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Flesherton Advance, 6 Jan 1926, p. 1

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,.*' Wf*'* '**W|^*i*9 "W*- I iO CI- H. I' Vol 45 No.30 Flesherton. Ontario January 6 1926 W. H. Thurston & Son, PfopricR>r» 'EYLON KIMBERLEY ROCK MILLS PRICEVILLE ^ONWARir NEWS PORTL\W Mr. Doncan MeMilUa. teacher in , Toronto^ returned to hw duties Sat- urday. Miss Irene Stewart vnitted with her aunt at Markdale the first of th* week. Mrs. Luther Duckett spent the first of the we«fc with Ea^enia friends. Mis. Wm. Heslop »f Eugenia is vis- iting her sister. Miss Jessie HcKenzie, this -week. Miss Mabel Thitaiadeau,f>f Slark- dale spent « few d«ys with her aont, Vrs. John Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Jdbn McLeo<d, who have been visfting the forjaer's sister, Mrs. Roy Piper, Jeft THonday for To- ronto, Niagara FaQs and other points before x»tnnuag to 9i»^me in Win- nipeg. Miss jC:giies Maepbail, M.P., left on Monday for 'her 'diities ;at Ottawa. 3Css Betty "Ferguson of Caledon is â- visiting with Tier uncle, Mr. M. Fer- Mr, aiBd ffirs. Hussell Irwin of To- TWrto visited at Mr. John McDonald's the past "weA. Br. and Mrs. Will Helia and little faoglster, aGecaldine, of Elgin, HaA., arnved fhe past -afeek to visit his psreirts. It is 18 years since Will left these parts «nd sees many dtamges. His many friends are pleased to -see 'him after his long ab- sence. Mr. -and ISrs. C Marshall spent New TeaTB -with Chatsworth friends. Miss "EWicChislett of Toronto spent New Tears -with her brother, Alfred, and •wrfe. Mr. amd THrs. Jas. Sergant and son, Bert, ^pieilt New Years with friends at St. Catharines. Mr. Sam Pedhir, wh^ has been vis- iting -mth hiff mother, left Saturday &r Setecnt. Mr. Rassel Mathewson, Markdale, visited -with his paraots here the first of the iwerifc. At-flie school -meeting last week Mr. A.'E.f?fiiiW»%a»\<iteCted as trustee in pl4ee of Mr. George^ iMiro^BSJiKr, who resigned. Mr. John McLeod, who has spent the holidEays at his honte here, Idit on Mortday to resume ins -Indies at London Uaiversiby. We are pleased to report that Mr. Harry Pedlar of Stones' Line is re- covenng from the c^mration- wkk^ 'he underwent recently in the Torojato General hospital. H« i^ now conval- escing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred LeGard, Toronto. * Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Howard and , , family of Owen Sound spent Xmas [ f"*""* »»«''*• day wtih their daughter, Mrs.. Robt Mias. Fern Stiiart gave a birthday Unity U.F.W.O. club will meet thi« party en Saturday evening aai took I Wednesday, January 6th, at the home- » number of her friends to Ple^ierton of Mra. I. Smith nto skate. Mrs. Ferguson has been sick and Mrs. Baker of Vandeleor faas been with her. Mr. Stewart Busehlen of Markdale visited friends "over the week end. A number of the young- people at- tended the dance at Heathcote on Thursday eveninir- Mrs. Plewes has returned home from Toronto. Mrs. Carrntiiers, -vAua has been vis- iting in St Mary's, lias, returned to her home^ The school meetiBg was held on Wedenesday and Mr. "Wm. Myers was pot in as troatee, in place of Mr. Flood, who itAiicd. