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Flesherton Advance, 30 Dec 1925, p. 8

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December 30th, 1925 memm THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE \ l<^ May the coming year bring to all ^ our customers and friends health and prosperity. mm • I F. W. DUNCAN Hardware â-  a.â€" I KLESHERTON BAPTIST CHURCH CONCERT A SUdCESS The Flesherlon Baptist Sunday ""chool entertained their parents and . nds on Wednesday evening Decern l)era 23rd. A very fine programme was put on by the school. Many j splendid recitations and dialogues were rendei-ed in a pleaainR manner to a crowded audience. By special, request a large nun.bei of friends , from Rock MjlU were preBcnt and j gave valued assistance to the pro- gramme Mr. Lawrence of the Flesherton High School, proved ancc of the Christmas fairy. He was soon busy giving out the nuts and candies to the children. There were many presents, also on the beautifully decoiated Christmas tree, including one for the pastor and Mrs. Preston. I The collection amounted to $14.00 MAMSIOTH RACCOON pile of dough on you three years a*o; now you refuse to go or can't. Thru town and countryside, you were ftiy joy a*nd pride, a happy day. 1 loved the gaudy hue, the nice white tires so new, but you're down and out in ev- ery way J <!.;:- , _ To thee old rattle box, many bumns I and knocks, for thee I grieve • badly jthy top is torn; frayed are the seats Thomas McConnell, a farmer re- and worn; the whooping cough af- siding in Puslinch township', near Pus fects the horn, I do believe. Thy linch station, shot and killed one of } perfume swells the breeze, while good the largest raccoons ever bagged in ! folks choke and wheeze^ as we pass the district. The animal tipped ^ by. J paid for thee a price- 'twould pnncipal ^ ^j^^ scales at between 80 and 90 pound i buy a mansion twice; now every- and its hide measured 4 feet 8 inch- ! body's yelling "ice" â€" I wonder why •â- â- â€¢ a capable chairman. Thy good order ^g ;„ length and weighed 15 pounds, i fhy motor h^s the grippe, the and general qutelude was ^ great help j jj jg reported that this niiimmoth i spark plug has the pip, and woe' is t^o the performers ,^ One- of tht( j j,njn,„i bad more animals stored away j thine. I, too, have suffered chills, best items on th'e pjiogramme was'a j^^^ jj^ jungeon underneath a fcrush fatigue and kindred ills, endeavoring sketch, entitled, "What became of the t},a„ ^^^y farmers have stored into pay my bills, since "you were Dinner?" This amusing littL- comedy jheir ceUai-s. This animn/l would' mine. Gone is my bank roll now; no was staged by Miss Ethel Preston, ijkely have a hide twice the size of more 'twould choke a cow, as once; and Messrs. Marall Betts, Orlaff How- ! jj beaver's. It is the fine, black before. Yet if I had mon^ so help de'i, and Harold Allen. Aijother no- backed skins that make the showy Hie Johnâ€" amenâ€" I'd buy a car again, ticeablc feature was the splendid ren- coon coats. A man's coat made from and spend" some more^ dering of a duet by Mrs. C. Newell 'â-  this prime fur costs in tlie fur stores ' and Miss M. Betts: MisS Etbel Pres-; ;„ ^hg neighborhood of S400. Buyc'fs tondellKhted »he audience with a ' are â-  always ^sirous of ^getting ttfe Wouldn't the muskrat be stuck Mr. and Mrs. CJias. Irish of Tor- onto, spent Christmas at Mrs. S. Hem phiil's. Mc and Mrs. Ross Leslie, Mr. Rosq McMullen of Toronto, Mr. J. C. Mc- Mullen of Owen Sound, spent Christ- mas with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Archie McMullen. Mrs. Wilson A^cMullen ia