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Flesherton Advance, 30 Dec 1925, p. 4

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w i Mi M inâ€" u p w ii iM» rN >, jlm fci • m mmi n m Mi 'mi '' m ^-i minm» >* December Mkh, 1925. THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE , Published on Collingwood Street, 1 Fieaherton, Wednesday of each ! week. Circulation 1100. Price in Canada |1.60 per year; in U.S. I A. 12.00 per year; $2.00 per year when not paid in advance. W. H. THURSTON. • Editor r. J. THURSTON - Asst. Editor , BOOST DONT DKSTROY At municipal nominations each year in most of the smaller urban centre.s, we have noticed that it is the custom to attack the council of that year on their work, which was accomplished during that lime, and to ask questions su(rg'''stivc of wrong doing. Our councilmen are only human, and it â- would be a good thing to have those who ask these questions to assume office for one year and secure the view from the other side of the fence. We know for a fact that these same men would not take office for fear of the same treatment to themselves, "which they acorded the retiring coun- cil. Our local legislators do the best they can for the town's interests, and there i." very little satisfaction for men who have the proper qualifi- cations to stand up and receive that abuse. This is only a small com- munity, and it is to our own inter- esyk to work together for the good of the community, and not attempt ti destroy and eject from office those who are workinR in its best interests, and Very few, if any, of any council that we have ever had, had ikj*: the best interests of the village at htr.rt. Let us work together for a better com munity, boosting our village at all times, not in our own selfish inter- ests, hut in order to build up a place where a community spirit will abound. AN HONORED OFFICI.AI Vote Hogarth for Reeve l.adies and C.entlemeu â€" .Alter having- served yop for the last tive years, two years as councillor and three as deputy-reeve. 1 now solicit your votes and influence on my behalf as your reeve for. 1926. Wishing you all a happy antl prosperous New Year. J. A. HOGAR'ini Vote for John A. Davis To the Electors of Artemesia; â€" I have been requested to stand for t:ie louncil of 1926, and I am in the field for your fa-'or in electing ms to that office. If elected, I will give Vote Cameron Reeve To the Electors of Artemesia: â€" Ladies and (ientlenien: â€" I am a candidate for the office of Reeve for the Twp of Artemesia for ihe year 1926. If elected, 1 will practice sound economy, and endeav our to effect a reduction of expendi- tures in both twp and county man- agement. I am opposed to the principal of County Financing, as followed by the County Council of 1925, that of add- ing to the bonded Indebtedness of the County to the extent 6f $115 OOO by the issue of debentures for the purpose of defraying the cost of county road construction, and there- by adding to the annual interest charges of the county by $6750. I am in favour of abolishing sta- ttute labor. In order to receive the govt, grant of 30 per cent, on al' twp road expenditure. In the year 1925, Artemesia twp had a levy value for all monej expended by me. of .3,100 days of statute labor which ishing the rater-iv.'rs of Artamcsia at a valuation of onTy $1.50 per day -' . ^ ...... I.I ,.,„„_ „ r,t tAKHn tlnnrt the compliments of the season, I re- the compliments of the season. I re- Yours sincerely, JOHN A DAVIS FARMERS DESERVE SYMPATHY would mean a value of $46.50, apart from the amount the council spent through the commissioners on roads would mean a value of $4,600, the I cost of commission and overseeing was $325.00, of a total of $9,975. all _^___ of which would have been eligible -TV, , r /^, J , I for the Govt, subsidy. The farmers of Canada deserve I more sympathy than thev are gen- L ?â- '"' *^? "^^^ ^^^ '^ Hydro and a „..oii,. „*.;„ rpi. u â-  . Z Bell telephone assessment legally ex- getting. They have been hav-.'^^pj f,.^„, ^t^tute labor of $.31,000 ing a rather uphill time all fall In [involving a loss from that source, by the West the early .