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stafford and children of Parry Sound are visiting with Mr. a»d Mrs. Jos. Cornfield. Don't forget the poultry show on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. The ladies are serving hot dogs and colFee, as well as chickens. Miss Mary 'Hnines has returned from Tormito., Mr. Rc^ Risk and Miss Leta Sewell of New England visited on Sunday with Miss Cora Myers. Church -win be held next Sunday morning 'm place ol at night. The yonng people are holding a crokinole party in fhe hall on Friday night. Miss Bessie Stafford has secured a position as teaAer in the Huntsville schooL Mr. Stephen Shaw and Miss AKce visited thwr dster, Mrs. Saal Fawcett On Sunday. â- " â-  Miss Laura Fawcett "spent the week end at her home in Ehigenia. Mr. Cecil Fa-orcett visited his sister, Mrs. Haggi^ of (Clarksburg kist week. Mr. Ted McDonald of Flesherton spemt Sunday with ftiends in the villagei ^.;>â€" ^*M*. andâ€"Bffs. ErneslT^roetor of Eugenia visited on Sunday with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. B^n Sutcbinaon of Vandeleur spent New Tears -with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McConnell. Miss Fanny Abercrombie spent a day with Mrs. Ed. Baker of Vande- leur. Ml. and M.S. Ronald McRae and I Christmas holiday, are over andi ^ ^''^PW "«^ ^^ ^ every»dy. son, Corwin, of Bridgebnrg, Ont., are students of different denominations^ The Advance spruag a jfleMant visitin,^ Mr. McRae's jterants, Mr. f mm this burg- have i Iready resujne<l , surpriHe on ua at ehristmas time "and Mrs. John McRae, rfA other ! work at their respeciive places of ' whin it made its appearance adorned gtjjdy in ita beautiful holiday attire. Jt ia pleasing ta note this evidence of-«H- We are sorry to report Mr. Duncan Croft. A meeting 'will be held in the church Thursday afternoon at 3 p.m. All interested are requested to at- tend. ' Our school opened on Monday, after the Xmas vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Betts celebrat<ed New Years day by having all their family and a few relatives present. In all there w«i:e twenty-seven there and a ht^ppy time was spent. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Croft and family spent New Years day wtih Mr. Gordon WarBng and faaanily of Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. I. Smith visited over Ne»r Years with relatives in London. rtr. C. Newell and wife spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. E. Binnington at MarweD. Miss Gladys Topcliffe of Toronto spent the Christmas holidays with her sister, Mrs. Jas. Dargavel. Miss 'WOda Martin, Owen Soand, visited a few days at the home of Mr. Levi Betts LADY BANK Here we find ourselves toiling in another yeaE»With the -weather much milder than of last week, and enough -snow for good sleighing. *^'The Rev. Mr. New delivered a well- wor^d sermon in Providence church An Sunday last to a fair attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harbottle and family of Duncan spent New Years day with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Maxwell and attended the box social in Provid- ence clmrch, which proved to be a real success,' considering the short time in which the young people had to practice. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fawcett of East Mountain visited with Mr. and Mrs. Semple on Sunday. Mc.\rthur, North Line, ill under the doctor's care but, hope he will soon be better again. Mrs. Marshall of Toronto is, visit- ing her sister, Miss Sara McLean, at present Blrs. , Wreford McLean is visiting friends in Toronto at present. Mrs. Heimbecker of Williamsford is visiting her daughter, Mrs.* Albert Sufford. «. A large number of neighbors and friends met at the home of 5Ir. and i Park orchestra. Mrs. Archie McLean gravel road west, in honor of their son, Mr. Wre- ford McLean, who was recently mar- ried, and presented him and his wife with a miscelL-jneous shower. ^ .A. 