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Flesherton Advance, 30 Dec 1925, p. 5

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December 30th, 1925. THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE I* i ' *; 'â- ' 1 i I i "Business is Business" But Courtesy Pays OUR business friends, and yours with whom we make transactions, de- mand that precision of efficient exe- cution whicli is a part of the regular service maintained by any bank in ics daily affairs. To merit your oonfi- dence we must go further. The Standard Bank maintains a policy of personal courtesy in its dealings, re- gardless of their respective import- ance, which should be an asset in your business as well as in ours. THE STANDARD BANK OF CAJNAUA. JTLESHERTON BRANCHâ€" C. T. Batty. Manager )T. R. McKenzie Retires After 21 Years' Service FOB R^EVE Cameron, Alexander Hogarth, John A. FOR DEPUTY-REEVE Carruthers, Alexander (Acel.) FOR COUNCIL Atkinson, Carl Best, Earl (withdrawn) Corbett, Herbert Davis, John A. Mercer, Thos L. Magee, Bert (withdrew) McMillan, William J. Williamson, John W'. Town Council Elected By Acclamation FOR REEVE Meads, William J. McTavish, Daniel (withderw) FOR COUNCIL Down, Robert, (withdrew) Findlay^ Thomas W. Inkster,' William S. Stuart, Fred Richardson, C. N. nances in Osprey this year, are in ex- Icellent shape, due, as the officers of I the township declare, to the policy of abolition »f statute labor. GRAIN MOVEMENT BY RAILWAYS THE The Prince of Walea sent £1,000 as an assistance to the guarantors in making good the deficit on Wembley exhibition. Two devout Mohammedans were condemned to death at Kersunl on the Black Sea for refusing to aban* don the fez. Over 300,Um),UO0 bushels of grain) had been loaded by the Canadian Pac- ific and the Canadian National Rail-| ways in the period ending December 19, according to reports issued by both companies . The C. P.R. re- i ported on Saturday that loadings of ^to^e. c)»rs diuring the above period had been 112,463 with an approximate A pound of push is worth a ton of weight of 164,755,000 bushels. I»ull '" any line of business. By pull If the earth was suddenly thrust into the sun, it would melt as quickly as a snowflake falling on a red hot For the equivalent period the C. ""^ and then, some one gets a chance The town Nominations were held in the town hall on Monday evening last. To say the meeting was hectic - . , • u is putting it mildly, what with accus- N. R. reports 136,506,000 bushels of \° ^''^^ what's in him, but if he ations and comebacks being hurled g^in loaded in over 100,000 cars. ^ '"^ks push, he'll soon fall down and back and forth by the village guard- { out. CANADIAN P/\CIFIC C. p. R. TIME TABLE Tkaina leav* PlMberton Statio^n as foDows: Coing South Going North 8.00 a.m. 11.52 a.m. 4.10 p.m. 9.08 p.m. ,8.41 p.m. 4.33 p.m. The mails close at Plesherton as follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. mad, 6 p.m.; and the afternoon mail aouth at 3.30. For morning train â- outh at mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the previous evening. Woollen Mill Capacity Is Being Enlarged Changes are being made at the Plesherton Woollen MilLs that will increase tlie capacity of the mill very materially. In the early fall a two story addition was made to the mill Social and Personal Artemesia nominations were held in the townhall, Plesherton on Monday 1 afternoon when a good crowd was I present and an election was declared , for all offices, except that of Deputy- Reeve; Councillor Alex. Carruthers re- ceiving that office by acclamation The names above are those who were ^ nominated. The afternoon was very quiet, the most startling announce- ment being that of the retirement of Warden T. R. McKenzie, after twenty- one year's of service in the township. Alex Cameron announced that he was out for the purpose of having sta- tute labor abolished, and for no other , . ,, , reason, believing it to be the best in order to make room for the install- tj,;^^ j^^ ^^e township. All the old ation of a new yarn spinning mach- ^ councillors gave speeches reviewing ine, which will be fifteen feet higher , ^^^j^. ^^^^ ^^^.^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^, q^ than the old one_ and which is run j ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ nominated, only three automatically. Mr. John Nuhn, the lans. Messrs. W. J. Meads and Daniel McTavish were nominatedv for the reeveship, but Mr. McTavish with- drew on Wednesday morning leav- ing Mr. Meads reeve by acclamation. Messrs T. W. Findlay, C. N. Richard- son, W;ji. Inkster, Fred Stuart and R. Down. The latter withdrew, leav- ing the first four mentioned as coun- cil for 1925. WANTED loronto Star puts the truth about 12,500 on good mortgage, farm 4.4 fairly aad tersely. "It has not property, 300 acres and excellent se- been as popular as some hoped for curity. Particulars from S. E. de- and others feared." And, it might Cudmore. have added, both are peeved over it. Mrs. J. Durham. 