«;now has tied i "'etaining it. of $125.00 yearly, or a up threshing and "has completely i ["t«' "" which Govt aid might have •^ ' been received this year of $9,700.00. The ,30 per cent, grant on this would .spoiled from 2r> to " 3(f per cent, of the wheat. In i)ntario apples have been frozen on the tregs and roots in the ground. Those who got ahead of the game will make well out of what they have, but the total loss will be very large and many will be seriuu.sly cripplcil. EFFICIENCY On Monday, the retirement from public service took place of one who* has served the township of Artemesia faithfully and Well. Mr. T. R. Mc- Kenzie, who has been in the pub- lic eye as a councillor. Dcputy-Keeve, and Rccvc for twenty-one years, deci- ded to step out and allow younger men to come forward for the office. Mr. McKenzie has received all the honors that the citizens have been able to bestow upon him, having be^i sent back last .January, and then se- cured the Wardenship of the County of Grey. Mr. McKcnzio heartilj' thanked the electors of Artemesia for , their kindness to him in the past, and the confidence they have placed in his ability to serve them, and stated that he en.joyed the work like no other, and had decided to rest on the laurels he has attained. It speaks well for any oublic official to carry «n office so long, with only one or two years in which he was defeat- ed at the polls, and to come back again with renewed vigor, and receive the confidence of the people again. No doubt Mr. McKenzie will always carry foad memories of his work in the township of Artemesia, and will forget any unpleasantness which might have cropped up in that time. A Dutchman was recently expati- ating on the folly of giving women the vote as ha.s been done in England and Canath. He declared that in Holland, there was a greater effi- ciency among the female sex where they did not possess that doubtful privilege. He pointed out the fact that the Dutch woman sits with one foot on the spinning wheel and the other she uses to rock the cradle con- taining the twins; with her hands she knits socks for her husband, while on her knee she rests a book from which she is improving her mind by â- study. And all the, while she sits on a cheese pressing it for market. ^ gn,],^, Greater efficiency than this has no woman. have been $2910.00. The twp. in 1925 had .320 or more, motor cars, in use in the twp by the residents, whose combined license fee and gas tax which was not less than $5500.00 was collected by tM Govt. About $050.00 of this amount was returned to us through the 50 per cent griuit on county road mainten- ance in the twp, the balance, almost all of which might have been ours, went elsewhere. Jam in favow of the following plan for twp road management:-Crc- ate a general maintenancefud of about S6000.00 which. on the 120 miles of twp road would mean $50.00 per mile. This would require on the twp jisscssmenl of Sl.ICO.OOO, 4 mills on the dollar plus tii(> Govt, grant. Twenty overseer.^ (instead of eighty-five as at present) would over see the work, which in all divisions would proceed about the same time, in early summer, which in my opinion is the proper time to build roads. A supt. must be appointed whose duty it is to supervise all work done by overseers in order that the work may be made 'tis uniformly good as outlined, as much work can be per- formed in a better and more uniform way, and a saving made of 2 or 2^ mills in our tax rate for tlvp pur- poses. The report of the highway' Dept. of Ont. gives as its 'report up to and including 1925. No. of tov.-nships receiving aid are 244 out of :m. No. of townships, retaining statute labor is 71. Which number shall Artemesia twp be among in 1926? Ladies and Gentlemen: I ask your careful consideration of the position I take in this problem pressing for a solution, and if I am honest with you and my ielf I can take no other. If you can place youf confidence in me I shall deem it an honour and a privilege to serve you as your reeve in 1926. .Wishing you all a prosperous New Year: I am sincerely ALEX CAMERON Dated Decemebr 29th, 1925 SPRINGHILL Sr. 4th Classâ€"Howard Ferris, Lola Blacl burn Bessie Beard) Florence Best, Willie White, Audrey Brown. Sr. 3rdâ€" Earl Johnston (hrs), Cliff- ord Allen, Annie Akins, Ellen Parker, Isal elle Ferris, Jean Beard. "Sr. 2ndâ€" Cecil Tlustlethwaite. Ji-. 2ndâ€" Wilfred Best, Billie Park- er, Doris Waller .Sr. Pr.â€" Merle "Xllen, Harold John- son, Marjorie Wyatt, Ivan Waller. Jr. Pr.â€" Elsie White, Barry Cas- well, Beard. NEW YEAR CONCERT ST. JOHN'S UNITED CHURCH u A CANTATTA Santa Claus Saves the Day'' Will be presented. Full of fun from beginning to end. Recitations - Songs - Dialogues Real entertainment Supper Served from 6 to 8 Adults 35cts. Children 25c. r^ Jl •o«»wâ€" â€"««««â€" »a»â€"«« â€" «ee Report of Rock Mills .school for the month of December. CARD OF THANKS Mr and Mrs. S .Semple wish to thank; their many kind friends and neighbors for the kindnefes shown toward them and the children during the Christmas season. DEPENDABLE Auctioneer Ser vice The pay for the suiit should not be over $4. per day, and the overseers $.3.00 per dav for actual time employ- ed, I believe the success or failure of thie system will depend largely on the integrity, fairness and ability of the men in whose hands the coh- trol of this work is placed. It will therefore be the duty of the coun- cil, who shall appoint both Supt. and overseers, to choose wisely and with- out fear or favour. The work shall be as evenly and fairly distributed as under the statute J^ibor system. More money will be available to pay for work without increasing tax- ation. Jr. 4th â€" Winnona Patton 72 .Sr. 3rdâ€" Ruby White 80, Jas. Ped- lar 68, Margaret Fisher 57. Jr. ;{rdâ€" Nathalie Patton 83, Alice Sewell 82, Ita Pedlar^ 82, Robert Dar- gavel 80, Mervyn Johnson 79, Harold Shiers 7!», Delia English 77, Jack Eng lish 72, Laura Shiers 68, Joe Hawkins 05, Richard Hoy 60. »Sr. 2n(l â€" Murray Fisher 8!) Mei'vyn f3est SO, Julia Croft 70. Jr. 2ndâ€" Leo Patton 80, Delbert Smith 79, Laurie Russell 78, George Akitt 74, Lelia Clark Git, Lloyd Part- ridge 67, Hazel 'Shiers 61. 