'very pleasant evening was spent in dancing, and all wish Mr. and Mrs. McLean a long, happy and prosper- ous married life. The funeral of late Mrs. John Burnett of the South Line held last Thursday afternoon was very largely attended. "Mrs. Burnett has been a patient sufferer for nearly a year. Election is the ta'Ii cf ta*- day iM>d i parties the doings of the right. t,?rprise on the part of our local ,^ ,., 1 newspaper. A larjyc number irom the ''Onwjixd' ^ , . „ ,.._ .^ „^„ Mrs. Taylor ar. is very low at pres- ent. Her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Bates of Toronto is waiting upon hv at present. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lyons of Sask., are vi.siting with the former's section were present aad enjoyed' tiie social evening and dance at Jas. Oli- ver's last Wednesday ; vening Miisic was supplied by Mr. Rol-t. Camplell of Ceylon and McMillan Bros, of the South Line. A New Year's eve patty wa-; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pedlar visited i The deceased was born in the village with relattves in Toronto over New- Years. Mrs. Jas. Genoe and fon, Harry, spent Christmas with relatives in To- ronto. ^ Mr. Sam Pedlar and daughter, Delia, and son, Laurie, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pedlar and babe, Mr. and Mrs. Les Chard and Arthur Chard, Mr. and Mrs. Dargav^ and family and Miss G. Topcliffe spent Christmas day "Vrith Mr. *;id Mrs. W. J. Chard. Mr. Dick Carter of Manilla spent New Years wilSi Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Pedlar. Miss Maggie White of Colli ngwood spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. White. CENTRE GREY WIPED OUT (Chesley Enterprise) At the nominat;ion& for tbe vacan- cy in the Centre Grey caused by the resignation of Hon. Dougald Carmich- ael to contest the Federal seafe^of North Grey, there was considerable criticism aimed at the members from Grey in the Legislature, Taylor, Car- michael and Jamieson, in not protest- ing against the refuresentation of Gi:^ being cut down from three to two, and Simcoe being left with four members. The population of Grey is 5^,000 and Simcoe only 84,0<MK It does look as though the genial Dr. Jamieson and I his colleagues from Grey: were asleep at the switch, but instead of Grey hav- ing three it would be in the interests of economy if Simcoe were cut down to three. . We are so over-govemed The Ckdies' Aid of Providence *» *•"* c««tttry «»* >* l» fortwnate we Church will hold their January meet- ing at the home of Mrs. Mort Sayers, 10th line, Osprey, on Wednesday, January 13tk Visitors welcome and members plwse attend. - "If the baby wants to howl, let it howl " says an English physician, and thereby furnishes littl* comfort for a parent jwcing the floor at dead of night Kew that Peniiyslvania slate can- not be obtained, houaehoUers are oa tbe k)9k out for a aubstitnte foei. Japan ia telling the warring ChiaeM the spot* where they eaat fictK. One way to atep the war would be to make the restricted district large OMmsh. WIMTBKmulOPimi are fo be saved at least $14,000 by the fear of fktalities by a winter cam- paign to fill the Tacancies. FLESHERTON AND EAST GREY . AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY The Annual Meeting of the above will be held in the town hall, Flesh- erton, on Thttt^Kiay, January 21st next at 2 o'clock pjs. It is hoped that everyone interested te^e the welAue and success of the Society at heart wiQ try to be pfteent and cone prepared lb boost the anniaal fair. Those at present not 'mealann will obtain eanl> from the Secretary upon payment of one dollar. «£ B«4>t RiehardsoB, Pieaident S. E. DeCudmore, Secntary. INMEMORIAM H OWBf SOUND iadWiadt iartnettoa. WliWliMMi - , w uri aa. eMMW tMl'tlMM «lw dhtte* ttt MMfe iHMl. * r OMitloctte IVm C A. ffhwlil, tJCA. C.IK