visiting her daughter in Toronto. Mr. Jack White oPWlliams, Nor- folk County, Mr. and Mrs. ^anle'y White and babe, Miss Anna White and Mr. Kobt. Brown, all of "roronto, spent Christmas holidays at Mr. Wm. White's. Miss Muriel.Spiccr of Toronto, was a holiday visitor at Mr. Spicer's, her parents. Mr. Will Stewart, Morrisburg, Mr. Frank Stewart, Toronto, spent Christ- mas with their parents Mr. and Mrs John Stewart. Dr. and Mn. West, of Angus, were Christmas visitors with Mrs. West's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard JVhitt akcr. â-  â-  1 Mr. and Mrs. Robt.sRutledge of Balu spent Christmas with the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. Marshall. Miss Stella Marshall acompanied them home for a visit. Mr. Robt. Cook and Miss Millie spent Christmas in Toronto. Mrs. Sinclair, and daughter of Har- riston spent Christmas with her son and family here. Mr. Angus Whittaker spent Christ- mas in Toronto, and Mr. Arthur Whittaker of Toronto"^, visited at his home here. . * â-  Mr. J. C. McLauchlan of Toronto visited his father here over the holi- day. Mr. and Mrs. Hay, Misses Kathleen and Irene McDonald of Toronto, were at Mr. J. McDonald's for Chuistmas. John McMillan. is spending Christ mas holidays with his aunt in. Owen Sound. Mr. John McLeod of London, visited with his parents here. Mr. and Mrs. John McLeod of Win- nipeg are at itoy Pipers over the holiday. Mr. Stanley McMillan of Toronto spent Christmas with his parents. YOUR BATTERY b it in Pi'oper Conditioii to Stand Co|| Weather . If yo uare still driving your car, drive in and have the battery examined free of charge. .^ ^ ** If not using, the, battery bring it in, send it in, or have us call for it. Having installed an^ up-to-date recharger we are in a position to give your battfe'ry first-class winter storjigg^^, ... . KING in RADIO >*' H.D©wn 3 3-S FORD DEALERS I i â-  The Season's Greetings^ Tb Jill pur many customers ^nd f Fiends We t^ke the opportunity otfered "by this rjoyous season to greet you purely in a spirit of Good Will and to extend to.ybu our sincere ; wish foif your heal^^ '^^^It^^ and prosperity 'Irrtfe^ New Y^ar. ! May 1956 be to'you llhe finest kind of a year. A. E. HAW '. Stoxe closes. Tuesd^ and Friday evenipgs \ Small Advertisements GRAIN 1VANTED up pay as high if he knew about his chances of be- ^.^ ,„^ _, __ _. ,_ perfectly ing converted into Hudson seal? young lady niem- ' ,narkt<d!^-^AltiSton'' Horaldl ' The following startling headline Mrs. D. Williams •. â-  . ' ' -- appeared in Tuesday's Sti-atford Bea- con-Herald, "Whiskey at 50 cents a gallon in St. Marys." Eager scanners ' tis of thee, short road to of the column found the sting in solo. The concluding number "The , p,.iiiie skin.s jjnd will SUr of Bethlehem" was very beauti- j ag^ ^40 ^ f oi- â-  the b.ig>'oijes fuily rendered by '"-'" •"->•"• . •'â- .'H. ,*<.;*• -ivv-v,, bers of the School. was very largely responsible for this part of the programme. The company was agreeably My Auto, 'tis of Thee sup- j rized about ten o'clock by the appear- pov6fty'_ of-th^e -Kfehan^ I blew a the tail â€" -'iut that was 60 years ago." ROCK MItLS CONCERT SIX HILL STORES We buy together in ord^fhat ourcuetotners in the tix com- munities may materially ben- efit individually. . r X ^kr F.T.HILL&eO;,Ltd. M^rkd|i|e,. Ontario as:;: THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instinct- ively associates with high quality mercharidiae at the fairest possible prices. A T this Happy Season it js our * ^ desire to lay aside the formality of business and to greet you in the spirit of Christinas and the Ne-w