0. Fatten is visiting Mr. S. E. McTavish of Oshawa, spent Christmas at his home here. Miss Shirley Murray of Toronto "Was a Christmas visitor in town. Miss Irene Eales was the guest of Mrs. H .Wilson for Christmas. Mr. Roy Patton of Toronto, is spend ing a few weeks at his home here. Messrs. James Stafford, and Maur- ice Wright of Detroit, are holidaying at their homes ~herc. Miss Louie ^argoe of Detroit spent her Christmas holidays with her ^mother in town. Mrs. W. Inkster and Murray _ have been visiting the former's mother at Wareham for a fortnight , announced their intention of remain- owner, is in Toronto and AUiston this -^^ ^ j McMillan was not pres- week seeing to .the shipping of the I ^^^^ j^^^. ^j^^^j ^^^ necessary papers i new machine, and will commence to | ^^ ^j^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ meeting. Inter- I install it next week. The (mil is ; ^^^ -^ aroused, and a real contest is idle just now, but will be running in . expected. Of those coming forward I full blast in about three weeks. We j^^. jj,^ ^^^^^j, ^hos Mercer, John in I are pleased to see that Mr. Nuhn's | ^jiu^^^^^^ ^^^^^j jj^^.-^ Corbett a:re business is expanding, and to know â-  ^^^ ^^jy ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^.^ ^^^ g^p^^.. that the improvement is necessary. ; j^^^^ ^^ ^j^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^.^^_ r^^^ ^^j^. CAPT. RIDDIFORD TO SPEAK AT CEYLON ers are all good men. be held next Monday. Elections will Rink Co. to Run Team J. DOW LEFT MONDAY for Kitchener, where he has secured ' a position. It will be quite a loss ' Th first practice was held on Wed- to Plesherton ball team for 1926 as ' nesday night last, and quite a number Jack was the star second baseman of ! turned out, and it is expected that a Mrs. Ha:ry Quigg of Harristen, visited with li t parents, Mr. and Mr^ W. P. Crossley, over Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. John Pedlar spent Christmas with relatives in Owen ^j^^ ^ggs champions, and his place ' strong^team will be put onto the ice Sound. will be hard to fill. He never had Games will be arranged by the Rink Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Crossley, and » better year than that one of 1925, ! Company, little daughter of Toronto, holidayed when the local team grabbed off the, at their parental homes here. cup, emblematic of the Championship : Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Welton and family spent Christmas with the former's mother at Mt. Forest. Miss Nora Bowler of Toronto is spending a week with her grandpar- ents Mr. and Mrs. W. P.Grossley. A meeting was held at the home of the Centre Grey League. "Tis many I of W. J. Meads on Saturday evening friends wish him luck in his new work , last, when the Oxford Down Sheep and hope that his name will be found ! Breeders Association for the town- .on the roster of the Kitehener base- ball team this -coming year. Miss Perle McMaster, nurse in the ' Rhoj^ Best" Owen Sound Hospital, spent Christ- mas at her home in town. Miss Mildred Sharpe is spending, ' the holidays with her friend Miss Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Batty and dau- ghter Loreen. spent Christmas with friends at Oshawa. Mr L. P. Kelley of Kitchener was a visitor with Mr. and Mrs. O. W'. Phil- lips. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKinnon of Toronto are spending the holidays with the former's mother here. Misses Lilian McMullen and Mild- Miss Ida Fisher of Toronto, spent j the holiday at her home here. I Miss Violet Blackburn of Toronto is visiting her aunt, Mrs. T. J. Fish- ships of Artemesja and Osprey was formed. Mr. W. J. Meads was el- ected president, and Harold Spoffard Secretary. The club will assist the purchasers of purebred sheep in registering, in oredi- to receive the government grant. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. A. Herbert Smith of Owen Sound, announce the pngage- The annual meeting of the Pleasher- ™«"* "^ ^^eir daughter Be?tha Mil- ton Baptist Church will be held on I ^'•^'1 to Mr. George Arthur Phillip- Thursday, December 31st. Every I ^°" of Toronto, son of Mr. George member is urged to be present. ' Phillipson, and the late Mrs. Phillip- I son of Palmerston, the marriage to The W. L will meet at the home of 1 take place the middle of January. Mrs W Boyd on Wed, January 6th ! at 8 p.m. Paper, "Balancing our; BORN Lives," by Mrs. Harrower. Response I red Sharpe of Toronto, spent Christ- j to roll call. New Year's Resolutions.! THURSTONâ€" In Meaford, at the mas at their homes near town. j Baking committee, Cake â€" Mesdames Heppcnstall Moore. ' private hospital, on to Mr. and ,. , -. r- D„n.„ „* -n,„„„ ' <!"* Cudmore, Ottewell and Moore.' Monday, December 28th, Mr.-ttnd Mrs. Geo. Patton of \.)wen â-  • u .» j c « .. ^ 1 ' -.. i ., fr.1. 1. ^r /..