llrtt RADLEY â€" In loviav memory sA our 4mw mother. Mm. JtoM^ Ra^^, flfl catered into Stcnal Seat, Jan* Sid, IMS. â€"Mrs. StiRMB, Mfes. MtCaiar nd lb*. J. Geunn. TORONTO Llkl Best wishes for a 'happy and pros- perous new year to The Advance and it many readers. » Miss Hattie Cole of Toronto visited a few days with her sister, Mrs. C. Stewart. Mr. Wes Ball, who has been visit- ing his wife and childrei>, returned to Detroit on Satirday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Martin and child- ren of Eugenia and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Woods and children of Wodehouse spent Christmas at Thos. Lever's. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wickens and little daughter,, Marion, visited over the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Beecroft at Owen Sound. Mrs. Wm. Lever of Toronto is visit- ing her daughter, Mrs. Fred Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pritchard and family of Vandeleur spent New Y'ears day at R. Richardson's. Miss Peters of Weston visited with Mrs. R. Richardson on Saturday on her way to hor school at Kimberley. Mr. and Mrs.^l. Beatty and daugh- ter, Jacqueline, of Orange Valley visited with R. Whittaker and family. Stone's Line, on Sunday. oi PriceviHe 66 years ago, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John MJc- AtrJey, who -were r'pnong the first settlers in this villagre. About 45 I years ago she married Mr. John Burnett and to them was bom four Sons and five daughters, viz, â€" Will of the South Ijne, -A.rchie at ho^e, Jas. deceased, ^rs. D. McMillaa (Lilla) of portag«-la-Prairie, Mrs. E. Lane (Mable) of Bassano, .•Vita., Mrs. W. Barker CMartha) and Miss Jean of Toronto, and Mrs. S. Smsllie (Evslyn(' of Priceville, all of whom were home for the ftmeral. ' Besides the child- ren and Sorrowing- husband there motims her three brothers, Alex. Mc- Anley of Cleveland, Ohio, -Walter of Algoma and Duncan of B.C., also three sisters. Miss Mary of Toledo. Ohio, Mrs. Ttndle (Lillie) of B.C. ~ax\'\ 'â- "Vine -Tvate^ of Detroit and -Mrs. J. 0'Me"'*^CeylonTYftrTJatk bearers were ih3 three sons, Wm„ -Arthur and Archie, son-in-law, Ern- est Lane and .Angus and Colin Mc- Millan. Her pastor,^ Rev. S. G. Mc- Corniack, conducted the services at the house and rrave side, interment taking place in McKechnie'-'' cemetery. at"he'home7f JotaJfeid^lasTweek! --^"other little girl arrived as a and enjoyed by all present Music ; Christmas gift to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. was suppliM hy the McCanrel and McDonald. Miss Hazel Shunk of Toronto, a Mrs. A. Johnston entertaiflpd. some , f°"»^« t«ach« »«•*. fl««t ''•^'^ of the South Line young people h«t ^yf :'^th h«r Jnend,- Mrs. toy Fisher, and called upon a nomoea at. other friends. "Miss Clinton, teacher, holidayfd ax BEAVER RIVER LODGE NO. 441, L.OJBJII. The annual meeting of the above Ladies' Orange Lodge was held in the hall of L.O.L. No. 1085, Fever- sham, when Mrs. R. S. McGirr was re-elected to the office of Worthy Mistress for a second term. Sister ICjrra Thombnry, Past Worthy Mis- tress, conducted the election of offi- cers for 1926, which . resulted as follows: W.M.â€" Sister Martha McGirr. I).M.â€" Sister Mary McMuUen. CbapUin â€" Sister AHte Parsons, Itoc-Sac.-ct^Siater R«se McGirr. fla. See.-^stcr Mjrrtle McKetttie. . Trees.â€" Sisler Pearl FawciR,^ Ist Lectâ€" Slater Myra Thornl»|lSrv tbd L«ct â€" Sister Lena Moore. E>. <rf Câ€" {Sister Charlotte Conron. L 0.â€" Sister Miabie McLean. O. G.â€" Bro. A. J. Conron. 6ab.