Show" by eight girls, which won much applause. Two dialogues were well presented, the "Woman's Rights" claiming Eve- lyn Hampton, Bert Bushell and Joe Fee, and the other one was given by a number ot the older members of the Sunday School. A Christmas drill was presented by some of the boys of the School under the leadership ot Miss Passmore. Musical numbers were supplied by the orchestra. A tableaux was given by the girls of the Golden Link's Class, after which Santa Claus appeared in high spirits and with his helpers made the small folk happy with bags of candy and other pretty gifts from the tree. The proceeds amounted to almost twenty- eight dollars. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Fawcett. of Toronto returned home on Mou- Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Dillon are day, having visited over the holiday •pending a few weeks with the lat- with their father, ten's mother, Mrs. Wm. Clark. j The A.Y.P.A. will hold a social The clover huUers are busy hulling evening at the home of Mrs. Dodds sweet clover In the .New England on Friday, Jan. 1st, at 8 o'clock, neighborhood. Miss Vera Fawcett of Markdale spent a few days recoutly with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Leslie Fawcett, al- so the .Misses Nancy and Gertie Mc- Affee. The Misses Alice and Laura Bread- nor and geniU-man friend, Mr. Thompson Elliott, of Toronto spent over Christmas at the formers' par- ental home at Sligo, returning to Tor- onto on Monday last. Mrs. Melville and children ot Saskatchewan are visiting with the | former's sister, Mrs. E. H. Boyle. A very successful Christmas Pa- geant was given by the Young Peop- le's League in New England Church on Monday last. Each person took their parts well. After the program Mr. and .Mrs. Ellison aud son. Joe, were presented with a picture of New England Church and box of candy. .Mr. Ellison and Joe then thanked them very kindly for the present re- ceived. Mr. Samuel John Wiley jr., ot the North West has been visiting with his mother, Mrs. Wm. Wiley, of Wodehouse, also other relatives. Wodehouse We are sorry to rteport Miss Orlie Kirkpatrick on the sick list, but hope that she' will soon be able to be out again . A large crowd gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Steward Thompson on Monday evening last to bid them a happy farewell before their departure to their new home in Markdale. Visitors at the home »f Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thompson on Christmas Day were Mr. and Mrs. Steward Thompson and Maris. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beckerley and Donald, and Berkeley Wishing the Editor and Statt Merry Christmas . Mr. Colin McKaig Dead The community was shocked to hear of the sudden death of Mr. Mc- Kaig on Saturday morning about eleven o'clock. The deceased was ill only a tew hours previous to his death. Three years ago Mr. McICaig and family moved here from Shallow Lake. Interment took place to Greenwood Cemetery, Owen Sound, on the arrival of the noon train on Tuesday. The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to the bereaved ones. Mr Chas. Ransome jr., arrived home from Blackroad, Musk., on Sat- urday night to spend Christmas with his parents. Mr. Bert McKaig was home from Blackroad, Musk., on Monday to at- tend the funeral of his father. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. McLaughlin vis- ited on Sunday with the former's mother at Chatsworth . Glad to report little Isobel Angus some better and hope that she will soon be completely restored to her former health . A Happy New Year to all readers. .Mr. D. Strain of Oweu Sound spunt a week of holidays with his graudparants, Mr. and Mrs. Brown. Mr. M. Dickie spent Christmas at -Mr. R. H. Olmstaad's. Mr. and Mrs. G. Perry aud ohild- ren of Scarboro Junction and Mr. Harvey King of Sask. spent Christ- mas with the latter's mother at Mr. Robt. King's. We wish to express our sympathy with Mrs. Wilmer Clark in her ber- eavement of her mothisr. whose death occured on December 24th. Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Patterson spent Christmas in Toronto. The Anglican Christmas Tree and Concert was quite a success from the children's point of view. A very nice program vas given and everyone present was well pleased with the ev- ening. Leslie Laycock spent the Christ- mas week-end at his home here. The United Church put on a tea meeting and program on Christmas night. A number of visitors had an opportunity to see old friends. The supper was of the usual abundant variety and the program of the usual high order, contributed by local tal- ent. The proceeds amounted to about $54.00. The Christmas Tree held in Knox Church, St. Vincent, on Tuesday ev- ening last wad attended by a large crowd aud a good program was oro- vld»d . Miss Eva Quinton came up from the city and spent Christmas at her parental home here. Mr. J. L. Paterson sr., has had an Atwatsr Kent Radio installed, the gift of his son, Edwin, who put in same. Mr. 3. D Clark of Lloydmiuster, :>ask., is visiting friends aud relatives in thttse partd at present. Mr. R. Verry of Thornbury is spending a few days with his sister, -Mrs. W. H. Sewell. SCHOOL REPORTS " l-U-port of S .S. .\o. 5, (jlfuelg, for ibe mouth of I>eeeniiM*r. Sr. IVâ€" Tena O'Henly 81.7%, Margaret McCarthy 60 7. Jr. IVâ€" Helen Mur'phy 66.5, Ed- pvard Norris 51. Sr. Ill â€" Ernest O'Henly 80 9, Thomas McAsey 68.4, Clare McCar- thy 65. II â€" Kathleen McCarthy 752, Sy- lena Norris 64.7, Anna McAsay 62, Cecelia O'Henly 52.8, Therusa Cam- eron 46. â-  Pr. A â€" Margaret McAsey Si, Mary Darcey 66 Pr. B â€" Cecil Ryan 67.2. Annie McGarry, Teacher. (This Week's Items) Mrs. Dodds returned home after having spent Christmas with rela- tives at Durham. Mr. Jack Kirke of Blackroad, Musk., spent the holiday at the par- ental home. Masters George and Wallace Walk- tr and little sister, Muriel, are spend- ing the Christmas holidays with th«ir grandparents, Mr. and Mrs Thos . Bradley, at Chatsworth. Miss -Mamie Mitchell of Toronto spent Christmas at her home here . Hiss Reta Watts ot Toronto was the guest of her parents over the week-end. Messrs. Pete Rowe and Howard .MoCauIey of Owen Sound spent the Christmas holidays at their respec- tive homes here . Mr. Jack Ritchie of Toronto spent the holiday at the parental home. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mitchell jr., of Blaokroaii. -Musk., were the guests of the former's parents over the hol- iday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fitzsimmons and family spent Christmas at Shall- ow Lake with the latter's parents, .Mr. and .Mrs. Hillls. Mr. Delbert Stephens of Black- road, Musk., is holidaying with his parents. Mr. SIfevo Ransomo of Blackroad, Musk., arrived home on Wednesday night for a holiday with his family here. Mr. Jack Pickett of Toronto was a caller here on Saturday. Mr. Jack Ogdeii of Proton spent Christmas with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. L. Welsh of Peter- borough are spending the holiday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Price, also with the form- er's parents at Markdale . Mrs. Andy Gillespie and son, Mr. Milton, left tor Richmond Hill on Friday afternoon . Messrs Fred Balcomb of Burling- ton and Robt. Crawford of Toronto! are spending the Christmas vacation ; with friends here. I Misses Emily and Sivrah Walters of Oweu Sound were Christmas holiday visitors at the parental home. Pearl Crawford of Toronto to visiting at the Crawford home. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Sinclair of De- troit, Mich., arrived on Saturday night to visit at the Crawford home. Miss Gladys Hicks of Desoronto ^<pent a couple of days last week with the Miiises Rowe. Misses Charlotte and Bleanor Boyd Temple Hill -A. goodly crowd attended the Christmas Tree and Concert in the Church on Monday evening oi last week and enjoyed a good program . Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sparling of Hamilton speHt Christmas with Mrs. E. Sparling. Eljin Sparling, of Toronto Uni- versity, is home tor the Christmas re- cess . Ray Sparling, who has spent the season sailing oa the Great Lakes is home for the winter. Rev. Mr. Kennedy officiated at the funeral of the late Mr. Alex. McCaul- iv of Holland Township on Wed- nesday of last week, and also at tha funeral of the late Mrs. Thomas Young, also of Holland, on Sunday last . Miss Grace Breadner of Toronto spent the Christmas holiday under tha parental roof. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Jame* Breadner upon the arrival on Christmas of a young son. Mr. and Mrs. George Yeadell and family spent Christmas day with tha latter's parents in Chatsworth. Miss Eva Quinton of Toronto is spending a week with her parents, R. J and Mrs. Quinton. About twenty of the young people who assisted at the Christma.s pro- gram were entertained at the Manse on Tuesday evening. ..V good lima was enjoyed "by all present. Riverdale A Happy and Prosperous New Yaar to tha Editor, Staff and Readers of The Advance . A cold wave of exeaptional inclom ency in December was e.xperienced here over the week-Mid . Mr. and Mrs. H. Burns ot Owen Sound are holidaying with friends here . .Mr. and Mrs. C. Miller of Rocklyn spent Christmas at the latter's par ental home on Third Avenue West. Mr. and Mrs. .-V. Thompson, accom- panied by Alvin and Audrey, spent Christmas with Harkaway friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lee. also Mr. and Mrs. J. Dillon of .Markdale, were the guests of Mr. and .Mrs. Richard Clark on Christmas day. The Riverdale school teacher. Miss T. Hutchinson, is spending Christmas vacation at her parental home ia Kimberley . Sadie Leppard returned home last week after visiting friends at Lily Oak. Miss Cynthia Lougheed, the crayon artist of Cherry Grove, spent an af- ternoon in this vicinity recently. Mr. R. Cutting and Miss Millie spent Christmas with Mr. and .Mrs. G. Wyvilla of Cherry Grove. The Box Social and Christmas Tree Entertainment recently held in our Public School was a brilliant succsm both financially and entertainingly. Proceeds $32.50. Particulars later. Blantyre .\ Happy and Prosperous New Tear to the Editor, staff and readers. Our teacher. Miss Lily R. Hodg- kinson. is spending the holiday at her home in Proton. Miss Lena Sewell of Toronto spent over Christmaa at her parental home here. R<^>rt of S. S. \o. 12, Euphrasia, for the month of December. Sr IV â€" Elmer Clarke 75. S, Wal- ter Boyd 69.6. Bert Boyd 64, Elsie Wright, 61.6, Melville Patton 52.3. Jr. IV â€" Florence Quinton 41, JSi\- "^0^ Quinton 25. Sr. Ill â€" Dorthy Paterson 60. Sr. IlWilbert .McLean 87.5. Katie Murray 51.5. Sr. II B â€" Robert Murray 67. PattiTson 65.5, Henry Gordon 51. Pr. A â€" Carman .Murray. Pr. B â€" Edna Quineton. Lily R. Hodgkinson. Teacher. Report of S. S. No. 13, Artemosia, for the month of Deoomber Sr IV â€" Donald Sloan. Jr. IVâ€" Reta Genoe, Hilda Gord- on. Irene Martia, Patty Morgan*, Glenn Pedlar, Enid Gordon*. Sr. Ill â€" Kathleen Pedlar, Victor Campbell, Melrose Campbell, Gladys Fawcett*, Gladys Williams*. Kerton, Lloyd Genoe. Jr. II â€" Belva Genoe. Sr. I â€" Vernice Fawcett. Jr. I â€" Argyl Martin, Nellie Ben- son, Teddie Campbell, Bernice Camp- bell, Teddie Dixon, Anmieta Turnwr. Sr. Pr. â€" Herbie Fawcett, Chrissie Thompson. Jr. Pr. â€" Fred Partridge, Percy GraJiam*. Those marked * were absent. .A.. C. McQueen. Teacher. Report of S. S. .\o. 10, Euphrasia, for the month of December. Sr. IV â€" Hazel Wiley 7 3, Verna M. Wiley 88, Alvin Thompson 60, Russel Fawcett 54. Jr. IV â€" Fred Brown 67. Sandy Brown 67. Sr. Illâ€" Ina WUey 66. Jr. Ill â€" Ivan Morrison 85*, Versa Xesbitt 75*. Barl Morrison 73. Jr. II â€" H.T:2el Fawcett 83*, Blsie Wiley 73. Gladwin Wiley 58. First book â€" Harold Brown. Willioms*. raigin Wiley. Teddy Pawceit. * represents honors for the month. H. M. Hemmerick, Teaeher. Report of H S. \o. 1», Euphrasia, for the month of December. Sr. IV â€" G. Breadnar. Jr. IV â€" L Hodgkineon, H. Boyle*, L. Sewell*. Sr. Ill â€" C. Clark, E. Hodskinson*. Jr IIIâ€" P. Sewell*. T. Thompson*. Sr. II â€" S. Thompeon. Jr. II â€" E. Boyle, S. Thompson. Primer â€" J. Clark, E. Hodgkinson G. Thompson. *donote8 present every day. E. L. Abercrombie, Teacher. No. Raport. of Cherry Grove. S.S. 15, Kaplirasia, for U««ccBiber. Sr. IVâ€" Evaline Hill 76%, Jack Bradey 71. 'Mina Dickie 68, *Vera Smart. 'Winnie Harvey. Jr. IV â€" Ruby WyviUe 63, 'John Harvoy . Sr. Ill â€" Merton Pendleton. Jr. Ill â€" *Marg«ret Latighlln 88. Viola Wyville 65. *Hsrry Hill 39, *Dave Wyville. *Everett Wyville. Sr. 11 â€" Odessa Burnett 75, Wilma Dickie 7 3, *Enva Smart. Jr. II â€" Murdy Burnett 67. "Lloyd Harvoy 58. 'Hprb Hill. I â€" Muriel Harvey 82, Jane Dickie 77. Roy Wyville 64, Wilbert Wyville 61, *AJmeda Myers. Sr. Pr.â€" Arley Mills (a). Otto .MlUs Jr. Pr. â€" Mabel •\^yvllle 75. Sadie Harvey (a) . Number on roll 28. Average 15. Those who mieeed one or more examinations marked * . E. Olca Lawson, teaeher ammiest:-

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