^ <• Sandwich, Mesdames S. Best, Crosslev; Mrs. A. S. Thurston, the gift of a Sound, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pat- ton of ^Walkerton^ visited at their home here on Christmas. Rev. H. H. Eaton of Union vi He was in town on Monday, having come up. to take his snow car out of storage, -where it has been at Down's garage' during the past summer, and was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Phillips. 1 I Mr George Brackenbury of Barrie 1 Is in town' working on his snow car, which is nearly completed. Many new changes are beng made in the design and it is expected that it will soon be ready for travelling. ' Watch night service will be held in Chalmer's church on Thursday night commencing at eleven o'clock and closing a few minutes after tweleve. A heavy cold -.vave struck here on Saturday nnd wo doubt if the weath- er will be any colder for the romniii- der of the winter. Saturday night thermometers showed Ifl degrees be- low zero and Sunday morning at 8 , «.m. it had readied 22 degre.'^s V-e- Suppo.'se we have had enough wl^er for one year! and H. Wilson. son, Ronald Purdy. The People's Grocery Kennedy's for Groceries We have»a full line of fresh groceries always on hand at the right prices. Dates, figs, prunes, currants and raisins of all kinds. 20 Bars of Soap $1.00. We also sell O'Canada Flour. Store open.every night until after New Years W. G. KENNEDY Fh one 0/ Capt. Riddiford, organizer of the Loyal Orange Association will hold a , meeting with the Orangemen of L. O. ' At a meeting of the Plesherton L. 883, Ceylon, in the liall Monday Hockey Club, held at the Munshaw evening, January 4th, 1926, at 8 p.m. House on Thursday evening last, sharp. Visiting brethren are espec- ! plans were laid for thg coming sea- ially invited. A public meeting son and officers were elected. G B. will be held the next evening, Jan- ; Helton was elected President. John uary 5th, in the community church Wnght, Vice-Pres, and W G. Akins at 8 p.m. Everybody is given a cor- , j^ec.-Treas; G. A. McTavish wa.s chTis- dial iyvitation to attend and learn ! g^ manager with S. E. deCudmore of the great work the association is i ^s his assistant. It was decided to doing. The ladies are given a special ! ,.e(,„est the rink company to handle- invitation to be present. , ^^^ team, arrange all games etc. At I the close of the meeting, the officers : met the Rink Company managers -, - , _ , ., ,, , ' . i and presented their demands which Mr. Jack Dow left Monday morning Election For all Offices 1 In Osprey Township â€" I FOR REEVE Moore, Louis O. Ross, George Taylor, William L. FOR COUNCIL Cameron, Lauchlan. Edwards, William Grummett, John. Henderson, Joseph. Short, George D. The above naiiies are those who were nominated and who are stand- ing for the elections in Osprey town- ship, which takes place on Monday. Osprey lost the Deputy Reeve this year, so L. 0. Moore is trying his hand for the Reeve's position, along with the present reeve, W. L. Tay- lor, and Mr. George Ross. Five men are out for tlie councilâ€" Geo. Short, Wm. Edwards, Lauchie Cameron, .los. Henderson and John Grummett. and a close contest is anticipated. The fi- Findlay's Community Talk We wish at this time to express our appreciation of the confidence you have placed in us by the business you left with us during the last year, and more pspec-' ially during the last si.x months, Business being away above our expectations, and we would like to say that we are glad to live and do business in Flesherton. It is where you and I have our homes. Hence yi^i and we are interested in Flesherton. We are interested in its growth and prosperity. You and we share it's ups and downs. All of you have made it what it is, and we ajl hope to make it better and better as time goes on. The best towii is the town that has the best people. Let us do our best to be the best and make Flesherton the best. We can h(jnestly assure you our main effort and ideal of business in to give you the best service with best goods at best prices possible. Our motto at all times is SERVICE. THOS W. FINDLAY Phone 34 r 3. Furniture and Funeral Director. FLESHERTON I to our Friends and Customers: 9 4S» • • • 9 • 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 THE SEASONS GREETINGS !liltf)ousf) our relatione anb transiac^ tionsi buring tfie pasit pear fjabe altoapsi carrieb a Spirit of goobtoill, tfje fact rE= mains tfjat ttjcp ijabe all lieen permcateb tDitt) bu^ineiSiS. Mb Ujoulb tabc tfje opportunity of= fcreb bt> tfje Cbristmas Reason to forget business anb greet ;.'ou purely) on ttje faas= is oe goob U)ill. Mc ttjcreforc eqtenti to ;9on our stincecc bQtdi) for pour liapptnrtist at t\)isi jopousf scaafon anb for vont prostperttp in tl)c future. â- â- M I 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Z 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 i t 9 9 9 9 9 t 9 9 ® 9 9 9 9 fr^^M F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONT. 9'^''»999999999999999999i&9'iit^-i»^®9^}9-^Q

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