Year. , We thank you for the pleasant relations ^ the past and trust that in nineteen hundred and twenty-six our prosperity* and our. pleasant as- sociations may continue. The Rock Mills Public School, and the Sunday school held a joi|j(t enter- tainment and Christmas tree in the Baptist church on Tuesday evening December aSnd The building was crowded to twice its usual capacity, there being in the neighborhood of three hundred people present. The program, which was an extensive one was ^rendered almost mitirely ^ by juni'is. Every item was commend- able. s There was a remarkable • ab- of mistakes and failures among venile entertainers. Items being cial mention were, "A Railroad Mamma Dolls, "Songs bj^ Three Girls," and the "Christmas Dia " Miss' Whittaker who LOST OR STFTAYED ! Lost â€" Five dollars on Saturday! night in Flesherton. Finder please ^ We are now in the market for "all leave at this office. 'kinds of grain. Highest market LOST-Horse birnVet~brtween. H.|P"<=«« P^^^- Phone 2 r 31. Patton's, fourth line, and Ceylon on' ' !^ **"""' Ceylon. Wednesday, December 9th. Finder |" please leave at llie Advance office. FOR SERVICE _^___ BOAR FOR SADEâ€" Second hand steel -s. â-  .^, » 1 .. J ' -JNo. 92-77530. Also a young York- range wUhwarmmg closet and reser- ^^,^^ ^-^^ ^^^. type for service One heating stove almbst new.^^ j^^ ^^g^ ^^^.^^ & S.R.. Termsâ€" 11. 00. â€" f . T. STENSON. voir. Une heating Two snaps. Apply Mrs. Vandusen. FOR SALEâ€" Hay for sale a£';^ei barn on my farm, also oat's at the â-  warehouse in "Fl^shVrtoh. â€" F. G. ; Karstedt, Fleshei-ton. -t •â- 'ij.^'i^Wi'' FARMS FOR SALE LOST â€" Black and tan hound lostL.^'V.t^e Toronto Line Provincial north west of Eugenia on Thursday, ' ^'^'^^^y- -*>«« -aâ„¢s, two of IOC December 17th, blind in one eyeT Any ^'* «"'^ <"^« ^.^ "Fes all cleared. particulars as to the wh^reaU^fit^ of ' ^'9* *=^«» ^"#ngs. up to date It.. Uhis dog- will be gratefully received ^^"^ Sls'aac Sniitfi, Rock Mills. ie evening, created an abundance of labghter by her rendition of a piece ciititl,ed "The Bumpity Bump Degree.' Th$ entertainment, which continued for Upwards oi^ two hours, was in- terrupted by the_ entrance of Santa Clau9. His first pleasant task was to pcesent to Rev. and Mrs. Prestonj on behalf of the Sunday school, an arm 'chair and a rocker! He then every particular. .Will scU any cue rcf ttese... Good brick house on onJV- ! the farms. The mals atabiing fo^ <aitr*> .» ,,. ** perfect One f vnr iaB. ten FOR SALE -^ jacrts hardweod'-bush and anofiler '. _.^.. ; nundred haa three acres of timB^ FOR-SALE-Fur coat, Boff^lo robe, and ^s buildtengs fot^ eve^SS ' light sleighs, all practically a|) needed, including poultry housed good as new. â€" S. Semple, Flesheiion. j pjg pg^g ' of set - FOR SALE Bpzz for sale, 36 in<;h sa\y and a pew frame. ''â€" iEd. Best, Flesherton. ', proceeded to distribute the gifts which I FOR SALEâ€" Good cow, rising, six j-â€" were to be seen hanging temptingly years old, ^milking, due April 17.â€" F.j , No broken land and j:!er' Saw and belt!:' ??^»- ;>»y P^'son interetse* ," . Bhould mvestigrate. ' â- ^. J.-'STINSON. l*ny Pjroton Statioi^ P.QL > 0- r 1 front the Christmas tree. Some the presents provoked',a great merifiment. We are.'«^iAfi^t the (jolumns of ^K^IsMb^ijce ' fine* fish s to tics ' l^B^' ^r. Pedwr^ who r^CjMHKmlind new fig)) ing^utfit, ^v^^NoH^^^'^he 'dollect- ion |aken during tne evening amount- ed |) §22.25. â-  -^ ? FARM FOR SALE O^ the Toronto line. Provincial highway, one farm of 100 acres 2^i acres of hardwood bush, buildings, water in barn and house. One and a half miles from Flesher- ton, "near to school. Lots 166 â€" 164. Will be sold separately if requiriid. Mui^ be sold, as I am giving up farm- ing;?