1st clas.sâ€" Ruby Akitt. Veloia Fish- er_ Marguerite Croft. • Ji: Pr.â€" Mabeile Shiers, Elsimore Shiers Lulu Russell, BobWfe Clark. Iva English ' A class â€" Roy Fisher M. Whittaker, teacher Nurtbers denote percentage. HERE IS TO IT! WISHING YOU ONE AND ALL A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A VERY HAPPY & PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. • THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - - ONTARIO EVE SPECIALIST COMING AGAIN PRICEVILLE CHURCH SOCIETIES ORGANIZE The St. Columbia United Church Pirceville, held their regular month- ly meeting of the W. M. S. and Ladies' Aid, in the basement of the church op December 17th. The topic for the day was. "Christ and Prayer," and was ably dealt with by Mrs. MacCorm- ick, Mrs. 11. Karstedt, and Miss Bertha James. Mrs. H. B. McLean rendered a much enjoyed solo. The present of- ficers in the W. M. S. were re-instatcd for the coming year. New officers were elected for the Ladies' Aid. President, Miss Martha Watson, vice . president, Mrs. J. Wiliamson. A committee -was elected to plan the work for the coming year. When an auctioneer travels over The balance of what money is rc- more than one section of the County quired shall be used under the di- he can make you a better sale because !;««l'°" "^ ^^^ council, as at present, ,, , . , 1 „ for more permanent or special work the scope of acquaintance and confi- ^ut personally supervised b" the sup- dence is correspondingly increased. erintendent. The Govt. Grant of List your Purebred or Farm Stock 50 per cent, on supt. salary and 30 Sale with me and be assured of the Per cent, on overseers, will very ma- L t-L r i-r t â-  1 terially reduce the cost of overseeing benefit of a life of experience along ^^.^^^ compard with the present sys- these lines. Terms moderat^. tern. I believe on the whole, under J. S. Shepherdson .\uctibneer. the above plan which I have briefly Graduate optometrist of the Can adiaii Institute of Montreal to relieve your eye sight trouble, on Wed Jan- uary 6th at the Park House Flesher- ton. Headache, pain in the back of the neck, dizziness, twitching eye lids, inflamed eyes, defective vision relieved through properly fitted glass- es, by our great skill and equipment, and long experience and our methods We can help you, even though others failed. Don't miss it. Remember the date, one day only. â€" E. Katz. First Class Merchant Tailoring Plain and Fancy Serges and Worsteds Scotch and Canadian Tweeds Bird's Mackina\^s. Stocking Legs & Yarn Overalls, Smocks, Work Shirts Odd Pairs of Pants, alterations free /. H. ALEXANDER FEVERSHAM r i -A OFFK KRH OF L.O.L. .3140, (Kimberley) 192li W M. A. E. Myles D.M. Lcslii' Kawcett Chaplain Thompson Allen Sec-Treas. R. W. Lawrence Trcas. J. T. Abercrombie F. S. J. W. Cornfield 1st Lect. Nelson Wilcox 2nd I.*ct E. I. Fawcett Committee, â€" 1st Alex Harvey, 2nd (ieo. E Cornfield 3rd Steven Brocklebank 4th John Taylor 5th Gordon Ward Sick Committee â€" R. W. Lawrence, S. Brocklebank J. T. Abercrombie. The class yell of the School of Experience ifi "Ouch!" • "FEED "THE BRUTE # HI'", wise hotiscwite soon learns the lesson. It is -* her duty to give liini not only food thut tastes good but food that sui)plies him with health and energy. GOOD BREAD does both. Its rich Hread flavor is a never failing appetite draught. Its i)erfectly balanced ingredients make it the ideal health- food. Every mor.scl is easily assimi'ated â€" not a crund) goes to waste, . FINDER'S BAKERY FLESHERTON WINTER TERM OPENS t OWEN SOUND I Individir I instruction. Business and Rhorthi I courses. Preparatory course.- for those who missed first chance at public school. ^^ C-itslocru.' Fvrr-. ' ^.^w^ C. A. F»*ininE, F.C.A. G D. Fleming, Clearing Sale of Rings 30 p.c. off YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. Come in and make use of our easy payment plan on any article in the store. During the next few weeks we intend to announce in this paper. A complete list of all articles which we carry in stock com- ttieiicing with A and on to Z. â- i W. A. Armstrong & Son rSTAm.I5*HLl) l.s;»9 FLESHERTON l-- *

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