â€" Sisters Myrtfe McGee. Mar- garet Kemahan, Carrie Hutchinson, Mary Faweett. Isattelle Ottewell Thursday eTening. A pleasant "time was spe?!t in games, etc. ' .A. party was held at Peter Muir's â-  ^ ^ last Thursday evening prior to the ^he parental home m Toronto.^-, departure of Mr. and Mrs. H. J Hus- MSss 'Violet McNally of T*fanto ton to their home near Peterboro. was home for the Christmas holidays. The young couple bave been spfnoiug Mr. Gilbert Little had the misfor- the Christmas holidays at the latter"s tune to cut one of his legs severely parental home near the Six CK^rners. recently. The wound required a A number of South Line friends number of stitches to close, but is and r.eighbors spent last, Friday healing nicely. evening at the home of Bobt. Vause At our annual school meeting Mr. by way o* the light fantastic. A Ce<nL. Meldrum was rar-^ecS^d as good time -n'as enjoyed by alL -trustee for another term, and Tlenry Blakey was" the successful bidder for the caretaking. A local citizen rays he can remem ber the time that whenever he heard a woman use" the rord leg she was re- ferring X<3 a table or a piano. .A. sock on the foot is worth two on the jaw. BATES BURIAL CO. FUNERAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNE;R.\I. PARLORS 122-124 Avenue Road, TOROliTO J. W. Bates. EUGENIA We have our January tha:.- already"" Miss McQueen returned Saturday after spending her holidays in Owen Sound and school r '-opened on Mon- day. A ' _ :*' Miss Milie 'McMulIen and Miss Georgina Smith returned to the tity on Saturday to resunie their positions there. We are sorry to i :port Mr. John K. Jamieson very ill these pSst few weeks. There is a litte improvement at tinig of writing. Mrs. Brown of Midland and Miss Esther Magee of Toronto visited_a few days with their brother, ]^r. John Magree. Miss Gertrude Greenaway has re- turned to her home in Orangeville after an extended visit with her sis- ter, flrs. Harold Falconer. Mr. and Mrs. James Jamieson ar- rived from the West this Monday a.m. to visit the former's father, who is ill. Miss Jlae^ Tuckett is holidaying in Owen Sound. Wedding bells are ringing. Mrs. K. F. Pedlar is on a fortnight's •>-isit with her parents in Meaford. Mr. and Mrs. Bdr-Hillock of Max- well visited the latt«K's father, Mr. Jamieson, on Sunday. Mrs. HiUock remained for a few days. Quite a number were out to vote on Monday. There^ras a contest for Reevtf^and councillor*. Mr. Cameron polled olfer one hundred v6tes here against Mr. Hogarth's 47. Mr. and Mrs. C. Martin visited on Sunday with Flesherton friends. Mcs. Lather Duckett of Ceylon and daughter, Marjorie, visited friends here. Its Radio TimQ Before you decide on a set be'sure jRQiij^" r Deforest & Crosle^"" a well-known name on a sugerior article Many Come models to cKoosie from, in and let us give you a .demonstration. W. A. HAWKEN FLESHERTON -r r -r- -^. I -^ *' I I â- â-  I â- \ ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting of .Artemesia Jas. McKenzie, T.IDiatrkt Loyal Orange Lodge will be Of^a . j^^w»rt McMnlhni. iheM in Clayton's HaU. Flesherton. on A i w Bt sl l 'f b N g t . A. J. Conren, Jas. Ttiesday, January 12th, at 3 o'clock WcoRM mmsr a«t HiklMi the work 4t''**^*«i^ 'V p.m. nea b«k tk^ 4o W iw:t«Q»«ot- GaatdiaR â€" Bro. T^ Awsons. â€" G. W. Littlejohas, Diet Rec. Sec. HOUSE OF QlUALITY MAKE YOUR HENS I AY f^S.'S**- jWe iwve a good supply of layiiu; nmsh. Beef Scrap, Oyster Sbeil* Green Find's Champioa Tonk, ahrays on ImumL Don't forget to cone Iv and get tome Ofl Cain <Nr FeedKng MoImmc for your stock for this winter. ' ' Oiur prkes we right Store open every tiigKt until New Years. W. 4. STEWART ft SCMS n*ur. Feed, Seeds, Gteeartea and C« Flesherton X

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