â€" Robt. Best, Proton, P. O. Thurston, Flesherton. BUSINESS CAJRDS /F(^: SA£E â€" Bell organ in first Dr. E. C. Murray, LJ),S., dental cifiiw|g>Qndiiion; prictf reasonkble. â€" ^T.| surgeon, honor graduate of ToMate 't. Stmsdn, Proton Station P.O. ^ I and Royal College of Dental Surgedpn ,^ .^^ * . â€" - j- ^ .^ ' ~. i â€" ;; I of Ontario. Gas administered fa* FOR SALIVA nubber^fpvebredjteeth extraction. Office at rSdenS ' Bronze Turkeys, Whije. Legho)m ! T<,,o„to g^^^ j,,gj^^|^^^ .. , roosters, a number of purebred [ _j -*• Muscovy ducks, will sell reasonable^â€" j. . v n i» ^ Tucker Phillips,Plesherton phone n'rs' "'•/^ ^1^ r''T~' ^"^ •'**' . -! - 1 =ir=5^aate from the Faiplty of Mad|^Mk FOR SALE â€" Electric trashing Uiriyersity of Toronto. Offle»^ii^' machine "Time Saver", Beatty firos., Good"! cheap. «sed 5 months; ireason for sell- fffg it is too small for hotel. â€" G. B. Weltori, Flesherton. f Auction Sale OP VALUABLE FARM PROPER- â- nr IN THE TOWNSHIP OF OS- PftEY IN THE COUNTY OF «RKY. \ F. T. HILL & Co., Limited, Markdale TJIerc will be offered for sale by Public Auction on •Saturday January '.', l§2< the liour of ;i o'cloi-k in the at'twnoon, at the Temperance , House in tlie village of Feversham, the fol- luwjsig property; The West Half of Lot. No. 15 in Ui(- "twelfth Concession of the Town- sly ft, if Osproy in the County of (iPW^, co.itaining by measurements fifty ncre^ be. the same more or'less.' Ti{rfl|f. are good farm building; and â- â- 'htD water on thi.-, nroperty. Terms 'O'v of the puiehnhC price ' >, ^e paid down at the time of sale, f»ti)ami',<'' â- i-^'!-'"'^ â- " :.(,. Bwe of - T^ls pi.': ire!;cr\'cd biii. nis nf.plv t<i"' ards'on Block, FleslJWrton. Photfi .86w MISCELLANEOUS NOTICEâ€" Chopping done Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. â€" Graham Bros., Eugenia. , , â€" NOTICEâ€" A line of Christmas nov- elties and ladyps fancy worlt. â€" H. Alexander, Feversham. I m HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS FOR SALE ' '"• Made knowij 1 sold, .<!^ Can be seen at the Sinclair resid- ence. Key and particulars from â€" â€" S. E. DeCUDMdRE. Flesherton F.MIM FOB SALE On Provincial Higlrvsay. between Oundalk and FleshextoTij * 150 acres. Prince Arthur Lodge, S88, A.iR. 41^ A.M., meets in the Masonic hall, Xm^ strong Block. Flesherton, every iStf- day on or before the full moon. T.W. Phillips, W.M; F. J. Thurston, S*. C. C. Middlebro, Barrister solicitor, etc. of Durham. Will be in Flesher* ton every Friday from 4.80 pjn. to 8.45 p.m. \ -^i Incas 9i Henry, Barristers, SoHeit- ars, etc.,â€" L B. L^cas, K.C. ; W. D. Henry, B.A. Offices, Markdale LneAa Block, Phone 2. Branch offices at Dundalk and Durham. Telford ft Birnie, Bafaisters, soU- dtors, etc., Oflkesâ€" Grey and Bnice Block, Owen Sound; Standard Bank Block, FHshertor, (.Saturdays). W. P. Telford Jr., J. F. P. Birnie. W«. Kaittins. Licensed Auctioneer M?!f"lm I ein All cleared and well fenced.' Solid | for the counties of Grey and SimCOe. I^ick house 2 fiiie harn-, excellent Farm and .stock sales a specialty. Water .supriy :'t house and barn. ' Terms modoratc, satisfaction gxiar- Can he jiurchased "lit a fair price,,' antecd, Arranijeroents for datt><i smnll cash vK'Jj'menr with very low may be rnndo nt the Advance offics.W st "for baJanco. Call . or see 1 Central telephone office, Fevershaa^ .;. K. dermrv-ro ii'"â„¢" '-1 â€" 4 I or by adtlressing me at Fwer»hai»<

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